Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 13, 1915, Image 4

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    Chautauqua Attractions. For Friday
And Saturday, July 16-17
Will Entertain Chautauqua
m inn. nor t i? i i tt, i
cTtl'tit-ti l I , .
iiIIK of i ,, "
.-..I III-..., I 1 HI I Ik,
the ilUidov . f ,
.. ii 'i
muni hi fi .i
oilt t lie Uaiii.i
enrwritiifi i
t c, t;..,.
rtti'Oi. Mt ;
'I flu
It) till! t it . t
With Plantation irieiocues
Any l" V 1 1
IVfltt hi in.
lit V ut July. 1
nM m.trit'.i
tloB, HImI null
line, w ill Im
Jtllt, )VI' nl
Ule lo pav li,
' -1
.. ... .l..i.i.rii fUfiin mutrn.il or
Intfottioi f
li Hit rwhi.iii
-is u tent, that will man! hard wear ami
i i
The .onthern plantation raeWies have never lost their charm to the Aaiercnn pror-lr ,rl no.r-v'
is more truly musical when presented by talented colored singers such as W C Bucknefs Southern Jubilee
Qc:a'et. This is one of the finest organizations of its kind.
Bos and Arrows Vro Used In Qaitle
Up to a Century Ago.
We t.'.U.k -f aud arrow ns
mediev.it utwi 1 ali.iieloucd
by tee iutttuu ot uivh four or live
center. at;o. The bvunm of rrecy
ere the la; of any pruuiiucucc in Eng
lish history. Yft It I- only about ICO
j oars slue soldier f. .'ht with bows
ami arrow- In European war, aud
that, too. un tbe fields of wutheru 15ol
pluin. It wan in 1S13. when all Europe w.n
armed riealnf't Napoleon. Krory one of
the alllt J nations brought ever)
blf re-ource of won aud mean to fur
ther tbi end. Anions them m Bos
Uu. To the war be sent soldier from
tbe newly conquered tribes that dwelt
u;on tbf tepjH of Ala Ilokharatia
ucd T irkomans ntl Tartars und other
baif aase peoples ilauy of thosn
H'tdUM-uts were nrnii-d with bows and
arron .
Joojiui. Ule military historian, xponfcs
of a ri-at uuinU-r of thee tliat fountit
friilf by lde with tlif 1'nis.siarw In
i-a-rt-rti fitfriaaiiy aud in Belgium, and
be -ays tbat tbese bowmen beld their
own :i trains: Uie Preach infantry.
Their aim. he says, was surprisingly
t-'uod, and tbey could shoot an arrow
ttIUi effect almost as far as n musket
ball wa effective, but In those dayn
that was uot much more than 100
yards. KscbanKe.
Senator Burkett of Nebi'aska
One Must Thoroughly Understand It to
Really Enjoy It.
Berlioz says: "Muic Is the art of
movli.s. Li; a itysteniatie combination
of sounds, the nuctluu f iutelllgent,
reeeptheaud cultivated beings'"
Weber statu: "MunIi l to the art.s
what love U to man in truth. It H
lote Itfelf: the purewt. loftiest language
of passion. ortniyuig it in a thousand
sbudes of color and feeling."
itusklii declare: "Aluxli- U the tiri
the siiLiplCht. the uiot effectne of all
Instruments of moral lntrm-tioii "
Have you evei tboiight wh..t a de'
late plam the world uoiild be without
rouble'; Have you ever realized that
the entire iili"- orld now lool:
upon uinsle as one of the great iwii
Malt in tbe education of the cultured
man and woman?
Few pei-Mum Uuow that the greatest
dellgb' of niunlc eoim through tlie un
der.tanding of It The highest In mil
bIc Is not revealed to the xtml'dt until
the student has earned the right to en
joy It. With the right oik nrned the
Htuuent ban a wonderful power at his
comiir.Tid. a poA'ur w'.t'i whe-h he can
Cirry blH Iileiier8 to the height of Joy
or to tue dupth of sadness WIUi mil.
file It h possible to exercise control
over all the emotions of inari. Alfred
Kdtvnnl P'reckelton. Jr., In New York
$ MM MfM0im m
Wrong Signal,
"I'M ut ha borne to that gentleman,
Jan" Uikj(J the belle.
tMtvuii't seen hLs card yet,"
Toumd uatber, "You don't Ifuow
wbu it
"Tu. taM it Isu't the machine I aia
waMM( c J cnu uUl by ika aiac"
Lvuftpvflte oiirii r-.loiM-Mal.
S i:ATOIt Bl'llKKTi' w one of the great young" men of the ua
Hon He has been a utcnil,.-r of the stale legislature, was eho ted
(i "ie hoiie of repi ei-eiitu IU e-. al Wasliington four times anil
'mi- served six jears as I'nlteil States senator lie has tilled
many notable ( haulauiiia cngagi-mcnu and li ievv regarded as the
foieii.ost ii'i tuier among Amen' an orators. Ill-, mliig ie turu at the
Hie al i;hauiati'iua will be one of ibe great treat of the week
Th.it will Iw iin ptMkl next year uiul the yoir ithcr.
as it is the ttrst sruy.n. ..wmi
-vm can irt-t ieh a 'I cut ly Mkmc for the ill-
k iwnc" ami mukmu Mrr r twlr mark i n i.
1-i--Tent is turuntccil tt. r uh-M.hitr MtiMai ton.
"II nvmrttc" VnN urv ituuU In oil id" '"'
m, f. f..r.- 'hi,,, Tr,tl, irlfAMif '' ' 0
Tor Sale by All Reliable Dealers
'01tl'I.AM'. OHCiiON
With Viol.n ll.ctal h CHt.
WhiOh Wr Maoic'.
An i:iigl.iinriiiiui rwldtin In In'
one fvi-tiinic fmiiHt to tnr horror lbit
huue colirn had sllrl Itorlf uliuiit h
trruiHlu rail, uvnr whuli be ! p'a;
tiiit ihr loiin She rn t lwar
make nm it Mfrly. mi lw
tinned ilavlli white Ih sfdn.M
islaeii awn At lt hrr onl
m to kmn tbt erHitiri tbiw Nsntrr
wlilW b isveapod. Ihh wbrt "br li"
KnitMti a on for dtatamo and 'lii'
fan-lnatwl by too otiwontrst sight
rtraasv li)iitlratiot h'.whV her Hli
playnl air aftr air of 4lflf-iVttt vtrnr'
trr Th.- errert wm magical That &
l-hav like uu urtK-Ul. tol 01um4oi
t fimmtiilhl ttrurr irartaltusi
" . ' ' 1 auto Irs gi
In tb muie. whrthw of volui or ot ; rfty m
lone, prodiicod loatantly a comHirit t
lue chain.. In thn attlttHl of th cotr
If she pUoml a tlvrty dancv It mfn
Its l-..ljr Idewnjns In iUk Hut ami
ye. In itracfful cnrrf Qmu atw atrue
n number "f fala uoten In rapid
ih-kIoii iu turMW. Tb cobra wlwwi
and writhe,! In pain. B If ouddonU
sm. k w ltd a whip
'I him the creature behaved Hko a mal
uiu-i. Im till tbe lad;, icvtiltic of
the cp-irt. ttrndil'illy moved bTelf far
Mu-r and farther nMl Uieii uiadr ud
Jell bull llJto Iht rt-HIl nilil lmlii,-il lUr
dr bmrlnit Ihf cobra to wander d:
rotn.il.ite lo IU I4lr III tbp Held. !"'
don Cbroulcle.
Mrn 'rMi l-oHdin of aII
V lm1 r.d by nnwrlrtwetl rnc(!etlr.
ihr bjr eontwl or dr h. Iln
and txlitnatr fmttlhl lot all Vimf. of
.Mprfitor r'. . J, i t lulrf.. ilii.
V can (utiui. ml in Uice ijuotv
lltiOn, ehrsf tti efeivc hce
am1 In takrii fi t lar rnti-t fufr
1hd on lob Srr K. N Klllote" al
tUctro- l.il I'loet &
A hg- r'' iaM uoo.1 vofjr Utile
U Pi " !'' Miynwnt on ,F
auto In i(ixl. rend i Hoc, Iraiqite ut
r. hurnlhl ..f u;tfur i.d.,1 uparlrttenti
fi.r font at the Til.-n Aartmrt ir
INt ,Mi.ii,- luihtniK. Ad.mu.lcrn
ronf irfi-, at liuli.r cm tcr.
I'.iHluire al llpraki iil!l?e,
1 - I Hi Mil
i 8 it! hey TC. Hcwiroi,, pf.
Nut It I' 01 Snlr III L..i
the utHlxl. ,.
I ttr ,.f . u
(M'ii, t. i
CIVOn bt Hi '
vt Otegeii. I t
nMrttlk, lrl ,i
hietii in, t '
llt rll
on ThutMlov H
al 10 i'i It. k
day nl tlr
l(Ntr 111
I'otinU. Olc4;.
ef tl t ! f ,
t if l,c :a
,-tltl t. it
1.1 nun l- i
of Hio rn.i(t..
tnfthrl j . :
HUtlrr of '
Ksalb. r n' (
Tito Strluli'
IHtiwl tl ..
t i '
..f t ! . I
I lc'r a or
I.I ' H
Proof Piiivo.
"Flkm i r1' ,:i"1"' at ruiiuesr
dlctiltsi Ua U liaJ-Ob to a
"L ' tlo tt'a soUei."
PWVdcl Ulvr.
Veigbts the Privates In European
Arin.cs Have to Carry,
1'lie weight a sutdlei I'i active nervlco
b.i'i to c i r often Ims'ouicx a burden,
ai.il freiiieiitly In a retreat or a tltftit
Iii j -1 j of it Li tlirtivrn uwa).
Ni'.hI.v all the AOidieii. belonging to
ICuiopeuii urmies hare to carry about
Mini them In the held a kit which
ranges In weight from thirty-eight to
six o -ono pounds
The equipment that the different sob
ili.-rs carry about vrlth them Is very
dmllur. It ceiieintly couttirUes u rlllu
and buj'onei. vrith rags and so on for
keep!fl; them cU-an; iio lutTmichlnK
tool uiul, of course, u iiuuiUt of rounds
of ammunition, Then theru are tba
vurloua urtU'lus of clothing, with
?lmtiges, aud it Urit aid oiuKu
All thu wjldUTH with om oxceptlou l
carry a knife, fork and rpoou, water
bottlo urnl mess tin. The Bu.silaus,
who ure thu exception, curry u woixleii
ipoou only, which they keep In their
boots. There. Ls also u supply of food
nirrled and ,-'! one or to n
lurve or enicrgencj ration'). Together
with mi overcoat ii-1 the k(uipar k uud
ilmllur uccouiriniei'H, the held to I
.'iirrled U a c ir..ijiicr,-ii)le jik.
i'tj l,u.l, lir llt OIO. ;! , ni.HiUi
jcortiiiii; out at tUxty-otje pi-uud. v.IjMh I
fi.i.i.i . . '
Mackensen'a Army, Within Tew Mllei
of Lublin, Pressing on Warsaw.
Berlin, via wireless to l.outlon.--General
von Maclcouzeu'H army has
penetrated Kusslan soli from the (Jail
clan frontier to within :!" i.illej of Lub
Vangorod, the fortresa guardliii; the
southern npproach to Warsaw, the
I'oIIhIi capital, is but AO miles north
west of Lublin, and tho sternly hwIiiij
of von Maukiiur.iiii'H left wing Into the
KuBslaii territory Is advaiicliig toward
tho railroad, which rumt from Warsaw
through Vangorod und eastward
through Lublin.
.Southeast of Loinborg, (Joneral von
LlnHlngen's forcou continue to ad
vanco. They Btormod tho hnlghta hold
by the HuuHlatm Hnuthoast of ICuroto
wlce, It was anuouncud.
Baptist Hosts Gather.
Oakland, (.'al. More than 2000 Dap
tilts from all parta of the United
Htatcs and Canada aro lu Oakland tt
attend tho laternational convention ol
tho Baptist Young I'eoplo's union,
which opened lt flvo days' hossIod
Wednesday In connection with th
fl''h auruial conv 'Mitioi. or l'acltlc
Coast Baptist Youn;; I'lioplo's node
The Social Codo,
Mell lire krH orlcrl. le.ui mul de
relit tttroUKU the Hlreugtb if an nine
ipiliiUsoess to aoclal o(iiiImii "IiI-Ii Ihr
iroheta of iudlvldoiilliu are lu mn Ii
h:i-t,' to deplorw The x lul . mi
ibnilit. nlway liivoiveo mo. n in i,b
iii.n'V. luiii'h nlUildlt. sotin- hvHMi
-i and oine vvtckedtiens. but. I iki n bv
.ii. d l.irge. the averaue of ll pn-iilp
t i 1 1 has probably la-en blglier lu -v
i v iui- than tbe averaite uixllrr. im
inid ii nr.-r t.Tt-il Individual IminiUe
M iiv f Me- i h Inm einlKslletl u tbnt
" ib- niiiglng. multifarious tlilug tall
d th.- i-ne of the community are un
il .'i ' dlv rlflit. alnro ttwy Wrfe imee
ill-iiii'timiN of orr lAlnwrltleo or
i .11. ni . rlen of fenrletMt liiillvldiiiiln
W Kb kins In Atlantic Monlhl)
"A Por Poet."
One afternoon ItniMliliitf stent to call
in I .a (l.i Klnloeli ami ml"is hl vvav
hulj .!-. muiihIIiiu on ner diHiisii-p.
Iltid be nsl.nl her til lllris't tlllll o the
liniisn .she could not lell blm. inn of
iVr-l to ".ik ii up Im blm in tin- dl
ps-tor.v and link lilm Into the boiie
priHlui eil a dins ..rj nml luelher
tli- found nut what he wanted to
I.Iimv,. uud thtili she cniiie out lo the
i i n-itep agilli -ii lb.lt she i ,ih mi;i
mil to blm the direction he Had (o take
II- thu III. ml hel. went dinvn the steps,
hcnllalcd and Ibeii tinned and ciiuin
Im k to tier. Htylng' "Perhaps you may
Ilk to know lo whom you have In en
"ii kind. I am n mi poet, auil my
name l.t Itobrrt Itiowiilng "-Westmln
slur tituvU...
A Bngbl 8chojr.
Ouo of ulio earlier li'ieuch iulncisi
bulli too liidoleot or too stupid to ac
quire tds alpliuhel by the orillnary proe.
ims, a iiind of servanta were plans!
lu ulteiidaiiett upon him. each with a
biio letter palmed upon tila breast As
hn knew uot their immes iVn was obllg
vd I" call lhe;n by ibelr lettel when
Un wiwiIimJ bUeJr ervl(s-. which lu duo
tkuu kuvo hkoj Uie reiiUille degret. of
Wlcnituro fur okn exercise or the royal
An Old Time Advertisement.
in old newspapers the advenlno
rneuts mako Interesting reading Here
la ono from tbo Loudon Chronicle or
17ftfi: "Hun Awny. Whereas Thomas
Williams, Apprentice lo John Clark or
Queensborougli, In tbe County of Kent,
dredgorman, bus run away rrom bis
uald master'a service and not Dee a
beard of thru three yearn. If Ihn said
Thorns William will return to uls
inn ei i Hcrvno wltliln thnsj uioutba
uftrr tbo dntu of ttili iidvertlsoineut ho
; i' - ,i'w ,Vi. .a.kr
iitti'boiii.t loin alter Ibis tiuUco will im
priNruClllell IIU tllO luW till CCD).'
John l.lad HeiMlenun,
.Hry. Tipiu
Allornov 1-.aw. N'otarr I'uMle
Tillamook Title .nd
Ab.str.tct Co.
I.av, AtiotrarU, kr.l Kitnlr,
Survnyiiif, In.urunrr.
ii lli,iis
t ndrr
NiTI till
lV H ton (a c
rn" t. in f r '
tnii.i.lrol. f ( i' .
Iit f. ilorttli '.
W It t.u.t v
Afiblc M
mo! on,! n 'm
Juns. tin:. i i '
cisetUtlxi ai 'l " '
tlol ulhtif i '
men I un tc I "
and In tec Ii" 1
HJierilf of Tilun
b lt-ird ui a
Auu:. l"'! .
Ho i' !"
t b'wf t
will olfcr f. r .
rut inn at -il 1
rlcf I.. ' '
!-. all u r ,
Ibe ii' .lefr'
bad on t c ! t' i
f At al y tin r a
anil to Ihn '
prntM-rty. eil
i ttunty. i in i:
Thr eat I f
iUartrt .f r, '
Stl Oi I' at m. ' '
-itiailrr of t
at the S. rtl. t ai
Cast itaitrr I
i.f Nrrli.i t- '
Ihr , . ' I
r..l . tlirl , r V
ti.Pi.rc N. it' ' '
bur of Oir t
Suth I' t
1 1. rtil) rif'l I a
I.. Hi doer
ai i arrea . a '
North S rV k '
f- ur, all in 1
lloi;i:r N" t . V '
Vlrridim., ni !
Haiti jielgn i- t
f&Ub Ol, wild !
lain of ait prr
Of I. lf. Ult. a
fees, nml for On
omnia of tin' an '
rrr I'
Sheriff i.M ill
linl.sl Julv I '. I "
I'hitio I'Jii
H' Aim iUiiii Prraa
J. P. Mr rgan, ht.id of tbe areat tit
York banking bouse, who was shot by
a crank.
Wlhl Zebras,
The aobra wh,. wild Is a ferocious
uiiluml, urnl an unwiirv huntei u like
ly to ulTer from lu teeth ami m.ofs
Um author or 'Kloof Ud Kiiriisi
nays Iksi ii I to. r In Cap,, Cnioi,. 1IU
onuo fiMved a iebra lo the brink of s
preclpko, when the desperaiit creatine
turneU rapou him iitiacked lilm with
," '"tk u'd actually tor olio of hi.
feet from , ,.K A,llur
wrllia, of 0(j(1. wh() ,m,hM, (
half UiaoauHilcaifd zebra, Thu creatiare.
after making the most furlmis luirinpia
to 6 tld of Ua rider, plumjis, over
?i P ."k lU rU,'r
tho svtdtivr ns I. emKed n'hllt- the
!V"n Tf',lf -ll""",,l "IM'U thu Kriiumi
tho a-vhsm ,,ub.Mv VV1,U,.,, 0 h
bit n uio of hlrt yUr,,,
l1"!! ii" .... i i.iiiit:i
.;-;. .;t . i
- ..-..rv vn
moo a atafj-lSXI' O A
s i pin si a at na
A ILiLir&lTl vvn
r .
1 1
A. I1-
' i ' t
l I
a . a i ii
t Hi
. f U'-M
t w
I' K '
l.t V
. I rlfS
1 (II
U I'd
r i
aW l.ialll
MIHt'AI I'llONf-
lu 0.'!' , ,.!(. ,i ., ii I,'
n. f ' ' ' t '
poui.da rckpociivi-V.-lVarKoirki i'ea: