Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 15, 1915, Image 3

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    Look Out For
Von will noto wronj; il you make thin
Wc want your trade in ooi Groceries, I-Vo.l, IJnnL
ware and Sliocs. Utir stock" Ih tfood, our prices riht.
E. G. Anderson, Hemlock
The Satisfaction Store
Attomey-at'Law indfiHiiS
Land Office Business.
Ollicc 'JiKl-XO -, Tillamook
Tillamook - Ore
()X'T let the sun blister ami hum
!nvav your complexion. There
noiniiiK auracuvc ahout a red:,
!. i,iiiI cK'in. iwn iit cmiitttMH ...v.i'
M i
' 1
oU will have a greater cause for re-i
rci next winter when yon iia.1 you'lr
riiinrtl Vnnr I'lunnlvinn (.v..
1,1 i u "... v..uiivAivrM MM
. . . In vm to .s.tfe,4i;ti-fl your complexion Lhroiih
.1 miuilit
ul Dimuliti ri'iiwiliiM Tiii-
, , . .,.., ....
fivvklc. ami all h! n,islus nuiwl
a, wind nnd ivcntlict
by expoH.
a ,i . AU tut tha eMttalrd ,,) Faulty Itmuadic--Oiw
f..j rm-li 111,
Coc.I happenings.
f Uftritetdi, wt
Try Uw ilk dinners ; Uwr Kaoiaay
id M. a. Ol fjrro.rly of
Mnonuh KlWbon.
i nnk Klrfcmu I visllin- In and
around Portland this wnmk. H I turn
rjw j rM that ha will not ralurn tin!.
! Wtwl Han U lab fltra 5?ra of
; l.uh aiui ht timbar at en. R. R,
J. A. Lomtm, of Tywr, Minn., U
il4n lila t later Ura. 0, R, Jla of
UM pia Ifci wk.
Ha tire and monar by ttin
bfukan raaiina watdtd. Bila
waUlim war apwially. Ulnar A RpctI,
Oayaeeltbn W'aWlwa.
r. W. J. Kiacharaand Mra. J. K.
KMMty ar in Portland tumdin the i
I'rt., I in tha Hy
(arm awUf a--
H'-mr, la uawa
f ' ml. tW TtlU-
Cm W, a
"Hf, Htm to tori
9 A. T, tfobtO.
V, .)! e rl
. FrfaMv nltit only.
i .it l Oft,
I rosier, proprietor f the White
left h ( MiimUy fur I 'xrl Im rxJ .
K Misrwtn. nuin .-fiti(if t)in
ir.t Northern Vmkl l',, 8ltm.
wm In town the ftrl of lU waak.
Uo to Ut -fUlnaajr flood ISnu" fur
lha bal of awry Uilnt; In tttxM thinK
lo Okty will UMt you right.
I Jr. IkwU nirU U Wrtfj of it Iwy
In Mr. ik! Mr. aaa. II. JUltr, of ilm
Mtamt. on Mondfi),
I or aala ttt aarttanga : Ona 31 Bain
in (part (wmllUofl. W. J. Car
mntvr, or mn Khrwjg at Tillamook
Pt4 C-o.
Uw A. t'al jdltw of Uw l'olb
(wtnty UluMrvar. f l)nll. neeuw
tinia4 Itjf kin mitt in4a it (rlfi in Mia
t Bay City lait elc and vu(ta! ht
the hum of tr. Coatea iiaienta Mr.
ml Mr J, A, Craig. Maaam. Ontt
and Crat mJo u a ftlaaaant vlatt on
Kci..iiu of Portland will
W. A. l(..rii-IVa ui
(ti tmlny.
V.,)h wh in
I', fi. Poatamf Clovcr-lulo wn n
Tlfimooh rmaldtM vhllor MomjMy.
K . Wnrti initUm o( Mlilr hi In
tin- Wty.
Th hU arc nil In for the Imnl "jmr
faHng f mir nmntv nala. I'no
mt iniHt naain i liava hy fHr haul
of It. Hnwwr. tlio (HMirl )ia nnt ..t
Hdvl-IH who ahall Imva Uio contrnrt.
It MH2M to liiy Utwe4n tho 1II
whll( rqHir cnih(l rwk and thoi
whlrh rerrolr-i itrttvol. Dtciaiou w oa
mdf tJay.
Whlln -Iri-nt' Mm Lli of town to th
Homaof Ma Na IIHoro. H'tar ih
nntarlalntiipnt t Uie ChHlln CHorfh
Ijwt frldav vanlm:. Chaatar McO-h
and Mlaa llyrtom bal nnrrnw witw
(ftm fll Injarv, Ahoat a mU fnn
town lhy r;l an aoto frnm cnvr
y late whieh al llm lights nl in tUl-
Inr ih atlto lilr Knrm whi"h
I. J . Claussen
Ultt TSCJIiiU Advokat
Commercial liuiklin
Attorney t Law
Oewrral jirru-i in all iUt and
Federal O.tiru
Coniintirrint Club UUig. Tillamook.
t: ft.
a .
A ree-nt , ct-jre cf President WH
cr vrhc .6 f;c nj many critical inter
rin.i&n! complicaticrs.
I mm captors
iiw at a irood ant mn into a lre
throwlntr hJmaelf ami ocpopantu
a' lh hMitv o Rrouwl. Cbealrr
uitalnaH n ilnatl elbow Joint an I
I f k . . . .
M.a. rowunoi r-wiern ."Mara, , . . ,,, u tt....,,... h
yM horn li,rfci rt.aa an! lt. Mrm wh(
i;r ii nam. it, r, Mtrnmnn,
ClnyiJ Oawaon. wh. haa bon atlattd
iKf Ux Slat Ufilerity at Uuona ar
ritd bin Ut .unJy. It will b
inaafa4 at too Tillamook County Hank
bain , liimiwtKik Kri. and Hat., Juno
at Jn.itt Jewalry Star. Tb'
ill Ua in t 'Mania la Too. Juno iSud.
Hravar Wad. ivm 88ni, Itay City
Ttaa.M I.kai.. VOL rvula auw. - .
ii f ii i v"""'k l'thomb awt wm knohod uiwnplr.o,.
UotJIrto. iMIaaUvrtornwaaalaoaKook on ,iiU-
Tw Ctly Waat Market, J , bally liy. ton rc-aimM Karaalf. Chw
UanniaU, prop., ha got butted and tor t put Into th nolo an 4 broutrhi
Uta prtriaUir haa Mi, laavii.ga tmln It Uin a' onc. Hnwaver, IhhIS-J not
of tivltu in hi rear. 5 fin hit poniwloiini until Nftar h.
H, VV, Thwttia and wlfa of Clovar- ,r-Wfl the IV.' .WW. tie haa aof
data and C. W. Thotuat of for I Urn, farad eonsi-la-raMy. but ta now fee line ,
vt in Tillamook Friday. Thar vil-j a'rongar and will noon recover. j
lf)rroctty jirowrlbit Kt In
rrfitm oy- Urain. dfonn th r-yna.
and mk f yotir Inter year a Urn
nf permanently ditninl vision. Surb
if I are common anooeh. Um nrc
log a two wk'a vacation in lVUml.
raturiMJ (o tbe city laat r'ridny.
1 nava a amall tract of inml with
7 room bona a ana bar o i utile of city daatrovra omi the product of In-
limita of Curvallln. Will irftdo Igr aBriered onticiana. On th otlior
: nuatnooK uiuoi nrotwrtv. oho nana, wrrociiy irocnni cirwoh v-
RoyaJ Aiw ebarrioa ar In (ncir dWrtni; to loeaU at Corvallia will dp
MriRMa tbia woak. Order tham no at ' well to call on or Mtdroaa W. W. Con.
1 Noga4?a. Am. A r'''' of 10 rr.rrl
ran roarhnva am ii.in.rtt riMlf ;i'ht
j milts acroa lae hrriT Intn Sji',
''"ru. Bfrsora, Saturday, and, U-'.f'.n?
' Lh-lr g ir.'j ox the col not commanding
OfCgOIl the garr...n, nhi'p ISO M-xica,i a
diem fooli-! on. --i.r-(l the lir-tuoui
at nle 'if "o AnnT.can boys i: :
napd by ot the Koldiorn on the
Arizona tUiH ul ihv bordur earlier in
tfsv day.
TUrro Mes! un boMhts crossed to
ibe Amertca.0 h I.' of ths boundary at
V.'aibuijrtoii ( umti, z'j miles ea:it of
hr-re, and k!Ji .., J two 17 yar-old
boya, Qeorfie aui,hii, aon of the jtore-(-epar
at Du'j.ifBiie. and Henry Chi, .g,
urn of a ('b:i)ffl American citizeu of
Waahinsloti Can.p.
Santa Crut is gsrrtaoned by forces
. of Jusc Maytcrena, tho Villa governor
- r ' ir Washington Camp, ul.--re
Ol. Ill, ileWltt u" -Mp4,!an eftptured the beys, and
1 Puqneane are border settlements "j
! miles eaat of here.
Geo. F. Wxnsiow
Tillnmwik Block
Room 'iffi
1 ULimook.
ttoriH--,it-l o j
nilamook County Hdnk Uldcj.
Attorney at Law
Office In Tilbmook Block
1 to
h'n cMitkid!
Una rtiy on
l: 1
I ,.1
1 K'l V
f'HK .
th Kroit falawi, Tttiamook,
Tillamook ill lbraui tn old faab
lonod flyl. Tbra will muatr, ?aoa
and man kirata of ajnuaeoinla. Cotno
I iMi Suacrt, j m0y ln e.t.btauon July and and
i 1 fn.i,itw Nunlty s gj
. ml Oomoony. 1 Fw klMl, ef h(ntM ww
- '. !ly Cfty. '.Qm. U HamMo ta bottw wowor. 'It
I will do you a rood job at taonblt)
n aril ca UrW . prird.
N .l IhrnV. j CHAt xbayor, brotr of Grant
-m' Krt. Or.. 1 Tha.a,, baa moved hi family br
r ' 'andmotbar A'r. J fm Portland and la now enird
wi;b Uranl in Uw blaokamilhitift and
l rosuno.it. if It ,' wood rkf boainew bora.
'our ittonoy Uak, j t,lna ratatM at Itoaaniwrtf Broa.
j atom. St thm, Tillamook Liuw Pro
ran nnd ehlldran of ; ducU Co.
'"it a Uw F, C, Itflkor J Mlaa llalma Andaraon who la now
I ttaidlmt In Portland viaittJ har par
n in i.at ..r on t-S onta Mr, and Mrt. Androw Andaraon
laat waek, rolurning to Portland Mon
day. Th- Uev. Mr. Ilolmoa uwt Mra.
A. N. illiin. Wft llioftralof Urn wceK
f..r San Franel, whure lby will
Mdit friand. ami attend the Fair. They
unit t. rail to I'orllaml whero they
lliv n ataanier for Frlaco.
If .ok Callwotl, dniKll t hnmiir'a
loft on Friday for a f-w dtiy'a viall
wiMi Itla fnmilv t NewborB.
F. II. Matthrwa went to llnr View
Momlay whero h will bo onRHReil to
look alter tho lonl for Hr. Wine nt
the hotel tiiuro.
U'dlln Ilnrriiion, Pun MrKwen iul
llnrrv KliuiKer, who Imvo boon iittond
Ini,' tho O. A. C. t Oorviillin, Imvo re
turned to thin eity. hcviiiK' IIiiihIh-iI
thtiir yimr'a work.
M.lfn'H Shnn Wlnduw", n Victoria
Croaa mitnloiiileco In fi renin, from the
)oiuilr plity nnd novel fouturliik' Cluiio
Whltnoy mid Sttinrt HoIniuh, at the
Cum Friday tuM. Soniothiii ertpcolal
y jjood. Cldlilreii fn Auiilta 10c.
dor. at Titlaatook. Ore.
Mra. Louia Labowitcb nod dnnslitor
Doroifcv lafi Una inurning for Snu
Franeio to attand the fair and - vftit
Wo tion furnlah you codar few itoata
fwr tie. each. Tillamook Food Co.
I klna Jewelry Store Fri.
thorn at
and Sat.
Jun- j
" .r erUl preMrtl
, " r Mund, I I. CltMICh
f ' lid Vorltiiotou of
1.1 over In uUUj with
I rani Owott and wife
nroaatal Chick
illnnor, Tllln-
"ir I nnoy
r Sunday
' ' II10RIIV.
f 1 . rem of ISvniMvillo, I IN 1. . j
' and Mr Frank llovl
will 11111U11 Tillamook hia
' vnii; youtii; eiilve for
' 'lie heat iriuo ly cnllltiK
'-' Mulrhlor on Ilia MuIiihI
i'.iy tiui Iiti-ii( irlw fur
'' "iiiu' calve at l)invoii'a
', of tho llrm uf IIiihI-
' "ii, wna in the city today.
1 Allhuldo, of livaiiHvllle,
1 in Tllloinuok Satiinlity to
minor with her Muter Mra.
tho eye from (train, incrtmae their
ttHfttlnwa nnd for you. tf you wonr
Uiaut tSe dny of dlmmad rialon roav
novar arrive. Such KliiMrtu nre eye
balkier and are praaertbed by lone
evoarleneod eye aneliiliU. Pra. lxiwc
nnd Turner have bnd years of hard
i radical experience aa excliufve eye
IwriftlUt. Thla ia no all? line, for
lbv devote their ontiri- time, onorcy
Mr. Fartrldae of tho Urat baa tiiade ' ori exeiualely to the eve. coup-
a apeeial emteavor U aeure someailng ' 1 with hir Mn etl'icatel in tho
ituod in "Ufe'e Shop Window" n 5! beat aehoU and their mny year t-x-ital
play, neat Friday nicnt. I perteoce make them aafe ucraons for
1.- r.., t. i h-ir i ua m I yoo to cnnault. Conanlt
e- -aw a r
...rney mm iwy o. - eiiVer UVJ jn. mn(i ,Uv cjty
Cloverdaa wbo have been viaitin , Thl,.,n v ,unM 3..h.
Irieiwi in I no atale 01 u aahtni;toii re
tumod laat Sunday.
Mi ICIlcii McKlinoim of Mohlur ia
now eniitKed clerk at tho olanou
general atore. Mr. Maaon ia now on
gairnl In (ilacini: aUick In hia now lo
cation in the Mnaonic DitildinK.
Judtfe llendcrvon want out alone ltit
Sunday and anwod ten 1om that lay in
the liirhtK'miut trail. The Juo is
cerlot nly il'tennined that thia pirticu
lar trail ahall be pot in proper ahaim
for niltriMii. Much more work ia
to be ilone on tlila trail nnd it ia to be
hoped that the .IuiIro will nut have to
do it nil. Wo Imllevo that a Kotwl work
intf force initfht be nhtainod on some
ituaaniit week (lav.
c lllHH.
Obatctrical Specialist
ltoth Fbones
Olllee: Koonia 1616 Tillamook Illock
Hour: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
L. L. HOY, M. D.
I'hy.sician and Surgeon
Hell Phone - OfHee 5. Keaidence 5 M
Mutual Phone - Office and Residence
President Orders Inquiry Involving Al-
Itged Misconduct in Examination.
V aahii.jctcn.- The "honor" sjstr-m
, at the Auuapolta Navy Acadeicy is ou
j trial. Three midshipmen's exp.: siou
and tin inquiry iulo allut;eJ u --K..41-!
duct In oxaroinatlous of more than 100
othera. lucludiui; members of th.- .
! unting class, w ere ordered t I
Whent per ewL
Holletl Hurley iwr ton
Polled lUrley 7S lb ak
White Oau ht ton
White oats per ewu
Scratch fee I per cwt
Whole corn per cwt
Heat Hard Wheat flour
?0..7f bbl
Dr. Jack Olson
Ollicc lleun. trom '. n. m. to 5 p. in.
Oddfellows Building
Hoth 1'honea.
dent Wilson and Secretary of the Navy
The annual examination "cribijing
acandal" was d-i'a.-ed by Sec-ei&ry
Daaiels to Im- the mast id; .'. : in
the history of the a. a U-;ny. Mei..tn rs
of all c!as!.f, an n:olv e.l.
Hoat Ilnn! whent tlour
For cnah pavmuut, deduct tho fol
lowing, vix: Jl 60 per ton on bnrley
ami oat ; 86c er bbl. or 10c per suck
on flour; lfe, Cwt. on wheat corn and
Life 'a Shop Window" at the.acrntch feed; PV aack on bnrley, bran
It ia a heavy f teol play. Firat, and almrta; 10c lvt. on'oat.
Has Located in the Commercial B!dg.,
Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp.
All Work Guaranlrcd, Both Phoiu-s.
Opcu Evenings Pom 7 until 3 o'clock
Both Economy and
Your Safety
1 '"l .Mill t() t( lvYxilll Sltlil' W llflU'ViT .VOII Wlltlt
t'l In. 1111... 1
hcniiiHC (mi Htipt-i ior hnyloK fiu-llilu-H
lnonulil nlii'Ut UiroiiKlinuriisHiifiiilloii
,. .,, mi, n(0CK iillii-r It " liau ''l'ii! HniuuiHiH
7'tnui- fiiiibliu tih to iniiUf II'' vit.v Inwt'Hl pruvM 'm
L'i with uniiliiv
Mill' 1)111 I'HHIIII, linn
t A - -- - I . , . 1 . L. HI' I I I I I I I
H WI-'V ' . ' ..... .1 oi ..v.iot
v a jl vv,ii not tultTiue nu.v urn ni- ,, i
" 'l.tnlH. the in, .Ml Hci imtiloiiHCiiic, tlriiKH if nbtolttlo K
J-Ui-'j frcHlnifhh 111 l nlii'nt'11'. O
Reliable DruggiHt,
Ask The Man Who
He will pny you from jR'i.OO t.;$-1..0() more
per month for your house il it has a vellequi)
ped Imth room
AeLtmlly from 21 to .'(') per cent tin the iti
vestuient or ahout Vn f the net: return from
that house you rented, Can yon invest
.$100.00 tiny better.
R. F. ZACHMANN about it
Tillamook's Leading Plumbing & Sheet Metal Shop
Portland Holds Election.
Portland. Or. Portland apparently
olected George U Uakor to succeed
. William L. llrewetor, ami re el led
! C. A. Blgelow, as city commissionirs;
j re-elected A. L. liaruur as city audi
tor; defeated Commissioner Dalj's re
1 forrei ordiuaiico to Install water me
1 ters throushout the olty; rejected the
I plan for municipal collection of sar
' lingo; ratified the ordinance to r-tju-!
late Jitneys; decided to allow grotery
; ' stores to remain open on Sui.dats;
: and authorisod the annexation of St.
Dr. Geo. L. Peterson !johns and ii"t. r its mst
r, . , . ! populous suburbs.
Dentist j
Dr. lVrkillS Old Stand I Lynch Is Selected to Lead Democrats.
Both Phon Residence Phot e 20 R. ! Washington. Fred Lynch, national
j nniiimiii.mjin from Minnesota, was
I selected chairman of the executive
J. E. REEDY D V. iM j committee of the democratic national
mer, rosinnod to report for a place 011
r ! the United States court of claims
0rC$0n bench.
(Hoth Phones)
H. X. HUNK LP, Mpr.
Located in Jonos-Knudson HuiUlinc
Funeral Director and Licensed Kmbulme
Liuiv Aasistunt When Hcquested.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & SON, Props.
Both Phones
The Same Price to llveryone
Ccland B Grwin
Teacher of l'uiuo
Diploma from tho Ciiicnuo
Mtuicnl Colluuo
A comploto stock ofl sheet nuiaic
and Technic Hooks.
Terms: 51.00 per months instruction
Instruction at pupil's home
Villa Is Reported Badly Defeated.
Vom Cruz. Defeat of tho forces of
Generals AiiroU and Villa, tho cap
ture of the town of Loon and nil of
Villa's trains and artillery was an
nounced In n report of General Obre
gon, of tho Carranza army, recolved
Wheat Club, 9Sc; bluestom, ?L00;
red mtsstan, 'JSo; forty-fold, 9Sc; red
fife, 95c
liny Eastern Oregon timothy, $1G;
grain hay, ?12; alfalfa. $13.50; valley
tlmotUy. $12.50.
Putter Creamery, 28c.
Kkrs Ranch, ISc.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 25c; valley,
Mohair 31c.
Wheat Bluestom, $1.00; club, 98o;
red Russian, 95o; forty-fold, $1.00;
llfo, 9Cc.
Hoy Timothy, $16 per ton; alfalfa,
$14 per ton.
Iluttor Croamory, 28c.
Eses 19c.