Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 27, 1915, Image 4

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!"i Im-i n'arr'ase lie. use were (?
On of Malabo's Crwalr-st m-.tf Ntoat Ef
itotive Qremotn Actors.
I ui iuk a ilmudci storm we get an
Il t!i a $tr von on tits FlekWnrsi of
('(Hilar Approval,
TIk ituvet or ttcuibrwiull. now pen
Ofalij Ov kll.'VV lttll.Mll In be one of i III'
verj greatest of palmers. U mi i''n
(ration of the Ittkii'iii-v of Kiuliir n
proval. During the lMit tvvcnt.v mice
jears nf Hl Mfr In- dleiippoMiod in -i
shadow like thai bleb enioloi the
mystery of his piliiilng."
In "Skot. hi't of iiroot Painter " n
boa by IM ln Watts t'huhli. there t
mi lntoiotuic paragraph IiiUm -t mc
fudguirut day bad really come? That like to ibe philosopher ami to thoi.i.er
the itreat msU of too nook of fate were of art. "A gcticrutlou after tin- death
tadim broken 1 l'r Itemtiraiidt lil gront nephew i
What an awakening It 1st iht s j vrved that a short tlmo ago the un
mv elation: What fearfully dramatic ranco of ropmed (viuiolsseurti u
actor suddenly leap. uou tbe stage" ' with regard to tho work of m
Had wv been permitted to look behlud (mighty lirmbraiult t tin t it w i-
i i Hrn.cn cots tv tn .1 me. lit... i.i,,,,. ; how fe.tifullv and wonder
.mst 13 l !S1: and : .11 IIM4 futi.t the universe tu vshl. Ii we bve I
k b ... .... a ... 1. 1.. Ii
, m - has started In troalitla ami w oa ouvtk ami ' v -
i-fclrt another week the MH PM awl vny mark
. , , k v-j . A flash of lightning out of a storm
h m of ,he comWw vl be heard In UM(fb o .. th,.
f" r o"'"- whotp unit luto a torrlWo
M' KManh. M r l.w. of iJeattlo, r8 poww
ami Mm M." M" of rorl!t. If wr l ami twar It for tUo
at thr Albas v-u.iuiainju for in first nrst nwic wooiu w hoc tnum mni iiw
tinu- in 43 vara
Th.' Mat.- ni.l.'.otr'il arcWeni Com
ai: on an-uHi. . that for ih tli
ei-iir.g Jui li;. thon MS act-i-
dvu In OrciMi
it j kr'onn Soul I'll
c-.r- oniiliio.-r on :!.. Woodbum l.eb- ' Hild not baw found ! 'iio of tiH Krtrlt f...
i . n run. iu! nilfiinijr -it hrrl trvu
bu- at his hoivo in Albany.
httu; b wa not tltrrv. oor hiu
tlaily, ho Hint boru and rnil;''l In a
tu'iuk litis. lnr irWr. and one won I
r.'.rK Atr as ac(juitM by th Uk-b bttk III liouso. and bv l i,mr
;urv t (-r '.!:. huh hard ins trial rmuo a qiilt kly hi1 ouiuw t.ouk
on a churso ( ni.irlcnnit Will I'urdy. bind tb curtain and Ur l not tlHr,
stabbing h.m.'.:h a knlf.' ban vaulabxd mor cwuiltl)
'.,.tl.,. ,'l .!.! !v Kl. k. to it " e.v -
patd tret area this utnm-r if in
coo.linai l-.un b the h-:tii tl aro
carnod to a auivt'ssful conclusion.
Ti-.p ,1,: i-. -o!!t(0ii of tho .Va
t;( !i ami v-. ,;in x ah;:.Cton and Brit
im. ( oiiir.'.tna Laund.'ymcn assocta
t. o;no.l in Portland lmntns
M la a-ut confui'd until Krsdy
he h;t ithdrtiu Into tbo Imwrtuoai
ivtM of tin atomic atructut or
ui.ut.T. timl h tltrru-d throusb th
.-loudn. to tp t-allfd back airaln. aa th
tdcmt'titnl dnium prorvl. a iiddnl
ms Ufor.
All mutter la cbarced tth -lccti1rtty.
otthcr aituiil ur potcntiul; the aun la
but with it. mid doabtltw our own
hpitrtbat. our mn tliluklnc lirnln.
aiv Intimately ft-In ted to It: yrt It H
'on than V 11 h.ri's havtv rH--ntly
b n 'ji..'.i irom luvila b Will Ta- !t:ihl and viMM only 111 tbla wldin
ti . .. ;s .ui.:s as ajtftu for wtst- td (itraordltmry way It drtli tmr
en l-uj-i- wiio are sup!ylns th anulysls. U doAtm our definitions: It In
mitn.ls'of I rench and British artny of- mrattW "tid lmpwaniML yt It
wilt do our erroiid, llsht our botta.
cook our dinners and pull our load,
th-cc eatomoloelaU of Umdon. How bimidrnm and eitwtaut and in
Ei and. vis.u-d Kon?at Grovp last ! alc tbe othr fort"a tntrlty. cotillon
v.i '; aia v iisuUed with toll W. chemical affinity and capillary attrnc
I'm.. ho has oharsa of a ivcrti- tioo whtn toaiMirnl with this
va t U'.. raii.rv. on clo.cr and Krain 'orce of fon . eU-ctrtclty How dwplv
'"a'.lins into a j'an of hot water
wt ch h itt bu n le;t on the floor of
th- :.- home. .1 ic mt es from liallaa,
thi' 2yaroid cir' f Mr and Mrs Joe
C5 ar was sca led so badly that d'-ath
res tcU
All thf Icadinc di nnnunations of tho
st.-" i!i be rcprt'soatwl at the third
as: mte.-dei.ominationa! confer-
en. of tiii:i sters to be held at th
I'r n'i f o iL ;r."u Monday,
and quietly It luinhr at un tlu.
hot tvrrlMr active It N--,.ine at an
other. rwlNm tn- tlimuh the heaven
Ike. an InftirSutrd and df-!r.i Ilia cm!'
Jbn RutTouftba in Hurptfr's JIna
"To couturlen later nil Allierlfu
inlHIoimlro. iuvirdlnit to elirteul r
rt. mIiI Jitti.tiitt fr one product icm
Tho Mill. W'bvii he dleil 13 Hoiu.h
nero ticlll ou llN fllliiTMl. In I'"'
ubeo celebrutlnc hl ten-enteiuu .i
l.rtdcn mid AinMerd.mi spout t ii 1
K.iiiN lu IiIh livntor Wlivn he Ihott lili
b"tie S-isktna botuv. was sold un lcr
t!.e llamuiet of tbe -.lierltr. llow the lint
UittpUIH llil" lr 'i.imxiI the iripe '
Ilk b bits iviu ibe !brlue of 1
shlpful adtulrvrv ivbo tome front n.i
I ilt of tbe eurttl to K'v tile pin 1
tu-re oikc llvtl llpiulmtiiilt. WitMn
a Brttomtlou r bw u-ork titu lam w
lle'l that "the ubjar uud jnialc m 1 - Tim- 11 n mi
a l.-. uf a alibjvrt werv the out) uuc J .
be waa cabte of tiotlnjr and tliat lii-
was a tuuunw founds! on Muki 1 OKKGON LOCANIIEKKIES DKLICIII'
'Touay we any that Iteuttu-nudt "
a , ' Mlfll 1
1 'HUT Lr...i '
I IMiut' "1 H r ''til
M l-t. in fll . . f J,' f
w it i.m V,;", n
Ai'idv ni 'i m T '
T i s r 11
4 In -t 1
a for
Yovir Bif; Game Hunt
111 Minn ui uiic In-' .line i .Ifi e rlMi;li (l Mike
rilii.il nlxnit tlieir r t ti - . pni I nm-n 111 every
hi nut i:nty );d tu ilcnwiuliiirf lie minglou I Ml
I'lio iletiMiiil for Kriuiiiittiiii l.H' Hik (ianie nml
Ueiniti -t.iti Mil illic Curtriilcs li. lieen f;ri it ever il e
I I.. K '.iiit'' 11 I Mi I r 4 !r k in 1 In 1 ..initi ' s i ' S .1411 l I
' r i h. . n . . 1.4'. 1 tpvti ii( 111 I li.' i( -1 t fly k w H' 'ii li ' h '4
a.l U I'i ' " IIHy tr f ll 411 I knit (r t Sjm.i i... . . r4d 4U4'lt
SoUl by jour lioine denier nml G (5
other lefidinv: merchnnls In Oieuon
Kfinlnttan Umt L'nltm Mclill. ( ltnJ( I . H Iitl. HUf .M.fl'.it -N I ClI;
uuiM-rxal In vtupathy. im-iiit;
AUvtv o tliers u-erv blind. Mutt tb r.t
m teller us wvil hh the anlnt. the Btfed
tietnrar us well the (irlui-e. tbe orln
From rrlfiprm
kled oW Outcb crouw a, nell uh Oipld. , Bm) Mr(1 , N,w Vufk ,.
" w . w.i v. .ur mii'i I'.ri li'k. . . a . I
. nni id 411111 iu iw a national record
ItlH bruih uf (he iKltuter or UOttdle ''
.U t !!. ir liiuml )y thr r
;.!. . .xiipiurt llb fttuth l.itl
i4i. lhn tr thr cf tl cround
Sjlrtu, li!i.i. jiuI ll lb. tiftHttn
l.iriU'iy I ' ui .1 .1 (hf mid
Ur l lti4ikt llt ,liHcflnr
i afi'i.n.l 1,0 imli n 1 Hundred j
..itmd, i i n-Mi(li i 1 ! ette ,
nIHii.n in ht..ii tf iii.ii. IHiiu
1 'cit:tf iL'lr tit Mil it.l
the etcher, that be la of th.. nice .., pw' 01 me wm
Ml. heinuKflo and rUuea. uf Tttt. i. ! ""vf ami perlibabk of all fru'ta. peep .1im i: rn ilf n.mirdi
and lididiael. of Leonardo and Ituth-u ! wa accoinpltshud this aMaun, wbii .''"'"'. "d c wotkoiit on thr
mtif itniu. ...l..i ..1 Hon . leeiff linitt ittr mtrriUtr ttxn
THE STRAIN ON OUR EYES. h,,PH ' !l-rn. reached Uer ui-
j;erfct cotallti.'ii
-'i!.ii;K3 cci-nty Pomona OiauK,
i ..r . iii . atli ; -eti a res-
.t-. iii" pUt'ha-e of
' Un- i.i the ni;.--"v? ;"ant b
i e of urt-on at tie rate of li.Cu
' -'. E Hardy. (-crptar . f tti
: Ch!U!iUer of Coiitmerco. leJe
:.fd .ho Portland, Or., f" Mt ir-r
gr .
si of n.a..a.v of that or.-;ailinr:on.
Th. place ca. riea a salary of JT" 'j a
1 iic- state iaad lwia-d reie'-'.ed the
ref. 's! of Jason M :ore that he be
gi' eti an exte1..-.' n of time tn .'ani..T
1. ?'!?. in hioh to r. i ! . d
pro.. dint; fur the yirf our 'f Ci.
rc'i'ract of lase tor Si.ruinf- ai.i
Ab -r: lakes.
With but one dime mint; vote, fi ..
Portland Central Labor Cou;i-II adopt
ed the revised report of the joint com
mittee of their body Mil the Portlanu
A Pfron May Be Fat and Still Lack
Proper Nour ihmnt.
The majority of pe' jee do not under
stsind that u (kinui tuay be fat. execs
slrviy fat and still be underfed and
weak from laik -uT proivr tmurtati
One ma) e,:t to ex 1 f starch
fos. hot brci ! ol!" i d - 'eet ui.d
as a result be ro'itnt: in Inl .tud til the
viaie time show n severe cum uf iii.it
nutllUtia. erUlein eilby link ofstreuiitb
In muscular effort or mental concent ra
The ayvteiu needs ttxwo food, for
I bey are known aa tile "fuel foods" tie-
ni.r. rce his acceptance of tbe h- euue tbey furnlxb Ibe body beat, tout
tbe system aim) i.ecils an abundnnee
of tbe rery elements of which the
body or. rather, the musttilur filter l
composed Tbee muscle nmkinit foinN
are frewb meal, esses and milk, fresh
vegetables and fruits.
If on I In the habit of eatlnt; rath
er heartily of mled diet and Is trrow
Ins fat iiH)ii It. then reduce the amount
of sweets, stare if nnd f.its. and )un
will find plenty of 11. iirbdiment lu tbe
mutcle building f sis
In addition to attention tu diet, tiuu
over, attention must in. pal.I to the
need of fresh air tind exereuie If one
would kt from beroinliiit too fat If
Chamber of Cooiaurce, estab'.lsliinc you would have a Kfal tljturf practice
"a joint conciliation board 10 promote
iudus'rial peace."
I"ofesior H S. Jackson, bead of tbe
dep'-rimem of botany and plant path
olot'v of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege for the past several years, baa re
slgr I to accept the office of chief of
the '..tany department of the Perdu
University experiment station.
A sweeping order of quarantine,
cuv. rum ail of Hoik and YawbUI coun
ties, was issued to become effective
iniL.- liaic-ly. The order is signed by
deep brent lilns and e.tetcUe In ud
dltiou to cut tine down ou your diet
Tbe greatest prob'em of eon-orvatlnu
.-I'liUn-. not to forests or rallies, but to
national vitality, and to conserve the
latter we must lieglu by conserving
thu child -fletroll Tlmos
Infant Mortality.
AwordlnK to Ameiicuii Mmllrlue. "the
real reason b.v there are !V,y.(io im
esury deaths every year niuom: our
bullies n tbat tbe fathers eunuot miike
L-Iioiisll money to keep (hem nlive One
in every elt'lil liorn In fureilooinil in
Frank Brown, president of the state uurlj death fur this reason und no
live ntoek sanitary board, and W. I!.
Lytic, btate veterinarian and aecri
tary of the board.
Hy a unanimous vote of the city
council of Itosfjljiirg, the muyor and
city recorder weru instructod to enter
Into a contract with tbo Koseburg &
KaBtern railroad company for th'i con
struction and operation of n railroad
from Hosuburg to tho- boundary of the
national forest reserve, 30 inllci tttst
Scores of lotte are bolng rue-mud
by Superintcnilent of Public liihtruc
tion Churchill in regard to the Oregon
Btandaril school plan and playground
marual. Oeorgla, Alabama, Louisiana
and Ohio are atnonn those intoicsti-d
and tl" ir inuuirieB are largely a result
of a visit to the state's educational ex
hibit at the San Francisco fair.
.Many people who played a proinln
ent part In limiting Oregon history
wen- present at the funeral of Walter
F, (Jack; Matthews. Few men hi Pnr
land were more widely known than
was Mr. Matthews in the years that ii :
was-recognized as pui.ncal dictator ol
Or4on, and those who came to pay
him a final tribute Included many who
had, been associated with him lu pull
tlt'H. Judge Henry H. McfJinn, who
uthur It i not e esHiully strnliilii
sturvutlou. but iireclous near IL us well
its deprivation of comforts which lire
necessities for a baby If the father
makes more than ?'Jo a week the dentil
rate of his lufuuts Is less than eighty
fonr per thousand; If he inuki-i Ickh
than (V) they die ut the rate of over
A stranded bill haughty "leading
lady" was obliged to put up at a dllap
lduli.il country hotel She glanced
frovvnlngly about the olllce, reluctantly
signed the register and took the brass
key from the proprietress.
"Is theie any water In my room?"
she demanded.
"Why. there was." replied the pro
prietress "There was. but I lind the
roof (lxed."-Cblcngo Herald
A Joy He Knows Not.
No matter how ptoud n man may be
of his new loil, he can never know
the bliss of i (.'(dying to admirers, "Yes,
and 1 made tluit myself from materials
I hud left over, mid I thluli It's every
bit as good us the woman" next door,
which cost $ii."-Pittsburgh (Jazetie (
It's a Funny World.
Mirny a well mennln;; man who stuns
Modern Conditions, .Vol Poorer Vnion.
Necostitutv CIao4.
Tbx queste iii "Are our eyen weak
r?" is frei leiitlv asked by people
who observe Uitsety sixl who lire dl
untyed by tbe remarkably large nuiu
ber of people who wear glasoe tuday
as eviiiii urevl with a gcuersllou or
ago Our eye :v uot degcllenttliu'
Tbe eye f the preseut geueratlott are
In no wise poorer, weuker or iufH "
to tlunie of our ,tuvl.-';j', not with
Htauding t'tr fact tb-it a far greater 1'
eentiiKe er iaM tb.iu formerly
Tbe proleililMtte are that lb eye.
of tbe tiunum race are neill r vaaker
nor stronger today lhaii were I base or
our for.ifatheiK. iinleaM It cnu bt pfuveil
tbut the whole pUi.ue uf ibe race to
day Is weaker or stronger As U (be
whole phslcnl Ixajy. so re tbe oys.
Hut much moie U reiptlred of our
yes now thnu wus ever requirml or oar
ancestors Tbe strcnuoU struggle for
eltsteiice today, tbe ever lie reaslug
complexity of our modern clvlllxed lire
the iimltiplyuiL' knowledge of lite
world In ui; lines of buniuu endeavor
knowledge that iiiuat be mustered If
we would rise mid achieve min.-H. put
far greater strain on the eye ur this
generation than ou those tbat have
goue lief ore.
Our schools are tar more exacting
and evere. tbe buslus nnd scientific
world require closer application nml
more painstaking care than ever be
fore Electricity has turned night Into
day. and much more work Is now done
by artificial illumluutluu than in the
past Sharp competition In every line
mukes it necessary to lisve tile lst
vision obtainable
Because of these exactlnx deinillUls
on our eyu. latent lniiei tocilon. er
rors of refnictLti causing eye strain.
are brought irt ju.l mude uiunlfust by
s.unptoms mt dis-oiiifiiri and dlstrcsri
coiiiiellllig us lo seek the Implovemuilt
or vision nml the comfort ufTordpil by
properly titling icnci. .loiiriiul or the
Allielicilli Misltcal AssocliltlOII
To Make Bandages,
I'umlnges can be prepared rmui the
gioi (iiirtM of worn sheets ur pillow
!Im If (icrlccllv i-ieiiii Itoll.i Mix tn
eight yiitds lu length me iim-t conven
lent -one Inch wide for lingers, two
lliclnw for reel, two nml oiie-luiir to
i lire. liicheit rm iieiuj nnd (i r irus ami
four inches for leg A good way or
keeping llieui III ciinillflou tot u-e N to
seal the rolls In n perfectly cleun glass
mill Jur -I'lillnilcipliiii Itecord
Cenumu Innocence
A youthful Olno man u Im married a
widow and went to Chicago for Ills
honeymoon complained to the liuiei
matiiigemeiit that lil io'ltets I id lieeii
rille.l of all tile money lie hud the v.-r.v
llrsl night Idd you ever think there
was such Innocence n ihnt lu Olilo
Houston Post.
Another Face on It.
"We ran ueroxs mi old friend of yours
.be oilier day "
"Who was It, anil where (lid you
meet hlmv"
"Il was Mr Toddler, anil we didn't
exactly meet him -he wouldn't get nut
of the way "-Haiti more American
With the carrying qualltv of tbe
l rh Oit-(. it l.iKjntfrrrirs bvi
'ecu 41'rn and calcu in New .rt
. .t..i iv jjul Ui ji nalio.u! fvnild
in ihc ltipiiu-iti of bvrncs, the muii
ci!ltivc n. pcrisbaldf of H ltut,
.ifi.i,(.ii,hr.l ibis r.t von, whet.
.id niirr . pr"i t.ul.wd ol ju il jl.-t
( s .iSi.r.i i, on ,-vii. ni, rcivwirii Ihrre n
tf it comiitioti
m.uf .tntiiin..e l c s ship
ir.rii'. in 4l-l tr l i i.i.i .lldr
It.iei pi.ini tifvii.t lf,ir l-t -Irtfu
In- ( lli.; S.uiiiicm I'i.i'o
iininif t,. tfjfin tn'i-i. aol 'Kr Metl
o' !i obttJittr v-t l vil .! vn
tn.iv rinrul (ft in thr i iinliill nlv
ri"' 1 h lud a Uik'r mrlev
I-. .In; ; ibu t.e i. on? t4
11 Tillamook t.lmo Pr.luri d
Line, I'll'.. , ,,
T VI 1 1. i til .1 ,
ih r not! i i
ii ml .i ill -B'"l
t" Illo -ti-,
' I'ifllt of
a levied in.
Aui .t, I'M .
. u. .l.-r , i .
at 'lie Ii. ur f I
will niter f r ,
fllllnl at pil I
el.li-r In o,.i r
iln lee. nil Ii v t .
Ibe n.. .1. f,
bad i.li l . ' "
t l SIV Im r s
m .1 l- 11,1 r.
i"pi ty. .'
t i.iimy, ( irt.- . i
1 be vvret I n t
, ipiatloi ..f '.r i
Nutlh Kt .. ..i',
' ipisrter .f i
at the S'. rlh ) a.
I Kl i'ittcr i.f ii,
I of Mrr(l..i. h I , ,
! Ibrlii n ..l,lli
' f i it 4 , Itirere . 5- I
' . . . ...
inelirr ,ielli f :i ,
lllir uf the S... ti i .,,
South I'nol ..
I r I t ) -,;
to the plae ..f 1 ,
I V neir4 , nit, 1 1 , ,
Noltb r.l .
foWt, All 111 1.4
ttwlige Nn r. 1 1 '
Mriiillt., at ,i
!lid ul(?ii'i I i
tf. fl. mil
Half m io , (
(rt 14. 11111. a
fee, artd f.. II
firU of I ie 4-
I '
Khrrilt . f I 4
UatMi Jul. ' ' '
f to. A
" ' "'tl4
.. . ' .
I II,,
T I ..J
" A I . .
"f a.
I I I ...
k 'VI
l t
' p. .
' I
tl :
I- Hl
1 ' f ,
With the living qtuhiy w thr rdy to fill orvlero far lime stone
I thu tint- J"Con, iiimmooa
.; w .vloidf j drvv way
and pup4(s(oii 4rr jcd bi t
;nae in eairv mi rM.o.ive
''' campaign lor tbe .i6 ro.
wilb thr obj st ai developing n
country vidc tkttwind (or th? product
Thru i the Jjrit ra vthtn t
u nipt wffte wade ij semi the togaa-
irtry r,at in lortnelnblr tiAntnirn
i uetomer Ar
requested tu brihg sacks of II will be
weasary to charge 3c estra for each
Wo piii furnish sand in targe uuan
Utios, rhestwr than .nyoiie Wbere
' h . 1 h . '.u rru.t Mju.il,. Kleetric intht Pl.m "
iiirough the Western ( rii.,n Iruit ., '
liiributot4 of ibis itv. and ihr
n;g ct proper was bantflrd b (lie
North Patilis. I ruit Distributor
Jic Makes Ftrtc Beverage.
Kreh shi.iut ol-, ni l..K'.iu, vv4 Ihr
p.trticut.r ntd i the Oregon grower
this r.i.ti he .l.ni.illil (,,r jt.niii(i
stock li.ii been . ..ii.i.li r.ibly c liijn
for some seasuni j..ist, owing to tin
gritcr.il iii.icluttv of ih.- t.mu. ti ,
while tin outlet hat bern depen.l. ,1
upon heretofire to take can- ,, 4
tart of the crop. Large ijUAnniitv
have been dried, as uviul, jm.I ir,u
new iiticc plant worked iiikIii .hi.I
day lor several week, putting up
thousands ut gallons ol the liquid lor
lev (.rage and other purposes A the
call for raw material for tbet diiftr
n iic-ds. however, mill led a urplu
the (rcth shipment w,v d(cnli. upon,
not only a a means ol asiti.titig thr
growers ibu year, but more rsperial
l to build up fuiure outlets (or the
crops, the tomtagr of which is exprcl-
ii u increase annually.
Unols Sam's Ponvodak!4 Naval IU. In
th Pae'.ls Ososn.
Whcu It W-B4 seen Unit MS'lilS .i.
uiM-it-wn a n defeiKe for (ut louiilri
iltid Would be Inm.i. iii ll.-lisnl of ,.
!. I,, ii w-ir I'ejrl h.irl,.i m, .,i,e of lb.
liitwnilsti UioiiiN ini.i- nine frwi.
Iloliollllu Wll M'levttsl. ud LM.tJ.
OW wag appniptuied by i.nigie fo
Its turtlflcdilon ( gtt, , teller bar
bor ib.iu ellbt-r Olbrsliur ur ilelgotand
A roie live wep of laud wakes Ui.-h.-trlsir.
which Is crowm-d: by s iihk
rblge of gigantic trees nnd rugviitl mi l
tumbled rock that terminates In nn ev
tlttet vol. iinn known as lUtuiem i
Head A frowoing mouiiiaiii ide bub -a
beautiful bike llmt is rescued from
tbe nen by an Inl. ilke ibe uerk of a
tsittie. It cover, eloen snuare mil...
NotUc lor I'libliuttts
H i Ii' I ui i. I
Msin t innjil .4 ( h. I .
( h.' 1 M
Of(in J... l
St 1 1 1( I .
W, Iter Sri. , i I
. it JHsr. ii 1
Retry, X.i. .ut
fttVl. Sc. :
tiaiHte 'J Wr.l A
ha filed i .( ,
Kins) Three ,. ,.
fistm to live I .
fe tbo
Count, f ilr.-.
on l he rnth '
msnt esn.4 .-.
HllStl.ll, i t l . . .
Kumm. .f ii.
lirodner, i.f I
I'avrui, i.f II. a., r
undor .-t ..f i .
'I i
.4 1.
140 acres of Ii i
butts, good t
tUv length. - ami i'
aeeamndair 1 ' n.
J up a erew of I ..r
I'll sst a .Ur t-t
ItanVs a ltd w ,. i
. be in.. wl ft
yaid. Will .ii.. i .
you U roMie
Vnrv tf
I'ar Itslpl. '
.1 fw
f I
i ! ,'! I
. '
i . ff4
'r- I
1(10 AlRIS I0T SAU
l . A. Mil I Inner, ifcucral imiiniuer ..I with a .Uiei. t -i ... ...... ...
the Western Oregon Kruit I3i.tr 1.. . .7 " .". 'VJ '",nV
had. known Mr. Mattliews for nearly " bis "lay with s determination to
GO yivars, made a brief uddrerfs, Ho radiate cheerfulness only succeeds In
A Good Instrumsnt,
.Sinclair That's n nice looking bar
ometer or yourH. Is It sensitive! Ku.
llns It's too sensitive It even Indl
cut os when my wife Lk going to have
a erytag spell. Pock.
revlarwed tho active life of Mr. .Mat
theani, talllug of hla f.i.ly msnho. !
and, dwelling particularly on his (iollil
cal. CAroer. Many ine'.l- ts uf j, ,i..r
sou.. . lure wart) ..
setting folks wondering what on eflrth
hf's 2-rliiiilin at Milwaukee .lonrnal
Men know not how (.-reat a reieiiiie
'. i, lit- i v '
Tho verdict Of history seems to bo
that, while a groat doal has come tu
paaa, relatively little ha
-St LouU Poat-U'apiiteh.
tors, said in regard to the outcome.
oi course we are all more than
gratified to have our anticipation!
rcalicd. Fresh s'lipincnta ol this pro
duct has been foud to be tlisl as 4.fe
as the carriage of apples, when scien
tific methods arc adaptrd to the ne
cessities of the fruit. I he logan pick
ed and shipped any old way won't
tarry far, or attract an more attin
Hon than anything else put up that
way. Rigid lucking, lucking and
shipping rules arc mat as essential as
in any other perishable fruit, and per
haps more no. Standards arc vital for
llic development of .ui Norlhweii
fruit prodiat, and they i.ui only I e
arrived ai and aplicl through organ
ization. Kastorn People lieliijlitcil.
"As an illustration of how linn the
loganberry may be made by careful
handling, one of mir cart, shipped
from Newbern and Dundee, a superb
no oi ii nn, w.ik uisiriiiiiicii iroiu a
Kansas market throughout Oklahoma
and lexas, in small shipments, ami a
widespread iiiijuiiy an ,, ,ow t,,.
hciries icaclicil their several destina
tions, brings a multitude f replies
all of the same natiiic. Tin people in
those slates, iiuil the Middle West in
general, are overjoyed nth their dis
covery of the new pioduct, which
ihey term to he the bet berry they
have ever used."
Oregon's loganhciry industry is the
largest of any slate in the I'nioti, and
the yield this year was unie.-ir.l ,.f i
8.000,000 iioiimfs, More than Vo,ooo ' f,','H1 Miipplles. Teehni,.,,! Woild tn,r
alone was paid mil for puking, while "1"'-
the aggregate cost of boxing and 1
handling, iiieiilrnl to the 'delivery of ', Her Thauu'itfulnuss.
the fruit to the 1 iffi rent nlanls :m,l "ficutvu !.. i- ..,.1,. .... .. ..
shinnine- noinls r:,.i H. '.,..-1 . .. 1 .. . . ' '"VetlltlH,
7.1I.. 1. .1. e.VVw 1 J "'WU'llow
I.I1...V ill llic .piliUfllwu 111, UK
p. x press Kates I
tr..r... 1.. 1.
on -ii'ine ii.iiiuiL.ips 01 a you (find T"
' ' 1 i'1'i .i 1 ui" VV V fil 11. 1.
i .1... 1 J ' ery gad. ii.iti....i
'";""1- i.e. .i. n in 111 mi: nerry n 1 ... , 1 us o
to tho sen Is three miles hunt ami lmr.1
ly wider than oiH-e-sary for veel 1,,
(in Pnrill'ei win, n,e 1 oust U a coral
ri i f n mile w ide liirouuh ibis a disn
nil a Ibousiiml f,.,. wide has been eu"
" has Ihi qulp,nit with inn. ur (In
most eoiliplete naval sl.ttli.m, u n.
world, a mil.) square In extent. It Ii.m
n iirjdocii, which i, ,(. iraest in th,.
norm, a ismssi iiui.unt , plan,
llll'l oil (auks for Ie4, l4 llr f()M
eulbuis. exlemllng f,,, nf,,.,,,, ,,., ()
Honolulu, consist of powerful lnuteil,-.
With eelimnt emidil. eilieiils below II...
Kinuiiii wvei 'I'll,, ends are guarded
by 1 wo fortN. uciiimr or which an be
seen from Hi,- oe,,n. tn, the hind tin
gnus ore iWciiih.,1 ,y H,1(.M ,)f t,ar
woiks llmt form a descent fintu the
harbor 10 Honolulu (,, t. ull
eoleiino la a mnrtiir buttery ''. f,,r
"'"rinrs of this bntiery have ,, ,(l
treme coast range i.r iiliu. miles, throw
- w,.g,,1K 7i,(,
i"'...ius. iiie seiieoust defeiiHes Imve
roiirtc,,. i4,L.j kiiuh. and lb,, funs are
HUiileiueutud with Niibiuuiln,, mines
'"lilrollcd bj iilecirl' y
Jm." M ,'.nr'.'0r h a'""" '"'
rrui 1 Pnalasks nml f,n, , I(l ,
'"site end. , , ,, f
'"""'' Ho will, ihls Imiiregnnl ,
ST.," ,1;;-v;i,v:,,''i'i'''''whui,,,,,n,
t III.. PaclM. f.. ibu ,11m,, ,. ,..7,i
imve IUU safe ,(,,., f()r .,,
liMi.-ili-H lu Utile (u
Ono-half tmlc '
Hay. tVt n.-rr. . ,
water. Take pari
properly, balai..
r rn "f
d . !'.
. Ms k ""'
'Differ , T' lU walk u
!'f "Vi-ry glud. In ,,... ....
a como to smy ! tie" fast uinler the present tnuspor-. , ,u f ma mid get up
:di. I "" ' ' ' 1 I 1 . . f"r ff'' "ee uf luriM,,,; o ,.,
I v;,t"" ! '-'"iii. ( -I, I'-.y- ::,,;;:"' " " i . um.t tun.
., o..w. ii'i,..mHin arc now miH'lulo yoq wutitr
; Sidney I:. Hi. 1.
.".nrve, r
John Lelaixl lb IctlW,
rtec). lies'
. .. ... I .... - Nil
iv vvorini) -fiv-i.m. . ' -j
Tlllamnok Title ni
Abstract Co.
Law. Abstracts. ' rsl KjU'X
Surveying, I 'rsi.rc
Until I'be.ll
, ,11 iff.
M -4
. W
Til I AMnnK KA
JiUi oTtoTif sr sr mm
Elrclrlc Llhllnj! W
Heating I'vlc
You will be IniinolfJ
I'll. Iltr,.l,. U.IIUI4 4llll Ctmr
llevlcrs w liaff In '
AOIghl pflfM