Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 30, 1915, Image 2

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Cbe CilSameok herald
c. e.
.mucrl Cu'icc .1 OJcck
RnW'rrd i -.
Cromblcy, editor
c c c Ciicm1.iv drill Prhi.iV
natter t.t 17. l'.M'. at t!i. pout .t'tice at I'lllauiook,
Oirc.-n. umior tho act of Matvh IS?1.'
JJtk'crtl5ittfl K.itC5
CCS' d tTtl'"W'l't!
I'lrnl l-invrtiop, per lit' - $ .10
Ka.,ki -.ib!"niert insertion, line .Ofi
Homestead .oliev - - R.IH)
Tinner Claim - - W.W
Noti.-os. per line ... .06
Curd' of thanks. per line .u
UvaU, if line. flrt insertion .7
Bach subsequent insertion, line .06
Kesolutivms of omloloiiee and
lxlin' notice, per line - ."S
Hui!hm& lrfinl on),mo. LOO
Pistilav Advertisement, per inch ,S
1 Pni'Cintr Pavilion hud the liugml
ortiwtl of the semnn, ! far.
Cha. Littler of Konwl Itrtive, are j
stopping it Iho How I'.t.
Ml. C. Wn! mimI daughter Uairl
ami Mm C. I.. Denglor and daughter. ,
Mnrv are here frtnil I'lirlliuu! fur tw,
w eek. i
Mr. M Me or ami daughter Man
ntf 1 'or tic nil hhiIo itiipplng tit the
Intuit Cottage.
Rev. and Mr, li. V Stiver n'i
Cut lii Meat Prices
As our rmsjs led o.ittlr '.ruovrtf.idy for the
nurkrt, v- .irv nuking the following price on
our inr.tts, for cash:
.it 12 l-2c and 13 l c per potimi
.it I'jc per pound
ALL IMaplay Ad mttsl be in this of daughter (tuenn are lioro for three
fiee on Mondav ami Thumlsy Morn
iK to tnaur publication in follow -ing
Tuesday and Krtday iaaue.
K canons r imperative.
appoint mnt
H. Y. Blahvk filled his
at NwVovrin Sunday. I
Mr. l E. Morton of Lyle, Wmd.. is j
visiting at the horn of hi sinter Mr.
W . 0. Kinjr.
Mrs. L. 1. Krake and daughter Net-
tie of Tillamook are visitlnffold friend
in this section.
W. 0. Kin? and wife and Mrs I
Kirc' brother Mr. L, E. Morion
autoed to Har View and back last Sun-
d .
Many fishermen are to bo sen alone
cur streams the? day and there are
quite a number of campers alone the
Mr Geo. Nash with his family came
in bv auto trom eastern Oregon this
wee'. Hnd is looking over our county
with a view to locating here, He spent
a few days at the home of his brother
Mr. Exra N'ssh. while here.
Mrs. Henry Smith has been enjoying
n visit with her parents R. Whittlesey
and wife of Seattle, Wash. Mr. Whit
tlesey after a few days here left for a
Milt to Paruins Expoition but hi
wife remained here and will visit some
time vet with her brothers Frank Hugh
and Ralph Welsh of Blaine.
The saw mill has shut down for a
short time. Jenek Bros, who run the
mill received the contract to build
some road near Three Rivers and have
pone there to wo'k.
J. R. Finley and wife of Newborn,
Oregon, spent several days with their
uauunicrs .u.-s. r,irn .asn oi mis pince I jn tne
and Mrs. til. rvinnaman of Beavar.
Mrs F. D. Tu.-c'. and daughter Ma
bel and little grand children of Hill
City, Kansas came in last week ami
will spend a few weeks at their sum
mer home on Wolfe Creek.
Mr. Mack Keen and family of the
state of Washington is looking over the
country and spending a few days with
their uncle Mr. LewU Keen.
Johathan Sears accompanied by his
wife and als-o a daughter aid her family
came in by auto frjtn Balaton one day
last week and are camping and fUning
here. Mr. Sear wai an early settler
in this section having lived here when
there was no way of bringing in sup
plies except by pack hores and over
rough mountain trails. Me finds many
changes since then. He spent a few
W. B. Pearce and family reeentlv
arrived from Scramnt. I'-altf., by
automobile, to visit his brother II. A.
Fearer the barber.
weeks. Rev. Stivers i pilnr nf th
Kint t'nnsitan t'tiureh at Me.Minnvillc
K. IV Carponlor nml family urn lictr
from Willtimmotte. Ore., fur Ihj
Anton Chrutenaen, latnr Seibert
Charley Koater. FmnV Kniekttrbar inl
(toward Kvn nienihorw of the Vtu
ban 1UII tenm. McMlnnvllle, wro horf
a few day this week.
Klton llauk and l.lRti I'enrco from
Hf .Minnriiin wore vi-uing rtemia
Beef Pot Ro.ist
Rib Ko.ist
Rib Bull
Brisket Boil
Corfi Bcei
H.iniburKcr Ste.ik
.it lie per (loiuul
.it 10c per pound
.it 12 1-2 to lfc )er pound
.it lie .ind 12 l-?c per pound
it 12 I-2c per pound
Poatmi.treM Anna Kill is enjoying ! .. .
a vsit with her father W. H. Klli
from Bnghton. M,'!t " Ja,n ' " orilanA cuet
.... .... . ! of tho l5nwtts.
Vli !rl Mann okloat dauohtilr AI
Mrs. Clara Mann spont the week end ! J; potrolllng the
I betich from Bar View to
ftre warden.
Itrlchtun h
at the parental home in Miami.
At a board meeting: last week Tom
Fuller was given the contract far furn-
... ! . ter. Harry Itucuet, Krod rrmnbly inl
Bowman was given the contract frtr , , ... ,J ,
painting me nonooi nouse. meir oia-i
were the lowest.
A hiking party coinpow.Kl of Helen J
Ciaett, Miteot lto ami I.011U0 Mcls- .
Last woek Wright and Young in
stalled a two unit Sharpie Milking
Machine on their dairv farm
on the Miami. It is proving
n great succors, milking 25 cown
in one hour and ftfty-tlve minutes. The
bu$ines of the dairy had increiuud to
such an extent that it became neces
sary for the management to put in the :
new machine.
McCarl entereil the jungles 1
back of Bar View Inst S.itordy in
eareh of gatnu. They -vturned late
in the evening leaving thu game In the
w oods.
Mm. C. V. Wilkin nml daughter
Phlorn are camped hero Iroin Hlllnlwro ;
I for two weekt. j
' Frtink Smith nf Tho Dalles (.1 a guost
Jof C. F. Grubel ami family.
it. R. I'oppleUn of Portland Is ei
Tliosf prices .iro yju.ir.uttk'fd on rill.tmook
Sirloin Steaks
Round Stc.iks
Pot Ro.ist Beef
Short Ribs .md Pl.itc Bolls
Prime Rib Ro.ists
These prices are subject o change
;it 20c per pound
nt 18c per pound
.-it loc per pound
at 12 c to ISc per lb.
.it lUc per pound
From rourier
Mrs. F. W. Berger of Uenver,
sonted her husband lat Saturday
a baby girl.
Mrs. John Fleck and infant, who
have been nt the home of Or. Sht'tiror
for treatment have recovered and re
turned to tiieir home yesterday.
Last Friday afternoon Mark Ed
munds, of Pacific City, whilo playing
barn, fell and broke his left
arm. Dr. Shearer was called and tut
the injured member.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kraner accom
panied by Arba Stiverson ami Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kraner, are enjoying an
auto trip outside this week. Thev
left or Tuesday morning, intending to
visit Salem, Portland and I tooti River,
arriving home tomorrow or Sunday.
Tbe first Courier otllce call over the
telephone this morning was from Hilly
Owen asking in an excited voice how
much apace we had left in the paper.
We immediately had a vision that the
war was ended ami the bottom had
dropped out of thu price of all kinds
of foodstuiT and that a page ad at
least would be required to give quota
tions to the public. After several in-
elfectual attempts to get what he was
days while here with his brother C. W. 1 saying we heard the word "grandpa"
and thun gr imped the xituation for the
attack very much resembled thu one
he had in the office a few months ago.
Tnis time we are pleased to quote that
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wersehkul are tho
proud parents of a baby boy.
D. Burdick and M. F. Hopkins and
families are camping at Netarts.
While the writer was driving be
tween the Lewis- Johnson pluce and the
Trask River bridge. Dr. Reedy came
in opposite direction iT an auto. The
Dr. stooped over to adjust something
when the car left the road and in an
other instant wag lying 5 feet below
bottom side up. But for the fact that
the front part of the car lit on a small
stump, the Dr. escaped serious injurv.
The car after being righted, sorned
none the worse for the accident.
Mrs. McMahan of Maploton, Minn.,
siHttr of Mrs. G. G. Graves, is visitim?
j octing a one story cottage on thu ov.wn
I front.
! T. Baylesa and fnnillv are Portland
( guesu of C. II. Hunt and wife.
J K. L. Rice of Portland ha laknn
pre. i charge of the White Camp for the roel
with f the season.
II. M . .Solan and wife of Portland,
pmt the woo' end at Bar Viowr
F. W. Switnton Hnd wife in company
with Mis Kthel Smith an 1 Osear Mc
pherson auloed in from Portland Tues
day. Mr. Swanton report the road
in line ahap-e.
Samuel Show ami wife of Forct
Grove ars campod in the orchurd.
A Globe Trotter by the namu of
"Rattle Snake Jim." created a little
stir in Bar View last week. He pulled
olf a fo o atunttt at ttie dunce one eve
ning which slightly amused the aud
ience. Much of his talk was at random
and silly. Some mothers in camp here
became gruatly worried by hm action
ami insulting remarks to their duugh-
ters. If report are true he lit an un
safe character to be roaming over tho
country nd shook! he taken in hand
by the proper otticials.
At Villa Camp are registered L. An
derson ami mother, L. Wade and wife,
H. M. Kimball, F. Thrashe.i, Capt. C.
K. Ilaty and wifi-, Vurnettu Ware. Mrs.
C. A. Clark, Mrs. J W. Kane. J. 1).
McKay, Mabel Hill, W. C. Walker ami
wife, Mrs. R. J. Soverns, Oblv, all
from Portland.
Miss Irene Carter is oritertaiturig
her Iriond Mary Beckur, of Luwiston,
Mrs. K. l4 Minor, daughter of J. W.
Jaekson accompanied bv Miss Irene
.iiiuur ui Muiuin, .nnn., carnf in
from Portland Tuesday on a vacation.
Dr. and Mrs. I, !,. Mowittnn. child
ron aiitood in from Indi-penderic- Iucm
day for their annual vacation at Bar
At Son Kr.iii. nan an. I n.iii Diego it an evrnt
. Mir uinr iiiiii hup oil iiiirto! j'lr! to
Special Fares in July
It, Sim I'mm ncu l.o Angrle-. 1 S., iiptfll(Mi irruiltt tldtt.
iow Hound Trip Fares Dally
Willi t. ..-, 111 rlllirr llr-.-lii.ii.
Four I'm t'taiii ).nl in Hafti Direction.
Stop-Overs at Imposition
AH ticket to the K.im vi.i riif ,fM ,Hriiiit niip.overi m
Sun t'ruiu'Ut-o utul l.o Aruele I,, .re (lie l;iiilll:m.
A-k t'ipt Agent for " Calil..rni.. a... I It VhrUl KiKillon" n.l
" y Suit N..te Sh.i.m K- ,,,( '
Jclin M. Sett. lieHerai:i'.i,rii4-r HFUti ,., ,,,, fj,flft
The railroad company WelneH,iy
placed a Imjx car adjoining the priori
ticket olliee, Ui bo used as a ba.-g ige
room. As soon as it was lenrne.l that
The past woek has seen some finu
weather at the beach. Tho warm
weather in Portland and down the val
ley is causing more people to sook the
seashore. Each day at bathing time
the beach is lined with bathers and
sight seers, a right jolly crowd. Fish
ing oil thu rocks along tho jetty is ! tho coinpanv intended doing this R K
proving a groat attraction i(t Bur View. .Jackson, circulated a rcinoiutr.ifiuc
L, M. Hawkins and W. F. Walker I wh'cn wa uiekly telegraphed to
are here with their farnilioa from Port-' ''"rtlnnd and a reply was soon ree ved
at the latters home. The sisters hadn't land for a stay of two weeka. Thuy iro,n thl! company stating that the box
met for 21 years. G. S. Rogers from are camped in the orchard. I car ""ly placed there ternnoriirlv
T. P.Lund and family ol Pasco. ." " "l"rl"-r" lor uxpross and Dag,'aK,
Wash., are enjoying the sea breezes.
J. C. ISranham, wife and children in
company with Mrs. M. K. Thompson
and son are Portland people camped in
the orchard.
Mrs. C, Wilson, cf BankB, and Misa
May Uarclay of Portland are camped
Oregon City is visiting at the satno
Later: The Graves family, except
ing Roy, and relatives left for valloy
points last Monday, where they intend
to remain 2 or weeko.
Ole Hopkins with family from across
Wilson River was visiting with his
father, D. P. last Sunday, whose health here for two weeks.
is pooriy 01 late.
Krebs Bros, are still making brick.
Kels Nelson arid wife moved into
their new home last week.
0. Dicks is applying a coat of paint
on his new cottage.-
Mrs. Alex, ilanke with baby and
sister, Ruby Hush, are visiting with
their aunt. Mrs. Otto Krebs.
wnat isitr view needs is u good depot
I to accomodate the increasing freight
I and passenger traffic, and wn believe
j that if tho proper action was taken by
, thu citizens here such 11 building could
he secured.
Jack Goodell and wife drovo through i
from Portland last week. Jack will I
help his father In the express business.
B. A. Legg, wife and children and
Mist. Zella Swlnforrl autoed in from
Portland to spend two weeks at thu
Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Marshall are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Leon Petura,
who autoed in from Portland last week.
C, JL Fleming, wife and daughter
Dorothy are hero from McMinnville.
'I'L U . L. .. : . . f .
iw.nh, ., .s i u... i wlulr I-'""'" iNorrna
" 1.0 manic ('oucher
tho great advantage and convenience I
of the new depot. They often wonder! Mra' J' A' cl-'me"Bon unjoyed a visit
how they got alem? without It ko manvi with her sis,er Mr- J' ' Hurries of
II. W.
HI, 1 'if ' 11 lia
Riedesul and two grandsons
Portland, over the week end.
Sunday, Norrls Emery and
Earl Lathrop and Floyd McQuinn in i tortai"olJ M brother F, A, Emery urn)
company with C. M. Robinson and wife I wffo from Nchalem, who were uceom
from Turner. Oreg,, are now campers par,ie,J by A,,U!rt D(!"n nt Aurora, III.
at Spring camp. Last Saturday night, July 24, the
iinriio ,f 1 tin .
sh!(jHf Koofl vatcr, wood fru Hawed
1 .1 ...
Biovi: lorigiri, campHheds are built to
accomodate -1 or more jiickers so make
up a crew of ! or more and get a shed.
I'll set a day for moving pickers from
Banks and will meet train, pickera
...ill I... I r . . .
iii uv iiiuvcu ireo 10 ami from tho
yard. Will drop you card when I want
you to come.
Very truly yours,
J. VV. Searey,
Per Ralph C. Oglesby, Foreman.
BankB, Oreg., R. J, j,
The Tillamook Lirne Product Co. Is
ready to fill ordcrn for lime atone.
Send all Communications to II. r.
Jackson, Tillamook. Customers am
requested to bring Hacks or It will lin
necessarv to chiirii4 .-if r. 1.
sack .or uiivii
te-s, aim we nave ,l mfiUT. This coimmmity Knows that
you can DEWiNI) upon anythiun lhal comes from our Ur,m
store. Those who deal with us have always found what
we yave them was reliahle; they have l-AITTI i s
We shall not abuse that faith, hut shall always ulve
you the BUST that can he not. U
The Tillamook Drag Store
We give you what you ASK for.
Rsl, Anl. nil n .
IUU.rd..l W,(h rj(,u
The liiir.Hanih.il, , ,
h.. iIIm IommI u(1(1 lh
in .....hula. ).i,. (eirf iTr
lilllgtle and ulet.i.ii.j .1-1.'
.... ' -'MI
ad IT
irlbiuu n"iii.
III t-'e- to lhi
titf IlitMn Ih-.Ii. i,
edlrttilj lsle. l, ,
! -llile lttulniii- .
lU- U w ltl ll in m
' Iml M'lUMt' I Hilt J. I
Hill kj.
, i-. burnt f ..iniii.,,1 ! rn,Inrt
rullll I !.
lim. hi., nlil. m., i..
I I "I
r few,
' "llltf II
li lg
1 i u.i.MVt ,,J
'" tjl
r " mj it ij
' ' Mil I
Tillamook Seashore
Whore lhntirnmU f H-.ple teiiiii t u I rieif en tt ur aiioii
5 Honrs I'luin I'ortlitn I
Over 111 Hal wumlrr'iil wni1. in .mr llic unii itn I'un Intent.,
Two Daily Trains.
Tilbiniofk I'rtuwetigcr l.v '.rtUn t 7 IS in.
SeitHire S.e lal . . I... 1'uttlaH t I. to t.m.
Pur lor t lierviilt..n C.n witlt Imit.-I tu'n li on t? "s-t'ijre Jijie. ml,'
Dally and Weelt Ivuds I'arcs
I'Wii'l M L lilT
AeV for fwler " Smxhore !'iiiimiim.' mi) " gtvinit Net ol btt
l(p. etc
A Vilt It) IhrJ
Two World Expositions.
nit) !(& lenilt ... '
I Uuiimii fe.l. In i,!.,.
e..l.r anJ h li h
ett In Hid 1 1. .
MM!' "l IUMIr i ,
u'r teOorfi' .
ttl. lr iMHtlt - iiuir
lib hu iTifu -. ii
MlUUItt III u. (i i ,
tHMt nf evrtiM iii -M
btxU and tt a'.;r
I. rortnlttl) ind it
i.uihimi r lh. t .. ...
' " ' Wiry I
rUttoii "rl llil. It ! hle ,(
f lh. oinult nf u. -it .(,
ri-UPM IHJ BKII IP.-.1 i l llrrilwy
HIW ami qnrii,. ,i
mtUllj a I He li"ti '
",. HUl.-ll (I, ., l4jl
tMttlMra ll .r r. . !.. jjfcj
Uy r"iBliH'. iu - li .. 1,,,.
tit Inn IlMiM fr Mfh'ltl)j tJ
' tV Bt Ittlo ti- ti- , ( t
Hatri not .rai-r.i i4., v n lw
. . . ...
! route, lb4t f m-i, u fn
rM U ilinetrlit ii
"ttunlty tt l-- i'rfifnJ
rv ltj k en l i .tit A
bain lil no. m-nvl fir ,1 uii-.
pbeUn Wbrirf a o(w-iri
ItUCttu Imx ' u :
liace in iimi . ,i
KHllKr1l)W fm.-Ui,
lite kOll tut,. I' r
Mtilrb Ibe -rr '
lei ttl for rnl ( ii.
tmri uf l-i ''
lu tt breW-r Uinr , .
I tAl tt!tOnle ,.r r.,
the mttus ( .ii.:
tlon at HMii i.- , - i
" ; 'r.tl
-r ie) 1
I'ltrt S !
!mI4 fwr
UtMI,e Berou
cirt t 4aln
:rd t,; ta?
Tuning M-i
fJo umiirr ii" Etri ttii
Url In IIWI.IIU i t-
k tttbr.l .r,.rr i ''At I re
true IMIle A. a i.ir'.rf tit I
bell MtttttU nic i. ii
ltWt bletMl t"aniirr '.ii'n Mm
OOe h ttin Irani till ,i l-tt S
t'llnt The Or. I t V. i .
dut-nl ij Uie niT.1"
f tile bell. I he c. - i
(kill, a little ti4i.li- r ii,
UlUlirr II .. and wi !' I
In lfi"lll rtt ijollr i r
i rmrHi ivr of i lie
fwMle W'ti ti- i- -
ll Ik tNSitr l n.
IMW VMI1t-u i In '
twil. t all. i a --
re all in bumx-m
1 lot J
i.M 111
i .1 b
Ohl T..n. t !' Or oH't
, rouliir or -. I, -if (;
Ultra uf i Itlnr '- n) ttt
amt. inurx i-uti '
ilimriri. iip - 1 1 . '.!
ir li hi i Km ' - t 1
lt-nr iiuiinii - ''
ntiPH be a I .' i II- t'tit
In- m lltimsiil i 1 1
iii Idi-r ilrliikinw i i'-;tn
nn.iwrtl i.i iirintt a i' '
in.il It mm ii. -I .1 ' r l B
I Ml lll lM III It ' 'J
1 ihk fuiir iinri in t ' im-"1
ui. Hi in. had i-iii i n. i It' I
I HpiH-iatnr
u ii
i i (IU1
, rlrrs
, r l uiuq
, i ml!
. if W
, uf'i'l
ll -I
1.1 wax Wt
On Sunday, Aug. 8th, there will )0 a
f'nn lmlldlnH:of
' " Ik imlM , ,m.i..t. -i i ""HiKn ill fill
Mooho picnic at the Beater drove one I either by P , ;,i,lVx'!!'r,l,'n,,,,,,pnwnter1 I It occura In Iho ro.HH of .mW
anu orie-nair miles mint t,t tnW ti.i . mwi ,.un.... ' ""v wnrg. i' nim
d T r "r'-"r'!'l kinds of
anu orie-nair miles east or town, riiln
picnic will bo for rnomberH of thu
Moose lodge and their families, nil f,f
whom are requested to come arid bring
full baskets.
mr iiiiiiitr work f M i ii ?'
ll ill Phone. M' ''""''erg, Mil.
Cp of Co . ' Hop
In I I.ST Ibifiii
i-lliillu-ll oOlllll aim
of Afrli n not ui, i'. I
lilt- li, i-h. nf '
rnlli it. unil u tin- -I'
I Iii nip tnnuril
priMpiH-t of tun iv" -i
I in I hi ni'i'innl iiii-i
I'urlugiii'-i- niniini '
"I 'aim ih' Una I.im
OimmI I f (.. The
li il In 1 IUH ht- a
itniilillng i In- "iiuil.i ri fM
Afrlia milli-il mi in i 1 ut IBM'
lug up thu lung drrnim-d of WJ
I. . .n'l (. inri
1 Mir .Iiiiii., ll.iiil., Ii'lit
I Kruliiiiiin'i. r..nlv iii ii rfltili c
In. r. I .... I r,,.,i. I rn l.l'i' llUritl '
,,,.. ..I . e 1,1. tiltllC. I''
I "I'l'llillK M "III' "I .'. I -
fniiu ihi Kiviii'li author of ,M
. ami rend:
"llow'a It going''
i Mr I'rolnniiii ivnd It ,M
ond rici, when II nan fh'r ,M
' had fulled, (lien replied
"ll Is gone." .New "rU '"rl
t4 imnrovamffl'
"Do you think tin. wrl'1 u 1
"It ought to be" rt'l'llf'1 '"1
who worries n whole l"1 'TJ
I uii ."i'i. ...... ..fit mnrc n"
.1,1, iv i
clues being Invented evr7
Washington Kliir
VflTIII.'.i' . f
Taiillllii Is i hi. nellve prlnril1"
. , c1!
iiuiKim vaniini ice -n-"." - - ii
, niifl
.. ,iilllllll'f w I
.ii,., i-n llllll Ilium III II f- . Blri.
i. . , ... i... now".
ji mis nceii roiinii i .
clover, wheat, cowikis 'n
,,- l0HiH roriune loiives niwaj- (l
I Ulaniook I'eed Co.J open to come at a remedy.-