Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 24, 1915, Image 4

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ot.r Court Holds Out Boundary
V i a hud RIRht to Chancx
. , school district No, 35,
against that district on
It. Supreme Court
.1.1 opinion rendered by
i- in the Circuit t urt.
. I oerd chafed the
i c ool districts Nov
...ku.e. part oi the tcrri-
,irii No. 35 and Rivmg
ji and . and
-thool district Xo.
annul the ruling
. uniwav reprrsenl-
rae it. i
i vr
d.u i
1 Am
ih.m v iv attacked tl)C case
,is t'- a to- change tne
.1 district tt would
J to a vote 01 the
Bemnd.irs Board
1 in the matter.
i-i prrpr-sitions he
I'- -llu
i'roi ;
rru-lt. in rendering the
iisr I--..; rente t. out says:
-o.t, ; O. I- ordains a
be erved in changing
o. choed trtct. the
i. n i net neceary
tea.c tto sntestion was j
.foiu ont that the) were j
J in this instance . The
n ; resented by the .
: li t district boundary '
'- c it power, is it does, ;
. ci-.atue assembly, has no
ihane the boundaries
; district because that is
: v the amendment of the
a Municipality within the
. .s .
Oregon State Fair
Iri . i
rim el CCHOH -. .-lllivlf -XI
ot - :-! constitution.. Slated
lotl it :c, tf
iv'wcw, l't Stock. iVttltry, Am ictiltiirw
ItiKtieiilttito, Miitttifttctiiititj:.
All thelncti vitioi v ttrv! inttm:.Html
hi will be toprtjontU
Kciiitecd Uttllway Frtrca
front itll!poittt! in Otouott.
Sale I ifto, Sept. 'JClnl to Oct. '-'ml.
Tickets liitiitixl to Oct. Oth.
All t ruins direct to the lflr Orountln.
John t. Scott Geiiei.it Pacnjer Aseitt, Portland. Ore.
a ch.irc-- "'
)lai; : i
pli iu i f:r,
descri; n
and '-vii-r
oon:itnti "
i 'A
the boundaries ol the , their own charter and make their
ia can only be accom-. o n laws within their nnini.ijal
h the initiative power ; nftjSi ii,at iv. in local and special i
.-cctioo ta. Article t,i,.lrtn. Authority be
id in iv 1 '
the ,.
lantl rc
the t'v
Ihert hy
. . ..t . i
.- rwrv municinantv ana at-
to ail lota i, spectai, ami mun- i ,
These portions of theind that must come from the sov
o tar as applicable to crcign, namely, the legislature, by
! in hand read thus: j y.ncral laws or by the people by gen-
turn powers reserved to . ,. , . . v,
v thU constitution axe . Relernng to sccuon A"''';
. . . i i ii ic caul m th state c.v rel s. liilDcrl
r.rinrr reservea 10 int irai b- -Tku
oo vr. .1, ix v. ivjb. '
tnc tunoamentai mw
to make upou cotiRrw to unforco the lorma ot
the ortKltml tmi that i. to Atiforct
.:a powers snail uc pre- . y , , i ms muu ui mnu w mwi ' -
cer.cral Wws. except that I 'T u... X.Li.
n mav Dr vide for the ""i 5'
' no, in .ny way infringe
.v.-. ...... ... .-. M.i,. Ki.h. n.
in or !r :tuir
ttes anj Ji-:ncls
cnlcti t'
cities ard
Another Session Possible Dy Terms 01
Hesolution After Railroad Meeting
Salfin. Or Itepriweiitnilves of Hi.
poople of Oregon tindvt)ii Sottthcn
I -self It mttroad will meet and try
roach an amlenttle udjustntonl of lit
Orusou & Cnltfornln landcmnl uln:
t toil.
After adopting retsolutlotw cnllir;,
pecdvTmunS e right of the legislature to make j
,. The manner of-1 ' b i'L JZZ !
i. a partkularty municipality, city or
It we concede that the quoted utter-
msnntr ot vcrcisuig icte mutative ,
'and refi-rrndu.il power as to their:
: f i . . '
iection Article A I Corpora -,.' .ir"",.-'; I.
hJTshan no.' be created Tthe nd ,h" cho, a" I SWrUir" 01 nl"1 "ufr-
wArfliSi: ull-nlsd municipal corporation, tho chairman of u conferone, anl
Xt WUlaiivi. attrmh v shall not en- : "9 autonomy an us own. ihrec m(,muorsi to l apjKimtl ly W
J3.60 an acre, regnrdlus of Ua r.i
ralue the Oregon iaadgraU co'if.
onco closest It cations here by adci
lap naothor resolution prorulInK fnr
a eoruinitiee consistltiK of tlie kow
act, amend, or repeal any charter or
act of incorporation lor any munici
pality, city, or town. 1 he legal voters
of every eity and town are hereby
granted power to enact and amend
their municipal charter, subject to the
constitutional .tin! criminal laws ot
the State o! C'regon."
Speaking ot school districts, Mr.
Juitieo M"on- in School District No.
48 s. Sc!i.! lustrict No. 115, 60 Or.
3S, 11K i'ne. icmj said: "These division-
t t-t( with certain powers.
t!i c: employ in the partic-..-.r.iitr
( rescribed. As agencies
-t -c. they have no vested,
' property which they may '
. 1 1' 'Id it in trust tor the
it still remains to consider whether
siiey tiavc charters wunm tnc mean- ,
i - a ;,.. Yt tunrtl Southern Pacific
. .1
of t'.i
rii - .
acq !
Kti. r...
A -rh..
occi i
tl.e it-ir
cou- t.e
j .0 whether the procedure oescnoca
t, the complaint constitutes an
intendment of such an instrument.
iimiMnrn lor a moment the idea
that a municipal charter is a special
U-risUiiw act conferring upon a par
ticular municipality powers and priv
ileges peculiar to itcll we must find
a charter for the plaintiff, if at all, in
the general law enactid by the leg
.ilative assemb!) aKctinK school
lutrtcts for it is nut pretended that
ny other rule of acti"ii affecting the
,liintift has been established cither
o the people of the state at large
...-I. 1 tnrougn me iniuaiivc process or oy
, .e changed at the will . ,n."lar Son enacted by the 1c
v.; r creating them. ! voters resident within the boun
strict sustains no higher 1 ffr.K ,n,,lf "hool district,
to tne state than a county' 11 " anf h a cho1 districts
ind the mle is settled that rule of operation and trct-
stive .iepartment may divide ,,cn, ' ,n ht; hitherto
..i pleasure, apportioning the , "ac,cd hY the leKistaitvc a.mble in
.1 burdens in such manner as ' e of " coiistmitional au-
norny 10 provnc r iv. ior inc
it.ildi-hmetit of a uniform and gen
ra! ,tem of common schools.'
In MUstantially the present form
asset an
mar I i cleeim ii just and reasonable."
Usilr.-i hL.ju: tin txcerpti from the
orRit'ie ;.e: above mentioned in
Kurn.iii v i'ortliiid, ?" ( r. 4, 11
I'ac ;o.-. 40J, .7 L. R A. (ns 332,
Mr .iu-tiie- King ued this language:
"It 1.1!! be obscrvil from the- first
sin-ener in si i-tnii J thi.t no restric
tion 1- j !aet-i upon the bislaturc
v it1' ri : ! to tin- enactment of gen
era; '. . -, tii exception brintf that no
specii! '.'a i.r . ting or affecting the
itiiiM .' V' - ' Jl I'- enatteil by the
lti-' -. 1 1: r . t . 1 nact general laws up
on ! . , il... iiiaKniK it clear that
in hu' 11 1 : r iii next sentence has
refer to .pui.! laws.
Our !.o!ln. : thit the tate may, by
consi.t'.tiontil oros iiori5, 'lirectly del
et'at to n.uni 1; li'i ir.y power
wlin 1 it, throng1! the legislature,
caul''. 1 .ri'ierh liavi granted indirect
ly ..." tb. pr
be t .' rcUed I
Stnn ti ' 01 tne Broadway bridge,
forn rl ould liavt been granted by
the 1 , 1 'uri, t '. the power to pro
vide tl'rnfori, hnwrtf,' been dclcKated
to tb' ii-. by arxi' ndnicnt to our or
Kanic I.. , is valid, and the ripht to
exen 1 -e mkIi powers will continue
until -ii( h time is changed by general
enaCiment of the lawmaking depart"
mcrU of our state, provisions for
whic'i jn.i; be made by the legislature
by gi-ncrtil laws, applying alike to all
munjcip.ihtii of that class, or by the
people through the initiative, by the
enactment of either genral or special
laws on t'te subject."
Further, in State ex rel vs. Port of
Tillamook, 62 Or. 332, 34 J, 124 Pac.
637, 640, Ann. Cas. 1914C 483, Mr.
Justice Hean says "Such municipal
corporations are always subject to
the control and regulation of the law-
maxtrs ot the state 111 the manner
directed by the constitution, City of
chair, to oonfor with officials of the
In u u effort to ae
cure their corporation In the opening
and early sottlemwtit of tho property.
The resolution calling upon con
gross for ncllo.T regardliiR the euforce
mfut of tho original turins alao car
rlo with It a forceful oxpronslon 6f
opposition to further tncrsnaiw la tho
forest, ro.rvo of the stato.
Uuder th turms of the second reso
lution, providing for tho moetltiK wUh
Uc railroad. It mtiy be nitccssary to
rconvuno the conference.
R. B. Miller Quits O.-W. R. A N.
Portland. It. 11. Miller ban rettlKned
as traffic manager of tho O.-W. It. &
N". Co. aud will ho Kueeoyded on .No
vember 1 by l-'nink W. Koblnson, as.
slstnnt trafflx mainiKnr,
the rule ot changing the boundaries
ot school iimcts through the action
f .. district boundary board has been
in existence from a date prior to the
adoption of tin- ai.ii.ndcd iorm of sec
lion 1, Article XI. It is one of the es-s-,itisl
t'catiirs 01 the constituent law
of school districts, l-'rom a view point
of the plain 1 i ii it might be tailed one
of the term, of its charter. For all
that appears in the complaint the pro
c dure described whereby the plain
tiff was deprived of part of its terri
tory was in strict accordance vsith the
statute. No enactment from any leg
islative source whatever has in any
manner prescribed the boundaries of
the plaintiff district, in this respect
mgau.-i s attempted to I --
v Portland in the con- : c1 iro,n uch as. Cook VS- ''ortland,
00 'ji. 37, 13j i-ac 109s; i nuroer vs.
McMinuville, 63 Or. 410, 128 Pac. 43;
McKcou vs. I'ortlanil, 61 Or. 385, isj
Pac. 2) State ex rel vs. Port of
Tillamook, 62 Or. 332, 124 Pac. 637.
In all those cases the constituent act
establishing the nuinicipaljty in ques
tion described in explicit terms Hhc
boundaries in question. The delimi
tation of its exterior lines was partand
parcel of its charter in each instance.
In the case of school districts the
constituting act has in no wise ever
described the boundaries of any par
ticular district but lias committed the
establishment and control of them to
d district boundary board. That body
in making such changes .limply ad-
jiiuiuiei auu uucs not amend tne 1
I.,... ...I.:,!, .1 ,.:...i:rr i- I
in J umiii mr.iiM lll'l aillllll dis
trict exists, even though wc may style
those general enactments the charter
of the complainant here.
much was lorcelully said af the
Whtit Club, Sfic; ' blufatom, ilc;
red ilusalan, 70c; forty-fold, KSc; red
flfo, 83c.
Hay -Knttorn Oruifon timothy, $11;
alfalfa, 113.50.
HutU'f -Cmunery, SOo.
CggsIbincli. 30c.
V7oo:--Katern Orojiou, I'Sc; valloy
J. le.
Mohair 3uc.
Silei:e CtP bllos.
,,m one who attended the t mtit
fair and the hoiMeMe-deis' Ulr nt
Ihts tall nntt lUnibt the .oil.iln
ol ..ii ilaf crop in thrt
l-tn ol these l.uis wrre ehil
tt ol .rn. atttehoVr. oiinllowri.
04t, ' and elover a K"d n u"
be mown in treon ol iht.
crop, will ittftkf the brt ' lhK
An i ule In tecrut im I"''1
of rv.vllent result i" ,,, "'
lii'toi obtained b nuMng '
(lowris and lorn in tl r i!- '
lioltoiii land ol a'ol stteh lat
yielded us high , h t. u. . o
feed t the aerr, u ie I" ' 1
imuh he eri i tt '"''
veai will on high . t""
rtttifkt Uo ytld.t Inasilv and
:in..i., about the tatnr '
Ui.v 11.1i lilt the silo with xl '
vtUU 111 the spttni, leed it iml dun-K
the div wrather in the mrutuci and
thm till with corn wt atUehoke t i
again m the fall
the economy ol thr silo ax a meii
od t pirsrrtlng green food for the
wiiii.t itiontn U withvHit .sirn"
N'rit'i.tian the dneteney o iUk- a
a led l dobtd. The clan" r
thai u uuure the dtgion ol ihr
cow 1 wholly without fon'"aii..n ii
it is trd in reasonable miantitu
ileasv milking cows have len led
ili;r or over IJ yer wliht in
. n a ! iniured by It.
kind ol silo shall c build'
That is up 10 the man who i eotK
to build good atlo must lust.
ait iik'h. econd durable and ih
res iable in coat Concrete
urtsurf these requirements but i
pni. a uttly heavy outlay i taii
with the patent tlo art all rstt
but usually the ot oot " piM"
tion to the advantages .t the u
teattif that seettred tbr patcat lh-
h eal state tile t M !'... I j, ih pal
ent silos and much chta! '
Si..mnn silo can bt I Ii 1 1
dollar a ton capacity and w) it.
tUtlr durable th cnrrle n!
will scis . excellent satisUeu.
len.. ot irore ten to fiftecx s j
This silo it built tfl t4 et iip.-itf1
and )itarded round and rout i
hah nub ktraber. then acid 1 .!
i.apet thrn another byer of )'-lt
lumber The lumber bill for a t
ton silo, ijaui feet will not 1
$$o and the paper and labor it !
ing can easily be kept wiihio '.t
The number ol silos have .U.ubl. !
this vrar and shotild eanly .)
again ne.t year.
R. C. Jones.
County Agriculiuiisi
.22' Have the Call!
X J thrs rho ol v riiir-mxmiiK to tun level
VV ..f n snort. oiiilllittotl-l'AU Urt-rtttio t'
. 11
.solliiiK lummmitioit lit tin; wurni.
Wltiitr-vor itmU of M rtllo you luot, HnmUib'inti I MC
tlrilK" WH Kv" '"u 111'' ur,rr rr"ll Mf dltf
iu tlio wrM. , , . hi ,1 ,
(io lo tttr InuliliK tlenler thr! Otto wlio tlisplayji ilio M
Ihll Mark- 0 frmi-nfoM- r JC
1 rll trlly.'U "ht . ..oilmen mn ",7:.
cttiMc- nd I" II 't lb lUniHKl.'ii l M(
Hitlr. Sinitl" M"l. .NIM nwii .-."
I rl... by Ihem.'Ur. fu -(cvl," illtai
ltd e..n.otriit piluouiw.
Ssdil by yir l" I" "d U
olHr lmllo nieiebaitte III Oioi
wJ.i.-t IL44.. 3)1 tl.J-.r h-- 1-s fu.
jy 111c consiiiuiinn. i-iiv 01 1 . ..-....
Mclinnville rs. Hnwcnstinr. if, Or argument about the- evils of gerry
45.1, 45i. 109 Pac. 81. While these pub-1 "suidcring a exemplified in the
lie corporations are capable of adopt- boundaries of the districts named 111
in and amending their charter, they I,e complaint; but we liave nothing
nf Ihp l" uu " such auminisinilivc (lues-
still continue to be agencies
statd. A general control is left in the
legirjative assembly."
Again Mr. Justice Eakin in IUrks
vs. Orants J'ass, C6 Or. 266,134, Pac.
776. 778, says: "Article XI, section 2
of r constitution confers powers
atiurqKtltority upon cities ta form
tiqns. Wc have before us in the In
stance only a question of authority
unci not of the manner in which it is
exercised. The proceedings described
in the complaint are not open to the
objection urged against them by the
plaintiff. The decree of the Circuit
Court is affirmed.
Wiic;at Bluentiftfi, 01c; club,
red Russian, 7c; forty-fold, tCC:
vie. i '
S.- ey -424 per ton.
Ha itmotliy, per. ton: u;
' '4 ; er tou.
H. .ittor-C?ur.mnry, 20o,
KCRB 30e.
Jtid aq oi 3 joiroaui otp 01 ov
otp put: 'upuoq t;t'juitii;i.oi1 ?ur) 4
tlDUOJ.'I pun MKlfia oq t as. 'pits st' .-a
11 ')0jo;;o DDpiJtiauu uqx uoaXj;iH
J0t( JOj H0iUlUI00 V OA04il4 1
oau ntj.w Hi.Dittuq puw Bjnpuvti una
jo pit r 1 oq v H 'i)jotlaj ha u 'ojubj
pus uir4( ivaJt) oj uvo lpaj qioui
-Bax posodoju" oq.i ioA a
us1 .ssiiiv eoj him 9eoipuX
Alllci Lose Hope Of Keeping ItalVan
Power Neutral.
Sofia, via i0nd.-in - Itilgarta appa
ont ..1 t.-j t.- b;-nli. : ar 1
t.z. ,ter.. ; ti'-ltc- tha. tiost
U! a' iratn-ncnt fhe- titar
titer ;ia havo tat..r. 1 t k 0.1 1
ral.ways naJ c;iuAry ttar'f.' .
bf auapetu'ed
Dip'. imatle ropei-Benta1' c ''
tin? oatntt poor k i- r
nlac that th-'.r c u , 1 . 1 t
that Hul-.-i-.a ..1 1 la-.'f - ' u . .. ,
teiuteuey toward the .. 'a - -Thbt
is due :-i tin- 4 i:!s:ac. 1.
tho Kuvernruwnt at 8-rbian riiy
thu intgoliattona !ji i.r. tonal e n
atons lu Macedonia and at t
of Urtiuro.
Nonu nf th allloa' riiir.iitaiik
boro cbertsh ImiaiT tho ho(.. u..
Karla can bt- provontod from join.!.,
with (jurmauv. Austria and TurL.-y
Notice l;or I'ulillctitloitrr?;
Department of the Interior
; U. S. AND UKPICK i i'orlUr.d,
UregOK. August l, in lb.
Noti' is hereby civon thiit Hen.
jiuiiin A. t 'oilier, f Iteaver. Oren .n, j
who, on August 12, 11'.', mnd. llonie-1
Atriul Kntry, Serial No. 0H5W, for N !
of SK ami Ini. SKJ of NKJ, Section I
.W, Inwt.ahip U HOUth, Kiitigo 'J Wist,
Williiinittlti .Meridli.t', litis filed in. tire
of intent ton to muni Three-veiir I'n nf,
to i-Stilbllub cIhiiii to the land hIioVi)
iloseribed, In-fore the ('ounty Chirk of
Tillamook County, Oregon, nl Tilla
mook, Oregon, on tin; 4th day of
Sentember, I'Jlfi. I hiimimt nntne ns
wltntfCH! Jiimb Huston, .John Kumir,
Inhii Cox, Henry HnvliNon, all uf
Heaver, Oregon.
N. Cuinphcll,
t3V'Ll f" ftlf.
-4 ,
flic I rniit nttl ten whrflsitre under t'u 1h)x
this ntlnuls a shirtpf luttlt tt thr ltrsf ni(I
itirau'. Itp.liiir vn I utt t ho u-t in Tlu HI ti k II twk
has no Rial's ihi tfbv tloin away with all autinrt.
ll nt till intiMvtnl in mannrr nicailct. m itivilc
von to fHiiU' and t v-i'MtiK' the lllittdt Hawk spicnK
trr on cxhihiti'in at ut Muic
With nw bulUInc. Itlr rtulp-.
Intnl. nlii gtimnJ., nd mn; j.
dltlont 10 in I. cutty, 1 In Unitfiiltr
of Urfon will txTtlo lit ihliir ninth
yr lucfclay, JUt.(ntibf 1.
Spcnl trvinlna fr lluilneo. Jon-
lulurn, l.w Medlrln, rchln IJ.
!1"7 Woik. Muttc. Airlilictuf,
oumii irtinms nj t in ,aiu
I tvtl sml sitimKttI irxilmrnlt
lit llbelii f Joellli(l.
! .1 mi ikta ! - 1
iiw.mi.ki. .!. SlMif I. I
Pllai ! ,! (Mrillmll..
ton. ri.. kmmmu. m . -a
M C..4 Imw
win. iu mu.4 a iiu.n.'.a i'.i
AajftM K.iitiiM,
UNiyimiTV or oricon
In thu Circuit Court ot the State
of Oregon, for Tillumook County
R. W. Holland, l'luintitr,
Grace M. Holland, Defendant..
To Grace M. Holhiuir; the iibovo niimeil
defendant;- In thu mimu of tho statu
of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appesr
and answer tho complaint filed ngnliist
you in thu above entitled suit on or be
lore six weeks from thu date of the
first publication of this summons to
wit: On or before six wuukh from
thu Kith day of August, J31D, u(I If
you full to appoar for want thereof the
plaintiff will imply to tho Court for
tho relief prayed for In tho complaint
I heroin which Is for a decree as follows ;
I.' That a decree bo untcred in this
cause wheroby tho contract of mntri-
rnony heretofore existing between thu
plaintiff and the defendant bo annulled 1
2. - That tho plaintiff bu grunted an
absolulu divorce from the defendant ;
3, That tho plaintiff bu granted, bv
any other and further rullsf by the
Court which may be just undsqufublo.
This Summons is published by order
of tho honorable A. M. Hare, Judge
hours of 6 and 8 A. U
Water will be shut
rule Is violated
or S and P.
off where this
John Aschlm.
Subscribe fer Uia Msrald, it'
twiM a week.
Netlce is herehv clvcn. th.t ..
v,.,. 1 1 11 sot mo county uourt, or t lllsmook
hours for sprinkling are between the 1 County. Oregon, which order wssrnado
in thu new Family Packtitfu
crisp niu! duliciouit Snowflakv Sodns now
conty packed in a nanltary tin cuke uni
cracker box.
Keep, your Suowllaket freeli see cries. Acts
useful kitchen help, .
At your dealer's. Per box 50c
also in 10c and 25c package and in butt
' Look for tale aease ess every pMhetfe
and entered on the 12th day of Auc
ust 1916 during the absence of the
Judge of the Circuit Court for Tills,
monk County from said Tillamook
Dated this nth day of August, 1015.
' t Hit.- MH . n. Johnson,
' ' Attorney for plaintiff.,
First publication Aug, 18, 191$,
Last publication Sept, 'ii, ISiJC.
Notice of Completed Contract.
Katie is herrby given, that the
County Road Ma.te? for T lainook
Com,,. Orrgon, ha. flletf In litis of-
he ?kil(kV (i co'"io" of
nic contract ef Saudhurg tk Loetis
ycnn CouniyKR0" I from
stloa -48 p,,i o ,0 Station fiVphls
5-'... in accordance with the nla .
n.l deifications, .ml '",, U 'W
io k ma!Vni,I,e 'l"1"I,"lei0'' of MM
worif, may no so with it two Wek
Lt Ptibllcatlpn, Sept. jollfij,?'
, Notie of Completed CodW.J
u . i i i t.. lint .tyi
nunic ia nercoy kiyh'i
Coiinlv llnnit Uu.ter of Till??
Cnutiiu n,.. i.... fili-il in thwf,
ficc his ccrUficfitc for Hie eoa
it,... .1 .1. - ........... t IffrV '
I.-... ,1.. I.., . a iLlimnll
noau,, between Station -'
aint c:iUii. .... .....i it ami snr w
jpn. firm or corpprallon, hal "fi"
lections to file to the
sain work may do so win"" i".?,:
from II.. ,.i.'n IL. rimt nllPlM
Dated II.U tk. Si I. .Invt nf Sept.i.H
County CU ,
Hirst' publication, Sept. 0, Wfc'M
.ai publication. Spilt, aj. tv 'ftiX