Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 27, 1915, Image 3

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Quickest Acting Bowel &
ONb HOSli uimll Ht-u.H sotu hIi.iii.uIi. run
t, H i s (HI till- Htinti.ii li
I KA I In tliO.ollKh liowrl limner will
, 1 1, i u dose ilntwM oil hi) mikli old ton I miitUT
iii ...i
t t II III 1,1 (ini'Mimiivu.
AIM ! K 1 K (lunnlw nniunt npxiitlieitii in
I.. CI Hi. nor fmtllo ft hntl,c. fnr ft ft
delivered free
'I liiiiKH thai vimi mill rilit now an
OIL, Etc.
lor your in i m work.
loi r.iiinin finit (inil tnbli s We have n uod
DISE o tinl (ll I V
Our Prim Arc NIGHT. We Want Your litisiness.
E. G. Anderson, Hemlock
The Satisfaction Store
Altorney-at-Law iaa
Land OlHcc Liuslness.
opposite courthouse
OJliee 202)1, Tillamook
Tillamook - 2 (,r''
Jimmy 0lvln Pltohed the Flrit N
Hit No Run dam.
HnlarliM find were paid to bnll play
er In 1WW by the Cincinnati "Info.
IUjkvt Connor, the fnrnom old filus
Kr. In 1.171 Kami In leu ronicoutlve
m tiHoM had a grand butting average of
Itev, GiltHm nod family lire e&mpliu:
nl NctiirU lliiN wi'wk.
I'l I.li ii.y who l n.orhini' mi tho
N'nliiilnm h h Ih)ii In tho rily (lit wcuk.
Gnuolint. I'tiur t.ix'it KyutHin,
prMrtimlly nnw, fi.ur light, for Mil"'
rli-.. S M. M m I ton. harbor.
Jt r'(M" Dunn, of Modn. I In thu ell y.
It. )-:. Jarkaon of I'.iir View In in Uiu
city un folnij.
! Sut.rit fur the Herald, it cornos
I twl'-e week.
i Go u tim "Kiunaey Goo'l HU" for i
thu best of everything In cixci thin.:
to (int. Ulev will treat you right.
Mr. and Mr 0. J. Hdward and ons
lovd und lwidl Infl thu fir I of lhJ
WHtk for Han Frnnclnco whr they
will villi the fnlr for two or thp-e
wook. They will mku the trip down
El. J. Claussen
Dhitscmlk Advokat
Commercial Building
., ,, . , .. ... thu eot on on of tho Grunt .Northern
Mr. S, IJ. Rowan and daughter Ml . ,, ,,, ... . .
1 1
, .. f UoUtonvlll
form mortEit:.
wrM ttf t WlitU
rri'l VtlU
'.tr..t 111. pf lh-t
' t l.lJoni
i i-.vrflal n
, .lit.. r on AaUi4r
tu fof lr al)half "urlr. lire M.
M. irhi.X
Ktmt lohcuj (jirl wnU to 1o htMlttf
w .tk. my )-(rrrcl A'VtrvM U. M.
livuvor, Or-igun,
Vnt-4 to buy -mmtoiMI hand bumiy
hum. AMnm bo tM, TllUmoofc.
Knur Nrr oW han. wiht 1100 Ibi
AddrM bo rilUmouk.
1 Try lhu 'Ac dintwf l lh lUttiMty
"Good KU," M. A. Ol-i frmrly of
gpAnttb Kiiehtm.
Waiilo-i U Ui t..nd hand b-y
harn.'M. Addt-wtltmij . Tillamook
l.iw rUtlal at Htmntmtn Uf a.
!.-. thw Um TlllMMiok Lime I'io
fluc Co.
.alo. Hf)l TtlU
. .rr wis In UtWfl on
nt t rltMn lrw
Sat..iml UnV.
, hu h hon t
IvnWinu, of DuiwIhu. Uri.. Imvo Intuit
vuittni; lrtnda In llile vicinity.
I'or Halo or Trwfn ljuartrr anwad
04k. fi ottlHVv orgnn. Hit: harunln. Ad-
dr. Orcan In eur of "llcrukl."
HIG 11 A NO HAIU5AIN. Wont to
nil or trnl ft m new tduiio. 8a vo onu
third ttUilhir uric. Will Uko board
and lodging n it. titrin on Imlnnco.
Addrvaa 'I'lnno,-' earn of "llorald."
Or. Ilitrtur Mrl'hron of CorvnUm,
rfititrasntiry thi Govurnnmnt Itunoiu
of markBt m bwn in Ui comity thm
h -ludyini our aytm of ehono
Word ba bn rwelvad h r that
Mra. A. M. Hhfer of ICdin. Idiiho.
formerly Miaa Anna Shirk, Kfacher
in nor tchool lirr, wt the mother of
a fin foahy boy. Hr many fiirnda will
be )laod to hoar the Rood miwi.
I'nclflr Htnnwhii to:iU.
Dr. Mnoro. Dlntrict StijKJrlntomJont
of the Saloin M. 1C. District, haa Injcn
in the city during tl.c punt fuw day,
lie irciiid lit thu M. K. Church on
Sdixtuy imirtnni: nml on Momlay uvon-
' ink' huld tho fourth (junrturly confer
! tc of thr yesr. 'Hio confuronco hy
i honrly and urmniiiKMis voto rttiuvntod
that th; oriunt )nrtr I'.or. Cilltina
v eont bach to this chnrKo for another
A I.tcutnnnt 'lawktworth in the
iront proniurlion Mr tidtion him a'
IHirt well fittix! to hu oxcoptional abili
tii, and tho ditching tnunlv courage
with which tho ywinn olllcer meols tho i
Attorney at Law
General practice in all statu ainl
Fcdrl (orU
Commercial Club Uldg. TilUmooJc.
Geo. P. Wmslow
Tillarn'xiK IJlock
Tillamook. Oregon
Attoriici-nt-t a
men. Ho
... . .
.. rartM-nUrr
N . Sw T. W.
r .1 NrlmWm Wat In
r-.ari iNMtrawa lt
.,1a at TMUmk
1,1 shrela ruHUd for
' .- ;! .f-ek.at llM
. Hrr Ml. V H.
i Horn (of Barometer 'wualhM (ore
r.t whtl nukt'tx tiny. V, i. Clouvh.
, Try Mt f oor r an-j )raw-d Chick
a for your ttunday dintwr. TUIa
mwk a4at Cmwiny.
f Jo ira tmmr Tillamook City to trad
for rltl or automobile. AUan t John
ui.. Mutual l'hon. Bo J City.
Mr, tin. Kiimr lfl on loo morning
train for I!i-ada. Ot.. wh aho 1
ill utt h nwthr ami itr.
ft'm. Hoover who ta WckrmlUinn
fuf Uttbiavn A Joplln l OarlbaMl.
pt-M Hnday with hia iilr hvta.
. ShiUmar ami IU oni Mm. Walt
Wowto of y Ciy. uwn l-,
tiny. i
Cmi. HittMin of Hay((n ' m'
Uwn today. 1U ml( the trip on horao
bk r lh llht hoow trail.
W,H. UMliteWwrofj.Bakar City.
Or,, i viitmr l h"'"" r hii
daughter Mr, t.. v. " y-
.. itim-of Hortlan.1. I
many dimeultitri) awl danom that con- ( HlcXfllOOk County Htink HldfJ.
front hi in mak i n wsv for him into the
honrl of the MfcUitr n well as into
tho bart of tho heroine, who mot
chariniiiRly portrayed by Clsiro Whit
ney, the talontod loadini: laily of the
William Fox Stock company. See
'The Girl I Uft Behind Me" at the
Gum Friday niuht.
In nrrfitiiintr tin- acraon version of
j thia flrot awl Kreatpit auccea of Uavld , L. L. HOY, M. D
, u..u.. "Vh Cirl I lft Ituhind Me.".
J. M, Scott ot l"orlianrt. Rimrai , i.hrr Ifort nor money has been
tiaanncflr agnt of tho Hoiiliern I'n
1U. Sainplwa ml ion lnd of Ilea
vr, lft on Saturday lal for Madmt
whr H. Sampten ha h fall Ui
preach al a labllt fhnrch at thai
tla. cliaiRo coniU of two
othr appolntinunU.
nor money
I miariMl. The Minua of the tilay are
cifle Gomnany, wn in lb cltv on , i-y m Mmj .romuj u lonely frontier
vi.iilnu our bualiMM ttr,y ,Mt in thu oW Indian days, und
lh Herald olllce a i , n.r th, ,h .ilnot,h..ru of the
Attorney at Law
Office In Tillamook Block
riiv.sician and Surgeon
Uhhnrd J, iDtrkcy) ricrcn Ia credltid
with IntrfxliHlni; Uie bunt hit In the
Miuitnur of 1H70.
'ITio llrut 10 cnim? on record wna
playcl by tho Chicago nnd SL f)nla
tinini In 1-S7.V the formr wlnnliiK tho
O. N'lcbolviii hold the r-ord for the
t'r't't number of atolcn bnicn In a
wnpum. WIipii wlih the Frankfort team
of the Mloe Grawt bniicuc In 101 ho pll-rcrt-d
111 wufcM In Zi khuioii.
In lltl.T th; Mvridlan twttn of tho Tot
ton Sfat(" leaKUf wnM defatted In
twi-nty-lx eojiHWitlve Kaimn, the rec
ord. The tlrat no tilt enme. no player
rcaclilnw Brut low. In tho history of
UhhUmII took plate in 1S70. Jninen Gal
vln of the St. Ioola Ited.i wai the rec
ord making twlrler, aiwl he pit' bed
I ariliiit th. r club of D-trolt. Tho
Irtittl'; tiwk pla.'e at lona. Mich., on
i Au. 17. The feat wan retreated twlcn
. lu 1H70 by .1. I Itl'-bmotid of the
. Wommttir National l.izae outllt on
, Juin- 2 axHlnat Chl.ao. and on July 23
' aalnat Kpniuettold. Asain. on June 12.
lb&. Illclimowl pTforiael tho hatue
iiluiit UKaknal Cleveland, and In thu
. unme year, on June 17. John M. Ward.
tHirltiu; for I'rorldence. Iwat Ituffalo
In thin bind of a content.
.Nu u dd It Win were mndc t thre
iiatnm until ilaj 5. 1S.OI. twcnty-fotir
year later, when I T. ("Cy"i Youn
of the Hoaton Atnertcan leflRUe team
di-fiiuM the Athletics In n no hit, no
player rpuchniK Unit, uatne. and A. Josi
fcliultarly b-at the Wht ?ox when he
tnirU.il for the Cleveland American
league dub on Oct. 2. lftfrs.
F. W. Thayr of Harvard Invcnu-d
the catcher's mask In 1V7. He was
catt'bins fur the Crimwiu tenia at tho
time. Ed A. Uoeuey. lu Leslie's.
pleasant call.
A powillar chraetr calling
that the atntompheru of
pioci- be retained to thu fullest extent. ,
himiolf . lh entire company a sent to rort,
M.itU.n.ka Jim." w. In the city ' Aaainaboine. .Montana, mere, amiusij
thl WOk. lie HR'ma to have travoletl , the ruRKed woatern sceliory. with real ,
.evertil time around tho worW- Ho eavalrv trooper, ami witn real inumna
Ktw burofootwl ami wean n ilowlnn
carf about 1.1 hoad. He hax k oiii
wbat Intereatitiv? atory to tell. Ho Is
inaMnK hi livlnt off hi witji.
What nlioul your eveT If thera is
not much of iinvlhinc wronK with Uiout
eo and ee inont anvono about them.
' If there ia MJine real dilllctilty liattr
who knows about eye
tho minus of thin virllo military drama i
were oiuicIihI for the camera. At Gum
Theatre Friday. July 30th.
Hell I'honi-Ollke 6, Kesidence 5 M
Mutual Fhone Oillce ami Uusidence
Dr. fack Olson
OHice Hours trom 0 u. m. to 5 p. m.
Oddfellows Building
Itnth Phones
. .lnnii.. ----- , i and the r d oae. nr. r i.
"W e U,n '7 . Kvemnht Snecl.ll.t. Tillamook.
- nunuay iw !; -
t I
.LAI i i
-acr wa in the friend.
H i.ipparatlona to Um gf,h Trambloy vtaitod at the
I'nrllaml Uadar.. ,ttf t ntir uncie W. C. Tromwey ai
Link Haua. lUy City on Monday and Twedy.
fi.iind eountry j(B. Hummferlin. .who baa been ap-
k Mmt i mianv. pointed to tho paatorat' of the u. .
, , llf (),U(HW ('hurch here, will lo Salem on Mob-
. a I'orllaml huapltat ', bare,
an opvratin lati Mr, A. K, Nolan of Portland, win
Ul nvlaitlnrat:the home of h. r
! i.tr Mr II. t'. Ub, returns! to
,...l between l'lStiV Slw w accompanio.1
11 I'ulaon. oibi". . -
ib... room wllli nr with- j
, ,lr- HiTHl.i Olllro. j
,.y II. f. Umb. Jr.. wo win vi.h
! Portland for a tuna-
for Uboilon Lenae. alo Kryptok.
We do not artk you to contract vonr
ralvea to ua, but we do aak you not to
contract your calve to anybody ole.
tiociiut we are at this time ami will
bo next onaii. able to pay you more
Hum anybody olo will pay you for your
yonm; enlvos. We come u. our place
to net them and pay you the cnh. I nil
us up. Until plmnit. Hell phono No
SPI. Noilwn Melchior.
SI. 70
$1.S0 sk
10.75 bbl
Cool Your Skin
lo.luv t'.i KiKllio nlld Kiflaiil-
1 oi unburn, hip
in 1
Mcntliolino Itiiliu
Splendid lu omer
Itelli'ioa w h e I e
there IH mi r f are
pain to be relieved
n r inllnmmalion
to be roiliti'fd.
Inr brutxeH, hive,
innecl lini!H, lieu
raliria. ciitarriib
fur a Hi'ore of oth
er thlnH it I"1"
inir L'liariinleti.'tto
The Swtintika Club had h mot do
liKhtful afternoon at the home of Mrs.
HaycH. The form of entertainment
1 ..r..i.,.il ml riirv iininiiK which
I mills ...
I ixnil.t ii vnrv iiiiiovnblu to all prencnt.
It.iv V. C. St'linuetlo rettiniiHi trom . ,r ,ei(.i0H refrcsluneitts tie elub
I'lirllaml and n in the city for " row lulj(lllrlll( imUin: forward to
laal week. Ho and lam.ty "M
I., leave 1'orlland thi week fr their
future home in MiMotirl.
'i . nrj. . v v.tH.'Kii ii.w iri m a
Only Sold By
.. . . uf.iii... ..f ltnv (itv wa I"
town today. Mr. W.lli.nn. has eharire
f all tlie lire wardens in thu county
ll,i..eaon. lie .ayn that hi ...en re
,,.(1tly put out a rather bud fire 111 the
Nelmlt'tn country.
Uoberl I'ilnann. who h.. been Hiici.ted
,,, lay Hu. loi"! l "The t.lr. . u u o
hliul Mu." imlv.lly known to the
theal.e...in public, as the Htar o
Ilromtwav amvesufH. Al tin-
Gem Friday July :"'".
w .1 Garrett, formorlv ndveriiHinit
lllllul HiiIIiiii.'h and J. SchmlU. u
, iv..u of tho Herald plant.
werelnlhecllythollfH.of 'lu- week.
jh.-y .pent hint weeit up 11.0
alu will !"' "", w,',,k "
1..., ...1.
.i;n ... 1
At a ...eetimr of thy Cltv Counci ;
M l..v even ItU. till) UlilH 11
;rfm.W Hovoral uf tho cltv
al rolocloii. in" 'uj
A t I I It I
inloaten year oo.ttn.c ;
w fiaiichlHe to inn. v-"" V
Company. In which tin'l."""''
r Kb the city d.ml.U. tho ""unl of
onen-V in tho city nM lhu ,,,uu
price now pnld tho company.
WANT HD An ImluHtrlmm mini wlm
1,iut,nnlfl()0p.u' month ..n.i:oN.uM.H0H
n,,11llKMmflWuctHlufl.r...ein. MtiH
, ; o,e tm-MPH for alnrlinif expen
.him.d furnlHh contract Hlirnl l -
..11. 1.. ....... Ai hlresH l
ri'Hpnnaioio "'. .Mn
CALIF., KlvlHK -"'"
a picnic
for the ensuinn month at Hur iew
Anr- i!0th. The invited quests wer
MemloilleH Lamb, Todd, Nolan, Alli-nn
and Myeia.
Wheat ler rwt
Rolled Bailey or ton
Rolled Harlev 7r. lb k
Wtiite Oat ier ton
White ot er rwt.
ScruUth feed per cwt
Whole corn per cwl
Heat Hard Wheat (lour
Heat Hartl wheat Hour
For cah payment, dedurt the fob ,
lowing, vi: $1.60 per ton on barley
and ontn; 2fc wr bbl. or 10c iter sack
on flour; ISc, Cwt. on vheat irn and ,
acmlrb feed ; 10r "rk on barley, bran
ami ahorta : 10c Cwt. on oau.
' Fruit Suirar 7.1'). I)i. U5c. sack.
I Ann and Hammer Soda .rc. lb. l'kjj.
Harry P. Kerr
We make ti .-peei.iltv uf f.nm urvey
in nnd wat r riiit applications
S31.2fi Has Located in the Commercial Bldg.,
r . t-ntm
bucceedinp ur. r. J. anarp.
ork (juirAi.trfj. Both Phonrt.
. , 9 to 12 4. in.
OAt;e Hours: 1 to 4:30 r. m.
Opn Evenii.es I'jm 7 until S o'clock
Dr. Geo. L. Peterson
Pr. rcrkins (ld Stand
lioth PhoiiM RrsidfiKf Phote 20R.
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(Hoth I'honesl
U. N. III N'KI.K. M't.
I Located in .lono-Knudson Uuildinn
' Funernl Director nnd Licensed Embnlme
1 Ludv Assistant When Keuuested.
On the Atlantic Coast, as a Rule. It I
From Left to Right.
Thirty-five je.irs a so. while maklns
a four month' voyaae. I was fre
quently tropreed by the unerrtns ac
curacy with whhb Captain Crosby,
one of the tx-t known eaptnin "itl
Iuk from New York, forecast the state
of the weather. In reply to my niie
Uou bo n-.s.ereil: "Doctor. a a result
of fifty jean, id seasolnc life. I can
ussure you that almost Invariably f.
mtht nay without exception, thu wlnd(
In Its nuiftlus follows the enure of,
the hands of a clock that is. from left
to rishL
Of course," he addetl, "one cnnt.ot
say how Ions the wind will roil.. .in In
any one quarter, but when It chauj.es
It will. ulnot without exception, rske
the course I have stated. For lntan e.
If the wlud ts In the northeast, in
stead of iw'.ns to the north and then
to the northwest. It will ou the
trary Ko over to the east, southeast,
bouth. Miuthwest. wetit. and tlnaily
reach the northwest."
When I akel him why that tiot'd
be. he ald he tud never been uMe to
obtain nn answer to that, but tint it
wa nn absolute rule as far ai the ex
perience of bis life went.
one other observation 1 tinve made
through nil these years, attbuiich It Is
not by nny means a exact us the tlrit.
Is that the wlnls have a fairly aecur ite
lenath of time lu which they remain in
, their various quarter. For Irstance.
' northeast and oaM wind- are peneru'dy
I two or three days Ui duration annl
tmlly sbtttiug to southeast and south.
I theu after a day's interval, or less.
I reachbit: west and uorthwest. These
1 remarks nply only to tho Atlantic
1 cimst and eouttsttoiis nutes and -ire
j Inapplicable to the Pat 1 tic. where the
j condition-, tu -ome respects even tuxre
remarkable, .ttv entirely different - Dr.
Krnnk Abbott In New York 'limes.
Ask The Man Who
lie. will pay yon from S'J.OO to $-k(H) more
month for your house il it 1ms a well equip
I hath room
Aetmdlyjrom 2 I t) :Mjn-r''t on the in-
T-esUiieut or aimut Vw of the net return from
tliathouse you rented, Can yon invest
$100.00 any better.
R. F. ZACHMANN about it
Tillamook's LcadlnE Plumblns & Sheet Metal Shop
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & SON. Props.
Both Phones
The Same Price to Everyone
Ccland B. erwin
Teacher of Piano
Diploma from the Chicago
Musical College
A complete stock of sheet music
.....I 'l'.w.l..tl,. D.W.1.-J
nun i ...,. ...
Terms: -$1.00 per months instruction
Factory Representative lor the
And Player Pianos.
Wills In Ancient Greece.
Wills were Introduced into Athens
hv Solon, though In uunj other parts
of Greece they wore dlseouiiteii iiued.
Dloseties l-iertlus sues copies of the
I wills of several celebrated men. sticn
i a- Pluto. Aristotle and others lU-i ire
Soloti's law no man was allowed to
make a will, the wealth of fie de
Hued betonslmi in certain proportion
. the members, of his family nnd even
,er Solon only an Athenian citizen
...d the privilege of bequest, the es-tute.-
of both slaves nnd foreigners be
lli!; contlseated for the Use of tho put-lle.
80 ttcros of i;ood land on Netarts Hay
..raiiilv ro'nl nverlnokinc uav
spit nnd ocean, Sa i"i,N from Court
liou&u for sale chonp by owner.
l.iiHberi;, uu A k. r. u
J. M.
Call For Uids
School District No. 57 will receive
sealed bids for tho eorptructionof tin
addition of school house. Piils wil' bj
received up to Monday, July 2oth.
Pinna nnd spocitlentions can bo aeon
at the 3chool superintendents uilke,
JelT Harris, "Clerk.
Island of Manhattan.
In other days there were the Island
of Manhattan and Mnnluittau Ishtnd.
They were different bodies. Island of
Manhattan was applied to the land oc
cupied by the old city of Now York,
now the borouch of Manhattan Man
hattan Island was a little knoll of land
in the limits of what Is uow Third,
Houston and Lewis streets and Hast
river. At ltth tide the kuoll was au
Two Houses.
"That's a pretty nice house you've
built there. Stibbubs, but It's rather
thrown In tho shade by that new man
sion next door"
"Vo! that's the contractor house.
built out of the profits he mudo oa
inlna"-Bo8tou Transcript.
In the hour of distress and nlT
the eye of every mortal turn to friend
ship. In the hour of Kindness and coa
Wvlallty. what la our want? It a)
friendship. W. B. Landor.