If Xlflf 1 i ' '14J 1 f .mil 4 I flSOO t 1 t hut IadSa CAMERAS avid FILM 'PAMN( pictttrci with tm An, i bully ,,oti 1 ijuiit that liiMi , y,, ,, yIH , tan ( limit it for ; mul fun. n, tlioao who've tried ft on toll you. I ho No, 3A FoMim; Hunter Hrowa lamtnu hhown in thin ml ukti it jmtuio 31x5 in (.u.Muu.l mc) niul insti $10. 'flR.,,. i,re smaller I i.hhnr; Humor brown wt $9, $H mid $f. Anw Unieta, Anno hhn, Cyko latc llial'a t!io All Aiiicriciiit town thut wint vwty time. C'omu in hikI vt a rafting mid view tho fium $2 up to $55. DR.tOAPKUS, PEACHES, PRUNES AND FIGS thcwi lii-int 10 cciiiM per II). M'ht'I I, Oiti siocK is usually complete in GOOD GRO CER ES, MEATS. CANNED GOODS, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. I mii i,i re our prices with others and you w ill dm! them I UiST A BOUT It 14; HI Wo Iihvk li.rcij (JOOD Ci.llVeii. Our HH-m 'nnieolit It mm nl iT,r ( nrrtViMi ! II .,r II 00; SiitLf -tior. 3 P,. f ,r 11 X) WK TKV J o SATI.SI'Y AND WANT YOUR IJUSINKSS E. G. Anderson, Hemlock The Satisfaction Store lnc T. H. GOYNE Atlorney-al-Law ana Land Olllce Business. Ol'f'OSU l'. COURTMOUSK BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON LAMAR'S DRUC; STORE A(i I NVt.l'.T. IAMII V UVJ.'M)US TllLimoolc, Oregon , Cocnl h.ippctiltifls. : r . r ! In lh rlty it ) ill AIMMioP. rrrrlvtflt? a flnah f Hretow-H w in n fsrtM MW If . Ml Cm pf the il I Mm -'. (( mat)ia. II rvm P.I.C f .i Mel-hl"f Mi T It M .., i. n r. ,r l f. r l. (rtxltT Ml.rre ,lc l.a gitie tu Yllt K (MrvnU, I-m ituiM si KMnlNr Bro5, f. H um. Tillamook Uiim I'ro ilu-u o ijood Ku." M. A. Oban formfly or Mr. J. W Kutwall li vUUin rU tfv bimI UhlR in I he Kir i Krlaro I frnl Try or9 a! out Kartfjr DmmmmI rhtelc na (r jrour Sunday iltnntr. '11ll. moot Mvat ComtMftv. Mm. It. nilham I'ortl.ivl who It vtallioB ; h bn viaillnc hom Mk for ih pa( waw,, raigrtMMi to hr home to day. For all kimta o( bottM movlnt:. C. I Haiulln th hou moTitr. 'In wilt do you truod Job t rvaionaUIr ' IUy CifJt, iiprtm. Mr. and Mm. P. M. Iamb xceotn- t CiovcriUlo, wi in jwnM by Uwlf daoentar t. all of Kuirnf r Waiting at Ua Immo of t I'll... OOW. aMlod, ''f U- Umb- U oitiec j lpor 0w brood tow, ana yonr- i i . i i . . . . . .. i. ... r . of UMilkMll w " H'o-bwiiw mum, wiir 0 monUt boll, orve ono-ltnfs wngon. MuUial I'Immk, CoMaworUty. A boy born to Mr. ml Mrs. Wowotodof on lh S. Hr. WVwJt WM the aU")vlinf phrairian. Mra. I'runk Cran? of the Miami, who ha bvtn III l Iho Tillamook Sunnier- Ium. Hki raturnod home much tin .. nift tim ptwri tn health. S'oluitnl llonV. aTR Vl.v! rnll.vMl bv comfort- t.tnk SuaB.. W(( RUmfi A thai lalt ami Uw.t fn.hlonoil awtnli'y Uuit0 B(l imMinUB?t ,u,,pj t raonbl frrt: &nl fr Khodun ionaaa, Or. VndU A aooeial Whll Slavo ilriima will I' ' 1... i ik. Ul.r lk..Blr Ml Julv Ut, liliwn .1 . 1 1 ami 16. fhao l turoa wr shown to iackvl bouac in I'ortlaml taut wnk. I.. I). Kruk atxl wifa. of lli'inlork, utv thu wirpnta of baby Kirl lrn Ihii morning. I. K. W.-ndt wna the attondint; phyalclnn. lUhis & ltralln lft thia morning for Uocknway whr Uwy bv- nim work Miliin in plunking on tho oiuinty rtmd. -m to nt ow, C r lUv ' ( lm f. "t City. wa HaUVfir, l I. in' . 1.1. 1.1 i . Mi't Comtanv. ! I.-nrii rpeontly r- .m it..- TranuiMU If r y(lr inanry bnek f ll.-iiver wnl in Ul' ntllo nl Tllluilimik "I wlfit front Up tho lillntnoak Shuup.'r ik'ht Imrimm ii mi I i It. K Ziioliituiiin. i Kor chicken lto in noaU or on aot-1 'H inuimy by KottiHKj tin bona uau our atwclwl promrl ii-lmus wohlmJ. Jloilur ' iMwdr. 2f lor pooml. CI. ('Imih .i- Lilly, Minor .t-Wf.lu.. Hood, I'' K t , Mill i r-n , I'ifr i. ''next A(.(k '' 1 ' Civic I.iimiih will i" in me re tu I Cluh roouie 1 l"lh. nt Jj.'IO ji. in. Mi.ti'. ruiiimi with or with I I nr.- Ilonilil Olllun. -'. f tho Thrt'ii Itlvurit Ho- vim m Dm city on liimliu'a. S inldi) left mi Muiiilny fur U ml tin. Cl.riHliiui Churi-h Hi' Will III! tllll'll IMIII.O Co. ,N. V. Murker wnacullwl I" St. JiiIimh tho flmt of iho week bv it toU-Knun nn nounclnR th tlciith of bin brother John W. Ilnrkor. mko! ftl ycara. Tim l)iimiroil Club lioiiil.uiirten Imvo bciiii iuuvimI fro, n the TillimmoU tihtck to Iho hiillilmir on l-'irnt Strm't forimtrly uccupio I bv I'atzluf'H atoro. To tt iido: llotmoH ami iicrcnuu, till roiitoil, In IiIhIhi'h boat citv for it Mtock riincli nciir tho coiml. John I'attormui. IIS7 l-'irat Strcot. I'ortliiml, Ore. SubHcrlbe fur the Horitld. it comes (Wli'o ii week. W'f .-nri forniah yim cilnr fi-nr t f.,r tic. narh. Tllliiiil'Nik I'uod l'i. M. A. Olaon aiHl Min. Alton iUwlit war NalflrU vl.llor Tburadiiy ovum- log Thoy didn't roturn borne until n lain tutor but w umleratiiml '.hit do iv w. cNuawl liy n few HUtomnliilo i ii i.i tiiroa and ll win rnthor nlow wnlk- I r citlo A wwl fwny, fi yeari old. km V.Mi. wnl broKo to drivo aliiL'l" r i iM', a (food lly earl nn.1 hr lira Will Mill chimp or will Undo nn fori i.Nyment on a K'ood aa-orKl hiuid a L.r.-r For imttlculum wrltu s i raftn, WiHidfl, OroK'on. '. II'Kiyli-lt i'X-conimliloni;r for tt.. i-.-imly whii In Ule city on bunlnem Wrtlnniiny While ho.'o he ititelu the Ili-rald i.IIIcb n nlonnntit call. Mr. l.l felt lm recently mode runny Irn provvmaota to bin proprrty belwimn Uivor ti. 1 1 dm. If haa u lino new rvaidence and hi. Ivwna uml anloria nro k0pt In aplottdid hhKi, Ho hn flno water yt.ii Ida wator bcinu pijwl from the titounlnlmi. Gaaolino I'roiwure l.tyht Syatom, prnetieally tww, four litrhu, far anlo choan. 8. M, Moulton. bar bur. r Vat al: tt 10x12 ft. lent with now lly. Inquire of I'. K. WnUon, bnlf in tin north of town. Jo'n Whalen of Sundlako wmt in tho etiy Thursday. He ctuno here on bum neaa with th county cuorl relative to Home road rnmtera in hia locality. J. II, lutttan it in Portland under Hoini: mrtliriil trealmenl nt the hnmlH of ii .peclulidt fur neriout bowel trouble. He has nlremiy undergone one operation, and i bemi; preMiretl for niMither. Mra. Hunnlari returned front Portland on WiHlnokdny ntiil re tort. him tlolnt; u. well n cmi be i-.v-ImicIihI. Mr. Dunnlnn'a tmuiy friutMl. hojMi for bu nKtedy recovery. Mra. Ouuaiati left thtu moniiiiK fur l'ortlnnd to bo w I iti Mr. I hi in. tun duritiK bin aocom) operation. I-Vetmv t Ilretner Co. nru busy Ket lltlK in ahnpe to put In tlti new bridge ttcriM. the hIuukIi. The cement foumla tion work will have to be bud ami a!- lowtal a month to net before tho htruc tnral work In put on the snmu. The bridge will be coinpletotl In September. A foreigner by the nntiio of Knllti MHiltibi, 'il yonraof iik'0, wan auriouaty InjiiriHl at the Ciebiach A Joilln worka at Oaribnhll on TucMltiy at 10 a. m. liy a rock fallliik' on him. He wan taken to the Hawk .Satiatiirium, where be j dim) on Thur.-Hlay. The body waa brnui;t j to Tillamook ami ahippoil from this. place on Thursday by tindertuker Hen kte to Portland frienda. Tile your farm. The Tillamook Clay ' Works makes the best tile obtainable- j K. K. Sharon, urand ai-crotnry ami Koberl Andrewa, uraml patriarch of the I, O. O. I'., are in the county vtatt itiK' the iliirerent lodj;on. They met with the UmIko here on Tueaday even went to llenver Weilnenlaj tind re- i t tidied to Tillnmuuk Thuraday to intend a meeting of the encampment in the evenilnr. They will visit Cloverdale Friday and Hav ('ity Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Win. True are tho par enta of a bahy boy born today Or. Wemlt waa the attemlini; physician. LOWER FEED PRICES. Wheat pjr rwt 'l 26 ItolM Itarley p-r ton I3J.2S (lolled Hurley 76 lb k f 1.20 While OaU er ton White ohu per rwt. 11.70 Scratch final per cvt J2.I!0 Whole corn ier ewl T2.10 Heat Hard Wheat (lour II PO tk liial Hartf wheat (lour JO. 76 bbl For each puvmenl, deduct the fol lowing, vi.: 1. tt) pur ton on bnrley and out.; 2fir prr bbl. or 10c per aack on flour; ll, Cwl. on -heat corn and ncratrh feil ; 10c aack on barley, bran uml ilwrU : 10c ('wt. nn oaU. TILLAMOOK MKHCANTILK CO. FOR SALE BO acre, of kom1 land on NVlart. Hay on new county mid overlooking bnv Kill I am occHti, fi', mi leu from Oiurt Hoove forale eheup by owner, J. M. LliaberK, 104 A R. F. I) , Mutual I 'hone. H. T. BOTTS Lawyer COMPLETE SET ASUACTS. fJHit-e Uo:;-'Ji).. Tillamofiki liloi-k j Tillattifiol; . On-, j E. J. Claussen i Lawye:r Dhi tsckj-.k Advokat j Coiinnetvi.'il i'uildiu i WEBSTER HOLMES Attorney at Law COMMERCIAL BLDG., ROOM 12 I FOR SALE, One t;nolene rrmite, nearly new. One four horae Kwi-r kerosene ata lionary engine, in i;ood condition. Sue i:. J. CLAI'SSKN. Tillamook, Or. BIDS WANTED. Separate bid. w-ll 'e recciel unt-l OiOOo'cbick I'. M. on Saturday, July 17th, 1015, for the following work: I'm ntlnir th. Iloora of loth achool building, in Tillurnuok City, Oregon, in aecordnnce with the apsciflcations Uieref.ire an file in the otlice of the Olatrict Clerk ; Making alteration in the plumbing in the school building in Tillamook City. Detulla may be had from 0. H. Lamb, director. I'lnaterlnt? the ceiliiif in the manual training room in the highachool build ing, Tillamook City. Contractor to furniah Inth and plaster. Shingling of roof of old school build ing, Tillamook City. Hoard to furntab ahinglea and nnils. Krecting n frame playBhcd in ac- cordanco with the tdnns and specifica tions therefore In the pwionion of 0. H.I, llllll). II. J. CLAUSSHN. Clerk. tin to the "Iliinuey 'ioml KuU" for tho boat of everything in goo.1 things to eat. Oley will treat you right. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Tillamook Lime l'roducCCo. is ready to Mil orders for lime stone. Send all Communications to l G. Jackaon, Tillamook. Cu-itomers are requested to tiring sacks or it will bo necessary to charge 3e extra for each aack. Harry P. Kerr SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER. We make n specialty ef farm survey ing and wnUr right applications ALLEN HOUSE, TILLAMOOK ORE. J. R. CALLAHAN Lawyer General practice in all atate ami Federal O.iirts Commercial Club Hldg. TilUrnook. Geo. P. Winslow ATTOKNKY-AT LAW Tillamook II lock . Room 2fr2 Tillamook. Oregon i : JOHN LCLANU ULM)LRS0 j tlorne-.!t-t im J Abstrrtder , lillcimook County Htink Hldq. GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Till.imook Block Dr. L. E. Hewitt OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AN'l) SURGEON Obstetrical Specialist Both Phones Olllce: Rooms 16-1G Tillamook (Hock, llour-s: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. TILLAMOOK ORE. L. L. HOY, M. D. l'ln'sieian and Surgeon Hell Phone -Olllce f. Residence 5 M Mutual Phone - Otlice and Residence TILLAMOOK BLOCK i i . I Dr. Jack Olson RESIDENT DENTIST j Office Hours Iroin 'J a. m. to 5 p. m. i Oddfellows Building Both Phones DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist, Has Located in the Commercial Bldg., j Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp. ; All Work Guaranteed, Both Phones, i rtin u 9 to 12 a. m. ' Oillcc Hours: , ,Q 4;30 p nj ( Open Evcnincs I'om 7 until 8 o'clock I Dr. Geo. L. Peterson Dentist Dr. Perkins Old Stand Both Phones Residence Phoce 20 R. rrynajQCCKWCMXUCKKOOOr Both Economy and Your Safety 1)11 t to the UV.miII Store wlienever yon wimt a fre "''rim i(m iiiL.ii PrrkATrHxr hfniiiHe. nrH.ii.enor iMiy.nu fnell ties S wuli ii., r., ii r, imiii Mtlii-r Ifii linti H'l'id tlniuuiMs ol V A'" i it n ennblei. tin to nml" tin- very lower,! pnees eon iMlt'iit with nimWlv . CAprjpv heem.He wi- n'Mieel our proless.oo, iim oaJbbTY wi , t,.mle n.iy ImiI tl"' '' . ...... . f ., I.umI II 1 1 'ueuiodh, the inoHt henipolotiH enre, mi" q I'unty, fifHhneHH mill Htrenlh. 8 CHARLES L CLOUGH C0 8 Reliable Hn.gf?ist, 8 ttt.t.aivtook:. ORKGON. R w ho Ask The Man Rents He will pay you from 00 t.t $ k00 more per month for your house if it has a well equip ped hath room Thin! of Mil Actually from ii l to M per cent on the in vestment or about ':i of the' net return' from tlmt house you rented. Can you invest: IS 100.00 any better. SEE R. F. ZACHMANN about it Tillamook's Leading Plumbing & Sheet Metal Shop J. E. REEDY, D. V. M. Oregon VETERINARIAN (Both Phones) Tillamook TILt.AflOOK UNDERTAKING CO. R. X. UENKI.H, Mtft. Located in Jones-Knudson Building Funeral Director ani Licensed Embahno Ladv Assistant When Requested. Pioneer Transfer Co. G. L. DICK & SON, Props. Both Phones 1 lie Same Price to Everyone! Celatul IL Gnu in Teacher of Piano Diploma from tho Chicago Musical College A complete stock of sl-eot music and Technic Hooks. Terms: $4.00 per months instruction VIOLIN LESSONS R. B. DRISC0LL Instruction at pupil's home Tho twenty fifth annual convention of Iho chtirrhea of Thrift! In Oregon will rnft nt Turner July C-K At ii meeting of automobile owners rocfnUy Jackaon eotinty'a flrat nuto-rnohtli- cliih wm orgnnlaed at Medford. John Cox, a blaekarnlth of Med ford, la dend from th effw-tn of a Mow on tho bad. Th police arc aenrrhlng for I' Jackaon The twenty eUth annual convention of the Or anon Stntr I'hnrmnceutlcnl aaaoctatlon wt;i tm held at Oarhart Tuadfty, July C, to Prldr. July 5. In clualvo. Situ Anna ratlebrr7 of nintor., Ok:., nod MlM Oraee Olllett of HL Paul bAvo bon aelectel an Inatroetora of dorneatlc science at the Oreon Ak rlruitural colleKo. The Marion county grand Jury In a report to Circuit Jde Keliy haa d olared tfaat It had found mirm-rona frauds In connection wt'h the expen diture 'of rood funds In 191 1. Krom prant Indl'-at ons. this will be the yer of h-avnt tmff'.r r'ratnr Lake haa eiperier.ced. At th.s early date travel haa Un pra;Ucally twtco what tl was rhun far last yar In the b-itti-r eonteat for the state of Oreyon, condurteil by the Oregon Agricultural rolh-ge. the Junction f'ity creamery -aa nn eaay winner for the month of June with a scorn of 55 The visit of I'nlleil States Commis sioner P. P. Claxton to Oreij'in Tues da waa made the ocaiaion of a round tahle confer euc of county school iu pi rintendeuts at the Oregon Agricul tural college. V U Johnson, of Portland; Leslie D. Howet!. of Sa'.eai. and G. V. Lint r"r. of Portland, ha been appointed f!".d engineers In the interstate com merce commission and assigned to railway valuation work. A conference of all the commercial bod. --a in western Oregon will be held at Salem within the n-xt few weeks to consider the federal supreme court's ren-nt decision In the Orejcon & Ca'l fornia land grant c&so. The forest sen ice is ail vertlslns for sale 2.420.000 feel, board measure, of western yel'ow pine. The rest la sucar pin", Doug'.as fir and white fir all located upon the Crater natloral forest In southern Oregon. A crew of men from the federal rec lamation service at Tule lake. K!am ath connty, are making so'i- him and oxcavaUons around the lake to determine whether It woul-i be ble to reclaim the district. Stating that a case of rabies hi been discovered In Yamhill county, and another one In Polk. State Veter inarian Lytic has Issued an order pro hibiting dofts from running at larce in zones within five miles of where the e cases wore found. Six Oregon cows won honors in tho Register of Merit butterfat tests for 191-1. according to an announcement made in New York by tho Ameni ..n Jersey Cattle club. The animals w-'o owned by Edward Carey of t'arlton; W. S. Ladd, Portland, and C. X. Mc Arthur of Portland. Announcement has been made by the state Industrial accident commis sion that all employers and eni;kv. is who have been under tho workmen s compensation net for six months or more will be exempt from the July contribution, and it Is estimated that the exemption will asKrer,nte $6n.i00. A campaign has been launched to eradicate tho Canada thistle from Linn county, dale S. Hill, district attor ney, has sent out uoticos to US laud owners ou whose property thistles are Browing advising them that if they tio not cut the thistles themselves the work will bo done by county road su pervisors and tho expense made a lien ou their laud, aa provided by law, until the county is reimbursed. The interstate commerce comm's sion has held that the through trans continental cnrloud and less tluia car load commodity rates to tho Willam ette valley and south of Portland points, mado by milling to Portlund rates tho local class rates from Port land to the points of destination, were not unduly preferential to points be tween Portland and Tacotua, but ruled that they must be abolished. Members of the state fish and gamo commission uro considering the advis ability of removing the state game far... from Corvallls, where Chinese pheasants and other game birds are raised each year for distribution through the state, to sotno other local ity ou laud owned by the state. The present state game farm, comprising 30 acres, Is not owned by the state. It Is operated under a lease, which ex pires next fall. The roport of State Treasurer Kay for six mouths ending June 30, shows a balance of $l,EU5,4l'9.Da for tho gen oral fund. Mr. Kay said the big bal ance was an assurance that the state would not have to pay Interest on any warrants this year. Disbursements for tho six months totaled $3,773,304.15 and receipts. J3.927.C47.22, Tho but unco January 1 was $1,411,145.49. A law passed by the roceut leglslaturo merged nil funds In the general fund, and tnutle It possible for the state to discontinue paying interest on warrants.