.oooooooooooKooooao'oi. I c ha uta uq ua Features, TillaiTH Cie 'Ccilatnoek Repaid City Meat Market John Dannials, Prop. On Shviu.I vr. I" Williiiius IMtlv:. t July 12-17 Inclusive C. 6, CromfoUy, editor I I Is . r .u - m C G vi5,?-.'-S - - .. ..,.'. nil ..w tint r a . wM-elAS iiUr . ." P. . th act of Marrh WTO. St ;Ur:.v 51 SO A YKMt IN .U'VAM'K The Adeiphian Quartet HdvrtiTte Htf ! Each suhaequent iiwwrtion. lin . ' Uu..l.tti.tiu nf ...Mi..l..n. and A fine line otf.RKSiUnd SMOKE.) MATS J HSU No ihiic f..is-oil?Ul I.. infwll v iili.t Le w t "f'? iww""..""- .......... --- - .,vert;- -iKV.l Ud noticv, per Mm- . .t t isertion. iter b"e $ .10 tusint A lYofVw'ional eartw.njo. 1.00 iie , " -ertmu. tin 06 maulay Avtrl iM-ment, per Inch . t ' r H No; Cur t Lv 1 I '. "H.'H. . l' It ' f i I'tK :r.s ALL Display Ad muj i b. In thla of ,0W fiee on Monday and Thursday Morn- A - .... il-l ... 4.. ..It.u - . r line jnif Tuesday and Viday '.it-t i-5ertL'" keasotw arw imperative. XC t Niw opn aiKi r. fr bulr Wt ii! Miwr to H 'rt of the city n i-M'.w u xi-: 8. i )!"). tl" . ti h . 1.. V l: at . bel I re . et . 1.1 K iiir.'.'. woik i- iUlt it in ioi.- dr ,ot;ti .i '': lined v -Min ui-.'erM.Mi.Unii : t vir.i ( t h! ivi - . i m . ! ! ! be - '...1 .V I' I '!J '.kX I l! I' .. !' ! !' ?ed i -iplcv n et i 'HUM , net in IMi r of l rt"N but t do , ill. :i .,uld 1C . . i-iiu "t of ihf v h.irK Mclxel 1 ;s : i to iu-ct ihe ,:K n. 1 1 i pto- war t noui.v. of cr Morkm - -a s- 1 ii ' lov 1 advice ( ' vtitf fr i-mj ovi in a r."i v .v ;'i". " .;' ik ..'iN of thul poriion ... the ptitiic wtict' ha !nti; .! ' y the - toi-n ' t ccr;..!''ly "a'.'.r; t' v. s.Msicthinj; 1 iii . ' :-C .'i" 'i'if zrA TilUi-'iooK In .I.N.ki- so the situation r art bci-n adii. st.ir i !' pi:;!ui tituio . toi h; -frori .t" anti i'i inc w MlbH'C curnsr" . r Be:, An. ici.-' .:li'.i ; .'.I 1 i:i it . itlu-r iu hi i..M't Ol r. and that i. w !.ilt h t l.crn - in kk-i ! ilu .'I.-S- c .;-itr a!i . ' ft littlr t.in- Mf r thrni rent coup in :i. t' tcrrihff suftcr- f.i of JS.OOO.OOO : ! i ao million peo Have starved to death in latins the prist car it .-.1 not cano their aid. SCIENCE IS HELPING TO MAKE THE WORLD BETTER. A; aj;tratus has recently been put inu. ji ;hat enables the recortiing ai.i: : - ; rt iuction of telephone mvisa jo i" it behooves men who are pr. .. make dates with other men' un.s ,tr tbt telephone to abandon tha; . l.icle oi transmission for that panic r kind of endeavor. In' fact the .rh.nl of the telephone record men. that people must be careful an! - say uin thing over the tele phi.f iiat tli' y cannot prove, there by ii:::.iii.iU'i4 lot of mischief mak ing . --ip S.r .;m Marconi, inventor of the w. ' t iirji!iy, who has been c.il' ..'it Italy to render service in . v.or. !ia- p rfected a device v. : : ' .k' it possible for a pe rson st;- i: bi'idc a solid wall to look tl:r . I tlu and see what is hii . r c ti'-e other side. He is s:.u I ai- been reluctant to nive ota ; i- ir.vitition because oft he pos sil i'i" s for iil involved in the ap-par-itn- Vv'hi'e it is true that the ab i 'cntioni'! invention might in tru L ..Don hc wholesome liberties of ,;i ri.'htions , must be admit ttl ;' it ',v,l,l be a most drastic terr ' . i! 1oits. T ractict of telepathy or thought tr;t- ":iion from one person to an"'' r is gradually gaining ground a'i SCI Mssible that in time our ac- tii " . is and even our thoughts r i . 1 is an open book not only to G .'i l,ii to all mankind? ! n)ftit..iti IffHi in fhi Arrtif9t i be limitless. ABOUT BELGIUM. iti t' ' miiut of so much in connec tion . . the great war in Kurope i .slierttning and discredita ble i, j criRTiity, there is one bright piu " tat . j..s very far to redeem In- i . . ; and keep alive faith in ulti nuu ai. goodness. The reftrence is to ti :x raordinary way in vMch tin "c;n Commission for Relief .in m l'i ...i has taken up the cause of tli.ti Ken land and is keeping its po; '.'.a , ' from starvation. Th" i"ii diti . : i Ik-lgistrj, when thi- ' ''..m-nn- :o: t' ok up its work, v. ; i ost di'"j i' and dishearttruti'; i-'. .n tat '1 L. the forward sweep of the Cj. i' if . suits; ' -tripped and p. led' a . ' " ." of $00,000,000 t-:i'tid an ! I, i p i! i-tri' ruined, tin non c.'p' i ' opu'ation of li' I'.'iuiu jiium nt ' hive starved to '! tli lon' I'll i"'t the American chi- nit' oma -a "v the work of relief. 'J In re s i- u other agency to d i it. Otl i r nui trals were too weak 'I be lilltKtrint.s wvie too utM'ilH'l in ntcir mui .ut..ii to undHAkr it. 1h in October Ut the Aitutuan l orn ,:!ion was foiiiKii It tlx" 'ti in.itil Uti U't.tl tiniMMts ii'mitinl to K.tp tuo pvipiiL.tion t b iium lU lift !CNt !... l'sl V'llti! .11 .ount. r i be rise in m nt ot ti'i'.iimtt-. si .twottx t f. .icnUttousn inn ;, tiiv' i v .i..i.issian set t- v i . I hv 1 it n-.uu i tht cumm . , i . . ttst been U-.lTHpett.ii. icn . ' gi-tur-ii pu'.'iu os! k:u -! i ' i lc .' the v.i.i'ttMit, Hirl'ir. J. .i 'Itwur. atsl bis n.un.' u in jpKjr tu 1'i.irt. Hut so wti. . t .irK bvin il.'.ir, that tiu it ' i cutty tssm J slujto that bv Ai.cn new t hhI supplu r.u . i iffftUin in!! li jtvaiiatilc. tiu ..i.:...h ContttusSK'ii will have .u ."I'-K'tl tUC l.K suppiviiiit ti l ttiib $-.0'O.tC worth i : . i . meeting t.ic oniiut. s t ht .;i.. U-.intc i in..', this b.'s (t m ... . , .i.sln.tl, tiir ui.;l: ht ha I . m , . . ,Ued " a. ,..c bttstnrss i.- on .m ,u;u.'l caHinbtiiation mtr to ,!ii Jiaooo.oiV I Ik . lies in itn- ..it that the i!ut t cr 'rtw.cn t!i ' two sums has ' .'e. .' sitppUiii ! tin- t.ehfun-. tbviii . sA under ui'iuii m wi.ic'i i..i!-.t , ;-jr .ti. iw.; skiltui i-iann.! ij.ia ' ucr.s. i he greatest pixblts.i was in . .ol.ei'. lit thi l. .- t!-. ffodst-.itis sob! 1 :rt Uclciuin t .' ho still hud n mrce rt-; ;.h.I ."r in paper 11k .!;. iv i,ttai!u inn ncy disup tni ..ir! i!i ttic ui natio'ut ! i.k IllOt.'S .vcrc n..rn tint in.uiv ittuiie ttcn 1 1., i paptr i n. s 't , t..i.ir own. ii)i i .i; r ntcn- b.i.l p ' ..!ue outside ol B iuium. and in .un . .ent to have exported it would li..e denuded the cotintr of currrnc lUe ton;mision antiouiued that a would ..cccpt all kinds ot paper money in l'-a .ncnt for breads'.uifs. This at once restored the whole paper currency of the country to its full value. Then the i. o:nmision persuaded the billigvrent i..vcrr.mcnt to allow it to set up a toriu of exchange whereby persons or institutions abroad owing money in Belgium should turn over to the Com j l.iiision tiic amount due in gold, the Commission undertaking to pay thru debts for then in Belgium out of pa per money received from thebaic of toodstuffs. By degrees the Commis sion has extended its banking busi ness, until it is now able to find j money to enable the communes to pay their oiuciain, run the school;, continue necessary municipal works, ;.ml to save the country from anarch ical conditions, by thus rcriikriti: ' t-tvil govtrn nit nt possible. In l.u;, ,'ilie American l ow. mission has it-.i i. i so rehabilitated the linancial system , oi Helgiam, that it has h- I; i ! ilit country to help itself until tiu $io. i ouo.ooo actually supplied is il-uni tin j work for which V5,ooo,ooow us mi ili .l ' it would be too long a story to tell :.ow the Commission by chartering "hips.buying wheat in the interior of iaraway Argentina and getting th transportation free to shipboard, then , rinding it into flour in Hilgiu.n's own mills, selling the flower for Human use and the bran for cutlr ittd to keep up the milk supply fn -.lie babies by these and a thou .imI other economies and business m th ods, have made their money go so far. One of the hardest problems with which the Commission had to deal was the fact that belligerent nations refused to permit the purchase with in their boundaries of foodstuffs for the iiclgian sufferers. It was tonse jttently necessary to obtain all the food ov r eas. But it is being 'lone; Bi-lt'itini is being fed by American Tv-K-rosity and American business ef ficiency and the story is one that will idd lasting lustre to the name and fame of America when the hitory of our time is written. Michigar Chris tian Advocate. Notice To whom it mav concern : Notice in hereby yivon that oolicy 1 (KM 5 of the Continental Insurant ' Co. of New York hekj by 1 S. WhiUnf.usc & .Son. AgeiU, Tillanimik, Orjun, wao r-iKirtid lost, inislakt or di-tioyod in their olHce in September, 191! . 'Ihat said t"l"'y bad not ht-un Wnwi Ut nv lierson and tb- Hiod Continental Insur Hnee Co hereby V'vi'H notiec t! 't it will not bo reijimiblr to anyonu on ae.counl UiertM.f mid fhn KHtrio If four,'' x'nould bo roturnd to said oompiinv or to A. H. Guylorii, Agent, Til'atnonk, Oregon, (.'ontiiientnl IriHiiranc: Cotnpnn' bv W. A. Williiunn, 1'. O. J5ox 4.7t, I'nrtlHiiil. Oregon. alex. mm Am &jca KITCHEN RANGES anzi HE4 TfoVS STOVES See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Cist lai fVieat Prices As our rmss led c.ittlo Ate uotv rr idy for tlu. market, ,w .rc mifcl't tht IoUjw pticm on our nt.".U, for cish: Beef Pot Koast at.;i2 l-2c flnd 13 l-2c per pound Rib Roast nt l-e pr pound Rib Boll at tic per pound Brisket Boil al lOcpcr pound Steaks nt 12 1-2 to 15c per pound Corn Beet at lie and 12 I -2c per pound Hamburfjcr Stenk at 12 l-2c per pound These prices arc go.ua 'itcei on Tillamook Products PRICE LIST ON U. S. INSPEC I cD PRIME STEERS FROM PORTLAND Sirloin Steaks Round Steaks Pot Roast Beef Short Ribs and Plate Boils Prime Rib Roasts These prices are subject o change TILLAMOOK MEAT CO. at 20c pel" pound at 18c per pound at 16c per pound at 12 c to 15c per lb, at i8c per pound R & CO. SPEGJAL FLOUR AND FEED PRJGES Pure White Flcur 51. 5 sk., Highland Blend Flour iil.SOsk. Olympic Patient Flowr SI. 80 r.k. Snov. V'hitc Flour SI. 75 sk. No. I White Oats S35 per ton Process Rolled Earlcy 134 per ton Wh.at Scratch Food f.7.20 bbl. 57.00 bbl. 57.00 bbl. 56 30 bbl. 51.85 cwt. 5135 sk. 52.50 cwt. 52.40 cwt. ToThose Who Appreciate High Class Photography ANNOUNCEMENT Hnvintc given up our ii ti-reHtu ,n M'iNK's Sn'lUOJsv Tllla inoolt, and till dosirin to give the pi-iipli-of this eminty an oppor tunity to sociiro th-best protriiittir'' this mdi; of I'nrtland at price no higher than those charged for very inferior gru-lu of work WE OFFKR THF. FOLLOWING INDUCEMRfiT TO PATROf5 FROM POIN TS ADJACENT TO HAY CITY Complete- rnilvwiy fare will he refunded on ntlnriWrtt for photographic work amounting to live ilmtars. This applies only on trips to our studio from point bo'waan iumI including Tillnttiook ami llitr Vinw. Mnko your appointments by tttloiihonltig Kay tltv. 212, Trans port.'itioii fueillties on tho I'. It. & N. Allow sufficient time for n convenient trip from uither uiruclion. You pan well allon! to visit our dliplny galleries, th quality of work hown in u revelation in ptioUn'rupliie selenre, ami paitivly ciinnot le duplii-Htoil or uxeullotl In this Mtate ouuido the higher lasa iliona of I'ortlMiid. Cull to-dny and arrnnuc for Hint pieture. Our special offur In eireet until ,Jun 2Sth, lUI.'i. Uomornber SATISFACTION GUAR. ANTEED. U0V0 STUDIO E. G. LANTZ, Prop. BAY CITY, OREGON. III rfs . rUlWWi jf. vVW- CJC.lUUrf. IMi U I ' J-nvwiiyj 'flu i.f.i in noun' sf w-ff.-fi'-fiTjHtja jt- -'-y itfi- o HMW ' Ntf If.' !SS.i ' s ' ri St m 3 H..H.. "t u" ''"t ''' ,!.) u. ,.f Hi nicMl wl.tr. f irjie Mffa twu h 'd wvc'f . iue, It merit Uto Thrj he B rt v.1di fri-r tuvixt twrv tit lh. " at lt ttmwt uatr' rr aui ! i. ..nt..n "' )r t 'hmun'in 1lij Mill Oil an rsun out at lh atit tie r i ' I s 1 s ii ii i i rvi I I j t-i ivi -1 r-n 1 1 fir 2 Lecturer trer - This liiuii In uril kiiKMii In the west I In I a II H'l' writer. Just w!, i,i, ,( ,, i.tniinllli- lieeil l' allillig mid will npink die imseiutil) nri' i GIDDF.NS-HEWI.EY NUPTIALS , BUTTER-FAT IMU ES FOR COAST POWER CO. Electric Lighting -Powrr ami Mealing Devices Vuil will tie inurrrstrd in ncrliix The ISIretrlv Kuiixcs iiml Conking UerU'r we liuvc In .luck. HOUSE WIRING a ml ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Al,rif;lit prices .'-V-VS,,,V.'.-svv-V. Sidney K, lioiiiliirHon, I'reM. Surveyor John I.hIiiikI I londurHon, Huey. Tnmii J Attornuy.iit-Luw. Notary Public r NOTICE TO FARMERS ' Tho Tillamook Mrnu Product Co, is ready to fill orilern for Mrnu Ktoru. .(itid all Comtiiunieationi to IJ. 0, .Inckaon, Tillnmo'ik, CujtomurH are roipjoHted to bring Htiiiiii or it will bn iioeesHiiry to churgo He oxtra! for oacli Hack, FOR SALE Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. - iv Wia Y j Liiw, AbHtrnetH, Keitl KHtntu, J Hurvuying, Insiiriincii. Both Plioiie.i TII.I.AMOOK, . OUKCON J V'VVVVftiVV.VIVVVVVVVA.VV Hecind luittl iiijiomobllo, flrtt oIiih condition. Huo It. II, Wulls, Puciflc Tclcphuno & Tolegraph Co. FOR SALE 80 acroH of good latid on Nutarti liny nn new county roid oyorlooklng bay nplt and ocean, filtf miles from Court ! IIou&o for huIu cheap by owner, J, M. iLilaberK, 101 A K. 1-'. 1), Mutual I Phone. On SiiimIhv afternoon Ur, (Jwi. Cd. diiw ii rid Ml Until Itowli'v. ImiUi nf thin elty, were marrli.ij at th Itosvloy hotnii. 1 Miss IlMwIcy who was ralHud In Tllla. monk County U mm of our most talntit ed and rt'H)ectwl young women. Thu groom who fame hero f rum ICasiurn Oritgon about a year ago In highly rn-Hpt'i-liHl anil has made many friend Hineu IiIm eomlng Imro Mr. and Mrn. (Ilddmiri havu t, wnm ,lf of frleniN, Hv. filttln.1 performed the wedding ceremony. Tlmsu present wore rola tivtm only, TILLAMOOK JERSEY MEN TO " PICNIC There will be a plrnle meeting ,,f Iho Tillamook Jemoy attl,, CJ I u lj, at the farm of Morrlmm Mills, ,, Tue. ly, .Innu lGth. .Seine mutter of lin portanee to the breeilem In the county will he dlKeiiHHo.l. Mvuryone interiiHted ii ilerHeyH In lnvlllM m )rijrU)Mti Come and bring your iTmeh. 1 v' toiii-H vnry truly, Maple Leaf !ir The I'lllittti'M.U t'r. I'alrvlnw Uur A .South Prairie i ' ' Three Itivers I r ' Clover Leaf ('rem' i r l.ung Prairie l ' I'llwno'l Crcuinerv 1 Central 'r' m 1 1 1 ' Cold Hprlngi ' ( )re(0WII Cliee' 1 1 ICimt HenviT CI" ' ' Nuiikowln Piifrv A I'leacitiit VmIIi 1 ( Miniver I) .Irv - - 1 Cloverdale HH lleil Clover i'i IT. . ".Jfi. If, il,Wf. 12 3f. f ' No I ice NOTIOB I ' the Citnnly '' " mm, fur ' i appoluled ii,. lor of the ' CKitivil. A 1 against t) . present tin in ilniftiriitfrtK' ' i.. i-redltef'. ",.ViV oivk-v r ltl', Ml tl ' . . . .it-it rrM- tV U, ill I" '.I Inch, Tll'atnool-. ',",r?,Ji, fird mini in rrom lin- nil'" ' n.i ii : Iliif. I' iieatitin oi im llrnt ptilillnttln" lie i , f II"' f A Mill I II IMI III I M .i...iil ji:. si.lv. y.