Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 30, 1915, Image 1

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issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tiw.amook, Okicgon, Jtj.v ;(). l'Jlf.
NO. 55
sk .nv of our I'listoijicr.s itbout,
I irsl National Service
I liry utv all pleased with it ami
Can tell you why.
f irst National Hank
i in i m,4 iy -v ii sassm. vi , ;i.'r i 1 a "t
.71 I'tiLi bbbbbbbbbv iairMA 1 if t win r u, t i i
dollar, j voh r n
.. t.. s.i vi m airy i lieu huy groceries il our
i nl luruisli you with tlic best I'intls, lic
.! . i ii oulv kind wc keep. Our prices rue a.s
1.,-st iiu.ilit v nin he houuht lor any where, me
i' .n si in t'lt- cuil. most nutritious and host
k .'i ' 'i nl inn sill i lid latlillv.
See Ua for Pricci Before OrderinR EUewh-r-
Czar's Troops Arc Reported to
Havo Taken the
London "WjKrt Inwi I'rtrogra .
elate that "the German have owni
Stopptd tu Utn.r aliu.e vjmerous
paint from the Baltic sooih -partlm-Ur'jr
northwest d aomh of Wirw.
file Qfrtnaa official rrjort ei.ftrmi
,fci K sviAt statement that 'be rxr"i
fare Hft UfcoB Uiw offensive, but
concede t.o aini-eei to the "ifunc
)! on th other hind !' run
tr (ti'Mki ut4e bj the ltu u- si mo
to ' Ulltd fftnpwteiy.
On III linen of Generals too Htn
Vnbcre, natliwMt ol Uitmw, n'xl
von MwkftiuMn. aoutti o Wimw,
"'iff1 t(t itutitiM rt txul Having
t -I'tMxt ih (iurmn in:rjc- forcim
ihv Tvutoca bck hi mim i'oim -tlu
-..'flcml BerMn cfltnimunrinion ay
Tha ltu('on ( uurhiuuit." or
"Uwro U miihin n- to rpiri."
Umi rtny of Qrnnml von Burlow,
xh'.h l milking a tlcmonBtrstioti in
ttta north In itm iHncihin of Hie mil
ltn)r -oinwtl3g I'ntrogrwd wiib Vr-
mv. U tKi'lcrcxi bus biNin lntr-rrupt-1
by Kun eouuier manouMr trtm
MlU;: m i-odlns u U RuMlnna. and
lb t)tmta "lao rtort ibe tidvnn
ugn. Tha ituaabui oommmiicnilon con
tnda that the aaaaulU agaioal buth
Ivngir(d by Gnrl "on Mael.inan.
nd NovoKwrglevak. by CJtwrnl von
i llliiilriitnirn. hnrc Imihii ucc-b(uI!)
' ri't'UlmMt.
! german note firm
i i
WnalilnRlon Tbf U Jl f tlif Amer j
Iran note on aiibinarlni' wnrfnrn. I'd
aontod at Ihrlin. rvila that ilx1 Itn !
tmrM goverwmont ba U infortni'il i
It la thit Intention or Utv I'ntto.l Siuten
to rogttrd ua dtjlUHtniloly unrriotnll '
any mpatlUnn by Urn commit ndora of
iorrnun naval vvaarl of nets In con
;rAviiUon of American rlglila.
Tho UnltPil Slatoa nnuonncos Umt
it will oonlinuo to unittnnu lor mo
frwdont of U c.t!t, 'from wiiittevor
4jarur lolntml, wltliout i:omiiniin1i
and nt " oont."
gitl mid Inhuman acts." any th
note. "Iiowovor juallflnbli) ttmy m
bo thought agnlnat an imtny who I
Mtttveil to hnvo acted l eoutruvuii
Hon of law ami humanity, aro maul
foatly lndufeiiibl. r.heu thoy deprive
tieutr.ila of tlmlr rlKbt. uutloulnrl
lion thoy violuto Urn rlRtit of life
rolntliiK out that a helllKoront
ahouUl Blv up Its nioiiiiuroa of retali
ation If uiulhln to conduot thorn "with
out Injuring the IWes or neutrals." th
note deeluroM thul pemlHtetico In auch
ineamireM. under tlio clrcumstnncoH
,ou!d couatliute an iinimrdomible of
feiiM- uisitina: t..e Hoverelnnty of tin
neutial imlloni affected
The n-cntcm front win rinpnrntlro
ly 'lil,t dtirinri the iwwl weoK 'ih'-re
has been little fighting eicvpt v.-lth tlio
heuvy gti;m
A nbort offlelnl account Of th ro
(nit fightlru; on the Oallirxdl nnnlnau
In liiAlratva that tiin (ingRlUt
have 'bren of a ratbr minor Datura,
but bhwi favnrnd the kllloa.
'I'Oliil caaualUoa of MO.MJ U) lli'i
Urllfjfb army and navy orc an
noiiiJ(Ml ly Premier Aaqulth.
The Auat ofi'rman aUmrt to n
v!o(,Uiv Huaa.an nriutcM dafoA'JIng
U'arnnr, itnd to capture tha I'ollah
capltii r !. ' n fur a time pmgreaae J
a;mol; wi.h .h- momentum of an of
fennt'), vh;h cleared Oallcta of th';
lltMaftn trnrn, hive teeit brought
iiaam I4 a atacdaitll.
'fhA.r"rit-!i .iiv..-t anpthcr aaccw.
In AWic to th- u rtJ-i o! M.ioatr.
whMh apparently la thlr obicUv'.
flnd'iw ropulat! of a aerla of Cerman
cmtUr-;iA(-ka The Krrnrh have ccn
aoMlmtdd much artillery In tW fsaln
and with high op1o1vta hav be
atBjplir tearing on th Oi-rman Uofn
aire vwrka. which nre among Uic
ulroitWat along tha whole lino.
July ii7 to Aiik. 7, Kviinirullat
r. nil i,r nii.,i uiiitiuviii
a ifrleH nf ini..iliiin ut lle'ii. I
I" r Invited to attend nu
" Old time lrnmiel ua nruadied
1 VVmIov.
"r" 1J inllaa from Neatucca
m"e friim aond r.here factory.
'"Hood -laitura, k("1 wtar.
(food nronertv in town In
Variety Store
TilUmook, re.
Injunction Aaked by Liquor Firm la
Denied by Court.
Olympla. WaK'i. -Judue 1). K. Wright
nt ii,,. 'riiiirrttnii county superior court
liauded down a decision upholding t"'
validity of the Wuahlnr.ton prohibition
law. Tills declwlon wuh given In the
M. and K. (loltatilu car,, originally
hroiglit to enjoin Hoveruor l.Utur
from UsuluK a proclanitttlon doolarlng
tho prohibition law, carried hy tote
of tho people at Ui laat election.
After doolarlng that he conildera
the measure lu the aume light as
though It had baau paasifd by tha lag
Islature, Judga Wright says:
"in my onluion the relief prayed for
U not within tha puwer of tho courts
to grant, reuarrfltaa of whether or not
tho conatltutleuailty aud atatutory
atop relatl U aubmlttltig the aaeaa
ure wera compiled with aud ulao r
Kardlaas of whether the aald proTla
loua aro mandatory or directory."
Haying tkat, luaamuch as tha au
prema court ha laid down tha rule
that au act will r-at k UacUrad toI
unless Ua Invalidity ut ao apprt M
to leave uo doubt ou tho aubject. Judge
I Wright concludea:
"This court la not bo convinced, and
thoreforo bolda tbo mcaaura to e
I'riMitdent WUeon la at (,'ornlah. N.
II., 10 spend another week or two '
tU vacation tnterruittod by hla returr
to Wiiahlncnn to direct the prepa.ru
tton 0( the note to (;.'::tany.
Sulla are about to be brouTtt hy the
KOrwniueiit aAalrst AtiK.icau cltwen.
wlio, though appureatiy ahht to do at
refusu to repay moiie eip-nild f
that? relief when !h y ere n:mnle
lu Wurtn at tho outbreak of the wa-
Jnmoa M. Sullhan hna rex'.gned a
Tnitod Hi :vn minister to Santo I
nil into. The resignation followod the
rccunl tnvcallKntloii of nltoKnUona that
ho ltSubeoii gUllt)' of trcoridtict and
wna unfit for the office.
1 be Interstate commerce commis
sion decided Hint the revenues of tho
prluclpnl oxpresH companies of tho
United Status ure Inadequate and
lin illfleil Its former orders to provide
additional income.
Wllllnm I. Ivlns. n well-known law
er and for many years prominent In
pol:ttcs. iIIihI at hla home In Ne
York, lie waa 5I years old. Mr. Ivtns
was recently taken 11! after tile labors
In behalf of William Harnes in his li
bel suit agaliut Theodore Hoosuvelt
Declares C-use of Eastland Tragedy
Is Mystery to Him.
Chlcnuo- -Captain Harry Pollers-.
57 rars old. of Denton Harbor. Midi
who was In command of the stoanu
Kumlunil, said:
"1 was on the brldpe and was ahoi
ready to pull out when I noticed i''
boat begun to list. 1 shoutod orde
to open the inside, doors nearest it
dock and glvo the people a chance t
Ket out. The Iniat continued to ro.
and shortly afterward the hawse
broke and the steamer turned over o
Its sldo ami was drlftliiK toward
middle of tho rivor.
When she wont over, I jumped an
held on to the upper side. It all ha;
polled In two minutes. The cause
a in) story to me. 1 have sailed f.
lakes 2& years and previous to tli .
sailed on salt water 12 years and th
is the first serious accident I ever hit
I do not know how It happeuod."
Germane Dlspleassd With Latest Not-
Iterllu, vU Loudou. The comment
f tti principal provincial nowspapu -together
with that of the Berlin pres
Is that tha American not Is entlrol)
uumtlsfactory aud Uavvs (lermauy ut,
alternative except to continue her sub
inarlue warfare against hostilo com
merce, ragardluas of couaeiiuecces, uu
leas' "Great Britain, as a result of tho
forthcoming note from Washington,
sees fit to change her Illegal blockade
-Ha, pop, aaay I aak ye a eea
-Tea, Te4dy. Wtaat ta atr
-Wlae a aaaa's BaJalaad atllkaa' a
cew, how 4m tae tan JT the natter
OMwtaid-aaiw sa tae
y cut of all oft atortea U b mt aa3
Cvahahaw Why, gaaa. he's
Mbers bow to write them. Ufa.
Excursionists Drc.vncd Within
a Few Fact of Shore in
Chicago River
.ncflgo. Ovorlmdrng, umjrlial
InsUng and groar.dlr.g on the rtvrir bot
tom wore cited in tesUmony at the
cott,ntr' ir quest by two experts as
remons why the attamer rjiatland
toip.ti over Saturday at lu wharf
d.'OVMil hundreds of excursion-
Adam P. Wecklur, hnrlionnflater,
r. .. aoph V. Lynn, aiaiaunt harbor-nr-aivr,
both 'A whom were present
v : a tM f .er ce.i izc4. In aacrlb
Ira it.a ajee '. at to '.'cae caua a told
tto coroner jury Utat the boat wna
tjl.y" au should nver have bon
j i:..;.l Ui govemtn?.:t I ua pec
tors to carry taoc than ba4 tb 2500
portions it waa euliUed to transport
under lu Ucenau.
Acordlns to th official Hat. SI4
bodies now have boon recovered and
Identified, but many bodies are be
lieved to be atlll In the ship.
Under misty ekles 7000 women, men
nnd children had wended their way to
the wharf to fill firm largo steamer
with ho'lday mirth In a trip to Michi
gan City.
Itaiu bogan to fall as the whnrf au
perintendenu lifted tlio gang plan;
from tho Eastland, declaring tha: tlx.
Kovornmenl limit of 2600 pasauncers
hnd iK'on roachod.
Then the paaacngors swarmed to
the left s:de of the ship as the oUie
sientners drew up thu river toward th.
harf. A tug was hitched to the Kasi
land, ropes were orderwl cast off an-:
tho engine bcRnn to pump. Tho Eat."
laid had not budged, however.
Ropes -Snap-as-VjC3ll-Srhe. ...
Instead the heavily-laden vessel wa
vered sldewlse. leaning first : ;
the river bank. The lurch was s
itartllns that many passmgers Joino
the large concourse already on tho
other side of the decks.
Tl.o ship then heeit 1 i'fk. It tur
ed slowly but steadily toward ita i:
-ide. Children clutched the sklrta of
mothers nnd sisters to keep from fa
lug. Tho whole enrfio was Impoitoi!
toward tho fulling side of the shi
Wntor Iwpnii to outer lower port holos
and tho ropes snapped off the piles to
which the obsol was tied.
Tor nearly five minutes the steamer
turned before it finally dived under
the swift current of the river, which,
oing to tho drainage canal system,
flows from tho lake. During the
mighty turning of the ship with Its
cargo of humanity, lifeboats, chairs
nnd other loose appurtenances on the
decks slipped down the sloping floors,
crushing the passengers toward the
rising waters.
Many C . "Jvn Never To Rise.
Then thr.c waa a plunge, with a
alch of air wap'ii! from the hoi-!,
rntniglcd with the crying of children
and xhrleka of women, ami the vessel
waa on the bottom of the rlvir, cast
In: hundreds of Ita passengers Into tho
water. Many aank. entangled with
clothing and bundles, and did not rise,
but acorua fame to the surface, giving
the river tlx- appearance of a crowded
bathing beach. Many seized floating
chairs and other objects Those on
shore threw out ropes and dragged In
those who could hold Uilr lifelines.
floats were put out, tugs rushed to
the scene with shrieking whistles, and
many men anatched off their coats and
sprang lnU the river to aid tho drown
ing. With tbonaands of spectators
ready to aid and the wharf within
grasp, hundreds went to death, de
spite every effort at rescue.
Moves toward sweeping Investiga
tions of the disaster were under way
long before tho bodies had been taken
from the bull of the overturned vessel.
Drluln to Amend Reply to America.
Washington. A request made by
Sir Edward Grey. Dritish minister ot
foreign affairs, that the state depart
ment withhold from publication the
text of Uie British note received in re
ply to the American protest against
the British order-in-council, caused
much speculation in official circles.
No explanation of the delay was made
except that another note on the same
sub'ect was promised from London
"wlUsIn a week."
Britain Sends Apology to Norway.
Chrlstlanla. via London. The Brit
ish government, through Sir Kdwr-t
Grey, secretary of foreign affairs r"s
expressed regret to the Norv.-e'an
government at the violation by B.-it'.sh
warships of Norwegian terri nal wa
ters, especially by tho seizure by an
auxiliary cruiser of a German steamer
inside the three-mile UraiL
American Perfects Flying Torpedo.
Washington. Plans for an aerial
torpodo-boaL capable of launching a
monster Whitehead torpedo, were
shown to be on the way to completion
by Admiral Kiske. U. S. N.. now at
tached to the nnval war coMege, when
a patent on the principle involved was
issued by the atom office.
Germans Sink Another American Ship.
Washington. Destruction of the
American ship Lce'anaw by a German
submarine drew sharply to the atten
lion of officials of the United States
government the fact that Germany
was Insisting on her own interpreta
tlon of the Prussian American truaty
of 1S2S In disregard of two American
notes on the subject.
Tho Leelatiaw, from Archangel, July
3. for Belfast, with a cargo of flax,
was sunk July "5 b a German sub
marine off the northwest coast of
Scotland. All the members of the crew
were saved.
To the People of Tillamook
I desire to announce the opening of
a t ew Tailoring Business that I feel merits
your consideration. 1 will have on hand
for your selection a choice line of wool
ens and suiting samples. I have been in
the Tailoring business for the last 18 years
and guarantee satisfactory service at
reasonable charges.
Location, Old County Bank Building 2nd Ave. Eait
Merchant Tailor, Pressing and Repairing;
I valid and cunauiuiiouat.
W. A. Uaklnater
Tlllam.ak, Or.