'.A i FALL DRUGS Wetlo not wmh t., ,Vt. voll t,,jn. t drug iiml hum ,.. mu dwnge. mh do the fash. llillH, bill I III- eh., .;). J Hl'HKOIUl brillUK the need lor cut. nly d.llereut tiling from i,c drug Htorc. Itr every change nml ewry need we me well supplied, n our long ex pei ienct; in the drug ItimiiicHK cerves us well in Keeping our m,w i ighl There'll in uo need thin you nm v have imt cannot be supplied instantly Iniu, our tuieli. Depend on us for your drug need, FALL STATIONERY V do not loimy who -ru ih,. vie i Suilioncry. hut whoever it ih 1mm mtiMir jiulKMiciit m vmi wifl mliiiil when you mr -idl hue. All the liitwi IiiiIk mid fmieirH in paper; l t,l ih new in dcttiuii or color. Ait ample ,i.irtiin-iit locluiuac frnni. 1'rnc? nre im low n quality i liiit. Don't e idiilent tutliuM mylr ritntiuiivrv. r limit vonr choice hy pkUuiKlmni a Much k- ample ilinn'otirH LAMAR'S DRUG STORE Don't be Misled !',V l'''ceH on a few articles. Trade where AM, the prices are GJj 0"r good stock is priced to IIULI) your trhde as weli aj to OlvT it. Al ways compare quality and price Things that yoitjijctMl now arc I'ccd. Grocer ies, School Supplies and our Satisfaction Coffee; it is pleasing a lot of particular people who know .'f ud Co'llee. E. G. Anderson, Hemlock The Satisfaction Store Coca! Happenings, j n r i i. PI- air i M S4 Money lo Ioam mi fUU rtnitn tnrm tmirlj;r, Klrol Natml Hunk. Mr. M. C Condltlelt on Thursday fr o vli wiiit friend l Pendleton. Ilcrt Folk pft tdny for valley jolnl ,., i).nii.of. ..im 1-M whure h lis nii- lit the Interest of the raniiui. (Jiilun. iri uf tiny Idly . JntUw i; (IJ JUmey ;od KIa" for .:& Unt of nvrrylhlng In kwki thing t X lo ortrd.i for f.UwV. j " UIV- 't " HkIiI. Puce. ! M. J. MlMor lefl today for St. for saUuSJIanuir,. IK. ; ,-WU- Mu ' ,Wh0J" h nn,.,,,k', " fM"r" '4"",,k- f thi Utilw.Hy of 8t. IuU. :iv H t .hi f Mohir:wi..nii: Utt Uo(,Bbwr.. Mi 'f, ftint bful caMmbc for Krwl, jwofil l SIU. Mr. HoMrihrr nc (bs(w M iual f. Ilaiutr, THIittV. nlHinlr.l har n far I'ortlnml. Mih,, , rtr.i f ii, v. ,or,' s fc' ;"" raunnD. TlltamooV, Mo it I CmnfnMV. JJtt :r.UMIMlwltB rtrnU..' w hv ebml mit U. plnnu lol ijf f. u. thir ion t rrWo. M nfM, , u,,ml mu,c ro)U wc Cui hm ti K to taltiul ml help j,vo oil hnml nt im? Iinlf tirico. Joncn- It Ktt.-r". MJ wttrfc.,!'!")- K O.H. KnuiUon Pur. Oi. HuMu. Dr. H..V rnikirU Ihnl Cmi. Hum- r"ur e' r rvnm Willi Uwnl il Hit tlm 1huo mover, rceolvetl a broken rrinte family. liHulti) at Urn.Wfrilj whlltt i work one tiny lant week. 0&f I Tim Injury I not nrrluu. me KnuiUon Fur, C will glvu m! llw. Aur. OUoii. hreomiiii!H ly h ffmc i ritifo frfo wjih Wety Ift.Ql frlcm), till holil revival irvlcc next mli it c TurJy Qmnlni;, September UHtli, ni t)f V u reivtrU tlm Mtth of on tlmWIIn Itlver eliool home, nenr tho U U A bI Mr. Hverelt Hull on , Mnplo Uf fnriory. Ttsur- ' Nino Ullfumnl iilcturo of Skookum (it i iiim fur unld. Imjulio of or: tvr Wl cmil. or 10 cant for ono; wlle-r. Ocrliy. tJnrltwWl Uitf. ,S foVf ;u lor wtomi im pom cri. Wm Mii.tli uf the Wll.tm lllw, J,,n" WJMr, w n 'lllUinuuk IkiIimi n... .i. H... iimi ir tin. ml r t . Iir.l of l he week. , airoi,-" "' i''' " .... i. i . .. .. u .K,iul "'" "7n"' r the lml rt conference. None of f,r time thl. w,ek Wth n,w , ,u c()UMl Ur ,m tlek of Mppen.llcUU. , ' wcok from S.ilem where ho nttemleil a.(. k niMMittiry mruuurcn. ,. . , nuVl,P .,. i fr.m'nUMmHik. A. II. SnU.r, ,, f(my OMton. Oro. . r11i ., t. Valley hvi I'toritmn nml wife loft . wltro tioy plcknl hop iIuHhk tho hop TliurKiitT for WiMxIlmrn, wtioro they , i.kiMlf .yW, tei; ,e lo vlll 1'rtil'ii pmnt. A. . Ainmirr of tho Ainmer Fuml line ( . Miult it liutlnen trip to rort thit wnik for the purpooe of buy Ite new cood. Mr nml Mr. C. A. O'Ncel of Cor- W. W. Cornier left thU niornlnif for Ahlntiil whore hu nml Mr. Cornier will tpuiid tho winter. The Jinluo will tukn n tleer hunt ill the vicinity of AhIiIrihI ihl full. Ilr OUnn. ilenllit. will lonvo wllll wl' i lmvo U'on vIkIiIiikt friend fntny Sumlny for a two week Mr f r the piit month loft tor wui- Vlcnllm. While kuiiu ho will vim form on Tliurmlny. fnemla t Lebiinon ntl Cnncnilo Lock. Join Ilrnnt who lm ho - roMlik' M Ho will bo nt hi ollko nKi 0ct Hubtunl tin umiintr. returneil to tho kjh,. city on Thurily, to reiiiuln hero fr n i)cWey Tnylor, w o wu nrrosteil lt , 'w day Iwklnir uftor hiulne! mnt ,cotc (or tteinptliiK to rnpo tho llttloj Uri. i limwllur u'lrl In tho outh oml of tho. WmiUmI: (innernl hoiiHckeeplnu', county. w tukon toilny to me loiorm work on frm. AiWmm M. KlUhbeth Lditwl nt Hnlem by Deputy Shorm u. Irck r. TIIImook. ! eur Sveiwon. On account of 'liij'lor ForSnlo: S. 0. White I.ohoru e U w thou .foe ' " tttkoK!.. T.n-rn.1 -neelnl hc.vy loy- the reform tcnuoi rmisor tf ..- ..,. I alock, lmiulro of W. S. (nte. penltnntlury 1 sWIil a tm wki j. ii i A-mir4ii k v m m i The l.mlle Altl of tho Meth(IUt Church will moot at thn home of Mr, (ieortte l.nmb on Thuriday, September CHh. A iol attrnilancu I (lirlred. 0. 'I', Wvrchku! and wife and on William and Undo Henry Miller of Clovenlale, mi toed over to Tillamook WediniKlay, Thev vUlted friend in thl vicinity Wcdiiednv and Thurday and left for homo today. Willie U s till lenruluu to run the automobile. Oo. N. Taylor will ncnk at the ChrUtlan Church on Sunday evenini: In-furc a union mrullng of tho ChrU tin ii, U, II,, Nazarluu and M. E. churchc. Ilu t n temperance worker of wide, experience and I quite well known here, Tlllnmook county on relation of GeorKtt Moiko vn. Snndbcri;-l);u Company, a corimratlon, 1 n cimu filed In the circuit court to recover (truwinit out of work on the i'licilie City cotintvryad, a part of which wa (ubtet by tho 3'ndburKlKti Co. to fScu. MrnikoK, who I now auini; for the balance allowed to Ixj owing him. U. M. Kraner and wife and Arby Stivernon of Cloverdale, nutoed over fnim Cloverdale Thursday. They brought with them Mr. Kraner' nephew Harry Kraner and wife who have been vUltlni; at Clovordalu all vuinmer. Tim vmttor lell on I hum ility imirniiik' for their hoiuu at l'leJaiitville. Ohio. At thu council mcellni; Itiitt Monday aveniui; the city council decidisi to olfer to allow Mr. Stlllwell to take judgment in the cane wherein he ha ondenvered lo necnro thu tract of land of I) acre which ho gave, the school children for a play ground if ho would dceil the city an acre of laud without any condition. Carl I'ossotti v. thu Southern Pacific Company i n uil tiled in thu circuit court.' Tho plalntilT nlleges that de fendant ha entered uhiii hi land with out coiiRcnl and is mninUinine; thereon a bridge pier of large timber piling .mid a rnllrond-trestle, and that defend ant I operating upon the tretlo miin erou railroad trniii mid motor car, and hv reason of till plitlntitf'it right of way Is tibtructcd, and hn become pcrllou tied dangerous, dnm.tging the plaintitr to the nmouutj of $2,000 which liu now aue to recover. While in conversation witli 1). T. Wontchkul of Oloverdnlo, a few day ago, liu informed u that while digging a deep ditch through vome of hi bot tom land thi mimincr ho discovered niiiu feet below tho urfncu of the ground n llreplaco. Tho llreplnoe was cnmHied of three nnd four layer of tones one Uon the other. It was oval shupe, about three foot ucrosn it and live foot long. At tho center tho ground wa coopetl nut omewhnt nnd In tho depression wiir found about n bushul or more of ntdica and ember uf n ono timo fire. An interesting uues tion is. How long ngo and by whom wa tho fire place built. Money lo r. It. Ileal. loan on farm mortgager. Wc have a full and complete Una of 1 rhool Iwok nnd aupplle, Tillamook 1 Drug Co. . On Wednesday night J. Urown who I night watchman for tho S. I', at Kodad' cut, very narrowly escaped ' death. He wa on top of tho water purnp which i located at the Kllchi Hlvcr, making omc repair when he accidentally fell a ditanco of fifteen feet, Urlklng the track below. Tho fall knockifd him unconKciou nnd he J lay on the track for mmii time before Mil! wa diftcovcred. Hi discovery by a fellow workman who wa out for a t troll wa ralher by accident and if he had lain on the track five minute lon ger he would probably have been run . over by the freight which wa due about that time. As 'on a llrown wa discovered Dr. Hoals was called .it. . . anu no was soon revived, lie is now out of danger. &3tk Don't neglect your child il j it complain about hendachc . and eye ache. Children attending rhool are very apt to strain theircyes, cauing oyc strain matting the child neglect its books, becoming dull and backward. Have their cvoy examined by Dr. Wcndt of Tillamook, fie eye specialist. It is not always thatgl.i8c! j arc needed. Consultation free. Satis I factionguaranteed. APPLES FOR SALE. Haldwin, Northern Spies, Kings. Gravuustclus. (irime?. Golden Pippins and other varieties. 1 will have about four or five hundred boxes. Will start to pick about October 1st. I also will sell apple cider that will make the best of vinegar. I'hone your want, i'rice are low thi vear.- JOE NALDSON. FELDSCHAU LECURES CONTRACT. At tho oficninjr of the bid for the construct loYi of the cement pavement on Second Ave. Ktt last night, P. 0. Peldschau wn awarded the contract, hi contract price being $7,038 73. Arnx Construction Co. bid wa 7,fiir.32. Siwakc A. MeKco 13,000. Tfic contract call for 4,359.3.1 square ynrds, and will connect the present pavement wilh the county road. Tho following birth took place on Thursday, Sept. Zi: A boy to Mr. and Mr. Ii. E. N'cushaurn, Tillamook; f daughter to Mr. and Mr. L. H. Krake, Hemlock. Tll.lriOOK UNDKRTAkINO K. N. HllSKUi, Mkm Located in Jonca-Knudson Huildfngj Funeral Director and Ueemtid Embalm . I kif t - ' 'lij ivrnwi IIUIIICI G. L. DICK & SON, Props. Both Phones The Snme Price to livcryone m 1 1?V- i'ii REALTY FOR SALE OR TRADE PRICE CHANGE. $29.25 30.25 35.75 33.00 34. SO 20.00 Ilran per ton Short, per ton MidiU, per ton' Hurley per ton Wheat per ton Oat Whole iur ton Rolled oats per ton 30.50 Chopped Oats per ton 80.50 For cash payment deduct $1.50 per ton from each of above. Fruit and berry sugar $6.30 per sack less 25c per suck for cash. Ilran, !)5c per sack. Shorts, $1.30 per sack. Midds per sack. Wheat, per sack. Wliolo oat. $1.C0 per ewt. Rolled oats, $1,10 per suck. For cash deduct from thg nbove as follow: 10c per sack On bran, shorts tniilcls nnd rolled oat and 15c per sack on wheat nnd 10c per cwt on oats. Arm & Hammer Soda, 5c per pkg; Cupid Flour, SG.25 per bbl les 25c for ciihIi payment or $1.65 less 10 cents. Onions, OOe'iier sack. TILLAMOOK MERCANTILE CO Thi property Is for sale or part trade or all trade if valued right. 50x100 lot with foil two Btory six large rooms, largo closet, concrete basement with cement floor, furnace licit, eight run', hot water coil! hath lavatory, medicine cabinet, one piece ink, wash tray, wood elevator, ga and electric lights, aIo a garage on back of lot 10x21 storyiand half, sewer connected and water, fruit trees, shrub bery, raved street and cement side walk, chme to best car service In the city of Portland and 35 minutes walk from Hroadwny bridge. CI acre, half cleared, balance four small stump and Lrush, fenced, 400 feet from city limits of Vancouver, Wash., close to two electric carlines. One buHinens lol 50x125 in the town of White Salmon. Wash.. COO feet from First Nat. Hank. Two Seaside lot 100x100, liolladay Park, Clatsop. One lot 50x100 on Cornell Road, west side, Portland, Or., will trade for Til lamook farm dairy and city or sell at right price. Want to deal direct with owners. J. M. Liisbcrg, 104A. It. F. D. 1. Mutual Phone. TiRamook. Ore. DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist, Hat Located in the Commercial BMg., . Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp. t,; All Work Gmrjnltfd, Both Phonf. . OHior Hour.: ? '? 2.- m' io tiM p. m. , Open EvtnlrJ2t i'om 7 until I o'clock J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.f VETERINARIAN ( Both Phones) Tillamook i OreHnnHte rs : 1i Notice On and after Oct. 1st, 1915. the barber shop will close at seven o'clock except Saturdays when they will close nt 10 p. tn. Moulton and Son, ' F. McGinnis, C. E. Mowrey, Frank GoiT, W. M. lieaston. SCHOOL NOTES Interest this week centered -around class elections nnd preparations for the coming football, game between the Sophomores and Freshmen. Every evening this week the school grounds have been the scene of light football practice. Tho following officers were elected by the Freshmen nnd Sophomore class es. Freshmen. . Pres. -Will Kennedy. Vire-Pres. Glenn Leach. Sec. --Leslie Conover. Treas. Max Beals. Sophomore. Pres.-Howard Williams. Vice-Pro. -Walter Stark. Sec. Nellie Gaylord Treas.- August Boquist. Sergeantj-at-Arms Gertrude Ball. A few upper class students still con tinue to register. Next Friday night Oct. 1st, there will be n reception for the ne stu dents and new members of the faculty, given by thu classes,,' Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Preuaration are beinR made for an inturestinc and en joyable program. . Presbyterian Church Notes 11 Cm(aa( -Rnnlcfi arc m ndsv, conic early and get your supply whilq Vtock, is com Jik'te. .,,.,. nr nencils, Wohave the finest assortment o poicus, tahlcteruser, pons, pen liollcr. "i.s - K FOUNTAIN PENS 21 If, , ffil . t'rit. m IV iiFi ocr cent oft on wutuumu pen. . a i. n,tr nuiro'is. Ask The Man Who Rents He will pay you from $2.00 to $ L00Vmorc per month for youirhouse if it has a wcllgequip ped htttli room ' Think of It i Act;tmlly from 2i to 36 per cent on the 'in ventinent oi: about H of. th(? net returhfJfr'om time house ,you rented;. Can' you invest;, $100.00 any better. SEE , ''fC F.'ZACHMANN abpiit TMIamoqk'a Leading Plumbing A SheetMttal" Shop Tho Field Secretary of tho Oregon Anti-Saloon League, Mr. George N. Taylor, will speak from the pulpit next Sunday nt tho 11 o'clock service. He will outline tho policies adopted by the representatives of tho churches consti tuting the headquarters committee. Mr. Tnylor has had an extensive exper ience as n traveling salesman in u large part of thu U. S., nnd has contributed with his pen to tho eastern dailies, treatimr of tho colonist question in tho South. In the lino of Sunduy School evangelism he has given considerable nttentinn. Ho ftnttllv gave up his hardware cuatomora and tho road that ho might devote all his, timo to tho cvancalistic and missionary work which called for tho application of his ability as a man amonc man. as u-apecmity salesman ho learned to put things up in bundles for carrying homo. Tho Antl-Saloon Leacue of Oregon had.use for juat.hla typo and talent, so called him to its field service. He will hayo a message on Sunday morning for the men and women citizens wno may oo Mnromnl with the tasks that confront the" church here'on tho coast. A cood and largo hearing should be given htm. v Rallirlon Kent in Place" is the sub ject or Mr. Ybuel'a sermon in the even- ins; lit 7 :30. Each person Dreiont win be conscious of the cordial "a'nd home like feellmr of these everting services, A;young people's service will bo held ,t.60.. All ate cordially invited to each and all of these service. L. L. HOY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Bell Phone- Oflicc 5, Residence 5 M p?' Mutual Phor.c Office and Residence 'l1 rrr ? a Monk' p.r nnr i i K Dr. Jack- Olson RESIDENT DENTIST Office 'Hours Irom 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Oddfellows BoildiDg Both Phones. JOHN LEUND HENDERSON Altorne-at-law Abs t tier Tillamook County Bank Bldg. GEORGE W1LLETT Attorney at Law Office In Tillamook Block t'7 wf-t' i-f 4f m mm 11 WEBSTER HOLMES Attorney at Law COMMERCIAL BLDG., ROOM J2 J. R. CALLAHAN Lawyer General practice in all state and Federal Courts Commercial Club Bldg. Tillamook. Geo. P. Winslow ATTORNEY-AT LAW Tillnmook Block Room 202 Tillamook. Oregon T. H. G0YNE Attorney-at-Law aaa Land Office Business. OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE ' H. T. BOTTS Lawyer COMPLETE SET OF ASTRACTS. Oflice 202-204-, Tillamook Block Tillamook - Ore. m El. J . Claussen Lawyer Dkutsciier Advokat Commercial Building Celand B. Erwm Teacher of Piano Diplomu from the Chicago) Musical College A complete stock of sheet music and Technic Books. Terms : $4.00 per months instruction Factory Representative tor the CriUTti & BUTLER PIANOS And Player Pianos. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished apartments for rent at tho Tilco Apartments in the Masonic building. All modem conveniences, ut business center. Enauire at Herald Office. Try ono of our Fancy Dressed Chick na or your Sunday dinner. Tilla mook Meat Company. ARE' YOU GOING TO BUILD? Barns and farm buildlnss of nil kihds erected by experienced cavtitw, wither by contntet or la,va0wonv. "iapa mid es.tlmutea Iiirnlahod for all tunda of, carpenter work. J. M. Lllsberg, Mu uaf Phone. 5 CH AS. I. CLOUGH CO. . ' 'it' Si ,i I . . ti'' '.V . ' J" S! , "... V. j, ' . J J .1.. . . a, .r,. '- . . .tx- f . . ' v ti r .V. ,