iVui- ot liut.moti to Improve Cer tain Streets ui luiamouk City Wicgon. Vi'ticc ti rumx kiiu, to all hom 1 n'j) HfO Ml. It'll the V. oil! I.tft 1 1 11 i v . Ai.it, iu O! . It a K.st'.. It'll I IIP t i vf tnc i'. . .i.etl l .....i ,ll IflC.tl.'. Uwiliy fata. . .i I -t i o 1 1 fl.'t i , .1 ' It ".. Kc v, 1, 1 V . : i u" -(. if, u i'. .ii, wit: n ..sui Ntjt'.f of Intention to oie ie...-n St -cm in 1'ilU m.os. City, Oi,-on. i. . v. llUll I I Also the following described tract made ami prepatrd b) City LMtRuiecr oi i.nul, to-ntt. .mo turn .. v .unnaul i.ihc csituiat. oi lWOii:ttitg at a point ou thr South ..h piooaoo ioi.il im oi said u lino ol tht h. thick Thomas Donation 1 pi on oik it t a made and prepaini t .iii.I CUitti, jo tcrt Wot ot the i Hit. v lit l-.Mnmot Initio i tic iun . town nip tine between township t f .isjmvinji ami the atft are hi .ulh. K.nt-es 9 4titl to Went. . M i ..i x i-img thence West to, feet: i tv oulh to the South liovimi.it iits v. o, I ni.tmook Ctty ; ihcnce rast to .i potul due itOUlii ui the place ot bcuming: thence North to the place ot in ginning. Mao the following described trad .'t in' '. it- it it i' .. . ..: ' ria t- v unit ot the hast line ot :cond Arnue I aiI Mt.n .nt; ,so;i.i hue ot hlornth .Mint iti loL.mook City, Urtgon. ami running Uuncc Last 71.$ tret; mtiut. nuh to a point tot. 5 feel it . . i the . I t .Il I o, til I ,il, k -I '..I .'i ii I .mil t ! ,i ii in v v i :i ,so, i ow niiip i South, Kanr j Urn, . Si., thence uist to , r t v!i i ini hast ot the Wist Une vv.io jo, ioMntii i Jvii. K'il lilt tl . , . ttih i M 1.1 ' - t.it. . Ol Mt S. ..' n in-. "i .,.! l t!.t,l !!!' K-':.t J K e ..ui -. i .i; . i M.l,- . - .: . 11 - tt i.te -Ci n. i i iOl ttu .. In HiS ; .' . ir' tn tin- t! . t to tur : A No. th..l ' . .i i- I U.n ..i .' . .i it 1 1.; Ml.il IUV . . . , ! 1 U.II. ,,trt Vtk: M if Oi till .. mc 1 o 11 - t; i o.i:h, .4 -,itt I t'(.tit vi ..-a Ui.t; . i i r ii men . t n ii 1 o r. ui .0 A ti,.. . i itc FJnvk U v. I.iott outh .-...'ii: i . . t 1 ilUmook it ii; ti k,r.nkj Mlti .. Ii! s ll(l . . 'IV l : tv u. . .Nl tit i .ilUl I v I1. :t 1 K.otct, tj Wtsl, o t. f l't.tinu.f t ft. t1!. t;m; 1 i,n .to lilt i ot illlll'tl JO I :: ii,;c 9 cs:. tt J J.-OUU jto . ,t.v. ot ;hv . i . .i l MH'tfVVtl. 1 tlUt wit i M I II l it I I'll .1 1 .1.1.1,.. II' l I.. t . l. 1 . .1 . Ultll , .out . iu ..,IH . Vtt Ivtltttt H Iksiniuitw lit tli ni;r ictiott ut ttK VfUin ttiv Vrt hue of Wort. I ll.nci '.i AiM it.' ill.', iv t i i i .i .. u .... t ! r. tt.itti .ti.iuii t 4ii, ami run i, llirticc l-Mt to tin- emvr Ol .m lilvK'k . . tlttittc N tut ii it the N line oi jiii Hlofk ?; Ihcac I along tin- North Imtf ol iUl f'lm ft.! oi H' t (. .i ii v .i i VttUitttMi, t. - V ' i ' .IK V , i ll l., oi I'l ik i. t' ,.i t He O'H' ' .it vul li.otlv tllfilif I' .1 l Alon ih iiiittr Imc ot t'i"vk ii, iS, anti js. o' lli.i)vr' Atitliuuti to Hllnmook v iu '- rtt- V .! itne ot std block u, .oi.i , i it, . i.ii 'i v .iittiir . s-.th to the center line oi . .t I i!,..i;i''i.'K j Klufk .tf. ti Thaytr'f Addittoit. u,sl tlienee Urt. followinc ht centtt . ttu W.st lnu i tut, ut II lock tft to tlJ tn .iii' i,' S lli. I I li.it, rr vjiriiii Atlrttii.ma i I'.lii. Jtn itttt twiJjiU'a Utr tax line to the ftlae, of mook Uty. to th- btnttit jh Ii ' I WTfnillOrR. I 4ltl III la UH itfr Vl't. i TL.i k. - j . . ijlnttij llif list l.i'tif.ljf y It aS. ' l 3111 li ' i i JVHIU, i III V il) M tin nee Norlh.w.ook City, UlegOll, to th Et 1 t otith ct the J toth of Sccontl Aenne Kat , thtttte No ..It .1 ut t. us onus uor, rice to th v. r:tu i .lit ib ititxik Vtty, tr((ow, on Mj) tnd all ui iaW imiiroMitit miinle i the e,' ' ,hf r"l'r,, nl all tfttreoi niiieni tnii.f ttullr Ittiieiitieil l .otl ttttlfct'u ' ' it it he Ii'1 i ,i ,i. el i t 1 1 . i ,IHt tl I't tint iinll'iMH , Hr ii tunlit i i' i 1 tlU. Hl'ttlllt Jttl'tn .lllii t tor the .rotottl initt "')" t uitt ul.t.lv dlltl ltr 1 .1 r .1 I i i i tv ".intineer jml liln'. .tift. t. . tit. tilute ol the i rtlial-'t i t . . Nin the siitti ot 5;.Mi 'i ' .u.l t! ,mie utr htt.it .i 1 1 ! I ti.il Ike houtttiarlrk ol tin a ! incut .litiict to he heiitrftlti-.i "t '-.i Mlitit imroemetit iintl r.l tlierrlr he, ami th Mine air Itritl t rst.itilllie) 4)1 follow , Itrwtiiittrii l tnt tit iht W. liotiitiljljf o( IHofk ,4 o llnv At). ttu. m to I ill.ttu.'ik t'il, if' If i North o (hi- tmihwei u'tmi aiJ hloek Aiui rtttiitmif tl.cin oulheer) in thirct llnr. i- f termed line iih Irrl North t' - South Hlf w( S.tltl Hl.-ck X4 At 4 J" I0O (rt I jut of thr ti Itne -t ti.t HUuk J.. thrittc b.tt .il.trts tt. - . 1 line in .til llt.n'k n ttuA th.- ..it.i hne ut Mock ,t (tl i "I -A A Mill A tM tl ton to I illnitTk. anil iltotk i. ami 6 oi Turk Atltlition it lii' . vMt.ii r be. meted to . N .f ire to bi u .'t.e I'ultlii.t'i , . it i. .... -cr lit.. .. i ! :n i.iu-e ! ' .it t-.ich iii.i o! ihc lin i .tit '.iteil in-; i o mriit , !ir i hrt t ! in sIun Kuohttti'ti inJ 'tshed tor three ti ni it. tin t. ity t lii- -t-l th.il tttf N.lt l.r in Ii rein, iltrrc!- t O.iSl ICUOQ'.U tiOSt- ot tin- ion a Ci(v of .ui stttc: to the prop- ; he to ittw .it met eol tl in v. . si. it, e C l:'ll. 't.i Mtit.l er w.i h i. re .:.i. : tin, x.t. . . in ui. -. i i : i i .i . i i . . in., sij a. , . i lit i ...us- .-.ii .i: iattl tvatlt". . a and RUKt r, KUitiii ii, cuncrete anfl i.;iMg i, ,ii.i tj i. ; inifcts. ..:iU ui-i,- I'Ttt. in.' -Mil vii ' t ilrai , with ..II t.i the tilt ! i tv-. 4!!ti t.. iayi'ijf a-t! const rnctim; ron cri'.c iicauiTs with sheet aipiult wear inc vjti.icc. AM oi said inijiroveun.nl to he in:.iif in accortijti c.- with the charier. r i:a:ins ant ordinances ? 'I'tHa-iii- -i. t-.il, Urtti Hi, and in accord-aiH-- who the , '.ms, specification niul c&.iiuatei of work liierefor, and Iro;n"!e cost thireof, made and prc p.f J by tho C l.ngineer ot aid Tsliu nonk City, Oregon, and filed in th i f!. ice of the keeordtr of said Ti'; -...lok City, Or i Ron, in May jrd, tij.', a id all o! impi -.t-ments to be p .uii at th-- n ens.- the prop-en-., .tri.l all t.-i-.ttm ndj.-tent tit- rtto .ti Keiointi.m anil .Notice uitlnn J tv tr.itti tl,iie ot tl.etirt puhliratioit I he ssul ptibiivliril : a cutureJr . 4 i 'ch s in - i t nc lit j i 1 t'i titer l- ,.iit wear A i.ich side of id coiuretc ilih li.isitis i;t . hi r ith !",, tot i ut ui Jid l-urlt.'uiices ! Mtth notice i -oiulioti N.itiee. and the tot 1 Kctolution .til. IN. Hue. to ili, com t i rfll ot the m. tsers uith r It rrnce ! itrttl'tlv ,t 1 t!i I, t nvt-rtlr - 1 1. 1 1 in r I .irtrr ini ordi ! t -i of "I i!l.imitk salt! proj'itt, i retjuire-t hi ' - it'.l re 'i'i - ft, Ori Ron, j. ,( .,!! ,rrsniis con r'letl .if r..i;i li d to (jHNcrn thrni iltit accortltn-N VH periins Cn-icerned are herrh itther notit'ii-ti that tin- iirt pnbli j . 'inn of this notice i made the I jth '..l lf t IfllC ..t.l lt.ll y.kti--i..n. 1 i"d rcinonstrance to aid priNpnted iniprovements ttiav he filed with the ' it Recorder of Titlatnook Citv I ' 'regon. within jo Iav from the ait ' :s.eof the first utlhcation. j This notice is t;i.en by the umler ! ,icrned as the Recorder of Tillamook City. Oregon, by order of the Com- 'ton t. onnei! of said Tillamook City, 'rcifon, as set forth in sid Resoiu 5?n and No'iee. Witness my hand and official 4ct -his 14th day of Msy, tou. John Aschim, A City Recorder of Tilla mook City, Oregon. ar Jr, th. SlMCt.o! .. ntnis and aNi-smet, : '. ttti-ud hi !e it furt 5, spcci.t the prop" and prt , t'l'i'l .is a: t r.jbable t .' itient as ; f"itv Knein 1 -t"' 1! -iit.'nri 11 !i-trict i ordin ly cut e litrtiti estah'i' rice. i.u of hed r r solvt 1. ti it the 1 1 "5 ai' , tNtimates d itfprt . tmonn so rei! 1 y s ;-t i- nt:ieer -..ni ( tin t tintit!e of :.i! cost of ,.iid im nade and preprtl bv er bring ipc sti.ti of i pi. fi,r in , at. ' the X'j.'At). lie and the saim are hre b aj, proved. ! .t the boundaries of the assess lnirt district to be benefitted by said ini; r-. laments and assessed thcrtfor. In .it 1 the same is hereby established as fallows: Beginning at the Xorlbmest corner of J. ,;. 4 of Block 15, in Thayer's At'itiiin to Tillamook Cit, and run ni:. thence Last along the center ol sat I Jiloek 15, 71.5 feet; thence South to a p .int 101.5 feet South and 101.5 lev. i.ast of the Southeast corner of tltL t. irick Thomas Donation Land Clat ., thence West 101. s fet E.-it f , est line of Section 30, Town South, Range 9 West, W. M.; .-50uth to the South boundary 1 Tillamook Cit; thence West -uid South boudary line to a iJ5 ft. West of Township line 1. Townshii) 1 South, fiances 0 .lv.u 10 West, U. M.; thence North to thi- South line of the Edrick 'I'l. . . I 1 . . . 1 1 jii a. conation uana Ulaim in sc. 10 thenc Netfce of Intention to Improve Cer tain St: ecu in Tillamook City , Oregon V Xotice is hereby s?iven, to all whom it may concern, that the Common Council of Tillamook City, On deems it expedient to improve certain .treets in 1 ill.- 11:00k City, Oregon, md to th'it end said Common Coun il did on the .th day of Mav. a 'peri-il session called by the May- I ' - for th it parttcular purpose, adopt j Notice of Internum to Improve Cor- Resolution and Notice settiis- forth I c. .. Tin It-Kill linnrovcment Disttkt Kt the proper! jr. and ail thereof intituled within said local Improve iiient District No, t. i the fotlotAlfttr lii 1 (laser's Addition to Tillatnook I'll. Oregnn, the folio injt: l ot , x and 4, b Block 7; Lots t, . 6. ? ami 8 m Block ; Lots i an ' . m Block 9; Lots l, 3. 3. and 4. i Block to; Lots 5. o, 7, and t in Block is; Lou 1, a. i. and 4 tti Block to 1 ots fc,7, and , in Block is, and 1 -its t. j. j, and 4. in Block Jft. Be it further resolved, that the Ct Recorder be, and he is hereby us uructed to cause this Resolution and Notice to be published for three con tecitve publications in the City 1 ffi rial newspaper, and that the City 'niTineer be, and he it hereby direct f I to caue t.i be conspicuously pn! etl at each end of the line of the C'n ti tnplatrd improvements a copy oi thit Keo!utinn and Nutice witlott ,1 lays frtoii date of the firt public i ii'ti "i sitch notice. The said iinMUhrt! Resolution and Notice, and the p.t cd Resolution andNoiiee, to also con tain alt of the matter with reference '- said proposed imptuirotcnls thil re r'tituret! bv th - eh.ute- jt.l fr-'l nances, and resolutions of Tillamook City, Oregon, and all persona con cerned are noiiffed to govern thmi elves accordingly." .Ml persons concerned ar berrbv further notified that tfc ftwt pW i cation of this notice is made h th day of May, tot5. i4 that otjections and remonstYancc to aatd srooosed improvementa way be Bled mth ih City Recorder of TWawook 1 Cisv. Oregon, within ao days from ttt said date of ttie fim tHtbKoitioa, ! This notke is given by tV.ttttler sicrned as the Recorder of Tiilaalook City, Oregon, by order of the Com mon Council of said Tillamook Cfty, Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu tion and Notice. Witness my hand and official sea' thi 2 d--y of May. tot John Aschim, A City Recorder of Tlll.1 niook City. Orrtron the ship ttf ! . h:.- th : . pom belli .ii ti 2t, Township i South, Range W ' -t, W. M.; thence East 105 feet; uiin 4j5 icei; incncc tiast to iicast corner of Lot 5, in therein the streets that said city pro poses to improve, and also ihc kind and manner of improvements that said City proposes to make, the estimated cost thereof and defining the boundaries of the assessment dis trict to be benefitted thereby and as sessed therefor, which said resolution nd Notice and the whole thereof, is in words, letters and figures as fol lows, to-wit: Resolution and Notice of Intention to Improve Certain Street In Till-, mook Cifc. Oregon Be it riioi.i d, Ilut the Common Council ui iillani.,j City, Oregon, accni, it cxpcdiLiftjbnd hereby de- lares its intcnUoaJro improve the fol- MiMtliotk 1 Hi l' tl" Cent" '"' North and Smth. ot Hl.ck . ut I'-rW Addition af.iirj.l theme 'An1 along "mid centtr !. te ihrouith l!' ?. , Alt.! , of n,i.I r.wk Ad 'i!i ! Bl..ek and r. -.f MdKr' d dltiun to lllbmook, ami Hl'k 11 ! Ihsyer's Addition in th W et I110 of said Blotk ?; thener North thr place of Hegintiing. That the said assessntrnt ifi-ttrot shall he and i herrhr designairtl j "Local tmprovsttKtti t'tint No , and the prrtpertv snd ll there"! f chided ttllldn Mtd I ocl Iniprmr titettt Distrtct No j u the folhtwottf In Ihstjer'i AihUn. n to I llUitt.'. k. l it), ttiegon. A i-.illovn. All that pan of Hloek ,14 ht.u South it a tirte ruining from a p.-i Hi thr tto! line of said Block tr iiet N'tirtlt ot ihr Sotiihor Nt runt - 1 "I ai! H.lotk ami ihcner .Vn theii! eflv to ll.!i r4,lt j li'ir lot l! VoftS - the Mnith sittt- "i n.tnl lUoekat j p. tf, too feet I an .( the Wtst line ol Block, nitd rtinnitte llttnie ! 4t to the Last side ol said BJok it oil Lt'ts 1. j and i of ftloek j; 1 In A A, Miller's Addlti.m to itU I mewdt tnow lillamtk t,tyl ! tut 1 10 jj inclusive. 111 tl lv. I. 1 Lots i. o, 7. and It in Itiock a. f it t to ti irtilutiM .t llbxl t and tlt 1 .1 and . in Block o ' In I'ark Addition to I ilia mook Cits Lots 3. 6, 7. M in IUok 4, I -t. ft 6, 7, and 111 Block . Lots 6 1 and 7 in Block 0: I ots j. .1 and 1 j Block j: Lots f. . 1 and a in BU.is. and Lot t, 4, 3, and 4 in Blok Be it further resolved, thai tlo plans, specifications and rsttmai for the proposed sewer so mvlr ,n -prepared by the City Engineer filid as a foresaw, and the esMnutr . the probable total cost thrrrofa made and ureiwred b the t in Imi 1 neer. hi mg the sum of SyJ f0, be a.d the same are hereby approved. Tli.it the boundaries of thr a. mrfU it.ttiei 10 ! brnrfiitrd by ssl sewer im.rovement and aes-d t! eieof t,e. an-l the same ar- her'h, ei.it'hihed a follow s it i'l- -itrir al the eeftlrr important Train Change On The Pacific Railway & Nav. Co. 8tltilV;tN llh. lM1t4nt CHsnsri In r4it Wlw.,, PwtUwt tA TtlUntsxfi In Uilh tiinilttMM.n.r, e. t.i II II btt.ik ill iff ak.Tgtai FITW m, , it , t4t 1 1) rrtlnUtee fee hw MokH. Tim p 1 33 p m . rJtwtfM t 'M P Onistrmn 3 .n 7. , g An p m . ButUm tilt flnnte t m i . . u,.iiv,. 1 w Ittfiat 1 rittM I mi Mxt ft iiiimwom u:f am. iu.,k. in, a Htittoi. lo ta m . Tttnttet 0,M s m 1 1-1 .1 1 it(f KmrigM l Ae P m . tsainone-e s ;j pi, v ir p sn., WKrrht IIP IMtmtr for luisctif I v , stay I 60 p m ' trtrt. V CO p m . Ir New Motcr Service H.tNc a date, tn wWtlkMi U ttf uUt tr tt., Pt rtUrt.! ! TltlaMls hitlft tH '(. Mu4lr and T'tllftftttflk Wlabli.. r- Ugs-e atoMtTtf Mm., and f iW 0 ns . t ; Alrtvt at TtlmtiMd' BJSW a . i La Tllkiisvnok t'Mm m,, nd t:W p m. .' ail pt4nu ElArrive Mssnkr NiW m ' St .! t is PULL IViJmCULAlsS Wll CPPV Ot- Hit lLR emm pvu. train .EAJUST AOH,Nr 0 THB I. B, It U. JOllK ii. SCfrTT, General Pa.netCtir Agttt, I'-n (, ;Ofrf jf the F complete ibt, 1 ilUmook f airs tew County Road, ftt .11 utio. o plus JK to Staltou tj lin- ti fttork in in I'ark Addition to'"' '4ane tsuh the plana and Till monk running tlo nie Wth ( ' tUKJu,,!! ,,''l on in the to the center of th.- K.tM line of ! ",,K.r ,he "'y t Urk of nila- Hlotk 7, said Park Addition, th-ne 'm,l "rS. " reCriv virsi Along the center line of v id Block and Blorku lyine West thereof TO the West id. of nii-wlr a r lU.t tain Streets in Tillamook City urcnotJ. Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the Common v.uuni.11 ui iiimnooK my, t iregon, ! ani'ton to li)lmook C.itv llustee deems it expedient to improve certain North to the West corner of I ot s in streets in Tillamook Citv. Ore'-wi f Block t of KirV A.A;.i fin. .and to that end said Common Council ; mook Citv: (hence Fast to the ntae uui on tne 47tn day ol May, 1915 at an adjourned session of a special meeting called by the Mayor (or that particular purpose adopt a Resolution and Notice setting forth therein the streets that said city proposes to im prove, and also the kind and m toner of improvements that s-iid citv pro post s to make, the estimated cost 'hereof and defiuinn the boundaries 01 me assessment district to be bene- of befinninn I hat the said assessment district shall be ar.d is hereby designated a. Local Improvement District No. a " ami tUc pioprty, hii.J i tntrrol iti taiUtd vmfitn id Loi-.d Improve 1. nt i;,tiui N.j. 4 i as tollows In I'ark Addition to Tillamook City d by ibe Count tMirt rd said t'otin. '' n tbe Court House. f filUmot.k t us. Oregon, until the hour of 10 odotk am, on the t Mb day of June. in, and at that time ptiMuiiy opened and read, Eseh bid shall h at cumpanird by a cenilied cheek made payaide to the County Link, lor an amount eottat to per eciii of th? amount of the total of aid bid. which shall be forfeited to f Gravel . 1 Lumber j aiiaeetlart"". Total Special I' diT Enftnec'i I'rintine Ktccil " I'tf I n-.opni ' I Jilt I i in . Iu f Uon l n 10- : fund p otio't street tt Kefund ' ' t. for stret t Tout 1 1-if tli Street W . I A .. I . I . wuiiu annuc cast, iuisi to tlie ctnicr of Sixth Avenue East, and Third Avenue East, from the South line of Fourth Street to the North line of Eifth Street, in the following manner: By establishing the grades of said streets; By grading said atrcets to proper sub-grade; By rolling the roadway thereof; By laying on said streets a concrete roadwav 34 feet in width, 4 inches in thiekn , al the sides and 'A inches & .1 u ..1 i.i , , r - M 7,"- 7 " '"" .t, -oi $. 6. and 7 ot Block 6; Lots t, s, and 4 of BBick 7 nd Lots 1. j. s. and .1 m loaing sirtcts in Kaid city, to-wit: fitted then bv and assi ssed tin refor. i uwt. u et from the Lust line of which said Resolution and Notice. 1 lie it i i. . 1: . . 1 1.1. 1 1 . 1 , , 1 " 1 ,iim 111c wiiuie iiureol, is ill w or til . iters ana iigt res as tollows, tti w.p t(l lo eause thi. M....I.... .. ' " V"" , ----- llti,SIIU,- tllt Si lsiock i, of Drew Addition to Tilla tn. ( r.i , t! f-nce North following tin c. nt 1 ln.e of Block 4 and a in Dr. w Ad.Inion, and Blocks 5 and 4 In R. R. ii..yb' Addition to Tillamook City, to the center of -.nid Block 4; th'tici- J -ml to the plac- of In ginning. j ':-'t ' e suid a..-( - i.n -it ()i.,. tritt -ball , and is hen by designated as "I. oral Improvement District No. 2." and that the property, ami all thereof, i. ehided v.itbiu said Local lin- ro eiui nt District '. 2, is the following It: Tba,r's Addition to Tillamook Clt . Orepon, the follo-A ins.: D Lloek 15. lot4; in Block 2, Lots 1 and 4; in Block 2O, Lots 1 ?nd 4. In Drew Addition to Tillamook Cit , Ortgon: Lots 6, 7, 8, 0, ami 10 hi Jljock a; and Lots 6, 7. 8. and 0 in Block j Ii. R. R. Hays Addition to Tilla-I mo' k- I In Block ?, Lots i, 2, 7, and 8; in ,Blocl: .), Lots 7 and 8. 1 Al'o the following described tract 1 of l-'nd, to-wit: B finning at a point .y) feet North am! .'o feet West of the Southeast corner 01 in r.uncK j nomas norm-; crly, and all thereof adjacent thereto tit i I ntid Claim 111 Section .10, Towi- and rprhJlv b. mfiti-d by said im- niuo 1 nwum, tiaiiKi: rj NVCSl, . !., and r-.tinintr thence North 101.87 fe, t; the e West IOS feet -.in .u f, .;), 56.8 feet; thmco West 40 fetj then-' Sotilh lor f'-fi th'nf J'ast to the ' ce of bepinninrr. further Words. I If.-n.r,l..r l. ....I I. . . . .,,. ' 1 -- m ti r is ncreoy instruct ICesolution and Notice of Intention to Improve Strcst in Tillamook City, Oregon. Be it resolved, that the Commm Council of Tillamook jity, Oregon, neems 11 expedient. the County, in rate the bid be accept- Tos em nidn nl and the bidder shall all mbIs1bi ot refuse for period of five Ber which the award is made enter inm --,1 m . . . "iiim snq llie a Pons ' .1 ,1 .factory lo ,he Court reoolZl , Bid wilt tie receiv-l f, (l. ,1... 41 mtc the follow ,ig kmds of pavement f, Br la tor of n rsprndlturrs 111 ailditloit re 1 th on Ui.t. ai 1 , . . aiiiouniina i" i 1 ' Bid. will !. reevrd for the cleat ,., , ,,. ... ! an rt pens ' paper, and thai the Cllv Kittfiiir. r t.. ! -AlhhaltiT Fe, " ?.YK"' V , taml h. l r. !. .n,.., ..1 . " k... ' - " .v v.untrcte ruiMISIieU i ' be .,;,Z 7"''. cause to Council made M . !:. .. ' " .--- intl ui J LIB 11 1 IJItulllM - n ,','i " -, ,t fir! 1 m J: mult!' I mi in ' ik. ii. 1 .l - ' . " . " . r deelars its intention ioffimfrovc tl.: : .TVT " . JZ "WtoU followina i,.,.t ir, T!i!l,Jt:.,x !...' V7 "V" '-'. '" "esoiuiion , ... .,,,..., -7, ' 'i -. H't,, .-wtl. I-illlv'Slrecl Iron, lb. , ! tU uij ,S,h?a kf,, Hi' """"i 1 7'.' " l ni Z.ifl- nook City, in the following munner .... . . ' T. co lu' f the Tk r ! , ' Itlf ' ' 1,1, ukts. . 1. I - I I iiilt-kii, . t-i ..,.. 'I . j I. r-i... , . ... . "-"'- . iu.wii;i moon i ny, m tne loiiowjncr manner UMinn u.ii. -. itn a standard sheet asphcll wearing. By establishing the tra.le ni i said pro tunace V, inches in thickness. B I street; !!".,,,,,v.r,,,enu iU" are r'iir y constructing along each side of I Bvirradiiur said .tree! T. .if," ", . ."" ,JrOlnan .11,1 r.,,I ., !.!...! . , - " l'"'l'l , ."..I III i. .wHiMiuainin concrete i sun-grade ; u a"(,.,?,nlcr: ! By rolling the roadway thereof IV htlllflinf, rnnn-ln nll, !...:-' II.. !.... . ., . . -. : t ,,.,, v mini iiomin i nv vim' on snm street a r,,nrr,i,, es, uid laying drain pipe, together with inlets ami rn.lkillir tirnvisinns fnr tl,.. 'on ssary surface drainage of ij itti' ts, v.itli all of the a)purti ti. mces thereto, Hid Bv l.i.M.. ..nd conslrucling con rvn "'-rs nith sin-, t asphalt u. ' trinf; ."ria - '" ''I s l improvi llteiits to be tnadi iu .11 -.rrl uu .- mii'. the rh.i'er, n soliiiiou , aid oi'liu.iii. . s of I ill:.' I r..... : j.i.i . . '";'"") ti i.-ei iii wi'tiii, ri mines jn thii kness I'.v conmrurliug alonrr each side of 'i'l "U'Kv.iv a combination roturetc curb and giittrf Bv bmldini eonerete cntcl SOilllKltl. ol I ll...... I. !. S. i ,, .WIIIlltJR lf 'itK"n, .urn an persons contented are i.olii.Ml to govern themselves aiiordiii::ly. , - vmiiiiy v ourl reserves tb .I. ,,e l:rry rv1 a" ij ' nils Ihc 37th day ..f May ioi, I. C Holdrn. Couniv Clrtk if st publiettl on. May 37 ton ' a-' .'uMkalio:)u(te S'.om; All persons concerned ure hereby further not f et that tl... 1 1.1 . y ol this nonce is nuilr tl,,- afitl, lion d in or- 1 'I'o' k I I' l , ' l 1! . ' I. 'I, and csliiiiatis of work III mil '.r- , I ,-,,.- 1! ., . n ti.il ' il bi the ( jl v 1 i" ,1, ( j, 1 ,,, . ., ''of , ,' , JlMairtook t t'y. Oreion, nn May .'(), t'ji', ' nd .'II of i-iid i"iprr.v iii'Mi's to f ! 1 , t.MJtl IIII IlK ;-,,(! Hl'l ui ,r f tic as-' s 'in n di.lrirt established lay of .Mav. ion. ami ii,,. ..i.i....i. . and ii-iiioiistrdiucs to said nrm. 1 ' ' '.I'" .!!:. I'l. ". I'-i-'. tl't-r with 1 ntv'' Rt'e! r'l ",a(y i'rn '' with tl,; 1 , """o. t ti.iys ironi llie saiil lau: of the fir.l ptibliration. ' I Ills notice IS uiven bv tli.. f fore, and ' 111 ol .i.id i'.ttgini i'i of ti.-l fi'd in ,.l r . f 1 ! Be 1 ni. il furl 1 ' I , - i i 1 -, lit er r'sol.'d, llial , lions atifi 1 tj., ti o , 1. ttu- , 1 the l .1 tiee.-s.-ilv surface draittiire of said i't, with all of the appurtenances thereto, rt ri'l Bt lavnr and construe ting concrete ' :: !. rs with sheet asphi'lt wearing snrfiirc. V-td to l:iy and construct a sewer ibuiif aid street from the flush taiirf r the West side of I'ark Street, i" to ;, point .to fet west of the ' I f undnrv of Tillamook Citv. All of asiil improvement lo (jo !;t ..itoi-dine'- ',!i!i ti,( it, .rt(!Ii rr-Roltitirius an, ordinances of Tilla rirok City, Oregon, ami in accord ance with the nlatis. snerificttions : nd 1 slim-itfs of Work tlierrfrie nnd " ''" ' d. "l- .'"' iro. ini red b the Cjtv rnr'turor. of TJUn. i.o.,, nt. O , -nn -itI fll... ibe ''in- of U." Berordrr of eilii Tilla- . I ,:.,.i ... .1.. Y. ."'V... ""'! r- ri, ri .eeorijer 01 I illainonli C ily. Oregon, by ord. r of tl. Com. mon Council of taitl Tillamook Citv Oregon t for, , , , ( , lion atul Notice. VVitness my hand nnd official seal Hub a8th dsy of May, 101,. 8101 John Asrltim, TMi S 9!,Z "''Cfnler of I illainooh Cilv. Oregon 75.00 tKM) no 3,00 I S.fK) 1. 1.00 Ci.l 00 1,1 00 1.00 ' Notice to Contractors, Scaled proposal)! addressed lo the Couni v Conn of Tilla. ..nni, c'tuntv Oregon, ami hitlorscl "I'toposals 10 in... Receipts, iiirsj . , , , J-i'Mior License IVddlers License . V'Wrr I'eiiitiu . , Dog Tax ... (iiiriiiiiii,,. ';'; which 1 lo.ao Tola I ,!Jendi lures'.' lAu its ifce(!iiif'j,',ji(',;1;,;; 8i'"? moo a .!n niT TlioiiS"1"1 , ... 111 1 1 e vf sH rLtAbAHI V-ILH.I MILL CLARKNCH R MALLAI ?S.'M5.l.1 $ .1H000 (77.71 Eat Viewed rvisw a iMAAir DA iiLsWimvvis. AT ALL GKOCBRS