Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 21, 1915, Image 1

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Tillamook, Oukc.ok, Sm'tkmjikk 21.. 1915.
NO. 70
AhIc any of our customers uhout ?
First National Service
Theatre all pleased with it nnd
Can tell you why.f
rirst Natiomil IfonK
tllltfook.Ore m
Unusual Value
clim.u'terizcfi all Kovnl Worasto
corsets To illustrate (lie oorsrt
foht ivs are of lust iuality. U'SUmI
lor otmiiHlt nnd wear, and will
nut rip or tear the ela.sp will not "turn in" and
pinc'i at the waistthe hones, in reinforced pock
ts, will not ntiuoy hy punching through.
Hmk Mipportcry, trimmings, in fact everything entering
into tin- making iiuitit he up to our high stnndarcl. linn-'ngnn-l
inetul pitrtu are uot-ruMtnhle. Satisfy thnt tlesirc
font tnilv tipiiVot i-orxci it t nrucs raoKinir from $1 to $!!.
l ,
Ask YOUR Dealer
. M'NAIR & CO.
t3SS.3i "JS
Hr m. -MH7
Se Ut for PricM Bfore Ordering Elwwhere
ftriety Store f
J. '
Moit people are estrem.lv negligent
In r.gard to th.lr eye., ami vary on lp
.bly.0 In r.gard to th.lr klWr..yi.
Vhon th.ro I. want of ctar f Won,
headache., dull pain In r.lo-;
eye, Irritation of .y. H U eorUin
that your ey.. nwd immediate att.n
Up" If vou don't need glai." I
'? V .... j urn fit .u ith
. . . .Ian
Nestucca Grange Fair
A Marked Success
of Fruit and Vegetable.
Remul'.able. Individual Ex
hibiti Good,
The weather blng Ideal n gooj Mnd
crowd Mttifiidtj.l thr Nestucea Grange
hair at the Miigirrell place, on Satur
day lnt. a largo dwlegHllon from Tilla
mook ww in attendance an well a 4
crowd fntii the mrrounding country.
Ily tho tlnio the pntade wa formed
tint exhibit were nil In place and
lilrnly displayed.
At alout eleven o'clock the narnd
timk place headed by Hewlett's band.
Tho parade consisted chiefly of float
and deaorutrd wagon. W. C. King, on
n buautlfully decorated homo had
charge of the parade ami Ii.m It. It, V.
lllnlodk riMiclvod flr.l prlto for tlu-
ltiit flfat.
Tliu Individunl 'xhtblt wcr aplcn-
dM, and ihuwcd a lino array of fruit.
vructablu ami nomo urniim. It lit
nurjirUInk t e Ihu fl" (wuclica and
pcara thai uru raited In the lllulne
.country. There weru ulmi ncvcrnl tlno
varltlcn of aiilw, The exhibit of
pluiiM wn Ia ood The exhibit of
Vi'Ketablex could not bo beaten any
where In the atate. Some tine speci
men of illaue com were alsu ahown.
We will not ntleir.pl to t'o Into further
detail rtu our paci will not permit It.
However, we must ay tlinl tin pro
duce exhibit a a whole wat remark
able. The folluwiiiK pcrfcomi received prlst
c for rpeclal oxlnbitn: Kor b-it array j
of product from 011a farm. It. Y. Ilia-' eharje.
iuck, 11 prize; J. mcnoiaa, umi prize;
Fat ny Hmlth 3nl prle. For the best
exhibit of product frui hoiitwd,
VV. It. Swece. Ut prize; K J. ,Mc
Morrfa Schnal. one of our local mer
chnnU, recently hoard from his par
ents, who ruatdo In Gallcla, Austria.
At,tho bettlnnltiK of the war, or jjt
about the time of the first Uusiaij
drlvolnto Callcln, Mr. Schnal wrote
several letter to Ills parents, but re
cclvejl no reply and it now has been
nearly a year alnco ho heard from them
previous to tho letter which he lately
Whin the Russians Invaded the
couniry.Mr. Sehnal'a parents with oth
ers loft hurriedly with only n few be
longings, leaving cattle. hore and all
other, stock and farm and household
Roods on their place, Mr. Schnal'. pnr-cnU-jonviiii
-JS cows and '& head of
horses. When they returned cvery
thlnirfwas KOne except thu buildinRS
and hiany of them wcro destroyed,
ilr. jjchnaH' parents (led to Prague,
Hohemlu, where they remained eleven
Mrj Schnal bus two brothers doing
servfco in thn Austrian army. They
werflVjth nlive nt the time tho letter
was written.
Industrial Review
Of Oregon
News Items aboat Statewide Industries
Improvement and Buildiajr on
The Increase
On' Sntunlay afternoon while Carl
Krlrtfuon, on ofJohn Krickaon, wns on
the rpof of an old'bnrn that was being
torn down, u piece of loose board fell,
Krikfnc him In the bnck and knocking
him from the roof to tho floor below,
catislhc him to strike on his head. Carl
was knocked unconscious and remained
so for some time. However, at this
writing he Is ri'Mirtcd to be consider
ably better, uid now on the road to re
covery. Dr. ISo.il! haa tho case in
UiiKhlin 2nd prlzu; P. W. HerKer. Snl ! f v 'K"y.'"
prlro. At the Stvece exhibit a tablv ' yr for 3?fsrctivVi'
wnn nci wiin a vnnciy 01 ioou ;u lor n
kit j;' meal, all of the fool utvo.i
Ori-Ron AKricuItural College, Cor-
.-iminiiu; a liorsc s
ston or other tin-
oiinducs i Icm done in a darkened
stable liawnt; a door throuch which
Salem Sept. so. The State campaign
to build up industries and pay rolls
and hold down taxation and taxcatcrs
is still on.
Ifcppner Masonic lodge to start
soon 'ftcliiiK hall building.
C iovcr seed industry has produced
.is IhrIi as 6j an acre this year.
Springfield OrcRon I'owcr Co. re;
jti'lding part of plant here.
Marcnce. Pacific Telephone Co.
nas bought line from Olcnada to
tiaston j8oo boxes of peaches so'd
froif, 30 acres here. t
Alsca I. O. O. F. LoiIrc erects two
story building 48 by 60 feet.
St. Johns Stove Factory resumes
Dut'cr Oitpatch asks Commissioner
Writs abcrtit the suit against Horti
cultural Insurance Co. "What wc
cannot understand in this matter is,
1 let the president and directors
o( this association k scott fret
and all the liability fall on the policy
Coos County to vote in November
on $370,000 good roads bond issue.
Kustabrook Co. assembling 60,000
tics for shipment at iiroadbent, Coos
county. ,
New form of official burden pro
posed Industrial Bureau of Hygiene.
Juntura Hums telcphons line un
der construction with large force.
Kainicr stretch Columbia highway
to be finished this year.
Thirty of the 70 miles Warrcnitc
pftving in Multnomah county com
pleted. Harriman is the first new town on
the O. W. R. & N. Co. extension in
Harney County.
Hubbard letting contract for $15.
000 school house.
Fairview planning a municipal
-water system?
T. If. Kcmpatcr, who has lived In
this vicinity for about a year, turned
up missing last Friday after having
issued several worthless checks about
town. He has been working for some
time but instead of using' his cash to
pay bills ami buy more goods, he is
sued checks and kept his money and
skipped out on a bicycle, leaving a
wife here. The officers are endeavoring
to locate htrn.
1'ontcons to be used with the dredge
Oregon arrived here on one of the
Elmore liners last week. The dreo'ge
Oregon is now being towed from the
Columbia river to Tillamook bay to be
used here to dredge a channel 16 feet
deep three and one half miles from the
entrance to the bay.
Later: Captain Dodge informs us
that he with the Olive piloted the Ore
gon over the bar and Into tho bay today.
The tug Daring of Grays Harbor
brought the Oregon down the coast.
A report just received here bv wire
states that the supreme court has con
firmed the decision of Judge Holmes.in
maintaining the present boundaries of
School District No. 9. Thts was a case
wherein the school district, which in
cludes Tillamook City, was enlarged so
as to include a larce tract of timber
back in the mountains. The enlarge
ment of the district was fought by
some dissatisfied people rn the moun
tains,, backed, so we are told, by the
timber interests. Attorney Botts waa
attorney for the school district and At
torney Dunniway represented the plaintiffs.
Wnrrcnton Streets on fifty blocks
vacated and fooo expended prepar
ing laud for factory cites:
Woodburn voted $40,000 high
SCI100I bonds.
being produced on thu Speecc home- ' !" daylight i admitted, says Carl , Betaian families to tins part of the ri"'S" !
. 7 N- Kennedy, specialist in horses at I slate . - spontaneous comuu!
lZ , , , . , t the Oregon Agricultural College. Oregonian on O. & C. land grant- ?Cal,cd,R 1edd,c of
The display of cooking and fancy vVl.ile making the examination the "The main interest of the state is the ' ,he ,,ott?m- Help was i
work wai:iiod
The live slock diiplay was small but
what there Wusof it wus good.
A full list of the premiums awaidcd
will be given our next issue.
The termination of tho dav'a program
was homuwhat m 11 r red by the serious
accident which tk place nt the hall
game. Rev. Sample who wus nt but I (,c
wan struck in the face with a pitched
ball and his jaw bone wus broken in
twoplaceu, He was taljen at once by
Dr. Shearer, who was present, to Olov
erdnlo where the Injury was cared for.
The high bluff on which stands Ml.
Vernon, the home of our first presi
dent, has for years been in danger of
gradually sliding into the Potomac
says a dispatch to the (ilobc IJemo
crat. This danger became acute x few
years ago whin it was discovered
that n new landslide was beginning
that threatened to destroy the broad
lawn in front of the mansion, if not
the foundations of the mansion itself,
and egiuccring work, recently com
pleted, was begun ut that time to save
the historic site from further damage.
The ground slopes from the man
sion to the edge "of the bluff and from
this point drops steeply for a hundred
feel or more to the edge' of the Po
tomac The river at this point is a
wide tidal estuary and the action of
the waves h;is caused a steady erosion
at the foot of the bluff. Underlying
(lie bluff are strata of salid,tday and
soft sand stone, which, on investiga
tion, were found to be saturated with
water, and this, combined with the
erosion of the waves, has resulted in
landslides that have doubtless been
going on iniermittcdly for ages, To
cure the trouhlc a small drainag tun
nel was first driven In the bottom of
the sandstone stratum and carried
back from the river front a distance
of about joo feet. 'From this tunnel a
heavy (low of water immediately
started ami this flow , continued for
several months. At the end of that
time the fiow.diminishcd to a moder
ate, amount and has remalned practic
ally constant ever aincc. To prevent
further erosion at the, foot of the
bluff tliroiigh the act bn of'thc waves
a heavy masonry wall we. then built
along the edge of the river,'
Mr., Wi W. Cornier left today Jor
McMlnnvllle, where .h. will; yUH; for
a fw day. Grandma Dani.l. alto l.ft
ikWmlltekJtoMnd wh.r she
examiner should have his back to the
Halt', while the liorsc faces it. Sonic
of the defects of their indications to
In r.otight for, if present, arc the fol
lowing: The two eyes should be compared
as to slc, color and relative position
in their respective sockets. The eye
lids !ionlil be examined for injuries,
inflammation, and lashes growing in
wrong direction. 1 he pupils
suoulil he of emial size and should
respond readily to light. This may be
tested by holding the hand over the
eyes in such a position that light is
shut off for about half a minute.
When the hands are removed both
pupils should be equally dilated, and
both should contract upon exposure
to liKllt.
The posterior chamber of the eye,
as seen through the pupil, should be
i a uniform dark color. White or
guy spots in this region usually in
dicate an abnormal crystalline lens.
On Saturday Or. Wendt operated on
tho seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Krebj for nppendiritis. At last
report tho littln fellow wns doing
nicely. He had been ill for a few days
before the operation, but he waa not
thought to be in danger, nnd in the
meantime Mr. and Mrs. Krcba were
called away by the death of Mrs. Krebs
mother and were at Sherwood, As the
littlo fellow became worse on Friday,
his parents were notified by wire and
on Saturday morning they started to
to auto for home, arriving here shortly
after one o'clock. The operation took
place In the afternoon.
Notice to Contractors
Call for Bid.. Proposal, will be re
ceived by the;mlersigned for repair
Inland painting the R. L.Wade lulid
ing at the corner of Stillw.ll Avenue
and Pint Street. The plana and detail
covering carpenter work and, painting
may be had at-thla office on inquiry.
Bide muat be received not later than
Saturday noon September 23th. IMS. ,
RolHe W. WaUon. AfMtt
for K, L. Wd., ' '
"H. H. CHifry. Sow
readlag elerk of the. UHd Ka'
soaate at Waahlagtoa. D. C., m4
mi Who clainu the iUUactlon f
baviag a eroval actMlBtaacMbia
with niera cnnjtreaaai.a aai eiker. of
uatlonsJ promtueaoe than ay Uer
tqoi flOTrnurtv, w uw
stutattve atwger
On Sunday morning when the milk
ers went to their work at the Harri-
1. .1 .j: 1 f
1:.. i.'i, :.. i..,.. . . t sou ruiitu nicy uistuvcrcu lire m one
.""Tn. h"n5 f of the big mows. The fire was caused
bustton and was
the mow near
summoned at
once and the small garden hose was
brought into use. All of tne places
where the smoke was coming through
except one ias blocked up to stop
the draft, and water was turned into
the one hole in an endeavor to put
out the fire. In the meantime hose
from the city fire department were
joined and connected to the nearest
liydron and more water was brought
into play. During this time a large
force of men were busy hauling the
hay out of the barn in wagons and
carrying it away from the barn. It
was nearly noon before all the hay
was carried from the barn and the
fire was entirely out. The barn con
tained two mows full of hay. One
mow was not damaged at all and
much of the hay that was carried out
will be saved.
settlement and development of the
Heppncr Light & Water Co. builds
power line into lone and Lexington.
Klamath Falls reducing fixed
charges to get lower taxes.
Grcsham Masonic orders buy site
for new lodge building.
East Portland Seventh Day Ad
vesntists to erect new church.
Enterprise Logging started for
new sawmill to employ 250 men.
Sandy citizens petition to connect
paving with Portland city paving.
Hood River Forest Products Co.
nutting in sawmill plant.
John Day New bridge to be built
two miles above Mt, Vernon.
Astoria Port Commission takes bid
on port elevator Sept. 2S.
Due to the minimum wage and
eight-hour law for women and girls
and other restrictive legislation the
Evcrfresh Fruit Packing Co. has
dosed two plants in Oregon and
opened a large plant in Utah.
What we need is more business
sense and lessdcmagogucry; more
sane use of the opportunities at our
doors and fewer senseless govern
mental experiments and expensive
commissions. Corvallis Gazette
From Courier:
Sheriff Crenshaw reached Cloverdale
Thursday morning on his way to Ore
town where he expected to arrest
Dewey Taylor, who is wanted for the
crime of attempted rape on a 4-year
old girl, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Etzweiler. Upon reaching
Oretown Taylor had fled and was
traced to Ne.kowin where it was
learned he had headed for Salmon
Taylor was overtaken at Siletr at 1
oleloek this morning and taken to Tilla
mook, thi. afternoon. i
Virgel Kellow met with a severe
accident last Monday while riding a
hoirae. The horse stepped in a hole
and stumbled, throwing its rider to the
ground. Hla left leg waa broken and
ajtkl.badly crushed, Dr. Shearer was
sailed and, made tbt'yeung man as
eomfortable as poeaible.
Notice is hereby given, that the
hour, for sprinkling are between the
hour, of 5 and 8 A. If..' or I and 9 P.
M. " ' - " v .
Water will be .hut off wh.ro thia
aula is violated. . '
jhn Aaeh lm.
Subscribe far
twite a, "eek.
Unceasingly wc farmers are made
to realize that a task delayed is a task
rendered increasingly difficult. Build
the fence today; a month frorr now
the post holes will cost you twice as
much. Sow the alfalfa today; not
another day in the season can it be
sown with success. Pick up that
strand of barbed wire today; tomor
row your horse will be maimed by it.
So fall, day by day, demonstrations
of the needfulness of "doing it now",
until the desire to be prompt', to
snatch the opportunity, becomes al
most a, I obsession.
Great is the demand in the city for
promptness, it is not so unpitying as
the country demand, because in the
city the demand comes largely
through people, and people are not
exigent as things. People will recciye
excuses, provde substitutes alter re
quirements. Things will not: things,
therefore, arc more unmercifully exi
gent than human masters. Diciplined
under such masters, it seems tq me
the countryhrcd must have greater
ingrained power to do the hard thing
and "do it now'1 than the citybred.
Arthur M. Judy, in The Atlantic.
. 111
Game Warden Leach informs us that
he has just released 96 pair of Chinese
.rncasams in vms vitiuuy, acvcr
hundred pair have been released here'
during the past few years, and Mr.
Leach tells us that from -eporm
which -he..lias received, they seem ta
be multiplying quite fast.
Mr, Leach tells us that the Califor
nia quail "which were released here ft
year ago are doing exceptionally wea
and are .multiplying splendidly.
, Whjlc in other localities in the state
it- is open season for pheasants dur
ing 'October,, the season is closed fee
Tillamook County for this. year. Neat
yrar however, our hunters will bo
able to shoot pheasants durisg ke