No s,-7-l KKI'OUT Ol? TINS CONDI I'H X Ol- THE FIRST NATIONAL BNK AT TILL M DDK lu the Stntc t Oregon, at tho dose ol business Juno -MM, RrWOURCRS I.IARU..TU5S Bale (if ltOlll. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Notice ol Metritis AuiiiiIu (NnllCO l llfUcht Aw ! discount fiai.aM. oan 1181.066, r. t .! I 0 i r ,i. .!(. worn), Nom;.. u"-.-. oi 32G01 T . s u.n,l debited to eeur eircu- it,.,n mar vitiu) It . i (' . IS. Roods . . .. .... ......,.,. Uo- i other tha- U. S. Bund piodge! to Jivure postal saving drMit!i . . .. 2.0S&.W 4! U uKm ouritii pledged a collateral fo State. .t .Mherftrettsc.r niiispwy rt. Capital Stock paid in J WS.0to.tH Surplus fund ot IfctSMft able t tv-stal excludC. N.-.-.r.t . - other thai- l. S bonds o i:n-i.;.t ttek. t-weed unrdvdgv.! T, t.-i! lends, uvunltes. etc . S .' .'! ; t ,.' tt M'Vk of Feil erfi l,ecre H: k SI, 5V0 1 ! .' i hit.., i . . 900 All ttur tivk i'v!n1:n premium en same . . .... ....... Ki.r U.u a. d Fixtures .7345.-17 00 et real rnUtf i wwd ... S Due from KiMirai Reserve Bark t.ii from ap:Tv'! reserve atfvrts in N- tk. Chicago ami St. l.dut. t.OTfi.27 Due !n"" appred reserve agvrts to other r'- rv cities 14.632.96 Hue f-otn harks si'-d canker (other thai- -.r.-uidoi it vrSi .... .... l'h.-Kt"' bank in the same city or town .v- n-ivrttt fcr v - Out-u.i.- t. tie-eks .vd other caan items . ,493.91 FYaotio-.l v'urre:c, nickel and cenU 22.11 N'otu i f ther iNatior .l Banns Total com and certificates tftt.Ql'l'ndivfded profit ja, nisi, in Reserved fir Uiasj 890,10 Reserved for JiLTO Los ournt pni, (ntorost find paid MOO.tO Circulating note 2ft, 86$. 00 la amount on hamt and in treasury . ". ... ...W..W. ...... . iW.8tii.(Wi'" Hu to Federal Rerw Hank, Nom. 6 IHW in appntved rewrv tfnU in .N'ew Yfrtc.Chiraco.and St. txiuia, .N'oihi, a Due to approved reaerv agnU in other reserve eitie. N'on, r? Due to banks nnd Hanttra (uther WW 1,778. 1 IHi.' from . rour r 1.2SO.0O! . . . .WO.Ort f 111 iU sCaStkOO l,,n inc'Ul11' m .1 or 6) Individual .iepoaila autiject to Uhech HaV91.!$8 Certirtcatea of drpeU dvw in km l&.7tmSS hn 30 daya t.61tt,80 rtind ehck l.flN.91 ""PiMtal avintra dapMita t,9iaU JtM.M "te.cwonty.of other municipal Uupoa- iU aecumi by itm Id of 'Rcoar(M 5.WU.0U '70 ,)ft,rtiflcat of dvpoaitdwa on or after a.m.w9 iwn.m t. .j .... (....! ....... 1 T..tta..M.v (not iiKn- than 5 per cent on circulation) 1.250.00,WMC OepoaiU aubjfet tu 30 r wore d ... SUM. mns.sTlrotfti ;nmitM; K ORKtloN, COl'NTY OF TILLAMOOK. tiS: ' 1 1. V I. KIKCHKRS. Cashier of theaUwe named hank, .in solemnly awenr that the ahuc tatmentLia true! to th of sr. . MiuwieAK-e an4 belief. W. J. K1EC11KRS t'hu-r. lot ul STA TV best u!-oribeil a d sworn to hefre me this 2;id day of JjU. IT.. S. J. fi. U'vSKV. N" tary l.blu- Correct At teat: W M H. C. J. i W. TAIT. l.AMrf. IIOLUKX 1 )i -v tors OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GL'ZiiAL INTEr.EoT Events Occurring tiie Sla.e Durir.g Week. Throughout the Past Or Act Printed Wrong. Eu.K2n Accordii'i? to the wordlnx of tb.- i: ;3 i'0' rwerst'y distributed thro'isbout the 5ta.!', aad in which a print t s error as l!srorered by Dep uty S- riff I Ikins. of Ijkno county, Ue pro!iit:tion law wou'd b unenforce able, it is said. The code uses the words "r. t 'ess thn J500," when re ferrine to the penalty, when it should say not more than ISOO." Tbta would Wave the law without any max imum penalty and. it U said, a law not limiting the penalty la unconstitutional. Game Officials Named. Salem. At a meeting here the state fish and same commission appointed Carl Shot maker, editor of the Even ing News of Roseburg, state gam warden. R B. Ctanton. ei master fish warden, superintendent of hatcheries and H L. Kelly, of Oregon City, mas ter fibh warden. The resignation of A. H. Lea a i state same warden was accepted. Mr. : Lea, who was appointed at a recent ' meeting place. of the beard, dec.ined the Douglas Taxraye.-s Elect Officers. U :urp. The Douglas County Tax: ". s- League, formed btro, elect ed V M V' s. i f, president: 1; v ' . of Roseburg, first vie? p . s r W. O. Kdwards of Drain, s f ) vice-president; G. W. Riddle, of . ! "i , third ice-president; 11. E. Sni.'h. '! ;t"3'-burg, secretary. Tl. ., . i tors Liioje the officers. The i-urjoj - oi the organizaiion ts to see (!';. ' ,tv ,i . y In "(.;.t and to Inn- r;T(:.i .. !! tl... tax payers ini the count;, off k laN. "USSIANS RETREAT ON RIVER DNIESTER retrograd ar Office Admits Retirement on Bobrka Zurawna Front. London. The Russian forces which for si-.eral daa maJ a I 'termmed s'.and at Pons, to the east of L"mberg, were again in rev-eat on the ntir Trout in that re ion, according to an official statement issued by toe Aua-tro-Kungp.riau getitral su-.ff A ::i;ss:au oiricii: statement admits that the Rjs:an torctt on th front betweta Bobrka aad Zuraatui In Ca licia, south of Lemberg. ar UHUik back. The statement adds that in Uto Ca-aaus theater, in the region of Van. Turk'sn Armenia, a battle b. tween Rossian v; ? and a great hos tile force is in progreas. With the Russian emperor on tfca Gain ian front, a new minister of war. General Po.ivanoff, In c'.iare of Rus sian railita;-) affairs, and the grind duke's lines still intact, there is a gen era! expectation that the Russian forces will yet oppos-.- strong resist ance to the AustroGwma::s. whose sweep along the southeastern part of Galicia still continues. The latest advices virtually agroi taat the Russian retreat has been an orderly one, although obliged to evac uate such important tt.wnt as Lm borg, Mikolalow and Halicz. but this, it is intimated by Petrograd, haa been for the purpose of seeking better do fenslve positions, which the. nature of the. country farther to the east affordn. Besides the occupation or Hnllcz, a Herlin official statement announced that the river Dniester has been croued by the Gormana along tho en tire front. In this withdrawal movement hard battles have been fought and the Rus sian rearguards have stubbjrnly con tested ever mile of territory which the Aus'o Germane have 'jand. CHAUTAuoUA Nurib iiu.r J liurk. tl. ol Nclr.l,. ti t icituti .it the t H.tuuuuu.i - held in tliu tin Irom lolv li I. !. oiil is year old S rt he lui j i .i n prei-tit4(n r us t migrriij (ur I ' .ir )tx and a I'mti-d .Sutr in ' I ...t lor i inorr He j iht )oung .: uu.nlxr m caih ln4v when he' oUi Tut, jt diirtni; num oi the (en ujti .i. hi li.en in i onurtsi he ha i n .-.! .in (li ttw: i . iluoiltU'i v Th burtid of iela of Orn rlni!tiirl 4'ollegr hits . thllilmd a course In ruiul an'hiiei .-.ik1 Kwur i-arliwidn tf huiuriiefcra have liceii in th Urinity ill llurws during th past wewk vlevirlni; propcrtiaa The UW cre l.lllar . lamh north f liakfr has bui oohl r la".ouo to Mr. inlrnu N Krnaat of Manltou. t'oio. Miss Anna Yanlls was rh ht 1 the commercial stub as quaen i.fjOO.So ol th t'harry fair, to l held Jut; 1 3 I Henry IMlt Jackson, par bat th ; moat prominent Indian on Ihs Kls ! math reservation, dual t Ikmansu at n advanced aev ' Fhvstcal ciuinn tlon. of th' ionth . em I'aolllc and lreou Klwclrlc rail . road at .Ubduy r drmandnd In complaint filed llh lb slat ratlroad eommlaaion. .ur httndrd and thirty two ! diu rre enrolled at tb summer I of th Organ Normal School : at ontlutb, wb astUnJ cls 1 oomwenoad. S Th - Oregon City Wool Mills has i bet n awardod (he grand pHfl lot all 1 woolen eahlblia, both foreit and d , mestic, at the Panama I'aciflc lnteria t tonal K position Airompanied by 0wnld W3l. I'olt M Htales Henator K Cbawherlatu ts on tour through central Or ton to titapoct V(irtiu projects which r un der way and In contemplation. W r Klnie of tvinevllln hai )ut ; oin:-ied placing atgnt of dtractioit along tb Central Oregon highway from the Columbia rhr to th Crooa and Ijike county boundajry ltd. During th month ndln Jun la the Oregon rnglsinitioits show that, at 'IM,u,., .W t'itv nltel fat sal Cttv llatl Homh tsau of iat.ftm) in ! ' i..rgfwl ti nii-i i,. w.ntitti(i of H.Wt. lniroat n niliulniiiutti ..f t, , it cnt iil mi nntUy. IW8 VVoalny Hinitii, .h . . ill at. H4tmahlt after ft yar. lv Ctiuil u( the ; t HI.1 njiil i' r. - K4t up to Jul f'. lh CHiiily of I,, llU, t'rtnrt ch'ck for a t ! satd 1'ouH iu n,.t secomiHinv hid to ioaur takitig of nth iuv of JuU. bonds By t sMUtliit "Wr. Hlhl t,u'elwk n. m , t ti r jct tl oW tt?i rv" eiHiil In 'I tllamo Ad!r nil ntmtuttP'fatftM lo John the tlmr i . i , ( Awehtm. Cit lienthWf, 1 tnOOII, , ,. bleed. ,( u , Orpoti. Ul " M IK, ' '! . ill ' - II i . In I to.ooa.8T Notkt. o N'.-iUe la Htity gtvrn (hat ihe M liming waiiant. towtt St-tim "V" N" Wi J"' pavmblr lo Maurcr. Utd jan v. No liM,' 40t hllK- lo v II N.d.ii lUud May t iof. N" p4aidt t.i 1 t' Mnitl.m, !ud lulu a. tyoS, No IOa iallr to Si, I VI. funtr , vl rtHr I . No 104. i'JW ahie to tf S'ulserv, 'arl Jan j, tv No io7i.", 1.1 ai pa iliK to I". 1'tui. .filed Ui IK iy, ? IO?i f I A. 'ihU lo II 1 ilatcd w iu9.S tivi',. j m tiAyatde ! .Vuf-.1 Vug. Uf'l Ma I Unit, No ttPjUH, I !. Ir Thoioi. Maho. -y. dtd Mat l0 rrnwio mualt'd (of in tit. oflKf of th ouniv . trrk of Ttltam iok -ott tv. Orraoo. .i if OI f )lrd lot natmtol within I1 l4t (. iu the Iml .lv oi toh. I UU. ttr will cin.ile.i od tmirni thrf-' wil 1 tttur.l. l(e,i ihW t ih iUi ol furtr. Mv oldtl m( f!ie fiuOly oiil f H..Mrn. Count 4 Irfk. ty Kai!itrn .Vli!!, drp"V (ho Hlllliiai t ..f On . UmImI tin- 2Mh . 1011, Amttmla t. , lrlrl of ii , i Wrwtev Moon i . fml k i' In v rrJtfi.ra .Ntn ii l-; I 1 1 1 i i i th Count t . ..rl ! gun, for i ili.n,,.- i i appoiittml On hi. . , llM Of (he liatnlr .Ft' rad All - Sgall lt the . . i prnt i hem i-o , f. HhderalgtHHl at li " . lch, lilUn..- , i .,, t Nuldbi from II. i , ' r ' llcaOon of il. u . ' . first tNibllratiun J, . ' o -r-l VIS -if, ' Hi'. .dininioii t f zJ n rife p. i-liu ,!. . great appropris an average of $760 per car. tho pwopl j,! & i., , of the slate have Inteated approst maieiy in gaaoitn drtvsa t hi-!. The ;?oo acre W li I'otier ranch. located near Dpra;. was sold last wea to the William Nichols family, of Mil ; ton. Cmatilta county, (ur onstdra Kotic to C'oatrcor. Salr4 .iumm1' dled l ll CtHtutt oiut . i i ,llatn". li t oul Ofrjjoti, d ml urd l".t"'l ' u(!f!- de i 1 t tons t' Ki !. "lnnii ai R.ta !. ' ( MjIi .i Si nit'' Hurkctt has lectured from, M .im t. U aiiutiitt'in and from Can- a-i.i lniui A more popular ItH' inter iMiuiot be found. !iiiinif a i h ticket is not I a viced ol cha'.. . It w a Ihihu deal ftr'. the f and one which carries with it a good profit. tti f.ikti Ku)j! Hungarian Or chesira n a company of ninr artist ihey are aiioinpaiilrit by Miss lion reported to b in (h neighbor hwd of ISO OOP vt the nift ting at s!m of th third annual Western oregun Olrla' fnrf owing officers were eleet In i ..Hi. . ! t! ( . tn.iok ( otil i : . e! ! Hie i ou nt ( ti. .ii il . o; ; ( i!(j in. - K t i. llolt! .it II) o i ,' .. dai ' ' iii . ! pllO., . if. S l j.ii bid I.. Clf'.IIU'i chink l.l-.l l Choi iv I Ink. l o a r )hev Mil---t 'u i 'ul jtlllM 8f V io In " ; l 4-1.1 ptu o . "i pUti .II tlir IO to- let k. ol i i! - wiit it i. i. . Oi 4 I l i.UH I .Hilt M l , n, u-tit ti the "jlh al thai 'I'-ir d lttilir.J li ltfM' to ill1 in.iUKt e.ii... i in Niilitc (II c Mlstht Lumi.rr i . , , b jailor., havll c U JlCO tfl iHWInoi -I , 4lr(, In the .it, ' Mlste of Calif-.ti la fOllr U hex 1 ., mooting of 11. r . id Miami t.nn.i o th ltth dat .f J . . mot of ti, vii , , UpWIt th iMUC.I I , cor pur , ii . C C. Ub'-I. .s . r. j. atioo, at N".. in Om t it) of I . - CaHfarnla. Ay alock ui Hll ahsil rcmat d of Jul. I'M'. ttl advitr.i it-. ilikfi, aia( Hole . i i forw, will be . ti Jolv, at to .. fat to (mf tl.r .!-1 tugelhcr w ith H.r . 04 sior C MlUllt 1 ... a I-.. "' u ' '. l i at .j ' ' i ed. rmatdent. Mtsa Madg Humbert, j If :en; vtco prwatdaot. Mis Margar t Uibaon. Albany. secrwUry. alia Aline Henoon. I'orUand. and treasurer Charlotte Bergb, a soprano with a Miss Ollv Clark, I'ortlaod, wondcitpt voice. On Thurnday etm- Prtfltuilnary orsanUatlon haa been ii of Chauwuqua week a grand effected by lb Woodbum Agricultural cimccrt w U be given by the orchet-1 ...fw,iJI1( ' ... ira and hiss Kereh """ fhm you TT If Sot f the fun ia taking ilSTT v. I IWl LW. Nl your own tent and living oat in tlie open. Buy a Tent that you know is guaranteed. atnirmptr tne cntiorcn nave ctiautauqua oi their own a ailditfoa to that 'of the xrowo pi. The chit drcn arc to be told "How th Robtn got his Red Breast, about the tongue Cut Sparrow "The Dog and his shadow' and many other in teresting torirs, fables and legend. Btsidr this there will be games of many different kinds. Don't forget thr dates, July uth to .ytit, two program each day. Nor the price .jo for the season ticket if bought before the opening day. Children $l.oa Notice to ConTTactors. Scaled proposal addressed to the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and indorsed Proposals to complete the Uco. R. McKirnrus, Counly Road, from Station o plus 00 to Station 31 plus 80 In accordance with the plant and specifications thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Tilla mook County, Oregon, will be rtcciv. ed by the County Courl of said I 01m ty. at its ofiice in the Court House at '1 illainook City, Oregon, until the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the oth day of July. 1015, and at that time publicly opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by a ccrtifird check made payable to the County Clerk, for an amount eimul to 1 per cent o the amount of the loial of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be ar icptid and the bidder shall fail, m-g-1' ct or refuse for a period of five days ; iter which the award is made to en ter into a contract and file a bond -iti'factory to the Court as required l v law, I he bids are to cover Hearing-, Grubbing, Grading and ' -.iructing a wood trestle from Sta 1 1 o plus 00 to 31 plus Ro, according Mo plans and specifications on file i! County Court Corves tin 1 to reject any and all bids. this the iix( lav of June, ion. I. C H0M-.1. County Clerk lion toward draining over 30,iou acres rf farm lan 4s in th Kronen prairie pr ire.! o .!. . 1:0. mil the lota! ..I ai ! '.id. l.A be toif. iifd to the I lut. in .ii thr bid tw a. Kftol and the Im.!!c )i,'l lail, ur,; Ictt of rrlll! lot 4 i- ffod of hsr .! ut after h(.li the .mi,) i made t m ler into a iiii 1 and file a bond 4!uiaiir to n,e t oort a rrtiird b U. The ltd arr to . f i Iraring. Cm.M.o.,- and sradnt from Station -u ! 00 10 ph. ow no iroin Motion 40a plus t , . . i .-1. . . ... . . . . - - - --. --,. ... ..i,. iu dhttnet. and bar U( fdra govern- 496 pfu ANo from Station 404 V 1 iv WiAMETTE i 11 . '( I E 1 f 1 C sJJS'irV are tho produt't of SI yeurs experionce in tont-iimkiiif. Any Tent niUHt stand hard Bcrvic-o in ;tl! kindn of futJior. Wliynotgft tt Ql'AJ.I'JT Tout ono tlmt will bo ready for uko next year and tho your aftor. Say "Willamette" at yaurHlorv ank MM to nee our trade murk on the Tent. It Is '-5 your guaruntee we atand behind It. n3l 0..1.. 1... .11 i, . 1 1-1 1 . it 1 , r 0 'HI C9BIC 11 an 1 1 c 1 1 a 11 1 e lit. 1 1 1 , . . . Hirscli.WeiB Manufacturing WnjE Bg 4-' - 7 Form r! ' ' 1' m ' Ti-n - Awn.n Co. Plit'fuiVI, ul.l'.oOh 4in MADNI 7f vrk Mft Spa. DONT SI'OIL A (JfiOfi llnst-ii-' 1 by kuepinK him in wlmbhy old IlariieHh. ! Hll! HO I If IIIM'lll-RH lllllllo of II... meut as gn a drainage enitieer to make the nwressary drawings and sor vey. At a aMMting of th directors of th Oreo Hnj.growers' aasoclatiou at H lain, tho exei utlv eommttt reporiud that th- o'KBiiUtiUoii had a member ship of . that the apiUi stock of Ho 1,1100 had been suhaenbed at. I a part of It paid, and that the aaaoeia Uon now eontroia wore than 60,000 tmloa of hops. U'ds will be callod vary aooa for ths ooustructloo of th proposed buildings for tho O.-W R, A ft. at Ths Dal loa and I'iiot Rock Junction below I'etulleion. The com puny ha aln-1y uwardt'd the trackago work to Twoby brothers and this with the structural work will represent a total oipeudl Dire of lioo.ouo. Plans have been completed for thu now 50,u(m training s hool building that is to he erected at Monmouth for tho nan of the tiormul school In train ing teachers far gnulo work. Tho nr ctiHeet'M v.'ork has been approved and grouiid will hit brokun July 2(. The Btructuru will hn nntctnd on u threo acre tnict purebnsed last yenr. Work on thu construction of a hirgn mlloage of new trull and tolephonu Hues In tho government ftiruat lit Ora Boii mid Wnshlugtoii la to ho begun the first of July, according to mi iioiiiicouiniit iniiilu by Auitue Asslsttini Korester llucli. In ail he says the do. piirtmeni iiliiua to construct 301 iiillos of trull and 138 inlls of telonhonti linos, bualdos t'i lookout siatlotm nud two brlilKiis An adverso rnport on tho plan ()f R. C. WiiHlihiirn, prosldmit of (ho Oru Kon JllMtorlcnl aHHOclntlon, to convflrt Tuliltt Hock into (iltbor a imiloiial park or a national monument, was mint to Hecrctary of the Interior i.aun hy CoiiiiiiiKMiouiir 'I'allmuu, of the i; iral land office, who expreshca the opinion Tublo llock In not of iiiifleient Import auco to be muilu :i park, nor of Hiifflnliuit hlHtorlcul MlKiilfieancn to hu mailo a 11 14, 1 1 (j 11 ul mouiiinunl. Onu hundred and eighty ucelduuih, threo of which worn fatul, witrs re ported to tho Htatu Itiduittrlal lu-ulduiit coiiimlHHlon durliiK thu weolt. Of this total, 103 were mihjnct to thn wnrlt miiui'h coinpHiiHatlon act, 4G worn from public utility corporulloiiH und 31 worn Not It K H ill 1 th ui-drifc-i t State of W lioalt 1 . . pursuant to glvrt. b tb 1 o . of Oregioi, f r :i . . moot, mII ni (,' highest bkhlrr i .i c rt eaah t-1 1 n -p Thuradnv the . at 10 o'clo- . 11 ti.e day at the fi.o t 1 Moose in TiIUm County. Orweoe. ti . : & real pr. p-r( I ( of the l eeaaett to It Lot tiiiin'wrml ..- .- of th 1 rth r.t ., HirthWfiat .(u.rl.r quarlor tif ceti,,i v south, rnndir ten . pltt H to pt oyij aft4 ettrMlr btil Will be fririlnt oh r ,lU ., r , or on the wlioir thfrr loifrthrt .!" Mertilf cording 1..1 pUos and ipi-tiftiation. 00 Oregon, file lald tbl. The t iio! Cotllt I'lOif. (h right to , ,r, t af,y rfd 4 i,, flSted t) l Jlfl! dav of foM. IOM J C H.d.le.. t 000! , ( I, ft, irnl pub't. .1'ioti June .m;i last publlrattoti July Hth IT T B- ' 1, ti : ' lu (III 0U1 A 1 tkr. 1 K. J ( 1. of the l..t. IWepaae-l 2 Motlee to Contractor. Scaled broposaU a.! lresed to the tounty Court ct I ilUmook Count Oregon fir the proposed construct ion of hand placed rip rap on thr Hayoccan County Road from button io Staiion jj, p,ilt oa9 in I ill, imiok ( iHinty, t trefoil, he irce.v d hy thr I omty t iHirt of said t mot ,'.' it 4'fflie m the Court House ji lillanomk t it jr. Oregon, mini the hour of 10 t, clock am. on (he 10th da of July, 191 ad 4l ,jiat tu, publicly opened and nd Kach bid h..ll be atconipanird b ., certified clink llladc payable ,. (he f.ounty ( lerk fur an amount c.,-.ul t.. s per cent of ihe amoiail ol U.e .,t.! oi said bid, ulurli lull be fmfriie.l f 'he ( ounly, in ;a- ihe bid be II Oil . I J...I it... 1.11 . , .. . . ... .,. oiiiuh .nail ijii i,Pl. lilt or riioo i.. . 1 1 j I, i i i . "ioiti. ii wmeii me award I. made (o en ier ,-o a contract and file , hd MlUfaclory to the trourt rrquired The bid are to be for isoo ru v. I o. tunii piared rip rap from uii.,,, i aiaui, J05 tdui 0K0 o( il, H tyocenn t ounty Road, .. . iiitf wiut itir p;,n ..mi ..aiiolu inerroi on lib in ih n oL r"i the l mnty ( l, rk. ' iiiiiiik f iregoti. . , .ii.iiv 1 ourt ii-iervin ru- it to .my and all bidi n.'le 'I Ibis the ..;th d,iy f ,l(. I llulilin I.i,-, ....10 . . ''"UI.IY C, i" , 11. ,111011, liny i.i, ,()t l -ll pllblltation July t silt. Km. NOTICE TO fONTRACTORS lll!esC!l,n.f""!,mM,"i''' lnr !. u 1 !,. ' 1 aiiyoim. Wl ..... .... innei, ,,,r IHfu ,., ir(( slii-il mi 19... .. '.: PLEASANT VALI.LY SHINC MILL MCTI Al I II" 'r Eat Inc lot r k li'lli ftirn- best Htoek m nro.i.u ....... " " "l,,Br I,r",1 corponttloim not ' . ........ . . . " ' " tl... ,.,.. I..-. ..... bi-iiiii oi ..... 1 ,.. .i,.n I... uaij. A ....... .a.,.., .......... n vv r.i.i. Mftpi', IIAKNrrt.i Will pot or li jtri'iiove ( n inw.ui. r 01 your ni n-.e, out road oporatlotiH headed thu Hal wih 38 utvildnuiH, sitwmlllH worn socoml i ir ( l-!"..., . ;,,; " j struutloii fourth with 17. William r, Aj ' ''""fy May. r (ilKcurdcd In tun". ' "" "" ' CroMH, MarHlifbild, mid Stnvti Hnwiike uli', '' ' ' ' "t .1 U Vl ., V43S HMfn : ClalMlmnlo, worn killed while logging' J... , , ' '""' U Johnst . T - ,-. 'V - ' ' ..... ... . - ... . . "'""I "' ".I In 1 hi a ,. 1 ,i, a tr .u"ioi. wmi kllUd , . . "1 cjuIi rHon 1"H,. the w.oli tharowar tepor. "d to the. Hlulo I11dunirl.1l ,., t """i-. !-. Hi acid, ,,,, rll- ,, wlib h iMin. fatal, and of tb total r. I'rled 104 w,,,,, Mnbj.,,,1 , tll WHrK "'' 'luiiiiuuisiui. act, U rere fro,,, "li'ity oorp Mwtionu 4nJ u ' from othm' f.rmH and rurpor irr::"';.1" -t.ou r'""' oi'"1-' "t 1 'iriiinii 11. .1.11 v itilli oiuploywi rail- 1 11 (J. Jnhnitnii, I ltl GT.ih Imy and JUU Vaiuiil, u:, Viereck's " Vlt m U H SB. TILLAMOOK BAKER AT.U.I' (.I'ik'! K'S .ffii COAST I'OWI K CO. I'.lrclrlC Ll:ll""K ,,oW" lino I Iralliq; Prvuri Vim will lie limrir 1 ' 'I lie lllielii. Kiinii. 1 Hcvli-r we lime Hi -' " HOUSli WII'IND lnl HLHCTRIC M'l'I'I l& AiMrIiI ( rlir Hlilnuy K. llunilorHon, P" Hiirveynr John I.uliiud I ltt!rHon, Hucy. TrciiH Nnmry I'"1'"' Tillamook Title d Abstract Co, l.sw, AlmtraetH. Utnl W' Surveylur, Ins'iriuif' iiotii riu by u train ut Ht, Jt.l.un. wur" "ud. . 1 J TILLAMOOK, AWVViV4VV4yVSVVSV'