Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 10, 1915, Image 2

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    Cbe Ciliamook ficrald
C. G. Cromblcy, editor
.stucd Civlec IViek m Cticsday and Friday
BOorwl as second v-U. matter May 11, UMO. at tho post oltlco at TUUmooV,
Oregon, under the
st'nscRirriON si.so
Jldvcriiitia Kate
ccal Advertisement
Hrst Insertion, per lino $
Kach subsequent insertion, lino
Homestead .Notices
Timber Claims
Notice, per line
Card of thank, pr Kiw
Locals, -h1' line. flrit mswtfcm
KK1UAY SBl'TliM HliK 10. 11)1
If John Smith and Bill Jones not
into a law suit over ft brindle cow.
.would they have to serare permission
from Hro. Baker before they vmM
settle the fracu out of eoorl? We
pup."!. they would nit.
, .v.. tw...i. i
lBe WJ , ' 7 fs.rnw to the tuvpnyer an emleavor
Products Show organisation is making .... . . ... .
, , .. , , shouM be made to see that every schol-
an effort to secure an exhibit from: , .. n .
" ' , , . i ar gits full benefit for monev expend-
Til amook Countv. Free space will be , s , . , ,
t .. ietl. A reasonable amount of recrea-
1ft v en.
the country will be in attendance at
the show this year, it is qnite pxvner
that Tillamook County ahonki bo rep
resented. It is quite possible that much
of our county exhibit which will be
sent to the state fair coutd be held
intact for the 1'ortland show.
Henry Ford the automobile manu
facturer, bus offered to take in hand
the ex-convicts of the Jackson. Mich
igan, prison and put them to work in
his factorv at $5.00 per Hay. We have
not much use for the'ctisb" ami mis
spent charity thit is bestowed on
many prisoners these days, but we do
believe that when a man has aid the
penalty of his crime he should be given j
a chance. Mr. Ford's latest move is
certainly charity placet in the right
place, lie is helping the helpless to help
themselves, for who is more helpless
than a man who has spent a term In
prison. Few peopl tint him around
and many times he is driven back into
a life of crime. Henrv Ford is demon
strating and carrying out in n prac
tical way some tine thintrs these days.
.He is eortatnl? entitled to all the fr
advertiinp he (jets.
We are in the midst of another school I
year, which we tru.it will be a success- cover all the Sand excepting the first losing this amount. At the last moot
ful one in every way. To the men joints of the ringur. and doubled the j ing of the school district. $500 wanjfot.
and women who have made a success Ieii- r in the palm so that he could ed to improve the park, and there can
of life, their school davs were the most slip the plute between. c no doubt aao the intention of our
serious periods of their life. A sue- 1 asked him if it hurt, and he said It 1 people In regard to keeping the park
cessfullv conducted school is no- joke
is no- joke
or combination of jokes, but rather,
should be a matter of great concern,
not only to the teachers, but also to
the pupils. Boys and girls can not ex
pect to be out at all hours of the night
three or four nights n a week and do
' ri- 7
To Be Seen At The Gem Theatre
NEXT WED. and THURS., SEPT. 15 and 16
Ub for Prices Before Ordering Elsewher
act or March X, iPtV.
.v vkar in advvsci?.
Kach subsequent insertion, line .05
Resolution of Condolence ami
l.lKe notice, per line .06
W ituaineM Professional eards.mo. 1.00
j.-1 Display Advertisement, per inch .ttf
,nS. AU. Display Ads. Hunt he in thU of
1U.W , fjet, 0 Monday ami Thursday Mum
0 togs to insure publication in follow
0, inn Tuesday ami Friday issues,
. 7J ; Reasons are imperative.
cowl work in schout. This state of af
fairs should not bo allowed ami then j
the taxpayer I concerned in regard to
this matter. A considerable amotint of j
our tax money Is swallowed up hv ourj
school fund. We behove in good '
arhools. becntiso
we think they are one
h best paying investments
In all
lion sovttiii uv k1- vn w wiv
see' that
but care should bo taken to
the matter ut amusementa is
riod to extreme.
About Isui-tSs. a baseball team earne
to Koekford. Illinois. rites an "okl
timer" In "All Outdoors, to play
nine. I hey called themselves lite
"Uncompjered Clipners of Illinois,"
I and plastered our town with but post
ers. We mode up our mind to give
! them n drubbinc. and at the end of the
, Ifame the score was. Kockford 76,
! Clippers 0.
There was a little chap playinif third
base who crabbed everything that
came near him, ami hold it too. 1
noticed that he wore a Kind of -love. h,:en livi'" ul lo- That the jfroui.d
When the irame was over, I wont to 1 hnve not been kept, that the prociUj
him and asked what it was he wore on i lnK ttio board nnd account of n-his-hind.
He told me that he was a ' penditures have not been properly re
machinist, and cot his hand badly hurt corded. There are also other cotn
a week before, and he showed me the I plaints.
wound in his palm. He said the boys j Just what action the city and boani
did not want him to play in that came, will take is not known. It Is estlmat
; nut ne koi a piece oi intn snoot aioci
j and made it slightly concave, but so j
I that it did not iuite touch the sore
place. He then mude a short clove to I
place, lie then mude a short
did not. ami that he could take a ho'
one and bold it better with the glove
than without it. That Is the whole
story. 1 don't think that Spalding ever
talked to the little chap with the iron
fist, as the bovs dubbed the 'hird base
man, but everybody in Kockford
' ' J--' : .1 it t. - "
riv H3X$
' about the mitt; ami ho may have gel
tho idea irvm htm. Anyway, that was
the tlrst glove that any Ml pUjor
over wore. -Youth' Companion.
Wheeler lleMirtor :
A movement la now on foot to coir
hrate the dumping of the laxt rock at
the Nehalem Ulver Jettv, which is
thought to bo within about two months,
after which the construction of tlie
north jetty will be started. Such a
celebration would prove a groat adver
ilsomcnt to the Nehalem Valley ami
the proposed clam hake to Iks held n
the beach that tlay will bo undertake"
on a large scale, and will be extensive
ly advertised.
j A meeting will mwn be held, possibly
i at Wheeler, to outline plan for the
celebration, which has the backing f
all of the citizens of Nehalem, llrtgb
ton and Wheeler. The llrlghtomtoa
are particularly enthusiastic over the
.movement, as a comuletlon of the jetty
will prove a tyoat help to that town.
There are many claims to the clfeet
; that nearly all sounding of the bar by
the government engineer have been
j detrimental to the Nehalem liar
acl "k-'"rt-'1 tt 10 'he depth of the bar
not car-1 w " l! nm,,? " lhlff ,lay "f thecelelra
j tion and mnnv Nehalem Valley people
promise a treat ditTerence between the
tllfure of the ifoverninont cnirineer
and thoae of the people, 'the celebra
tion is planned to be held rain or shine.
Suit ha been tiled in the Circuit
Court. Gilford Stlllwolt. . Tillamook
U'ilv nn,l Vlilltu..!! lt...l L L-
Daniels. Mrs. A. C. Heal and The.
Coates, to recover the Stillwell plav
irround which Mr. Stillwell k'nve the
children of Tillamook some lx year
ago. Mr. Stillwoll allcues that the
conditions of tne bestowal have imt
eu inai over iuvu nas neon spent uy
the city, tne school district ami Uy do-
nwtions, and it is not likely that the
people win take Kindly to the idea of
in Proper shape,
Vmm Oregonlan :
loganberry juice extracted in Ore-
knew ! ?on is to br the special drink served In
the dining-room of the HhiL-kstonc Ho
' tel in Chicago.
Orders have been rcruived from
Drake Bros, managers of the Hlnck-'
stone, for a number of cases of the
Oregon lognnherry Juice to be aent
imrnediatelv to Chlcngo. This order
was the result of n chance order mnde
by their sister while Hiking luncheon
at the Honsnn Hotel in Portland a few
weeks ago. She called for a glass of
loga berrv juice from the menu and
sampled it for the first timo.
She immediately rcipicsted the man
agement of the hotel to send a case of
the juice to her brothers, declaring It
to be the finest thirst-quencher that
she had ever tiiKted.
At 11:15 a. rn. August 23, 191.1. thu
eleven-millionth visitor passed through
the gates of the Kxposltion. Within
, the Inst thirteen days 1,(XX,000 persons
' visited the grounds. K. C. Conroy,
.director of the Department of Con
; eessioiiH ami admissions, predicts that
I before the closing date, December 4th,
. t;heru will have been an attendance of
more than 13,500,000.
"Within the next two weeka," Con
voy Hiiid, "another million should he
nflixcd to the eleventh figure. No lesa
than 100 conventions and socitles will
celobrato in the rext ten daya,
ThetlaBt twomonthaof the enter
prise will mark n inultitudinoua onrush
of visitors. To-day begins the twenty
seventh week of the Kxpoaitlon and a
splendid programme of event has
been arranged.
The examination of children's eves
call for special tact as woll an pro
fessional skill. Now that school days
nro hero with tholr additional atraln
on the eyes, every parent should heed
the compluints of thn child about Its
eyes. If neccsmiry consult Dr.IWendt
for Rood glasacs ut rensonablo prlcoi,
I. prescribe the excellent Khudon
1 houso and 2 lots In Portland, .no
. Jncumlmrunce, for house und lot In
Tillamook, linqulro of L, S, flohrson,
'Illlumook, Ore., Mutual Phone,
im.uasant vai.'i.uv.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mills mid child
ren from near Vancouver. Wash., are
visiting Mrs. MIIU' parents Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Chrlstenscnof Pleasant Val
ley. Mr. ami Mrs. I. II. M"ir w Til'
lainook shoppers Thursday,
Ml llah lllgglnhuthatn, of Tilla
mook. spent Saturday and Sunday visit
ing her cousin Mrs. Kvwresl,
tiniest quick, of flale Creek, was
visiting relatives In this vicinity last
Jim Chrlstensen took a load of cheese
to Tillamook Friday,
Miss llaltle Mmue spent Saturday
and Sunday with Miss l.lule Wood,
at Heaver.
From Wheeler Heporter-
Mr. F. H. Stun;!, leasee of the Jen
sen slllnjfle mill at Wheeler has leen
busy the last three week uetllni: the
mill m running order. Operation will
be eotiiniettced next alomlav ami a
full erew of men will be employed.
No new improvement have been add
ed to the mill .s yet. although Mr.
ltft several uch Improve
ment in mirji. tvcinnlswlon from the
railroad eempanv belna necearv In
order to make such alterattest or Im
provements. Mr. J. A. J flown, owner of the mill,
ha Iwen engaged with a etw of men
cutting cedar "bolt" and preparing
them for rafrinu for tmiuelUte deliv
ery to the mill.
has been built, front which creek a'
hiutr i x Inch dpe line ha twoo tald,
farnlhlng water to both the llaitey
and the Jemen miIIU. A th wnter
supply ran very low during thn last
month, an investigation w made
which resulted in the bultdio nf the
dam, which took aliout three da to
construct. Ample water at all Union is
now tiwiire-l, with very strong pros
sure. Thepiwclly of the Jnen mill U
alKMil W.C00 shintflo per lay. the rn
tire working erew numbering aliout
12 men.
The undersignvo wish t sincerely
thank all the kind friends ami neigh
lora w ho untiringly aitted us during
our late trouble caused by the burning
ami Heath of little Tommy Williams.
Signed: Mr. ami Mr. Jack Williams,
Anna Williams ami family, Mr. and
Mr. Oscar Tittle, l.cwt Kdgar ami
Prebvtcn.in Church Not
Sunday Sehool at 10 st. m., In which
thore are classo for all tuoa. Pohtle
worship at II, with a sorttoii Uy the
pastor on the subject "Provision for
Hungry Souls," ami in the evening all
8 the subject of the sermon will bo '
The Clorlous (loud New." The!
choir will furnish spectnl music. A I
very cordial invilatlmi is extended to !
all to attend thee survicos which are
planned to U- Interoittng and helpful.
Cbruticn Church Notes
It. K. Jope, former pustjr of the
Christian Church will preach nxl
Sunday morning. We know that all
will by phiiisd to hear him. " Thn
evening sermon is especially prepared
fur men altho It will liu found practi
cal lor all. Subject: "Christ as a
liusinusri Man." Special music and
a welcomo to all.
Methodist Church Nnlci.
Sunday School 10 o'clock, W. K.
Noyes, Supt.
lOMni'lve minute sermon to children.
Morning Worship II o'clock. Themo
of sermon, Jesus thu Carpenter. "The
Supremacy of Labor."
Class meeting 12 o'clock. tV. M.
Ileaston, Leitdur.
Kvoning Worship 8 o'clock. Thumti
9 .. ...... . t . . .
in Burmun; .losopu rom I'rlHori to
rnme .Minister. A aermon for all,
especially young men. (lood music at
these services.
I-Mw. ClttliiH, pastor.
Bids Wnmed.
Bids will bo received by thu Kast
Iiaavcr Cheese Co, to .Septuinber 20th,
Join mukl" clioeso for thu yoar
The Hoard of Dlrctors reserves the
right to reject nny or all bids, M
nlfls to
SS Jay Hnker, m
Hemlock, Ore,
Rposi',,. , (o Oer ilounclup,
Joi.'.i:cit'i)i,-- iicauso it will bo M.
! jjIMi Ui box tip and chip to the 8ai
" .iii.r.H o expedition tlm nplrlt which
Uus ma to tho Jtoundiip frfmous, tho ill
, iotor,i hno, doflnltoly declined tho
nasimnlmoiiH offer to tuko thn Hound,
rp down thorn und reproduce t.
linri Flrea Powder 80at.
Orosmt Oltyny sitting on 2G sticks
of atump powdor4 and then oxplodlng
,hort:lmrj50, tjot'tfrlod liooso commit
iy.l t-uU'j'le on his urm hot ween. D
. ac'"ua''nna Uorlng.
East Through Californii
PnniAPclfic Exposition
tt t$U Ulii .tnul ,nfuO'.w i
Ml4Jdlta I wilh Ihrtttujti itt..,
Hall fltaMM OK ttt(IM aM HMHlMfM i -
l,t sl tn umli j.Ht ii.
'"'0f taMM "WMir Ht "il
Mia 1Su.i.' i u uliKiimi t-
Jehn M. $ivtl. C'twnl Pjuf Aj;nt, I'mlttivi. Qn.
MotQinjj Stoi Y Fomiltj Dlcnci Oteqon Flwn
C. I. lll.LMA.SN, Mfjr.
Ill CtHIUIHTcilll Ulffj.
Com. MoAal jitter U-uai
OA OU 3 dUMM. sSA&VL .
Our store is lic.iduu.trtcrs In this city lor schwM
piles and AUTHENTIC school hooks. Buy your cttH
supplies for school III our ston; .mil vau will t)C HHfJ
have c-tly what they need. Children study better I
take n t ire of them when thev hnve the IMfiHTU
Prices lair.
The Tillamook Drug Stem
Wc uive yon what you ASK for.
Merchant Tailor
2nd H41I Avrniif
TilUmook Snatarlm
A well equipped snnltrrlum fn. .-
cam of all kinds ,,f uIiumm. Compo-
tont nurses In churKo,
Dr, S, M. Wendt, Mtdlcal Suprrlnlendlsnl
Cull For Hiils
II Ids will In, 1 1 .. ! ..
from S.t. 8out,4tli , Z i.Vlfl for
i ..1.1 Ai.r.rviV.y, "Mid huuso
Yini can travel In any city n (ltt J-:Mi,;r
South thiuuh California at little aildltiorul
eiHi!r. Yiiu van visit thn
Sn FrancUe A
Pn-Cllfornla Etpoiltlon-Sn Diego
VM are alloww) Jo davn livuver at
FraiiUci, 10 dy stojaiver at m AibkU
ami Id days stoiHiver at Kl l'o willHiut
Vau will c grand fnnuiilaltts, frti
Vrtllcrs, thriving cltlet ami strange people,
4 Train a 0y
hour, gkaiv, n:ij)
coast roww
IWctrlc Llfihlhiff
itiul ,
toiling V
You wlU be liiittrre-tf
Th. HIAtrld Ulllinc
ftmvlei Kl huVf III
,A,rlBl pfJ