Mil' i . 1 v ... :.x . v 'rvu'.in. i, .ni - . u 'ii lo s , : , . , 'K ., : 1 . '' t .'I d. ,1 . .Ill .,.... M J. ll'l ..'.', .lil - " ,i ; N i it'in ti i : I S , . - i.. u - - 1 ! oU . ' the . n ..i. in r , , mi, . c i ti. . n.i. i u pro 1 , n . . t.ic - i" U ! i i's ll.itc . . .. i t'lii.i: . ' m. , le - ,,1 Hi, . U .!-.' K . 1.' . I i'i n . nt , U. J- -n I. . !l K! .ui . a .i .. : Hi a - i , . . . re i 'til 1 . r- - i n .in .. u- i,' ml KcswIu..nii :id No: a ot intention to i,..,mok Cenaio Jtic:t it tul n.i v,uy. Uit.on ! i , v n. I . t. Ill . . i. i V ii.l.till'll t. . . !..... t.k-l X I . 'lNit 11. llli.l - . V, ..'5.1. ' ' "l' lil .... - - i : -:--' I L ..i , - . v.n. I. .n.... '.i.i i .in; line il 1V. .. W. I I-lN, . -nL It' Ull r ,m ... .. . i ..... i A u.... ,t-.i . . .i Kite" oi'.i V" i , . : . . i oui . .i . -1 U t:.e , , ; iUK vi '' the 1 1' i km ... I . , , . . - ... N ..J .. ..4 tri n . , s ..:d -..n i-royr Ml. i . . . t'lc ro ' Hi rcit ; i . s . . n . I llllvl I I r. ! . -'. ti -..; i'.nius i. i I! ,v. - - ...CM' - .. . n j lilt I. v s II, i. . . . n. . . . . '.: ii-gcUl' r wt.i. in . . ..n; . oil wt.-ii.ii; .. 1 . ,n I .1 Ml I ,, v - H nN. l.S, I - V.'.l. '- l-I Nl'll I'. n. , .. .. .. Cl I . -'. ''I Ci'TIC.l'. cu : i . ,,; ; ... i .'v .... I'..-: - ai.. .. '...i. I I . . v . i . . l i . . ink - . . .: , . . -. n ;h niu 'i..n .... ii. . ...i v . , i . t ' U.i: - . i' or... - w ' u - - .1 . - 1 1 !.' ..... ') . I iiud ... 1 s ..... . . .. i ii... '. i . rtM- . . n , - . ; . , II,, ..... s i . ...i - : du.lC. ,. .... 1 .. ,1 tl- I' ai. ! . . . . . n (-I u . . i. r i in. .ii. u a: i , hn., ... Jinjo i . .. Ilk t I H.'Htt ' 1 I. ,,. V-ir. . ... i i a. ui i f , i.i. . . ".I't i -'i.r ut . . iti... rc :. ..Ja;. jf, , I ,. n, .. ... i u ..I.t i r.i ,.ci.: t" bi ::sU'. .." i "C tj,n:--i ut if; c ;t -cr ... . ! ...i ...irc.n ....i- ni in rt-i. l' 1.4, il.ui Dt.iiii.'..a l vuu wu j, i-. i .' .- .: i viiitii.. ;.,i luans oi ti.e ..i-.:,t uuiii.t t.ab'.ihct a .ii . t;..- t . ' . He i; lurther risoKctl, that the pLi.j, J;iCiiic.itioiiS anii olimate Kr ihc ; rtpstd iini.rtviiiiiii'.s sc jr. . ie an.; prepared b. -.aid L.ugi:ici.'r a: . filed -. uhi of ti.i proL.. .i toi.ii cot . s.iid iai priencis. n ,tJ u.atio a:, I ; rt,.ircd !y lb Lity t .' -. r btiiu t'" e u,.I oi i .mil the ari; hirrt- t.. .u:iroeii. i Hat tac tuuna-rici oi ti.t. asjiss-i n. .1 cjistrict .'t te..u.ia t said; i..., roi.mtuii, u:.l .osi-mi linri ior j hi, and ttlC ii.l.f IS Hlfil eMUIjiiah- i t'. is follows: u-ginning at uie intersection oi the Cv..:ir ot tnc vNts; line: ol btuck J ol j 1 i. .j er & Addition to i il.amouk (now Tillamook City) with tl.i huNt line of Second Avenue Last, ami runinnvj tit nee Last to the center ot said Uiock 7; thence North to the North li' i of said Block 7; Hunce Last aloii' the North line of said Block 7, and of Block 8 in said Addition, to the center of the North line of said Bi ik 8; thence houth iu tue ciiiter of -aid Block 8, thence i--aNi along the ci .. r line of blocks S, and js; of 1 haver' Addition to I lliamo'ik Lity to '.he East line ot said lilock 3;; tli pee Southeasterly to the vest b'Ar dary of Block 34 i 'Jhayr's A'. 1 ion to Tillamook t it y, at a pur 167 feet North c:' the Siyiith-m-1 corner of faid Llvik, thence h' '. easterly in a direi' ii.. , inttr sm 1 a line iOj tiet ."rii, of ihc S' . side of said Block ,i , ut a 1 oint ICVj I et Last of the es'. Km ol saiil l'K in 34; thence Last ali-iiL' tlr said li'" 1 1 said Block y and ' . ! r li- ,S Block 3 id 4 0 IV!, r Ad di.i to 1illani",k, and 01 Mod.-, ,j, 5 . ,1 6 of I'ark -.ddiiion to i i',!a ni ' C ity, to th Kound'try h , of sai'i illarnook Ci'v, thence South al- .k the Last l oundary line of 'li'i 00k City to the center lint Nor 1 and South, of Block 7, in Park A'1'1 on aforesaid' hnce WVst ai' aid cnur lint through Blocki 7, d o, of said i'ark Addition, and Ii! .-!.. s and 6 of A. A. Miller' Ad di'.io',, and Block 37 of Thayer's Ad diio. to the West lino of taid Block 37. t'n nee in a Northwesterly direc ti' -i o the center of the East side of ...M 1 'otk 36 in Thayer' Addition; tl nt West, following the center liit ' Blocks 36, lo, 10 and 0 in 'Jlwyi' various additions to Tilla iii' ok ' . Oregon, to the East line 01 N(i, 'nui- East; thence North :tl ' I st line to the place of li. 1 it assessment district sh '! ' 1 lnTfliy desiirnated as "Local I; "ovmtnt District N0.1," ard tl 1 i r' t.'rtv and ill thereof ii" ' i'1 ' ' ' n i ' I 1 1 I I 1,r, nu nt ' ' i -.'o 1. j. th f..lo in"- ' "i-ir iii . ooi Ci " (vi 1 llii fol, r i'- I ' is ' nd .1, in 1''' ' 1 1 . I. ois r 2. . r y i-i Bioci ,j 1 ot- 1 i-d a i I'' ' ' T ots 1, ind in B!o(! ,0 1 01, f,, r. 1 x j,, p! ,k 1 " 1 '. m il t in Block jo; T ' '1 " ' " '"' ' in Block ir; Lots I. 2. ' : n ' :' I lock rfi; i.ll that part of BI '"'. I i ' ii It of !i line run-ni- fr i 1 1 li t in tin Wr-.t linf of f: i t,i' 1O7 ii.t North of the So'itltvt " i" r of said Block, ruid ni- " " ' tn- tcrs'.'ct n line 105 fect North of the IN V.,VH I l.i.tilll'l k ui) ... I , 111..". . 1 . ,. 1 .... .1 .N 111 1... , I . . N ', . . ." II I'rt'lk I I I N . ft 1.,1'U i.l . .', J, atul 4 in . . - 111. . 4 V . . - i . '. N t N ..I 1. .1 1 . . ..I.l ... . . , .... In pi , I 111 .11. . .v ,., 1, and tll.U tiu V tiv 1 .. 1 1 1 1 tu , .nut lit" 1 hi rein tiiri it 1 ,.' I.UIM t 1 c ,. at . .11 I I II ii ,., i.iti'i nu, . , . n , . . .'i , .1. I Nomu t. . 1 .1 tl.ll N ItiUtl itj , .. .Ill 'l iii!t ne'tl. . . 1 n. 1.. i .,, .flail Kisidutiem t .1 N .1 . . a'-l pvst . .'. KiM'tuiiiii. ..i.,.o.u., i. .il-i e'Ott t.u.i ail i. t'n 1.. .litis itish ri'" t.. .itd pmv'Niii uitpi I'vertin - . .ut intuited t" tin etiatter t . tn ll((, ,tid 11 n iittmiis of li .:n k v. 1 1 . l-'rcjjtM,, atid all Je,rtiN i.mi 1. rued are in .i:iid to sversi ili.iu m ties accoi ding!) . ' .'ill ptrsoi.s vi 'ut tned ar Intel') tuuhvf itottiu i .iuit the tirM putdt la'.uil ill t.'tN Hi (ui is lll.ult the 14th ,i.l ft MjS. ioi;, Jt'.d itial O 'J i . mi ritmnN r.-.ui.s ti said pt.'ju'icd H'Vt.'it' .. .; tv flint '. ' t'-v . .. Kil'O .... . t ll.'.ilIKIiJiN v ... 1 1,1 wi .. ; , -V i!a r iu :n ml .liii 'i the 11, ni puMivMiicn i .; tioUn- in tiviii ! the under n.C" 'i 4s . 1 KmT.Ur tt Tillamook 1. 1 'rtK :l. hi or 'ier ul the t 'ltl :. . a v.'.'u ki. m N.,i,i I i,Ui,ixk i-it. 1 i.ii. n " l.'f'.h it. said Kso'.l! f. .m.' M... U it'ifN - n.,"d .u'.! olficitl scat I'm 1 t;)i d,i ol Ni l), tvi v .ehiin. .s t"u Ki e,nUr t iiila r'. "k t tti, Oriift n 1 . t , in N !e otice of Intention to Improve Cer tain Streets in Tillamook City Oregon. 'ii-i in I- :i! . tiMii. in all !mm , 1 in, ri , that tbe lurni ion . ;i in .;:..-ok t lri'.r..-n, -n si cto .'nu. t. tutprovt 0 rt..m ' n ill . . , k l 1! i . '1 14- 11. .1, .: '.... -r.ion 11 i! , t, it , .' I i . ! Mat, in. , a". ft N--.T. o! - ret. ! ' i 11. v iKfl ' , . 1 . t R Noll Slot: 1 "'."otice n ri'i.' i rth thfi it; 'he re. that s .id 1 i j propis. d to im- it., anil at-" !'c h'-'it fiui maimer i-.tprtvej .,' iKai sastl City pro- !e "iai , estiifiateei f r . f and d :'ii'i- trt Iminid.irit; ''11- antfiV t djtnct to be. h nt' : thtrt'n- .'"! .isNr,ird tbtretotr, 'mcH taid fl solution and Nctic. ! .hi tyliolc tin reot, I in Word, 'irs and ffrrut.-s as follows. to-wttT ,.i , 1 . . in Timjtf 1 1 -. nti in n- . 1, .11. 1 in. . , ... n- cmvr ol i... in,.. ,.! 1 . o MC Sotith ( , i,it ,0 n 1 1 1 n,, ,,u, nnj lv,j 1 01 .I t 1 , utiieast corner ui I., link tlumias t'o'i.'.iivjn Lrtiid .!,-... tl lell.J tv tl ed 1 Cvtotl 90, loti u m v VVeat, NN. M., ,1 e South bvMliulal) . ,1 k . ut ; thtrtcu est ... us n.uo .. nt 1 Urjr lia to p. nu i,,n u Vini 01 1 vnstlip line , (him ft it t.miiNlilp t South, Hantjes 0 .tnd to West, W . M, , Uieuce Nt-uli . n. , 0 tke fcdcifk , ,n 1 1,1. . 1 ii'l CUim in - . , 11 . . . , . '. .1) . s,'lll!l, R Ul' , , , , ii, vi l . nu 111 . I at to . 1 t , . 1 v . . i .1, u rt . tin 10 e 1 .. - 1 . . . , . 1. in. 1 .,t 1 ,i . 1 , . K ,. Ol i I I 11 d U! HI lO I 1 ,, .'I'd t lit. l.ilttll .'tU.ltt IvJtlotl in,. ". ". , J" .- J -r-t in , t , 1 . . . . . i. n , f : : in H I' '. . I, , I I" , U ,1 k .III... Ih o'l'O .. s . . 1 1 1 .in, to the 1 1 .. ul I - si1, tl.,t tue i.mi .1 -hi iititi 1; tint stiall be j,ti-t in lo 1. 1 ifiti " 1. a "Locgil uiipruttmrtit i'istnei .x' " l ihe prttperty, and alt i . . v 1: 1 1 n.u i l.ttcal 1 , Ml '.Nt -ti I no. .', IS lh t . i ,!n V.' ii'.iott m i illainotik ' it t , 1 fi KOli, ill lollottin,; , hi lilom 1,. Iu!4. ill Block .'5, t ot t and 4, in Uloek jo, I tits I 1'lld J In Uretv Addittttu to TiHaoH'oK 1 ttv, f'rviion: Luis o, 7, , and iu ia Ble-ek . id Uo 7, "i, and 9 in iiUwk 4. l i H R. Hays' Addltiem to 1 id4 ' ,v.i -k: In Block 5, LiMs t, 4 t, at4 $; i; Block 4. Lots 7 anil & Also the foHowtog describfti tract f laud, to-wit: ' liitjiuniiiK i a point 30 feet Nortl 1 and JiO Lift West ol the SeHllhiasl , i.itticr of th1 Kdriek Thtt Dona ! .urn lind Claim in St-c;io ya, Tw s N,iii, 1 South. ItUnite cj st, V. i rumlittiC tbtiKC Noith i&l.8y fevt thence West io tti; titviice South' V Let; thence West frit, inetice South 10; feet; thence East t" th' V'laee ot biffitminK, Su the tollowint; tb scribed Cat! , of land, (- II : 1'ei'ininR at a jioint on the Sut, ' Inn- of the F.ilnck 'lhotnas Donation. Land l laim. jo feit West ni th, , ioAi'ship line bitwee'i To nshij 1 1 -utii, Ransct o and to West. W. M . , and running thent;. West lOJt leet ' ' i iee ?ottsh to the Sfiith bounttart 1 ii- of Tillamook City; thence Vat1 , a t'oint d'ie South of the placr j t' n:imns. the-iKe North to the pKur INTEREST CENTERS IN REFIT TO rl Important Train Change Arbitration, With Cossailon ot Warfare, S:g "ronry . I ll'l Kcsoltttioa and Notice ot Intention to luituove; Certain Street in Tiltn uiook uuy, Oregon. t.c it ri&oivca, tiie Couimon -uiici! 01 i uui.iook City, Oreifori, .. ...j u e.,eciu i.i, and hereby a i.iun.ion to iiupiove the loiiottiiig trvel. ;iti,iiu .tiiuut., irom the i.m ii:u of ..ii.:ti atrcct to the -.,u;n 11. a 01 S.-.1.J .nui 1. Also, that -r et so 11CUHK3 described a Tweltth .ict. '....nil connects the south end ji ieeot.ii Avchun hast with the .-,-jutit ttid of dti.iuii! Avenue, from, t!.. Si est ide of Ninth Street West .it.5 feet lo the V. .it sid-- ul the .-..l ei ru.oiing douth along the Town ui line between 1 owunhip t South, ;..ngc q West and Township 1 South Kanie 10 U est, V,'. M., and that virtji.i street, the center line of which in me lownithip line between Town snip 1 douth Kange 9 and to West, W i., iro. 11 the South line ol the Edrick 1 l.o-nas Donation Land Claim South to me south Lojtidary of lillamook City, in the following manner: li;. establishing the grades of said Streei; b grading said streets to the prop- t r Ml!-gr.'de ; By rolling the roadway thereof: iiy lc'.i:ig on iaid streets a concrete roadway .'4 feet in width, 4 inches in thickness at the sides and $'t inches 1.. iiiickiifii- in the center. Together ivitn a standard sheet asphalt wear ing surface 1 Vi inches thick. ! constructing along each side of aid roadtvay a combined concrete curb and gutter; By building concrete catch basins nd laying drain pipe, together with inlets and making provisions for the necessary surface drainage of said streets, with all of the appurtenances ihereto, and Lj ln i i.nd coiulruelinu con crete heuers with sheet alphult wear ing surface. All of said improvements to be -nadc in accordance with the charter. re-Nolntions and ordinances of Til la - nook City, Oregon, and in accord- ure wi'.h the plans, specifications and estimates of work then for, and orobable cost thereof, made and pre pared by the City Engineer of said 1 tlkuj'ook City, Oirt;oi, and filed in 'vio office of the Jceordir of said lillamook City, Oregon, on M:ty 3rd '9tS, and all of said imprtiv rnc nt, to be made at tin txpensi of the- prop erly, and M tliereof adjaetut tl, rrto and tr n 'It brti'fiti d by b.u.l i.n-provt- .I , : nd within the limits of ' . -Nnient district establish' d .nil ilrfin-'l li;- 1 1 i i n. or linancr. He ii f'Ttln r r solve d, lb-it tin li'ois, i 1,11 .oio-,, and eslim.tle tor the- pinpoxd iii'iirovemrnts so 1 ''' " 1 I n 1 ,i"l ' sni'l I". igineer i'd fib d ,N -iioi- i, fthe estimate of ' . 1. ,ii. ,!,!- tot 1 , .' 0f aid im- rocniM.l .. .,n(l ,r, f-ired In- He City i'nvimcT being the sum of! V'.Sr), be and tin- same ;ire herc- i'l-prot rd. j Tin t li bound:irii-s of the assess- - -1! ' 1 r; 1 1 1 ..j 1 ' nor' 'i ' n's .-m l :in i i , tlo r. for, j 'i -old tin viijih is Ik 11 1, y 1 stjilili' bed j t beiTintting. A5se the following described tr.i." oi land, to-wit: Beginuiag at the intersection of the East tiv of Second Avenue Ka: with tftc South line of Elcvtnti Street in Tillamook City, Oregon, ittd rurtntttg thence East 71.S i" t . thence South lo a point 101.5 dei ionth and tot, 5 feet East of Hi. ttonineaM corner of the Ed nek Thomas Donation Iind Claim in Section ,W, Township 1 South, R;uig 9 West, V. M.; thence west to a point 101.5 feet East of the West line of Section JO, Township 1 South, Kange West, W. M.; thence South to Hie boundary line of lillamook City, Oregon; thence to a point jo Icel i'.ast ot the it line of Section jo, in 'township t South, Kanh-e o vest, V, il., the nee Nortii to a point jo feet bouth ot the South line of the Edrick Thomas Donation Land Claim; thence hast to the bast line of Second Avenue East in lilla mook City, Oregon; thence North to Uie place of beginning. Be it further resolved, that the City Recorder be, and he is hereby in structed to cause this Resolution and Notice to be published for three con sective publications in the City offi cial newspaper, and that the City i'lngincer be, and he is hereby direct ed to cause to be conspicuously post ed at each end of the line of the con templated improvements a copy of this Resolution and Notice within j days from date of the first publication of such notice. The said published Resolution and Notice, and the post ed Kesolution and. Notice, to also con tain all of the matters with r fc-rencc lu said proposed improvements that are required by the charter and ordi nances, and resolutions of 1 iil.ituook City, Oregon, and all persons con cerned arc notified to govern them selves accordingly." All persons concerned arc hereby further notified that the first publi cation of this notice is made t'ie 1 1 th day of May, 1015, and that objections nui remonstrances to said proposed improvements may he filed with the City Recorder of Tillamook City Orrgon, within 90 days from the said drteof the first publication This notice is given by the under i'ii '1 i the Rieoider of 'lillamook '"ity, Oregon, by order of the Com mon Council of said Tillamook City, 'ipt'tn, as in forth in said Kcsoln- i"i and Votier. Wi'ius' my liftid ;md offiriil ieil ' is t ith d;ty of Ma v. ioin. John Aschiin, As City Recorder of Tilla mook Cttv. Oregon. HEW DAIRY LAW PRINTED JJA painphlft 'XiHin(riu'""tlic''Htntf ilnirv law. "which will "go in'n oirctnt Mhv 22, hni hfcn "Hnnt. nut by State Dairy and Food CornrniHiirmcr Mlekh. Thn leiilk'l Htiilc'H that eri'iimery utid 1 1'Hti'rn' lii'i'iifcM must bi''olitnlnptl Tor $1 each. A teatcr rntmt pimi nn exum IriHt'on before n prnfi'-nnr of 'dairy huc Imridrv nt thn Stntn Agrlrlllturwl hcIooI Ht ( orvullii, "CrcaincrieH, to inl a li epnac, intMt tiiin Htiiii'lfird-rneiiMiirn i'inwiri that bus hoen t'lHted nt tint Aprirultu-iil icliord. On Thcj Anti-German Riots Occur In Londen. Iontlon,- The east end f I-ontlon Wnshitwtt i. Word ! i Ambus , dor .-rrd tmtl rsnd t S r.ntd tw Horr von Jagow, wtniter t. affair, ol u linperinl ttNtrnmn t 'wot, the Amerlean not snt n iueite ( the Lnsiiitnla trtsg nk.nMf tntena (ntt-wet tn tli nature- n (irinanj a reply Ttiv initmamm whleh mm In prtws ( Watches itnUr tiv fmtn BfHn to the effwt that Uvrmaay wwnld will mgly submit the quest tone mtswd bf t' e i-ntriean ttt tt arWtmtutn rwi-i.M w;ttt mtirh tittstrwt nnd It tn '; a.itt tlt tf thim wer nth pv.intton of jhmatrlno warfnrt rn tw ehant vla wtillo lh dim tito w tn r. t.s. th ptnft Wtittt ";': tMt;si,.erUon by tn A,mwt 0t" ; rftt Urrntnn iffirthi dwtowd b Ui katr ha hattd Ut m tlWUs rf his utnr'nHi trtnporarltj. wn4tn a reply to tmndnut Wilson wrt of prut., but no r4 ban been rx-ettej to ihta tsffuKi tront Amhessador 0rnrl t the state ttfWirtmwt, In thU vtnneettatl th rm ntwl rpo tbttl ii attempt wan to atnk the ltner TrnyWanh. MAP ed b pa''iitr tt Utmitt, tut ti offtctnhi derUnmt to any bMhr tb Oerouin a fmtratty bad m-atM tb ubmaHn;i tprattng about tb WrU lah tatea, ir thla sltottld U th , tt would ttidtcat that Oermany to at least tn I'Mwii'atorjr mwt Hop ot an immediate rpi to lr Ident WiUiin notix was aban lttnl tn'iause ut th tta'.lan crisis tt wsv admHt-,t tbat until qrmany rralteo her mtlltary forren and br Jtptomats nul tbt ne and uirn ing faetor the American demand muit watt, tl tber is no further ktllimt of Amert eans or Uwatructlon with tb- lo of litcie of women and ehlMren. It um'if'rattiod tho Tntid rltales Is no: likely to press the Imperial oern merit for an anst"r until itu Itallai crista baa caused. PORTUGUESE REBEL PRESICENT IS KILLED Par's, via Uinilnn Joae Chaxa. prorlatmeU president of the I'ortuge cabinet at Lisbon by thn retoieitlou Isii. was shot and kii!-l. un l fichitnsf In lh streets of the capital has ben muni'sl. more than loo persona being 1:1111. at-cor-Img to dispatch ranch Ing her. ('-.silent Chaaas we ahot four times whtli on a train at Kntrorem,;e to by H rtalor rrtetaa wbo was tmme tllatuiy killed. One ruport baa It that a passenger killed the prnaidenfa as sailant, arbtle another any Momitnj FrieUa was ahot lo death by fen-dnrmea. Many of the persons kill d In the lineal fighting were Hpanlarda, says it dlspateh from Madrid. the ftpaniah wnruhtpa fSapanti nnd Illo de la Pitta and (1 8;anish torpedo boat bate reacfiod l.tsbou to iirotutU Spanish Internau. The mbeUlon broku out nt Lisbon aboard tho cruteer Adamaater, which bombardnd tho city. A bnnd of 200 civilian stormed the Alcantnni Imr nicks. They onternd the uarrnrka cboorlng the republic. Many were killed and wounded. GOVERHORS HOLD SESSION Watcrpownr L on tiny tilll Diseuaood By St-ite ExecutlveJ. Houttle.- Dli.ruiisliiit of the govurii' mi nt v, utr power luasltiK bill outlined In 11 ttiliigriim from HuerMtttry of tliu Interior Ianu occuplud the attontlnn of Ihe cuufiii'eiieii of western govttr nors. 'I Ito govnrnora UKreml tlutt the bill wan 11 ineittlng ground for the ml voeiiteit or atatu'a rlwlitu mill tliu iiltrn conaiirvnUoiilHtH mill fuvorud InilorH lug tliu htM ax tliu liimt Hiilutloii of thti wntnr-pottor prohhtiii. Tliu (.'onfuriiiico .I'oiiHldorod thn pro tection of tho Pacific cosiHt In tho ovont of a foreign war. Tlinrn wciro primi'iil Oiivurnorn Hpr of IMnh, who pmnldcd; Idator, of WuhIiIiihIon; (I.trl noil, of Ctiloiaili); Hlnwart, of Mon Una; Doyle, of Nnvatla; Wlthycouibu, of Oregon, find ex-Uovornor I la winy, Vf Idaho, I, el torn of round worn roiul from (ioveriuirs Johnson, of Califor nia; llryno, of H011II1 Dakota: Hunt, of Arizona; McDonald, frf New Moxlco, and KoiitJrlclc, of WyomltiK. It was iitiiioiiiiccid Hint (ijvurntir Alexantlor, of Iduho, hud Imwi dotaln oil by tho death of hi 11 Ulster, U. ef W. President Selected. Sentlln. Henry Husalo, profctuuor I ef philosophy In tho Inaction' collide pacific Railway & Nav.jlCo. lit tlHKtteObe I bin. ImfttUet Chang t In li.i... n . , . ... l,m' Krtln Mtn tbtiifia-4M.i.i. 1 J- fr.w 14 ' ' ' !!-"Wft"'-' -(a'nt. li ll. ' n ,. I tltjt U n . -an-. l!tefci ll f.i Wh I ' 1 rr 10 nm ntt L r Ibneb) Wtht t m v o 1 IdM'. ltb M P trwbinnj 1 t M p W: Nuatttti 3.-48 p Annbg t .02 p j grf l,lVttrlMnl M ' T' ' .-' u . i hmi i is m.. l-. -In.!'" li f.m., 1tni lt a m . t t t tttiut-i V: vf p re , Jiurnsnr 1 v ' ! t" f n Wirlif u ni'it for lunrhi 1 1 t w as' 1 i' n ' !'' S,, f r1 . I'" ' ' rti rtmaiirv t New Motcr Service Ofj.t' tant e.'l. St " ' t' ' 1'v.rtlatml i t lHf", S'-t.t ri.- 1 " V.bli f orl lul-xt. i vt .is taSi. . av Mohler a 9 a m . 1 ' 1 m . poOil. Ar"" ' i TilUn-w I" ' m, ee THlamewfe 9 1 . 1 . p . ;all polnU.g,A'r Mi hUf a n i". t rvu. rAjttmt with copy a GIVING HftT TMAIK iOUtt f I NKAKiST ACUNT; 'OF TH8 I'. I N JOHN ii. SCtyiT,, General !. Agt. I'-"1 2"'rf wan the actnc of barlow; antUJorman of Columbia University, Now York noiH, uriHinK rrom inniRiiatlon over ' VMj WM ntttA president of tho Hub the plr.Vnr of ! 1 -le'tcila p.nd the VUrBity f Wsuihlnttoit hv tho board of IJe-Kiniiiiif,' at the Northwest corner 'tlr raid on Umdoii. 1 rcgonta. Vater Kale l'roposed by the Sute Itailroad Cmnmiiiirt 1 I ItC i'libl llllt Jft ltl !llj f "Jfiltrfblr fill t llut i- - - ' lllUm.k S jti J I iMllllllxii-U I, 'I 4lr ucl tl. 4t(f lc III kjt jpiliuilt t ti-r uei 4tciidlitg i tliiMH' . '" Jithtilulc I, 1 Ussr A end It 1 t First laurel ot UMinr . . . , Adtlitiional faaerts, bowls, sinks, etc I inter ihc (orrgoing headuiEs art not ittfjudrd di " ' '" ' etc.. which are utl i,,r Uwn k,.,! nr.ln Kt.rintj I.,. l,,,i , . ..'li , with cold water lancets at Mine lueatlon where the N't " irriuitina. uuraae. and other laucrts. ihn nriaeinli funtti, - ply tb wtcr for scrvicr heretnefti-r in thi Mhrdute Im u ' nalcl lor l.v Ihr niiiiiin.f 11 list ui,. ei .ilfuut. . r'' ' same titration, count as owe additional lancet. 1 e- VV.tshing machine Baths Additional biths .... , , , . t Toilets . , ... Additional toilets .,.,.... t'ritul (iule liitture or three foot Uugib) .... ' Automnbtlis kept on preinlsts lor wlmb water l used ' Barber rhair after first, each . , . 1 Dentttt lotmuin , . . , , , , Horsr and tows piiukllng I.t.tiu ami gardens Ibragh single Vi With i. ' " firm M100 e. ft o less (building space included F"r ut of cstra J'4 inch opening (or cejulvelaut) joott j r or lrS Additional lm through lirst H inch opening (payment l. furr June the loth of ja per lot of Jt00 i. ft. or h- allows annual use.) Sillincks (or vtustiing store front (30 feel or less) ' ' .Sillcocks for washing store front lor each 10 It. over y i''.K fi.untins or spray fountains Inch opening, i"" slant flow , " Hobbling fountains, intermiiunl flow Bubbling fountain. 18 inch opening constant Ilerw . Schedule g, C'U ( liter delivered llirmiti nii,. f au -t.... 1.. ...... ,, ,., - ....... ---- w an, lift 111 1,111 m I' irst I wo hundred cubic feel " l'flw Next three himdrwi cubic feel v 1 " Z Nixt fifteen hundred cubic fret ' l'r e S hi tight thousand cu, ft , "" l''f ' F.xcess over ten thousand feel ', . , I" r 'f Miiiiiiillin eharurs. sceunlintf i .!-,. ,,f Mni.imir Is ii I 1 meter employed ner month: bi,e of service pipe Corresponding, size of meter "'""."co. '" H inch ' li'i inch t 2 c ' a inch J ' " i Ineb ' .t inch ;,"c,, When eonrrelt tvnll,u in.i 1. .....iiilc I" -i.r,..e.i 1. .... 1 v,vii.i iu viiiii t-niiMi nicr lllll " , side "fit! 1 ' r "";U, , ilI,cr 1,1 ,mil,li,i " ''V '""Ki,,' '",tt "tvepiioiis to v,i;issiuc!i (ins. , , elm.V. "" I,!, ,lic work,, lc, Y Hi'"- Mllfl' 1 nitigt less 111.111 intuit 1 t mini Kfifrifir HmIksi ' I'cr' e-uiiiciies, Iirsl fixture !,l.,'a.,"i"r.l,1 vi'T iuwiUiik fiir..act'K'.iiVee'.ii.',:;,,',;,;.v1;;r;eiih mm D ill , "r InVtall'.r cUmh l March incliisivf. . - I' ' month) C)i'tttiir Ki Mturji inclusive a h!chMe!.,''I.,l.!tt,,,l,.'-i,,S' h,,,,, '"'il'll'iKS tin'.l'l'.riVa'tV liy.l.m.l'. iiivii cir iiks conduction ,,,, .1 nth eoiineclloii I inch connection ....!.',!!!!"'' Sti'.-i mliii'i 1 u ,,.,.1 o , !..'.'. .'. .'.1 !.' '.