Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 21, 1915, Image 3

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I lis
goTng .'-fjshTng '
hcaclmmcfs for fishing tackle we" catch
I, 0tfrlvtf9 bo wg knew wh.it they like
It '
,!.t-l V'mi KfVMllyJlntmc what uC
Ii'f hilHTIIK'll.
,,, j, . i ' -v .t vln. v, frm tin- mjirrt
n i w i ' it hin v iiiuil rail with
.,: i :. to thcmmtl! hoy who; lie hit
, ( , ih -m. of n liirch pole. Come in
!,,..'.. .tver our grttu hue uf
.j.Uiton .imI Unn Llnejt. Spoon llootu, Com.
Hjok, all nls, flouts ant! Stnktnt, Price:.
i. ii
,pn feat" w.
Oim fu -h i
Before you send away for floods
Youi OwnDeale
Vou'll be jurprhed a I how lililcyoti really save
by it riding away
We want your Iradc in tjood tjroccrirj, Hard
ware., Peril, Show and Dry Goods
E. G. Anderson, Hemlock
The Satisfaction Store
Allornty-al-I.aw and
Land Office Business.
COMPLETE SET OP A ST f ACTS, i ,Myr,le I,,Jlnl-
. . ... Til lllr
uince a.KMjui., i iii.iitiook 1
Tillnmoolc - Ort
Mia Juitlr.o Tarter wait elected
queen at the strawberry carnival at
Cooa and Curry rountl&t will hold
their dairy ahow and anntwl fnlr nt
El. J . CLAU68GN
Coiinm n.i;il Boililiin;
L!l!)nppciHfls. :
Try mw uir.ttm tb fUttwvy
; Ku." M, A, Oimm fermarly f
Spaoian KiU-bcn,
For e Kltenaa Tab-
. '"uular trir or Imawd.
j Onto acta -Tillamook PWJ C.
j Owl Milk mw for aale. Km It.
i V.'. C, Dwltfhi vs. g, ). Head ia a
uit flbM in the ireait Omrt to ra
ce r tt.TW bala doe on t not.
W will uwki or buy roar bt bull.
KvtlMin & MMikr,
Vrmpum tor etnnlor bemw twit
wk. Th fruit TsImw will tnv
Uwtn in abtiDitanm.
IVtKil; CummtMiotMnr C. II. Grm
hat on out ttmlalnt aeatnai tm
rad Xl ami J. R. UunUwnanr lor
"- ,-', ak. ai IIS. Kttjuira ftmM.
i. m itie tit ! . alao pa. tang u, compl with tba factory In-
I III. I I J. IPMi. hB.allll aL.BVA.au
. trip wi
'ft. I'm. MIJf tl)
I n.l;
. h, f Hf ilaiio,
v . Mat afltUl
1L K
t(f).f( Hrt(rk.
I'. H. Whltahiwmi, who tut btm at
lllllaburu ti4n it tow aal
MialitMW rwtumatt Ttutmlay.
lry Hall tor al. ytarllnr. ln
tir K. r. Krwnwn.
J. H. ra. J. K. WilllaiM ia a
MM Alad in m Cir?ll Court u nt
tmvt m om pimtmty no.
Try mu f our f aiwjr lrnal CJhUk
M for Hondar dlnnar. Till-
irva am twine nwk 'ninv.
. a. T.:iK,ii:
-ii. Mt
tt. mW-t wa
ii c i
ft, r
lUjl, i
I, ..f,
l I
lnv. . 4i
If ctfn ,i
l me
ui4orUhl thare U a protoat Ui
Um imirwvftkrfii itf FifUi tci in ihc
mawwr it la ptvpotmd ia bard awrfarv
Uut atraaf.
H Urn and numay by catlinc
Ummw Urokan aaUutrr wakkxl. Bwiler
Wmf our apawUKy. Ulnar A Mawt,
UitywwtrlaM S,aUins.
Halm tttawart and tly Itiilllpt
na ttaan tt-tiad ovar to Ut 1 1 rand
Jury on ihm rhaija ai kWia; R ttouao China ftlcs.
nt ill fatno, Tnay nava Itaan tead
on a Hl raan bood.
paction law.
for aala or trad?). 7 mum hoot? wltb
an or lw fat, eloaa in, Inqaira til
Mara Id Uffl-.
Anybody having youn ralvos for
la will sat U brat nriraa by calling
p Mvilann Si UaU-Hior on tna Mutual
i hotvr. Thay pay ths higbrai priea for
all Mndi of yvuna ralvaa at DMWon'
tkl barn,
Dr. ViVnJl Iritt eyat aod fits riant
at rcaionable pricci. Any tylc uf !en
er motintitn. Act. KiiuJen I.entei.
Ura. Dirk wno haa bran In Salcin for
a month or more ii iw noma much
Imprnvad In hat-lib. Hha . ports to
tpand tba auutmar in Balam.
I. ink . a g.
fjiaj.itMini rMintiy
m ai CwniMny.
la on tiUilli
ri. I, llatulin Ik. kn. owvar I I., i
3 : will do you rood Job
Vlir J. Iuaoa va, Jai II. Man
dai.i.ll suit AM in tba rirouil
Any farmer wanting aomo flne young
pitta will do wall to call on tfaihon .t
Mvlchior. Thay will have a tot of Oicttt
for aala at tbolr bam nrxt Monday the
aavantaanth. Full btosd I'ohl find
R. A. llnaJhtfad and John Aactiim
tHntiaawtina the Odd Falluiv und Ml
For all k'nda of bouaa owlnc, iHiunk. M.n. ,...ii. iw. i..iw.b.
.'- iv t t slo.
;. Jobiwun.
nrt rlui inrm;
. ol .nnl Malik.
...nukl.!;. . . .7 . . " , anctt
ikiuc waaunt; oi inoaa two oruera una
- vbalm Tlmoa, roort f..r tba foracloaoia of dailmUant
A U WCOk. .
I ortland Comant, Umn, Urirk
I'laatar, I alh. I'lf llrick and Fim
Iny, cotnplaU atorka alwaya on band.
Unit- liradt (V Writ. I'bona, Wlra
or t oll
)Umr Maacin ! KflltfiiR !' flxturo
In al" in l'i Maaunir tiuil-lintr Uit ;
tho iiwUiUUon uf hi tok uf cciivrnl
Mr. Kitarffrnld ami uraml ilautfiilor
Dollla Wlmrrova of lloekaway. wora
".-U or on not-1 Tlllnnwok vimtorn UiU weak. Mr.
iHoclttl iifOpnriMl I'iutralil la bulkling n notv coltntfa at
rrirallOPiit. If It
, .. . iiur HV'ii') bark.
i )l Two ( irl
t A' fu .luo't 'lavti (o
I unti-ScliruiU r 1 4.
i V.
i vnitinu (ri-ixu
f itio eoohty thin
f ,
" . .1. V. I. CUiiitfli
Tint, j
t Unlit, Idalio, who
'.ere fur tba Kfct
I Ixi iMildrtiiliii'il at
.ui Saturday, ami
' part fur homo.
A "fc'ur lurn. boal liwn-
U'Cr. V, ill tin .ulil L n-lmr.
wpiura in., i.iiti. Inqulro. ul
WfSl.,fii. hllamook.
J'C. Kul , ) .(. fv
fbuilmn. ui ll.ull,,,,,!.. C,.!..
Uce,'y ttu w. ok. Whllo luiru
" Weil of IjrtiH Kiuiiliill.
Hlm fur niukliiK nionov nl
irii oi rapitnl, purtioulurn
""mil ho ii. m m,...., f
- wnn illll r4
2lll.l,St. t North, Portland,
. , . . , i,i i nun m Kiuii mi.-ii, ui; i uisiiiu.i .inn
w with I p ea two wcrna old for " . . .
, ., ,, in tlic pruiumt ciiho tho help III iniimtuiii
A. II. I'iK. . Itiavor. or eolli , , . , , i i
' . .,. haa ht'i'ii kept ut work, nil houra uach
a who huii i -..in....
L j f T inilMIK
ntho vulluv fur
rturneil on 'I'lleadnv I..-1 1 "
l.aml platter vtlll holn you clonn out
tlio ytdlow "mil an m tho aamti lima
fortUlra your oal, rkivnr and erasa
rrofn. Utmb-Sichrwliir t o. Hollo JW W.
Mr. l. B. Clancy of Portland, who
haa hoan tho tfunal of thu Olann Olivur
family at thoir Ihhiui up tho Wilson,
loft for huititi totlny.
I now
Ml 10
U. A. Johnaon, Mutual Phono.
Tho Statu Kalr Hoard anil our Coimtv
Fair Hoard havo mailii iirranijoinonta
to ulve clrla aa woll tin hoya froo trlpa
' to tho State Fnlr for tho liluhost niim-
Imr of poluta mailo In rltih work or
fair exhibit at our cniinty fuira.
Small loam, htiKk'V and Imrnena for
Hiile. (ioiHl team for boy to drive,
alao k'ouil farm team. N. Mycra.
Mine rolnlletl at KoHeiitmrK Hroa.
aloro. Sen them. Tillamook I.lmo Pro
ilucta Co.
Mttla Jmaia Crana diad at bar (nunc
on tba Mum! laat Monday ai tba aga
of 7. Mha had baau III all bar Ufa.
Funeral aervieoa wora bald Tttaday
afiamoim and intarraenl took placu at
U.a Mayvit-w eamatarv.
Tan bundlaa of UmU ahipnad from
Han Frarwltwo at 10 J a. m. Monday,
to Alax. McNalr oi thia elly rla. Worth
Parillc Htaamahip Co., and Hiaamar
Klmort) arrived bora at 6:30 p. m.
U inady, making tba ontira dlaUnre
InMltoura. This ia vary aood lime
eonaidorina tba fact that it Ukes
about 6 dava to eat nooda haro by
froifit from I'riaco.
.'roc-a Hurley wr ton. fat.M
Proccaa tUrloy, 75 lb t-iek, XI.. 15.
Ilran, (10 lb aaek, fl.00.
Short. HOIli ack, ft.JV.
Wheat lOOIti anek, IZ.U,.
fkralrh food. 1001b mirk. fl!.40.
Whola corn, IWIb aack. til.00.
(teat hard wbaal Hour, bbl, 17.00.
Boat hsnT wbaat flour, aack. $M
Oata. rrr ton. ft 1. 00.
Oalt, iwrCwt., K.I0.
For caah pavinent, deduct the fob
lowlntr, vti! : J1.60 (icr ton on barley
and oat , 'lite rr bbl. or 10c k.t aack
on flour, 15c, Cwt, on n hoat corn and
Kratnh fod; ltv jmrk on barley, bran
and ahorta ; 10c Cwt. on oata.
A anap if taken at onco. 180 aerea nt
Sum! 1-ake. 120 rich, lov.il bottom, 10
ncron cranlirrry land. Truck runninc
tbrougb place, J mile frrm postotlice
ami now achool. 1,M0,00J feot codar
on the place, 1000 toluphoms olcs. All
for J10.50 iter acre. Jl.liOO down, bal-
loiii, time paymunta. Joining
hind aoki for t&.OO per ncre fi yeart
ao. Call or write C. M. Vidito, Til
lamook. Orecon.
Attorney nt Law
The Polk county chautaiKran wilt be
hall in Da.iaa thia r. ar from July I
to 10. '.ncitiiva.
("ne thti'iaand former aturienta of Al
bany Corite ara expt 'd u attend
t4f retroloti la Albanj on June It.
i Ti ftavanUi Annual t.ive Rtock
j Show will ba haul at t,r.'.oa W-tnea-'
ay, Tbnrsday asd Friday, June 2, 3
and I.
I The twanty-aavant)) annual conrcn
j Won of tba Epiafropal dlo' -; of Ore
j son openad Wrdnaadar in Trinity
I church at Portland.
! Governor Wltbyeambe haa 1u-d a
l procUfaatloo afiarl-,j? June II, tho
laat day of tba Koae t-tlval at Port-
General practiev in ail alato and
Fciloral Ourla
Commercial Club Itldg. Tillamook.
Mra. W. H. raay of 8; eat, baa
bran appointed a member of the awl
viaory board of the Inrtua trial achool
for girta by Governor Wi'hv combe.
for tbe port ,ie of perfecting an
oreantxatioa and mayplrg out plana
for the future, tbe new f.ah and game
; C'..tn:aa!on will hold a meeting at
' Sa.em May 36.
S Obteopatha, sa we!I aa other regu-
ATTORNKV-AT I. AW ! ' pnyasriaaa, can aign
Ttlkunuok Htora death certiflcaia, r- ordlng to an
ltm Wl ' opinion of Attornej General Brown.
Tillamook. Oregon for the etate board of health.
The aeeood iarftat prune orchard
inn v i n Avn iiTMirpmiv" ,n rvm' blch 18 '' Br0,We'
JUIIft LI.LAiMJ llLiULIiOUi rvjop'es rocnty. baa been purcbaaed
.ltoriic-.it-l;i 1 by J. H. Bond of Linn county, from
Geo. F. Winslo7rr
lilttimook County Umk Bldtj. '
Attorney at Law
Office In Tillamook Mock
L. E. Hewitt
Obtetriral Specialial
Both Phonea
Olfieo: Hooma 1516 Tillamook Hlock.
Houra: It A. M. to 5 P. M.
aha. nr attending tho annual urinal I
I weak.
Wa can furnUh you cedar fence pott
for 9. each. Tillamook Feed Co.
(o to tne "Jtamafy 'Jool ICaU" for
the beat of everything In irood thinsrs
to eat. Oley will lrtat you rijbt.
Howard Druw ami wife are expected
to arrive bare from Helit, Ore., today.
Mr. Prew who ha I won principal of
the Helix achoota for the paal year, hna
Iwen enpagiNl to tako charge of thoao
achool for another yuiir.
There aeema to hnve Ikkt noinrwhat
of n thakeup In Mutual Telephone Co.
alfair. Wo uwlunUniwI that Proablent
lllanchard liaa roaiunoil of bla own vio-1 rWju,!Hted to cull there ami inspect the
lation ami that tho I aunt) of ilirootore I sme, otlicn boura S A. M. to f. P. M.
tin nakotl for tho roaignition of maim- The meetini: will bu.hcld nt the City
Notice la hureby iven that tho Til-1
lamook Water Commiaaion hna act Fn- j
day May iiath. 1915, as the date for thu j
hearing of objection and remonstran-
cea if nny there be, to the schedule of
water rate" na formulated under roc-1
ommeialatiun from thu Slut Kail-road
C"tiunl..iion. I
A copy of tiie prooieil rate i on file
with the City Recorder nt the City Hall ;
and all water usera and taxpnycr are
L. L. HOY, M. D.
I'hvsicinn and Surgeon
Boll Phone -OlBce 6, Kesiilenc 6 M
Mutual Phone Otlicc ami Residence
Dr. Jack Olson
uiiicu Hours irom u a. m. too p. ni.
OdJfcllows Buildinc
Both Phones.
Mra Grace W. Baker of Roseburg.
John ('. Cady. tke flax expert etn
p!oyd by tbe state board of control
to In tall 2 flax plant at the penitenti
ary, has been auihorited to go east
and pUThaae ihe needed machinery.
Seven ty-five of Oregon s 107 post
masters of preil utml offices ha.j
xere-ited PeaUuaater Myers' Inr'.tation
to attend a coav-jtio-, tn Portland
June 9. 10 and 11. during the Koso
ConatructioB upon the J230.(H)0 Slus
law Jetty project should be under way
bo July 1. giving employment for 75
men more than two years, according
to 1. B. Cushniin. chairman of tbe
Siuslaw Port Com rains ion.
Salmon by the thousand are clog
ging tbe Umatilla river Just below the
dlveraioa dam for the Weat Umatilla
project, unable to get above t'e dam,
owing to the fact that the fibh ladder
ia too abort for the large-alte Ilsh.
The firat fatal accident of ihe fish-
Ins aeaaon occurred at Astoria, when
I Harry Kamyalla. a boatpuller, was
washed overboard as a landing was
being made alongside the fish-receiving
scow at Ssnd island. Ho sank be
i fore atd could reach him.
1 Secretary of State Olcof.t announced
UiHt the price of the seaaicn laws of
i the 2Sth legislative assembly, which
, are ready for distribution oariler than
usual, is $1.35, dellvere;'. Each mem
i ber of the legislature will bo supplied
with a copy free of charge.
Fifty-three accidents, none of them
fatal, were reported during the week
to Labor Commissioner lloff. Hail-
ger Torry which haa been aecopled.
Tim cnuae of tho tnmnle aeem to have
been internal. Alonu with thia comes
it charge on the part of the atale Cnti
thoriliea to the ulToct that some of tho
femnle holii Inn been worktal overtime
and priH-etalliiKS to prosecute have been
storied. The law lutos-tthat female
helpaball not bo worked more than M
houra each week. We uiiiluratiind that
Hall nt 7:30 P. M. nmi if no objections
are preientel at that tune, these rates
will be adopted and declared in im
mediate elTect.
John Aschim.
The Tillamook Lime Product Co. is
ready to 111! orders for lime stone.
Siuuf all Coiumuiiientioin to U. 0,
Jackson, Tillamook. Customers aro
reipiesteii to brine; sacks or it will bo
necessary to charge itc .extra for each
Hai Located in the Commercial Bldg., roaJ wooers v.ere tho most unfor
succeeding Dr. r. J. oharp
All wori OuirantrcJ,
Office Houo!
Both Phones.
9 to 12 a. nt.
1 to 4:30 r. m.
Open Evenings from 7 until 8 o'clock
Dr. Geo. L. Peterson
Dr. Perkins Old Stand
Both Phonri Residence Phore 20 R. j tlfied that no more patieuts from the
tuunto, 1G of them being hurt, while
many engaged in logging and employ
ed in sawmills were also injured.
Oregon piling will be utilized ia
reconstruction work being carried on
at the big navy drydock at Pearl har
bor. Hawaiian Islands, the Charles It.
Mcformick company of Portland hav
ing obtained a contract for tho deliv
ery of 1050 pieces of piling there.
Superintendent Steluer has been no-
1 .it isn't (itn Hustmnn, it isn't
a Kodak.
If it isn't a Kodak, it isn't
If.it isn't Autographic, it isn't
If it isn't an Ivastnum, it isn't
t up-to-ilnte.
We do developing t nd printing for
the ninutvnr.
Mail your work.
Nulla hie nrimttiHt
Wicr Sprt'clifii DentHcli.
Ask The Man Who
He will pay you from S'J.OO to;$ k()0 more
1 1 it moil til fo r y o u rj u n is l il it has avcll)i'(ptip
pnl hath root 1 1
Think of It
Actually from 2 1 to 'Mi per cent on the in- J
vestment or about Mi of the net return from
that house you rented. Can you invest
$100.00 any better.
R. F. ZACHMANN about it '
Tillamook's Leading Plumbing & Sheet Metal. Shop
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(Both Phnnesl
R. N. U15NKLU. Met.
Located in Jones-Knudson Buildinir
Funeral Director and Licensed Emb&hne
Liulv Assistant When Requested.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & SON, Prop.
Both Phones
The Same Price to Kveryone
Ccland B. Grwin
Teacher oi Piano
Diploma from the Chicago
Musical College
A complete stock of sheet music
nnd Technic Books.
Tornia ! SJ.00 nor tnnnllw Inutriiclinii
j Ptipili wishinir to take during tho sum
mer term, Bhould reserve a lesson peri
od now.
Instruction at pupil's home
nsyhim for tho insane would be ac
cepted for deportation to belligerent
countries. Steiner had intendod to
deport throe subjects of Great Britain
mid had engaged passage for them on
the next scheduled sailing of the un
fortunate Lusltania.
At tho annual meeting of the board
of regents of the state normal schools
nt Monmouth, It was voted to turn the
normal school properties at Weston
aud Ashland over to the school dls
trlcts in which they aro located to
use for school purposes, until such!
time as the state or legislature makes
some disposition of the buildings or
tuny decldo to reopen them as training
places for teachers.
Grant county ia improving and
shorttmtug many of its roads. Tho
county court has approved tho Canyon
City-Dayvllle road through the gorge
of tho John Day river, which has cut
several miles of travel between the
two places. The road was considered
a gigantic undertaking because It had
to bo cut through solid rock for noarly
a mile. The cost was $4000, much lesa
than tho estimate.
Govornor Wlthycombe appointed
Mrs. Clyde Apporson, of McMlnnvllle,
as u momber of tho Oregon Child Wei
fare commission, to succeed Mrs. J.
II. Smith, of Astoria. Mrs. Smith ro-
signed, not being able to devote suf
ficient time to tho work. Tbe other
members of the commission are: Mrs.
Robert IL Tate, chairman, Portland;
Dr.' Mae II. Cardwell, Portland; Oeo.
Rebec, Ph. D Medford, and L. B. At
dermau, Portland,