Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 06, 1915, Image 1

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1 1 j
in Tillamook Oountv
NO. 4S
. Th.la.mook, Okkc.on, Ji-i.v r l!Hf,.
1 l '4
' 1
I Itltlj
4 '
W any of otir i-tiHt.iiMTs about
f irst Niitioiiiil Servicci
I ii. v ire nil plrav.l vvith it mid
Cm ii till mi why,
lir.st National HoiiK
I illituxik, Orrowt
itic a nrrKii -i Vs.
M thi imiut Ilhi'i waste lour
1 ui- siult in .i lidt Kitilu-n t take nlou.
I j,'d wli.it u iui-'l It will ho easier ami
the moderate lull wo will semi you than
iunih - win cm "ehtick." the tins ami paper
-M ami onjov t In- sport
Eft mi 4 II A It II W A UK
See Un for Price Before OrderinK EUewhere
IutntMriiiiitiH' 'IViimi r? i,iri.
hf highest bidders for our
r'l't'iilN, nim,H . ,,. ,,f
VU Mil, I II t ii hriim I ll lit nf
I1' bonds draw ft nor i
H'xtoiid for ,. ,,rIM , i
Olllhltl l r.itlr.. .inn., In
Itillly v.i,rM. m 1,,111111, ..,,11.
'"'OhiiIu ci i.omiIh lit ItH reirulur
rn Monday uvunlug.
'"''hetl or iiMfiiriilMli.,! i.iuirliii.iiitu
K'L'ni "'V Apartments In
K , 'k'' Aiijinotiurii
Variety Store
Tillamook, Ore.
Tillamook Cele
brates With Vim
I nrnr Oowd litre on July Second
IF -
hiril. Parade on
Kxlra Good
Tillamook ridoljrnlcij tho
Witbday on Jitlv HwoihI nml 'H.lfl In
iW (Mhi4iMt ntvlo. On Dm Hre
tHd rimmI proj;rtim of Sport wa
trrlMl out, urn! Uin wuro nome
Mrtrllv iittmctlomi on ihi .tr.wiw
A tourf bll iraino 'a iilw, pliiynl ut
Dm ir trrjunl.
'! band uniWr Dm Jirtloii ot W.
C. TfombWy tu on ltity irm curly
until tow on both tlnvN am! farntxhinJ
okwlld mulr.
0f vaNfltr ftr lemrtititni tml
lit qaipimmt bnutirully iyr.,ratrl
nd mad a Ana apiwttrKMt? both dciyn
TiM mmmimJ day waa Dm tile ilny that
bln lk day of Dm til narado mmI
11m parad on (tut iwroml d.iy w
linad U a follow : Tim band, f1i
fonMltiing Ooddaaf of Llburly, Mi..
Sty Maddut nnl lilt In ;irli. th-
paar t iht dny In unto, I O o. K
6omi, Kflwkaha llont. C. I. Cl..u:ti
auto ttoat rmUalnlne llttlo t'.irla. Win
lt A tflt niilrnrtoi.. lion I. HmIIoiii'.
fioat which mrrll n Union nnd South-
t rn veteran of Dio Civil l'nr rlanpine
handa, thv drum cortM, thu ('hMiit.iuni
bya. (iir Uy, ami KntJitn Trilm Hu.
OA In.j'ruviHi Ordur of Itixlinun. Th
prrlwl f'Wtt.ro uf Dm purtvlo were
fu'luwtfd by a Urc nurnlmr of nutu.
om qoili' nicv'ly docorntwl.
Th parade dubnmtml nl tim crk-
it ataml oiiikimu thu court tmn.-
tthcro a laruw crowd inttmrut! tn tnnr
Dm orntlon of thu dny, which win dc
iivorKl by John Lolnnd ltundurioii. Mr.
Ilrmlcraon'x ttilurtMHi wi n itiilrndid
dtforl full of I'ovl thouhU mill wim
Thi- l iKi.t I'vi.fit ,f d o -....j,r !,.
and Dm w which wan i-njoyl v ml
who tiltcodcd wim th hn.c hnll Ktr. M
Thii, fal HtfaviTturi ti-tun rxn.i- out
-i . . . ... .
Third miMog ovur tim Kai llll ,in (,.,.
i ly Uklnir two out uf Die thn i; ;;Hti,e
IDhfirliMrtl fkitl.ii il... f-..i.
nalinn'a . , . V ' ' ' l"'
i Jt ""i won tim i . (
tritT:ht Kumc thin Mtion, tlx i i.tv
I ImFilJ: lo lo in favor of 7tHfn.'.k
llmyitt rn- for IVidnya Kartm w.-rc
lvff.U and Dockttr, lllnnchMrd in U
Ttjo arcoinl turtle wa an unr tent fui
i?(ili. Kiok wan on Dht mou.l for
Dinbi til -onm on 1 worhod in old timi
forift for Hyr tuning with th anirp ;
3 Ufl itirNiii.t him In Ui Miih ti iit.t I
wi)aktii.-.j ml l!ovrlon tUrtcil U, . . .. .,
clout ,t rui.. Mt (i.caaure, Millit r-1 ,n,ere,,1DB "ew Notei About Indui-
linvMI Kinif in th venth, tmt waa ;
umiiim to rrn-pk th on.laueht wMci.
mr cimir & huili k pian.
rur.k Hfnoi i' tht vrrv lo-t In tone
'tuiilit), ar 1 i-rn I roMitrurtion.
1 huM U- I'rti.r Aftency for
trim lil f,im ( JrMri.rnrr.ti, and
iiMunn Dp n nrkft foreithcra
1'iar.'. or liayiT 1'iario Mill do wcl
t'l H t tl ( b'f( ff hll illf.
Catalog Upon Ratfuost
l.clawJ H. I rwin
Industrial Review
0f Oregon
triti of the State.
rettiD-d In n tr im of lfi to :i In favor
of the vimtint; tam
Ttie thir l ufene wai bv far lb lmt
t; n r a of Dm mtum. Armbua ar wa-
draftful back into urve nnd pUywd a
flno itainc throuicnotit. Hliinchnrd aurt
il for thu Ittcnls iikI had th Hanvar
toiu&atiiit; out of hi hHfhi until lh
fourlli uiniiiK whin ho rotlrwl on c
of aorif arm. Aldanumt ti
uint Dm r,.'ti,nibilltie4 at Dii tim
and Inttol '.mr Immtfi whn h vent
ri'lluj'inl hy King who flniahod the
game. The PCfil had the iC"-'ne on ice
nnd wi re on Dm uf ildie oftor Mlllte,
in tti 'Vi;nth loninif, ImntneJ out a
lhrri hasucr with tho tae full. In
Die flrnl nf the ninth with two down
and two on, Aklerman MelJcd nn eaay
chunl'o and ma la a wild houve nt laimt
forty fct unr Millls' hand and the
Ha HO lost S to 9.
'Hit' battrit-4 f.ir the nocond ',miii!!
an llwrauin anil Devol for Heavr
ton tind Kin, MilIU ami Holtimiiu fur
rillarnotk. Tiirl nanm ilowall anl
Duvol lor Huavurton nnd llliincliHrd.
M. Miller will erect
warrhoue on Front
The IUlmcii team lent to
Sunday by a neurit of ll to 2.
woll dollvitrod. Tim koynolc of hi
wldrc.a wm plan for Wbdui.hwiatwli.,,.;,,,, .Klm. BtM,Apmlll,.,
j AiimrlcanlMii ami loyalty to Dm Slam ! rilniMk
ami strlpr. I lie mikr brouKhi mi
uildteas to a rllmnx bv rccitir tin?
Declaration of lmloindtincu In a mut
iinpreanlve manner. Tbrro wnn a Kn
oral fculinK of appreciation for Mr.
lleiwlcroii'ii I'tlorU
Tho aporU uero Hi! muro or lorn mi
Joyed, liowevur, tlie hov curt raciK) tv
the tire Us IimiI npocial inurit and
howml Dm line condition our tiro tiu'ht
l"k' urcnnuatinn U in.
Ono of tlie features of tho pnradu
won llaltoin'a lloat which carriiHl a
Union Holdier J. M. AIIImiii and a Con
fedcnite noldinr. Win. Ilrintne.
Tin-nil old veteiaint Ktood with
eltupeil hand rrpmncnlint; Dm unity
and friendsliip which Dm North and
South tiati for one nuollmr. A peculiar
ll v ii I kiii t thin incidetii ih the fact that
Dine old veterans th f -HKht in the
hattlii of IliK' Hluo at Weit Port, Mo..
62 year nio, one oppoNini; the other.
In thin buttle the Union forccn were
victorious. U neeiim btraiiK'u indeed
thil after all lhee years these old
veto uliuulil take part In our colebru-1
lion,,. Dmyd.,1. j ( hler Keport.-r)
The Improved Order of Ke.1 Men worV of sotti,.K' Dm boilers of
1.. .,...iir.,,ine iiimeiinince ilreKB.-il '" pracuimiy m,m-w.
iii their Indian roxtunms Henry
W.v.itr.. .id .'lu.if nf Dm trihn innite ll
' proressine; rniuiiiy. ripe is expecieu i
AHany f '
large proiurc
Silvrrton AttdrrnonA- laron will
put concrete on Hrt atreei.
independence jo men to worfc on
extending Valley & Silet railroad.
Pendleton Six ft reel ordered im
prove ith tundard bitulithic.
Mxruhfidd Johnfon and Larson
erect $30,000 concrete block at
N'orth PlaintMirth Construction
' o will erect new tchool house here.
Tillamook Cha. F. Uureraf. Al-
oarty, maicint; plans tor i,ooo city
(iladstone Election carried for
l: a. oo bond iisuc for union high
Guthrie McDoutl Co Portland
ave lartje Canadian Pacific snow
hed contract.
Ml. Angel taking bids on extensive
sewer system,
I A. and Marie Steach have bought
the LonR Creek Ranger.
Odell goins; after a fruit c-aporat-ine
Portland Port Cornii.5ion will cx-
1 pend $22,500 on new dredge,
AnnouncoiuenlN are out announcing
the marriaire of Florence Maybc'lo
Prince of Salem, to attorney Oeoriro
P. Winslow of Dim city at tho home of
the bride's parcnU Mr. and
CharloH I,. Prince of Salem The wod
dine; took place on Sunday, Julv -t th.
Mr. nnd Mri. Winlo.v arrived hore
j on Monday nnd at once went to house
keeping in a cozily furnished home
' previously prepared by Mr. Winslow.
I Attornuy Wlimlow had found a warm
place in the hearts of the Tillamook
I ...... ..t i ,i ii
j'iuiii: film v in,- etui wn- tin
for hiir ami his bride a loni; and happy
' wedded life.
'...I urwl tli. tvnrL- nf ionliii(-1 i n i, tin tlnl
steam pi pen and other connections is
-foM- Kitlrrlbnd'-SpoVe-sTrtRTt It-votild not
r mrpmine to hear that the Indus1
City "i-4' Accident Commission had in
i eluded in "hazardous" occupations
such things as saw in t,- wood with a
buck saw. or Jplittint; wood with an
ax, churning with -a hand churn,
spading in the carden, plsying base
ball, tenuis, hop scotch, bridge wist,
pcnoclc. seven-up, mari'I s, or any
Ashland 'ooo harrfls concrete for
ikyi highway to be delivi red at
Si 1 1 M man
Corvalli Retrenchment and tax
reduction program adopt d by citi
zens Pilot Rock Work started on O.
VV R. and X. Co. terminals to cost
Newport Franchise of Newport
Railroad and Navigation Co extend
one year.
Salem Epplcy baking powder fac
tory doubles capacity of plant.
Baker Improvements to he made
on Ben Harrison mine will total
$ ioo.cVx).
Filling newspapers with items
bout rabies does not help bring peo
ple to the state that has never had
such a thing.
Beaverton votes $23,500 bonds for
high school.
Oregon Citv I3t-st effort to pave
1 .stain jireei is awara 01 contract lor
j so-called Warswick asphaltic con
crete at $1.30 per yard.
Eugene K J. McClannhan will
manufacture combinatinn chair and
Kalena Hattrr toilet article manu
facturing company r. moved from
Pendleton lo Portland
Silvcrton-'Silvcr Falls Timber Co.
expending logging railroad.
First National Bank building Port
land to use ( rcgon-madc steel.
Oregon saddle industry promoted
b the war.
Cigar lioes made from alder and
balm wood is a promising industry.
Portland July 12, bids will be op-
enc1L.on.-S2sa.tjQQie.tty. niPX2'CBl.cnA
at Siuslaw.
! From Courier:
The Rebekah Lodge at this place en
tertained the county assembly of the
order Wednesday afternoon and even-
other old thine that will bring in a , jp,.. In fact the entertainment corn
few pennies to the commission in I menced in the forenoon with n dinner
ortler to swell the fund
Mrs. lice l"r political faoritcs.
Albany ork began on
to make of
building to cost $.0,ooo.
Klamath Fall- Knwauna box fac
tory adds 50 men. account large or
ders. O. W. R. & X. considering a short
line from Ontario to Rend.
liast Marsbfield gets mile of street
improvement and may order water
Ktigcne lays plans for $6000 potato
March factory.
Pacific Iron Works, Portland,
builds Lebanon steel bridge for $13,-38.1.
in the banquet room of the Odd Fel
lows' hall.
The afternoon was spent in visiting
and at 6 o'clock a dinner was served,
followed by an enjoyable program.
Mrs. Rose Palmer, president of the
assembly, was present and addressed
the convention on the work being done
in the different Rebekah lodges of the
Rebeknhs to the number of 17 came
over from Tillamook and Hay Uity and
about the same number from Beaver.
The Cloverdalt- lodge exemplified the
initiatory degree. After a short pro
gram ice cream and cake were served
and the assembly adjourned to meet
next year in Hay City.
very iinprotomu and imposing appear
mice as he led IiIh triho with a dignified
Tim Rebekah ami Odd Fellows floatH
were very nice especially Dm Rebekah
llont. Hill ami Winters flout was also
very good. This tloal contained u
sinsll house and represented their
luiHlnes.s which is house builders, very
Tim flfo and drum corps which was
under the leadership of J. II. Johnson
made 11 llim showing and played some j l1""'
very atlrring music, just right for Dm
Tim committee 011 arrangements and
program composed of .1, S. Lamar, F.
). Small and I'has. hustor, deserves
L'reat deal of credit for their
soon for the pipe line to the ICast Fork
of Zimmerman Creek from which
water will be diverted and led to the
null hy ti G-inch pipe thus giving ample
water and excellent fire protection for
the new mill. It is honed the whistle
of the new mill will blow by the 1th of
The new plant of the Hailey Mill Co.
is modern in every respect and is built
in a vory substantial way. The coin-
will bu able to manufacture
lumber on 11s favorable a basis as any
i other mill of its size. The new mill
I makes a very substantial addition to
I this city und as soon us it operate it
n-tll uiitimirl n mivriill whieh will bo tin
. ... ,1... .1......1 ..r
tireless uuporiiuii im-ior 111 mu m- louinuuni. u
I this community.
..ir.iriM in nuikiiur thu culubration a
HiiceoHH. Tlmru whs certainly something -
doing uvtirv minute. ut Oloveroalu thorn was iv para in
Tim program for each day ctilminat- j the morning consisting of Urn Clovcr
oi in 11 streut dance with music fur- ilalo band which was followed by floats
nished by Dm band. j """i decorated nutos. After the parade
n,., -rowds worn nxtrn laigu ut both tlusro was a Hag drill by a group of
" ..t t 1 .i ll II...
of our eo uhint on. good sized , mite gins wuicn was loimweu uy
" r ' I ' V IM,
the one
S. Ford.
not of tho
at Honvcr, Nolmlcin
. .nan. On DlO fifth
t- celebration ut
j with a plou for butter citizenship und
j loyalty to tho old flat;. In tho uftur
, noon sevorul races and other sports
. wore enjoyed. Tho band under tho
leadership of W. C, Trombloy, madf
line showing und rendered sevorul very
Hue selections.
sjn V7 , MVf'&
When a man works hard for his money HE is
who ought to have it net some smooth oohemer who comes
along peddling some valueless GET-RIGH-QUIGK proposi
tion. The one sure way to keep money is to BANK it and let it
PILE UP, and before you dig into the pile KNOW you hare
delegations being hero from nil parts address of tho day by Rev. F.
..r ..oimtv I Mr. Ford's uddress was not
a. 1st of tim prize winners will bo "f"0; investment right here at home which you can
onhllshed iii our nuxt issue. ; with history, n little humor unci ended .,,.,
Other Celebrations
On Dm third there were colebrntlons
und Buy.
thereswus 11
watch and attend to YOURSELF.
Make OdR bank YOUR bank
Wo pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposits.
Tillamook County Bank
t Morula OllUii).