Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 27, 1915, Image 1

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R?,RCUL-AT,ON OF any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkoon, Jclv 27. 1.0 1 n.
NO. 5,
Auk any of our culnners about
First Ncitioiwil Service
l'heyrc nil plcum-d with-it und
Cmi tell you why.
I'ir.st N'dtioiuil lldnK
tilU'OtKlL, UfoaaA
4 &ui,-t
I mat vov runs
f a:i ..t you can
Pol.L A R .S W.O R T H
mt t s.ivt- iiiom-v then buy groceries at our
W i in . ml v lurui-sh oti with the hest kinds, hr-
P li' f i- t hi-on I v lc liitl we kret). Our wrices arc as
.is c. last quality can he bought fur anywhere. The
:isli. i iK-st in the ni l. most nutritious and hest
pi n ilth o Miursill .iml humlv.
:ai, ii iKiMVVKi
See U for Price Before Ordering EUewhere
wn July 27 to Am. 7. KviniL'iillHt
''J. Klllott of Portland, will have
""I a herlim of meeting ut Horn-
Al ro Invited tn attend mi l
'he old II inn ipfwiml iim nritltU'l IL'tl
llcr 11 miles from Nestuccs
In koocI pasture, Rood water.
'" good property In town In
W. A. Miiklnator
Tillamook, Ota,
Variety Store
Tillamook, 9)ie.
in water ):,wricli t(10 ,f.r,ortbw(:t.,.n
( gOcr, who caught ImjIIi games for the;
illlamook tt.'nmn Sunday against Hay
City, wa the wholu show in both
games ami gave the fain thu best dern
' onatration of hall playing seen on the
li:nl grounds thla year. Hadly decayed
I umpiring win tho main feature of the
day, and m ihi opinion of the local
lain, wm thu direct cause of thu de
feat of Hay City in the first game and
the Red men in thu second game. In
the fourth inning of thu opuninK Kami-,
with tno hanin full a In-ail of hltn MilIU
cflnni-rlwl with the hall for a lorn: drive
ocr third, wtuni wu In the unHmmoua
uoilllnn fif thi .rami .iHtuf u fmil l.t.ll
! tirnplre !amcy, h"Wi;v-r, with ovi-
llltllltlv I. Kill! VIVIll PiilliWt l.ri .if t.
Illtlw jult to tho pliyniui:. administered
In, the flrt of Urn m! inning by thf
Maltoin iniiiiiii-r. ciille.) It fair and
three aoorra roaullH for Tillamook.
Mllln (ntcli.il n K'ood game for tlic
I inKur icnoiTi iiiiuwin,: oui iwo mis,
ltllt hlB "rrpil.liitup" nr., I l.itllt ..
on MomJay nml thu futifral aorvirra tW were anythmi: hut unlcrUinir.
will b HmM Uflay umlur tho aunplcca ' to tho Inrne numbur of fans.
Of Mitt C, A. It. of whirl) h l a mum- 1 ,lu "" Kme for Hay City
. . . 111 III Hilt t hit If wl ft.f f tt rti uli.rfidl tin.
l-,r. Itw funr-ral uroc..lon will atari ' :.r" .;,: V" .JZ" .Z, 7'
for eni.itery t on o clock and taken i two houra thmc tcaniH battloil for au
to th 1. 0. O. I-, cmetvry for burial. ! prvlnspy, i-iy to i-imI In a lie '.i all.
Thwro will bo a,Tvln a at Iho Kravi-. I lie Hay City acuri-kccpvr, inadu one
iii i- uuriiir; Kllnu Allien nr wag
unable to in count fur. ami therefore
Con Drimontl, Well Known Reiident
Dlrial Raynccan. Ralph McClew goes
Jown in Like ncu liamrw
On Hunday afternom Om Ociwiond'
whn wnnt to llayorenn with acvvral I
tither from tint ritv met hla death
will),) in the biif oaliiturium lank. Con !
hni dunned a hathlrti; aull mxl had col
llllo the wad r lout up to hit kneea j
when ae auddonlv collaped. Ho wn$ I
at oneo takon Into thu emeriiency room
ami evnrytliini; xlblii ionv ui revive
him but to ivn avail. He died tn about '
an hinir after belnu tnke.fi out of the1
water, lie never regained ronirioua
II5. j
TJio bly waa brought to TillainiKiW
Industrial Review
Of Oregon
About Factories and Payroll Improve
ments and Enterprises Throughout
The State.
j Oreicijn produced $H3,,'-0 worth of
! coal in I0I.(.
. instruction of jettica on the Sim
i law will brttin this season.
It is unnecessary to remark that it
. is sound and workable legislation
' alonr that will permit of development
In addition to regular traffic the S.
j I. Co sent o exit trains of Shrincrs
, over the lines in 27 hours.
I O. A. C. sends loganberry mice to
I the fair to eivc to visitors at Oretron
! Building.
Vil.n,- 1, round ha been broken1 A bow-faced oarlock has been in
f.r nrw $-,ox buildinK at Monmouth vnd,hy F- T. Livingston of Salem
1 oimal school. j which he says will revolutionize row-
I.os Articles purchases KuRcne ' ,n?: , ...
Hruk ( o and will make high rade . Va1 ar"K of beaver dam land is
...iibiinjc and fire brick. ' bf,n improved north of Salem by bin
KuRcne W oolen Mill resumes op-! d,?inat!cLdiu,h-.1 .
eration alter shut down for repairs. Salem has built free swimmint; pool.
luifjrni Contract let for Coast According to reports trains will be
Fork Kridcr aernaa Willameitr running to t.oos Bay by Ian. next.
Hood River Manufacturing Co. of
Hood Kivcr has orsanicd to maiiu
failure the Friday Electric Cooker,
the Hood Hivpr Orchard Cultivator,
and the Featherweight Spray nozcl.
Movement on at Canby to start
cheese factory.
Warren Construction Co. received erument
contract to nave irftinia Avenue in
.North Hcnd.
Contract has been let for; erection
and 40 carloads of maetliriyy for the
new Kendall Hro.. sawmill at Rosc
bur?. A pole of more than 600 commer
cial organization of the country by
the V. S. Chamber of Commrece Gov-
ownership of merchant
shows 82 in favor of it and yS
against it. The heavy vole against
Mr. iMmiotril waa an old realdenl of
thia euunty ami had many friend who
will imas him.
I'ornrlius )ifmoml wns born at 1 tally alieet, u well
I rrtirt.U lr.ti.1 ,,11 1 11.1 mil. ..r a ! iteorekeeiier. 'I'lieite
tho .lli. iiil reconl ri L'utors nnother
dufent for the fulemlors. That the
Karne Mas a tie win tho verdict of a-
nilftihrr of fana
Hood Kiver will have a free munici-. "overnment ownership, either with or
pal swimming pool. without government operation, is
Portland's commission form of coy- hi"'e the business scnti-
ernitunt has cost the taxpayer the mtnt of the country stronclv disap
triflmsr sum of $000,000 more than . P"v the ship purchase bill in any
wa i.aid durinc the previous Wen- I "!?
num As uual the peoole oav for the . 1 h wagon road to Alsca connect-
expcrimenis 01 politicians.
ivhn kupt a prlvnlo
us the Tillamuok
1' -" "... .... v,
I I...... ..... ....... C..u I.. !... .L..
uat. Kl. ll came to tbi country at jllCi ,mth arw 'ic-terminI to
the brc ..f 13 year. Unserved on the! make tho next tame decisive. Tom
I'lium side for four yar in the Civil j Hundley will umpire the Knmo next
War and was iih Sherman on bin Sunday and the fans will be assured
.1. ... 11.. ..1 , KOod L'ame.
1.. it kt ...... I Hiiltoms will play Heaver at
' " 'J-j next Sunday.
II.. came to Tillamook In September The batteries for the cames were :
Il and Itvixl at .Netatl until uImjuI j First Came; ftay City, I'ntterson
sern yi-iirt aco. II lenvii one toil anil .Mr.Miiiun: iiaitoms, .Minis nnu
inir F-ugcnc with Florence will
Wisconsin Syndicate oavs S7W.OOO "e completed
for timber land in Lincoln county.
It is planned to add about ;ooo
acres to the Klamath reclamation
work thi year.
Kcndcll Bros, announce actual con- ;
smicnon on their Sco,ooo railroad
out of RoscburK will start on or be- j At about 3 0vock this
lore aurusi is
Hrnrv Slriirkmrirr van a rest
dent of the Willamette Valley, sap house just oil Stillwell Ave. In leas
crops here this year are the best he 1 than 10 minutes from the time the
has ever seen. nhirm was sounded the fire boys wern
at the tire and had a stream of water
The voters of Oregon arc troine to
: be asked to vote S'o 000.000 bonds for
Brood roads. Thats some money.
mnrninc fire
was discovered in the Etnmett Jenkins
I baa. T. Dermond who la now 11 resi
dent of Ibis vicinity.
Second Came; Hay City, Moon, I'at
tunun uml McMillan; Kedtnen. Koch
and L'mrrick.
Sta-idinns of the Teams:
Won Lot
Hay City
Hed men
1 playing on the flames. The flames
tWt ' m -
(j2r, 1 boys soon had them under control and
"5.'' ) most of the building was saved. The
1 origin of the lire is not known.
Boy Looses Life. In. Lake.
SM'rlsl to the Humid.
Ilur View. Oregon, July '.Jlth, 11I5.
Thia afternoon while 111 bathing 11 1
Carter' likw near thu Wntts Ranch
adjoining; Har View, Ralph McClew,
aged ll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McClew of Hay Cilv, Oregon, was
drowned. Saturday morning 11 party
consisting of several young people mid
llieii parent ciuno down from Hay
City to enjoy the day ut Ocean Lake.
At first several of the youngsters
donmai their bulbing kiiiI.m and wenl
huttiing in the ocean. This proved to
be to cold 11 ml the bathers left the surf
and crntaial the road und wenl into thu
Itiko where the waier was much warm
er. All wenl well until Itnlph, who
uns swiitiming .icriiHS 11 attetch of the
hike was heard to call for help. Some
of the children who were nearest
rushed to Inn aid, bul he sank before
any one reached htm and nevar arose
unco. 1 no iitiitm was sooni given ny
those 1111 hhnrr and 1111 automobile dis
patched for thu Life Savers at Har
View, nt thu name time a message was
sent fer l'r. lluuk who wns then at
(ciribnldl. A party of Life Savers whs
quickly on the Hceue 11ml with a deep
sea Hulling honk soon found the body of
the buy mid took it ashore about 7,r ft
nway. According to the best infor
mation tlm bady had been in the wuter
about I'fi minutes, but all ulTorta of
('apt. Farley und his crew, together
with the aid of Dr. Hmvk who was
only about & minutes behind the Life
Savers, proved of no avail, tho body
showing 110 algus of life at nil, after
being tuken from the lake. The Life
Savers nay no water whatever was
found in thu body und they think it was
another case of heart failure, which is
also the opinion of Hr. Hawk. The
ocean water being so colli had thorough
ly chilled tho bov'a fowly, which being
so soon plunged into much warmer
watrr, caused 11 reaction whish thu
heart could not overcome.
It waa a and sight to see the poor
mother wringing hor hunds in grief as
aid waa administered to her Hon who
a few momenta before wua her pride
and jov. This la the llrsteaso of drown
liiK on Tillamook. County beaches this
season, and let ua hope wo may have
no more.
Tho body of Kalph was taken to Hay
City whore burial aurvlccs will be hold
and interment made.
The underslifiifd wish to tluink al
those who so kindly assisted us and
cspocially the llayoeoan people who did
so much at the time of tho death of
our father Con Desmond. Wo upprecl
nto these fuvora.
Chai. T. Desmond and wifu.
Until August 1st.
At The Music Store, Morrison's Confectionery.
Everything in the Store is Reduced in Price, Here are a Few of the Bargains:
1 Shot ts of Music, instrumental and vocal, values 10c Jceach
Sheets ol Music, instrumental ami vocal values to 40c 2c each
.'()() Gooil Marches ami waltzes 4c each
100 School music hooks and Ilvnm hooks 3c each
ALL rol'l'LAK SONV.S AND MISIC during this sale J2 1-2 each
Mouth harps all reduced Irom J9c and up
Music rolls values to $l.f0 69c
Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo steel strings 3 for JOc
All wound strings cut L'o percent
Clarionet Keeds values 15c tic
Music Stands Japanned value Trie now 59c
Music Stands Hamilton value 1.50 now 1.22
Violin value $.'5 00 1.98
Violins value 5 00 2.75
Violins value 10 00 9.75
Violins value L'5. 00 14.50
Violins value 40. 00 26.75
Violins value 50 00 32.50
Old second hand violin worth at least $25.00 now 6.50
.Mandolin value $22.00 J6.50
Mandolin valued. 00 3.95
M andolin value 4.00 2.25
Old second hand Mandolin Cost about $;5.00 now 6.50
Guitar second hand good buy 1.98
Guitar almost new value $15.00 now 7.75
Cello fine tone was $45.00 ...26.75
Various other small goods too numerous to mention all reduced in price.
"UnderwoodMlntcstandard model No.5 price P.O. B.Portland 07. 50 49.75
"Smith-Premier" fill late improvements price 30.50 now 29.75
"L C. Smith" value 55.00 37.50
Good used "Smith & Barnes" Oak case upright wortli $175 now 69.00
New "Koval" value $400 285.00
New "Tecnola" player piano value $000 475.00
Accordians, Auto-harps, Music rolls, instrument cases all reduced.
Prices marked plainly on all goods, look in the window for bargains,
we have to raise money by the first of August, and now is the time for
you to stock up for the fall season.
Easy terms can be arranged on some of the instruments. Shop early
and get first choice.
At Morrison's Confectionery, Tillamook, Oregon
Agents: for