Cbc ttllattidok Herald v.. P. Crowtblcv. GditOf icrt Cwicc a Ulccli CUCSU.1V aim i ria vmi . r.o.L-lM nailer May W. WW, at tho m1 -mce IUi..k s. ii.. .,.(.. th.. a.t til Mnren X ISiW. St'HSCKirnoN $1 ftO l-K IN .UVNl Jldvcrflsinn Hate Katfh subsouueut insertion, !nw Koeolutiotvs of oiKloiri-ev ni lluin& IVofeseionaloards.imi. As Kaeh sutwwuent insertion, line . Display Advertisement, per mWt .! Homestead votieee JkpO' At,t( Dlvplny Ads mtt b m till '' Timber Claim - p on Monday and Thursday Mrn- Noti.-t. r li-e - ingn to insure publication In follow- Cards of thanka, per line A nft Tuemtay and Friday leeuo. Locals, 'x?.- lim. rst ir!rtion .71 Reason aro Imperative. FRIDAY SlilTliMUHK unf. STATKM&NT OF OWNRUSlltl' , C. K. Trombk'.v, Editor, Publisher ami manager. Ludd llusly Hankers or .Salem. Or., mortgage holder. Two oufidc npsnU haw been, duri. Pr he Winners Al iieitucca Fair. tne ,,t w. uv, . sr avsnrrss ind neck tie. throughout out tow sitri,M priM v. K Specce. $5.. This 1 simply another mi tbr.gh . xy iiitawook iotiot Bank; nd, VI J. which local nuwev mJ tu oulmu ' AUL-aihlin, $j,jo worth merchandise firms without helping our Uin any. by King & Smith Co.; jrd, F, NV. Her The nt may or m. v mt K y u. bettor rwhIs tan our local ',pl wilt bv .lrsl National Ki-Ranllefs of this poJot, lwwvr. 'tiuk-; Jntl. Jacob Sickbus $J5p by in fcL.i-nr our money at hin ' K, C. Maarrell: ltd, Fannie Smith, ' ' . 7 t Ik 1. . Wo have bn tokl mat nw wi w bu?in.- limn have paUronitl thwsv aj?nU. We io not kww whthr this statement is true or n.t, hut if it i it is a rather inconsistent procMtiure. For one business man houW not d that which he would objl to if ti were a case wherein hi own Interests were oileettsd. Surly our gentlemen friemis have not gotten particular that tney can not find goods tood enouRh for them at our local lor9S in the line of shirts and ties. PRICE OF TILLAMOOK CHEESE. tii. ui h.i been on the down grade so ur as jirice is concerned lor ome time regardless ci the fact ihat there i ni iorciRii competition. If the tariff on chvese was higher than Uilroy's x te, i: iiiu'J m.iKt no ditlercncc in ihe price i chrc-v. today, ri-gardless 'of the ranuncs of Bro. Bakrr. The war has protected our cheese market better than any tariff could, still the price toi cjuce has been, tjoing down of U:e. e art pleased to note, how ever, that the hue market reports state that the price will soon be on the upgrade attain. Herald. Bro. Trombley overlooks one im porter that effects our market very materially, namely, Canada. The Can adians p..y no taxes here yet. under a Democratic free trade oolicv. thev Flovd Booth: ath. llrrle Jensen. First hcry pound of Canadian cheese sold ' nd second prizes by VV. D. Gilbert & m the Lnited states displaces just son. that much American made cheese.) Fancy Work 1st. Mrs. H. I.. Jen This is a fact that admits of no c-as- ' son, third and fourth by R. K. V il- ion by even so good a dodger as Bro. I sen. imi. Mrs. Walter fc.ason. Trombley While professing to be ; j Children's Fancy Work ut frirml of the Amrriran nrndiicir who ' ilia Dintress: inA. Clara Booth. sut.Dorts him. Bro Tromldev advo : Coco.mut Cake 1st Mrs. C. A. Mc- IJonaUl, jnu Kaura nays. t.oa, by K. E. Wilson. 4th, II. L. jtnscn.'i 00, by R. K. Wilson. Jkt Wsplov of Urasws by a home steader ist F. W . Bcrger . Jnd W . K. Spcece. and ft. 50 in money by Alex .VcNair Co. Si Best tmon 1st. R. V. Mia lock toe., and. C. B. Measor. aoc by Tilla mook Mercantile Co. tiest Bunch Oot 1st, M. Tbon son. buggv whip by W. A. Williams; nd, R. V. Blalock. 50c. by Ncstucca i range. Three Best Cabbage tst, L. &an df; tnA C B. ilcasor, 75c, and -je. worth baking powder, by Conover 4- Condit lirocery store. best Diptay of Clover, (home steader) 1st, W. R. Speece. Jnd. F. W. Berger. Pitchfork and bull chain b Lamar's Variety store. Best Display of Potatoes by a boy tinder 16 years 1st. Hchshell Mullett fcniie by H. Mason & Co, jnd -iflc Burnett. But Squash 1st. Floyd Booth, .tul Mil Blalock, $v J$ sweater ami stick inn and cuff holders bv K E. W iNon Best Trio Chickens ist, Franci Welsh: 2nd R. C. Magarrell. Clough's carbolic compound by C. 1. L lough S x Best Carrots (homesteadrts)-- it. E. J. McLaughlin, . lbs. coffee by Wilmot Bros. Six Best Parsnips (homesteaders) 1st W. K. apeece, 4o- collee by Wilmot Bros. Ducks 1st, Herman Smith. 50c. by K. E. Wilson. Br-t Farm boys exhibsi -1st Mile ck; 2nd. itobert .icklaus; ijril. Mar- catcs a )licv that unites competition against the very ones who feed him. Fvidcntly Trcrpb'.ey will have to re vise his policy or the bcal producer will tf'.l hnn to look elsewhere for his support to the non-American tax p;.cr whom Trombley, and every other Democrat, is so solicitous about Iicsidis cheese is a luxury, not a necessity and in these good old Dem ocratic times, the average citizen has a hard time to get the commonest necessities let alone any luxury. Kc ha!r:n Times. Bst display of cakes 1st, Mrs J I.. Jensen. ' Bread 1st. Mrs. A. B. Wood. County Court Business. O. I. C. SWINE I have some choice yonnv: pijs lor mi It. Imtlt sexes, the kintl Unit unit tire very yonn One of mv herd hours wei.uh ed lL0 lbs. nt tS months old. Mvhoiishiive won ribbon nt count v itntl stnte Inir. Phone or write lor prices. JOE DONALDSON R. F. D. No. I. TltUimiok lacoby. Thio, Hay City, farmer. W imLilt Cvrtis. Titlaiimok. (antler . lenniiigs. . W.. Bay City, fat titer. ! .ivington, W. H, Bay City, mrt chant. Oov. Weslev. Bay City, fanner, Chance , M. T lilbmoflk, fannrr. ' tinc. A. b. Ilelio, fanner, bplanalp. Mike, Tillamook, fanner, tohnsots. Malpluis, Garibaldi, farmer 1 terns. ! rank. iiiiamooK. latmer. Gist. Ivan. Clovertble, fanner. ..-oUvlnir why lly wort kIvkw ijwb Imatlnit Ibo nlllolnl rMimwl'nellH' riblmn. I he railway trsi'V, I'tjnlpinenl, "" I V wvor nml safety Hrt appliances. 1 f lli rniltnail (wmpanv fihU'll in the TrnMittatliii tuilMlmr, ami i.cludo. among uthcr Uilng. M C, V, lluntluglun, ilrst CVulrnl I'kiiV liHMtnollvo. In striking nlrsl t. this, one of the tihlf't Kwiiimllvna ! i thn United Stale, U uin of lb 1 Vinimttv's big AUIU'tt enw'lne uwl on the l elmetmi'l. The Iratllc proimitlon exIilliU I con Uined in the Cimipnnv' " building t tho head f I'alm'Avenue n'r Iho Fillmuro Rtrtl enlrnuee llett r rest rtxiins fur tneti and women, th Vilnde." with iHlniAWu rvptwlue ttcn uf ihiIvhI scvnle poU along tho S.Hithern I'rtelfle, Uekwl ulllee nd th. Sunset Thontnt. wlllunoUwi pleluren, illttntrntod lectures nnl organ reellnl dally. Visitor are th Company's , guot, everything bfllrtg five. DIG BAIL GAME On Sunday. Sept. Ihn fanner will endeavor In down Doc Kik-Ii team In a fiercely contested gumn at the fairground. Admission UV. YAMHILL MILLINS COMPANY nmiR, chain, rcco 1 Moioing Si or Y Ffimilij Dlnd Pierpn p0Uw I . I. I I I MANN, Mgr. In Couutieicinl tUd, MEXICAN HECOGNITION SOON COMMUNICATION Kditor Herald- In rcgartl to the Sunday law lwoukl tike to nv this. If the Urd was as strict with his religion as tin? jieople are with theirs that the majority of them would have been in he.ll long ago. UesHclfullv, U Stulvonga. Nations to Act Separately and Caeh to Judpe f-aetlans' Ablllt. No Vork.-eeretary lanslug, rep rotating the Unllml Status ovnr moot. atHi too dlplouutiie roirtso)ia- Uvea of Urtuil. Cli. Argtultne. IU I Uvla. Uruxwiy ami unuteinala. r solved nt tbolr meeting hem thai Ik time bad come for tho mttmetou ! formal rucogultKm to a government in Mexico. ! A formal statement Issued by tho 1 e nferxnt-e declared that Inasmuch as the f.ictlons themselves ttnd failed to !, come to nu agreeruenl. roeogtiittOM Mrs. Koch will egin the Fall gennou 4t the new Studio, Sept. 'iO. She will devote an hour each week to Rythmic '. ld le accorded to the do faelo an gamed, practicnlly the contlnuntlun of the work that Miss GrillHh atnrted with the Juniors during C)intiUuitin week. This work will l nuile an ndvautaga to nw'sle students nnd will be given free to pupils. Arrangements nro now be ing made for lesson. LOGANBERRY JUICE IS ON SALE IN NEW YORK thorltles poseeeetttg thn "uiaiertal and moral ripneiiy lteceeanrjr to tiroieet the lives and property o(, national and foreigners.' Farli o( Iho Severn! Rovertimwuts. It w atit.ouneed, would tUolf "Judge -:urh n eapoelty. and recognition will !fc-ts be eteilel by onch goverti meat sepurately nt such llmo as i may deem pruttor." That Uiganberry juice is llnding fnvir with people all over the country '. is imlicated by a report received by W" T. Jenks of the Oregon Fruit Juice company of Salem, this morning. O. L. Ferris rnnortu that ho ha succeeded in establishing tins loganberry juice In New York with the United Ctgnr Stores company there and with - tho Rickar-JIngernan Drug company, the Henry Mmllnrd company, confection ery, and the New York Board of Health restaurant. Bro. Rankin does not appear to have much sympathy or pity for the proerresive democratic popocratic floppe's and free trade advocates f( the insf-ircd editorial has aroused ini indignation Don't worry Bro. Rankii thc-ie so-called political "reformers" don't amount of a row of beans in the es'imation of the citizens, who are now experiencing some of the re forms -ind paying for them by greatly reduced milk checks Hoad light. The foregoing paragraphs taken from the Nuhalem Times and Tillamook Headlight, in answer to a late state ment which appeared in the Herald, aopuar to us decidedly ridiculous. We would inform the brethren that in speaking of foreign competition we, of course, included Canada. It is diffi cult for 11s U understand what Rditor Rankin is driving at in his reference to Canadian competition in our cheese In the ma" - ;' appointing a bridge te. -r for the iillmiok river draw biidgt, the war department having notifyed the court that this feat nec essary, b. . Manley was appointed to the position. In the matter of the county road master, it appearing that the time of F. F. Hobson will be taken up with the work of the Tillamook-Yamhill joint district for the balance of tin year, C. A. Dunn was appointed road master. In the matter of an inspector for the concrete roads that arc being constructed by the Arenz Construc tion Co., G. G. Hall was appointed at a salary of $so.oo per mouth. In the matter of the petition of C. A. Eastman et al for a county road 1 the same was rejected. ! in the matter of the petition of Solon Schiffman and John Schild for county roads, these. were continued. In the matter of the petition of J. F. Bradley for a county road, known as the Dean's Point roadr the board of county road viewers having made and filed an amended and supplemen tal report as to the survey, il was ordereil that the petition and report be rejected, Commissioner McKim ens objecting to an .unfavorable de cision. In the matter of the Tillamook Bay City road improvement, will cx- ycar, with market. The thought came to us that r,iauiVl!u nllF UQlmimAl Anntnmi,A.itL I f.rwt ti rt linwi f 1 si 1 ni.vl Ivjjiwi out v. ji.v.iiii.j UWII lUNi tik ! ; viii lilt- I 1 nil. it tits. IIUAI y TV I 1 1 1 do not know that Canada is a foreign ,,IC understanding that the county country. We would advise thern to brush the barnacles from their stund pat, hide bound brains and take their fifth grade geographies and find out where they live. Let us reiterate on the down grade so far as price- pay $i'.6o for each additional barrel above 4780, and the sum of $2.58 for each and every additional cubic yard over and above 1000 cubic yards. T Jury List for October Term. -o- "f!hlfKf li.'tw Imnn ' following is tne jury list lor t lie concerned for some time regardless of 1 wWch will covenc on Monday, Oct. tho fact that there s no foreign com- .$: petition (including Canadian Cornpeti-' liarris, W. 0., Tillamook, liveryman, tion). If the tariff on cheeso was arolf, A. N., Tillaimjok, fanner, higher than Gi.roy', Kite, it wou.d , J-n. U,r. make no difference in tho price 01 Davidson, H. S.. Beaver, farmer, cheesu tqday. The war has protected 1 Krancr, L. M Cloverdalc, Telephone our cheese market better than anv tariff could, still tho price of cheese has been going down." manager. Knight, K. V Tillamook; farmer. 'Magarrell. R. C Blaine, farmer. ! Biggs, Sr., John A.' Bayocean, fanner Now brethren in speaking of dodg. Dye. Connie; Tillamook, farmer, ing, we defy you to dodgo tho aboye iJladwcll, V. l) I facts. Wb are sure that every time you endeavor to do it, your thick skulls and soggy brains will bunt up against something, bul then you won't know it. We know you fellows nro too dense to warrant c'onsldbratlon. Wo strike back becausp It is simply natural. nilamook, farmer. Elliott, C. A., Tillamook, fanner. Ltinaquist, Unas., iiepo, larmcr. Martiuy, David, Tillamook, cruiser. Goldswortliy, James, Hemlock, fann rr. Deihl, J. S., Tillamook.'fanncr. Jackson, A. O.. Hclio, farmer, f.illcr, M. J., Hay City, merchant. NViison, Jkn, Tillamook, farmer. Gilbert, W. J., Heaver, merchant. SCIENCE AND PROGRESS The production 01 tnoigo is rapidly increasing In China. Five-pfennig pieces of iron are being coined In Germany. Tho only gum which cannot be suc cessfully counterfeited is the opal. For the first time in its history the United States now leads thu world as an exporter. Cuba's deposits of iron ore arc esti mated to contain all the way from 2,000,000,000 to 8,000,000,000 tons. A fuel for internal combustion en gines made in South Africa by a chem ical process from parnflln is snld to bo superior to gasoline, as it leaves no carbon deposit. According to a German scientist, a particle ot water evaporated from the ocean is condensed and roturiiH in ten lays, hut it remains there 3, 100 yearH before being evaporated again. Hie newest battleship building for the United States will be 1,100 tons larger than Japan's largest, 3,400 torus larger than Germany, 3.1KI0 tons larger than Great Urituin'H anil 0,f.ri0 (-us larger that anything France has. Our largest cotton producing county, lillis county, Tex., yielded 143,714 bales last year. This is morn than, six' times tho umount produced in tho whole state of Virginia, and more than w:w ruined In either Missouri or Flor ida. Laboratory Investigations of flic "devil's eJawH," a hitherto worthless weed which grows abundantly on the waste lands of Kansus, Colorado, Texas and Now Mexico, have demon strated that an edible oil that may tuko the place of olive or cottonseed oil can be extracted from its seed. SOUTHERN PACIFIC SECURES "HIGHEST AWARDS'- Tho Panama-Pacific Imposition Com pany huH announced tho presentation of two VhlgfToHt awards" tojtho South ern Pacific Company for its participa tion in the Fair. Ope Is the highest award for "railway truck, equipment, motive power and safety first appli ances" and the other i the hlgheat uwHrd for traffic promotion. They come In tho nature of two banners, DUMB A PROTESTS RECALL Take Enctptlon to Charg Md That He Was Conspiring In Strike. Now York Ambassador Dumba ot Auetrln-Hungary sent to Secretary l Stnte (.mining a letter nt protest M'.ilnst hU roettll. Ill II Ur Uumba 11. .jj complained or the handicap be as under In communicating with ht government IterAUse of the censorship, '.1 j !be fulled Status. He points oul ;Uat fhe representatives of the .Ullec are nm under such restnctiona In defense ot his set I one Ute 11 in tin suJor dlsruaaes hi ItitwntW to find other work for A us t nun una liingar I an citlsens employed In lite uianutac-. turn of munitiona In tho United HUteti. Dr.- Dtioiba take exception to Hc rotary of SUite lAtisIng' chargo that he c nesaed to having conspired to d.ment strike In Atnerlran munition ivo'ds, but ma ken 110 evplaimtloo of the ItilDreepted letter to the Austro IliiiiRiirlaii minister of foreign iU lairs. Explorer Stefantson Qaf. Nome, Alaska. -Villija mur tsieluns . 011. chief of tho ('una Us tovernment tx'iloHng and Niirviyrlng nxpedliinu that left Victoria In Juno, Hi 11, ai.d ah.) sot out afoot over tint Inn with two companions from tlx.- shore of northunsteru Alaska In March, 15H, to seek new laud In iiunharlod sens, did u.. go to his death, us tho world had Ik ?un to fear, an tho power nclioonor :;.ihy has arrived from Hrrschel Island with dlHpatehoH from Btefanssou. SHORT. NEWS NUGGETS , A. petition for national suffrtigo sljra od by noo.OOO women was riturled frota ;4ali Frunciuco on lla way to Washing-v-ni. t Tho pontoffleo detiarlmont pro noiincoH nutoniobllo aervleo on rural froo delivery routes n confplolo sue eoBM, mid rapid extetiHldn of tlilii sorv. .co Is looked for If congreus duos nut intervene, ltfght Itoy. ThomiiH J. Comity, hlslf op of tho diocese of Los Angeles nnd Monterey, tho most noleil Catholic elmrolitnun of" souihorn California, wan foiiinl dead In hla bod In ti coltngo ftt tho Hotel Coroiiuilo, Han Diego. Federal Indlctmenta In coiiiidcIIoii with the Kualland dlHiistor July 24, vhe.i tho excursion titeamor capslxud la tho Chicago river, causing tho death of 812 porisoiiM, yero ruturnnd against tho managoniiid .captain, charging cqnuplraoy and criminal curoleHiiiniHs. Clay Tullinan, cviniiifssloiinr of (lie gonoral land office, who vlallod Port 'land, to atfeud the Western HtatoH Waor I'owor confereiico, bellovos that U10 n'oxt Hosslon of congnisH will sen ft great deal of iniiQli-ntpded leglsla- tlou onactcd vogardliig gouernl laud Nail Buffers Nail Buffers You can ijct them, while they Inst below cost. Come .ind sec them. The Tillamook Drag Store Satisfaction Guaranteed PETER BECKER Merchant Tailor 2ml ltl AvfoU DRY a.F-ANJNU ll'WtiSSINO AND i HKPAlKINO Eat Viereck-s S Coast Power Co. S 14 ftt.W li Mlt f ) livery filcctrlc Nfccil ) Heuae TllplJ w C Ump JH V Q Uehllne FlMuio- ' ShuUt 053 FUiUtlcWi 4rwt IlittMi't Ull(kr Iroiu V Light Gillnc lVvl. J3ciik Kjtt ; S u in hiii ir V TILLAMOOK Bj AT ALL (.ROCEJ FU.K YOUR CAMICIW ItHiOV Cly UV ir,i ti ehelpt tile .bti ')!, tfffulrH of the veal. 1 Panama-Pacific Exposition js ntKjuosr wusdhiifi i rilli MOXT lltllt'TlFUI. rut: most iMinin.,t,ST i. iiiswnr It Is or tin tie, H symetrlcnl, Il Is wurld l. it Is complete. Only three months more will It be opene i No Intclltgnttt person can nlford to mis the n Kw ItV 01 visiline Hi s exnosit on. ti LoW Round Trip Fare to San rranclico on sale dally from all olnU If von contempliite a trip linsl you enu ,fsl , trough Cnllfoniln In one direction at small add! t.Miml (Uptwimi. I 10 Dsyi At San Fr4nclxo unit 10 D4y si Lot Atigslft and 10 days at F.I lWi nro allowed on all UcUH 1 io uio easi renuing over tliu SOUTHERN PACIFIC l-ei inr oetirsl akvih outline it'irlp for ir I eMcrr "j 'WufUW NotiV nml "Oullfornln Kxposllloiis ' w H t r uilrreM 'file y are frte. John M, Sootl, General Pssmrr ' Agrnl, t'nilbind. 0f HARMONY Mr. Klmor llnnklns Is nn'n.. .il. While crosslmr il... i,i,i,. 1- 1.. auto at the M. Ilnneiikratt place last Tuesday, Mrs. (Jidda worthy hud an accident which might lve terminated seriously,, A protruding pleaa af r, Ing was struck with the result that the machine crashed thru the railing of the hfldge, hut fortunately wm brought to a itgmlsilll JiwtHB the rent' wheels had att ihn i.-i.i u , - iiiikwi os 11 was tfyw car, we tupposu the bridge got UM Bterst nf n, ,I,.' " FiVA, . : " iWreiw, 7 yw old apn otH& ormratlon for ttpi , Tlllaliiortk getting along Ho l, lM wrMfty. Dr. weno ofwratlon. G. G. Grave reture longed atay ntrtho vu7 of tha week. - "-'J A A 'it.. I I rntlH hotuehuld which car . . . .1.1. I. a 'IIS Here lately, wmv - . . . . uimV. in mom man on . - ...ii, ids sJ one w'" j advlee of "don't U i Ulk back Mn, Clrenco M Congratulations. 1 t. .,ri n" , .v , ... T " it. Ok t, V.- t! rt;.'I . ...