I .1 f J) 7 Wj t Btfttlft. ISSUED TWICE A WEEKf Tt'ESDAY AND FRIDAY L.AROEST- Circulation of any! Pa per in "Tillamook County i Tll.l.AMOOK, ... rf Mav 28. 1015. NO. 37 "IT ' SERVICE Auk any oCmw customers about i VI I First m piial Service V Thpy arc nil v.otl with It nft) Cnn v 7 i V why lirsl K 1 Nnifjial H unK WE iBE AWiMTS Gr tit . i rii'., .t . THAI" Vv'F ARE Al A Y .5 A . A K K . AXVAKK TO THE IN i ERETi OP OUR PA ,R0HJ AND AWAKE o WHAT THEY R.E rJIRE. VvE AR.E NOT JLEEP . &VT RIGHT ON TIME, n . t nr nr f occry opeciais l nis nee ' i 1 II). run inc. . v A I.I. CUI! Jil U(J. i,-,' i an $ f.fitl. ( il Kkv 2.n, H pk)j. !i iup l Imr.s fr 'Ji hi l; mcy v.'ivuiu r i In i tor (0r per roll, v : 1 1 5 'J I ii-r run I'l.ii.iiiirs $J OH nil ruse Leave orders with us for land plaster. KAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKEDMEATS.IFR-JiTS, , VEG ETABLES, HAY(J;GRAIN, FEED. 'IIU.AMUUK, - - OKKCON (11 TL'lli,tit. . .w . . . .... lit, ..I. . . 1,.1 " ' CSO.OOo i, "j uu c ' in London. ---I'rntn In h.iig Tlio llnguo, tt U u i, m tli r.imiiM iiml Aum in outnitoil approximate ' I'ti tho Itulliin frontier. Died iilnili'i'li' ntwl- lumr to numt mi uiiiiuu or 10 v in MiriHn t in flrMt liuuvv i ow All . . . " -iuuUV0r til tlliiliitiirlnn I in IlllW -wwni8 t tho hnL-tiinhiif of tllll UtrtiiniiH ('oiiiitliiiin din iHricor illlb rnrrn uliliili lu itiinlit mi "UriHIIll.u ,.f unnrnrlni-l.v 01)1) . - NEW TBAOE CHANNELS SEEN Pun-Amerleiuw marco; Stsai WimliliiKlon (!H lilli OREGON NEWS NOTES : OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout uie blato During the Past Woek. tt63 Clulrri PrtttnUd to Commliilon.' Bitlrtiii Hir dirt irUnif n com1 xntil(i law l)rnmi) oK.mUvi uut' iMHUb iko onr 6"0.io tt Un: 1-tUl into tin. InduiUUI aptjent (gntlf rirrtllnr Ui an uimputiritmr nt mmls liy Ui! mtcrriory ff Uir Iniliutrlnl coU' 4mS fytmmlMloti. tinrlr.c the pcrlo'l; IK4.IT9 71 lui Itfou not anldc for A v inwn itolnuK trmnnitil or purtl'U Jltalillltlrn; JiT.S'tOSf. hrn. Iw.n iitit (a workuixn liftnf ttijurlim wrr. tuir. ttttatr, and U.!i HI for nurRlm! imjlMttPM!. UnniorUitifti ulid lioflpl-, romtnwiiini, Thrt voi of ih (tinlrilimtJ(m eincn tiu commll"i rmilwl ITS rnnUix uko linn tx'-n H f,H". 33, TUf nurjiluH In tlm fii.ul on ApHl SO, Ha JlTy.O7l.03 Up U (bat lslc a iilnl of JCGS rlnlmn lis'l Hn jt0H-i. mil ff thu mnulwr "SOS wim stilml. Of tti tola). 1j2 re rJicll. Th rrMnK riortl 16 U)$ t'OIAHltMtnn HVITASl-i H Jtlll T IASSEN HAS GREATEST ERUPTION Flood of Mud From Volcano Causes Widespread Destruc tion of Property. Wff ftaddlnic, f'l Ijumitn tcnk Imrm Into un oruptlon rfdlurdny that l t jHirUil to linvi; HurpjuMMl all the crop-tlm- upveritl ror In inimlxir. from U f.'iti-r mcu a renewal of lit ornp llv urti iitui) oni jur hco. A lr r.ff)d"ui fiinix) of "iiioku bnt from iir tiiouth of thw punk and rolled ky- ur! to ;i Krat luilrlit. l-wlWit In fml en. and to orlt-( ra.fm.r. driven from their homo W- I I1V Uli Hlllt I . ... croirr oi ill" f, Vein of Pllchbltmlc Near DalUt. lnU. I'nre plichliliid. rrotn whltfh mdlnm In ilrrlvcd. In unld to tu Ut In lartiit fiiisiitltk in I 'oik county, A few nkk nno, whlln llltchlllK Oil the John Ititmir farm. nr I.wwIhvIHh, J V igilott. oih of ill') ploniMirn of Mint Motion, utruoli n ntlaky mini thut K'Mtmtilml tnr. Bampl)n of the dirt wtirf until in thi- nUt ciilli'Kr nl Cor 'll. ami to nun iiy offices At Sent Do nnd tnur. at wull un lo th tuiriuM i of ilno nt WiuhliiKton, I). t. mtpllu jituitccttlyulfctxaittjarstUiiRlacoiiCwt j ihn Hul.lnm-4 wn umiimmcuiy piicn 'did.' Ixst that iln'M- wr iioi oninu-'i si Un' mni mil.milti'd lo J (nntn- , nhrlhcr oi l It ronUllied nullu-n i n panir )y din flood of mud that la til a I- blanket from one to thr-o feot : mor an nrea It inll"i loni; uwl yr.in ont nan 10 two innn iuo. wno jn'tw'-iuMi to look ovur tho dolatr4l jUrXrai. found thtrtr croi uttiirly di'iiiroyiMl. tork kllliMt nnd largo dsnv W done to farm ulpmenL lvry iridxi- for 30 initrn down Hat Creek Sitliy wn roportiKl Kone. avnlnnch') from tho peak wan dhirled In ltd ruinoiin rimh Hunday Into old lava fli'.d nnd tho lowor jrart of tho fortllo li at Crutik valloy wan Uwiporarily &vi"d. Thi!i latwt now dovolopmcnt In tii.natt'ni'J .lanitfr uroco from tho dry- JiiK up of Jint 'nntk. It dry Stin- I'.lrtv ftir tttik flri.1 Mma Irtiiittti llHMirfu had day fur tlio nrt tl:n known. L . .1 . t . 4 rninr in mm iu voicanic muu t . i it. . i .. i. i ... r hi n narruw canyon. Imiioundliu; a Ureal body rif wnttir. Fear of a break rh thu dam and n conctuont flood lint would Inuiidati' the whole valley under many feel of water added to ;Un terrlfylnc pmnpeci of new deitnic- lion from tho mountain's crater. Our Custom- Tailoring Dept, is filling tlie requirements of men wno Lave neretofore paid fancy prices in order to Lave clothes just Z as tney want them. If you 11 have Ed. V. Price & Co. tail or new indivi your ldual order every detail wo rkmanship l of and Spring suit to we 11 guarantee style, fit and the value will ly. please you immense A. A. PENNINGTON Plan Greater Coin c .lp Line (ropoed. Some of tho ohxli' war iieronH uio aiiiihwi. hao lliiown inio tho pntlm of IniliiMtrliil and coium","' lriwirlty nml llio nmreh of tiud" I" H l"""lH plmre were outlliu'd nl tho h.whIoii of the 1'hii Amerleau flniiuee cimfereiice. Tho oiitHtuttillm: thoiiKhl of the con ference im U wan expri'HHeil by ninny m.eakern wa the orylnn need for Im provement of tniiiMI'ortiitlou. WIlHOIIi WHO niw.uiv VERDICT FOUND IN ROOSEVELT'S FAVOR VILLA BEATEN, IS REPORT ITALY 6UKES AUSTRIA UenCrdl UJiTVl vini .1 rwt 7 rniurc ID iri.uuwiil buiuui iwiii -in After 16-Hour Battle Lion ROAD WORK DIVIDED I Syracuse, N Y Twelve men chov District . rn as a Jury to determine whether will tdnvor (o Imvii (he ob- Sitrvnncti of rommunlty (lid lto.d U- The ow plan In expected to prov effective nuU rvult In the com pletton of ronaldrubii road work at tauill owl. Tt) pbui In to hitvo iinrh road dis trict l t)ir c.'Unty not beat ftilfipt 1 dat on whlob to ob?rvo r good roads jU. 'l'Uo count) court will furnlah a;l uucwmm:-) iiiachlnury for the work and nl amplu auppltea of snivel or tinishad nck avid other enulpinaut In 10 ih district ho that It will be on hand for that day. Th Community Kond dny Is expect i to prove much moro aucoasf il an on to be observed ihroiibmt U r. ity iw ii wholo. Tills wna 11 umU '. ej tu tbe btntf B'u"l rt'in.a (la. In munp i ' of t; county Un' :oa! worw - et .a work nnd bo time of ur.'.-svaMy lute mtiift Um liter m were (. blh I ) I I. 3t placv.) m h rmit i i.li- : ' si' o tccurinfi UNiM I. Ai:ot.i ii .uk.ui,i' of the ('omniiinlt) Kond day will bo that road hutldlUK miu'hlnery caii ho whipped from one ttlstrlcl to another, ao tli.it uiu'li district celebrttlltiK the day will hao an iilmudaui'e of ogulpuumt. Judge Thinks Cach Should Choose Day. Thedore Itoonoelt libeled William Albany -A new plan for volunteer wUv" charR.nl that he work- road work baa bwu devU.Hl by I). II -,J th " -corrupt alliance be atcKnlittat. county Ju lKe of Unu coun ! ' cruui",t! "i crookod u. liiatond of observlnK tate or coun j PoUUW and lhr.t ho wan "corrupt ty ROd roada day the county court j '""It" Mur" I Illlllll.llIJ 11(11., lVlM.lt 'It . . favor of tho us president. In the bellut of Um Jury orythliiK Colonol Hoote volt said about tbo former ehnlrmm of tho republican stale t'omniitt v. an true and therefore Mr. llarnos was not ilUdod. Counnnl for Mr. Uariius nnnounci'd that au upp-'Jil would bo taken. Ono Juoinan stood out throimh l I ml I ota that Banu-a sluuiUn't wiy th -court costa. or. If Koosevelt could uoi be made to bear thum, that the ver dlut Bhouhl be given the New York mate leader. He was Udwnrd tlurna a SyrneuHB motorumn, formerly a dem ocrat, but lately a republican. Vera Cm Genera! t.)brvfion. lu a j report rinded here, naya that after i he triu. oi Cenernl Villa attack) -l bin men at Trinidad ho drovo Vlhi back to Leon, capturing or killii.i, joOO of the Villa forces. The fls it coiitliiuiHl for 16 bourn Saturday. Generals Villa and Angeles, accord ing to reiwrts. woro moving- soutt from Loon to strtku ObroKon's flank. General Obruttou says the move failed utterly and that Villa lost many offi cers. General Obroson put his own The Gem shown notbiui; but cIiihh pictures. See thcin. hiul I3;;..ans Vieltl Violation of Treaty. Wa'h ng'-c.:;. Italy has addressed to the i.ccr.i. soverair.es..: cf the world a itasihy c jmaicniii - i. - xpialning her reaj:us for declar.ng v.ar on Aus tria. C. '-at Dl O etv. tne Italian ambastta '.or, pruswuted the document to Secretary Hryan In the form of a cote to the United States government. It reviews negotiations between Italy and Austria, revea.iai; that they betan immediately o:i the dispatch of Austria's ultimatum to Serbia. Italy contended thou that the action of Aus- Iosbos at L'OO men. lie says he is pur tria disturbed the equilibrium of the suing Villa northward. j Balkans interests. As an ally of Aus- I tro-Hungary, Italy asserts the right to have been consulted before sending of the ultimatum, the first news of which was received through the uows papers. Kalltng to obtain through diplomacy tho satisfaction of her territorial and national aspirations, Italy anuouncea lu the notj that declaration of war was the only means of safeguarding her position in Europe. Vienna Claims Adriatic Fight. Vienna. A naval engasenient In the Adriatic durlim which one Italian de stroyer is declared to havo been forced to surrender in a sinking condition, following the bombardment of Italian coast towns, was officially reported in an announcement from the Austrian admiralty. nt tlie l'ananiii-l'aciflc Kxposltlnu have linen lending all other entries fo. tho past month, and stand well at the top of the list. A summary of resulta Issued May 15. at the close of the first six months of the contest, shows thr.t tho Oregon Agricultural College pons stand In second, third, and fifth place. O. A. C Urns Near Load. Corvnlllrt. -Iti'liorls received by Pro fessor John Dryden, of the poultry de partment of tho Oregon Agricultural Colli-go, ludli'ttlo that the Oregon Agri cultural College hens, entered In the etfg-luyltiK contest wltk'h istt feivturo ,,..d for iliivelupuiont of !..... -..-. llllllll lilt' -"ui. Only ii of thoiiu illvlmoi u ...ri.iion. aud Secretaries urj-i.ii A , . I'limp- . ... llr.iMl.l.tllt dolegtttOH lo this oouiury, " ' to.MMHtN--'V' - the upon the --11 II1I1U Gefmn ,,,. A.IHlri.n .iinlonialN -"Voiuiitly am not oitrtiirhud by . M" llltn llin war nt m unu uiilnu. ftero la much ini..r...t .m.i .iinlo. .. iinrn in i-iu..p,i ... ii,,, ,. it .I 'toumauiii utwi ii... ,.ii..., ii.ilHn .1. ' ,, l.u llllllll l,.i Tim ....... i .1...0,. jj. . nmmiui lipilllllll ill iiiumi l)i( w l,,ttt KouiuiuiIh will not Join ,. - "'i mi iu tiinu. lint that oven "ll'l Will Illicit mi i.ri..u vclll. Illll IllUlly , "" toKiitbur with Um'- t. n...i....dl.ir. Itedfleld and McAdoo anil n.u." General Hurloaoii later added Uiolr recou.nieiidallona for ateauuhlp Hh Indopeiidont of ICurope. Besides deleiiatlom from 18 Ltln American countries partlclpatlnK In the uonfrreuce, aro wembera of Praal dent WiUoH'a cablnel. tho federal r ,rVa boar.. U fai traue ..... alon, treaaury offioUla aud more hau ibo repreaentatlY- of ureal Anmrlca.i banks, indiulrlui oonoratlon nd cominereUl litm"""' Variety Store Tillamook, Ore. "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" Farmers' Quarrel Ends In Killing. lCugene. Walter Jay shot and killed Ira Mown following a dispute alleged to havo been caused over a wom."t. Ho then fled lo the mountains. Hit body was tound, three hours l.uev, five miles up the mountainside, where ho had killed himself with a IllKlu rifle. Tho tragedy occurred iu the coast range mountains. HO miles uorthwest of ISugene, on Luke crook, a tributary to tlio SUiBlaw river. Willamette Pacific to Build to Acme. Kua-ene, Tho Willamette Pacific tails will be extended from Mapletou, at tho heud of tidewater, to Acme on tho Lowor Sluslaw, within three or four weeks, according to tho kit uouncomeut of W. H. Foutalne, assist ant euglueor on the Willamette Pacif ic construction. Tho last piece of KnulliiK Hmt ut Ihe rock quarry, whom rlubl-of.way was delayed- la nu.vl) com, -U I. 2 . JLoJL. sKfrd&s a- tender organ the medicines The eye, ear, nose and throat are such isms that the least variation in purity of you use for them may have a permanently injurious effect. You do not want to be blind or deaf. Then come to us for your medicines. You have many drug needs, but have just one drug store; let it be ours. The Tillamook Dtug Store Wo give you what you ASK for. i'