Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 02, 1915, Image 2

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    Cbe Ciltotnook Herald
if n r.PAftHiitv. Editor
V- V.. W V - .- ,r ,..11...
--.. r..ifL. i Hlck c c Ciicd.iV ."id I rld.iV
1 r:"", , r, k-
OnK.'ii. under tho act or Mann i.'
jHdvcrtislnil K.Ho
ccal Advertisement .
l"nt Insertion. vr lino -
i- .u ...Kw.no.it insertion. Iivw .w
llonwlMK! lUe
Timber CUim
Not . per lin -
Curds of thnk. pr Hne
UvhI. line. first wrtion
l'.ch luliseiiuent insertion, lino
Kemdutions of l oiuloloiioo and
t,dp' IMltllVS. per line - .1
Husiiuw I'TofoHniotml cards, tito. 1.00
Pisplsy Advert menwnt, per liwh .
Al.l. PispUr Ad must bo in tiif of
fice on Mondnv nd Thutday Min
ings t irwurv publication in follow
in Tuesday and Friday
Kcaon nrr imperative.
i'kihay in.v j. u)K".
! Mr. Vie Utane and children left
I Mamtit lo ioin her husband at Ourkee,
IUfVi (Won. Jane .Wh IM&. ' Oreflon. White enrnute she will tot
t HmW The pt reUt.ve, .1 Portland. Kvrel. W..
Hivk hasen an Increased sttanc. and tVndleton. Oregon
Colts re bejti " "l P t Mr. and Mr. T. V Arndi, younif
thmc ifenerstly an- settio more mrrid pe)lf of PoMland, M ptd
hvt'lv. Steral are takint advantar ' ng their honeymoon at the beaeh.
of the week end special to look over having quarters in Hotel rk &ndav
the different beaehe. preparatory to ' they entertained Miea Haael Fordyee
uW'.n their regular vacation later ; and Henry Redder, ttartlnnd friend if
the season. ! their.
The Gaasett Cottage in "The MiM Irene Carter a teacher in the
Meadows'" was opened the first uf the! Portland school i her for the aum
weekbytlte arrival of Mr. K. W. mer. Miss Carter i daughter uf E.
r,sett and daughter Helen. Sarah p. Carter of Lake View Trk.
and Edith, and the doc. Mr. Gassettj Mr Hnj Mrti j, Oil lam and aon
is a urimment policeman of Portland. ' o-.-j .n recent arriiralt from Carl
The family will remain all summer. ! ton Qrtgont where Mr Gillam ia an
C. R. Hilher. a young dentist of ; r. r. D. ctrrier.
Portland i here for the summer and Mis Iva Powell of Carlton, Oregon
will assist Dr. Wfoe in hla dental work ! is a new aaaitant in the candy store of .
and businei ireneraliy. , P. r. Church. ,
George Howitt snd wife of Portland ' Mis Haael Worrall. daughter of P. ,
were on the beach Sunday and made I J. Worrall of TtlUmook. i enterum- j
Villa Camp a pleasant call. They drove ' inc her sister Mis Ida. an inatruetor
over in their auto. ' the deaf and dumb school at Kul.on. ,
Hov Trout of Brighton enjoved B ' Mo . and her friend Miss Nellie Rid, ,
.trS on beach Sunday. K"- Re,d W" ,
I recently elected county treasurer of'
Mr. and Mrs. A. Finlayson und,t ' M , n,miw ,
, , ' ITCKiUr VUUIl.T, . ntmfm
dauhler urace oi any - ii, ijw
picnic dinner on the beach Sunday
mmh, the Mii- Clara and Kloimor '
It imlow of Chicago, arrived from '
lti ton, OroRoit for i two week atm
nt the Iwach. The ptirtv ilrnve over
frm Payton in an autoiitolille and w
escortml bv I'mil Lomlornlutuiieii and
Marry Wainhagnma who rwtunuxl the
folhiwing !. The yotinK ladioa r
stopping nt White Camp.
Roy Toll, aon of I.. J. Toll Is a laic
arrival at Villa Camp.
Mr. and Mr. 1. C. Robiaon nm tin
proud iwrents f nouneing bnby girl
th.tl recently arrived at their lioiif
Kred w ill vhn have plenty of holp i"
nld him in hi increasing bwalie
Mr. C. W. Whatley of Miami left
recfiitlv for Sioux Kail. S. U.. to vivl
her parent.
Mr. Nelaon. formerly foreman on ih.
C. K. Iladley place wel of riltamk.
bought 40 acre of land of M. Hanen
kratt, eat at the Grave plnew. Mr
Nelson already onieml the lumber t..
IwiiW a house on his new place "I
intend to move hi family into it a
soon a he can get it built, Mr. N'eU-.n
is one of the induatrioua kind ami ht j
is the kind this country need M butM
it up. j
A aurpriae party was given in honur j
of Roy Graves last Saturday night.
who recentlv returned from a viait at
Newberg. About W of the Mlghthn
hood being prosenL The evening was
passed in plavlng game ami alngie.
Mlsa Crey Graves being the orf"it.
At eleven o'eloek luncheon wns srved.
0. A. Kreh ami E. G. KreUe aial
families were visiting at Geo. Vnnder
see's last Sunday.
Cut in Meat Prices
As our rmss Utd c.ittU-rt- now f-.dy;forJlhe
nwrk, w. -tro m.iking.lhf followliiKlprlc o
our miMts, for c.tsh:
lleef Pot Roast M 12 l-2c and 13 l-2c per pound
Klb Ro.sl l?,C "Cf f,OUm
Rib Boll " llc "rf ,,m,m
UrifskclBoll nt IOC ,,cr pound
Slcyk .it 12 1-2 to 15c per pound
Corn Bee. nt llc and 12 !-2c per pound
Hmbi.rGer Steak t 12 l-2e per pound
'l hosi- prices arc sua ranti-rd on 1 IllatnooU
.. i
sirloin Steaks at UC pe. pounu
found Steaks
Pot Roast Beef
Short Ribs and Plate Bolls
Prime Rib Roasts
Thi'St prices a rr', subject o chanyf
i nnpfiTPn i si .
I u ill II in
inVr1 Ia ti
Frunlratctl Plan forNt,
nt IHc per pound
at loc per pound
at 12 c to ISc per lb,
at l8c per ijouiuI
cratic ticket and after spending two
iw with her friends the Misses
Floyd Kiehel and N. Rodcer motored jworralls will leave for Snn Frnnciaco
in from Mc.Minnvill the first of the
D. D. Coulson, cabier of The First
National Bnk of Newberg. accom
panied bv Mrs. Coulson. enjoyed the
sea breexes a tew days thi week.
K. L. Fox and R. M. Wilcox of Port-
Mrs. N. K. Reynold "f Cottaite
Grtire is visiting her sn A If od Rey
nolds of this place.
Mr. and Mr. Kl. Stouder of Neha-1
lem spe. t Friday nicht nt Alfred Ry
iiokU on their way to usit relatn.es
near Sheridan.
W M. Turner ami Vivian Krtitral
i to visit the esrwition before returninic ' sUirle,i Wedneadny mornint; for t he
to ner nome in miiwm. im jvuii
ladies were one time college chuirw in
Kansas and this i their first meeting
in several yearb They have nice qunr- i
, ter1 in n tent with a sod view of the
i ocean.
! .. . ? . -i i -r.(
Und. Student at 0. A. C. crime down . .... ,. , ,,u ,
L t . ... , .u ,, n company with their friend Mis j
Sunday to rest, hunt and fish for two, P0riliid !
j Saturday urai oponeu their cottage for
the summer.
Mrs. Edward Sandobur and son
David ate Portland ueats of the
Clyde Rlaxier and wife will occupy
Dallas wherw thev will wurk this sum
Alfred Reynolds left Monday morn
ing for Cottage Grove, iroini; with
I. ii
or more.
Maine. North Carolina. Micbican
ami Oregon were all represented here
Sundav in one party, consisting of W.
Seymour from Me.. J. Jenninge from
N. C, G. S. Smith from Mich., and
R. N Milleur and Peter Sawyer from
The following Icaiiini; incrchants.
rcdcciiKiblc for first
class transportation on all rail-
hi IHSO. t'-X
ItttwrUi. pr. .i '
ml hr Hun.lai
oral ell Mm n
vid he
cUatt of . .
ai tixt f aji'. m
A I bW t' 1
tit M 1 1
mi UD I. i
fv:r u4 u .
i: oi it '
I be ei.iu a .
Ki lao tail.
ttrS of I
priae to th i ;
rcmllali t i
tliat b Mi .tt
14 . traveliuc "
ft 4lffr4 i '
tlty HS llr -
1 Affirm). "i '
,.,mnl of Ihr
CJry 111 ( i a 1
oi y if u-
t ttettran
NlMl. A e
Hef a
tor setrfa)
bM flsnl J '!.
leVetoiMltrttla '
with (He "
ntola( '
t va a t '
tn sn( i i
llueMo n-.
(;! hU drln
i ..IIIMtll"
.it.'iiiy "f 1 1
mi h a tii " '
lli.u lha' I"-1 '
ttnitlts l
5 .(
It. c. .iMIleur anl reier sawyer iroui - ., rn-
" ., i u r , quarters at the While Camp for
Oregon. The easterners like Orecon h ,.,an ,htl itrh
team. He was nccomuanlod by
Elenton as far as U'lllumiim.
Mm. John Cratr ami chiUlrcn f
I'ortlund are vmltinK ralativun in
i'leasnnt Valley.
Mr. Vel and daughters of Salem
are vtsitimr the (urmura sister Mr j
Alwin Ilium, thia w,M,k. L,1(1(1L, olx... mohi n liilK HI iVM' 1ilU.
Th demonstration given at 1. M,l,"l tiiiiiii. .......
i v n i' I in; iu ui
Art ft of Mmi'U I'fi.'' '
very much.
C. H. Woods, instructor in the Chera
awa Indian School near Salem, in com
pany with his wife and daughter, spent
Sunday at Bar View. They are stopping
at Rockaway.
Amont; the visitors Sundav from
Tillamook were W. A. Williams, Mr.
1). L. Shrodo and children, Mrs. NV. G.
Harris and Attorney Claussen. Mr.
Bolts ami Sheriff Crenchaw carno in
but went rich", out acain.
month. He has position with the bridge
The Alley Cottage was opened the
first of the week bv the arrival of Mrs.
Lee Alles and her dauichters Kvalena
and Mauel. They were accompanied
by Mrs K. 11. Lewis, a married daugh
ter of Mrs. Alley, who after a few
days at the beach, returned to her
home in Portland.
William Schulmurich, Dan Burk-hnl-tvr
and son Bdwin aro heru from Hills
bor ofor a few days.
Moore's residence Tuesday, by Myrom
lllanchard acent of the Wear--ver
aluminum ware, was well attended.
I Mrs. Ja. Golds worthy purchased
automobile last week. I
Miss Cecelia Von Roll Is spending a
! few daws in Tillamook. '
' ... . . i
Mist Kmma White ot lillamooK is
the uuest of Miss Ruth Pearson.
Give your patronage
merchants and ask lor
Milton Hearn, telegraph operator at
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Crane were
Tillamook Shoppera Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cicero (lines of Galea
Creek returned to their home Tuotdny
from a weeks visit with their daughter
Mrs. John Proctor.
Miss Catherine O'Marii of Tillamook
is spending a week visititiR Misa llallie
On Thursday evening the Iiyal inon
! and Loyal Sons of the i hristiaii Church
treated the Loyal Women and I -ova!
I c ll',.ll:n,..n ..( Pa., fit.- In trv.
itlllWII lltU.II, ..,. . t VI DOS "v w J
Miami, is authority for the statement jnt; to launch a bench paptir for the
that the P. R. .t N. will cbamjo iU summer, called the Beach Comber. Ho
name the first of July to that of S. P was in Bar View the first of the week
or Southern Pacific. Other branch lines trying to interest the business men in
of the S. P. in Orecoa will alio do hia enterurie.
likewise. 0 rU0(jUy Miss Elsie Londurarmu-
C. J. Towner and family of Portland sen and her and her two sisters, Lena
are ooinicueu ai v uia Biiiy. . . -- - of sovural courses. As the women rml
little to say about the inunaKoinent of
the alfair they were a rathur trouble
some outfit to get alung with and
caiisd one altercation wliirh resulted
in Mr. Van Winkle losing part of bis
smrt. At the demands of the ladles
j for linger bowls at tho close of the
lupper, H. T. Bolts waited upon 'hum
with a Blow kettle and dist. rag.
WaahlllSt .
c.ni.ron.'-ii' i
troll at'
nral VtctorU' " I
ClAten (a la 4:- I
riiory t
in Met'ro t 1
m dictator tn
ulhefa a( t ' I'a
mtttl. 't . 1
1 Th- 'fps'"'.
. tm tMi i
r( the car-;
Uk Ift'o ''
j aro'lliOtf "
n( Alsiri S. .
f.,tl.lrj l!i. f
!ii of . .
: sail .(at !'.
j th- II
- i
' a 4 I 1
if '
Klny & Smith
Miss M. Patterson
The Tillamook Herald
Stylccraft Tailoring & Clc
infj Co. j
Grand Leader
J. S. Lamar
...I urn
ii (. i M ! i 1 1 r i :
600 M
en, Women And
To attend the Chautauqua to he held in Tilla.
mook City durin.tr the week ol
July 12--17
Adelphian Quartet
Witepskie's Royrl Hungarian Orehe.stra
Buekner's JubileejOuartet
Col. W. II. .Miller
Mr. A. A. Franzke
Sen. 15. J. Uurkett
iMarionJIialconJ Fisk
Season;Tickets2.50, After the Opening Day S3. 00
' .fi&H a;i2s-sprograms: -ri2:gEnaos im .
wveaiE; w6:- "ays 6-; jaa
Harris and farm tniil-linui of all
kindi erected by experienced carpontur,
either by contract or dnvs work. I'liuw
and etunaten furninlied for all kinds of
carjienter work. J, M. Liialirrc, Mu
tual I'honc.
Teachers' Kxamination.
I eachers attcndiiiK the examina
tions this week aie.
Winnie Kpplett, Tillaiuonk.
I'carl Ripley, Garibaldi.
Gertrude Schlnppi, Tillaiuook.
Dolores Duckies, Garibaldi,
I'vlino llurbauk, N'etart.
Jennie Watd, Neskowin.
(Jarric Urown, Saudluke.
l''lora Severance, 'l'lllaiuook,
Mamie Stilton, Nrskowin.
Margaret liash, Nclialciii.
. !. Tlioiiiphoii, Nehalciii,
Kathryn Ward, Ncskowin.
Mr-. Klino Hrown Tillainopk.
Alice Moon: 1'liillips, Tillamook.
A. I.. Appli'wliite, llebo.
Helen Iteals, Tillaiiiool;.
Minnie M. Ripley, ( iarihalili,
I. coin iJiinliain, lliinlock.
Mrs. Maurice Hays. I'adfic City.
Mabel K. Terry, Tillatuoo.k
I. call Ii, Howard, licuvcr,
Dorulle Sliivcs Hale, Owens,
Mrs. Cora Finch, Tillamook.
Daisy Goodspccd, Tillamook.
Kutli Uurfje, Tillaiuook,
(jcorijin Sowers, Heaver,
Redemption Station
hirst i '
In H'-rl'i: '
rl .tUI-s
era! office-' 1
fore I '
i Jamil u'i..i
iia'.'tu's i '
t, rer
t'n.tdd '''
in i ip! '
Ihelr i on a i
Thy i-r
riiKrl d. to
ln wuh il"
ol IU xi' 1
aftor nir ii"1
Th- 23 m-"
,.r '
r t-t
K. ' Ma.irrcll is making hay,
It. Kiclum ami wile ol Keavcr
were seen ilrivuiK lliroilKli our neigh
borhejod on Sunday,
The ladies of the Helping Hand
Society met with Mrs. J. J. Ilollclt
on the iGlli, their work cotikislcil ol
II. I.. Jt'iisnu's family is rcporlril to
be haviiiK the muiiips, Miss Kllicl
Jensen has hucn sick.
Ii. 1'. Mills ami family ami Miss
Anna Johnson upcul Sunday ;u the
home of Guss h'owler.
Mrs. Dennis is (,'ivinc music lessons
ii.. i . ..ii .
Enijlaiid CsUs en Unions for Help.
Iiudon. iCunluua culled upon or
jnBtK4 Ulior to eoi:. t,. the nld !
lha Kuvortiiiient in d.,. rious crisis
developed I y uho iim,. of iw
rnunltUiAM. MlnUttir uf Munitions
l.loyd OeorK tss.ieii u renmrka' In up
peul Ui Uio tr.in uiilniilsts, sitfiied l,y
the UnltniJ l,Hlor lenders of tho nu
Him, urnliiK (ivry sklllnd worliiiinn to
, unroll as t voln.n er In tho munition
fne orhis. The proclamation Issiifvl by
l.loyd Uwn; dc. rlin-d tho umuiiiul-
1 lion (mention as ver surloun.
at Mr. MitKarielU, Amrrim., '.. ".,". '
Mr. John Appeiisliouser who has! a " 0,1 "0CHC
i.. .1... mm i Hun Itpii t , . ,. i,..,, i i
is very
HHIl Krnnei i . .luiiiinii.l lint
two huge u nhiers In Uio loelot orr
I'olnt 8nr, uuuth of Miinturoy, llin V.
H. Hiil.niiirlim a i mn illu fllHl
aslioiu, iininovahio on tlm spot whom
Mini xlriiek uhllo euroiilu In Hun Krun
lirinirlil 1 1 1 f 'I'liiirulfiii
liusy trying to el everyliiiii in
iler before his uife Mini Iml.v r.
He is cxpcct'iHK tiiem the hitler part
tf A 1 1 1 r i l i
Mr. Harber is having a fine Inn
i...:ii .... I.:. ..i.
in i i .ii n itiiii.li. nt..,,, .jmiiiiiiii in nan r run
Mrs. Mafarrcll ami Mrs, K. . i Iboo to take pari In a Kourth of July
Mills took to Mrs. II. Y. Klalock on , nuvul nivlnw.
June jjt llic crazy (inlt that wan made
hy her many friends. Mrs. Illalock ap
pieciateil the uift very much.
Mr. I.. I'. Gray and wife are visit
intf old friends in this nciyhlioihood
for a few days this week,
The jicuplu of Kust Creek are pre
nariuc for a bu cclehrntlou on llio
Fourth of July.
A hli;h uradu piano iihikI very little,
"I'l'iy m part payinunt on a c,i(l
, f!l '
I,, '
III. "
. .I,lt
I U'
tar a riot 1 1
llc r-'setMi ' '
fotiriil o" '
shrlottliiK " '
Oellliall spl '
Itussla Win c ..ntir u
hi Ik"'
ItllHHlti will ' ' "'
iintiinliMi hv' 1
then peine i
Thin wii
(loruinyUlii " 11 1
fnllowliiK ih'' r'
liulwunn C' r '
IsIiiih liohln I ''
to f
.a en"
I J ue
iniirn"" (
. .ii. uc
the UussiaiiH x ,
uonntrui'd to l ' "r' (l
of thu durnui" pr' ,
, ...r ,m.l rea1"1
I. is
4.1. TnlAlill VB
s ..I... I'ltV
" '' " ..I . I UU
iiotfii ion niei i ii"'-" . .
miilerlaliy "w -j
........ ..1..1...W1111I IH"
. ... .... Ow-rcnaM1"
U,0 pn.vh.ui. elocHon.
niurvHvui" .
dry column, Mllf"'1
comity, went ot
i l
' '