Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 28, 1915, Image 3

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-"I I
14 I .
I' "
l II
i, : r.
I j.
: Hi .
41 I ,
ra.t .,1
W' Iv
lt$ke Our Simrm Yur Haatltiumrtara
-K nm Phones, leave y(iir pm-liit-H. Our
tfrlH u will find eoni'ieou mil ivudy lo
j.,ve in nny information you uitt y anU thein.
c ,u lornled Ml tlMVunuM o Ut Street
'. Avenue cunt. KiK'ht tu the heart of
tin ui
-L A 31 A 15
Pays the Postage on all purchases of one
dollar or over
t . r . . . . . . .
ij ... i , . Km iur wie wiirii.-.rni family 'Kamedte.--
(Jtio far each III
You will not go wrong if you make tliia
We want your trade in good Groceries, Peed, Hard
ware find Shoes, Our stock in good, our prices right.
E. G. Anderson, Hemlock
The Satisfaction Store
Attorney-. Law a4
Land Office Business.
Li wver
OHiee L'O.'.'-UO I-, Tillamook
Tillamook Ore.
Ohl.in.i I Ilium
Tlio I.Nflle ,lil Hoelely of tlir Chrlie
linn Clmtrh will glvn u Htrawborry
l'Ul net Tueeday Jutut I, at th
bid County Hank fluitdtna. Strawber
Hee and cream ami caka tfVc.
Good milk row lor gee . C.
We will trade or luy your lijr
NVllaon A- Melchlnr.
Coc.il happenings. :
Try IH-w ac dinners at ihm Harm)
"tIflMl &U." M. A. OImb farmer!? of
II J. King, of llevoeoan, w in
... wiTins oeniei worn dona on
. , ..,.4.,n t-M j Tkwredajr
The Theelro twlftr the
rrm mortgage., tnent ( I,. IJ. Patirtdija to ttrtetlr mm
Ui date. Nun tmi Mull pictim
OLwiet Attorney Goyne waa called
ua Maple, about ihl mile above j one or two Iota, rlooe in.
Mokwr, Uj trnai legal twain n
ft vMay for I'vilUiul
l Co. jt
..r hMrt.?
-f UarlbnMt. "
tb)b, Soi la
' ' ir4ir. va In
r m a T. ttotan.
f i r, hi U
i v 80 n. (J, I,
f II aim, In ton
ml In th Mrfamwon and at CarlfaaMI
in I ha avnlng.
'nVho rnr" la not n HI picture,
but a Mrd o pUUra daalintr with
tl u tb riul tiiaUrwi of Hf,
down awb wlt la ihrae rl inaUiN
Mr. hll C. Weal wJ raeanily
iam t tbta city h. baan ealtad awny
U Monuna on arcwiiH of bar maUiar'
IllhcalUi Hhu will b abwnt nboui
ihr sviti).
for tnla or tra ?a, 7 room houM with
Inqulr nt
lfaraM Ultte.
.Ml uMo tmpom luuH by tha
Qratal Uadar will ba recto mod at any
llm In eaah at tha (irtnd Landar. W
aw now lvng rp. A ml la in traval
for a dollar tn trada. Srlp iflvan in
(Or, 3Se and II. W donailun
UMlam C. J. ISdwania, K. It,
Hfh and C. A, ttvunton ia in f'ort
taivd tbla waak allandiitf tha Haiional
t'onvatition oS Woman'" Cluua. ll I
porled Utal nbmit tOW daletrnlM
III U nraaanl.
With aach iiMtallmant of "Who
Paya" will tm ibown rock! ono reel
rooiady. alao a copy of th; "CuUio
Howa" which itnm all iba Into httijMjie
in which arr of fnlarfnt to tint ml.
Don't fail to ace iho oUirl of the
Utrnit aariua of pict-jr "Who I'av.'"
at tin Caui TttttNtra nUrtlnc Wtxlnos-
ti. U tlamlin ih ou" i.WTtir. Mo 'd,y BmJ TUttmnVi Jttlt, t, tina 10.
to ill 4u ou a iob at rnMOOabl
, ' !ota for la l half prku. Sc M.
1 hnve n iall trat of Intal with
? room house ami barn mile of eily
A rnovmi; Hcturo ipro(irlritij for
Mi-moflal Day. will uo nlwwn nt th
(lam thaalrt!. May 90.
'IimjmmI tirtlr will ho hold In the
Christian church Kurtday, Mfiy 90, nt
an InkV wnt u O.rib.WI nna tt . u. c. , rt.ollwlfl, to ((l ,,,
rhumlay fu, uiC purpoa. ol hold'.. K. I', hall, ovar th lUm tha.tra. an.
mwunca at Mia.iil aebaol bouta a,-l ((om ihtt ,mreh to fh)rch
..niwKji. iiv nioa a maeila at ,Mi
Jm-y Mull fat aaW, jfwllii:,
cpiir of K. W. PrtMMaan.
Ohm. Ray of Ciuvardalo LooV
train Utta a, m. for ftrttand.
Try on of our fanej Uraaaad Ohlrli.
vim for your Muaday dinnar, T1IU
mk Mvat tympany.
Mr. and lira. U &. ilaynard aipat
io atari fur Sun rVanruwo In about a
wak on a ntwty day trip.
Hv Him and mny by eattim;
ttaaa bruaati Una waldait. Boiler
, waMlog our apariaily. Ulnar ttaad,
j Oayawtylana WWlnc.
J 4vO$w Uuod la in iiobhtr ludav
1 loulkioal afiar Uat packing of bin mr
rHandi ffmata blch will bit iblppad
j i.. Tillamook.
I.H-W Saoxifjfl. I r all kinda f Ikwxi moving, c
i fttionnl i-woniry j
Mt t'oinftany. j
'. "f (Jlovnrdati', ;
! j .SiJ I'ruvoat f liar City w n THU- j
.n hrl -ia ,Ar(r, ; n"M lxa l)lof Wodnowlaj.
i NkIikiaI Hanli. ! Portland Ottu'nt, Uiiip. llrtrk
tri. I ath. itr lltlcV ntn I Kirv
Notice to Contractors.
-- J . Claussem
Coiimiereial Huihliii
Attorney at Law
limiu of t',)rvHllw. Will
Tillamook County proparty,
traJn for
A ny ono
f lt avtfr. ura In titton
ilv n.miikita l.irki ulwnvaoft hand.
'i.i u. . i. f u'ii.. ui..- us,- daalrlnK to locate at CorvnllU will do
w II,- II ....1.1. W W
or 111 i ""' .
. .... i dir. at Tillamook. Ora.
J. K. Morhon ami rh klran leave .
' Saturday for MciluH I" Join Mr. Anybody havln younu cnlvo for
llrmlock, wa Rotfhof) h0 to e,1J.te,, ln winliu will col th uwl price by ciilliriR
up iNbIIoh .t MfU-iiiur on inu .muuihi
TrnUiliU If It
you nwnuy bact.
a. xiuaU wu I
' Wife don't hnvo to
t I-nml-S-irlor Co. .
. mi' 3HW
' Kal fttaver l'hoJ
( n c.n Tluiriklay. j
in neaU or on nt-
: and dcrcorallna al tnal i.Uro.
lnd piaar will hrlp you clan out Th W 8haa Prico
. ., . ... ,i all kind of yoiV calvea it I)nw
Ui yellow o r ' hih
fartilit jour oat. . -luitt ntvi irrma
llollu2 W.
HKlnninic Salurdny Uio 8. I'. will
innuKuraia a wk.nil irnln norvicrt
for Tillamook bttaelin. Thi Bjtrelal
train will laave 1'ortlr.mi at 1 :10 I. ,M.
and will arrive at TillamooV nt 1 -JtT
V. M. Tbla train will lvi Tillamook
at 4:90 1. M. SuwInyH. nrrlrlnt' Bt
Tertland at 10:17 l. M. An tioxt Mon
day will be observed im m lt;nl holi
day ilia train will laavo Tillamook on
Monday al -i .30 i'. M.
Wm. Illliotl of tha Alberta country.
Iwt formerly of Michigan, u vlnltinK
hi hruthcr-in-law Frank lon, Sr. It
Uaa been t reara alnco they Iwd cuon
on iinoUiar.
A anap if taken at once. 100 tern at
Sand Lk. 120 rich, levul bottom, 40 j
acre cranberry land, frt-ck running j
Uiniosb placr, mile frrm poRtolficr'
nod new acbool. 1, 600,000 feet cedar!
on the place. 1000 trie phone polon. All I
for I10.M per acre, $1,200 down, bal- j
ancc loiiR lime payinentA. Joining
land hiM for fao.CO pt-r cru f year
lto. Call or writu C. M. Vidito, Til
la ti took. Orccon.
I'roccne Harley per ton, .'XI. M
I'roceaa llarluy, 7.1 In sack, J1.S6.
itrnn, 00 lb nick, $1.00.
Short. -SOU. rk. $1.10.
Whitat 1001b nck. $2.55.
Scrntch food. lOOIb iiack. S1A0.
Whole corn. lOOIb nuck. J.00.
Iteal Imnl wlmnl Hour, lib), ST. 00.
!i!it hunt whunt flour, nck. $l.s5
Oat, per ton, fCtfi.lK).
Oat, n-rCwu. il.TO.
I'or enrh (rnvment, dwluct the fol
lowing, vir.: fl.60 per ton on hurley
nnl onto ; Ufc per litil. or 10c per snck
on flour ; 16c. Cwt. on whent corn unil
Cruloh ftiod; 10c Mick on barley, briin
iiihI ithorttt; 10c Cwt. on oaU.
General practice in nil mate and
Federal Omrta
Commercial Club Hide. Tillamook.
Geo. P. Winslow
Tillamook lilock
Koorn Wl
Tillamook. Oregon
Mtornriit'I tw
Iillcimook County Hank Bldrj.
Sclcd jiropojinU addrened lo f tic
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, and indorsed I'ropojajl to
complete the
Gsiribaldi-Vhceler . Hoad from Sta
tion 527 plus 914 to Station CC4 plus
in accordance with the plans and
vpeuiicatiou thereof 0:1 file in the wi
lier of the County Clrrk of "l-lla-mk
County, Oregon, will !c rcc u
rd by lb'' t.Vmnty Court of .aid C oi'ti
ly, at ii office in the Court JIoimc,
at '1 ill.im',nk C'iiy, Oregon until flic
h'.ur of 10 o'clock a m. on the .jlh day
of uix, H)i, and l lhat time public
ly opened and rca'l, Kach hid liall he
jccoinj.anii d by a certified chr.k.
v.ad psiai)l- to thr County Clcr!,
.'it an fnouiit cipui to 3 per cent of
the am .unt o( the total of
aid bid, which shall be
forf'iled l the County, in cae r.c
hid if acf ;.) w ihe biddrr hall
fail, nestbet or ti f'ur fnr a peri-jl of
fiv day sftr which th award i
nia!r lo rni'r io'o a r.niract and file
a bond atifactory to the Court as
rf-ciiin d by law.
'I !. bid srr to covrr the clearing
Grtihl.iiig and rra'Iin from 'laiiun
I'l'H Ol.t lo Siation 'rf4 pl OH
accordtnir to the pl.irii and pecfita
tionn on file in thr officr of County
The Cftinty Court reserves the
riifhl to rc,rct anv an I all bids,
Datd thi :7th dav of May lot'.
1 C lfr.Men. County Clrrlc.
Firt publication May aoih.
T jtat public? ti-.fi lime jrd.
Attorney at Law
Office In Tillamook Block
Dr. L
Obstetrical Speciitlist
Hoth Phonos
Otlice: Kooms lf-lo Tlllttmook Block.
IIour: 9 A. M. too P. M.
L. L. HOY, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Hell Phone -Office 5. Kesidenc 5 M
Mutual Phone -Olllce and Residence
for j
.r i..ttUI
H(IU, ( .
I. Clouithj
rropa, laib.8ba"' r i .
1 aow with t pig two weea okl for j at reasonable price
aaie. A. t. Womi. lU-avur, or call
l'. A. Jidiwaon. Muiual Phonu.
The jnfat aon of Mr. aid Mra. Har
1, Krr .iie.l of dt-pbtlivria on rhura-
1 old barn.
Dr. Wcntlt IcjIj eyci and fits ilnnci (
ny slyle of Icn5 '
or mountuu. Act. Khuiien Lcmct.
We ean furnlah you cedar fence jwala j
fur Rc. each. Tillatnuok Keixl Co.
lk to tli "Rmnaey Ooml ICala" for
1 . ft Cloverdaltf. waa
1 .Miieaa lnitor Valnaa
rufar lora, hat loea
T Will le Mild nt u bar
1 r viini' ono. Impilm nt
re, I'lllniiHNlk.
" rta Un birth of n aon
t'lyde Klniinmnti on
. f lltijooeaii, wna a
visitor Uie Hrat of
1 lulu: tortn lan'ie, n illry
" from town. Addrnaa
w Into Tim ruddy 011 ne
"ii tlui niilrund. The
" 1 f tlui putt month luivo
c "xalderiildii wirtli nlmitf
N riKhtuf wnv.
' . who mm be ii Ola nt
u nena ruturinal on Krl-
. . . .,, 1 -
Jt.c utile one bau uran 111 the Iwat of werythluit In Rood thinifa
"' 1 to cat. Ole will treat you ntrht.
Tint Itiver-lule nchool eloittxl twlny.
Mra ferry, teacher hnd 11 Hplendnl
pruyrniii iirranwl for and it wan car
riihl out to tlui creiiit of nil concerned.
Water- f..r later bill, on "Who Pnya"
t,. m- hIiuwii at llw tiero Thealra.
a ui.i.rouriate: nroirram bun len
arialii.vd f"r at the
Uciu llumlra lor
mitmorlal Suialny nial I
1 tin ciiuh: & BuiLr.it pian
rank itmoni; the very Ik'sI in tone
(imlity, am I Kcnernl cuimtructiun.
I hnve the factory Agency for
theiiu HIkIi Crntle Intrutnent.s. n ml
unyone in (he murki t for either ti
Pinno or Phiyer Pimio will do well
to see me befure buy in,;.
Outalog Upon Roijuost
Leliiml li. I rwin
Dr. Jack Olson
Ollice Honrs trom a. m. to 5 p. m.
Oddfellowt Building
Hoth Phones.
Notice to Contractors.
healed ;.ropoaI addrettcd to the
County Court of Ti!i.imook Coun.y,
' ri'i;on, and indorsed l'ropoal to
cuinplctc the
Bayoccan County Road from Sta
tion 3J3 ptes 4.25 to Station 296
plus o3..
in -.ciordarice vw:h the plans a-iI
tpcciiicdiion thercoi on file in the us
iicc of the County Clerk of 'li..a
mook County, Ortgon, will be rtc iv
cd by tin county 1. uurt of said toun
i, at 1: oiiicc in tnc Court lioutc,
at 1 ilia'nook ' it, lrtK'' n until i:
hour 01 .0 iilock a in. on the 4th d.y
ui Jum, loii, .11. d ut tliil time Jiu
ly opri.id nd ria.l. K..ih bid shall 'ie
acconipanu i by a certified chirk
iii..dc p..ti)U to li.. ininty Cb r!.
lor an a.nount . ..ai in 5 per cent of
:c amount 1 t tUt tot 1 of
.".Jlil bid, n'.icli h. II be
iorftited to the Count), in case t..c
bid be .-cceptcd and the 1'idder shall
fail, ncgifct or r-lue tor a period of
liV'- d;ts alter whuh the award is
.tiade to ent; r into a contract and file
a bond satisfactory to the Court as
required by law,
The bids arc to cover the clearing
of the right-of-way, Drcdgintr and to
rip-rap the dyke or fill, from Station
ii plus S4.25 to Station 296 plus 08.0
according to the plans and specifica
tions on file in the office of County
Clerk. The County Court reserves" the
riirht to reject any and all bids,
Dated this 17th day of May tot?-
J. C. Holden. County Clerk.
First publication May roth.
Last publication June 3rd.
K i .1
PI,.. "I-. I 1 .. L I .....l:l,-l (Vt tC
lb.-1.. I-, maimjria nuwiaj - After the pn urimi .. flnu d.nnur was ' r0Uly , lir,k,rs rr ,1I1U. stom..
M.. :w. 1 h birth of ' the blur span-)it!rW(li , Stf))1 aU l (I,munu.ut(,l,s tl, u. G.
lunmr" will i anoiin .. ! . ., ,,,,,,, Smilh & llnmoa, $7.-. ' J""""". ""'-no,.!,. . uw,.n,ers are
: , , , reiiuei'teil to bniiK' eks r it will l
'ensh. .See Whitnker ill City Iriwisfer meesnrv to elmrtre :u- extra for each
Mr. ami Mra. John ib-r caino over Co, ,.,
fr..m CloM-nlale this li.oriiillit ml took
Uu- Ham fr Heppner. Ore., whure 1
tbe bve liUallieaa IlitercaU.
Small team, huifitv ml Imniuas fur
ale. (;! U'n for V to drive,
abtotfood farm teinn. See N. J. Mvr.
...t.it.Mt nt toaonttt-rk- 1 iron.
it taiivo ' -
flat Located in the Commercial Bldg.,
Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp.
All Work Guaranteed, Both Phones.
u 9 to 12 a. m.
Olllce Hour: , ,0 p m
Ofvn Evenings from 7 until 5 o'clock
Dr. Geo. L. Peterson
Dr. Perkins Old Stnml
Both Phonti Residence Phot c 20 R.
t .Inn-
atoro. See them. TlllnmooK Mmu
duct lU
To tn'aa one Installment uf
1 i- i..il to'miaa 11 eunmiotinn
l a lomt eontlnuo.1 plot or achumu. bill
merely that particular m""'-.
, ... I 1 0
instmmi, it ibii l
it isn't Mil
a Kodak.
If it isn't ft Kodak, it isn't
Autographic. If it isn't An tog rn phic, it isn't
If it; isn't fin l'astiiian,;it isn't
Wc do (cvcIophiM- i""1 nrinlinff mr
Llic nwtitciir,
Mail vour work.
Kelioblc Pi'utiUist
Wier Knreelifii Octtlsclt.
sk The jlan
lie will pfiy you from $'J,00 to' $ k()0 !iuore
per nionlli for your house il it has a weMjeq nip
ped bath room
A el 11 a I ly fr)in 2 1 to .'U po r cent tin the ',in-
vestineut or fihont i of the net rettiVn' from
thaL house you rented. Can you invest
$100,00 any better.
R. F. ZACHMANN about it
Tillamook's Lending Plumbing & Sheet. Metal", Shop
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
V I'A" E 1 1 N A R I A N
(Hoth Phnnee)
Loouted in Jonos-Kuudson Buihiini;
Funeral Director nud Licensed Embalme
Lndv Assistunt When Rcquustcd.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & SON, Props.
Both Phones
The Smite Price to liveryone
Cclnnd B. Gnvin
Teaeher of Piano
Diploitm from tho Chtciii;o
Musical Collego
A complete stock of sheet music
and Technic Hooka.
Terms:-$1.00 per months instruction
Pupils wishini; to tako dtirim; tho'sum
mer term, should reserve a lesson peri
od now.
Instruction at pupil's home
Notice to Contractors.,
Sealed proposals addressed to the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, ai.J indorsed "Proposals 10
complete the,
1 illauiooK-H.i) City County R).id
irom Muuon ift plus to biction 5
plus 50.
in accordance ni'.h thi- plans and
spccitKaiious tticri.01 on file in '.he
utuce 01 '.lie County Cl.rk of "li;la
mook County, Oregon, will be receiv
ed by the County Court o: said Coun
ty, ai its ofiicc in the Court House
at Tillamook City, Oregon, until ihe
hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the 15th
da ot lunc, lot;, -iul ut that lime
j puoliciiy opened and read. Each bid
; liall be accunipaniej by a c-rti.ied
i check made payable to the Comity
j Clerk, tor an amount equal to per
j cent of the amount ot the total ot
I -aid bid, which shall be fort tied to
j the County, in cse the bid be acci.pt-
iu aim uic 1'iaucr snail iaii. ncgu 1
r niuse for a period ci five days
after which the award is made to
enter into a contract and file a bund
satisfactory to the Court as ritniircil
by law .
Bids will be received fur the cltar
iug, prading and e.i ation for lav
ing the following kinds of pavumnt
under standard specifications for c iclt
I Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base.
j Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete
i Light Bitulitliic on Concrete
I me course grouted top Concrrte
5 Wood block on Concrete base.
According to the plans and specifi
cations on file in the office of County
The County Court reserves fie
ritjht to reject any and all bids. Dated
this the 27tb dav of May 1015.
.1. C. Holden, County Clerk,
First publication, May 27, 1015.
Last publication, June 10, 1015.
. -
Notice is hereby given,, Jliat ihe
County Court of Tillamook. County,
Oregon, wijl receive scaled bids for
one hundred cords ot wood for the
court house, at its officc-in Tillamook
City, Oregon, until the hour of to
o'clock a.m. on the 4th day of Jutte,
101 s, and at that time opcited and
Each bid shall he accompanied by
a certified check made payable to the
County Clerk, for an amount to equal
to s per cent of the amount oHlte bid
which shall be fcrfcitcd to tluc'mmty
in case the bid be accepted jatul the
bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse to
enter into a contract and file a b'6nil
satisfactory to the Court,
The bids are to be for one hundred
cords of cither Hemlock, Fir or Al
der wood cut 46 inches .in length and
corded in the basement of the court
house. '
The County Court reserve the right
to reject anv and all bids. 1
Dated litis the 18U1 day of May, 1015.
J. C. Holden,
County Clerk.