Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 27, 1915, Image 2

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    Cbe tillamook herald
Jidvcrllslnn Hate
rcsl .tivorl!i"-irnt
l":-t Insertion. JH-r liw J
Ks.-h iih!Msiuitii insertion, liw
T mtwr Olnimt - 10.00
Notu-vs, ir line ... .06
CrH of Ihmiks. per Irie
LvjU, ier line, first insertion .T
Koh suhetHjtiettt iiwertuw, tin
KtHolutUn of ' owtolei'C mid
UnitfV nln'. irr llm
W HvirnW ri-ofeninl runU.tno.
Display Advert iMmettt, ir ineh
AM. OiwpUkv A.ia must m in this
1 matter of hiii view tin n r H 1 1 Ititi . lit
nt!ur vvonK tho prohibition itit'Mlm
( in Hili:ie,'' iiml will itaj llmro
unlit suttleil, an.l snttM riclit. It
pl.vwml lo pHint n ctinimittcit of ih'
humimt men prominent In hustms ntnl
iiiK'iufurtuilii fur the Htrxoo uf
tamnm fumls ami to tttherwtso further
fio ou Mkh1v M Thwradiir Morn-
imt t tnrv iniblirelion in follow
ing Tuia ami Friday tsue.
Rrasona are imperative.
C. . Cromblcy, to i tor
,55UCii Civic J lUcdt c c CtKMiUV .nul :rU.iY
lvntirv.1 a evin .-..in utter Mny IT. I1'1. the po te at I'ilUmitOk.
Orey't. utviir the set of Munch S,
S' "V Ki'TION S! IW V: IK iV 'A vVvt
! the movement for the attuiitlon of tlx'
I prohibition timet dment, One imiiit
i arretitualetl wpt the ltnirtniire (
having thin irhititt ion mneiMlmt" i
pass ooumTvi before the net eonftrr
j atonal apportionment following the en
U of I94rt i role. tienernl 3upeio.
j temtent Maker ealtrit attention u i1
J fact the present lyu'em of api
j increase in the membership f r
national house f representative, n
that much f I he .nervate teuuM i
: from the lamer citiva where pruhil'i
i ttoii Is not o trnn aa it If In tho rur
, i.vhiuiuiii imi uwi'w aasHV-ina in m I
last night. A paid trained flre depart- proposition of tms fciml that a tfcor-, Vaahe. One reeolution adopleil cvw
ment could not haveon much better, joiigh lnvtlation he made o that j mended l"reaidnt V tlaon for refum w
It i no common thing for a tot or men , tney wui noi oi uiwn meir nanus a , i renounce, oVapite ttronit nreasure,
Tn;.tAV in.v 27. iDir..
1 . . ...
The firebova made another flne es j 'cheme mtht wnrk out tavll, but our,
hibition of their ability to set at a fire advice t that fwfore ouc farmer trr a I a ,mmuiittH'a
their hami a ,
to bp awakened from a xund aleep. i lot of poorly irrigated la.nta. With the j h,er he wrote uhile cuvenmr of New
lUrht which we at preaont have on the 3vTMy ,0 tttn ll( ra, .leclar.. .
aif-ution it aeems to u that the itlo h ,hjli uu ai.m proper wh. r.
the afet propoainon. , puMie wrUiment ripe for it. Thoutfli
j there waa much commendation of t H
REAL AMERICANISM ' ham Jenninpa Hryai. for hia lampvi
1 ance princlplen and ulttrancea, tnrrr
From Journal r ; WBg tnini aentiment for treaktent
The New York Tnbune in a -"Sta- d ; V,fc,n, i the Urlu f that he wjl -om
by the Pretiidenf wlttorial haa made M (OUt wlthout rew.rve ln r-Vtir of ,h
notable contribution of Americaniam. j pan to let the people Ueeitte lh uohi
. aauminir division in the IVmocraiic j hillon ,MUe ,m, wtl, ,h(,w (w mlfigun.
party. cauef by Mr. Brvan't reatima-1 4m. Ineidenully. much oppgatiion
tion and noting eHForta made to alien- wm. mifeat4 t. l'imun.u Mn
Mm out in a bodv on a minutes notice
and cet to work as they did laat nlht.
In lo. than 10 minute from the time
the hrat alarm waa ven the boya
were at the fire and hat) a stream of
water tUvin on the flame.
We heard on the street ne day last
week, from one of the young ladiea of
the town an expression a follows :
"We didn't have a bit good time over
there the other night. There were
nothing hut 'old guys' ami 'old hen'
present. None of the 'candy kid?' were
there." Poastbty a-e are getting "old
f 'irgih" and out of data and don't
know it, but we must say, whichevar
the case may be, tnat the above sample
of .-laiig, which is not uncommon on
the street of every town these days ta
most unbecoming. It is such straws
ns these which cause ua to stop and
consider whither are we drifting. A
polite and respectful attitude are the
first requisites of well brought up
children, who as a rule are not given
over to ihe use or degrading alang
ate some of the foreign-born Ameri
cana, that newspaper say:
"In this situation there ia just one
thing for Republicans to do. Their
utMrt of 11 ttvident defending
American lives and right must be f driva temperance aa a national taaue at
complete and unfaltering. It would be , the next presidential alec tion. Ma-
"'''""ff i teen twenty arw thirty millionaire,
dorse Woodrow Wilson in 1916 than to , . ,. .... .
of t hlcago, as Republican cnndidatr
fV president. At n busi'icsa men's
luncheon a movement was started to
ris 56.0110,00!) aa a "war fund" to
Our farmers have been busy during
the pat week getting in their hay. The
problem of making hay will always be
a serious one for Tilla-ook County, on
account of the uncertainty of the
permit the principle to t-e established
tnat to defend American interests is
to commit political suicide."
The Tribune is the country's leading
Republican newspaper, (t is frankly
partisan, but it is American enough to
say that under conditions as it sees
them partisanship must give y
patriotism, that the sitcceas of the
Republican party in I9lfi is not nearly The Arei-a Construction Co., no
o important aa united American sup- ha atwut thirty men engaged on the
port of a president who is standing for ! bard surfacing construction -ontrarl
American rights. recently secured from the county. T v
The Tribune has set an example ! Aral work to be undertaken ia n atrotci,
era or laoor in me country, were spec
ial guests. I thev all accepted mem
bership on a committee which will teak
general contributions.
ncainer anu cccnust uj uie wavy logs j wnien surarui us party o.inieinporaries ; ol about mile tnTi liunl a bridge lo
and mist that some t; me interfere. might folio to advantage. i town. The old ma. I bed which la found
Some of our farmers have olved the :
problem to a considerable extent by 1
constructing silos The silo idea ia a
splendid one, as the grass a it ia cut
can be taken to the silo, ground up in a
moist condition and packed away rain
or shine. By doing this ail the bay
crop can be saved for cow feed and
makes a fine winter feed.
Another way that baa been success
fully ut-ed in saving the bay is lo make
caps out of ducking which can be
placed over the hay after it i shocked
protecting it from rain for many days
These pieces of ducking are loaded at
each corner by small weights hich
cause them to stretch over the shock
in ni.-e rhape It is estimated that
these caps cost abuut 20c each, ar !
with care ought to I tt 10 yers as thev
wou!d be used for oly a short time
each year and posih. not at all some
Some of our far ner have, thought
tht 't would r; d i h a t mh
enough cows on th- !-. ..'. -t. k.'en t ,t-
feed well picked Up. .u. I n tv- .-
time have some alfalfa lards in in
eastern part of th- t.Ue pr'Hjui-iriL'
their winter fvti to- tin.
The great annual convention of
National Anti-Saloon league, held at
Atlanti: City, N J., last week, give
new emphasis to the fight against the
saloon, and aounda a new note of en
couragement and optimism that final
victory i getting nearer. The lartje
attendance, the prominence of the
speakers, the enthusiasm created, nil
indicat that "the fight is on" and haa
enlisted the beat thought and convic
tion and purpose of the nation. The
convention Uxk cheer over the fact
that eighteen of the forty-eight states
have adopted prohibition, and that
iwo-tniru or trie counties and more
H,.ie three-fourths of the municipals
! to be in splen ii J condition wilt be Used
tne ' the entire distance. The contractors
nre now doing only the grading work.
u they are unable to lay the eonrrate
until the county furnuhe the rock as
agreed by contract, the rock U be fur
nished al $1.2.0 per yard. There Jim
been some delay in furnishing the rock.
The labor employed by the Anmi
Construction ('v., is about half Ameri
can and half foreign.
On AuiMt lfith, l. u Rd Men f tl,..
,tate of Oregon will arrive here for
I their convention which will be held oi.
! August 17lh and IKlh.
e nation have outlawed the Attorney John tt. Callahan Cmnrf
! . to the future some things j Sachem of the local tribe here informa
were manV clear One was that the j us that all the necesaarv local cotnmit-Sheppir.l-Hnhsi.n
amendment to the ' tecs have been appointed t loik after
fe e-il cni-titutioii will bo earnestly t the convention and lhal all arrange
i- i. i u the next session of congreas. j rnenta aro moving along nicely.
".r:.-. thut if that session doc. Some of the events of the convention
t ' . t . i..en-iiri through and sub-; will tie a banquet at Ihe Hotel
' ' - r (i f . ..tioniy the atate leg-j mook on Tuesday evening, the
i-i.itiireh. tncri before the next election and there will be a ball ga.
. r iwiale for he .t in congreas t between memtiers of the liHatnook
i I 'it "ii it-cord in the tribe und visiting delegate
I ilk
1 7th .
fiJ I no .i..v-. -- - I
I Ol
l lh
i ll .
j 1
N HIUiV ' 'U"'s
it is the DUTY of a young man before he "pops the ques
tion" to pile up a snug little sum in the bank.
The young man who banks his money gains fast in the
race for SUGGESS over the one vho squanders his entire in
come. He is the one vho is trusted and taken into PARTNERSHIP.
We love to encourage young men to save their money and
are always pleased to advise them.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposits.
Tillamook County Bank
"i-Koii AKritiiliur.il ( l!i
.IN. July -t, - ,, Itil v r.
i li'teru.itionul --vv I ..i ing .i,
tin I'.nl.MM.l-i',11 I lie i XHMIi.ft
j iii a 11,1 .ru;oti A;riiuHiii il
h v,v In ns are U.xiing in ,ii!i
' 1 r honor ciusui.', pin ri ..i
r'H to July , j.en recoril f..r
i linn-, and individual ren
nn of July t. fuch of the thr
i :inl by th. i. nlleirc I'oiiIp
riimnt is represented in h of
honor list. Also each of ll hrr
ilotki, White Leghorns, cru - I.m-I.
ni.l (tarred Rock, leads all tin il. ik
of its clans in the United Sta
I in proceeding report ih . ih.it
the Leghorns had reached fu i pl.u-t
1 hi report shows that the (
crosses Inive passu d the forim r Ii ;mI
trs, the (.anacJa pen, and .irt in in
second place. The Harm! No, ks have
passed their nearest coiupi-iitor, I-it
gerald's Leghorns, and are in fourth
place. The icpoit gift's the highest
ten in each class, the fiist five of
which arc as foi' .
Pen records to July
U. A. l White Leghorn s, 1078 eggs.
O. A. C. Crosses, 077 eggs.
Adarns, Canada W yamloHs oMeggs.
(. A. '. Marred Hocks ... in.) eggs.
California White Leghorns HHd eggs.
Pen record for June
O. A. (.'. Leghorns it, eggs.
Idaho VVyaiidottes 170 eggs.
O. A. C. Crosses 171 egg.s,
Lebaiion, Ore., Ii. Hocks .. Ion eggs.
O. A. C. Harred Hocks 1157 em's.
Records of the ten highest individ
uals for the term of July 1 show that
an O. A. C. cross bred is first with
lid eggs, another of the same pen.
second with 135 eggs, ihe College
vniie i.egnonis arc loiirtn with m
eggs, fifth with 121 eggs, and eighth
with 1 j.i cgg, while a College liarrcd
Iock was truth with 1 10 vus.
KurntMlii-d or ijnfurninhd iiiurlrnutila
for rout, nt thu TiL-o Apiirtinonti in
tho Mimnnic hiilhllng. AH mnduni
eoriVfir.lnnei'H, nl lnin'H center.
Kii(tJiro at Humid Oflicy.
Cut 8n Meat Prices
As our y.r.tss Ud c.tUU .trinovrf.tdy for Hits
m.trkot, v.' .trc tn.tktii tin IoIIowIuk) prlcoa on
out meats, for c.tth:
.it 12 .2crtd 13 l-2c per potinU
nt I'jc per potinci
.it lie per pound
.it 10c per pound
.il 12 1-2 ta 15c per pound
nl lie nod 12 I - 2c per pound
nt 12 l-2c per pound
u.tr.tnUed on TMI.miooU
Ueef Pot Ho.ist
Rib Ronst
Rib Boll
Brisket Boll
Corn Beet
H.imburucr Ste.ik
Tlnvst prices .trf
Sirloin Stenks
Round Stenks
Pol Ronst Beef
Short Ribs and Plnlc Bolls
Prime Rib Ronsts
nl 20c pel' pound
nt IHc per pound
nt loc per pound
nt 12 c to 15c per lb.
.it lUc per pound
These prlces.trej subject jjo clt.tnjje
Tillamook Smshon
Wlii-re thoils,nUof .
i i!i-ir u n t jinm
Hours from Pot Unit.!
i ne thu Anirli. t oiilinri.l
tr the iw t won'lrr. I . n'. :n
" vi I hilly
lillnm 1 l'unpn-.:cr . t'orlUn l? I a hi
rVnsbore 8rciiil . . t.. I'utti,in I I 0 p,ui.
I.rlr tllMicrvntton Car ini ImfJrt Ln. i t th;"tih ir oil '
Did y and Week Ijtttls I:ltrc3
I tl.'M MX sVf
y for lo'ilr w.h ie I ill i o,, f,, nt," giving Hut nl li.trt
ralr, rle.
A.V tl to ilir"
wo World Expositions.
At Snn Kriim ,
In lite l me ami one
"i 't "rt'i t(pgii i fivnt tit
Mil - jd-iol j.i'f..f, iMn.
Speciitl Unrus In July
a 8tm Kisnrmco, I-l Angele-. .m.t &n Diego; n ertin Ur
1,0 w Rottiifl Trip I?rc3 Dully
riUl loi.mrr in rithrr llr-i-(,in,
Hour Fine limns H.i iy in ii HineUun
KiO"-'t r.M nt UxpoitUlon
All l kts to Hie Kal via Ca'lf iruid oermM l o ,trr rt
".mi Hran U o .,n I lm Anglp t u,P K..n n..
An. aar t Agent for "t i i .ohm It. V f,! Ksitooti t, ,
"UaySi'h ,, m lin.irt fc u "
Jolin M. Si..ti, (.cncmllP.isHriu-r Vfni. I.irili., 'nt.
If ift s
3 yh-, ,
' ft? ''&$t a
'azZJZ$i.. . .... ' ..ii-W
res., in.d wc luvt II Ifldlir. This coinnuuiily (ws Ui.,
you can DliPLNI) upon ..nylliiny comes from our drun
store. Those who deal wllli s have always found what
we (ave lliem v;as reliable: lliey have l-AITII In us
We shall not abuse that faith, hut shall always ulve
you the BUST that can he not.
The Tillamook Dtig Store
We (jive you what you ASK for.
Scekors After Gold Wty ,
Hiohcs Thrust Upon Them
Blon., Til.! A tsMl.fW,
l'rtilut tiUM.i,i,j '
Tlit I'm tl.., , lM(
Huuil I'uMmm. iu, HsiVkn'
It Is llll.inllj (rue dm
Mlw WM,l In ,r ,b
Itiru.l ui-Hi ll.r.i, lUrt, ua
j A Mil ( II. Him nu, i.tv
tlltf Vllhoti Mil., in, fi llt
IUh lrUn . i . i. ,,, u
ii. fc sml Hii.aikim, ji4
tnill WWII) .m.l. r.) itl, ,u h
Cnlllp uf I i.i (,,.
UltlVI ll ((..I.,.
IvII-loliMl M t.nlr r t j
"TUB ir ! ii . ,v,t
haiK-b." ai..t ,., , , ft
awtlfj u. ui lBk, u
rr I toll III. a
(Mil $mm itirt.intti i... ...t tf
i vmu aiMi inn h, i. n,rtw(
IB IK l in on i :
W llscoictil u.
rfltll til Ii . o i
, lulerMiti aiiiKi
M H'S th Ota t,cl
, rtntm tsui iio
' slo thrr u
wilt all br t t , .
not U ii n
iteml lu ii i.:. r i
trulwtaiiB I.:
mt nti a hi..! .-
, im lUam llm ft. s. .
' mi itisi Hi. k-
ttlll, CI1 . '.
ttmss iMKil'.'f
itmrst ihmt f.'i4....
JlnlSflul r-ai
"r:' it n
' ' 'ittrJ
W ll
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I Vfirwrt a i t
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'i'Mrt nili .
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Klvttftl 1V(. I -
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T"Uwrll i , -
UfllH-cSl lu '
far 4l
i'isiut T
InWtMl )t oi '
mf. T ! I - '
.' Mil U Iw!...
mtim. it
t lauut. m.K . , , .
bkrkoit aut t
IHtU WOtkillh- r r
fcrtlt I ii.i-
Mjii .
Jaf, I tj , i
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U . : A .1
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ft I U'l u
fr!n ('niiH
MllItU )f III,: I
tin- til tt. i '
imi m. .
iiry Tin'" i
hiiii r m ...
titltlllllHtl" I'
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liml ni1iitliii.. 'I '
I Dill urn .
tinvinit Itii'l, in i ii'
lints lin win n r
I WlllhlNl fo.il '
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LviT)' slillfl I, io
Swiulo wliii i iioli' il"
lij' tin1 uiiy iiii'ii'' 1
ulun. HiiiiHft Ml 1
1 51
r ,.fi
in k
llnw Tiilirnni n0'-
NnihiiiK fuiiiii i' "i"r" : J
Mir itvns tlimi till- ' 11 111 . I
I'lmu i'ii iii ni'1,.1 riu' i''
"llll'll llu Ill.M.I IIH't I H W,nS J
lllllM.1" llll, I Ul'llll' I'l1
1 1 m.,1 t iiii Iii i 1 1 ik I i r
lull Is lurni'il fiuwiinl m''' ' '(
In tltt. Hurt fimthfi . uf u'lll;'h ,,y,
iii. hin iu i, iii, i, .n rin'ii iiif 1
.i ...i., f ii h
IIIMVIl, Mil HI'lll HI I II1 I .JM
mill nun cnii mis. nutlilnH f
fi'iitliorH.-Iiiiiiliui Hliiiiil'trfl
On Humliiy, Auk. 8th, then! will u n
Moohh picnic nt tint HhhIit Ornvo onu
iiml (Kiii-hiilf iiiIIum miHt of town. Thhi
picnic will ho for intiirihcrH of thn
Mooho IixIko hihI their fnmllli-H, nil of
whom ru rctticsti!il to coinii iiml lirlnj;
ull bubUutH,
k Hir,.,.,,,yu ()r(,
Wo ,. tntnM, you ciMlur fenc.) poatH
fr He. unci.. Tilmook l-'uctl Co.
"Ho you l.clliivn tlml i'11"" I
iiml wnrV" ,.,'
"I iihiiI to, hut I mm'' J " A
"I HiippoHu tin' nmi'1'" -
oiifiitKfil your opiuinN a,
"No. It iHii't Unit- I "'I'r
mm niiii i-iiiiKiit inn "
Prco Pri'ss.
.. .i.i i.t di
He who tnkfls tnn c" "'wrt
Uki-ii the BWtlmr br 'M