Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 21, 1915, Image 1

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Tillamook, Okicc.o.n, May 21. J'.) If).
A' i ; in
f. i irr mifs. jh-v ---. . - ami
no: 35
i.iib J..X,, ,b.r Wj4-
k itnv of our I'tiNl'i.tirm about
f irst Notional Service
Mm-v arc n plc.u vviih it am!
Cn ull win why. J
first .Vatinrnil HmiK
A Y .5
A V A K E .
Grocery Specials This Week
huil l i i i u:!rt I II). run HK
Ml ... , C,,!Uv M II, Ciiii $1 i).
Mi . . v uil.i-lit iNin $l."u.
port, i i'i ! ,i Kiev LW, per plttf.
pv.il ii,. s., c mrs fur ir,r.
I'i.tiin l-'.tncv Civhiiutv Mtittcr 00c per roll.
haiul it -i i Di n .sii.(Ji) per cuse.
f '!l'U'l I ii itoch S'J.OO per ai.se.
Lcnvc orders with us for l.intl plaster.
1 Ijii In Cirreti b
Tin- right Of I'uolfle
t.ii. . - 1 i
11 liKin ... i
Mt itrniMIIIII III 1 1 1 1 II 111
u" dn . i... ..... i
W COIIIHl ri'il HllninluLli.M Ii. ill
I ' " ' 'Ii" 1'm-irio count hnclt-lmul
llll I. 1 ...... .. .1... II..
" ' urlimllty which iiihmI
"'Kiiud.i in cHtul.llHhliiK mil
'j 111 tlilu humu iIcoIhIou tho coin-
, """"""I thu hopita of Ht(ilnnc
I '"' llui of ,lu'
Cliriu ..... .. .1 ...ii
l llio Inland IJmplro. with
u Urn (Hiiitur,
rti'H to Uiti count oltloa ure
., " "111 UllUBl IJIIIIIM Mil
"r than ii. i n... i i...
fUj.. 'l IIIIMIHIIU lllllllll UlT
of controlling Wtttor oonumtl'
J 14)8 :otiiinlHHlon, "nvnry In
P"'"! Hliould tuk rule hlliur
"i. tn ,,rt oitlea."
1 "nvliiK hooii offtiroil hIiowIiik
' AHtllfli. ir....
rcr . ' v,l,,uiiver, IKillliiKimm,
""i Aliiinli.. .. ii ....
lgi.ii n, llllll!lllll mill v-iin-
vY 1 1 'ly c ....ua .:i wiiH-r
with imrtjt on tho Atlantic count, Ihu
ooiiiinUalon IioIiIh tli'o cliUm, lll:o
I'orllunil. t?Mtllu mill Tuc.hiiii. urn tin.
MUimI to iiirinliiul nitim.
Ii Orratmt Carmun Victory.
Itn-Tllu. ICxproiil:iB confidence tlmt
1'M'iiiynl will noon he (iikoii. ilc offl
rlnl l.ullclln ilcclurcd tho Ulmr'H
nr.Moncc huil limiilrcl Ccncrul von
nc.l.ciiMt-n ninl hlii IokIoiih with mi
, nlliiiHliiHin nm; ilimpcrnlo courui;.
ilml tho ItiiMsluiiH wcio flnilhiK Imi'ON-
Hhlo to wltlirtliiml.
I. "lit f inn ir winiiini. wurinly connrnttc
lulcil Von Muclicimcn mid hl offl-
om on their victory In fonuiiK hot
.y ucroMM tho Hlvcr Hun unit Minimi
Inri Ho' iOO iiitl" H""!'"' Tl,ut
the i. tory, which oi'crlM turiu of
hlKhcr Importune. Ihun tlmt nt Ma.
tirln hikcH, In only tho forcnianar of
other vlctorlo of ca oen gr-ut-or
linportunoo, wua tho confUeat ha
Hef oxprcMHCd hora.
Kanina Expecta Dl0 Wheat Crop.
,,.,,,,.,, k, - Another Im.npor
KmmuH wheut crop In l!16 Pi'O'Hj-'l
dd hy J. t'. M -HUT, nccn tury of tho
J Evcls Occiitrimi Thronnhoui
j .
tho Statu During tho Paetl
V.'acK. '
MtHker of Bug'!; Council f.Uy a5t
kutut Kvary i"nilr of th fill.
UNMr cttr coum-ll ha Unvaumtitl to
- the charter nt lb cliy. which
I kaa a prwUloo thai any on my aiq
j 0 1b41 vidua! membrra at U caunlll
r'!VN m B fB( ibroub u twoJ&u
attic lk or a 4foU tri, U iif.i
A rct aupremx court df
eJli In a ca whrl Mra. JoSp
Potion awatf thr- cy tor ttamacM w
a akw Ml ovar brokn tonnl In
a tk. auttxi that lit rlly roalij lii
bi liahle to Ui at lint of mora than
1190. tot tea individual mmlora t
Hi tvunri) eatW b au4 far dam
ajiv for ay amuutit. t
Tf b Br OwWc Crap.
fVttucf Ofxua. -i ta net unusual
. fr fruit it in U Wlllainint raV
lr tn pre !)( two rrtr dMrtng n
Syear. but It ta utiunual for traii? to
Ht)dtlce two cropa at thi- am Uirt
wWh ta Ira ot mm trpa nwnotl
I J, N Mm:y, of Crtmwotl. Th ftrjt
: tn j. tloo la fiurbank pruna und
rhorriwi Tho crop of pruna I ubotit
tNr of oaanula. lrru!r tu for
mat'nn and appnartna to hnvo nuffnW
el mine blljtnt '
The crop of chrrle appenrn to bo
pcrf- i lart wt! maiura aoont toil
U nhiJ of ih" remainder.
VlMorira In th- wat for the Mllo
niid a contlnuatlii-i of thr Auatro-Oar
man drivit of th Muaatana in th wmt
rn ihroniclvd In Ibn laUt official re
iort of th vartmia war chuncellortfa
Two mlloa of Orrtnait tren' hoa eatp-.
turwt hy the llntlah flrat army In tht
rioo of KlchHMiuric I.' A ton, tar'
taktnit of h tAra; number of (lennan ,
lirlaonara and th annihilation of ou 1
U-rman cn'lttKnt numbciinR aovanilj
hundrH mnn by Uiolr own urtJIIry j
riri. r r-ordJ hy Held M ami. at
Wr John Kn-nch uud the Carta war of
flr- in oi!'iuiirinK fwtliwr auTcaa fof
tho Htiiiah armn la Frauce, snort
dtataiin- nunh of Iji Baaaaai.
1 1. ni-tu, of t Btxru roaiataace It If
claimed that Use Tnrka hare bao-
farowl baek oti th Oaltlpoli aBtiiaii
- ! "Hai ihy har suffered kwa 01
i. mm
: ia Umam1 tl:at up u boos Ma.,
in, ;i mart ban imiiii. trawler a anr1
hr craft have been dwtroyod lr
Ci tn nu adbBwrtnaa aloco Ui wa4
blockado went Into effect and that tt
loah of llvfr I'lLallnd ltr..
' jr.riaoiiion of nrm&n ot. nod prop
i rfy in Onaat Brttaln valuad at mor"
itiAii tt.ttOO.OOO.i fu. waa demaodod Ii
Knpiand'n moat InfloenUal newapi
Our Custom
Tailoring Dept.
Governor Name PUh Commliilon,
; Malotn - Oomrtwr Wlthycombo ha
4nnnmininl'"th''iippolnini,iil'"af -
llplarhncr, INirtUnd merchant. Pnink
U Wnrrt-n. primlti"tit fluh pnekor;
Marion Jack, fnrmnr nf I't-ndtcton, and
' ('. II Slum-, of Klnmath KuIIh. mum-
her of lltn Rtatr (ih nmt Kumr com
. miaaloii. cn-alisl hy (in net pnnNcd nt
the riK'imt ni'BuUm of tho liKlnlture.
Wldr Variety Among 265 Medium
Which Oeeomr Law.
Siuoiii - Apiiroxlinntoly 205 ln
mid uniondiueiita piimhimI hy the 2m)i
li'lfllntho ancmlily. which adjourned
robrtmry 30 Iiiki. will hocomo opiTii
tlc Sfliurday Mtwuiinin innhtne u,
propiioliona for atu'.c depnrtiiHUitii mi I
Inatttulioua ami sori other i-:i
tnc Mmoraoncy c.Ihusoh iMicmiio etfjc
tlvo whan aie'scl by tho Kovomor '.' :
prohibition taw, rcc'irdod h the m
lta.urtnnt mtaaurn of tho Hi-a.i.nn. wi;
aot tt-" Into of feet until the flml
ncx year, (he ooitatUuttonul mneiv.
nont providing for Htuto-wldo i.rol.
billon uot iM-e -inlr.i oporntlvn until
that tlinu Tho pi'iuiiut-nt rc:tltr.
Hon law nod the tnx law ulao will noi
be in force until tliuit.
Atnoo.'J linportunt inooauriw winch
will Uko oftt'ct uro' thono roBiiliitlni:
employ iiiunt ukoiicIhb to protect em
ployca. rompi UliiK trttatiion of educu
tuiiia! nnd phllunlhroiitc funita t
maki. reports to county conrU, cluuiK
tnc t'10 ruilrtmd uoiumltiaioner dl
irlctB so na to nlvo the Hootlou cunt
of tho Cuacudo nuiintulnH roproHontu
tloii on tho (oiiimU'.luu, umondlUK the
orl.::iel. a coiiit i naolton net. enliirK
Ini; oUartUtcutiomi und inuKliiK feca
iiiin-f ciinltnble. roorKniilainK tho fluh
und Kuino commlH.slou und provldlni;
iit.i, tin' ainornor toiinll ho tho head,
iiiHollilulliifi tho office of HtlltO high
wuy oni;lneer with that tho tho mute
oiiKlneiir, iimklnij Miorlffs Inntcud of
county tieuKiuvrb ux collectorn, ic
prullnt; ull but u few contlnului; up
pruprlnlloiiH und, becmuo of tho nboli
tlon of Urn death penalty, inukluK the
punluhmeut for firm dcuroo homluldo
life liuprlHouuiBut.
Or.u.rnora and member of bo;
i 'in lira of fo.,4;.-a expraad th- tn
-.. favorable on the aubjoct oX tlx
Au.cruan nolo to Uornany. The;
pN- !sd oupporl to the auininiatrntio,
T.v dpi-e for K-ace. if comnatlb:
w.th honor, wna strong.) i';rn.
hiA ' aa agreed that politic woul..
not bo ixrnrtted to be a factor in u
u.utuji tho liroahlont tn his ulttmv.
aciioti. ttxproaaioii by wealorn tjo.
onyjrs wuro In part n. foltowa:
To my mind. l'reslOent WIleon'H cc
:r intention to (Jermany express
Aaicrlca:. oiulmcnt with both v1k-.
nnd tuli-ruii c-
(iovornoi l.lnter. of Wushliigton -The
protput of the preal-iutit Is clour,
dignified mid forceful. In the cIokIii-a
pnmKruph he uxproaaori tho poaitiou
of tho 1'ultiHl Stiitus In ImiRiinKD tlmt
cannot bo mlsunclorstiKxl. In this ex
is filling tlie requirements of
wno kave Keretofore paid fancy
prices m order to nave
as tney want tkem. If
clotnes just
you 11 kave
Ed. V. Price & Co.
tailor your new Spring suit to
individual order we 11 guarantee
every detail of style, fit and
workmanskip and tke value will
please you immensely.
Lost of Americ.n L!ves en
Deeply C-.-3-C1!.
Ilerlln. by wrt.csa lo Say. :!a. K
Y. The Over-tons News a-joacy liaiei
out tho following' 1 British
"The whole Gorman press, parfcu-j
lnrly the Cologne Oaiotte. th. rYank-j
fort Oiuette and tho IJorlln TaseblntL
deeply rcKrots the loss of Amerl.-ai
reuUi,u''jrsi from tcanceUcs
their passage.
'Heartfelt sympathy Is expressed by
the German press and public for the
victims of the catastrophe and thoir
pro.inlou tho president will have the lives cuused by tho sinking of the l.ua
"The Turos ZeltuiiK and othor news
papers say that the responsibility
rests with the British government,
which, attempting to starve the peace
ful civilian population of a big coun
try, forced Germany, in self-defense,
to declare Hrltlsh waters a war zone;
with shipowners who allowed passen
gers to embark on an armed steamer
carrying war material and neglected
German warnings against entering the
war 10110; and, finally, with the Eng
lish press, which ridiculed Ambassa
dor vim Uerns'orff's warnings, ending
them a !i;a Muff and thereby pro-
united impport of the people of the
United States.
Governor Alexander, of Idaho Thu
people of Idaho are In full accord with
the president and will give full ap
proval to his note to Germany.
The German government expressed
to tho United States extreme regret for
tho loss of more tliun 100 American
lives tu the l.usltnuia tragedy, tho
message being delivered to the stnte
department by German Ambassador
Count von Ilcmslorff In person.
Cabinet to Be Reorganized.
London. The resignation of tho
voteran sailor. Ird Fisher, from hU
post of firs', sea lord of the admiralty,
which occurred because ho and his
nominal Chilian suporior, Winsto.
Spencer Churchill, first lord of tht
admiralty, have been unable to work
together, probably is the first step
toward a sweeping reorganization of
the British government.
A coalition cabinet, composed of the
strangest men of both political par
ties, Is believed to bo the probable so
lution of the government difficulties.
G. A, R. of Montana Upholds Wilson.
Hilllngh, Mont. The president's po
sition In the international crisis grow
ing out of the sinking of tho l.usltaulu
in commended in vigorous terms in
resolutions adopted by the annual en
campment of the Montana G. A. It.,
Spanish War Veloruus and affiliated
pntrlotlo organizations. Tho state
Sunday School association, in annual
session horn, also expressed its con
fldonco In. thu president.
Kltchiner Wants 300,000 More Men.
London. In the house of lords Sec
retary for War Kitchener said ha
wanted 300,000 tnoro recruits to form
now armies.
German Declrres Loyalty.
Sioux City, la. lludoipi. iK-orend,
member of thu city council, prcsldout
of tho National Orcaulzat .in of For
mer Members of tho Gorman Army,
declared that in case of war botweeu
tho United States and Gurniany, Gur-mnn-Amoricaus
would be found stand
ing solidly behind thu president and
fighting ngatust thu Fatherland,
JL AM Alt'
Variety Store
Tillamook, Ore.
Lumbermen Elect Offlcora.
La Grande. The Kasteru Orujon
Lumber Producers' association elected
officers horo as follows: George Stod
dard, of the Graudu Itomlo Lumber
company at l'oiry, president; W. V
Oeddes, of thu W. II. h'colus l.uubei
company, at Dakar, vlcu-pretldaut;
Vincent faliuur, uf tho Uuurge I'almet
Lumbur company, of this city, troaaur
r, and Loo u B. Steddard, of thu Kerr;
concern, secretary.
Read Bondo Sold; Premium CO,25
Portland. Thu aatlra Multnomah
county road bond Issue af $l,2SO,oog
was awarded b; tho county commis
sioners to Henry Teal, of Portlaud,
who hid Jl, 270,025, a premium of J20,
25. This hrlugs thu couuty 1,5 per
cent oyer tho par value of the bonds,
It does not pay to use home-made remedies lor those
house-pests that multiply so rapidly. We have the scien
tific chemical preparations that will exterminate roaches,
rats and other vermin in a day. As for moths, don't wait
for them to eat holes in your best winter clothlni befere
you ceme to us for a supply of moth-balls. PREVENTION
of all vermin by early using of aur remedies Is the best
cure far them.
The Tillamook Drug Stoe
Wc (jive you what you ASK for.
! t'" ' I