Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 04, 1915, Image 2

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    Node of Intention 'o Improve Cer
tain SueeU tn T . jmook City
Not in i ittrcl
(. . uiuit i'i i tl
iii .in- it t'M'w
st cii. i"
at a to !: '
vl ill"! Oil
.1 4 sp. wi...
t i rem t
1 M- 1
., vj .:u
n . n, to all whom
a the t otnr
. k v uy, Or-
v c,i, i"
- t-ttv.
' oi'i.n
'..s kI
i .
i . i 1 1
. I V. IH,
i' 'Ihayer's Addition;
following the center
k 3. "J. 10 and o in
rio1 s Addition to Tilla
' f on, to the East line
i u. East; thence North
t line to the place of
I ' ..c said assessment district
iha.i be and is hereby designated as
"Local Improvement District No.i,"
tie property, and all thereof
it eludid within said Local Improve-i.i-nt
fJirtrirt NTo. i, is the following:
,"n Thayer's Addition to Tillamook
i'.y, Oregon, the following:
Kots 2, 3, and 4. in Block 7; Lots 1,
J. 1,4.7 and 8 in Block 8; Lots 1 .ind
2 in Block o; Lots I, j, 3, and 4, in
Block 10; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block
I? Lots 1, 2, 3. ; 1 d 4 in Block 19;
1 . 5, 6, 7. a-,. I H, 111 Block 3$, and
s 1, ., and 4, in Block 36.
!'c ! Mr. her resolved, lliat the City
' , and he is hereby in
' 1 I I" cause this Kt solution ancl
.1 to he published for three con-
uMications in the City effi-
a - ier, and that the City
r , . ! he is hereby direct-
e.i" to h conspicuously post-
rh .,d of the line of the con-
j.liNd i ;)i oveincnts a copy of
''-olnuo' and Notice within .1
tl I
1-., .i
( d to
cd it
da f o n date of the first publication
of -it- 1 notice The said published
IU 1' ion an 1 ' ticc, and the post
ed diiih 11 in' Notice, to also con
tain a! of t'" v. Mers with reference
to --de t.r ;, -ed iinprovemciits that
are rtc .in-' bv the charter and ordi
nance. ; I -' -''utions of Tillamook
City, On-; ui -ind all persons con
cern, dan notified to govern them
sclv ; nccrrdinrly."
A'l person, concerned are hereby
furth . i. -hat the first publi
catbn of ;. notice is made the 28th
day f ims, and that objertions
and m. r -ics to sRtd promised
impr 1. n may be filed with the
City I fori - of Tillamook City.
Oregon, within di.'s from th said
date of the first 1 tiblication.
rder of the t. oin-1
ui, t t)Uii..sk City,
as i toith m said K.sohi-'
h.i nd official
t M . "
1, 1 v.hfw.
:v h .
k Ills.
id v c
t tun.) '
1 - "i-
l ICt
1 1 - -11 - 'l
Kei No laun:ioi
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13 1.1 uiiio
v e :. i
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1- , .1 !l'
v c 1 th
1 n .R
. ,1 -i, owt
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; . - . 1 , m
I .11
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s r
H : ! i - i. t:op .
t .b
B rj. . - 1
li - . ere;
r a . 1 ! 1 1
tc ', r ' -
II . 'rth, ;
-.it 1 ' '-1 -n.- ;
s in :
n . -1
S III - ' ct
. in j
; -id " v.t! I
i ilc ' t'-r lh'
1 lC . ' I !
j. n : .-.-
t 1 cl
B v - c car
1 n w 1. '. .l ha''
' ca
A - i ri'j '. s to hi
r n 1 .'.c ,' -h.ir:cr
i , st . or.li . - - t Tills.
1 ot 1 1 i , . ' I in accor
.! .n : v .t ' v! -.cution
,. d ,', 1 ' : re, an
.. d v ' t ", ") -de jn
; ei ' . :'. ' i '. ;rucr c '
11! -!.. r . i'. 1 filed i
u 1 r of sai '.
" ! . ' : f , ti Ma J
'l ..'I-! - :'l : n '. nous
! ' i - f "Iio proi'-
t .j ' . ' 1 c n: th ret"
d . ! aid in.-
o i 1 h'nin of
e - - di. . d.lished
. d ' 'his ' !' : -..v.
t . 1 1 r ' - ro that the
pa-- -; -ci ions '. ' v ;imates
: x ' ; : ' d i ' 1 ni nts SO
i' a . : : ..red ' r l-'itrineer
..id . 1 - lofan l ttimitt; of
ie : 1 1 - ."1 irn
; rc - 1. id' ' ; ; red by
t ic . . r ti - -ii ')f
J 10 . ! ; - In r -ly
:.- .1 !.
.( oinuiat. - of the assess
in ,:. to !'; ii'.i d b sai 1
1 ij - .nd - .'. therefor
I l., ' - TliC 1 ; ' ' -' llllish-
r it tht rvcunti of the
cc : West sr. of Block 7 ot
'l'l -- t.'iuo!ito 1 1! nioiik (now
';"i '. 1 t ) wi tl.i Ka-i line 01
e in ,n Ea ', and ninnin '
t'v 1 . 1 the 1 1 1 ti r of said
I'd :. 1! . N'i - to the North
liri . -.,1 Mock 7. '.i.nce Raft
; I. ' 'h lin. t - .1 1 Block 7.
. : ' ' 1 ' S in - , I ' .Miaou, t .
' ' f iji the ' nh iiai of s.ii'i
1 ' ' u r.''e Sor . '' t 1 ' liter
. ' ck S; the- I- lv.st aloiis; tlv
' . . i hle-ik- . .ind of
1 ' dd.'i'-n t '! i!' o..k City
1 ' Ir i.f - ! I liluck 35;
'k'ii voi:th 'o the 1 1 ter line of
1 . U t. thr under, i ltPtel .V lh V My t.ngiMfcr aitl
' " ' - . L LI. I ...... kk.MI
iiv WHiiiv .
hiiU and prejrtd l the Ctty Kr
hc-(, being the turn ot tv W s'i
1 ir amV arc hewbjr appro eI.
I'ttut the boundaries of the tc
tnvni district to b bctst iUtwl by sM
jvht improvement and acsd
iherevf W, and th tame arc
' iMtstird as follow'
10 i;im tut; 41 ti . ii mi 1 lb I 1!
! hue l Hlock f in !.tk Vddttltoi
, 1 tU.tniook. Ami lunnuitt tluiivc Soiii'v
iKi'tttr (-.iitfr ol Ihr Kiit Ithr ol
. ; .k . 1 ,,.k .:.'i'o 11 . th. .
. 1 .! l' ill.- . iitcl Ifie ot s 1 I
I.'. .tnd l.'vik n uii; W l thrnoi
' ! l, l l .!!, l l liioik Jt 4l I'.l' .
!. I lll.ltlli'ok V It V , tluiH
i the West CKtncr ot l.ot , m
S ot I'ark Addition to li!i-
Tttniook W Louu; Hcmd. IjjrkH. jMj tad" .hill
.1 tad.
in-!. v'l !'' I'1-""
,., lh, 1, . i mi lil" tn
. ..I ili- I rniiili li 'k l I I"
. d by tb
.11.. ibhUli th award It
H'te 10 flr iniv nf..i-
bond wtitlaciorir l lH tonri
rrotrrd by Uw,
riutico to Ltcditu,,
N'OI'IOIt I III ui nVMVkv,
m, fur IHLni.-.. 1 ,,t '.
II I "Ml IfO 1 110 Ui .l. li . f(l ,i"'
HIS .If 11... . f . . '
Ml r ,
.'t.ce ci ln.cn..
tain Sir 1
n to l..prov Ccr
IHIlamook City
' . .. 1 i . 1 t r tv as w aaan . t 1 1 ' ai rv nan i. it 11 iMirs u iu
m s.onn-1 1st .:. s :..: . " . t tt.-
11 Hon, of the iiloi wajf, wfrin '-. t
: 1 '-r '7 . ...... j. .1..-.j.. ...i..i...i
, 1 1 th , ti pt Ms .'"" v" - -
., ., u 1. 1 wrordwc l t ftUtf " '
li.l i.s.swlikinlhc nfll" taaf .j- fror,, tl,.
i 1.
' .1
I 1,
A s, i' v , , 11 ion.
, ., . I 1 . . 1 i am
1 111, i'
.1 S4U lemiwuM omicil ,
tl . 1-
nil tti-H 1 J
I 1
1 . i i.ilHHil 1
t,, ih, i..iuvi lb. Cminty ulti. "IVT
niiMi t pi t I rkht r '
lM flfl twMimM.i
M- it.d i"
. r.-il
1 t.kv
0. Is
1 1 in
. I.
1! . :
1 .it
i K
u: ori an
"Vi eve
N,; 1
n 1 1
u- .:;t
. . . t
V . ' 1,1
I . ,y
li iil(
' m:..- dl
- i-d ma-
- ,r ttr
. ui:h a"
' i. and
: Mnij a"
' with -
, I -'.
; i to lay
.' '.lid sti
r the VT
-' to a puif.
- '.intjn.lar
',! ( 3Md
t acco'
- !,:tTnitS "
"i;y, 0
t. .e with th
n 1 oiimatd
,.r. .lv,liic cost
. :'il.licit
u t ti ht
- .1 tl
t in "
!'.. H, t
cf In i
.lit lilUrt 1
y! .t'.sok
t". r i'o
1 aster!
, 1
1 ' til
.1 ..U '
. ! , O J
' c ..'..h
- , ci.rl
ie c itch
. t vrrth,
r l.illt '
t-i .ire i I
e as purt'
-inu-ti'tfi e
aphvlt v
nt pr-
l Uv; ibritce East 10 th pt.ui
' . ttitioii
' . .11 .,,1 N '.d J.,1 l.lll' III .l'-t '
ul !.. .ind 1 lion h tU nitcn it.
1 u il I itifr vmr ot Iilticl No
ltd the pi.-pittj, and thrrrof 1
.Suited within naid 1 oiaI Itnpt.ii
nunt IHstrlct No 4 is a folto
In 14 rk Addiliwn to 1 ilUmook v v. .
1 -- s 0 . .rid ot lU-'ik . !
oot 7 ,.t ;i!o. k , I -t 1
! !i'..ck 7 and 1 ois 1, ,t, .m l i
1 i, lui'ihit UM'Ked, that She v o,
. .voider be aiulhc t hrrebj inluu 1
'. .iic tni Kcsnlulion and Niu.
i utilihvd itr three eisetiitiv.
.. n jIidiu t" iKr ui'fUiAl rllW
i mi 1 i load n t
tin- V oixl
1 I'
i -lllil.
M .
Nutlco ol
.(iiltiv t '' ' '
' ht ISuuiltlu
mil (of tlu- l'r .1
' . n.i. ion i'-f l-iv
, : 1 ' s i'l ('in " e
l.,t tor mIi
i. . li , ,1 1 :u ii-tr l.i.
t -fti irl-
NotiO l l.rr. ,
4find ha n t
admtnUtriri r
itip .
r he. 1
1 It
nt 11
Mf ii
in te
n-trnct a -wrr
-t- the fhj-h '.mk
of I'ark 'reit,
I west tht
' d N i-
. '. r .
! '-x t .
..! kc
;. n
. . t. .u3. , .
1 1 .rdii .
VI s
th. r
; of
. ,.f M
r-r -1
i-'v k .
!.'r of !
I 1 --ned
; i
' itv,
ti. " an'
I '
1 t
i.'atc.t t'!-
K Uitioii 1
Uys ul" th.
11 o mh r ti
(cd R o!i 1
-,'s lontain al) t '
I -rntce to Jid
0 nt ttuil are .. 1
. 1 r ! I 'rdf i.i'
id ri!hntok 1 .
! person in'irip
.. i?ov.-rn thrinieUi
1 .! I , ' '
I't. ,k
I !
rU:H( lo t . 1,
tlt the .(''
t I
I it pti'-'n '
t a! i'tddi, U
.'.. (.'!. ;ilr ! '
1 block oti .
to Oil" pt,'i
.,' in (In- oi i
1 iiinrctr
1. It.r
1.! .-CttU
1 i milky
i...,.i .1,1. ivth tsv o( '
I t itoUtrtt, t Oi"H I b'ffc,
Ii.t ptib'K iloii May "h
1 j.i p,Muiio . JM"'
NntkB 01 .ntil JKrlHwl rtilMi
KetHiul iNsttwt Ni,
,.j iipi.iiuH.s win. mm r orr.wssit) jtmiih. .
...n. ! I" ANJil At. JHilfHH, tv tWt f tl..
vi KKTINti of said iMitft b" , lh (om f
ii. nl st thi Mih Khuu liuiktin In ; id Vxmti h ,,
liitmtnw.k Uty, Ui bwi t lb hor ; tb rt.f.li.
t tWVkk r, M. o rd nVlur in., t
'.Uv ofJirw. InrtnasM day oriert 1.. tin..
I J , A. t. 11. ! ,K i' "r .ll ,.
It,, fftwin t IW n he por faj, if...
is .r olrctnit m dirwMor ami ono . Uw aattietc..i '
!elctk nd lb lfnPtM of bosiwws) t)ud thl. .'
Unci t Sttofli nwNfttnu. , If li,
i Amatid t
I U..i 1 in
t !Uf!
o o
01 M
1! Urn.
I , M f 1. I 1
itt i-.S I
I I l.l'lt I
!. 10'
. rk
!nr 10. to'
Notice 10 Cntrsciois,
ot 1 iliamooK V it
it"i rovcTTieni ' t
rter, '
. !. 'ftird are lo
' ' the first u!
. M tn-ute the
1 id that chj. c
. ! 1 . s 'o tjiid r ris
1 1 hr (ileil wit'-.
.' .- 1 I lil.unook 1
o ' . jo d s from tlu-
-iri j.u'iln .uii.n
t icivf? bv llic ll"
th- Kreorder of Tills n
1 1, .y i.rd.-r f the
it' 01 said Tillamook
- si t forth in said Re
V.ttce. j
s h.ind and official S'ah
day of May, $t.
lhn Aschtm,
s Otv Recorder of
Tillamook City, Oregon
,;!c I ( . .s i.lilirtt 4 ' the , , ,
Hit-. . ' 'Urn.- 1 j ,,
..on ,o ! 1 -rd ! - - 1 t, .
i,,:,-.. th,
til 01 i k ' 1, j. tr I " ( i J'5
11 ; ,1 r i. 1 uu t 1 s i'i M ' .,'
. ... ! t ,
. , . !.! .... r ... s i ito- j ' and j j.,
li. .1 . '. t ol" 1 the ,
1 11.1! thus tt das of Jupw 'tl ''
Atu-.i R, i, tot. litU-t Utt.
II, T, Bolt.
t'hirnin nrO of Utrttetora
Nwtu to Wwr Cnnawncf.
..m. U bitrrbjr $le b4l ihv 1 1?
i .... ,. !r .'.M.illlii..M ha
Si 1 : . M?H. UiH. tbr dte
iratiK ot ijri.lot n.s rr
nr 11" ay them be. ,,r
.( ol Al 1 t f,.WOital.
f I
v. 1 1 I ION
In t J19 Count v uotirt A the
nt ll.'M...... I. r 1 1.
I llt.llll - k
' itt I.Ml.l '
,1, . I tlu J '
I. Oir t I's
i!l 4itd ai!
tte ttnr!'
ltn jl I. .
, u. ,t Iltt l
l-.ifd" i if
r -r ir.d !
! '. 41 lb IT
, .,UI i '
i, tf
7 f
t i
; - --1
id 4 1 ibr t t'
(j. i.b)'i 1
u , ttn f .1 ' ,
'p. 'if ij M f-t'
Sol-). I
d i . I
' .r to !h.
1 1 U.tt I ij.l . 1
i 1 . ittt it t!o '
.'l twU be I it!
11 Me the Ind lr
1 tdrr shall in!
prril .-t n
the awittd is rti.ol.
John Arbm.
e. . -!..! ! !l
' tific
. bid
1 fnJ
.' 1 , 1 Th foH(ntiif fir Irworane polteir
.. p ' mim'serr.l 6. Um, t. ld, Mutt.
'tlr I of the MIWrattK Mhti;Y lnr-
' 1 :,ntMitt. of Milaok. !-
ith the
1' ordinance o: , 1 i- ,
1 4 .mil in u dr,'.-
I '...as. specifu .Itol s f
1 work therefor, .ind j
theriof. made and tire-
the ( ! nuineer, ot Tilla-
hereby given.
' i? ( it y. Oi
. e of the 1
"k Titv, Or, .!.
i! of said 1:111
' it the x ei ,
11 th.rc. . ' ,
vi..!ly bi r :' ' 1
' Mild wi '. 1 ,
-s.ni tit di-' in 1
;nid by thi- !
it il i'urtl'-r r
: , -penfo i-'
1 pr-fp - !
so read ..''
! " 't.ieer . 1
i s'urate ; ' 1
' ! inu tht
! s.irrie
. l the bo
dirict t
.ind filed tn th
ft of said Till (
on May U7. t'Ji :.
u rneiits to be
e ot c pr 1 1 rt;, .
, 1 t tin ret" .'id
i 1 .. s ud itut - .
i limits ' ! th"
e-tnldtshc 1 .i-.-l
rdi-... rue.
ri H cd th; t th.
-1 .tnd est.tii-i t -1
i'i imj 1 . . 1
i'-d i-n oared by the
1 no t aforesaid
' 1 i- probable tc.tal
.. 'i 01 So, jrf.i ) be,
. In reby ;i proved,
d.iries of the assess
benefitted by said
unprovenicnts and assessed
r tor he, and ihe same are hereby
I i'ied ns follows:
ri- 11. ic at a point in thi W. nt
".d.iry of Block 34 of Thayer's
' '' in. 1 to Tillamook City, 107 feet
1". of the .Southwest corner of
-.ud block and running tbensc
-outheastery in a direct line, to in
tersect a line 10s f-'et North of the
"otith side of said Block 34 at a point
100 feet Kast of the West line of said
illock 3t; thence East along the said
'ine in said Block 34 ind the center
line of block 3 and .j of A. A, Miller's.
Addition to Tillamook, and Block 4,
5 and o of rark Addition to Tilla
nook City, to the boundary line of
said Tillamook Ci'r, tbence South
along the East boundary line of
the center line
Hloek 7. in Park
ldilion aforesaid: thence West
lonu said center line through Blocks
", 8, and 9, of said Park Addition, and
'ilocks S and 6 of A. A. Miller's Ad
dition to Tillamook, and Block 37 of
'ivers Addition, to the West line
.1 said Block 37; thence North to the
1 ui- 01 bept'ininir.
I hat the s. id -v-smint district
' 11 1 f and 1- I 1 r. In designated as
'Local I mpro . 1 on nt listrict No. 3,"
.nil the proptrt;, and all thereof in
l'tded within -aid Local Improve-'ic-nt
District .','u 3 is the following:
In Thayer's Addition to Tillamook
City, Oregon, as follows:
All that part of Block 34 lying
South of a line running from a point
in the West line of said Block 167
ftet North of the Southwest corner
d said B.lock and thence Southeast
erly to intersect a line ios. ft. North of
the couth side of said lilockata point
100 feet ILast of the West line of said
Block, and running thence Rast to
he Rast side of said Block 34, ind
Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 37.
In A. A. Miller's Addition to Tilla
mook fnow Tillamook City)
Lots 12 to 22 inclusive, in Block 3;
Lots , 6, 7. and 8 in Block 4; Lots 1
'o 11 inclusive of Block s, and lots 1,
2, 3 and 4, in Block 6.
In Park Addition to Tillamook Citv
Lots 5, (. 7, and 8 in Block 4; Lot
, (, 7, and 8 in Block c; Lots s, Ci
ind 7 in Block 6; Lots 2, and 4 if
Block 7; Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 in Block P
ind Lots r. 3. 3, anil a in Block 0
Be it further resolved, that the
tdans, specifications and eeiimst
for the proposed sever so ipti-' qnd
is hereby given, MM the
j County t.outt of Tillamook GglMUy,
j Oregon, u ill receive seated Vws for
one huodrtd curds of wood lor the
1 vouri houM-, jt its otiice in Tillamook
1 i'y, Ot oii, until the hour of 10
' oVbick a m. on the 41b day of June.
, tot:, and .it ilut time opened and
l-.icb bid shall be accompanied by
'ii, rinird check made payable to the
V .itv Clerk, lor an amount to eqiul
per cent of the amount of the bid
winch shall be ferfeited lo the county
. ose the bid b accepted and the
1 I'ldcr shall fail, neglect or refuse to
. nter into a contract and file a bond
satisfactory to ihc Court.
The bids are to be for one hundred
cords of either Hemlock, Fir or Al
der wood cut 46 inches in length and
corded in the basement of the court
The County Court reserve the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated this the tSth day of May, 191$.
J. C. Holden,
County Clerk-
Tillamook City to t
.''orth and South, of
Hotlec to Contractors,
Sealed proposals addressed lo the
County Court of Tillamook County.
Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to
complete the,
'I illamock-Bay City County Koad
' -oni Station 28 plus 78 to Section 52
plna 59.
ui accordance with the plant and
mpectfications thereof on file in the
oiiicc of the County Clerk of Tilla
0100k County, Oregon, will be receiv
ed by the County Court o( said Coun
ty, at its office in the Court House
at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the
hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the tjth
day of June, 1015, and at that time
publicity opened and read. Kach bid
shall be neroinj, itued by a certified
chick 111.uk payable to the County
Cb rl,, tor .111 amount e)ti.il to 5 per
nt of the amount of the total of
said bid, which shall be foifritcd to
the County, in case the bid be nccepl
id and the bidder shall fail, neylei.t
or refuse for a period of five days
after which the award is made to
enter into .1 contract and file a bond
satisfactory to the Court as required
by law.
Bids will be received for the clear
ing, grading and excavation for lay
ing the following kinds of pavement
under standard specifications for each
1 Sheet Aaphelt on Contrlu base.
2 Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete
3 Light Bitulithic on Concrete
4 One course grouted top Concrete
5 Wood block on Concrete base,
cording to the plans and specifi
cations on file in tin office of County
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. Dated
'his the 27th day of Mny ion,
I. C, Holden, County Clerk,
''irst publication, May 27, 101 5,
Last publication, June 10, 1015,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals addressed to the
"oinity Court of Tillamook County
ret'on. ntid indorsed "Proposal" tr
complete the,
i 1 1 ! 1 1 . . ' . 1 .
.-Ut o! .0 , a '
..IV n, til" . , o.d
.!,.',! !,. .
Cilttk V.:jl
K Ink. l it
cr.t -t tin
slid bid, li'i
the 1 ount ,
,-tt .tin! t! 1 i
or f'-t ic
after mm.! th td is rtool. fo
enter into .1 contrite t and lite j. bond
satisfactory to the Coorl ji f'Hjttifcd
by law.
Bid i'.l be rereived ihe clear
itor, grsdiim nd etcairjii ti for Uy
ttilf the loilons'ltiii kind "i pavement
under standard peeiie.iti ins (or each
tSbrt Asrhf-lt on t .mcrete base.
JH-Asphaltk Cone reit on Concrete t lb above nnmrat4 pottir, Any
, Information or tbe mum of any of th
lus" Bituliihtt on C onereu j ,1 , f,fwr eB
t 'rtr course ertn.i d K.p Coierrir !" W' k'1, slat tn. Halter
- -Wood bl.MTk on l oncretr bn.e HWg.. Httte, Wash,, r A. H. fiay.
Arrording to the pUns jiid sfi.iii ! lord, (illsnwiok, Ori-gnn.
c.ili'ifis on file in the ..ft'irr ol t'lumii . -
UTh." County (' ,r,r ,.- AsHo Uftffcl Honl0
fll-ht to rr'rtt .if) y and a bid latrd
this the ;;h .In VI n ion,
1 ("' Hoblrn, I'.iitnlv ("lerk
I'Trst publii jti.m. ljy rt, njit
Last publication, June 10, 101 .
sin, hvtt bs, lbn nt irtysd
hil lo thnr f a H. Wbit
bHie of Tilianooa KlW. trrfvn.
Yt! A ltd ttKRKBY NoTiriKll.
tt in MllwaukM Wehni' Iwwir
anec CotRtmny of Milwaukee , Wtseon-
sin, twtvby tsuanoMM no liability orkrr
f.'otico to Contractor.
Sealed 'proposal addressed to the
County Court of Tillamook Count v,
Oregon, and indorsed l'ropo4l to
complete the
Oar(baldi-Valer . Rood from Sta
tion 57 pint 014 10 Sutton pl
in accordance with the plans and
specification Ihtrruf on file in the of
lice of the County Clerk of 1-1U-mook
Counly, Oregon, will be nc.i.
cd by the County Court of said Coun
ty, at its oiiicc in the Court Hon-,,
at lillarnook City, Oregon until th
hour of 10 o'clock a m on the 41I1 di,
of June, ion, and at that time publi.
ly opened and read, hath bid shjll be
accompanied by a certified cbetJ.
made payable to the Counly Cb r'.,
for an amount equal to , per cent of
the amount of the tolil of
said bid, which shall be
forfeited to the County, in case tl-.-bid
be accepted and the bidder shall
fail, neglect or refuse for a period of
five days after which the award is
made to enter into a contract ann file
a bond satisfactory to the Court as
required by law.
The bids are to cover the clearing
Grubbing and grading from Station
M7 plus 01.4 to Station 064 plus 03. e
according to the plans and specifica
tions on file in the office of County
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids,
Dated this 17th day of Mav tot'.
J. C. Holden, County Clerk
I'irst publication M,iv 20II1.
Last jiiiblication June 3rd.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals addressed to 1 f
County Court of Tillamook Couniv
Oregon, and indorsed Proposasl to
complete the
Bayocean County Koad from Sta
tlon 312 plus 81,25 to Rtation 29
pltiB 08,9,
in accordance with the plans a"'
specification then of on file in the
fice of the Coimtv Clerk of Tilt,
monk County. Oreon will be ri-rei"
ed bv the Cotintv Court of said Cot,
tv, at its office in he Conn Hon.
at Tillamook Citv. Oregon until U
hour of in o'clock aim 011 ibe 41I1 d'
of June, inn, and n Hmt time pubtb
Iv opened and read "icb bitj bsl 1
accompanied by e-rtifird rtn r'
mnde payabld to f'. iiiltv Cleft,
for an amount " 1 " per cm '
the ntnoiin! ' iti tot , '
'id bi I . ' : ' shull b.
(tkn. .-s-.
TO l Helf.
6ln. do- '
kuon, 1,0
WbsHU i". 1
1NTM nv
ir ottKi"N
i.MNsr to n
ub of ui. ,
. , Tttlam..
I II '.."
Hi tW hotif . f .
flist llf . .
show eao- . (
aitowld t
nilttiortng 1
t 'lue. ib.
and clini.' i"
to swll at tu 1
desNrflnc: t ,
sitoatr o I .il .
,.. t
I ..t 11.' . 1.
ttt Ihn Mil I -
e. (I, r t
)OAftr (l
. llh l0UKr
1 1 . Vt c f 1 1 1 1 I
"T. ,..((
tl-.e I ef o.i ' .
tfr.-s- 1, Sii u
I . all i rxn
mm :ie.ri
ill tlK, I 1114111.
ptOlt.xl fclttl
Cotir.t , ' irjf,i'
duly rn.ir f
litis, l Uu- K
Jilrln , (.1.
Mritofi ti. 1
JlMij( 4 t'.r
day ut , t
Slof I'
County " -"ft
It, t.
The- sltflttlon ut IDs Heitont liunrrhi
1 eallnl tu snnM laws that wer eruwrl
el nt the last .Stat" Lswfslatur ttmt
are now In forw and should tw rb
nnrveil. t hapter Silt, fiw. I ami iiw.
2, Session Laws 191 in subtnncv tv
ijuir-s that a budget 00 fi.rml Oy ih
Umrtl, a opy aunt to the 8 iprrioUrnd
iiot and a copy ioated on Ihe ibtr ut
the scImm;! buna at leant ton da
tieforc lb mooting calling furth mi
elretiim for the nurpo pf voting
tss upon the property of the district
t he tiodgel should I tUniUwl so t,,
shosw thB amount of fund that wilt he
r.ouired to meet the demand of Me
d strlet fur the several different U u
of rsnense.
If there is a paper published In thu (T
district ii.e nuogei must im imoUi'l in M Ufi
inn iwr inr bi itai two weeas ti- ! me
for. thi. time i for the meelina. If 'iiituVi
no newspaper is puidlshed in Urn dm i.y kvuppur 1
triet then the lve elated nuiu m v ,i aro !!
u. im piacea on the door is all tbm is
uistriet maintaining high i-,-d
grades inut (riiblisb miltees of a1 1 an
nual and all speeial aehool uirtlnu,
togttlhiT with thu budneil tf n tss lovy
is lo be iirnde.
Wo suggest that the levying of Uses
be noetponmi until about Ni.vcintw r I.
when the County Asuesnor shall 1...
abb- Ui furnih th.. districts with vain,
atimis for basis for ik (MirM- for
the coming ve r Itnwev.-r ahntild h
dlatrietbudi.spow.Ml to vid a aveond
rtiietirtg your attention is railed to n
feature that prvenU the voting or
reeordlt g f u levy for mom limn sis
fwr rent tibi.vi: what It was nl thu Inst
elet nun of the last Invy. - -llosptii'tfully,
W. S. fluid.
County 8up.rintondurit,
r.rw 1 x 1 1
I yf ' III.
! li I X VI it I
1 tii ii
. .. , , . . 1 1 ' t.
Wheritas. (Jod in bis provuhmeii hnn
taken frnm us our esteoiniMl hlster,
Weriory Luasiu '
W ii ruas, the passing f ,ur Hni.il
IBM ..ft M slmilowof grii-r iiiion bur
fH mlly i,d her lodu.i, 'rt,..ri.for,. bit It
lleuolveo, tbHl w,.. thu ini.mbi.rs of
Vorriirig Star Itidmknh Lodgu No, ftU.
"Xlonil our heart fl Mympatby to tin
"'ri.wiiiK fiitnily, V
And, that wo, uh n baud of Hlster,
do horuln neknowludnu our Irrcpitntblo
UuhoIvwI, that thu Clutrtor of r
M'dgu bu ilinpud In inourning for thirty
l'iys as 11 ,.1(0 f horrow , ,() hl(ir(H
r each rwntiMlnjj iiii.mbiir of our
iriiteriuil nrdur,
Itolvod, tli .t n copy f thoau ruao.
Ittt onH lm Hunt to tliu fntnlly, .
wrtwl In tlm mluuton of lodgu, nnd nnu
Klven thv local pnttr for pid.lieMtlnn.
Uminltteii: .1. K. )(,,(
Allco Wolfo,
May Monk,
I ... a. I .I....1. .1 I '
tempt ski ,
A Whl.l. M I V
will not 0 ,1
uf your horae. ' '
ilJiily u . II ' '
avotd.1 if ,l,r
.o... w. . . , 1 . 1 . .
I. U' ' 1. - ,
mi . itnBiii
nit a : 11 i 14
ubfiwrii -
.r nl
' 1 tiiii.i
l .1
I 1
- t IB
. ... i