Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 14, 1915, Image 4

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i-.ioitg the more important factor
that cur,ce ha contributed to agri
cuIij.c ,r uusntaimng the fertility
ot i!.v soil and restoring iertth: v 10
dej-l-u.! .ils. the following arc men
tions! ' ths U. A. C. Pre bulletin
prow iifc' niiroi cr, gathering legumei
and i i'!ig vr.-'.vr Aumus forming
gretis -'..p-. swcoiatic crop rotation
ttu.t ; r. .id .or the more ncarl"
cu. oi u.e variee pkuit nutri
ents c. .suit, k iiens soil du cases,
fvu; k "u friijucal cocuitiou and
proMuc amc lor release of unavail
able 1 ... .-. :xds; use 01 hvc stock tor
rctunni-'k; iTgumc matter to the firm,
thus -c!. : :unu pruduc-.s in concen
trated 11. rui Jtt4 removing bat a mini
:nuii o. icr.mty matter, cultivated
crops tor summer follow, serving the
docoic purpose ot protecting the soil
and produce a cource ot
pkaam surprise The other day tit.
.mien put mt iMim in a hill ana ax-ts-icttd
two very nice sweet potatoes
it i expected that, when these po
tatoes attain their full growth a
month or six weeks hence they will
have attained their ordinary stae.
lhf sandy soil in which these pota
toes are planted is peculiarly adapted
to their culture, and ii this experi
ment proves successful, a much larger
area will be planted nest season.
office oi F. V Kehrh. field dnirj-timn
with the U. & Dairy Uiviciwt and
the 0. A. C Extension Service, i
A. Baker, oi Sunftebi, sayi the Ifer
tmston herald. Some very inicreattNg
iikihui it orwi;ni out in mrse re
sults. I he weight of the mil, of encta
cow was taken and recorded at each
milking, and a sample taken from the
morning's and evening' milking near
the middle ol each month was tested
for butter fat. A record of the feed
was alio kept.
"Kerds for t. . (till veer arc o
uinabk jon nine cow and these pfov
Preliminary work is no. unrfrr ed 10 be very profitable and show
.. - . ... 1.. 1... -
lor me organization ui truce more
cjw-tcsting association 1 in Oregon,
.'woi.i ot liiisc assoeiAtions arc now
conducting :-cin;ilic ul on the pro
duction ot their herds and lite addi
tion at thoe not- in charge of the O.
A. C. dairv soecialistt inr ornain.
income, nse uon will place this state at or near
01 ir.i:c and commercial fertilizers to -he head of progressive dairy states
jmj.ji.v. j.inuit ,....n.iu.I, ii ,jj ine inion. uratpon now lends in
supp. nti.ti.a lenwiy elements; isu
reltnvltij warfare .upon
ecii tir-a wo.stc ;hv energy of the
soil urid crowd out valuable far
its; and ihe number of pure bred Jerseys ua
noxious M.r official test. Some wonderful ret
ords are being made and the fame of
.ie state as a source of high produc- average receipt per cow
S jerseys is spr. aqing throughout
oe country.
.1 .i..!,r tomato ofi.r.-c size has
been .rcu b an imateur horticul
ture; in L.-.litornia.
-v ..-ian was trying to sell a wtnd
hrakm horse, and was trotting hint
uri.r.i; :''jr inspection. The owner
stroi. .i ihc horse's back and remark
ei; ... 1 he prospective buyer. "Ha.en't
Ik .1 I" 1 '(ut'" But the other no
ticed tl.' horse was panting, and
"Ah, I like his coat til
b:n 1 (Jon't like, his pauts."
'..n i-. the greit pickle state of
aor. u: well as the foremost
- ij.ari3 and potatoes. Xearly
in.j jriar.t pickle concern in
n:r !...s its salting stations
c'tinitcu taat tnere are in
jco stations in the state,
;m ,'veragc- area of no
r c jntract. The total acre-
ri;.'S: .
the n;.
st.T. 1
the si.
ana 'i
all .11 t u;
each wit 11
acres u:k1
aye pickles is estimated at about
30,io crts, with an annual product
of about 2,000.000 'jushels.
li'.fy Leslie, of Cadillac, Mich.,
has hen that never takes a vacation.
In hrr six years of life biddy has laid
over 1,350 eggs, an average of 22
cgf T"r year. Hi'dd's earnings have
tota'fit $; per year and Leslie says
the c r-iinir capacity of the average
lu-it 1 Sj.so. Hiddy, unlike most hens,
set nic per year, while most hens
set only once a year. At present Hid
t'y ii 1 line it the rate of six eggs per
week 1 he older she gets the better
shol. s" said ilr Leslie in telling
of Bid.!-.'- ahility. W'c don't know Mr
The Oregon farmer is beginning :o
.ike note of the decreasing yield of
'ut prufjucuon ana us
w.iat can be done by systematical
-..Siting out the unprofitable cow v.
. no average milk production per co
. r the year was 6410 pounds, while
she tat prcwinction for this period
amount euto 300 pounds per cow.
This is an excellent herd average anil
nas Been secured by keeping tab 011
each cow and dispoiug of their tr.
feiior ones.
Ait average price 01 30 eciiiN per
pouitn wa. received ffir tlic butterlat
throughout iEk- year, thus making the
amount to
for the year. I he average cost of
the iced consumed b each cow for
.he year's period was estimated to be
.ibout $JJ. figuring hay and grain at
arm prices. This leaves nu average
net income of $57 per cow from the
sale of btittcrfat. It is cctierallv lie
tired that the skim milk and manure
increasing ...:n .1. . t ...
-unt the cost. He is giving more and
norc attention to growing the kind
nd quality of products demanded by
he markets and to grading them to
.onform to market, standards. He ii
beginning to value the real estate at
amount as net profit tier cow
"The best cow in Mr. Maker's herd
produced Sojj pounds of milk con
taining 410 pounds of btittcrfat worth
5 1 - Her feed was $ui showing a
net profit of $87 for the year. This
cow produced btittcrfat at a cost ot
rr , , . . I . . .-. HUiiU.lU I'll L II. I
cr nnces. to annraise his hav 1 . ...... ..
nd grain at market rates, and tU U'J ,)cr ,ounu-
nake due charges for the labor 01"
umsell and his family at current I
.vage rates. He is taking thcsc.mcans
o secure a reasonable income on his '
investments and his labor, and though I Germany lost only 50,000
11 nas not yet succeeded in doing so t ue 1' ranco-I'rustian war.
men in
ic nas made a good start and should
-uccced 011 these lines, other things
.'ting properly cared for. !
Oregon farmers may sell seed of
their own grown on their own prem
ises to purchasers that buy for their
own use. This notwithstanding the
rigid law requiring that all seed offer
ed for sale in quantities greater than
one pound shall he labeled with the
percentage of purity and viability.
It is pointed out by the Agricultural
College Press ilulletin that any pos
sible inconvenience in buying seed
under the new law may be overcome
in this way and that not only seeds
free of bad weed seed and of strong
rerminating power may be secured
jy farmers and gardncrs. but that the
loiuc grown seed will also have a
-ertam amount of acclimatization. All
; inl wc- never saw this biddy,
is srm- hen and egg story.
fFrom Nebalem Times.)
It is b' ing demonstrated that sweet
potatoes can be grown here. Wilson
& Sellon, who arc the largest garden
crs'in this county, conceived the idea
of experimenting in the growing of
sweat potatoes and sent away to pro
cure some choice seed tnlies
The seed was blamed in hnxpe anrl ' tiii c... ...
proceed strong healthy vines, whirh t
rm ' ""'""ii "" i"c supervision ol the
The use of wJialc flesh for meat '
steadily increasing in Japan.
There arc in Queensland forty mil
lion acres of unexplored forests.
The Kaiser's investment losses as a
result of the wnr totaled $20,000,000.
A horse will live twenty-five days
without solid food, merely drinkiit"
1 water.
I SI . t
uur lorests now cover 550,ooo.occ
acres, or about one-fourth the area oi
the country.
The Italian government uses Amer
ican machinery to manufacture shoes
for its soldiers,
Falmouth is probably the oldest
port in Knglaiid. It was used by the
rhociciaiis at least 2,sooo years ago.
A tuning fork unaffected by tem
perature, therefore accurate under all
conditions, has been invented by a
Practically inexhaustible deposits
' ph.ui uiscovcreu in tlic 1 'lit n.
these factors enter lart-elv it n, " " V . V,K .
problem of a good crJp 'yield next 1 ed 1 commcrchl 1"
cotton seed hulls arc now hrin
Oregon Agriculturnl College, Cor-
tiic nrst man Here
year s herd record
Se Us for Price Before Ordering Elsewhere ,
tiscil extensively instead of hay and
straw lor Hie packing of glass ware.
Japanese are producing more than
20,000,000 tons of coal a year from
mines in Japan and South Manchuria.
j.inncse scientist lias discovered
it dnte for Uu nw liuliistrlrtt flr to
w Inrtil it AUmiiy
Wliii baa p"l mnnrthnti lltf.ooo
kit nuniDHr lit tlu i-ontniollu of
SflMdlUH p0lllt.
Tko ton of llntfma) him Oti'il
MMlti of W,00 for tho epimtritutliMi
Of u gfttvlty watnr nystcm
Contmeta will U l thbt week for
WMMiraeUon of a ttehunl at Heuvnrtoii
Jt0 eoKt upproilmaMy ttV.ui'O 1
l)tta county fnlr bonnl ban do
144 to omploy an ivttttor ns t (en
ittra oi Ut annual iHiuuty fair
The OlonUil lloll. one of tho land
tarka of aonaltl vn partinlly do
ttroyad by rtr. raustng ?Kov iUiuakk
UAlen fowMty Tttia)or' l-ensu.
I pftHROt ttotny In nit ptiblle n(
falra. wni cmttwl at a immtlUB at L
Tw AWl 0mrs' aasoolaiUm of
Hood Rlvtr will bold (to numial park
tpc chool durluK th ik ot uptum.
Tha Waaeo rouwt'y boo-I nml ao
mIm f imj. wai r,rM hllrfil til Ttllt IIaIUii
by nanrty IOC riprontath olttjeiu
' of Ut county.
One hundred fUtyflvn aeoldnnl.
fear futal. wra rtHtnrtiHl to the stato
rndunirttvl tieehlont eumiitlUut durlne
th paat ik
Tim towrttamnni of th tlrtitrtt of
OtIION ttty. fit. Johns, Cuiim.i and
Corllls h held In OrcRim t'Uynn
Mondio rtiwl Tuesday.
Aftt'r n neatluu of a imilitli t)i' u
rrnw court has recou ttd. There
aro about 3S0 apiv.uil enses, 170 u(
which urn ready fur hearlue.
lusttrnnco CunuutasUinr Wells has
itnrtod Ihc dUmbutUitl of a bulletlt.
on flro prrenUon, which he hupvo il
hrlji to decrwuo tlu tonnes lit Oregon
The tati Uwinl of control haa ten
taltroly ileeUlrd to tnitnr Into contra. !
lth fartnern to grow ttwo acre ot
flax nxt year tor u In the nrlaon
retting plant.
A 50.000 iim elnetrlc K-mi'mtin,;
plant to bo used tui an euiergooey aut
tliary (0 Hiir.mni'a munlelpal hydr
elrelrtr (ilnnt tll i ttreoted In Ku
tetio this (all.
fltuemi ot Kclu will hoki a upocla
cleelioti Soptombor 13 to voto on a
Jtu.000 Itond tne (or the construction
ot .1 nw elty hall ami a 13004 lt tie
(or the Improvement of Ilia elty park
The tnt board of control has nu
tborlted the parol ot Mitbol richosiU ,
and Mary llitCK (rout the stale tftd.:
trlal school (or gtria utid llinnl HIipIU
from thu statu tralnlus school for bo)
Preparatory to resuming work o
the Tu!o Iiku ruclninutton prujort. an
appropriation of JS00O ImvliiR teen np
proved by thw reoluinatlon nrlie.
party ot survnyora tins roiio to tlx
Portland Is llm ceuttir o( Ihe tiV
and power Imluitiry of thtt uortlutr-.:
(or (Ivo days this wirak. durliiK P
eighth annual oouvuiltlun of the Nirt 1
west Klectrlc l.lcht k I'onur niim 1.1
DltU lire bolng reonlvud and will It.
opened Beptumber 21 for the i;ca
aewor nyxti'in at Koront c;rnv to cBt
130,000. At an olectlou held IniU week
thu bonda curried by u lUbNtaiitiul 111:1
Thu Htalii water board reudnred 11
doeliiloit fnvorublu to thu Portland Ir
rlgatlou company in Itn (Iclit with tho
(.'hnwnucun I.aud & Cattto roiupany
regarding watir rlcbta uu the Clinwau
can rlvur.
Tho Portland (Itii Ac Coko cmnpaiiy
puld n 7 pur emit dlviduiid on Itn pro
furred and common ntock (or the year
tindtng Jiiiiu 30 hut, uceordlui; to 11
report rllml with the public norvleu
Through work coinpletud lam week
iUbany hns nxtondud Ita p"(Mj atrcot
22'f Have the Call!
. f f 01 i njmri, iii iiiiiiKiii-i'iMVj iiciAine vjH fsii,. 1
" ill.... O.I .....It..... Ill tl.X W.,.1,1 'IPH
3rilMlg IMIIMIIMHUIIM 111 ttic iir,ii,
linlcvor iiiikr if rlllt! you ahoot, HriitmKti,n,(jA
Cnrlriilgr. will jjivr you Iwltrr, aurtr trulU limn nu)- 0
in tho world.
(in to tlio lettilliig tlenlrr tlio title who ilUiilay th JU
Hall Mark-if ttrmnttuH. CMC.
H'll ull ymt btl tHtlmen think but l.mi.ui
..... I t II . .t. .. .. Iltli
i-M!t.j- 4iitl !! 11 ii" you n" iiciuingiMii'i ,111 ic
Hut... HihiU Shut. Nelvathin awl AutotudiHK
In tl... by llmlt f "fel," y upiuen
ud rvuililrnt pflutmuff,
.Sold by your bum dealer nl 64S
otllf ladliK lnrtilU III OfMuii
II,ikUiI- Ai- UWa M.UttU C(tU. Co,
wuk nax.4 : a-.-i.i ) n. car
The Front nitil rem wheels fire uiulu liox
1.:., t 1 ... .1. i. 1
Ull aillllll.H II MMIIUT lllteil III tilt' II I M II tltt VI
means lighter wmlt oy the te.uit The l uk IhiwV
hit a ttti jjettrs ihetetv tlouij fiwtiy with .itction.
ll t nil itttereMfd ui ummm: Sire:Mle;H m invite
.von to eonie siinl e.i-iini' tiielUiek H n . Mircad-
er on exhibit ion ut um tr' ,
With ar butMlnca, htltf ;tlr
mnl, inlrd grouodi. aaJ mi ay 4
tlltlunt to ll feutiy, it l'nlftlt
ol Off ua will begin il( IhiriyrdBik
fl tuiy, 5pi(nbr 15.
Will irtlnlot fnr !1oln. Jnur.
Urn, Uw. Mdlrin, rMhin.U-
' . mining aao fin Am.
.' "KrM ml lliwiiil ltptniaO
IHiwi frf m. lk !
9l4M HMHMM. U. VIUl. li1t
Mimg Ia taWM mi cM.WwellH
I .III. T,4, hMaUa.w
W(ll. Im l w4 IIIxuimJ W.rkl.1,
(uai ciMistm
Notice Ol A5c.-smi:iu
Miami Lumber (
j ntlon, ha fing Itn idllro niit iirinuimil
Plnrif of buliHa 11 1 No. K'lfl .at Firnt
wtnet, In tliu elty o( M lt-e
Kmio of California:
K'.'tre 1. hereliv given tlmt nt n
fiieel.rig of the Unar' ( Illrei-torc of
Hiti iiiuuni i.tiii inr uon
" --' ' " 11 i-uii inr M)n ''i in! , i-
area 10 blocka IhlH aiwniuur. TIiIm city J IHth day of Augimt, lylf;, nn tinMns.
made u rucord of uo.ng 01111 of tho few ' .. . i'w rur '"rc wi htvltil
emeu In tho auto to pavo any atrenta i "V" ..'"uc" rM" ul. '" 'f ld
thin fluimnor.
It la propound to apau tlio AVIIIum-
etto rlvar bolwooti I.ano and 1. 1 11 11
couutle with a brldgn 460 (cut oup,
which will coat 100,000. Tho 'atnto
highway ooiumlmdMi jrlll
prcparo tho plana.
Tho atato tax commlaalon holds In a
rullUK juat nmdo that whero property
bought fronr thu Htate rovorta to tho
ulato becauHo of noavpayjnuut of tips
purchase price, tho holder of a tax cur
tlflcato agttluit the propurty cun-iot
...li.tnM.lnHl n . n.,1.11. , . 1
1 .i.tiril. .n.il. t i i aiiiiuioi4uin ui riiuuo lliaiructlOII
Wte' r by 0. T.
1 of the few . ', ' '.y" ier niarc win htvltil
any atreota '"'n . UtUe,i rM'"tul 'f ll
auy atrcotn rorporMinn, pnynt.Jn Im.i.edmtoly ,n
1... ' ..1.... -.V. ....", V" "'f 1
11 ";. T ." " ' ' airwtt. !
OallfnrniX '
Any Stork upon which thia nurna.
merit alllill rmnutn m.n,.lil it... i.i.
be aaked to ' ly ot .September, 191ft. will be do'
111 ""vertmii for Hiile t
puuiic iiiiutioii, unlcHH pitvmunt la
mudf beforr, will bo nold 01, tho 27tl,
loy of September, 1910, at JOo'cTnck..
... .... mi iu umo. in 111) V I Iw. ,l.,lln.
.quei.t aif-.nnent, toguthcr with th
, coat of ailvartfuliiK and oap.n.ea 0?
.Notice ot Appointment
' ol AililnlMj
thu County Court of the state of W-.l
gon, for Tillamook Coin.ty. ,' j
txillltrd the tint era gfrd aumin'm
trlx of tho eatato of (5eirgr A r. W
tke, (lrrrfil j nixl all pfron MJ1
rltattiiH uublnil aiilil IhIa are htnaf
reo,unil to prraont thu name to
thu attic of T. II. (lovne. nil itbWMtl
at law. at hia nlllre In Tlflninwil;
Olauon. toifnlhrr with tin)
youchera. within aix moitlha from
date of thla notice.
Dated at TllUniook, Orison,
K'lh tlay or Atiguat, VU.
of Oaorge A. F. Iiutllke. dieMm.'
C. C, Qannhl,
NotU Hor Publication
Wealthy Parisians have bought an ttia Kugau achoola, that bla pu.lht DtrnJImmt ( the iLaH 7?
Snlwi I rulUifS in. l!at le u '"rpltur. tor th. a.w 511. S. 17ni0PKJCB atKtland
Homan and Go h "" W "Wok coat 0W";Aufu.t 6th, 1015." ,0rU"m''
f n?iisirColumbinn?a"7t ak,ny K,t ' Spajff6 If BUSr1?.?!.
from. coal mine refu.e, K"S Ifrnt nt M. Wlch. t tho ()?cffon. who on March? WnStt
co,ound;,oVnProd"Ced 3S'000'- ,Wwr CoW.olub, hM wwlauil OH.In.l HoaaUad RnUy, No '0M
. uucil- ualu tA mm llfk annual a,!-.. "'en .IOIIKI IlUmCainacI Kl.. 1
tnentinfr with peat for fuel.
. Ihe dollar ian was dcrlv
Icn urna I r !..! f-
it.. I-...-., .it i "-" nuoi
rt , u in inonogram,
i he cabmen of Paris are lorbidden
to smoke pipes while drivitiR a fare.
Not n microbe exist in mountain
feet C' 'C '-CiKht f tWO tho"3
Prussia in normal seasons produces
slirjhtly more oats than does Canacfa.
Hirch veneer is bciiiR souuht in
tcanche.tty ,0" ,n:u,ufacu
" ' ''
mm ' ' avau.
A. . A. mn 4 4.1. a . . IIIBlin Itlll 1 1 llil I IM I tl f.twl nl ff . m .1 ITt-.a a a
U. AMfic Mining ooar, hM I IVaWS VZ?'
IU tut kald IB Bu Baiulun . Her lit . k.. MI..I -.nil''
mar 3V W IS.
to rnkfiv.,,,r roof t 'JH,
ellm to Hi. fand abova Atl'Su?
rora tha Cranty Clark of T llamook
County. Oraaon. .t TnuLi?'ZVJ'LM
W. the 2l.f d.y of S.am, "ffit
aa4 i i $ y1"1? yi David Krakt
2Z Xr.f,b"uK". til av.r. Till!:
Tt OeluiBhU rlyar aiUl ltUa4 - . v,' ocrlbed, b.
haataa km ttv Uk racaa at tha Vnm. on the ! f r' T? '. uJfi!!
VaotJU' MBOaitloB HMt Ootahw,
ran wni a uu oragoa km
Ua Oracoa WoU IV Mw tw Mm mook Co,
var, TilU
.that Ihti
hour for aprlnkllnir ara
houra of 6 anti 8 A. M., or fi and 9 r.i
Water wifl ba shut oft wlmrt'
rtllu la vlnUtaul i
John Anrhli
Bute, Wanted.
Blda will ba raaatvad by th
Neavar Hkiiaa tin. tn Santember
1911. for maklnf ahaaae for th
Tha Moarfl- at Dlretora rrwrvaijjfl
r frht'to rajact aay ar all bWa.
oioa to i
Jay Bakar,
HaHilaek, Ore.
ZBldawlllba iraaaivad by the
Of D raataaa ukul ,lltr Irt t
fray Hi. iMt. 4h to gapt. 16, t&
cowla aT waatf, aaroaa-llmbi m JJS
i T.waa aaiivaraa a. acnom
In aaM tUatriet. MmZtv kind and
1 1
ycur aarakH. "Sid to fnrnlab !
f ...
aff ua' ftatoa WHttwajtv .
N. Campbalj.