Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 25, 1915, Image 1

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    Wl ?OUY "NX v
'iu.amook, (JlU'.OON, M.V LT. IU15.
.SO. 2G
S E R V I c i:
. . HIV ll oil! CtlHtoiMCIW (tilUilt
I irst National Service
1 .tic all pli'tiftoi with it iitltl
Cftti tell you why. J
first Noliomil HanK
fitl.trttuok, (hvqa
WE E mmK
AY J A A K E .
fj THREAT 5 or OlIt PA
Grocery Specials This Week
i, i i
'4ii . Villi Sj I M,I
't-'1'! " - III. IVII1 Sl.fifl.
rtnl t ' , . 1 .... . .-
I ii-
i it ii i f . . i i . . . . . i . i , ..
ii, I uuv Creamery Hit tier lUJe m' roll.
I.r.l . .. ....
I vii., v- per ote.
I ' .. i .i S'J 01) pi i eilM.'.
Leave orders with us for l.ind pLitftcr.
Bill I.I. !,.- r.-M'l'n HiTt" A I" "" I7U . , I v.: V r I .
ULl.WiDUK, - . - nUKCUN
Industrial Review
of Oregon.
Industrial hVw Items From All I'arli
Of The .Statci.
Sal cm, Of May nth -Luting
t$jm a muMlh ft urn jitney u. invention
.'force irr car lt one -mm pay as
Sjrwi rtt fr and alower senile.
1 Martslty- i new Snnih I
rr logging tamp it tenting out oou.
! two lm daily.
I tVajdltOftTun of talrilon dicing
! I'lftftttlU Kim iish ladder, unablt
t gel over,
Owe 1Hh4 Hay contract it lor a
tied from North Hrnd to 1 1-
konUKioa ill pnvr 15 biuck with
yiU iti H m (uul li"ullcr.
Cli't-m. OkdiHv:. Jftiimt
l.odr 4ti4 l'rlt llac voted Mtul,
on I tim High School
flicy lter Co., Oregon City.
Mid nftw hotc 6f by 110 fen.
; Tt D.lle, W. R. A K. Co,
i will Mii,iucftr work )unt 1 m the
t in Im.. in tiilf city Thr work Mill
In mtlirr) 1 1. cHBl(iin 1 he "tn
jnM.r to rn( 11 total ol
... . ,,.t iniMrovfrinrnU in one rnU
li. jI . tht SV'aco Ware
Utm' MiMins ('ompiiny' iiUni Nr
i and I'M) icicle machine K.i,
"( ro brick power I'lant
......i., and to milrt ii
-f! (fitcka will be cnnniun
Tl l.i. ...
'.7 k ii ,n , ,1 t ,.H,. tr-
! I.. ..1. ...1 ...
I. ' 1111 ill e Jlil
rt it), ,, i ,.,
P'c ami , ,., 1I1,i.,.1. I,-..
,t'ctlln" Ill' .uui no lm.
ali ii,,.. . .,
f, 'k nun ,1 koiiii iui'
''ie Mii,K .mil jukt lielim:
lll Li I ,1 i:..
M'jy lir,,i,,i ,,,., wi!it. j n,i
Ml titin.l
I "'II.
r'"tU I'" tltst ,y, o foo.J.
tainl .. ii... n., .r .1...
, , IIIIUI III ll'
ll'UM.li.1 ,.l I I..
, lllfcl 11.11111
' may Iwive mihii whole
0 rn... 1
flH luoil .11 : 1 ..I..
- "1'in iiiimii wrniiii'i
Biilk"1'' 01 ',ri'(l11 ri"sel tliy
'! lull,
-"in 1 pun CliUKlll
I lilni .1 . . . .
N) fro.: ru, Tn ..urc-
t.,1 "viiinii u!iy inn uui
h til.u-.
I, 'mm.ir lm.:) o( staniii
. ' '""iiiiiiK ii'i'ii, ami in
"l liiiniiu: .a 0f K,a
1 l j n 11.
Kc lifi. 'f , ,
inn . "ni mi Dim imy, mi
noocl Mraitu r. to bo ahut In !""
ul null
T" ! rvuiiiiinl twiic (r lice "ii
lltail iiiitl iImii.U
I n - .iiiiiikI Krr.ii.ril with lard
..11 ht.ul nl iutl nil'" lire iU'pntr.
I heir cutip i lianril ami niovcl frc
(inrntly ami Kept Irrr (nun mile I'V
1141' III CCMll Oil.
Thiii tln M-atlr''l l'u'n"
UroHiiil ami mah tnitl wnlrr i" frc
(pioulli' I'lcansril (linlics.
tuil, clmrriwl " nckfl I"""'
avpnntt ilili'' . ,
A climise l f'",,lin ,l10 tv,r,m
werk.-l'. C. Lanih. IMi'iisitin Poul
trviiiiiii, U A. C.
UAI.U.M.U. scmoo.. s maML
I tliu Kruvn. Th hull Kiimti rt if . .
' winiVirv forTlllntnook. Hroro !".?
llv "00 iiMtwilM t'XtirnHi h, 1. ......
Tin oe of MmikIcI Wltupaklo,
illrofil'ir of th It .ysl lliinnrun Or
elicatra wa iinhiuw nml hvnomiil.
j Hit w plhyint: aa ftrai vlolimat in An
jurlMwira liractud by U unre turnout i
j lenvtlur, i,tpkt. On th- vomihh Um
tiriMUa u a achrtluM u uppnr bu- .
foro Um Htat l'aeiiera AMellion.
Imhl in NbraVa in IKOI, Mmkl wna j
rnQad bume by I ha illmm of hia moth-
r It ra Impwaaibla for lht irngMf- '
iritUlt I-, be broken, itlnK upon the j
OflTjf uihlp tnvaiM a( earryinff Mil ibe !
prmnlao ..f hi dirwior. WltrpBht.-'
ahrnvaxJ hia (roat otiafMlity mmI tiar I
embllDi: hia Iva'ter in renvnil mp- '
ponrJ.nea, h Ooriru-1 hia nntfarm. At j
Uiiftpnuin (troav lie Kraid big Intlon j
nB.ywaa aoon kwl In the land of away.
fnAwtlulatttmaa:..! cnUanci.ia; itratra. '
i'Q3fltlion wa . xr.ptcUi. Aa the
iHiUociw of ibt? II unitarian rhap.j-l.)
tthfhm baeV from tbf alcoves In tit!
nixnUJriu.tj, tlit. i.uOicrneu MWku. Poo
nlamroar U their feet aa a unit. Con
tiRtnai ovattuna itiHtitf th hall rfnu nd
ru-ntfho. No viulimat haa ever rweaired
ti Ktaatr tribiiio to hia rawn. II is
miccniu uat e.'rlain.
l.liMki, ilrivuu inaant; l.y llio dRth of
lilt mother, waa loal to tho inuaiealu !
wor). WiujHicl.. waa hvraldad a the
nitireelr. IVoin that night until
Unlay in: h bt'n rtirosnistMl (i tn
furi'inufl llun.irian unifielo 1irMlor
of lh worlii. Ilia Inturprwtiitlona are j
auolf nk buikl up thru tuniieioua riorl ,
; of Ajinpnlhy but -voim the plnvr uml I
I the itutflunce winch l no uM-nlial to
! true auoctna. Ills rniiiieiilu iilci.tmn la
fiery, nrul anlont. vol tiiinml with
reV..ue utiouch of the ruvor'o 11ml the plaintiff I
to iTtnkp It nll-ontrtinciru:. '
Our Custom
Tailoring Dept.
is filling tKe requirements of men
who have heretofore paid fancy
prices in order to have clothes just
as they want them. If you 11 have
Ed. V. Price & Co.
.Ii'i iii
i . rti-nd Cat and Coke Co
M.tiubiae at Milwaukee
' ' wego Iron water pipe in.lnti Never uufor.t linn an upjiorluiiitv to
)tir unfavorably affected by re.luii- j hcorHht.i Krnt iirtmt uml his fotlowum
icn ..f t0O per ton Ircigbl from in I hccnncconlcd nooplv of the wont For
new Spring suit to
oraer we ii guarantee
r. 1
e, lit ana
i -n
e value wiu
lnaiviauai ora
every detail of styl
workmanship and th
please you immensely.
I' uttene irooiit factory will hiadu
i facture jttanlc brotMn IHJta.
I New Ertratel plant ha been j
lr..rd t Thaw aV l.liltou. N'e.erK ,
j Cortland tnl'iimum wage $j p. r d. .
lnu $j; Eugene and A.llaii nt 1
' (ucd.
tiymnaahim for boya to be built 41 1
Oregon Clly. j
I nion achool of three diatrictt to
be conntructed at Glide.
OttgM City County Court haa de
cide) to inttall large gravel plant.
Cottaifc Grove cannery will handle
The paint minea located caat of
Creawell are to be developed.
Albany fijrurca on getting the
tlrowiitville cannery
Under a new law planta huin;
cream on butterfat bai niuat take
out 4 tte licente.
IVeaident Ctttnan of the Hill linex
ttated at Cottage Grove that th
rainpny i conducting a aerie )'
ohtrrvationa and making survey at
npir Lake. 7 mile up the MrKen
ie, and will eventually ronatruct im
u.rnac power projecta there, hut that
at tliU time there l no innvctneiit to
begin the actual construction.
Ktigene S. H. Co, atarta building
Willamette highway with 40 men.
North Rend pln three mile sewer
to coat $J.oo.
One Uilppcr ya out $iaooo a
month for cedar tie at Hamlon.
Porter aawtnill, one of the Simpson
properties on Coos Hay starts with 75.
Milwaukee will eped $.(0,000 on
niiiniiipal water plnnt-
l.fhaiion--Corner stone Catholic
church laid l Mcnowell Cteck.
Seaside five ilistiirts have voted to
csUlilMi an union Ik1 school.
The Dalle-J litisiness men pliinititig
to secure immicipnl (lock.
New lrirst National Hank at Port
land to cost $.oo,ooo may he built of
Oregon cut stone.
!' U1 lliitrhes lias established an
mulct taking business at Astoria.
thu first timu. 1111 urchvstra cornnosud
of nAtinlnt? llunKnrian,plnycrs'i'i,to''np4-jK-nr
here. To hear them play thu !
chimurieul und soulful e impositions of
their countrymen is to Ihjcoiho mi nd-;
mirur of the wonderful MiiuuY-1 Wftep
ski. (Uinutnuqun will t o huh) nt Tillamook
from Jul) 1J Id 17.
G. A.
. . - '-BEiiVH'RESSiVE.
-CcvclJc3mith ,.
Chester McGhee
(n Sumlity moruitii: thu Krai)u:itiin
1 1. .as of Tillamook IliKh School voi:t
hi a body to thu Christian Church
wiu 10 they uml 11 hirio miiii-iico lis
lilted to a splemlid micciihiuru:itt- ser
u.on dollvuriMl by 1 1 A. Vun Winkle.
Krv. 1). A MncKonste und Kov. Bdvv.
Uittins iinsliit.ii) in tin, servicos.
A speolnl fimtilro of the services wns
the riiiuiiti.in of thu unthom "Komom.
her Tliy Crontor. " The choir timlur
the direction of J. V. Hnini romiored
tins number butiutifully.
Thu Hermon wns full of splendid
thoughts, i.ihI survinl no doubt 11s tin
! inspiration to nil who hoard it. Kov.
Vim Willi; lo dwelt Uhii the uecoHsity
of u person (luciding as to whnl tie or
she tdiould do and then sticking to 11
tiinulo pmpo-si' in life. In msny wnys
he provod tho necessity for concontrii
tton. liev. Van Winkle's sermon was
corUlnly n spleiuliil etTort.
1 4. v.r-.--.--4-1
Variety Store
Tillamook, Ore.
1 in Snturduy Mrs. C. Van Pntten
. 1 i, riaii.eil a nuiiiber of ladies in
honor of Mrs. l.ust.tv Kunic, of
H11I1I, Idaho, who has l.tin viitiiiR
ol.l friends litie for the past mouth.
All !peui a very delightful afternoon,
by evclmtigiug new embroidery ami
crochet patterns. The ladies present
were. Mrs. Alex McN'air, Mrs. C. 1.
Cloitgl), Mrs. I. S. Lamar, Mrs. Addie
Harris, Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. V.
11. Alderman, Mrs. Albert Kiuuauian,
Mi. Judge Cornier, Mrs. Jonas Olson
Mrs. l.on Kinuam.iu, Mrs. V. Max
well, Mrs. lack Kupp, Mrs. Swenson,
Mrs. Hoiiuist, Mrs. Han Goodspeed,
Mrs. T. II. Coyne, Mrs. Krskine, Mrs.
Ii T. lloals, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs.
Waggy, Mrs. Chas. Kunze, Mrs, Ja
,011 Powell, Miss r.dith Olson, Miss
IMta Morgan. Miss, riiabeth Van
I'.itten, Mrs. Guslav Kuue and Mrs,
C. Van Patten. After a dainty lunch
was served al I returned to their
homes bidding .Mrs. Kuiue good bye
and wishing her a pleasant trip home,
all bring very glad of the opportunity
of enjoying the afternoon with their
old friend once more.
Salem has built modem baseball
park with free hleechers for small
Monmouth-Rcgents Normal school
will Imilil and equip $50,000 training
school nil of Oregon materials and
t iM'fitetute.
G. A. R. Memorial to be Impressive.
On Monday, May jist, mcimiTS 01
the Crand Army of the Republic in
I illamook, will conduct memorial ex
ercises in honor of the soldier and
4ilor dead and dieorate the
graves of those who he in the ceme
tery and strew flowers on the waters
of Hoquarton slough. Member- of
the C A. R., Woman's Relief Corp5.
Sons of Veterans, Daughters of Vet
erans. Spanish American War Veter
ans, School children, civic and fra
ternal bodies and all those who wish
to march in the procession, will
please meet at the Gem Theatre. The
march to the Christian Church where
the exercises will be held, will start
at 10 a m
A committee from the W. Ii. C ,
will Rratet'iillv reeeixc all donations
of flowers at the Gem Theatre on
Mouda morning The following pro
gram will he rendered,
t enin Service . . . G. A. R. Post
Selection .... Drum Corps
Geltyshurj Address .. I. H. Johnson
Recitation Row na Han-.'u
Duett . Mrs. Stanley and Mrs Wil
Violin Solo
1 Recitation Mrs. Lucis
Recitation Kenneth Ruger and
1 Billie Stillwcll.
; Address Rev. Gittins
Star Spangled Hanner ... Mrs. Pace
1 Recitation . . Commander Reynolds.
, Quartet . . Mrs. Trombley, Mr.
1 Goync, Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds
j Tableau ...Kenneth Ruger and
Rowcna Hanson.
I Piano Duett Miss Wolfe. Miss Riggs
Recitation J. H. Johnson
I America Audience.
Benediction Rev Van Winkle
Benton County highway Monroe to
Albany to be oiled.
Forest Grove planning complete
sew cr system.
Ashland carries bonds for addition
al water s ti 111.
I thcn,t to have concrete jail built.
, Announcement is made of the early
1 1 on 5 1 rue . ion of the Shevlin-Dixon
, s..w mill at Bend
J - . -S -W . . f.".tlav jmwi lav
1 m
1 i 1 11
M ' h
4 V
7. Bji".S. . -v '-ii
3 it
Not only are your valuable jewels and papers UNSAFE
in your home, but YOUR LIFE is in DANGER every day
they stay there. Burglars hare a way of finding out the
house with valuables, and they will stop at nothing to steal
them, not oven MURDER. Gome today and place them in
one of our Safety Deposit Boxes. They will be safe. You
will be safe.
Private box $1 .00 per year.
Also, put your money in our bank it is a safe bank.
Tillamook County Bank
(Im nwys fimt In coop
"I'M iin. !,.... . .
."I 1 .i :.i 1 (ii 11