Cfce Ciltamook herald fc. Cromly Gdiior .ssutA wwUe a Wee Custv sd Friil.tV Ki t. -. 1 womt-oisM m.itt.'r Mat 17, I'M . at th no oifwe at ViUamook, Oregon, under the aet of Mairh S. 187i." I SI'BSvKIP.loN St fin A Vf K IN AOV ANi'R. ! t . In m. nil f r ' Kv. Kow, ,t . i.(iiii i ur . . -i anrenlo SiTrtii n i ittins, iwkIit. TEACHERS KMIM.0YK1) FOn NEXT YEAR Hd i :im Rate l T- No" Chi. Loci cr '. .; eh tra , r ll r tin t inn, line .10 .IV. a- vosr It.'i.i I a ot the ailit - rii En-h Mi!-tj,irnt i:-crtii"., line .OS Kto'iitit'ii of ' lodolonee and LodilO Hot, 00. )K.T llllO - .01 BiS'iross Jfr Professional, 1.00 fisplay Advertisement. ir inch ,M At L Jiicp'rtV Ail must Ur in this of , , V-dav ttitl Thursday Morn- . h i, i i-Mire I'.ctt". in follow . T o to..t KtuUy issues. . . u- s an- imperatite. W '2 . liK" ' -, ". A '4 'ill fth !. m t! wherever newwiirv v' i,. lo to a pr (M r level isLir'. fvr the layii'i of If ary of " ir hsd it ll ,. istr i- i t ah.' i' ! hnvt ,. ' of ; o State '': lul -l iils .'!. points to th i'.i Oreevr: are : now a thoy I -t . . ;wtl I. 1 i 'Ut i i n t' . ,-i r . .! -o. J h. i :. iluTt- i ct t;.t the f.t: .ii. to their r w erv. . I !'. t' . t!l- '".H tnir l!,.it i'.e i ligation r-i crs of lltcrvSt nu I .01 i l io . A ? Kb- Following are the teacher employed (or next vr In glutriot Nr, V; W. Untbank. Suot. Ptttr 0. CKWlict, EnHh. JvataiB H. Cwnl. 8eiii-P. tin. H C Hton, Hiurjr. MM LiwU MMttiio, lltn nd MUi wwntifn. Mitt Piiultne McKlvnln, ComiMtefal mid (irmnn. Min KmntK UeUrtd. Domwtlc Selm a:iM Art. IK H. Rt, Mmtunt Tn.-,i . Mim iiatut MoKumii, Muie wnl Spte- ial work. MiMClr Pryh, rth irrml. Mi KvtU ftrnith Mh grtiif . tuy meat mamci John Danniftls, Prop. On StV Mi.l , l;;iHi. In William MM. A liw I RtiH ..! hWOKEO WEATiwl I ISM Victcck's Mim Matnil T. Ci. vn, 4h ni'd. ' j Miss Harriot! I'mjdont, Jul wmde, n motion tr r,, i!ur!, iitne i . u.-nninHMisiv that j Krtf. Ut r!. f.r! roror. I .-.wnt. 8th UU wti m i.:i:-j. ct iii. . - iv 1 th' h p,ifck that . uitional i of .u ii nr? on tho marv terhir will hi. ,t(W. T"v State (t- , W.ishi-izton ! ini'H'tv.l a v- -y win.- j : . oiTi- 1.0 of tho !tjite of its riven! n.ot'tsnc. vc.'.s liie r;'v iluli.m, .o.ansi trin tH-l'.ire tl,o shoi Io, .iition Bi:i t.i I.: o U' is. tte.i U h - I, -.r the to a vcti .is a i". 1 ut'Stioii of t!,i to a;, b .1 H'i j niaKo thv Hiti-riiiiv anJ Horiforo .iro o ritleil to i voice lit the p..i!tiT. Ar-.trer ;vi i- itcistjon has t bm mailt i- nction vith tf-.i ida ;ti il that w t tho elTvot ttistt those Ah' sate f r .ur !ioUi.i t t tv ones called upi :i nrt to lfS.".fll 1 .TirKi f fo- t-f. Tin io km ivnsi.lwr- , aUU .i,?c ,vo:i i;s nfjr it ! t Un mattiT .'Ki('u' jovvathttf . i t'mt?i!t swned ! to ! tho etft'.-t thitt nil r.ittle whiih ! wtT- N-n'if fHttt'ii-4 f. r toi f should b i irv' t -.-u so that it ii.tiM not ho id i that t.,o lannvr wort selliuir infceUsI metit. l iiii th.Hiiiht n followed up I witii tho uiea thai if it gomi to i he ?o pnrtu-ular aNut niaU, why iihotilii .mi the farmer U' at (uirtieutar j .);,.:'. h milk amt see to it that all hw i o s .in' inswoteil. The fact waa j iiKMiio roi! that t'sore werv !aw ifiv- tTnii j: t:ns matter, but that th same i. 1 1 hail :ut bon cnforevtl a, tf.-iii us it h'lvc !.en. Tho! vo-.tin'o-t of thi mwttri; ci-mi..l to b very n . hin fivur "f a rirfiil inf'0 Ik m .'f Sioth ilairy ami lioef cattle l!u- Uk'r...,it tho h ile eo'inty. tne !utit iui.j..ct to coniv up for dis ui4Hin the hirt-iu of tireek ami 11-lUn laborer by contractora who are inn! milt our nv ro.tils. Tliia mat ter a diotj seii iro awl con to con siderable extent. Those agaioat the fureiKn labor contended that our citi zfti who tre out of work should have waa l has. Kunze is oTerint; avmie iro-il premiums, the same t . tie ifivon at county fair, to the trirI- oxhtottii't; tin best sne'-imen of darning on stockings and the tet soecimefi of pater. K.i.rk on oanu. This is a ate; ato-. ;r.i.-tL-rd lines and in to be commended. Many a ?irl ha been taught r.ew fancied ideas in great numbers, who. when it comes i.) the ordinary, practical things ': the first consideration, and that it is found sadly in need of the proper j not a stood policy tt hire men though training. Of course we expect that J they mifrht work cheaoer, who were our stand pat frienda wilt say that thin are to take tit money out of the eoun is ali ujelt-is because there will be no t try. It was also pointed out that the need of atoned panu and darned socM foreigners were Utking work from when a change of administration take many of our amall farmers who went pi ice, but regardless of their argo- just t?fcttiuK a start and needed the menu it i our opinion that th girl, work on the roads in order that they and especially the girl on the farm might the better V.eep their families vU is trained to do the ordinary things and be enabled to stick to their farms, well is the t:irl that is a real help in! Those taking Uie ooposite view da the past a.,. will always be a real help j dared hat the matter fthouki be con in the future in the lifting of burdens. ' isdered from the taxpayer's stand- -. i. J point or from the standpoint of the FAJRVlr W HR AMfTF Hfl! n! I man who was desirous of getting tho YELLOW m Leo Tittle and Jevsie Smmona were married May I4tu by Rev.. Ward at the U. 8 paraooafe at Hearer. The president of i'Mlumath Cdlegw preached at the school house Sunday afternoon. Ralph Blum and Walter Brown made a trip to Netarts after clams last week. Miss Phillips wilt finish her school May 25lh. Verlin Brown waa at Sandlake over Sunday. H'v. Ward cloaod bis year's work as pastor last Sunday. SPECIAL MEETING most for his money, and as the con tractor who hired th j foreigners bUl ,, nT. ,. , . ,., , . ; nesrly one half less in some inttances On rhirj-lay alternoon the Fairview , ,. ,, . . ... . . i me roiiuwis. uuring uiis pnase oi ' the discussion it was uuite freelv in. 10 ! timated that a good deal of "soldiur ing" had been done on Tillamook County roads in the past rind because of this our roads had coat us a great deal more than they should have. Grange held a special meeting for tne ' discussion . f hard surfaced roads. The afternoon session was thrown open the public. At the request f the master of the Grange, Wm. .Maxwell. Mr. F. D. Bt ster read a report which bad been in connection with this part of the discussion, which miuht bu even rnoro amusing if it were not for the fact that these samo incidents have in Uiu pant cost Tillamook county taxpayers many a hard earned dollar. Last Thursday's meeting was on of tho host (!range meetings it has been our pleasure It) attend. Subjects were discussed in an intelligent manner and much good and useful information was brought to the surface. received from the .Multnomah County 1 .Some amusing incidents wore recitwl Pomona Grange through the courtesy . ! I T . .r .,... l r. u4 u. u. u.iiiia.1.1 ui .nuibiiuinan iounty, pertaining to the late inioection which a special Multnomah County Grange committee had made in regard to the ditFerent kinds of hard surfaced roads in the State of Washington. The re ports also included findings on the subject from other parts of the Unitod States. The report was very exhaustive and interesting and gave much valuable information from a decidedly disin terested standpoint. It seems from the report that tho cement road has by far the ho3t of the argument. It ii by far the cheapest and most durable, giving the beat general satisfaction for country roads. It is very essential, however, in the construction of cement roads, that the proper material be used. The success of the cement road lays to a very large degree on the shoulders of the man or men who have the work in charge, who trust see to it that the material put into the road is juHt right. The reading of the report was fol lowed by some discussion as to whether our present macadam road foundations could be used in the construction of cement roads. It was brought out that they could be and to very good advan tage. It seems to be the intention of the road engineer to use our present Union Service at Christian Church Sunday Morning PROGRAM Gloria Patri Choir Invocation Rev. I). A. MacKiinzie Response Choir Song N'o. 1 Congregation Scriuture Lesson. ..Rev. Kdward Gittins Song No. 191 Congregation Prayer Rev. I). A. MacKenzie Anthern, Remember Thy Creator Choir IJaccalaureale Sermon Rev. II. A. Van Winkle Song No. 102 Congregation Benediction Rev. Edw. Gittins Changes in County Fair Premium. Rule i (vcikc i), ranged to frail a i..llo - Nu r!uluor of Hvr stock v,.a!I b-. allot rd to make more than '.'i cntm in any one lot. Role jo, page 71. vhaoge to provide r two Rirl it will .i Iwo boys to ,!-nt to State l"air. The State Fair .'.card has provided a girls camp as .v.-Il as a boys camp and will enter and care for them during the fair week. The County Fair Board pays iheir railroad fare to Salem and rt turn. Add to regular list in school division. Cross Sritch, Water Color Painting Chas. Kunac offers the following special prises. For Oirb Under to Yeats, nest darned stocking: first prize J.j;o, Second prize $i.Jo; Third priae $i.oo. hest patch on overalls: First priae ;j.30, Second prize $t.5o; Third ; ne $i.oo. School children having crcdiuldr xhibit conforming to the general classification in Premium list will be granted free admission. In Grange exhibit fourth prize will c $jo.oo instead of $io.oo. Farm display: 1st prize J.30.00; tnd prize $20.00; 3rd prize, fl$.00; 4th prize $10.00. rf Premium list will be mailed to any address on request. cut tins out and suck in your premium book. No thw-w eer H( 1. Joe mfw'd wU lH t vti u eM J. KiMd 8f. Na " . . t tZlik , W ss4i lite hf t omlr ajr til ? ww 'i ro.I rM.;v for Imnmoa m U,i will m-lmf t . aI oails 1 f lmJ Hi Cut In Meat Prices A oat grass ltd catH now tt&6)- for I be, we at ttukiag the ollowtog prictt on our meats, lor c.iht 8f Pot Ronr.t 12 I-2c unci 13 I-2c per powm! Rib Rott t ISc per pourtii Rib Soil t tic per poimti SflktiBoH t lOcptr pound Suaks nt 121 -2 to ISc pgr pound Corn Bcci t He and 12 l2c per pound Hrnburgr Steak t 12 l2c pr pound Thee price xrt gtNuanUd on TittacnooU Prodtscls PRICE LIS r ON U. S. iNiiPfcCT.Mj PKlMd STEERS FROM PORTLAND TILLAMOOK BAKER 1 i I (s AT A I.I. t COAST J'OUK (o ) SUIK-IKa f At "'I , o V,M Will HOt :.i '. John I -u- .i ., . ft. i . Alt'tniay at I, Tllfcimoolc Iitlc Mi Abstrrtct Co. t4W, Atwlfa t- I Krv) n'. i I ' TtU.AMtHiK. Sirloin Steaks Round Steaks Pot Roast Beef Short Ribs .ind Plate Bolls Prime Rib Roost Methodist Church Notes. Sundyy School 10 A. M. Kpworth League 7 P. M, Evening Sermoa 8 P. M. Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will receive sealed bide for one hundred cords of wood for the court house, at its office in Tillamook City, Oregon, until the hour of io o clock a.m. on the 4th day of June, 10 is, and at that time opened and read. Kach bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk, for an amount to equal to s per cent of the amount of the bid which shall be ferfeited to the county in cane the bid he accepted and the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court. The bids are to be for one hundred cords of cither Hemlock, For or Al der wood cut 46 inches in length and corded in the basement of the court house. The County Court reserve the riylit to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 18th day of May, 1015. J. C. Holileti, County Clerk. .it 20c pet pound .it ISc per pound at 16c per pound at 12 c to ISc per lb. 4 at 18c per wound These prices .trej subject ojch.tnjjt: TILLAMOOK MEAT CO. Notice of Special City Klenmn. Notice i hereby gitru, thi in pur tuner el a kri- In nun 4d'spird by thi 1, umitiun t ..until ot Tubm-Hi ,itjr. "ngoo, t.n thr 1 jib dy oi Mu, lijisj, it iliiiul rlKitiun will (.- held ' 1 'i t Ui At.irs out to fOO- ' .'ni v.h.i nir p. o au-' ! .fll, I.JI ih. lurpint luMitiji to n 01 fiJintninr' And o 'ri'i in, i f 3 fninptrtr -tatsr )Sito s 1 aviri ttwik. cltttrit tr gas light .Uiu ..r p!;, ttMr a swtr 4i' f N0tUr 1 N"TI K !. nu 1 the uod-'rvls'- -) ' ' jt'owtt jf fu:.'. iii : y sprulnti ti i , will end ll nt t rraUr.t, Mini III a I I ' as oeh rr- il..r I claim again t t-. irvi afv h tv 1 thm tih p t' j my tof in 1 uuo Itiiiiin i m old ' ' Arst publics! in ' irittatssl thw Ai f i ! "AVllban. 1 1 "t.--Ul- r ' of rttksw I TaaU"iit t J- .1 I r 4.1 I A I IUN III tilt? Count) court -I nt o( Oregon fur Die v.oiintv d I lllitllllH k Jt the City Hlt ill liUi.,.k tity. ;' r dilnl wlr said citjr, and, Uregon, on ihr ut tUt 01 tunc. ion. i ' Vnt " tnatniain a rwr vt(rm a: which election there wilt b ul- k ytcti. or a trm 1 drain mined to the quatiticd electors of ! the cit. and to make the roi f ueh ! Ii t' S4-!'rr of r I ilUmook City, ior their adoption or i drain or tawcta, or any part throf, fticction. a nxasurj to amcad Article a c.nargc or .i upo thr bulling M oi Clupter III of the Charm of j ur adjscrnt prupcrlv wtlhia said dl liSIamook t lX. Oregon, wopou j ,rk5i 4M , rttl,,rf Ht vimnrtittn ot by initUlivc pen ion, the said mcas-; e,.,K r a , , fc ure being m words and figures a. fol- i ..i lr ,. . , - ------ T - T I, "V' row, lo-wir. "A nu..iirr to amend Article XI ol t'haptei VIII of thr t 'barter ol lilb iituok City, rg.,n. an aid Arliclt iv.ii adoptrd tit the l'il vntr of rilluiuuok I III at a (-( ul rlrclioii ncid in n,ud cil) on Mjrcli .1, 141 1. Be it enacted by the people of Till amook City. Oregon, at follow: Chapter VIII. Article XI. Section I : The legislative power of the city is vested in the Common Council, hut the same is subject to and shall be governed by all of the initiative or referendum provisions of the constitution of thr Sisac of Ore gon as the same is now in force or may hereafter be amended, and sub ject to any of the initiative and ref erendum provisions of the Charter of Tillamook t ity or ordinance legally enacted under pursuance of the con stitution aforesaid, or of any of the provisions of said Charter. Section j: Whenever any initiative or referendum mrasure is to be voted upon at any or sprcial elec tion, the City Recorder shall cause to be placed upon the ballot at the elec tion at which any such measure is to be voted, a ballot title and brief des cription of the measure to be voted on in surh form as may be prescribed by the Common Council 111 accordance with the Chaitrr of the city. Suction 3: The people of Tilla mook City, or the Common Council thereof, subject to the initiative and referendum powers reserved to thr people, shall have full power and authority to provide by appropriate morte) op.n ihr tfr.itl of thr 1,. U., II. ir att lr. CIWl'. dr-raM!a m i Itto'i . ul to a:. Iff n ! .,', it ' av . i I.N I HI' NAM I jOK nl'.H.'.N. ), .. , .' appt or .0 11. 1 1. j ."li 1,1 1 Imgi-ii. rny uo-rei.irr tt itstnog imiiJi ,tr sih-t' " r 1 I'lll'lul. MM! !! ll lrf I' tin 1 llf. i the cn .H-.ll ion .,t tn, tunc, rt '11, TIUm. tiotUr ol Itlfi K t .ul.' 'lie f,,r i.ntnr. .Htafi, I) ll.. M.if lliliilill'te tlhkilltf illri-l. r.i...l .1 tk, ..... ur the piift.oir .1 .'. (tjvmtr M, m j txmn t dcbtritiir, rvrrd to ttic uf ' aho . an., (he toiii of N'iiit bmttAnd IMllart sh-ii. h-t l. t.ooor) istlukue n inipri.vrnirnl , aull. ..ring bonds tsurd lt anordahrt .iih (he i 'lBUrh, l: cnaurr jf;vii..f. of Itllamook VAtt Scciion 4- The Common Council of lillamook City is hereby authoris ed fo issue forthwith bonds in any sum not to escccd Sjo.oooow upon ihr faith and credit of Tillamook City in such denominations as ihr nidif mrnt of the Council, In lis drnifrin,, may drcm esprdient, the same n. 1 r 0 j"and ncdgnaied as "(iiy H,i Bonds, and bearing a rale of iiiirtni not exceeding sis per cent prr ntrrest payable semi annualty 1 Imi upon the imuanrr of surh I .,,.1. the same be advertised ami , !, ,,, the best and highest bi.i-l. r ilorrfor and the proceeds of such ulr hr plac rd m the hands of the I ,, .,irrr ..f 1 lllnillOok City i,,,,) rf,,tllr(l , "Hiy Hall Fund" That murl, f said lurid a nnly )r rirarv ,,a under the direrlion ..f ihr t 'murium' own". b- forthwith rxpmdrd in ihr 7rcti.u1, roiuiriHii,,,, ....I ,.,,,,,.1,. ".,1 to be located andll f .".-I. now owned by I ft" , 'J ! . at t-. 1 .1 1 . 1. r.i . ..f So r i Ua. .f mn - tiiait iinl ' tin!, a torn of a City erclr on irr t ai (if,; n.'minut to r!l al pt,l.r irrri. .1 rnl pr (Ti Htuatr 111 l'ilani to It ' I ol iiuililx-rwd oi r . uf tho i.irthuoi 1 liurthttial ,,..... rpiarli-r uf i ln.ii I' oiiih. rantfi- tun il rile Mi riilmn. Service i.f thin t ita' tin- hrr and devt. 1 e ' d-r.-,i..,, tirwl t nil . t" all H-rsoilH toteri may ronrnrn, ti w in tlin TlllaiiiiinU Hi r . prlnlcil and ptibliir . County, Oregon, .j t r' duly intuit nu the 1 1" 1U16, by tho llnrior.i' Judge of Ihn ntmve v M W llncss Iho lloiinlll'.lr Judge of Ihn nlmvn ei,t 1 the unal of mild Court a'1 lay of May, Hi If,. Attest said lillaii.ook ( ity. and any tun, not :. ," un rrrciion, construe ion and comp'rilon .lull he trail. frrrr.J to the General Fund." ba'lot title for said measure will he printed o said hallo. U a, follow,: County Court J f t ir t 1 I . -M I"' ...I , iuT - ,1 ,1,1 II. IK! Ity Kiithleen M ll. IM"-! Proposed l;y Initiative Petition. ALEX. M'NAjR & CO. i.i:ai:uai. ii ahi w a it jk KITCHEN RANGES an HEAT I NO STOVES See Us for Price Before Ordering Elsewhere JPerfecily Clear Shingles $2.25 per Thoiis.'iwl PLEASANT VALLEY SHINGLE MILL CLARENCE R MALLATT, Owner 100 101, Shrill a Measure for the Amend, n.tu of Article XI of Chapter V f the Charier of Tillamook C ity Oregon, as propoied by ii;tivc ! inon filed May 8th, loic. ,, iiy. Ungon, by R,nhilio adopted i;;; ,: "lay ,3,,, The Measure proposed ainciiil. the' Charter of Ta,'k City ("r , ! Yes. V, . , ' "'K 10 Article .X I f Chapter 1 .. yW acciinn am 101, ,,, ,i,i issuing of lto,ooo.(K) of bon.l. f : 1 ,r.,,l, 111 .. .1... . i "i 11,1,1- ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD! 1. . . ...... 1 minis urn rnriii iiiii'"k hiiiiis ererieu py nxpcrii i ' -i 'liber by ronirncl or ilnv t ',' anil uNilmnti's furnished fur ull WW" .iri...l... ...... I, r M I , laln'Tf, ' ,,iivi ntiiff, . , ,, tniii I'lioiic. No, SCr rL-fi$ I V If kla1 MAI2NES Said election will be held nt 8 o'clock in the morning and will con tiuiie until 6 o'clock in the uveiiln,; of said date. Illllill 1 111 si... . . ... ... v.,,, me procerus to hi; crrd- UmI to "City la r,M.. ,,"; . H' (he Co.,,,,,,,,, Co n cil o r".f ". "K vonnriiction of n ciiu r.iwiMii un. .11 a irinn mull tiitiii i 1 r iirii,... ..f. ..-ii . . .. 11 iiern "'nil of Tiiia, 00k TO WTn", ' I d Pf -..' iiiiiii iiveiiieni fcwiiiiifc vui ... A uilui UAiie IUIINh39 Will nrit ,.!, 1 In.i.mun lilt MlFV" (ir UILII, I.,...- rllillie l" ' ur.,i., 11 -,,iiuuiMV - nmuvji 11 n won, niiiuy '"" Z.A no uvoiiieu ir tho old iiarnen" discarded In time. . . l k 1111 I I AM at a a a sTaU I ILLAMIHIK . . unt il l' Ponds, Mark X between thc number answer voted for. """'" improvement and Dated this i3, day of Mriv. 1015 John Ascliii.i City, Recorder of Till amook City, Oregon.