Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 13, 1915, Image 2

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    tin 'Cillameok herald
fc. . CromoUy, fcditor
.wucd Cwlcc a iUscIt c c ChcmIav .mil PHddV
j iv 1: '.!, it the iv i lice fUlantook,
Jldtiirlts-ina, Kales
Oregon, under the act of March S. 17i
Bach subsequent insertion, line
Resolution of t ondoleiice rnl
vi!Ml dveru. '-Meet 11 notices, per I me
I irt insert i : oer line J .10. Bulne lfeMlonal earde.mo.
Y.Ai-h iilcs)iu"U nvrtlon, line pi.ply Advertisement, per men
Mcmfstea.l oticos
TtmN'r Ciiini
Notice, per line
Crd of thank, per line
UvN ht lino, flret tnaertfon
,tf 'AM. Iiisplav At mul tw in thl of.
UMW fice on Monday ami Thursday .Lrn
inr to insure publication in folio
in Tuesday ami Friday Issue.
."J Reason are imperative.
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War. 1 '
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fnr thiN i rrrjs. it "the u-.tr; will"
prohibit!.-!" ther, ;H prie
thi c nr. t i- t- : i"? !.-r thr war i
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It l'..-. r- -lfiit s an o;fet may
iN.h increased velum?
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.if, W tMCM
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v- ro, or $100,000,000
in re '."-;. the hihrt record pr--.i
".! made Anothtr vcar, it the
,.' - 'ltinue ".o lonx an! v.' arc not
i'' ' . d. arc tvj.f.rts arc likely to be
s : : ! ' '..rt'i r greatly incrt-asi'f.
Sir.'-e tlie fsctor of ereatent influence
n oett-rrr ining the quality of butter ii
is the quality of milk from which it is
made, which in turn depends quit
Ianiuly urn the character of the feed,
th fe.- i for dairy cattle becomea a
rn-Hter of prime importance to pio
ductrs of dairy products. It ia irr.pos
Bible to make a K'Md quality of butter
from dirty milk or from milk having
an extremely hiirh dugree of acidity,
abnormal oders, and tastes, many of
whi'-n are due to tbe methods of feed
irg and character of feeds. In a dair
seminar paper at the Oregon Agricul
tural College, 1'.. V. Wright discussed
the effect of fecdintf stuffs upon the
quality of butter as follows:
The detrimental eirecU of certain
feeding stulfs have been counteracted
to some extent by the uie of starters
and pasteurizers, which chock the de
velopment of bad Havors and render it
easier to secure proper acidity of
A ureat deal of investigational work
has been done with concentrated mill
feeds and their elFect uponthequHlitv
of butter. It has been definitely
learned that cotton seed meal greatly
increases the quantity of butterfat.
It increrses to it marked decree the
meltint: point of butter. It diminishes
the volatile acids content and produces
but little change in specific gravity.
New York experiments show that the
average melting point of butter fat
from cows fed bran was 93 degrees
while that from cows fed cotton-nood
meal it was 'M degrees F, The Texus
station reports show the average molt
ing point of butterfat from cows fed
cotton-seed meal to be 105 .degrees K.
The practical eHect of this is that the
butter will have increased firmness
and remain in better conditions when
bandied und shipped in hot weather.
Feeding cotton-seed meal to cowh
on paBture is a very good practice for
it has a tendency to harden the butter
and increase the melting.' point.Tlit
rUhnMi of fotton !. meal In albu-
I tntnoid render it of prime importance
' mix with one or tnor fott Stuffs
! ioor in this nitmevnous compound such
as enailacsand hays. If ftl W enw
th meal will injur the Iwalth of tho
ml dimmish th quality of Um
! Anothvr intercstinar point ia that
umttr farm cxnditw whw the itewp
U- Id stti . ivtm is uacd a !.
h mount of laturft is lost in the skim
milk rind buttermilk when rotton-SMii
me.! i used ihan when brsn in frl.
t;. rcral (Mitieiama 1 4tlon-a?d
' m a. butter ae that the flavor i too
tUt. lor too high, and a tendency to
, retain an exec of salt. It I frvtment-
; ly hfld that the butter will hav a
sj. v Hs.-or which is- v-ry objttion
ntU i.rd butter mada of fata ronutn
iiii: ,-..lt. n-4 meal 10 rated apprecia
bly lower by New Ycrk comm)on
ftlutcr. meal in a ration has a market!
effect opon th butterfat deereaeina;
it churnability and pro ' cm., a softer
; butter. When mixed with cotton d
jnn'Ml i:i n-t tK cMJiir amount it
I rHiu.'i'i a butter of very rowI quality
aid tftd l.lv. Iti feeding gluten meal
it 11 h wr dirl'.'ult matter to extract
;ailofthe buttirfat frm the butter
m;ii i:i i;eneral. feeds c-ontaitnnif much
i-il have h tciuteiiov to slightly iiicreanc
the fat '.-onteiit of milk wtirn tirst fed.
but the fat percent ige uraiually re
turns to m.rmat. It eni that the
1 fetui g of (tincentrate'l oil f-eds stim
: ul;tt-s an abnormal condition in the
ciw for a few dy ami radical change
J arc rotrd in the composition of th
rrilk. tut the continuous flow of milk
i containtnir a high percentage of fat is
i due to the individuality of tbe cow and
I not u the rich oil feeds.
I Linseed oil ia considered by aoniii
I authorities as an excellent feed for
: dairy cow-, but after careful investi
gation, the follow ins: conclusions seem
pertinent in regard to it. Unseed oil
causes a decrease in the valatile acids
j and an increase in tbe melting point of
j b tterfat. However, the melting poi..t
, of the butterfat is not always indica
j live of the firmness of body of the but
tr. An exc-TMi of linseed oil produce
! a so't, salvy b'itti.r, with an inferior
'flavor. Linseed o: I meal when fed in
I a balanced ration does not elpwt the
; quality of tbe butter.
The experimental work with such
feeding stuffs as silage, kale, rape,
clovers, etc., and their elfect on the
quality of butter has been extremely
1 limited and verv little data is uvail
! able. But the work that has been done
would appear to substantiate u few
facts. Other conditions being favor
i able the butter made from the milk of
silage fed cows is of an excellent qual
ity, having the proper consistency and
body and free from an unpleasant fla
vor that one might expect from the
silage. Even rape silage imparts no
taint to the butter.
Turnips and rutabagas need to bo
used on the dairy with extreme cau
tion, because of their liability to im
part an unpleasant taint both to the
milk and to the butter. This depends
to some extent upon the amount fed
and the method of feeding, whicn
should not be done until a f tor milking.
This station in 1893 carried on some
experiments comparing the feeding of
dry feeds exclusively and the feeding
of some root crops. Five cows wuro
used in the test which uxtetided over
threo months time. The first period
they fed clover hay, corn stalks and
grain mixtures. The second period they
adiied rnangle6 to the above ration. No
material changes in the quantity of
butterfat yield were noted, but an an
alysis of the butter produced showed
some variations.
The average percent of fat lost in
the buttermilk when the cows wore
fed nothing but dry feed wag .022,
when mangle were added it was .027,
ami when potatoes were added it was
.025. The average time required for
churning was on dry feed (31) minutes,
on mangles (!!G) minutes and on pota
toes (fifi) minutes.
In churning crean from potato fed
cows a great deal of frothing occured
and it took twice as long to complete
the churning.
Comparative Composition of the
Water Ash& Fat Hardness
Content Cumin
Dry Feed 7.00 3.07 8i.iJ;i 17.0
Mangles .21 2. 00 ft". 13 10.7
Potatoes 5,h'J 3.K0 'JU.h'J lo j
It 1 rttier ildllcutt lo loon I o tile
iri;iu tnmU 111 milk Kinoo the milk !
m become tnlntrd 11 f tor it leave the j
,-."- While il is entliely ponslbte Hint ,
wnriii milk limy cxhnle odor in oool
l ie. it I ln true thut It in onpnblo of I
( nlKorbinic other odor nt Um mhiio and !
th.nt nil e.xpotmrc, oven for u idiort j
time, to (in uir Unit I befouled or
tainted with .uiy obnoxiou kiiso tun
be sulltoient to impregnate (ho milk m
that the odor otut bo rooognUod hour
afterwtird. Uesides the ooor thnt are
abftorbed subacqm'nt to milking, milk
Invariably bus imro or lei iro
nounced otlor thut is derived dlrectlv
from the iinin.nl hcrm-lf thit t uminlh
referred to the "cosvy" or "nnlinai
kr."' duo to certHin foeU. The pe
culiar property of rn. ditftMlo.i
thniughout the system by inmitu of
the eircilbillon iit-d iho ubquont at
sorption by the milk makes it iicco
sary to ue conideratie cure in the
feeding of certain food atutr. In thr
majority of casea where sttoh finxlti nrx'
fed to excess -iml are given to the
animal immediately after milking the
, necullnr odors will be thrown of
that at the succeeding milking they
will not be npparcat.
; IS) acres l( mile from Neotueea
Bay. 1 mde from g.xtd cheese fsctir. .
eW acres 10 g.i.t nnttire. fHd water.
W.mld take gml property t town io
( part payment.
1 W. A. Mkinter
" I'llUmoon, Ore.
' l'r(anity In lh Earlj Cntuncn SVst
a CPtal OH
Itelti-v llik' one iiiln. I Hi n pri'f.in.
w. iimh! Ik tir a .-Mi :'-.iH-.ttliii -,
lu the nlotli vntilt J u -( 1 it ui ii pun
1 labeti MWiMrlnjt b.t .le.ith lt the tat
Ulft of t'U:lld VI mi. I K.in.elb It
fh mirth Hrltim hn.t the onVrMtliui
J ,iMitnHr 'tt out wImmi the tolittuw im
trim Philip II nt l-'mn.-e unlt-r. .1 tl.o
.:i)IHj drowiiett In ti- Seine nnJ U;
1 tllirll of t'iuiti'i'Mliot'le exooutmuul
-uti'd hit iie that nre hretheo
; ,'h
to t"it a man mutd ir In Stt
i . tid t'ir I? ("eiuil" Hr en Thf
'-t;!i. r imi .ti in nmk thic HHire you
i ..1 t" pa i f"f tbe priiileire f neth
I'.riuijw it u,i. Qvnrer) iht thr com
1 M-Mi (H-iplt. mIi. mill he given wmtliMUle
j lt nu net of Um Uth and eewtli
j .! of the reteii of William mi.l
j'!ut nnt da lul.rern. eoiuin:
; diere n.l nmiroun nl!or were Bm-.
1 ;:.'tinx a wv,tr: ihera were im.nl '.'
itlliun Tit nwenrlng whetnb In
Uie li-iuehW of tlenry I was l( hii
iln nne 'r a wiir word by n duke
m for hni in for a aqutre. 3a. ul for
v coma ii ami "a pnite to Iki wblpt,"
Tbe Inw tlnil provided One ror
weitrlitg led Ji.iiithnn iiwtfi to hl
!irirHHni if tbe "Imnk of aweiirtng'
'birihii the nH-ulnliV( crnse nl tbe
time -ft ttie nitith e Imbhle Thl
'link was t' li-e n iiiiinotoly of col
' tin! tbe rtne of thono who swore
."ml Swli, wild 'It u said there nre
"iKxi.fKKi m the kingdom (I relit ml i of
i vhl"h i.usi.nxi are HwirinK -"Ulc
I'tiere are nu e(lmiel ".W"i it.-ntlc
:n. ii mill evry treiiiieinnii can afford
rn nweiir one oath a day, which will
i.nduc. l2Ti.ff0ii imths a year or (!).
rio "
In lUXi at Aberdeen the rounctl
unlvely told the Hem I of tbe boun to
hiife ii Inn placed for the collection of
(he limn Imposed upon tbe household
for sweiirinw - fhleego Tribune.
Hood Kivcr utrawbrrry shipment
.ggrrgated 100 carloads,
baker Mill and Orain Co. will build
; i,ooo elevator ami warrhotuc.
John Day -Kdiblr frog arc to be
! raised in pond near here.
j Genera. Oroco M.is Dlsappear-il.
j Kl l';.ho, T-x - (li ncral l'.i, iial
Orozco. Hut-rla h i liu-r lit.-utenai.t. bus
disappeared, eluding six him r. t serv-
ice ni'-n guarding his uprirttnentH it
j is feared that he hus Jumped his bull
bond of 7',no and Is now safe In Mexl-
1 CO
Diaz Dies In France.
Paris. General I'orfirio Imw, for
mer president of Mexico, died here.
General Ohus had been In foiling
health since reaching ICurope in 1U11
after his resignation from Die prowl
deucy of Mexico following the Muilero
Wheat Club, $1.03; blunatem $1.08;
red Hiissinn, a; forty-fold, 1.0l;
rod flfo, UEe,
Hay Kaalent Oregon timothy, 17;
itraln Imy, 12; alfnlfn, ?13.f,0; valley
timothy, gU'.SQ.
i Ijutter Cromnory, 2Ue.
Hggs Uuiioli, 21o.
Wool IJuatoni Oregon, 28c; valley,
Mohair 31c.
Wheat Illiicatom, $1.08; club 1.03;
red iltiBHlan, 07u; forty-fold, 1.00;
flfo, !7o.
Harloy -J22 jior ton.
May Timothy, $10 per ton; alfalfa,
$M pur ton. '
llulturOroaipery, 2Dc.
Hkkh 21c.
Cut In Meat Prices
As our Kr.i.s?; W e.MU- art- now ret ly for tl'
m.trkct, W .tr.- ni.iki.i Iho IoIIoaM, prlc on
our tiuMtr., lor c.:
Bcc( Pot no.ist .it 12 l-2c nod S l-2c per pound
RibRo.vtt .it 15c per pound
Rib Boll -11 "c ')OU,Hl
Brisket Boll l0cPcr )OIJ,uI
Slt.,,ks .it 12 I-2 to I5c p!r pound
Corn Beei H c .md 12 l'2c par pound
HnmbtirKer St.ik 12 l-2c r pOVrtd
Thcsf prici's .trr tiar.tntk'.r;! on TiII.tmooK
.t .?0c pr pound
.it ric ;r pound
.it 16c pr pound
nt 12 c to lie per lb.
nt ittc per pound
"I'lwsc prices an.; subject 'oJchanp.tT
gliiiiAltas ...
n ruling
Sirloin Stnks
Round Stc.iks
Pot Ro.ist Uccf
Short Flbs .ind Plate Boils.
Prime Rib Roasts
-- 1 1 f mi
PltOFir IN
A Q n lei. (iremiig t ..
r, II.
There ere ir
which reiutn i .
fmttt lii. .. i
Welerg I'moih i ,
elgbl IHOtilb- i f, i .
;t1l Oui ii. I. .
'thing i ,u i.. i.
t!i,. Un.ttgb ) I
i be Hitjo i ..
rml frl I .
iif le, mot l.i. i .
tu In big
f'.trtc Utt l. .t
'. S Hhe in
.itkkly Uiiiic i
mw lu a i...u.-.
I)t lc
diryMl Ur ui f!
the chit k to.. I-. i
nf i-.tuliiku t j-
( rfwp In t '- i
at . n. . I. .
,rl rl .111 k i.
teiurtw f i-'i .
" "T'l, f,
1 ! .
' 1
' 0
' t
' ' -v (J
tMr u
To fill a pi est t pt ioii titjhl a ding slutr imisl fun! have
tltc JKillT KIM) of preparations. Ours air purr .md VhST
l;D. Tlicn knowledge and care must be used. SI ryclinlno
and Quinine LOOK alike, but don't ACT alike. Our reijls.
tered pharmacists KNOW MOW to (ill prescript ions and v;
VLwlf-Y everyone before we send it out.
This is why we DI.SI.IAI; our druy busiHe,s.
Tlie Tillamook D.tug Stotz
Wc ylve you what you ASK (or.
ioinc Very Common firaettee ll.VeulU
B Well te Avoid.
.Vll KnclUll oeh-nttat. lutereatett In (Jb
iltempls lo .oiiier lUiicer aUKKvti
!tu- followum meihixls by wblrh fl ran
er um .r Ih i.i'imIiu mI;
"It Is not uty to prtHJuco a miner
urtlftelnlly; iiev.Ttbelewn, If ymi trj
etioUirb you nlll HUirml nomellmi'i
Kneoumee your p aiciitJ to smoke clay
pirN with the vttrnlnlied ends broken
off or to ret n In ubiirp ilited lum of
teeth lu their Jw and you may fair
ly expect now mid then to witueas tbe
do noo production of cii.-cr 'lh
iime cinl uiiiy bu aiiahiel with yet
more ecrtalnty nIioiimI ou huve ll Id
your Mtwer to nhUm-i cumn for the ox
iHTtmeni In nhli-li them alrendy mlats
loiui) Iim'mI ovKlerne of i bmiile Irrlui
ion Kur In-tiiiice. you limy tell a W
Me nt who Iiuk ii little .irt ur an Ir
rllahlo crm k In Ills Up Unit tie may n
u Himii.lny mill amiiHc hlmn'lf by !
pl l.ii.'t off Um (TUt wbi'tievi'i ho das '
u little sfiure i line nml i mile lo you
uifiilii In Mix moiiilu. 'i'hia Is n very ',
I'orinlu mi'tliud In nnotli.-r Iiikihihc
you mu iisxiii e a iiihii with n ill tit- 1
plmjile nciir the iuiuIii of the ci. Unit
It 1 of no i mt-itii.ji'o. not worih uri
oper.illoii. und -dvlito him lo nppiy cold
croiim In j.yeiii or iwo'h time he will
pl'llllllllly III) II 1 1 1 III MllllW yii vci-v
Illli'leMlIm; cXIIIIII'li' of indiMil ulcer fll
form of mi i-iillcil kUIii i iinccn
It hi nlnloiiH thin i lu- ICiiuIIhIi n
who kiij.'i.hh ihcxe iiii'thnd (,M
iirfer I hem In I he hope Unit ihi-y will lie
followed, lull lllle Hie cniitriiry lie
mlKlii linv'e mldi-d i tut t iilthiniuh 'it H
not i'M-,v to prodiii c ciiii' it iiiillleliilly,"
It Ih tot i 1 1 lewrt nllHy to eliie , iiiilllclully
or otlii-rwli-. Indeed, tin- IlKllI IlKlllliSl
I'liiiccr liim been mu- of the ici.mi miic
icxHfiil In the whole ciileor. or incil
U.'ill liiilllcH, It Ih iiIko oiio of lliu oldcm
-Lou AiikcIi'h Tlliii'n
Rocks Are Bold As Lava,
rind llluff, Citl, Voiiiik ImyH of Hod
Hluff liavu coiiiinereliillzed the licnn
InterfHl In Iho volninli! dlnturlmiieo
at Mount I.tiKHeii on the part of irav
olorH pasiilni; tlirouuh hero by trail,.
They urn reported to Imvo Hold hiiiiiII
rodlta from thn Houthorn I'aelflii ronib
boil umrlmil "lava" aa Kamplea from
Iho crater for 10 cunta each.
Mew Hit Theory e C.rtulsuon V..
Seen and 0nentrats4.
It was h!U in.; vine ,k l adim un
der a prrfe"r h twiil dlncovorixl
Uie THei m Hie in that Harvey
dl ti',i-n-a t'. i k. i.uii,,,, at IhebliHui
lie 'iiib.iin u Know wti.il the-e
tnitc we e f..r. and. Ondliia ihsl ihey
all I 'Uifi d n Die name .j.t. (l.in, be
tuu'ii ib. ils of it,, rc.imm fo- ililr 6
tstelne unlet, ll mljhi i, i ,.sW,t
llic I fi- . i!--h4iijj bor-awitril
lla iif,' h I mite . -i Im, arm, lie
found t'tn? im i' c,i, or . i-tin. nr,
lertes. ! o-'tuue 1 ie. (.: i ii. m , j
I be aide lie i, mi i Mif he.ui. while
tlie m-, nun dt-len-hd v,ih blMn
on (ho nIiI.. fiiiii,!-.,! ( it,e t,n-1
Thm lo bin rtiC'iui i,i,i ihni i. l,,,.
tloHeil from i' ii". n ibiouitb Hie ar
terli mid hack, the Uesiri throllich
tiie veltm. It nm, explained the lien I
Iiik f the lieurt end the ittrtltnar
tlm pumm.
f.'tlf th. rielleal ajul eurith O worl.l
received tlib epoch mnkiu dimivei,,
with crn. Ilarvry publiln'd a lemk
"ii hu diaimtery. and bis practice ii-;i
off .oimlilprnlily. llo-Mrs -orfed. und
the public looked on bliu a u eninit
It w,n a iiuurtc; of n ei-ntnrj i,fim
Iho Imm.U npKarnj lioioiv i'o. itucoviiiy
.i iiccopied by Jht lemi.eil u f
thn world , -New York World
Cherry Pair nt fialom OlioeesBfol.
Salem. -The Halem Cherry fair
oiosed with a "bung" Haiurday ulRht
and was voted by far I ho mom mw.
uessfiil one In every parlicular over
lield bom. Crowds from all vMr the
WlllmnoUo vull.-y ,., 4ml ,Jiy ,
Ulllll the fllml events.
A mardl km dam., on Court etroei
was tlm last number on (he program
-md proved as Kreai a siimns aa tin.
'dhor wonderfully eiim,sf evimia
liiUtn Plans litis, ouy.
Kummu.. Hu; .... will Uve a puhl ,
i"iiil.t ,lw . ,., rurWll.Hll
Hut In the cliy pr,Ml,1C0) ntolnl"
-.k. and ,,ff,.r I, for itt fl,
"fdlltft In ll, lunK , ,) '
- '"" - lrtw.
( 1 ' ' ..I "I.. i.
in-i'iairr t t
I U nut ;
, r f I 1 ' .
, x luitrr
" ' lo : i
i ' .,11 n( i
.- i (tW. I
.1 .., in th i i.
' . Ptll v
" - of la -
II lU) I r
'-ailorf W l( 1 -
' dial ( '
r if 'uly ih ii '
. fie ka Mix! :- -!
1111111 c" 1
S I bare .iwi '
i when p)ri" rs-
opto urrb 'fl
lu prtMitiee M I -j
land Uttfll "i. 1 '
I he Hf li'
1 ovwiy H'i
j .md beita i.
rl,. V t tbv '"
(Many steetto'M a
9 lech t.
j 'ur
I itntshin Iii" i-
tu tbe tut " -I
ptttriy t ., .
j Him prwjett
man l4 i - -
rv4btlr m. i
!wr Mil i.
in doui liii.' .J
notubet of n.
djw's a i
loo bee
loniectl In
V'lih tbe I ' '' i
eMlllell '1.1
tale ere i
detHirtmctii r
leBl c.'c t-
There t-
(hat Mil i l"
(O heroine p
CpM llllll 'I, l I-"
proloci'i In ii Inn, ' 1 '
Ulil. i m I III. I. I Ii.
UllleHH tin. Inn It r. '
S III ho dlpieit of
turn a ion for nlf f '
rnllroail lm I .ci ii
u Idlii nl pie niiiii i-
Ulin I hey should '
In order in make i ic
to tliemi Mkuiv 'be
milrotj i Ii.. ii mmIm! ,i lu i r
i v
. , .
llleep In order ! rel ml I
i I. T
ll II J
. . .L- M'-
If ..... i.. I... Iii M In'!'11' v
I my h boo III be I..!'' i ..
Of f I Mill -III III Ul 111 -I ' i
iii, i, i .ip,i o ii.i ii ninicii
VI I. ...i III,, I III It
... IIJ'WI in.-. It. .. .-- , .,
nr Hi.. ..iidi n u m ui" u
biiinen or while of riS
lined Unlit or none of tlm t
lllliiimeii Iiiim e ui"r. Ii"'1
thitro In mil einiimh hihUtIhI i
i mi.-,. i NllW
. toi l. llllHl' olio ".' i
mil of thn Hhi'll. ll-' '
'I'lilu ......oipiiilnii nun I Ki'l"-'
heroro or diiiliiK w
Poultry Jmiriial.
ici,.. ....i. lunii.r i-lipiJ''.
anil from heavy pnui""
roiimvHl iinlll tin' H,"'""Mll
placed and irrnwtnt In rls'1' f
nil a vaciiiii-r hrre niul t
roim of tree, and In tNV""r
bo bearlmr fruit of H.ini"' V"
....i.i...i ii iu n iinilileil or " .
i. iniirl"'1
1 ii htpj
'' " i
1 wJ
. i.,-. ji
III-1T HOI. 11. I"