Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 20, 1915, Image 1

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izLAR.G.S.T.pIRCULA"riN of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okijgon, Aici st 20. r.
NO. 1
Anil any of our cutonicr8 about
First Ncitioniil Service
Nicy arc nil plcnsol with it ami
Can tell ou why.'
first Nutioiwil IhuiK
tilUmuok, Of. gun
V!- )
A K iVt A J T H I J
n. i . w : m.... : :r ...... ,i
'm t i, wi inK ii nit;? (in. v ........
ui i lo pny u imii jiruv lor rnnip imn.s. won i
i -1 1 1 1 1 i u I iu till w wi u. s v
lit I - t i . . . . 4j ni'MtMLlitltw t I'll i I u II mi I ViMU't M Ml(' 11 I
" ------- ( I
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rut i . .... I . . : it in ii 'i ii I w i 1 1
nil 1 1 1 14 w. . .t i ........ ,. . . . 1 1 i i it i ri 1 1 1 1
l .I Y2? RSAI. II A It Ul W A KK
See U for Priceg Before Ordering Elsewhere
W, wagon (prtttty fulr old leiini),
A.. ..... - .1.
- -"ii Liivur; nearly nrtv : wi
"ringer ; two HutN of slmilo hr-
. (In,. ..I.I I I- uml
' iu it in u o nriiiiT nn"i
.mini upoiui arurivn.
J. L. Guv. Hobo.
ID seres i mil.. rrM Neitacos
i iiiiib irnm vnnii nnaeae laciurr,
In good pasture, food ver.
w take oed property In town In
W. A, Maklnstor
TIHemeolf, Ore.
Variety Store
: Tillamook,
Urtl. . WAR NtWS
Would Leave llio Czar's Mcr
Without Future Dasc o'
Operations in Poland.
MirrouuJ wtioli- unnlim.
Tliu IlrUlnli war ufflc aniiounnsl
tlmtlotir mi'ii ;tni! two womt'ii ha I
tn'tr I;1!Im1 ntjil tlirix num. 11 women
TUt '. mi. r Orirnwi ;rmr fJooti-n.
now owiu-'I if Tiirliy. Iihm lx'n tor
!! orl ticiir tlio l!()Hiorui, It Is f
io: 11
l';rre (icntinti uttMCkN In tli! Ar
ifoitliit In th drlv.t on Wnlun nd
Br-.n! wthlty tin tue Yjmr Irotit, wluirr
.' llio Jfrtnnn lor IS hour havo hojit
up t vlolitnt hoiiiliaritiiiDiit, arc re
" portjd.
Innlun --'Dio Atmtro (irrmnnn art' Ofjlrlnl (lui.atch! (rotn Ilcrltn con
mnitlni n (vUrinlliil utt ntit to en ' taliKnl the admlanlon that tin- !!:'
Tlfi Hriml LltornV by ni!t tnitrchri ' xlntit liuvi; ncai(iil th Wumiiw trap
(ram lh nml outh Uelora tti" ; liy Jii-h von lllniliinhiiri; hotx-il to
rvuoaUDK Itwoalanii con rogruup tlnn
mItm to itofeml Hn'lr Important f'
rM lwa
(Wfielal dUpatrhnii from both JViro
Uiomk. Tim ltuln ar offlctt mi ' Kourjonn hofs wir; n-rlously dam
nmnMSmt that "ulmtltinlc trusr.1pj an , nsoiK
InwaalnK" In the rulon wtmt of ttui ; ltiiuwal of vlolonl flRhtlns In thi
(ortfa. tlimuKh which tin- Bavarian I Dantini'llon In which tho Brtt'sh h.ivi
r RdvnnctnK from Wamuw. j cntrcl hc oral Turklnh tronchoi and
Tlut 0rinn, It hollcviut Iiito. nmitj am jh'w InndlnK. a reported
am nttimiptmic to ruli thi Slav olf ' l.i au offlr!nl Htatomcjit.
UiHlr tovl. cAttur Brt l.ttovnk hy a Steady prOKroitH for tho forcm of
uycloulc aaaaull and ivnw tho Bun-j I'rijito l.cojiolij of Bavaria oastward
inn tlld annl without a lnn for ; roitf Wamaw I tnliifn to Indlcnte that
fuluro oiarnllon In i'oiand. eomtM ' Hit' n"rmnn ar now mcianln; th"lr
IliK thlr ImaiiHlinto rotlrtunont far J niaiil inovt-miintit on a drive throuch
hchlnd tho Kovno Ilrt l.ltnvnk line. ! Hip Ituaalni! conti'r.
Tint now noaltlona cH-i-uilod by lh ArjtoU. the fort'Kt of tho Argomie
Cfnnaii and Anntrtana wro ontllnitl and tin- Vosrm mountain continue to
wi'ti aptiroxlmalo ncrurucy on Rood ! lb" are ! of nrtlrity on tho wost
autt.. ; ty for ihi first tUno lnr th" rn trqnt, hut no acrloii battlos arc
In jiroRrr.ao In any of thmic roslonn.
mtlotir mi'ii
nfi' 1:1!Iim1 nml
ad and Vlnnu rn-il on thl point, i Rad ttiitw rhBdren. nil civilian, had
en rut reported tint arrival of a Git ' Ik oiq Injun-J a the r"ttll of a ra:-4.
iu army Hhln S5 mile of Brest I by to ."ppBn on tho ont coast
cpfggh news notes
g; g-keralinterest
Hvents Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
whllo Infected with cholra nhowod
undr t;tH that tho real trouble waa
ov-rff;dln; and ovorhoated condition
when ulauRhterlnK took placo. The
outward appearand of hog nlatiKht
crl under tho conditions and hoga
nufforlni; from cholera are ilmllar.
Thn hoi; wre shtpp-d to I'ortland
from Vamhlll by a farmer.
'ail "f Warmtw Tho lino tnrtltK
fr.nn the vicinity of OmuwuU. noat
'' l riinnlnn hortler and oppoHlto tho
d-.iun laKw rotslon. curxu to tliu
. id and fttat. runntiiR throush So
k w S'.odUo. l.uUow. Ostrtiw and
In lot it
America" cecunes
WafhltiKton Thr r- p!) of the Unit
rj Slntr t thf protit of Auatrm
Hunnarv iiUBlimt the alo of nmnltloiw
if wnr to th' allle I a rtul to ac i tlo aftor Atigut 16 will bo transport
I It (hits boon doflntttdy settled that
' the j I'anaina I'arlflc tixpoiitlon will
! elcci! on nehedulo tlrne. Drrcr.iber i
Tlie DiIcaro Union atockynrd hat
I liued a utatttuienl thai the fool an
' tnUth disease epidemic trf practicn'.'.
u bui.i ntun's tnCBary camp. alrc.
lar to that etablihed at l' iittlmr
N V. at Am?'.. an lJk Waah.. froi
August 21 to Septombvr 12
All Rotor :n. nt rooi.oy ami scour
.epl the Auatro llur.KRrlnu view.
In JtiMlfit ntion of iu waltton. thr
Pnltml Statea reclld unioilK otuo!
od by ruKUi'irtxl mail iiibtvitd ( I
expn-Hs. The express comiwinU.
which hate boon handling tho trnff
UiIiik. that international law. the j more than 2J yours, will lose neurit
l.ractlcoa of nation, the security oi
the Unltod State and other nation?
without larptt inllltnry or naval etul
lahments and neutrnllty Itself wort
iippoaed to prohlbltiiiK the export ot
war iniinUlouit by a neutral to a belli
Korout In time of war.
'I ho United States contends that 11
could not deny to others tho rlKh:
thlch It cla.ms for lUolf to purchase
tt.tr munitions trom a neutral In event
of a foreign attack. In this cornier
l ton. the 1'nlted States hints that It
mlKbt bavo to buy from neutrals 11
Given Full Authority to Suppres All
Disorder in Haiti.
Washington. Admiral Oaperton, In
,-liurK "t American force In llnltl
hus been clothed with full power tr
curb malcontents who rebel upilnst
tho newly elected president of the Is
land anil marines will he kept In Haiti
for month It necessury to brlnr about
complete onler there.
It is understood thnt Franco, whoso
financial Interest In Haiti Is InrRO, U
In sympathy with Bin steps taken bt
thl Kovernment to check tho rovolu
That tho revolution has left him
dreils of natives In want was reported
to thn Bod Cross by Admiral Caper
ton. In response to an uritont request
by the American commander, tho Bed
Cross sent $1000 throiiKh tho wur do
partment to relievo famine.
German Capture Kovno.
Berlin, by wireless to Hiiyvlllo.
Th followlni; unnouneomont was
mado hero offlclully:
"Tho fortress of Kovno, togothm
with all tho forts and a largo amount
of war material Is In Gorman hand.
".More than 400 cunnon wore taken.
Tho fortress was captured by Htorra
In spllo of tho moat tcnucloua resist
ance by tho Uuoilans."
British Transport Torpedoed.
London. The Brltlnh transport
Itoyal Kdward ha been torpedoed and
sunk by a German submarine, It waa
officially announced. Six hundred
men wero saved out of 13D0 troopB and
JHO othor persons on board.
JiOO.000 n year.
The names of 3S0.0OO tipplers I
Oregon and Washlnston are catt;
louued and arraimed In an alphabet,
cnl Index bj a mall order liquor hous:
that Is preparing to open for business
in HortlbroiU. the California town
nearest to the OreRon-Callfomia line
Oregon and Wnshmnton states will po
dry January 1 next.
(lenernl Carranrn summarily dls
missed the maor of Vern Cruz from
office for ponnlttlliK tho recent nut.
foreign demonstrations which arouse.!
apprehension of the American Rovcrn
me nt.
Eastland Raled; No Bodle Found.
ChlcaKO The steamer Hastland But.
been floated, three weeks nfter she
curried over S00 to death In the Chlcn
go river.
Search of her hull and alonp tht
bottom of the river was made, but no
bodies were found.
State of Washington Win Medal.
San Diego. A Bold medal wr,.
awarded by the Jury of awards of the
Panama-California exposition to the
State of WashliiBton for Boncral ro
Villa Circulate Appeal For Peace
WushlnKton. Acceptances of the
rail-American plan for restoring peace
and Bovernmenl In Mexico are expect
ed by officials here In a few days from
General Villa. General Anseles and
otbor leaders in northorn Mexico.
It became known that under direc
tion of General Villa and his lieuten
ants, copies of the peace appeal from
the United States and the Latin-American
diplomat had been printed at
Juares aud Chihuahua for distribution
throughout evory section ot Mexico
that can be reached.
Idaho Values on Increase.
Boise, Idaho. RetUsd figure oa
the akstract of tho S7 counties In the
state as compiled by the state auditor
and placed before the state board of
equalisation show the total assessed
valuation on all classes of real prop
erty for 1915 at S00,642,0e. An In
crease Is shown In this year's value"
over last year's of J'J,S37,041.
Lumbermen Tell of Duslnes III.
I'ortland Untoward conditions con
tributing to pruhont (tarnation In the
lumlx.-r Industry abnorbed much atten
tion at a hoarini; of tho federal trade
commission held here. Mill men, lum
ber exporters and banker 1,'ave their
view a to cause of the troubles of
the lumber trade, and unanimity of
view wa noticeably lacking. Over
production. ovnrBpeculatlon In stump
Ke. shortaKe of available tonnage for
export and general financial stringen
cy were variously asxlKned by those
who spoke as being. In their respec
tive opinions, the chief cause of the
Kvldence also wa taken repardlne
condition In the grain business, and
other speakers explained to the com
mission the difficulties that Oregon
fruit Rrowem and shippers have re- i
cently encountered In finding profit
able markets.
Big Gain In Licenses for Autos.
Salem SocrPtary of State Olcott
has Issued 21.G0U automobile license
so far thl year, an Increase of CI I
over the same period In 1914. Thret
thousand motorcycle licenses have sol
far been Issued, a compared with
21S0 in the corresponding period a
year ago. Chauffeurs' licenses show a
remarkable Increase, there belnjs 3350,
while last year at this time the total
was 1533.
Hop Crop Is Short.
SprlnRfleld. The Oregon hop crop
for 1315. which has been variously es
timated at from 140,000 to 160,000
bales, will be less than 100,000 bales,
according to J. I.. Clark, vice-president
of the Oregon Hopgrowers' asso
ciation, who has completed an Inspec
tion of COO hop fields, representing tho
greater part of hop acreage in Oregon.
S. H. Friendly Die.
Kugene S. H. Friendly, pioneer ;
business man, and for 22 years a nietn
Iter of the Unlrerslty of Oregon board
of rgout8. died horo.
No other death In the history oi
Ktjgptie he produced a c'-ock so gen-
-a! n that of the man who to jears
go came to ivugene a tHWr boy. with
out urqao'i '.aiue. and left a fo-tur
of more t:: t:i $200,000 aud nandreus
of frl nils.
Mr. FrienCIy's death cnrr.e unexpect
edly. Apia v.-atl r.'.o e-isg frnm an
lllnegs, ,he. had -e:ie.nflad a drawlty;
room on the train tr- go to the expos!
Bon at Sar. Krane sco.
Refusal to Audit Cantlne's Bills May
Result In Teat Suit.
Salem. I'onuins a uecis-jti by Sec
rotary of State Olcott as to the legal
ity of claims Incurred by Deputy State
Highway Knglneer Cantlne. hostilities
between the majority members of the
state highway commission and State
Highway Knglneer Lewis over the
question as to whether he or Cantlne
Is highway engineer are suspended.
Should the secretary refuse to audit
the claims on the ground that they
are not Indorsed by' Lewis, the ma
jority members contemplate mandam
us proceedings to determine whether
Lewis or Cantlne Is highway engineer.
Should he audit the claims. Lewis will
have legally either to assert his title
to the office or eeabo to exorcise Juris
diction over highway work.
Becently Lewis asked the cnmmls
slon to rescind an order putting Can
tlne. his chief deputy. In charge of
the highway work, or Institute suit to
determine whether he or Cantlne was
entitled to the position. Tho commis
sion did not comply with either request.
Copperfleld Hit by Blaze.
Baker. The business section of
Copperfield, which came Into promin
ence when Miss Fern Hobbs closed
the saloon there under orders from
former novemor Oswald West, was
practically wiped out by a fire be
lles piI to have been of incendiary origin.
The three undertaking parlors ot
Salem hat e agreed to hold no funer
als on Sunday after August 15.
Pork Held Not Infected.
Bortlnnd. Portland's recent hog
cholera scare was without foundation
Bacteriological tests of four hogs con
fiscated by the health bureau on sup
position that they were slaughtered
Grants Puss, Or John Austin Hoop
er, college grc 'uats and king of high
waymen, aided by a fellow prisoner,
who says tlut Hooper forced bis as
sistance, mn le a daring escape from
the Josephine county jail.
The highwayman, who was in jail
here awaiting trial since his capture
at The Dalles July 19, for the robbery!
of the Southern Pacific station here
three months ago, overpowered Sher
iff Smith, disarmed him, locked him in
a cell and fled with Joe Colinge, tho
fellow prisoner who aided him. Co
linge has been recaptured, but nothing
has been seen of Hooper since he left
the outskirts of Grants Pass.
As Sheriff Smith entered the cell
with the two pr:3..:ers' breakfast,
Colinge seized him. p'nloning his arms
to his side. At the same time Hooper
grasped the sheriff by the throat, pre
venting an outcry, nn.1 then tied a rag
nroij'.-l the cfficer's mouth. Colinge,
nt Hooper's order, then took the sher
iff's automatic pistol. They then
forced Sheriff Smith Into an open cell
and slammed the door, locking it.
Hooper then took the automatic
pistol and cartridge belt from Colinge
and, picking up a small valise, left the
Jail, accompanied by Colinge.
The two prisoners separated as soon
as they left the Jail, Hooper starting
for tho hills north of Grants Pass and
Collage going toward tho railroad
Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23-24
This picture grows more interesting in each suc
ceeding number, the Pa the News and a comedy go
to make our Monday and Tuesday Programs very
Wed. and Thurs. Aug. 25-26
The last number of who pays? The great three
reel feature drama dealing with the leading moral
questions of life. These pictures create more thougt
and teach as big a lesson, as any book you ever
read, or any sermon you have heard, also the
Pathe news and a good comedy is shown with this
program. Make it a point to see these pictures.
Watch this space each week for the Gem program