ffL .. I Betidft. mm ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County u ! II A 1 'iu.amook, Ouiccon, Jt.NU If,, I if,. NO. '12 lift SERVICE W .utv of our customers about first National Service . . .ro all please 1 with it ami Can tell vim wh lir.st National HuiiK 1'dt.t nonk, Oregon New Service By Hill System TIIKY CAN'T BEAT TII.LAMONK .Sir. Sue II, Elimuc Will Make Connrc llom wild Hill l.inni aI Flavrl for Tillamook and Bay City A n mhhiII of tlm 1W nw (orvlci) by PnHflv Stmutnililp "Crtwil N'urltwrn" Inauguration of Unmt N'orllmrn Co'ti, utonnmrf nmJ "N'nrllmrn Tlllailmok took another k'rlp mi llm minmill Hilitilitv ttl Mtin0in whnn llii'V ' imt tlmt twain In runt, tlm tliml rutin! ; liosvlitu Tillamook flmn-r liy it urorn of ' lo I. or lit aclual lltfurm ID to H . . i. ( wmrii iiiumiuia in rurii)niy iMt) n n . t) j irtHirtiiii. Tlm k'aitm, Imwovrr, win I much IwitUr thnit thu ncorn would In- ' illruli). ; hold (miitm playing nlr tlultt hall with no lilt, runs or ttrriir up to lli.i llrl of ititi fifth, wlmn NtflmUm . i-unclmd hits on lllanclmrd and Dllml i tlm linnd'n. iiimI wht'ii Urn arort-kruimr IWIAe " Tillamook (lay will In tint lint iho record tMinnlut O It i'tk ft lit (1 1 fltr Mtjoy a hlK mcra.. of Com. , fur Nrhalfin. Ttllarnuuk fnilot! in; nto wita 8nn Krutwi.ro, I urort' fn tlmlr half. Imt In tlm nUtln 8lmtmn ImivinK Sou I'mticUoo will ! Alderman marlod llm flrtiwnrkii liy ' ilolUnr curKti iliMiinixl for Tillamook lorn: drFvt t.i rik'lit which 'u dftippod Hay rwlliU nl Pltivnt, In tlum to uiako ly Matjrv, and Ni-halitin pro!mditd to ttitntki with llm Sir. "Sim II. Ill- j aiomd to tlm tlitty Imliitit wlmro tlmv ntr" ivry WJnidy iimriilntr, rtttlit wlillo nilnnimik lilt, ran and ! making U Kilblo umiar ordinary clr- ' mado error at ptrtamirn The batlorloa ", ttiNMUtnrm to land (might in Tlll- wrw ; Hta9k, I'.ttiury and Atwood for tiHMfc Cily ferly nlehl hour ttftur it ( Nhltijri and lllanchard and IImIixiiimi I oh v Son PmnrUcA, owlmc to tlu for TillttxioiiV. CoW Stamen fnrllitir iki tlm llllll lly 6ity wuni to Hnnvor ami rernni. QUIT CET-RICH-QUCK SPECULATON-l PRUDENT man: tC0b h LlRfRl Y CONTrT s a :3d oVluV. Mr. Cly!o I!u.Umi n..l Mli llily, Iwtli iirmiilitmt 'j i "jf of th0 can-1 yrnin- f.opl of Clovnluw. vt itmr. ' l.ttHlf l Who rlatl In I Ha M It I torn, h at (hi llv liv nltt tinllili. hnVn kiil a Im rnrrl.l tHuimni mrtntinlilit fixhli. of till kirvl may ihf .ttlpptwl not! nrrivn In llrnt rj Mwllllwi. A larR purtlon of tair clmn i now nnl to San Prnnetoeo ami Switlicrn California plnta nml llm now mrvlrt mnvtllmo tlm tlnm aUnit llirrt' ilwy, which In tliwm iy of (julek IliictUatiafM In tlm flmmm nmrkot U n nuitor uf mi mnll inomnt. Ilvrelofarv tho k"rft'r nnrl of tlm f rri(jht hlnnmnU l nml from Cnlifor- no Four til of tf. K4w. Ultlln. p-tnr. Uhh ytmnk' pott im vUltlni: In riltoittaok far a ITS few tliy. W undorUnl ihey tll tmk llmlr fulurw Immr imar Clovnr-, ' W 'rKritf k.va i.nv frliiiMl. v.' I Lit wUh far them a long ami liuppy mar rM II f-. 1'hI at hf .m ran t0 ISO I. '41 Of ril ttc i . wot PAUL IRVINE,' PIANO TUNING to Portland nml tinmen ! nltrmr Str. or Hail to ttttnAllun. T'n tun pluti by whleli tlm Hill St.taitmrx It to ulitmi In tlm lulno will pruvo a i:rMt ilfiil tiwro nalufnrtury n It provln fnatcr tjrvlei' in ovnry way TOR SALE . uptl placo iy tlfftutlliiK that luani J ti 3. U was a vory U'mmI thllilllon ' of l)4tiilin from atari to tlnlili. A larfcp ounilmr nf fnii from liny City a (um pniri I llm team to II aver. Tlm for lo'tt Snmlny Imvn nut Ikii aipmuncixl, hut tlmrn i n pw. Inlity of a IiIk' iIoiiIiIm liomlor IxiiiiK j playol In Tlllninook, .S'ttlmlom v Ilea, j vcr M yw n m. and Ullamntik v. Hay City iiiinifdlatiily followint". I'oflnlW annouiirnimnt will Im made lator. SlaixlltiK nf tlio team. Many, many, tfo-d, holiest men lure worked hard and piled up a httlo fortune, and then all at once LOST all they had by just ONE foolish investment. The following appeared rccontly about a prominent man who diod:- PHt ! martrl.iu Hnctt rrr In anil arnaaU ChWH8. wlilclj rnuwi him al iltuf I.. Ut rl. a a mUMonalrr. br iUil IIASIt tH't Mu.t t hU Bfl fortua inrMrd In ittairtt jriflailnii l'lU"ALE L'JLI'LK in..,k K.mt rloi work MARRIED HF.UE hjimi!i ram in TilUmiK.k fr -n J-iit.- I" Jul) '-Jt. l,'vr or ph. mn Jon ltt-, ur.'.- it. J.i'.v A K a,eiHa toitat IpmsI fioi&JM .Upx. on new" iminty roid over UV Ink" bay pit and urnnn, 5', tnlloa from Court lloun' f'r 'tlf hirap liy ottiwr, J. M l.n.lMtri?, I'U A K. I. I), Mutual ' . I.C i Tlllamiol llay City lltmvorj .-.t'lllllgm Won :i i 1 0 r - fim-firr t l'i IMt 0 I I n I'ct, ; I0O0 CjCA j .11 i NOTICE TO FARMERS rondy to ATTonlitrii tor "ilino toni. ' VihI till (iitimti(ti'itti'iui to t!, (',, J imkm.ti, 1'illiuti . il. i ii.loiiit rit aro rf.uflr I ti ttri'r rliit r it will Im I nt-. .itry to li.iript .'! rxtrafiir aeh aark Make OUR bank YOUR bank Wo pay 'I per cent interest on Savings Deposits. Tillamook County Bank RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE tlm oifircr and mml.. ra of Fairylcw . (Jrnnk'w cxtml to lior huiibiitid nml W... ,0 rommiMtm to draft ru.olu- f"'",lr r avmimthy In U.I tloim on tin' tloatli of our l.olovft! nmtur l,u',r l,t"1 1,,ur rrow. novo Uldit, itubinit tin' fnlluln : Kfimlvrd, tlmi a copy nf ilu-so reuo- wW'u,ujiv.nuitiiL4.tnUni!rd.thaL.0Ur.-llVca i.luUtinsbu, iiiiruiidllln)l..J(llIl)iu am of almrl duration and aro cnllitl to n rnnv Mint to the family and ono to paiiao a mttuii-nt in tlif Uutty whirl of llm llciullli; t ami IIitmM. ilftt aiul b"W our hra'la III rovoront 1'ratt rnnllv Hilbmllted, mlfitcf. llt-r luMtltN In lior family Is i llcrlio I nuicrstet, a btiimi; cxainiiir for all to follow. i Ktwi Crawford, Tlu'trfiiri', U- it rriKt'd, lliul wo I Minnie Juhrirtuti. CUT THEY GO Odds A N D H nds OUT THEY GO ttio Climax To An Eventful Sale i ol t Monster Slot U ih niwu. win-re eti lrnu limiil lias sliown its hist for your eonsiikrat ion and where d vei isli picking ami elioosinvr lias been praetieeil - i' t thii tu n 'I i sk -41-. we eaiitiot exptrt else th. in to h ive many Oilds ami Ivmls lo aeeuimilate. Sueh is our fate hut we rise to the task of shaking them oil ID YOU EVER ATTEND AREAL ODD AND END SALE? pn It , e Im 'll I h 1 siillH'i il to nieit von with nod and bu'kon? The sort von need ai.d are aide to obtain on aeeonnl of the low fU and end price? Well, such a sale will be . a lew .lavs to enable ns to i lean up many Odds and Ivmls ue do not wish to earrv over. Our Odd and Kud prices will ave the Life of Costs or Profits and Make You A Long Winner iUCH IS THE SALE NOW ON AND CLOSES SATURDAY EVE., JUNE 26 sere will he Odds find Ivnds in Men's and Moyx' Kuits.Ovcrconts, Shirts, Sc'1!i!JJ1l1,''wcar' Neckwear, Rain Coats, Ktibber Hoots and Overs, Slums, Suspenders, etc., etc. Thu in haw- and ci ual shvin Dress Poods, Uudc7wear, llose, Petticoats, Kibbous, Neckwear, Shoes find all sorts of Notions. Come to our Final Round Up enjoy the fun of tins or "that which yon ncecUtJhe It Will Prove The Thrifty Shoppers Opportunity AT YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE A. A. PENNINGTON TILLAMOOK, OREGON PHE hit OF PANORAMA THE SEASON