Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 03, 1915, Image 1

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'M i
argest Circulation of anv Paper in Tillamook County
Tu.i.a.mook. Okiwon, Aim st .'. ).
NO. no
S I: It V I C I:
sk juiv of our ctHto nrrs nrjoiit,
first National Service
itrv nil (!r;u- I vvith h nul
Clin tell you why.
first Viitiomil II-iiiK
till., tinot, Ofoijvn
1 L ,'?'.
'AT to J V'OH-T I iU
' 1' I H H o r
r-A' m ir you
! 1 COOLIM..
' J jkj u -11
1 1
Irs " )l Voursc it is hot tint mnnuluT wlmi time
r' it ts Now is tin- t tine cut out the heavy.
I' ' mil .- if t li.. i l..l. t 1 1 1 ! vim r.'in Ihiv in our
nt Ymi'll leel i-i jt rid he eool. We never
"'i' ustoiucr on pi ues
& 25 m 4. L M & B flS W A .HI JE
Ste Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
J"ly 27 to Aug. 7, KvnnuolUl
Klllotl of I'ortliinil. will hiive
nerlcs of meetings nt l'
., - lllfllVll Ml IIVI"llll Ull
l"e old lima 1 ..u .....,,.,.i,,l
, : " 1
mile from good cheese factory.
, " cooil pasture, good water.
i-ooil property In town In
W. A, MukliiHter
Tillamook, Ore.
Variety Store
Tillamook, re.
Two Men Drown j ,:,K wardensfor tillamook ( Commercial Club
Off Ti lamnnlc Rar ' Kl,l"vi"K t f fir. warden
WW 1 lIIdlllUOK Dal , for xiliniriuok County Kw.n ... .v '
' Uiit...j.l III... 1. . t ... ... t
Kaipli hrnrrick and John
To Re-Orcanize
Ralhj.n .. f'rvo ,,!,."' "''New and Commodion, Onarler,
arc Urncd out to .Sea and !i rji,, ,, Wil '
- - ' '"ill V
8mtim on Krllny rilifht Itnlpli j'
Km.irlefe il John Itutlijuii of I'ortUml '
who warn eninpinif l ItnvMoHti wrro t'
mirim out to ton In ti ami.ll Imai mix!
ISmortek rind wf,., John mnl SVill
lUitfeJtn nml IUy !lirkiv limi bcn
enmpioK for h montJi nl IUyoctnri.
'lwrn Mr. Kmeririi owih'i) itropcrty.
On I'rtdhy nriurnoon Mr. KmHck nml
Jokn R(hJn wnl tn Hay City for it
"rtttill Uot wliicli tlioy mwurwt nnd
with which tlmy loft liny City tor Jlny-
ot!in Uwu evunint; t nhwil l:.tO or
10 JDO o'clock,
th.jy wor un Uielr v. tlm Mitk'ointr
tkk cknht tli(ti nnd rurn.xl them to
M4, wliiflh rpsultwi mi lliulr Ixmt IiuUik
IfUWt WW Ih.ilr blnf; drontuxl. Oil
SdtUrJny tnornl" i)ih lxnt enim.
horo on Did ueonn ulilo of lUyofcHti,
with llio nnebor linn nevcrml
Tlio nhiirc htin bonn Bwnrchwl far tin'
ImIIm, but yot tbv Imvo mil bomi
'foml. Mrn. Kinwrirk nml Will lUlh
1 )nn ri'tnrnml to 1'ortlnrwl Momlny,
vkhilo It'iy IlicKcy ronmlnn huro to
Kf i up tlitj m-nroh.
Mr Knerlck wn 11 bull piny or. hnv
litf formerly played with tho Si.'nttlo
i.f tin- Northwoaturn l,oin:tio, n-d
. with l illamuuk tho Stuutiiy be-
' r- lii v druwnvd, Imvinc enuuht
'll. nntn.' uf Urn (lotllilu hvmlur pltiyoil
iMlii Hit, City.
IS K lienxik.
Vfi II Kl ..
JU A. Me A y.-i. I
I. 0. Uay CUy
Piilzlaf (iuildinjf. Duct to be
Timbor (impnliy VVnrdcm.
J5H. MHi,we I'. 0 UoetcuwHv
At n fnt'ntiriK of th" ISonrd of Direc
tor of the l'jf)inrrriHl Club hold Fri-
KUtnc ;dny nitfht. (t wa riurjflwl u re-ort;iin-
Ize thu 'nnriLTciiil Club awl start 01
It Mulrhl rir
H Shnw
10 3! S. Wood
1) Wn. Tinnvratotl
12 tidxar Munnon "
tf W 1 loon Klvor
13 Arthur Ithuer "
14 iSiwsrd Ithwr "
Hhv City
JUy City
Mnnaurr Milli tk bli ehHmploni
to Heaver Sunday and defeatid tho
team of that place by a xeorr of 9 to 0.
It wa a i:ol fat k but the Tllla
mwikori had tho Heavers wull under
control during the roater part of the
jjarni'. Only once in the fourth inning
wn tho name in danger when Sehoul
en walkwi. U)le eeond and went to
third on Fordncr' roundtr which was
furnblod by Tillamook' fimt baman.
Milli tightened up ami fanne the
. noxt two hats me 11 retiring the side.
w..n. oa.is, oy maninif Alderman's one handed Up of a fast
a cmpalKn for memb.-rs amonK th.'- ,ifM!r jtl thl. eilrhlh was om. of the
iiv. Dum-n men ol the city. The
lit thoiJuht that while j 16 Ifjirrv IojuiI
u. llnr
1C Win
lllm' worth
17 A! I.. MeCirly
IS Si.M. Hilterson
19 VI K. Il'iyot
20 CijK. Hrmiahton
21 V? L. Hi,;el0w
22 Stntl Obey
2.1 Din Newrna
1'. 0.
24 liownrl Drew
5 Mux Hal
oolley of 'he Club In the future will
be to devote all of it eHorU toward
the foUurinK, encouraging auddevelop
Inj; the rourci awl home interest
of the eltv of TillarniMilc. nnd lhi Cmin.
C,nx Creek jty In general.
The Club i.t now located in very
comfortable quarters on First Street
Tillamook j opjsite the Ramsey Hotel, where all
members uwl out ot town visitors are
Ksbnlern j welcome al all times.
Mobler ! The Club lias recently shipped some
o.' our Tillamook cheese to the San
Francisco fair for exhibition, awl are
now endeavoring to hnve tht diilV'renl
factories in the county donate Mime
Tillamook i cheese to be surved on the exoositioii
i grounds.
The monthly duea tor tnomberg have
been roduced to one dollar and the
OritSiindxy lust at the home of Jonns
OUon in this city Miw IJsther R. Horn
(uistiof Mount Vernon. Wash., was
united in marrtnyr to Goerirc W.
Olson, Iter, (iittin pastor of the M.
B. Church olliciitliiiu'.
The rervices took place at the noon
hoiirjnfter whieii the weildinL' nurtv
WORD TO CANNING CLUB GIRLS 1 which cns.tel only of relatives, sat
down to a sumptnus repast.
The bride's father and the groom's
fulher were old friends in Michigan
fovi ynrs hijo. -Tlioy. cnu..to.thu
ronsi together thirty years ago,
Mr. HorK'Unst settling in Washington
and Mr. Olsun in Oregon.
The irnxmi wiih raised in Tillamook
features of the game. Crirnmins was
tried out behind the bat and played a
good game. Millis struck out 13 and
allowed one to pass ; Johnson struck
out 5 awl walked thre. Butteries:
Millis ami Crimmins, Johnson and
The Kedmen took anothtr defeat
from the Hay City team on the local
grounds. Tnre was no evidence of
any tie in Sunday's gnrne, the tail
enders being outplayed and outclassed
in every department of the game.
WiUon struck out 5 ami alluwcd 13
hits, I'rovost struck out 5 and was
found for S hits. Score II to 1. Bat
teries: Wilson and Howin, i'rovost aud
Dear Canning Chili ('.iris :
Now that school l out for the sum
niur..l.um suru.you are uuvatingniucli,
Of your pnre lime to your Club work.
I nm always glad when I receive a
letter from one of you hecnuse then I
know that you have accepted me for
board feels that ther are Intitlwl to ! uid umporanly near the ucpot at
the .upiHirt of everv business man who "1'' w J"nDf M" .1 -n
, . . , , . tne DriOge wort: and that work will
interested in the future development uooe lIIC fore ol tllL. ,vtek
of our county and city. j oio. R. AtcMnmitn, tuunty com-
j luuiwiicr iroiu im ui.riki was on
j lot. licucii 1 uisUj) an.. 111 speaking
UAILEY SAWMILL READY TO RUNJ' 'nt roaU or suici1 u,al ,hc,was
soiry thai tiu- .uia) nad been
I cabstd and t.i.tt he as uoing all i.i
( hcrlcr Reporter.) 1 ins power 10 have me balance ol tiie
1 lie v.tiMlc ul the new sawmill ot iwu imisncd as soon us 110. .1 .e.
he Itaiiy Mill Co at Wheeler blew
1 iirt ilat on Monda of this week
1 he null is now completed and ready
j iKgin cutting lumber. We arc ad-!t-d
'.hit orders tor lumber have
v uwi asked rcgaruing me coi.ipie
.1011 ui uic tuau tnrough to N.nceier,
.nr. Mcuumncii sjiu mat prc
iiil co July court uuuiu 1101 ju any
orc work unlit ln.y i.a.l a right of
your friend, ami that you have lHUeMjMI)( but recently completed n four oar
1110 at my wortl when I inviiml you 10
write to me if you nooded help in yuur
I want to impress uik you the ini
IKirUoioe of dome your best. Select
only whole, ripe, fresh fruit and vege
tables to can. Cut her al one ti nu oulv
what you will have time to can at once
ami '.hen prupuru and put up in the
bent way misi1iIo.
When '"li label your jars, be sure to
pnte tho labels on neatly. Have the
niiiiie of the product neally and plainly
writ ton in ink or printed or typc.vrit
tel. Ho sure that the jars are clean.
L) not allow yourself to bo satisfied
with your results until you have done
the very best it Is possible to do.
Work for the sake of learning to do
something well.
Work tlu.t you may win thu State
priru in cunning for your County first,
for your Club or school second, unit
for youself last.
Above everything do not let diMoiil
tins dineouragu you, Remembor that
anyone who w ins in spitu of olwtncles
is always the stronger in character for
the struggle.
Clear, white glass jars will show oil'
your products to better ndyiintugo than
will jars iniule of glass with n bluish
east, so if you have to buy jars, choose
clear, while ones rather than blue. He
sure to keep a careful record of all
that you are doing so that your until
report may bu complete.
Please write to tne and tell ine ntiout
. , ,1 . 1..
your worn, now many mere are 111
your Club and whuther you have 1111
I wish you the best of success, ami
hope to meet euch ono of you some
Your Blncere friend,
Helen J. Cowgill.
Assistant State Agent, Hoys' nnd
Girls' Club Work, U. S. Dept. Agrlc,
Forty-ninu Imiues were examined
and scored nt the better babies con.
test hero last Satunluy. Thoae having
this work in charge were somewhat
.ii.Hnnolnted as over 75 bablea had
been entered. Other matters such as
(picnics, etc., seemed to kesp the
mothers and babies away. Howaver,
I forty-nine Is a pretty good showing
and with tho prire lists rrom other
partH of thu county, the butter babies
exhibit promises to bo a Bplomlld fea
J turu of our fulr,
lerm 01 nervico in Hie navy. lie is
industrious and hits the respect of
iimny friends. Tho bride is a fine tal
ented your.g woman whom we are sure
will make muny friends hero.
Tiie young rouble will make thoir
home here, it being their intention to
go on the Jonas OIn dairy ranch. Tho
Herald joins in wishing them a long
and happy wedded life.
'-itii secured which will keep the mill s.iv, ana that ihe members would not
mf . - - . .. -. . . . . , - . 1 ' --.-. u
. tuft "i t...i.i uiijiiui uiruiurc. jr tzi : irm iigiu ui w .iy I' nii i
'. !u- new -nil! is well built and sub- .nd that the court would not again
iiitiil and is equipped with ample pay as much for the ngnt to put a
ir The owners of the new mill road through a it cost to build the
c ,dcavircd 10 make every dollar road which was the cat ot" the Twin
.;tiuioi count for full value in the Kocks road.
islruetion of the mill, and the re- Qf course the residents of the
.It is an exceedingly well built mill, beaches are glad that they now have
rccted at a ery reasonable figure. , -.l rrvi.l ni fnr ffnrt-n Vl'SV lint
e nil! when running to capacity
mi cut about 40,000 feel II. M. ot
' -inber per 10 hour. The operation
;' il.is new mill and the resulting
:-av roll will mean a great deal to
"'heeler .ind to the entire valler.
A I1'. (i.irdner made a visit at his
nunc at Heaver last week and while
nmr interested himself in the condi
tt.'iis surrounding the loganberry in
dustry of that locality, l'his is llu
Mioud e.ir that log.inht rncs
In 1 11 harvested at Heaver and the re
.111 us ;ue cr flattering indeed Tin
dried product has been contracted f'r
.it iJ cents per pound. It take- sis
.pi.irts of fresh berries to make .1
pound of dried fiuit. This yen's yiciJ
will net frntii $50 to $00 an acre ami
tlu is considered very good as ihe
. iiu-s now bearing will not be in full
wi'Ulmg condition until they arc
bout two years older.
1 he high lands are producing n
niicicr and sweeter berry than the
low lands arc.
Frank Payne who has the largest
acreage there (5 acres) is now mak
ing a huge amount of juice. There is
a good sale for juice ami good money
in It.
The Heaver locality now has about
20 acres set out in loganberries.
The First Annual Harvest Home
Picnic of the Pleasant Valley (jr.mgc
will be held at Pleasant V-i!Ie
school house on Satuiday, Aug
A cordial invitation is extended to
all and a general good time is ;vr
Public speakers arc expected to at
tend and a good ball game vill be
one of the features of the day.
Refreshments will be served on the
grounds, Everybody take a full bas
ket nnd attend and have an enjoyable
The coinmittc who has the ar
rangenicnts in charge is: H. W. Tur
ner. F. W. Robitsch and A. T. Hlaek-buru,
The Portland Orchestra which Is now
located at Bar View will give a con
cert at that place on Sunday next from
10:30 a. m. to 12 o'clock, This concert
will bo free. All ure invited,
that ts only a step and they will not
stop until they hac what they want,
. a road through 10 connect with Clat
sop county line. Ap arcntly from the
attitude of the counts court it is up to
I the people to devise a way to secure
; a right ot way to complete the road.
1 Mr. Mcktimmns promised to send
; the particulars to this paper as soon
as he could get them and then they
(From Beach Comber.) will be published If there is no other
A welcome announcement was made Way out of it. tin Booster Club will
by the county court this week when probably take the matter up. Any way
that body informed the public that the clu! has st.irted something and
the beach road would be planked im- to all nppc.ir..-'ces will not stop until
mediately as far as Lake Lytic. The they hae gained their ends, a road
work ha been nearly completed and down the beach from the Clatsop
all that remains: is to change new line to Tillamook c r.rc going to
planks for some old one that were l-ep at it ,insa
.The man vrho stands still long enough, will have some
thing come along and hit him. He will run into something if
he travels too fast.
The safe, sane way for a man to live is to work hard and
always save a PART of what he earns from his work cr his
bnsiness and BANK that part.
Nothing can stop the SUGGESS of that sort of a man.
Are YOU that kind?
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposits.
Tillamook County Bank