'SSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EST ClCULATION OF AN V PAPER IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY tit Tillamook, Oiujcon, Jri.v i;jt i)if,. NO. CO S I: It V I &E sk nny of otu ciml i nrri nbout first Ni(iofi Service l lirv .ire all ilcav i wit ii it nii.l Cm tell you w hv. first Notional M,inK r a i mmmmv 1 v v v A' l-, rh-s' a 1 o 4? k - "IK REJoLVKD AiU' I IJHINu TOR 'NKJJ WITH (joo l i VA.. T. IfVYoUlAHL" -t, r"j roR. cool) f i. f 6OTTHZC00DS WO jmrX. 1 1 ' ti .or 1 1 sli i hk h round loi . n . -i u- i hat hits fl ' hIi i' i ( ii'rrics, provision, hint ..u" vrjjctnhkrs, " " ' II II l' Iff I VI l Ilill "l . 1 1 1 i . nun, """ ii tlttrw r . ... it,.... . . V .. ,.,!. .. . . I nit'i, in ,n tiling iiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t r i'i in !, fiiv iw.. mil .' t I'..... " .i ii i i mi ii 1 1 n i 1 urn i ,i mi .i i u-1 mm i RAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. I 1 1. LA MDOk, - - - OKI'COX H . ...kBBr m mm M7 " i1 mit 1 W mj v .-m mm mu KITCHEN RANGES and HE4TING STOVES See U for Price Before OrderinR EUewhere Chautauqua Under Full Swing. OprnitiK Altracliotu Good. IVojile arc KripoiiditiK Loyally From a Financial .Standpoint. 'Hut f'hinitiiiiiim eipoiHil furtnnllv on MomUy r.f(i.riHHn. Mr. I'wrl C Millrr, ''hmiUuii.iii ii,(irlnlcnil(.nl for tfte i:ill.ii Wlittu iioopli) arrlvml hf.f, Son- tiny nftitrniMn nml on Momlny Uxk up llli dulliM In ponnovtiwii wti the local lnnnEinonl. At th oponliiK oxorrUr O. I.. SlirwlwRjVu Uit mti)r of vmlcotnr wlitch wjji fnllowii ;y a ritmnu frirn llii- upor(iittmJnt Mr .Miltr. nftr whleli Uio Ailiiliihfnti tvonrlot k'nvn a OfKort. 'Ililii roinKjil t hr after WW iroi;f-iii. I Ittt AHulplilan Quartet avc anotlier eoneorl in tin- i-vunlnt: itluilo to tl wvnntn's c nlcrlalnimnt. Thla Mtwlfal orKMiittatlnn riTtuinly ilium ilr tir Uio i:uMla. 'I'holr rlmmo are ntwloriNl In iploitdid tyl ami Uu'ir Imtiturou ntlMtlon nm u rumliination 01 tiio ililieulmn nixl tin? mililluip; ri Uiruhtu mi (ar a tho wnrilinu'n which wiirii put to murlc ulilliiiely hoailtiful. Tillamook hn hail tl upjMirtunl tv U lUlon to iunrli'U in the tnuit that won- in oin ri'upuct p.ibly hettir Uin tho Ar!oliliinn Quarti't. I ml when it eoimm to Dim innttrr of rnnl onturtnln- imtnl th Ailitlphiaiin ifltiHin anvthiiiL: that Iib rvr liucn In our city. Thoir tmiiii wiirV in iIiumIk1. William Hamilton Millur ilolivcicJ tint n(Wrij on Motwiay cvonint". Suh jiict : 'Tim NnlnliborinK rity." Ilia aildruva was uplifting. Ilo kept hi luwri't Intormittvntly from lanchlur to aobrr tlouitit. Hu plead that the - parent take im much intercut in thulr ! rhikircn na they tin in their Htock ; In; plead for the luinm ami lie plead for tint welfare of Uiu town in which wu live. Ili'wald that the average po'mmtirilty was noittlinj; out two atreiims of in fluence tlllll allOUllI llO top(H.'d. On alrram i the vouiik hlotxl that L'Pu.i frein tho toivna t the cltlud. The ultier alrimm i.i the atrunm of mone i thiil i;oi to the ciitiilut: houe, which i ia Uiiwl for the upbuilding of citliw hut which ouihl 'o li ued for homo development. Col. Millur'n ml Unani win much npprocintel. The children hour la in chaise of of Mis Union Orlllith "The IMa Lady," who tell tho children helpful atoriua and tvacluta tmtm ..ew L'nmea. Slut tnkoa the children in charge every morning m 'J u. in. 1'lie Adelphinn iiiiirlel will sine this altortioon and eveninu and Col. Miliur will talk this afternoon un "Karmlni: iind Iteinc Karuied." HEAVER IS SCALPED The few fati wlm braved the drfr. illnt' rain Sunday V sue thrt Utilmen drub the linavor team arc mumim-un In dcrlarin Huialay' iino the bet of the i an. The llttavcra atnrtrd with Jump tu the drat Innii-c atal had Uir niiMi to their credit before Uio Iialian w ere able to (top them. Wil. ton awl Orincoll acored for the Itudrnon In the ttb aral the name wont n in one , two three order to the iiuventh, both ; Jldei plavlriK orrorloaa lall. In the' levenlh Wihton aiiiiln aturted tho flre-j worku by drawlni; pans to tho 11ml1 tUlnt) and tti-iiluiK second, ho went! to thud on Drlncollt aacrlfice hit and fame home on Kowim double. This brought out the acalpliiK knlvoa and a yar dance started around tho diamond, the Indiana annexi-iK ix icorc Ixiforo WlUon led olf airain in the uaual paai, uml the lame performance followed for a total if twelve tcurvn. The Hcavura man jKrd to K'et three more in the evnt;. Bjaklnt; tho final acorc 12 to 0. Tho trduien tenm made a favorable im pri'taiun with the f una in their first Came here, ami it la hoped that thin team will pluy another iranie Mt home In the near future. The Reditu n wore credited witn three clean double playa. How in uot n k'ootl hand from the rand- tand when he dirtied over tho bleach er ami apearvd a foul rulirInK the taiavera when the base were full and the kme in danger. 'Iliu lineup for Sunday uame : Industrial Review Of Oregon About Factories and PayrolU Improvt menli and Enterprim Throujhoul The State. retlnl. til.'hth with hia Alltany proplt have Ur!cd a fijfht bclurt llic Hailroad Cinmimon to c jinpiii .h)Kj connection between lb ilill and Harriiuan line in that tily. I he two railroad tyttem have p(iit litgc lumi on (idine and tcr- i ininui m that city. There it compcti ! iioii for buainck in pelting cart, tide 1 track vtiwice. and routing, at well as I in t relent rale, if the two conipamet I ar. compelled to utc each other track to ttrve Albany, they will in ; ttall a joint twitching tcrvice prob auiy have a joint f night tcrvice, and it will be the end of competition. Ind.-pcndcntc VN ilton Brot. Ior- Kinu tamp hat returned operation. Leona dawmillt here have increas ed capacity to 100,004 a day. Wallowa 450 lb, wool told at En tcrpr.se for A j-3 ccntt. COW TESTING SUCCEEDS WITH COOS COUNTY DAIR'iMEN Hudmuii Drucoll TravU How in Wolfe I'la.ker I'i tc-roori II line WiUon 2b r C 3b If lb tn rf 1 leaver Jolinoon Krdl I'ordner llollotl 'P. Fordner SchouUen Hrewer Davis Oregon Agricultural 0)ckc, Cor vatlia, Oregon, July Kitrellcnt pro ;re 1 lMrii ma li- in -o.v (eating in th' 1,'ooa Hay netion acconlinu to f'ro foMmr H. T. Krenrh, atate leader of county agricultural at;nta, who has jnat rcturninj from that oUtrict. Some Muh producinir cows are being discov ered by the teitini; wora many of them running from 350 to S00 pound of butter-fat per year. On the other hand a tfood many poor pr'lo-pr have been located and there are now more beef cows for sale in the country than ever before A this work of selecting the better produce and diacardinp the poorer ones prostretsea. dairying be comes still more profitable. The cream from this section is mar keted at MarshfieW and other points where it is manufactured into butter and ice cream, or sold to the local trade. The cream is taken everv day by boat which provides cool, quick and Late enterprise of the $150,000 regular transportation, lending much -l- . j ' . r - . T Standiimsof the Teams on lost pet. lialtomt Hay Uity il-vlnjeib. Heaver I 7oO COO -333. dine rule the seas, their sway can only to long as their enemies are unpioMdcd with an adequate supply oi Mibiiiarino. invasion to water arc a thing of tut tiatl Thr submarine nail nrvr lir lartt-f j ,,,de a troop ship, but it can' and will keep troopship bent on hotiltties oil 1 lie teat. Japan can never invade this country out japan can keep ut front takin -troops to the Philippines, or bringing A NEW WAY TO GET RID OK YOUR BIG STUMPS N'.i doubt the '1 1 1 In tin im ik farmer will he pleased to learn that the Knrbex Miiliufactiiring Co. of Portland have perfected 11 Stiinili lloriti): and Hunting Machine which will be demonstrated the bahiliie of the week at Mr. 11. A. Kinniimnn'rt farm by Mr. Holt the In ventor. Tlu representatives of tho Co., Mr. Holt and Mr. Mum ton will bo pleined to ntiKwer nil iiuiuiriott on thu grounds during the Deinonntralioua or in the evening at thu Todd Hotel, SUBMARINES WILL SEND DREADNAUCHTS TO JUNK HEAP liryan, "1 of Milmia- Ojktr Plan. Ball Dav. fill. ' minor a 11 anninu to t icr- nil.. . "" "iKKoai crowt nvor In the city i.ir, ..... . "uy lieu ,iay, Moiulny. July II. rl'lnrteil friini iinlniu ISO n I'i'i 'ai tiiiiiiron will emu. 1 . 1 m of thlM dlalrlRt and tliut initio vvti I ,, r.ii.ti in In lint I. Wll. II II III HI I iU.lili) tn t in I.I uirlv Hull , 'i win ,o horn III) m nuten, s lll"t l .tiu tho comnilttno In - im ifcia I lint ueiir v "0.00 will "'u ii.' 'I'lin , will Im mi nil. ' ni..i ,011. b.i i.' 1 11 1 1 1 u .....1 1 1 r..t.u II t. " ""I IIIUltlllK lllllin '.frilled 1 1 ,,f il... "Kin' n's coiiiiieiiB'ttlmi luv (ire 7 Variety Store Tillamook, Ore. "DROP IM AW) t r.rK wound" 1 "I'lr.ion.illy," s.iys Mr. Unmld like to ace the use 1 iiu s abiiuiloui'd entirely." Ii the submarine an influence for war or for peace? Mr. Hryau, I think oxerlooks the fact that in the subma rine lies Ihe hope of the nations winch .lie weak in naval force. Ihe submarine equalizes the game of war between nations. (iennaii) has kept luiglaiul's fleet bottled up ever since the war began, so far as offensive operations against uciiuau pons or the German fleet are concerned. In the submarine area, peace has ptevailed between these fleets. It is the enfoiceil peace of terror. The sea fighls between Hrilisli ami Cierman w.nsliips have occuried mainly in re mote pot lions of the globe not yet covered by submarine operations, These (lei'ls are paralyzed by the Milium hies. When any agency is shown to be effective to paralyze such fleets, no more of them will lie built under any sane ami honest naval policy, Germany often boasts that Hritain in no longer mistress of the seas; anil ' it Is true. Since the deadlines of the , rbMuirin.' ha Iwn proven, no nation is mistiess of the seas. Insofar as the . . Iiem thence. c cannot invade Japan. Germany cannot invade this count ry. ' No nation can ever acain invade .Hiy other nation by tea provided as ! any tubuurines are built from this! time on as may be expected. Submarines cannot light one anoth-' .r. for the simple reason that they vatliiot find one another. The age of , iht- submarine will be an age, not 01 lighting, but of a consciousness of the impossibility of fighting. When once the usclessness is rec ognized uf warships floating on the surface, ihe submarine will be a shirld lot cveiy maritime nation. There will' be nothing for it to strike. Then-fore 1 ' it will bring naval wars and naval iti 1 4sious to an end. j As the universal shield of the niari- j ' lime nations, the submarine will be 1 I the most potent agency for peace 1 j ever known; for it will make the seas impassable for troops. j The greatness of Wilson's mission 1 today lies in the fact that he stands lor the principle oi forbidding the use of the submarine as against merchant ships. Once this principle becomes estab- I lished we of America may build sub- j ! marines .mil laugh at the suggestion 1 of invasion from the sea or of war vsith any nations save those border-1 ing on our frontiers. llerbet Quick, 111 Detroit Times. run ana uamc uornmutton is in troducing bullfrog tndutlry to supply Mtluonablc grill with frogs leg. 1'ilot Kock Record make pica for product of home flouring mills. l'endleton Pacific I'owcr and Light Co. reduces rates on electricity for cooking -rd per cent. North Ocnd L. C. Reynolds ships .xw.ooo fc;t of eclar to San Francisco. ilill tyttem taking over Western pacilic gain entrance to 'Frisco. Portland city let paving contracts patt week for Sjo.ooo. Coquille City Council has bought large order iron pipe from Coos Hay 1 ron Y orkt. it. Helens Lamb Timber Co. building logging road to Deer Island. Tillamook Arcnz Construction Co. Salem, lowest bidder on county high way. Eugene Hermits for six months oast. SsO.rm. Hay city Bids for street improve- ments were in charge of J mem rccciveo 10 juiy 15. Union County has up $400,000 good roids.bond. issue,....,.. . Grande Ronde Bids will be taken on 10 miles road to coast. 1 Astoria Docks commission would open Astor street and eliminate Un ion town hall. ! W'arrcnlon building gravity water system from Lewis and Clark river. Wauna, Clatsop County, to be con nected with Columbia highway. Montague O'Reilly Co. has large 1 force at work on their St. Helens 1 quarry. j North He mi has ordered three inure 1 streets improved. j Klamath Falls yt miles dyke com pleted on E. 1. CcCorinack ranch Why allow costly duplication of I public utility plants, asks the Oregon j Voter, when in the end the consumer 1 and taxpayer must loot the bills' 1 Lakev ievv Goose Lake project, to j irrigate 30,000 acres, completed. Springfield Willamette pacilic bal lasting a mile a day. North Hend Franchins of Eugene Coos Hay lmc extended to Jan. 1, 1015 Cornucopia Mines sent out amal- gam bars ninrth $l,ooo in three das : to me goou quality or the cream. J Dairymen merely place their cans on . wharfs or on small home-made float ' ing docks where it is taken up by pass , ing boats that later return the empty j cans to the same places. I The Ditching Inlet Association held a picnic on Mr. Selander's farm, a beautiful and ideal place according to Forfes'-or French The speakers' platform ii in front of a natural am- phitheatre constituted by a low coast hill which is sufficiently timbered to give the desired shade. On the top of this flat hill another open grove mikes an ideal place for spreading the tables. Between the table and the speakers' platform the audience found comfort able and convenient seat arranged on the green sward. The picnic arrange- L. Smith, county agricultural agent, who made an address explaining the progress of "the work-. Professor French also made an address on the subject of efficiency in farm management. Local dairymen made short talks on their experience in the work of testing and all spoke in keen appreciation of iu benefits. An orchestra composed of people of the country surrounding furnisned splendid music. The ioe.il singing furnished was al?o of a high orJ.T of excellence. "It is reallv retnarKable." savs Pro fessor French, "that such splendid musical organizations could be brought together in such a small pUce. Two violins, base viol, cello, and other instruments were u.ed in the orches tra, four members of which belong to Mr. Selander's family." Other picnics of like nature were held on the three following days at Myrtle Pi ing, C qu l; . mid Langlois. These meetn gs wn- addtcssed by Mr. Smith and Mr E. I! ritts, extension dairymen of the cl ege r mm am s ' LIBERTY DELL aKiaaBlC WmW mmUmimmmMMrmmmmmmmmmmW W wmmmmWmlWMmmWimWnnMmr1mmm? 70BAS(i "PRUDENT MAN YOU MUST HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT 1 The man wit.i .none .over the one who ma re; denca'of the community .:iJ When you KtNOW tlut tin nn-.-Jro o ponds not upon the amount of mo:.e you v w u.jvantag v ,c, the confie yoir success de-i-pend, Lt upon the cut'.in- out EX U .cuotantly 1N- Tho Liberty Bell, a relic of the Rov olutlon, which lelt Philadelphia on a tour nf the country July 5. amount you SAVE, is it not time you wero TRAVAGANGE, starting a b.1.. .. aUo.i.. . GRE S1NG the balance to your credit? 1 Make OUR bank OUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on So-vlns Deposits. Tillamook County Bask " " UK lo try nut mraiiiat the null ""1 Mutt tiav.