Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 09, 1915, Image 2

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i 1
Cbe Ciliamook Eeraid
?. 6. Cromblcyt fcditor
.synicd Cu'lc .i lUcck c c Cucsd.iv Mid Frltl.iv
r&torii i-. o i nrt'i.T Mm K. t Ui.- VMt i Neo at TUlanwok,
Oreom. u nior the act of March
M tisvKll tt St M V! K IN U'YWil-
lino ,n
Hik'crtlfitirt KaU
real Ad i,rui'"i'i'.t
1'irst Inst-rti.-n. ivr imp $ .10
Ka.-h nih.s)in"it insertion, Hn .05
H.-mrntes 1 .".'tif-e &.W
T'miHT Claim - 10.00
N't i. per line ... .06
Cards f thanks, per line - .OS
Ux-aK line, first insertion ,?t
Kach out-sequent insertion,
KiooHltloi'! of nndolriioe td
l.odge notice, vr line .0k
Huai neas .v tVfeinnal eants.nto. 1. 00
Pisplav Advert'sement, per irteh .85
At J. Display Ad must bo in this of
fice on Monday and Thursday Morn
ings to incur publication in folio
Inn Tuesday ami Friday issues.
Reason are imperative.
land last Friday to help in the mn-
Fnirth of July mover but its mem
or sHI lingers Memories that will
la.t in the mind of hundreds for years.
T-ic Fourth commit out on Sunday this
year cave us two holidays in sueees
sm'i and it wa certainly a lime of
g.vd will and merry making. The
sm.il! lxy and the grown up as well
as the ladies were very much in evi-do'-oe
with the much debated fireeraek
ers. hut no accidents are reeorded. '
SB".ln and Monday, the fourth and
agement of Villa Camp this summer.
The Peterson Cottage is open for
... u nn.r . - j ,,rMd H ittl the hoach.
am .wra. reierson, weir uaugmer
r.r.l,ti. mruh fh-ir Ittti tfrand.dnuvhter n 8uwl,V 1
I W m. Harris, Anton (Pelnm-h and wife,
j Mr. I' 1 Thompson, 1'rod Vebrltig,
1 wife md little son compoond an auto.
! mobile party thttt aimed lot week for
! vevpral dnv's Htny at tho liotirli. I
The "Dippy dodgor" pmved quite'
in attraction here on tho Fifth,
j Dr. rtml Mrn t!s. A. Mitrshol and
i ehildron accompanied tv hi father '
und mother. Mr and Mis, John K. I
I'rwnan tnd children, sim! Mrs. duseph ;
t'tonan, composed an automobile parts
from Portland ho spent three ils)n
he's the nrst of ths week. I hey stop-:
peti at the Bar View Motol.
t U' ll!..lk ,. ir ...l I-.. I
' Clausen ami wife are IVrtlnnd people
' stopping Nt The Hewitt. J
J. H. Mel'ord and if r totplnn
at Villa Camp. Thy rrskie In Portland.
! Mr. and Mrs. 11. I). lUrber and
! chihlmn of I'urtland, spent I he uk
j eml tt Bm View-. They were KeatU
Cut Bn Meat Prices
As our grass icd c.UW .r- now rv.tdy (or thf
mtrlcct, us- ar." nuking ttu- folio wx. prlcct on
our nuwts, for c.tsh:
.tt 12 l-:?c .wul 13 -?c )f pouiui
fli 'jc per potiotl
.it lie per pound
.it 10c per pound
,il 12 1-2 to 15c per pound
.it lie .ind 12 I -2c per pound
nt 12 l-2c per pound
Thcsr prtcos .trv gu.ir.tntoi'd on I ill.iniooK
Ue:f Pot Ko.ir.t
Rib Ro.ist
Rib Boll
Orl-.kct Boll
Ste.ik s
Corn Uoci
Hiimburucf Steak
Bnnkar Is Tw.co Wounded li
Hllihl rhl)li l,y CLx Instructor
til Cornutl uilvorslly,
Klusheth Shively, who came In from
lortlanti by auto las' ueeV,
Mr. J. H. Oliver, in company with
ner sister Mr. J. C. Co and daughter
Lavelle arrived fnm Pouiand Friday
to spend the summer at the beach. M.
B. Ktncaid wa. nother member ol
the party w ho came over in Mrs, Cos's
the ' tii were the big days at Bar View, i auto.
Te week end rcial arrived late Misses Nellie Heed.
Hnrel nnd Ida
evening and corjiifted of 9 1 Worrall. in compnny with Benly St-m
caches the finest train ever nulled in- mt Cecil Real of Tillamook, took a
to T'llamook county. The special ' Neeamie mountin last Sunday.
br -ucht hundreds of people, mostly
frvm IVrtland, a-ni Bar View certainty
tot a jrtvidly portion of the thronit thai
left 1'ortland that morning. Bar View
was rrepareo for them and gave them
a cordial welcome, providir-jt accom
nuMut!.Ti and entertaiisment for all.
Man (H.'ople were on our streets who
had 'ever been in Tillamook county
before, snd they were very favorably
impreed with the county and its
proiKcts. and Bar View in particular.
All incoming trains Sunday brought
more visitors and hundred
automobile? from Portland and valley
points. Tillamook City did herself
proud and it is safe to say that the
greater part of her population cele
brated on the beaches, after her own
festivities were over.
Mrs. James Dillane and daughter
Theresa in company with her mother
Mrs. Schram and her sister Miss Ethel
Schram are here for all summer from
K. Flessler is here again as chef at
the Bar View Hotel.
Virgil Snow, Wilbur Biederman.
Russeli;Pearson, ami Harold Hinahaw
hiked through from Portland over the
Wilson River trail last week and were
delighted with the trip. They will
pitch their ter.u at Ocean Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hodman are hure
from Carlton, Ore., for two weeks.
Kyle Patterson returned Sunday
from a week's visit with friends in the
Willamette Valley.
The Misses Rose and Alice liauer
from Surinwfield, Oregon, are the
quests of their -ister Mrs. Tyson.
Mrs. J. II. Jone , wile of Judce
Jones of the Circuit Court, Portland,
with her children Lorena and Ralph
are quests at the GaieU Cottage in
"The Meadows." Mr. G asset I and
Mrs. Jones are sisters.
Fred Lyda, wife and children are
here from Banks, Ore., for two weeks.
They are quartered a. Villa Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Burke Beaman and
son Jd.-ues, from Portland, are stop
ping at Villa Camp.
Mrs. L. J. Tolls arrived from Port-
T rattle on the main line wag he Id up
ft r a short time one day last week by
the overturning of one of Ue cars of
rock on the jetty train. The accident
occurcd near Miami.
One of the jolly lest companies) that
-ver left Pertland is the AhraeeV.
Carrpfire of the Washington High
School. Tho party donsists of seven
girls, namely : Elisabeth London,
Louise Picken, Elvira t'hurlow. Hasel
Shattuck. Joaophine Felts, Helen Watt,
Mary MacLaien and their teacher. Miss
came in Vera Darling, who is the chaperon of
the partv. Iheir headquarters is on
th Watt's ranch adjoining Bar Vew.
They are having the time of their
E. H Stark nnd wife of Tillamook
were guests of S. A. Boare and family
over Sunday.
Ralph Acklev, wife nnd children
spent the week end at Bar View. Mr.
Ackley sees much improvement since
he was here last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Trembly, of
Portland, spent the Fourth with their
i son Fred of the orchestrn.
! Rev. awl Mrs. Becker, in company
with A. C. Ixcks and wife were Bay
City callers here last Saturday.
) E. Wricht and wife, Mrs. Carl
'Wright and daughter and Mr. and Mr.
! W. Hagerly composed a parly who
' a u toed in from McMinnville last week.
1 They stopped nt Carter's Cottages.
I Those coming in from Portland by
'automobile report the roads in the
best condition they ever found them.
Earl A. Roberts, wife and children
spent a few days here last weuk. They
reside in Portland.
Judge H. II. Belt and family, of
Oallas, Ore., will spend tho summer
at Bar View. They arrived thu first
of the week. The Judge will r.ot ro
main here all the time.
Mrs. Dr. Herbert Tonoy and children
accompanied by her parents Mr. nnd
Mrs. Grover, all of McMinnville. are
domiciled at the White Camp.
Mr. ar,d Mrs. F. Joplin, Mrs. K. L.
William-., Miss Marguerite Thompson,
600 Men, Women And
To attend the Chautauqua to he held in Tilla
mook City (lurin.tr the week ol
July 12-17
Adelphian Quartet
Witepskie's Royrl Ifungarian'Orchestra
Uuckner's Jubilee Quartet
Col, W. IT. Miller
Mr, A. A. hVanzke
Sen. Ii. J. Iiurkett
Marion lialcon Ki.sk
Charlotte Berjz.h
Season Tickets $2.50, After the Opening Day 53.00
12 programs:- 12;
6 - DAYS 6 -
On Sundav Capt. and Mrs. Robert '
Farley cave a line dinner in their new '
lg bungalow. The invited guest werr
Mr. and Mrs M. Peterson. Miss Cutdir
Peterson, little Mls Shively. Mr. ami i
Mrs. 8. A. Moulton and ehildron of'
t illamoot and Mia Hardy of Cod's !
Vallev. this county !
ti. B. L ndershausen of Dayton, Or.. ;
spent Sunday with his davghlerw Elslo,
Lena and Fredy at the White Camp. j
Mr. and Mrs J. W. Jarkxon of Port-1
land are here frr their annual vacation, j
They have npn-d their cottace on i
Main Street for the summer.
M. A. Dolan. James I1mK. Ed Carl-j
sn, Fred Miller. Lawrence Zehmnc. J
members of the ViHn Muloreycto Club ' ,
of Portland, enme in the ftrsl of the ti
week making the trip in 7 hours ndj.
S(i minutes. The boys pulled otf Sevurnl 1 1
good stunts here on the beach, on !
being a race in which .Miller made si
mile in 12 seconds. ;
R. W. Wood snd family in company '
with A. II. Bringolf and family dtove '
iver from Portland in their automo
biles. They expect to remain nit sm-1
mer. j
The otflee force of tho l.surslbursl j
Realty Company a u toed m from Port
land for a two days suv nt the boach. j
Mr. Dietrich, manacer of the Vollowj
Ban Creamery at ' McMinnville, spent!;
the week end at Bar View.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Smith nd eon
were I'ortland visitors here over the '
holidays. Mr. Smith in paymaster tor '
the S. P & S. Co.
F. S. Craw. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 11
Craw in Company with MrH. tloo. Fos
ter have arrived nt the Woodhinu cat
tni;e for n four days stay. They w
return later in tho season ami open tliu
cottage for tho rest of the summer.
I. M. Chtsholm, a Portland grocery
man, v'sited his parent Mr. and Mrs.
A. Chisholin and his brother Ray the
first of the weak.
Tho "Lame Duck" camp hs been
established near the lake by Robert F.
Clark and family. They are accom
panied bv Miss Athelia Thayer and all
hail from Portland.
(i. E Johnson nnd Mi A IC f lll 1 i
were Portland guests of the proprie
tors of the Bar View restaurant ovor
The Beach Coinbor is tho name of n
now paper that appeared on our streets
last week. It is published by J. 3.
Wellington, at Rocknvay, Oregon. It
is a six column folio and ronlains much
nuwa of the beaches alone with a good
list of advertisements.
Sirloin Stc.iks
Round Stc.tks
Pot Ronst Beef
Short Ribs .irui Plate Bolls
Prime Rib Ronsts
Those prices .ire subject o ch.ittyjo
.it 20c pel' pound
.it I8c per pound
.it lOc per pound
.it 1 2 c to 1 5 c per lb.
.it i8c per pound
Tillamook Seashore
' k liit. ,
' 'lt
' "sh
t. ' 'l Q,
" l(fl
if ... .
" tsfc.
a ' 1 1 1
i ill
Wlii-- lhoil.lll!i( ro(.r ..-litil I . .(.riid their limiiirr .! tun
5 Hours from I'uttlittiil
(Hot Hie imm wontW-rhil en-, ii(. the Aittpricoii t'tut.uiit.
Two Daily Trains.
Tilluiii.x k I e nt;cr i iv.rttaui.n ti in.
Seashore .S r. ih I . . ' I I'oitlttmt 1 40 p.m.
I'.irlor Otaervtttwui C.u win. Luit. i hnu h ut: the "iteostiure Mkh iI ''
InU- and Week lUuh l-'arcS
Hail l U U'INT
Ask fof foMrr " cluirr I llhiuti iunty' ivirg it ol hole!
A Vutt h ihr
Two World Expositions.
At Hurt Proti. im-o nn I ''.in lici.'.i i- an event (
ct life tmir tiitil otic ii , ii (t,.f( o inu.
Special I'arcs in July
U Su 1'rniu i-k-i. !. Atigrlrs I Sun !)iegtn cerutln iie,
Low Uontul Trip Fares Daily
with (.i nvrr in rllhrr llrCllon.
Hour t'"nc firtin I Lilly in l-i.M'h Direction.
Stop-Overs at Hxpoyitton
Alt tkkotM to the Kaat vm Ch li ima cermMa toi oveia t
Sri rrnr latt mid I.ok Ant:-lr h, n-e Ur KMathon,
Ask neaiest Agent h.t t in,,rni. ami its V..rh$ Ksiiosttion" iil
"UnySi.t, ,llr -.t,.u R,Mite"
Jcllll M. Stott. (.ciirial ',riijr gent. I'ortlnntl. 'Ueuu.
I'he rifsult of the .-inl-nnnuiil liar.
mony Kundiiy School olcction held lat
Sunday was as follows :
Superintondent, I). P. Hopkins; as
listant supfrintendert, V. Ili-nklu;
Mfrrctary-trt-asuri-r. Murrnan Honk ins.
iiKKintant Hocrt tary, MUs Cora fJravm ;
t-achor for Hlhle class, C. V. Il-nklt:;
tcnr-horlfor clnsH 3, I). P. Hopkins;
tc-i'-hi-r for class 2, Miss Cora dravos;
teachur for claiH 1, Mrs. 0. 0. Oravos;
organist, Miss Cora Oravos; Chorister
Mra. OinkH : assistant chorister, Mrs.
Klmor HopkliiH. Tho riu;-;tifi was woll
Mr. Kdwarda arid sons of tho Pacif
ic Facubnck Co. of W'illiiiriina madu a
ploasant call at tho Tillamook Clay
WnrkH plant last M nday. Mr Kd-
r..v.u ....i.l ...l.!t.. t ; .
miiu Winn.- uuHinosH ih not vnrv
hrnk, they are slul umploying 35 inon
winch is about half crow.
Kuiii on TuciHday put a atop to hay
in. Kltnur Hopkins and Hi-nnan
Hopkins wore fortunate enough to have
their hay in the dry.
The Kltnh amiiverfiary of the aijtning
of the Declaration of Independence
waa celebrated at Olo Hopkiim across
the Wilson Kiver last .Saturday by the
following famiHea: I). I'., oie and
Klrner Hopkins, Dell Ilurdlck, C. 0.
Craven, Win, True, the CarpentcrH.
w. a. nriu k. li, Krebs. A lonfr tab0
win Hot In tho open loaded to capacity
with many good tiling that certainly
were a credit to tho ladles participat
ing in the preparation of the same.
Ico cream In abundance was to bo had
any time you felt Ilko It. HoraoHhcxi
and other games were played. When
at (i o'clock all departed It wan agreed
Dr. Wondt was csIM to the Magar-
roll homo Wednesday to give inediral
aid to their son Joo whom wo are sorry
to Hay is qui to HI at thui writing.
Mrs. Anna Kbbeson came out the
first of tho week from Tillamook and
will assist Mrs. McDonald in Iter houiu
work during the haying sefuon.
Wo are pleased t report that Mini
Anna Johnson, who tins huen HI for
some time with malaria fever is much
improved at this writing.
' Sheriir Crunshnw and Hart King ac
companied by their families visitud at
the homo of W. C. King tho first of the
Week, and while out hero the sheriir
and Hurt were lucky enough to catch
some line anecklod beauties which
abound in our Htruamn.
Messrs Campbell and Kirkwood with
r :i. t. , -
uiuii iniiiiiirn i-uriiu in ny auios Iroin
Hopuwell, Ore., and were camped on
the river the laxl of the week.
The and news was received hero re
cently of the death by pneumonia, of
Mr. Stoner, nt Miniicapol'H, Minn. Tho
deceased wan a former resident of thin
place and an uncle of Mrs. W It.
Hpence, and a Christian gentleman
highly respected by all who knew him.
Ho loaves a wife arid live children to
mourn their loss.
The members- of the Helping H.ind
The Nenlurca Crangc preparing
for an after harvest entertainment
Aug. 11 and i making plans lor the I
mmK-aieaoer rsir wliirh will ho held
Sept. I Mb.
July 8th. 1016 -
The eolUe house f Mr. i,
Pierce is open and ready for business
VI nn.
t."is has an un-to-dai
news stars and a full f eonfwtloniry
ko.hu. hB building up a nlcH b,,.)
tl Hid
'. ' r.ms nas an eye to btiaineas
I la I.f. 1 . -.11
r.ni up u.e lower part of
nis ouiee anil made a fine garage with
a capacity jor nix cart.
Mr. arxl Mrs. Ivancnvirl,
Ivan have enlarged and rouainto.1 n,..u
""u" 'l0'"" wl now have a verv at.
tractivii place.
i Miss KUie IirMlershnuaen has taken
i"mion as assistant in tho att,ru of
..un v i,o to help handle their In
km'iibiiik oiiiinutH
. - -r .vensen, m..nag,,r f Spring
Camp, reporta three taiiull, w,, hnv,;
..ken hmtmg uround. y CSH1
hirn most any ti,() llt ,,, m1b
"...mi nun i .rtiiiook Streets.
Wm. Hcamlsli, proprietor of
tiaribaldl reiUaiirant. roonriM ..
K,yr' J'"'"-;;- Sunday a, Monday.
l I il .r,.S ".lli-nrleita
Society held their monthly m-eling t i 7r 'i"' "7;V'!;1 to i t i
fix. ,r,m,. ,.f U. M..I I tTIIIIH at f I M r I I'll III I fr It, 11
" iiiyi" -iiiiy hii. am U ,.i n... ....... '. " ' 'ini iiih
the day was n eHM,itly spent knotting It , tliUll "v ZVl."!
coinrorterH ami picking wool, and
that everyone had good time,
riiiwtrr nil n..ii
IIHlSl! iwi.nl ..
usual at Hitch meeliiigH an aiinetlsin.. lory at Pen .1 . 1 "'H"" l!"x
dinner was served, consistlmr ..1 ti.u 1 new auncb 1 . " '"i
iirne 01 cnicKen arm rresh vegelableH
and fruit, and many other good things
to numerous to mention. Thorn worn
25 In all present, 13 being members of
the society. The next monthly meet
ing will be with Mrs. J Wchlaua.
Welsh liros are enjoying a vIhII with
their brother from tho east whom they
have not seen lor Homo time,
Tho NeHtiicca Orange received first
prize ror meir Moat In tho parade
1 Heaver on the 3rd.
tweonCaribaldi Z lT"Kon
I.Xlril-f' rhlMru,, of
V.Vou,;Klt'1iaI,i.,,,, rH'
fiom tin, I rles V...I ""i'1,
iMiyToV; tho
I has met with, ' u , ""'Pny
, ileH Cove. N
I risjer Curnril .... .
j templed to -n r
' .1 Kaat Isle. Mr
jitome. here, ami . ...
' the man . i 11 .
'iloet in th I 1
tiOlldlllS ,1 W m,Ui, .
! Momad's tiliv... -'
mem. tin Url. il.'
Dial -mirr I hu 1.
! rn f lh- rieM
arliit s kouii.U
II it came t. 1; . 1 1
Wimln US) Ihr
AUlvmoUHe wnd . .
hom tw Mrtliai. ,..
the pell Wken ti . '
be railed for M"t
Holt dre a r.,
his ay Into ihr i, ,
ISCHllr HS Al t.frai. ,
nd Mra. Morgsn . a
stair t aaerruii.
root motion thr a n ,
le lnUtt4sr. h.- -revuttref
In eltiirr i
Mrs. Murtan -' --'
tempted to lhr.
wwl4 b as'n .
Xorsan. wsirr ;
ami hurNsi h t '
pcxinds nl aaltd n.
ftMHttWIt. iUSt "
tft falltlMt lt thr
snl. Mtro 0.
si. 1 w re orbed '
r nts hand th. '
'fu 1 hen ru.-
rir-l Molt. Thry :
f I s 4 leleih. 1 .
"' dM frin m
oititair Holt j--"Wll."
he !.. i
11 nous) w t. 1.'
of the Afltfteii i--t
murders twins -..n.i.
tie as nn A
bom. OMOUl 21. (ran
far above ihr .i(.
Ills -lfn. a .laugh',
bftmtn. preidm r 1.
dtstrlei at tr Mr"
Chorea. Nouth. u
llllU Ml P' her l:
ram llr hm artr.-
mA tsraassMH hoi 1
Mddlng her i U
In Mlent 1 '
l Be tm.tib thai
rwpilid at Wa hii.c
Washlnitiosi a '
ikm ewHHt t " '
rhino, wreckfc-i ih
riH,m on ih s
building abort - '
day Nn on
Part ol tti 1 Hilt.
(be room wr .i.a.
j mirror and s -r an
j (i f. il Hint thr tt.H't .1
rrnin ii f. 1 en iu
1. 1 1 lui u ni 1 ram
1.1 111111 .ill ,.111
W W ... W W."
- t
t ,
N.w York Wt..
Shatipt-d out III' a
lour grrat liut-rn i
was tunl nn 1 iinial)
( uuardwr Sn' Miiu n
aearrh tor ' I'onk .
Prank lion d..'lr..i 1
trans thinru- !
New York .n Hii'oi'i .
I oiiiliit! an a .inn.. .
of J I' Mnrnn. H
bomb In ili iiatlxnii'
lligluil and Holt's Mm 1
Mlnoola, search of "
oxploalvo which ll"H
up a voaaol, fiirni!" 'i
thrilling eliaiilei's in 11
111 a letter lo his
said ho bnllovod It
Huxoiila or PIiIIikIi If'
be aiiuk. Anxiety as
tii -. - .
,1 W. -
!. lis!!1
Illff 1"
sbt't '
in- ,f
Plila wiih removed i'1 ' .'
uiiiMHiige was reciiv.'l ,r"m .'
Mills Hiiylug thai e- ' l,l,,rf
gage aboard bin ship hml I0
IPf r
Holt ended Ilia h'-
.M lunula. Tiiehilny mrid '''
2U foot from the top oi
liur iiiiiiii tin lilnitt fiJi
the cell tier. Il Ih In .ul "
and mutlliited, and tl' iK"'"
I... 1 1 1.
uimy iirouun. j
I.... ..f si... .nllfllftUV"
llf iui nw.f u iwmttt illllltll'l It t
111... 1.. .. . ...fV 01 "r
11 .1. ... , 11.. UrttlCW
1 lli.ttl.i. il... i.iIuliIiII' I lurvaN f
.ii. ,1111111 , 1 in, i...i...',i t tti
H.ir lu.iiil.ul mi 1. li 1 11 14 JIT 1'
over ho cleared.
Tiir.. wiii.ii in Train
I'm......,. VVimli 'l'lin'O I11'1'!'1
dead mid two were Um '"
11 riisiilt of a railway wr'f' ; ,
Cl.l,.,.,,,. Mll,..,.nt,iil HI. '
.., . ,
. . ... ... . in
ifuin.i rriitn 'i'iif?ijiii.L "
plunjieil off u tiiidth'