Good Soda Water iml Creams So many people ttjll uh oiii'k tauten better mikI in better. Try it youi'rielf and sec what you think You may not be geU tin?4 your inom'v'K worth now. LAMAKb UKUU i I OREL I i u i a. rvi ij , uh t. Don't be Misled liLIHHJ!!!!1 f?w ai'ticlcH. Trade where ALL the priccH are K I C HT. Our good stock in priced t o HOLD your trade an well as to GIST it. A I. wayH compare quality and price ThjnjjiaJ. you need now art I'Vcd, Groccr- Hehool Supplies and our Satisfaction Coffee; it is pleasing a lot of particular people who !now good Coflee. E. G. Anderson, Hemlock The Satisfaction Store Coca! iiappcnlna. J . '"fii w sir. '" it Um thp Hth. Or Wohrft . .i. --v. fitim i aiwl left at 11 . r- . . I Tv' f llcttxV(. In ton . f I .,lnV . . , ullti luiafil lit Money to lo.ii on flrrt el larm thorlumc. !1rl Natoiml Hank. It. L Wb4 of Portland, formerly of thU elty w lo lUo city tlil weak hsklitu hand, with old friend. (So to tJtw lUmtey 'load Urn" for U-t of pvrrytlitni; In Ktl thine In rut. Oloy will Went you right. CU.U t)won ft on Wednesday for lUlcoop whom ho will nltond th lt Unlvmity for another year. Wanted wnrk : 11 mi wllh family and (cum wan 14 work on much by month, or will rcml iteekrd ilairy fnrm. (let of icfcrrtKo. 1), T. Illt.cll j HpIiI Off, rrne Miiiinn inn uu murium; ur tiftWin. whr h will nltoml tho LSI ch of tho 1-oonry llrcm- WlUmftll UnlvPr.lly. Thi your will A. trfti A llllimm mwm, ........ .,,,, i.i.ii . .-l..l i Watitwl to rml - n flvo mm modern J? Till- Mr. mid Mr, Mclvln Paoifborn and lui;.tr Friiocl. of Ilurr Onk. Kan., . Ujlli, I.MUu ltM..ii ..l.ll I...- 1.. . . I a. . . ( .....; i.v.m ilillllIK linn! ICIl on Thursday on their way home. Thoy went from bent to KrUco to vllt tho fair. , Wanled to buy n cconil hunt Kuril , nolo In hooiI cotiillUon. Aililroi V. M. ; McKi.ll, caro of Lom I-oia'lnu Co, Tit. Umook. . ' I School booki, iniiillc, everything you iiikI In lint nchool line on liutnl Mr. Koch will hejrln the KjII acenoo t tho now StuiJlo. Sent. 20. Sho will iloviitu tin hour ouch uebk to Rythmic Kiimca. prnctlcnlly the continuation of thu work that M1h CrUrith ctRrU-l with thu Juniors during ChHUtuuqun week. Thl work will be qulto n advnta((e to muiic ntudonU nnd will be civon fr't? to pupfli. Arrangements arc now bclni; mdc for ternum. i r t i . CllT " I if vwi " i hou.0. Sco Karl W. Onthank, ul school ur TiIUiikkiV Hotel. The Ih-rald reeaivpd last wc)., n niimramlc view of our fair ground . .1 .. . 1 - .., .n,,,.!!.. l . . , ... I.., u t II-.,... ..C U'l,....l ,llUmK OfUi; Co, 'T!vork U flnt eln mil can bo fo- . .. ... . V. ! .... . I I .1..!.. Sell Jl I. 01 IIJO I tinine" inr-ivumm U..H.I ... .... i ... . ... i ... ,i. . l' ..V III, a UimV. i IVi.i.llllr ( Isliirr. H MOW fliUJf CUV UntuAit. fltrntor, Tillamook. nlh our iiatruos tor n.-any ono-umi ..........I ihf nrlef of Irwlctim. nlo omo uxiu brat W. i:. NW. I n,K ' - hat o tJcr.taUcil, of Moltlcr, t,..,. a.. UrfrndM.P KlUn MeKIm j .7 ., . .. " V.J" i " oc'intlon. U Mltondlm: tho Amurlctin Mankorn Aoclation meeting at Scnttlo thla weuk. Sntunlay dtKwIaU: Link Smuhiiko, Pork, Vcl awl old fiuhloncd country punt:. TilUnHBfh Moat Companv. I'ho Launch Ollvo U now muklnt; rL'iilar daily trip to Unyocenn. Icav. ilnyocciin Wr rn Wc-liiojilaV. . ... . . . ..ii. 11 t l.,, Ml..' ' I 1 . .. t 1 I.I 11111... Uq g rriMirU tho birth of a kktcr t . Mr nuil Mr. Albert Oar tfBout1. 1'rmro thla inontlntr. I a. . . . I 1 . . I .. . . . . . t I . 111 111 I 'lillninoak nl 'J:30. and UU - at tho Chrlatlnn Church t sSaivht, rvcmoK. 'I'ho acrvleoa aro (; lliml nwolvod an Injury to one wih :rf . I of hl feet wblli) workl t tho aw , . Uf-M milt Wo.lnolay. Ills Injurlc wuro ..SZVrLlZ "lt.ndo.1 tobv Dr. HoaU at tho HoaU Juiltfo Hare. Cximmhialonor Mc Kluiuna ! J. M 'Jt,l:,r v'u"1 0 M""' hnllun thU innrniiik' t invcatlKiito mntloi porlninlnk' to tho rock crunhcr i.... liKim furninhiiur rock' for thu lrtun In imni Burfnccl rnail". Tho crusher doen hVo name ITT. Rrli nl rli'lit lirirn. . ru r tt.jl. Conn and Mr, CTr w ,!of Hay City, worn In 8 Tlilir v. lUt I i rn I'old wntfh lne ut llorald olllcc for ro- (iilhorl innrchant nl llcnvcr, k the trnin burn for Portland thi fnhg, where ho him koiio on tul- In fort on mirifll l.f L'tincriil .... W " .. ht Minor nrrlvcil Wncdnv wllh n kbnihmj and IKK) Hack of cement Until Srhrdilcr Co, Sho lenvoa to- wmi tnivcrul caaea of Tlliwmooh a. , .i . i. .... not Bourn to no turiiiim mo men ft unoiik'li. , , Jos. Ilosh who hna been in Alaaka f.,r tho past 18 yonr arrived In Clover nl tnl to nee hU old friend Harney Kutabrook. They holiur part ner In AliuKit some aun no. , Mr. lUtithriMik wn not ut homo, Koy i;tabrook and Mr. DohIi went out to Portland to seo him today. Kor Salo; Voudk Jrev bull. This anlmul ha Unit clana pcdk'rco. II. A. Springer, i mlUi nouth of tots-m Tillamook iruir.o. . The Tillamook Ice and Cold Storaue Co. bvKnn cannlni; aalinon on Wodnc day. Their firt rilh amounted to VI eam. The almon arc now running letter and the quality In uixmI. J. W. O.Neel and wife of Corvallm, have been vlaltlnt: here at the home of their on Ivl. O'Necl durlnic the pat few week. Tliey have rented their farm at CorvallU and exiiecl to leave oon for (..nllfornla whero they may renlde. On .Saturday lat the following olli ccr wcru elected at tho Mutual Tide phono Co, mi-etinK :" (too. WllllamH, Pre. ; C. A. ICIIIott, Vlce-preildeiit: I John l.rickaon, Cha. Kiiuzo, and C. Randall, director; S. A. Ilrodhcad, Sec y. Cheater Jennort of tho Moulder Creek dUtrict, Cha. and llele Thoma of Itivenlale and Lena Hopp of Kalrview, will receive free traiiMportatlnn and bo paid other cxcnc at tho atate fair, , for hnvinu tho bel exhibit at our County. I Tho ItelKjknh IaxIro No. will have I n picnic at Itockawav Bench. Sunday September 12th. All ICcbckitlm and famille brim; lunch anil come, lake 7:.'tO a. m. motor. Should It rain come to tho 1. 0. O. F. Hall. In puhllnhln); the list of teacher for our public schools in our hut iue wo ommitted the name of I). E. Iteed, who ha charge of tho Manual Training department. ' Ml Helen Cae left thi morning for lllll.tboro, where itlio will attend school tturl ntr the ensiling year and live with her HiNter Mr. Otlic Keller. Mr. and Mr. A. K. Case are expecting to movo to Idaho, later, on account of Mr. Catio'a health, he being troubled with iiHthmii. The funeral ervi'es of the little nonofMr. and Mr. Jack Williams, who was burned Inst week were hold on Wednesday. In our hint issue we stated that they worn visiting when tho tout caught nllre. Thi was not correct. They were not visiting. Mrs. Williams hud taken her baby for a Hhort ride with Mr. Williams in wngoro Thoy had gone but n few rods up tho road when thoy smclled smoke and turning saw thu lire Thoy camo buck id once and Mr Williams ran In tho initial of tho burning tent to And tho chilli, but tho little fellow had iiiado his escape by this time unit was found somu distanco from tho liro. Itelnltvcs of tho Pantrborn, Noycs and Hemton fumlllc numbering twenty-nine people, took a trip to Huyocenn on the launch Olive, Monday, Sept. Clh, eating n picnic dinner together, having thW picture taken in a g'ronp, wading, bathing and having n good time In general. Thoo co.nKsing the company wero Frank E. Pangborn, Melvin Pangliorn and wife und daugh tor of Ilurr Oak, Jewell Co., Kansas, W. E. Noycs and wife. Qulncy Pang born nnd three children, W. M. liens ton and wife, Jesse Pangb"rn and three children, Jacob llrcvden and '.'ife, llert Folk and wife, Mrs. Kolks of Jnnction City, Oregon, Hubert SlIII well and daughter Marcia, Kulii Finney and son Winslow, Frances Wilson, Kenneth Carter and wife, Miss IU:;i Winter of Maiden. Illinois. PRICE CHANGE, 2.00 $35. oa $1.35 ?32.50 $1.70 $2.20 Si.65 sk 56.25 bbl. Wheat per cwt, Holled Hurley per ton Rolled Barley 75 lb a I; White Oats per;ton White oats per cwL llran $1.00 per sack, fc'cnitch feed per cwt Whole corn per cwl Rest Hard Wheat llour Hrst Hard wheat llour Fruit Sugar 6,60. Mm. 25c. sack. Onions $!.0O jK.-r cvvt. Arm nnd Hummer Soda 5c. lb. Pl:g. Hcsl Ham 21c. For cafii puvment, deduct the fol lowing, vie; 51.60 per ton on barley and oats; 25c per bbl. or 10c pr sack tut flour; 15c, C.:u:i wheat corn and scratch feed : 10c sack on barley, bran and shorts; 10c Cwt. on onts, hams 2c TILLAMOOK MERCANTILE CO. ; Sidney E. Henderson, Pres. 5 5 Surveyor John Lolund Henderson, i Secy. Treas 5 Attornoy-at-Law. Notary Public 3 I Tllfamoofc Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstracts, Keal Estate, Surveying, Insurance. ' Roth Phones TILLAMOOK, - OHRl.ON ttre ittVowr, coW-rly hI '' supply while ftock is complete . nf neiie:is Vc have the (Suest assor n cut of puicls, tah)et. en.seiv,, pen, pon liolderb, " kb, i. tt. FOUNTAIN PENS r. pur ecu t o , o bliori time only 25 per cent oil on Watetmrin luutt. , Hardwood ruler free to. nr CHAS. I. CLOUGH CO. v. 1 Ask The Man Who Rents He will pay you from $2.00 to'lS-LOO more per month for your house jt it has a yellequip ped bath room - , Think of li - 1 " 1 1 ' " " , . Actually from 21 to 36 per cent uti the in- vestment or about Mi of the net reiurtiViVom .. i-.-, . . that house you rented. uGau you invest $100.00 any better. SEE R. F. ZACHMANN ebo it It Tillamook' Ltadlng Plumhin Sie't MetaP Shop GENERAL 0R0ZC0 TILLAflOOK UNDERTAKING CO. K. N. UV.SK.Ul, Myr. Located In Jones. Knudson Building Funeral Director and LlcmJ Embalm Lady Assistant When Requested. ii WamI art; t- Pioneer Transfer Co. G. L. DICK & SON, Prop. Bolh Phone 'file Same Price to liver yone DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, 1 Dentist, ! Hat Located in the Commercial EM., ! Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp. i All Work Gujunircd, Eolh Phone. ! Olfiec Houru 2 ' I to :J) p. m. ' 0;n Evenlnei I'om 7 until 8 o'clock Photo hjr Amrrlcan l'r A.oflatlfm. Pjteual Oroico, the Mexican gen eral who was killed by American while leading a band of raider in Texas. !J. E. REEDY, D. V. M. i VETERINARIAN iBothl'honcsl Tillamook : : Oregon LIVING WAGE LAW PfiQPQSALIS KILLED Albany. N. Y. New VorU'it consti tutional convention closed considera tion of all proposed amend meuU amid exelUnir, scenes. While friends and foes of the pro posal to permit tho legislature to en cct a living wage law for women and children clamored for a vote on tho meaeure. President Ellhu Root, on the motion of Majority Leader Wicker chain, declared tho convention ad journed for tjy week. This week con sideration will be given only to work of the revision committee. The chief proposed amendments would provide for: Shortening of the ballot so as to make the governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general and comptroller tho only elective state officers. An executive budget system, where by tho legislature might eliminate items from Uie budget of the gover nor, but make no additions. Votes for women. The convention merely provided that If tho proposed suffrago amendment already passed by two legislatures is approved at the referendum this fall It shall become operative. Raising the annual salary of the governor from 510,000 to $20,000 a year nnd the salaries of legislators from $1300 to J2500 and railroad fare from their homes to Albany. 1 L. L. HOY, M. D. ! Physician and Surgeon Eell Phone Office 5, Kcsidenw 5 M Mutual Phone Office and Residence TILLAMOOK BLOCK i i i . ji I Dr. Jack Olson I RESIDENT DENTIST j Oifice Hours from 'J a. m. to 5 p. m. j Oddfellows Building i Both Phones CASHIER LOCKED IN VAULT JOHN LELAN0 HENDERSON Attorn e-ot-Law Abstracter Tillamook County Bank Bldg. GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Tillamook Block WEBSTER HOLMES Attorney at Law COMMERCIAL BLDG., ROOM 12 J. R. CALLAHAN Lawyer General practice in ull stato and Federal Courts Commercial Club Bldg. Tillamook. Selah, Wash., Bank Robbed In Day light by Masked Pair. North Yaitlma, Wash. Two masked men held up tho Selah stato bank ut 4 o'clock In the aftornoon, obtaining $1350 In currency and silver, locked Cashier Klmer Dahlln In tho vault and made their escape In an automobile. The robbers entored tho bank at -I p. m held up Cashier Elmer Dahlln. drew tho shndes, rifled the tills and vault, forced Dahlln to give them a sack In which to carry off tho loot, then locked him in tho vault and made their escape. Chief of Police McCurdy and De tective Lilly found at tho side of the roadway near tho state fair grounds the Ford car of William Meloy, In which, officers aro certain, tho two bank bandits made the trip from this city to the town of Selah, -four miles distant. It Is now believed that tho robbers nro still billing In tho city n:itl that thoy returned hero beforo the officers responded to tho delayed call for assistance. Utah Federal Judge Resigns. Washington. The leslgnntlon of John A. Muwhnll as United States dis trict Judge for Utah was received at tho departmont of Justice hero. Judge Marshall cVO no reason for resigning. Flvo Children Die In Flames. San Frnitcisco. Kivo llttlo girls por lshed in n f Ira which destroyed the St. Francis Girls' Directory Orphan asylum. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club, SOo; blucstom, s'4c; rod Hessian, 7Cc; forty-fold, 81c; red flfo, 77c. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, ?10; alfalfa, 513.50. .Butter Creamery, 27o. Eggs Ranch, 26c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 28o; valley. SOo. Mohair 31c. 4 Seattle.. Wheat Blue-stem, 8Cc; club, 83c; red Russian, 75o; forty-fold; 84c; fife, 78c. Barley 523 per ton. Hay Timothy, 516 per ton; alfalfa. 114 pr ton. Butter Creamery; 27c, Sgga 2tc. ' Geo. P. Wmslow ATTORN EY-AT LAW Tillamook Block Room 202 Tillamook. Oregon T. H. G0YNE Attomey-at-Law aaa Land Office Business. OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE H. T. BOTTS Lawyer COMPLETE SET OF ASTRACTS. Office 202-204-, Tillamook, Block Tillamook - Ore. El. J . Claussen Lawyer Devtschkr Advokat Commercial Building1 eland B. Grumi Teacher of Piano Diploma from the Chicago .Musical College A complete stock of sbeet music and Technic Books. Terms : 54.00 per months instruction Factory Representative tor the CHUTli & BUTLER PIANOS And Player PJanos. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished apartments for rent at tho Tilco Apartments in tho Masonic building. All modern conveniences, at business center. Enoulro at Herald Office. Try one of our Fancy Dressed Chick .ns or your Sunday dinner. Tilla mook Meat Companv. ARE YOU GOING TO 1UILD? - Barns and farm buiHincs of all kinds erected bv -xprlenccd carpenter, 1 either Ly oonl, days wor'. Plana ' and estimates furnished, for nil kinds of oarpontor work. J. M, Ltlsbcrff, Mu tual Phone. , "it i V l