Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 09, 1915, Image 4

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    MHUi 01 ,WMiih
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Notice to Conimi"
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the t tire Uur.i States, and the booking airaagraicnts sidr bv hc F!';o . White (" i jan S.stt u -it Ihem t be r.rrt foi two
J.ars. an extraordinary muira! enagtment Th t3 a stnk .n roup of :iaicians. every o:r n soloi." of exrrjiiou..! a4i';:r Ths itrrJUt
f rarion nafr.s will be presented by ihn oraaimUon. and it will thril! w.d in:errt and tu yon if t.it. ii mui' y" tjul ' a!2
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REDMEiN VS. BEAVER !ex?-rei their umiuahtie! thanks nnd
appreciation of the able and etflcient
The R'inv". lexcue team il olay manner in whieh the committee, in
Beaver at the l. -.A iur:ui ti next Sun- ' charge ot the Fourth of July eelebrn
day. T;ie I;,iia . have been havina tion, handled matters intruattil to their
a hard time jettine rid of the hoodoo ' care and especially do we wish to ern
vvhich was transferred to them when ; phasize our appreciation aa to the Pair
they took N'ehalems place in tne Coun- ; ami Impartial manner in whieh the
ty league, but are determined to add , many and varied attractions cre
some ficures to their percentage j placed and in the way that they wtr o
column this time The batteries for I conducted. Messrs Ku&ter, Lamnr and
Sundays game will probably be Koch j Small : We thank you.
and Rowin for the Kedtaen. Rnd Kins:
and Fordham for Beaver. The came
will be called at 2 p. in. This will b
1'utti.ll li.ir.ml U, (
$. J4 Oil.
!'Kl-.i! . htl'oril & l'o. I'hir.iK'".
I ' ;o
l' II (.'iiitin, f'hn-.iit". HI, J..M oo.
i'.ir-on, ol It Co., S'rw York, i
, $ I ! t. 0.
M. E. Church Notes.
the first a"pearance of the i ew
team on thu local diamond.
At the farm reMie:.'-e of Mr Daniel
Pike near Hay City Charles Pike ami
Barbara MacaliMer were united in
marriage. Rev. Edward Gittina pur
furmint; the ceremonv.
They will reside in Bay City.
He Tells of Attractions to Appear At
Local Chautauqua.
Sunday School 10 o'clock. VV. K.
.'oye Supt.
('hiklrens five minute .-rinon in - .(.I.
Morning womhip 11 o'eloef,. Theme
of lurmon "The Livin-j Church." '
l Tinas Mootint; 12 M.. V. M. Iteaston
MAN IS IN TOWN. , leader.
Kpworth LenKUo 7 p. m., Mia Stolla ,'
Goyne leader.
Evening worship 3 o'clock. 'iheiu
of sermon. "The Day of Adversity.
Special Muaic at thesu scrvicus. !
Kiiw. Gittitw. Pastor.
Harry M. H ird, advanre airent of
' the Kllison White ('hMiitMiwuin ivtium i
' ,
, arrived in town yesterday full of irocl l
chear ana Chautauqua enthusiasm. Mr.
at Hurd is to remain in the city until the I
Nazarcne Church
On Wednesday evening, Julv 7th
the Methodist Parsona'u in Tillamook. 1 opening of the Chautauqua ami will j service at
Oregon, Mr. Kenneth Cator to Miss
Hazel Apsley, daughter of .Mr. and
Mr3. Al Apsley of Sunnymeade, Tilla
mook, Rev. Edward Gittins officiating.
TION The Judges decided that the best
float by the fraternal locietv was that
of the Rebekahs, second prize Odd Fel
lows, and that the Red Mon were the
best represented participants in the
For the befi decorated autos C. I.
Clough won first and Auolph Erickson
second prize. Fur the best business
neipwun me many details necessary
for a successful Chautauqua.
lie ha- just come from some of thu
communities in California and Kasturn!
Oregon where auccussiu! ChautuuqiiaB
have been held, and says that the pro
gram is the best that has ever been
brought to a Western Chautauqua plat
form. He sayb that every number is
pleasing and thus far every town on
the system has renewod a contract for
next year. '
Witcpskie and his great orchestra
Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Preaching at 11, Song ami
.1. Strout Meuting
Praiso '
at 7,
Preaching ngain at H.
Prayer M noting oach Tuesday at "i
p. in.
Preaching ervieea ovury two weeks.
Everyone is invited to all thetiu ser
vices. A. II. Smith, pastor.
t T M i I
S r I f V i - - Hem .a I - r
A' . '.-
is a tent that will stand hard wear and
'Hint won't rome nart thrtnih cheap tnatrrinl or
Th.it will 1 as ontl next yrar and the year after,
as it is the first srason.
you can tfet such a Tent by aski.-.rr fr d,c "Will
amette" and making sure our tra.ic-mark u on it.
Every Tent is guaranteed to jjj-.c absolute MtUfntttm.
"WlllumrUr" Tent tirr itutt!r In nil ,itrg ,t ,(glr..
Tlnu euit no murv than Trixtt itithnut nmiw or uuuriinltr.
For Sale by All Reliable Dealers
lX.AKIU.l'. V h Al : f- i I l x
MITt Al I I. 1
AT A I I. (.Li" I
ing to Mr. Huril, Witefiskie is a mastor
leader and directs his company of ac
complished musicians with a grace that
does not accompany most conductors.
With thft M r i n ( I r,,K.,u I r;i iu M luu
house tloat Winters & Hill contractors Charlotte Rergh a Primmri Donna 'son-
first, E. T. Haltorn second. rano 0f international reoutation. She
I Rarns and farm bull lings of all
I kinds erected by exp'Tienc-1 rpenter,
I either by contract or days work. Plans
land estimates furnished for all kirwU (if
carpenter work. J. M. I.lisberg.'.Mu-,
tual Phone.
Ramsey Good Euts received first for
best comic make up. Best horae
drawn vehicle, Lilerty Car.
First Day's Races
In the dry test by the hose companies
Company No. 2 won first prize and No.
2 second prize, Henry Rogers and Hen
ry Wooife judges. In the foot race for
boys under 15 years of age. Roy Hew itt
won first and Lucas second prize For
the girls under 15
and Miss Thayer second. In the boys
egg rare, Hewitt first prize and Mc
Cinley second. Girl's egg race, Miss
Thayer first, MisH Severance second.
Sack race for bovs, Hewitt first and
Randall second prize. Pair race, Dodge
and Stanley, first, and MtKinloy and
Luu;;Uiri second.
Seccrnl Day's Races
In the 200 yard race Rico took first
and Kellow fcecond. In thu 10'J yard
Fin Department race, Itlce took first
prize Hnd Smith second. The girls
race, Vea first, Hughy second. Roy's
race Lauglilin .irst, Leach second.
Fifty ard race, Rice first, Kellow sec
ond Hoy's race, pairs, Shortridgn and
Dodje, first, Laughlin and Lucas sec
ond. In the Hub and Hub, Company
No. 2, 1st prize, arid No I second,
Th(. uusiness inun of the city wish to
We can furnish and in large quan
tities, chciper than anyone. Whero
u,.r,.i i. i ..I,,... r... I....... ......I ..l c.....
, . . , . .,, .Tiiii-i id i..n-ij ', Mil I'lii 1 1 in I. 1IIIII-
has been on the western Chautauqua ! jsiu., n Hl. K N ,..,oll lt
before and ih very favorably known to j Electric Light Plant.
music lover.
"Altogether, I think the program FOR SALE OR TRADE
will bo far greater than vou nuon e1
here in I illamook even ox)oct," stated
Mr. Hurd. "Everywhere the people
are being greatlv pleased and so im
pressed with the immensity of this
great educational and entertaining
MissSeverei.ee first '"uvu""--''i "i unauiauqua is now
an establishei institution in fifty
towns and cities that have never bu
fore held those great assemblies."
City Hall Bonds Sold.
At a meeting of the City Council on
Monday evening, bids were received
for the bonds for the city hall, when
they were sold to the Lumberman-.
Trust Co., Portland, Oregon, at par,
with accrued iuterckt and premium of
$350.70. There were ten offi rs to
tike the bonds, all bidders offering lo
furnikli blank bond free. The other
bidders were:
Western Bond & .Mtge Co. Port
laud, Ore., $267.00
f'arstciis & Karlei, Seattle, Wash,,
$: 16.00.
las. N. Wriyht & Co. Denver Colo.
SweiM f'ausi .v Foster & Co, Denver
Colo,, $171. jo.
;roi iler i' mil' k I'ruiMen,
Tolfdo, O,, $118,00.
1 A high grade piano use 1 very little,
j to apply 011 part payment on aFord
1 auto' in good condition. Inquire at
lieram ouice.
Furnished or tinfurnlKbcd apnrtmeriiM
for ront at the Tlloo ApartrnentH 'in
the .Masonic htiildintf. All modern
1 onvotiiencc:i, at business center.
Enquiro at Herald Oflice.
Notice of Completed Contract.
Notice si hereby given that K. p,
llobson, County Road Matter, for
I illamook County, Oregon, ha filed
111 lhi office hi rcrlifirate for the
completion of the contract of the
I illamook Hay ('niistructiori Co. on
the Corilaldi-W hcclrr County Road,
from Station 177 plus 00 to Station
J$7 idus ,).6, and any person, firm or
corporation, having objections to file
to the completion of said work utny
do ti, within two weeks from the date
of the first publication,
Dntcdthis joth day of June, 101$.
J; r - nlllc"' County Clerk.
Mrst publication July 1st.
Last publication July nth.
Notice to Contractors.
I he l ouiily ( ourlt re.rivr the tight
l rrjeel an imd all ,U , , t
rCPf t"d '''l"rd Ihr br.i .ir
MW nitemoolt and Vamhill c..u,irii
I illamook-Vamhill Joint Muad Ui.
Hy. H WiUon.
Clerk of Vamhhl County
. f. Holdrn.
First puldieation July . ,9tfl '
Ul publication, July ju, 1915,
Notice to Contniciors.
Sealed proposals addressed lo the
County Court of Tillamook Cwm"
i.i W 'i 1 ,e lMOii construct
ion of hand nlaeril ri
llayoccati t oumy R f,,',,,, sullon
.i.iun js pu o..; , ,..
..,un vuuiliy, ilrK,,li, vmU
1,1 "T "ic "Hilly l uurl il
Hlrcirlc Llrhiii.t I '
llrjllnj; Divi.M
Vu will i- 1..1 'l
Tl.. hUrlru U n ' '
IWvkf l 1 if
KLHCI'KIC tl !! i IfcS
AOlehl ythc
11 criv-
! I nun-
I ... j. ,. , V IIUII-
U. .1 IIh ,, ue , , , 1)in ,,
...nook ( y, (ir.g lnli .
iy a
i Sldnuy E. (loudcreon, Pres. J
John Luland Hnnilerson,
Secy. Trcaii
Attornuy-at-Law, Notary Public
Tlllamoofc Tiil and
Abstract Co.
Law, Abstracts, Keal Kvtate,
Survnving, Iiuuranee.
"ZHTh Hot!) Plionns
Scaled proposals, addressed to the
County Clerk of Yamhill County,
Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to
complete Tillainook-Yaiiiliill John
Road," in accordance with the plant
and specifications thereof, on file in
the offices of the County Clerk of
Tillamook and Yamhill Counties, will
be received by the County Courts of
said counties at .In- Conri 1 1, ., ,
' - III , ., ,.
i r i innt'i i 1 ic.,.. :i , ... 1 ij iiir i.iiniiiv in ........ .1. iii 1
1 .....v, w,,K, ,,,, 11, ,u, 11, r Hour , '" "ie DIM lie uc-
! of 10 o'clock a.m., Julv a.uh. 101c : "l,d iid tl.-- bidder shall f. '
I ... .1.... ..1 . ' . ..' V" . '!'( nr r. f I... ... . . ,
; ..1.1.1 .11 i.i.ii iiinr ;iui place pul.luly ,.".'.,"" l"''"'d ol live day
j opened and rra.l. ICach l.id shall he ' , , !l'h ""' "w;,,,l made lo ri
atcoiiipaiiieii ny a cerllln.1 check for .- , -iniau uuil fii
a sum eipial j per cent of the amount I t . . l"e url
of the bid, and made payable to the
C'Icik of 'Yamhill County, and which
shall be forfeited lo the County
Courts jointly in case the hid is ar-
......i,.,l ...t l... I. ......ti e
.. !.. 1 t t .1 . . . 1 11 in eomanr r iamMi ii .1
,cr,7" ?. aV.:T"m ,,c ""'-.V1 i,wr"-; cificutions il,: "r " ... !t!"
nut 10 nun me. coinraci, tan, reitihe , ,,ffi,-. r .V". "ir in Ihr
our Ol IO (1 1- lirL :. , 1
day of luly, 101 ;, .id' ut that
pul.licl oprntd and nail
I'.aeh bid shall be
reified ,;l..., k inade piyaVde ".V the
.-...., .itk, ,,r a,, .,,, ,m,ial ,
5 pel cent of the amount of the tola
of said ,,d, which shall b,. f.f! ...
r 11 -
e a bom
IV 1...11. 1
The bids are to be fr Vllll
, . "!'?.! .fr-Mi. tali,,,,
.jr-'viri.ii v.ouuiy Koad.
or neglect to euler into the contract
and to furnish the bond required by
Bids will be received for cl
MM... ..' .
1 ne e.ouuiv
mm to
rcse. viu
... j- wi a.i -, uiid i,l
Kids will lie received lor clear ng, Date , u,:-i, " ... 4 '"' '"'
grubbii.K and uradi.ig any one or nil I 1 'k 1,1,1 3,J"''I June K)is.
of tin sections as included between
I , Holdeii.
Stalioii o plus on ami Stations 3J5 1-irsl publin.t; ll)y ST"!'101-
',usR"' ''limldicatioiiJuV'is'tn;,!;!
Notice to Coiitracti
Sealrd plopit4K ! '
County i ur i oi 1 ill
Oregon, .uul iiidnrsr-l
COIIlplftr 'ir I- I '
Hold, ' : -in. sn u-, 1 1. r
Road," limn Sl.uiiiii ii
Station I li plus io ."i" I
1H I'll. ,M (il ,ll plus '
St.ill. ii ii plus ..l I" i , 1
In ,ii 1 1. 1. 1. mi c will. Ibt
tn tin .tin, ii, thru nl
of fii r i ,,- ( mini v I ' '
iiionk i niinty, ( In i-i-u. i
ol l) the County t '. iirt 1
ty. al office in thr (
I tllaiiiuok City, ( in" '
hour of in o'clock -i in
day of July. oit. and
publicly oprncd and r '
I'ach bid shall be aici"!
certified check made p.iv 1
County Clerk, fur an .il"'
s per cent of the amount
of said hid. which shall '
tn the County, in case l
. y!f,
, -j!l
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-i .'.oi
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icple.l and the bidder sh .11 '
I... i f...- . I i live tl)
afu-i which the uwanl I- i""1' '?0,j
lei into a contiacl and ill' ''. j
salisfuetoiy u the Com I " rf'lU
h; law,
The bids arc to cover . . e.,
Cl..:i.i.,., r.,..i.i ;ii. cr"""
ir. . . c n:... w,.u" : .. . . iio i.
ii. mi .li.iiiiiii 4n pill!) i" .81)
oo and from Station -K plus 3'
-l')6 plan 1)5.8. Also from Million a
I'Iiih .. i u, HJ plus IW) am ifi; ic
lilds will be received on each ,rc" .
or on the whole three to "f"1"
riirillnr; to plans and spr rtfic-!"""
file. A,
The County Courl reserve l"
ilht to reject any and all hi'"' .,
Haled this the ajril day of J","'.
J County 0"
I'irsl publication June .Mill.
Last publication July Kt It.