Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 18, 1915, Image 4

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! . Pi
v.. i
Guy Mattoon jo.ou
H. G. Parson 15.00
Alfred Reynolds 3.02
C. U. Great jo,co
II. C. Wiuc 1400
F. Pomranky ........... t 200
A. Beehehciitr 12.00
I. Rerhhis.cr lion
lrcd 4LJO Marion )arby 6.2$
Monte Iristo ... ..... 40.25 1. Haugtn II
i hompeon (M.30 . lieu. Milks , sm
Road District No. t.
mnersrenther ? ?S.oo
1 mi Butmestcr
I I Battrow . .
I Nmght ..
1- iocd
Enti Kiti). r.
P Wohke .
Fred Vitlc
A K r un
k. Koi-in-n . .
Fnti KYu: lr.
B liKlcn
S. I' Book
A M.itlkx
IV k Mfui .
Chotcr uunicr .
R Crawtord
licorge Knti;! t . .
(.'has. Ko! itch . . .
At. (i Lunlkc
1.. Barbei . .
Ernest Rabbc
ln.i Knight
Bert Tilden
Chewier Stiutdcr . .
J. J Spencer .
E v orthington
1-. C. HiUL rhrand
nt. Rroht . .
AP.u rt Easom . . . .
George Woodland 28.75
Krncst Kcbhee 55-0O
35 S Ed Stark
7-W. . 5. Marc A
JO. 00 Amos Vaughn 11 ,
33 75 Ike Well aj
37 50 Reh iio M.-
J'W Urn. McDonald , f.$o
4so5 lohn Coritett 1 5 00
4- .so i in Sharp .12
35 00 1 ha. elU 5.1.00
3 o Oscar Mum son 25.00
7VJ5 tohn Blum 23.25
'ci Uuiro Ursf 22.50
A ill I urner IT 4"
toftr. iiviiiiiih 22 0
Lts Benton 2.50
C. F. Walker &75
Fred Blum 17.50
friank Kckloff 7 .,0
22 0
7 ..W
A. F. Rittenhousc
Au Ludtkc
K. E. Mevcrs
W m. Barker .
Cha Easom . . .
O. W. Matron ..
4-SO , Louie Eckloif
35 A. W. Mckuster
3 L. E. Wilson ...
U S? C W. Hcnkle ..
Mj M Miller . .
t.S? ; ill.vrd Johnson
-5 H. U. Johnson . .
04-00 cvii-s lohnson ,.,
7-5 ' 4 . W ." Lester . .
'.as n. Darby ....
90,00! U-n Mix
it v r.nvtortt ...
. Mix
37' SO J . o. Pilgrim
47.! t Lai
40-37 Darby
. Hhk ...
1 t. .lone
JO. 00
40 CO
5a 00
30O vLirtin- Blaxer 7.W
Max hroler , viachtcr
Koco Barker SO.Otf : t-on I'aul ...
L- 37S ioe Mapcs . ...
Geo. Raiinrr 3-75 i s, if Harm ...
Fred Raitwr 34 35'. Francis
1. T. Heauch unp 27. S -rank HcdiRcr
E. . onhmcton 37-50 1 ,i,lX Rfu4t
L. A. N'orth 57-SO , :.'.,l- Srimnn.
6 J 00
7 50
11 2;
S. C. Larson
U 1 Laron .
Clrve Allen
J. W. Toll I
W'm Crawford .
Chas. Hab.irker
J. H. Deacon . . .
Han Hanson
Frank Alvoid . .
V. '. Lindk-y .
Lee A!!ev
Dan Alley . ..
J. Reed .. .. .
lack Allcv ..
G. C. Minsker 47-50
Chas Robridge 47.50
Geo. Knight 45.00
Jim Moore 3S.75
Dick Meyers 35-00
Geo. Ludtke jo.oo
H. Katipenbender 30.00
L. Barber 30.OO
C. H. Stouder , ,30.00
K. A. Crawford 15.00
Joe West 10.CO
Amil Ross 3'A50
Albert Miller 32.50
Fred Zaddach 5&50
Mrs Ella Hemple 50.00
). w. Miortnage 46.55
5S- (Irani Mills
?y .tiUitK.vk Meat Co.
55.00 ! willard lohnson . .
5.' JO uomcr .
Ofoo invr & -T.iish
"t0' d Stasek
7 s 00!... pcter,
Chas Enotn
Elmer Easom
J. H Hartneis
Leonard Sttmpsoa ?2.$0
.vnti i.omraea 30.00
Lew K'enney iX.CO
n. M lohnson .
Frc' Hill
H '.V. Klein ...
W'm CHsholm .
O A. White .. .
G T . D'.tiehertv
7ft OS
JO I O-'
100 00
1 ac. Til. t Tel Co
tm 5r.mnons
. K. Case
W. B. Alderman
scar Tittle 100.00
H. B. Johnson 4.15
ohn Blum ts.oo
" . Lytcr .8t
J. U. Luibenr 25
ng & Co 7 &
Hintr & Son 0.-0
t.arnb-Schrader 114.00
"I. F. Zachmann 58.4s
Tty Transfer S3 84
I o ward Cooper Corporation.. 338.95
r eency ft Bremer Co. t 60
ohn Cornell 15,00
.'oc Monabon et al 21.55
."rlsort 4.0
3 1 -25
J V H iwland 15.OO
Hi-fi Perry 6.50
k ianc 6.25
Mark Hobson
H?ran 4.37
Frank Humor
(jo. Benson
John Lantrly
B Com -stock
Frank Pike
Frnnk Barncf
TiKamook Bay Construction
( m,ny I&6S7;
inner or .vjn
A F. Ritt nhouse et el 31.50
.Nrp.:nm aw Mill (Jo 3I.S4
TT It Ti t
1 1 ri i.son y.jO
V!x. !rr Lumber Co. , 40.0O
1 -iu .Aiuierson 113.24
. oial ,
icoaa District No. 2
liiuti uare
t r.nicis
Joi- .1u1iii.au
hd Masck ',
Jolin Kays
A. Jsays
Lloyd Kaj 3
Clujue AtKley
J-l i.c ! ranee , . ,
lJ. L. .jliro-ie
Aruiur .l.tj,e
. 6.87
7 '0
r r" -75
CI.. i Jollinc Jtt.75
. - w oomord 18.75
A. 1 j. .Naili j8!'5
III. I VJUliK . . .
Au Case
JJi vv.illcc ..
-V J. De ....
Jimry Nelson
J-rail k Dye . . .
Sici j ruvjs
Walter Baker .
D. JJiiiingi . . .
y. I .iniiirn .
Hans Uiiki ..
T-i' 1 K ...j iter
rr. 11k y
win w riKiit":;;. izl
h. Herring . . . .
KU Stasek
Sollie himtli . . ,
Joe Carjieiiter .
Valt .Severance
Alln'rt Williams
Will Perry ....
Whit Lamb ...
O. C. Carpenter
Geo 1-thel
C. Dye
J. II. Proctor . .
Alwin Ilium . . .
Alwin Blum . .
Arnbr Brown .
CIm. Fleck .
B. K. Ttirner
Cki. Piarsou
Total 5.104V15
Road District No. 3,
k. H. Forkncr
j. C. Crcecy 60.00
.. B. AtcUay 32.50
.v. L. iiuston 25.30
('. J. Trobaugh 35.00
- red Lyster
i.-ce Lyster J6.25
rank Prescler 8.75
Kobin Lyster 12.50
-has Baker 1.25
i-ugene Hester 5.00
.1. W. Hester 55.00
i". J. Ayer y,.5o
V. D. Winters 8.75
ill Ward 15.00
. Af toiler 10.00
v. Affolter 10.25
1. D. Sandidge 7.50
. . Rand 10.00
. nomas Elynn j0.oo
1. Bailey 2.50
K. H. Bailey 10.00
i. Schirzingcr 10.00
has. Hindshaw 10.00
red Whitchey 10.00
ilfrcd Bauer 8.75
Jim Sutton 7.50
Hollis Frankliu 6.25
A. E. Meyer 12.00
H. Schiringer 4.37
V k $eyer 1-37
1'. C. Meyer 7.50
. S. hduards 22.25
-i.h E. Welsch 30.00
idncy Moon 42.50
'yc Lamb 18.75
Enos Straw 22.50
Forest Mclaughlin 22.50
Edward Gray 025
Perry Gray 20.00
Mathuw 1 horoiison jn
H. W. Bohna to.n
i-e Roy Courts icon
Don Allison ii ik,
L. E. Troutman u.50
Josetih Holl etl 1 rj
John Borba too
W. C. King
John Borba 2 c0
Kinanuel Borba 2 50
esse Gilford , 2.50
'.. Nash 1 -.e
11. 1 . inaiocK ,
lohn Crcecy ..
Lester Forknur
Ubcrt Clark ..
'i o. Kell w . .
obt. l-'orkncr
' Sami-les
. Jiisuiimjii 12.50
1 -famed ,2;i;0
Olc KwUiPt M
Abner Urtit .-.
.1. t . Dts JA-M.-
v.. uuotia 5.i
.imr (.trust ji
. A. High 1
J. M. Baker . . iv
..u oitiungion
(r, UoaIs J. i- !
Allftrt Whhi ,
Hintr K.i jsi
1 lovtruale Mercantile Lo. .... i.
. Vlbt 4?
t k .. .1 - A . . an 4
i. vi anucisvii .... .v.v - j
oiaver uor. 10. 121
ihOHMK t. I5-00
Long Co. v.oi.
Edgar .Mkn American Man-
11 esc Meel Co. Ha
Frank I ay tot 18.'
Beall Co. , l?4.2.
by a mm:.":.
Important Train Change
On fhc
Total $8,020.8
Juslice Curt,
Justice Coi till! , ft,ju
Aiyrtlt u. Mills ly.ta.
K. VV, Stanley 74 54
County Poor,
11. Crenshaw 6o.o
K. 1 Haltom !;4J
Kay ft Co. 10,00
titUtnook Meal Co. 465
It Crtnahaw
aI.-s. U. & Clark ao.oo
. .nn E. 11. McKunt ......... jo.2
tl. Crenbaw 1800
f., L. Robertson 3.4J
. w. uiaawcli auo
tilbmook Feed Co. ,. ij.tie
elon it Co. .to. to
1. J. Sptnter ij.m
it. C Handle 201
H. M, Cady 16.;
Ato. W. Phew i
Mrs. Go. Willett 3.
Walter Kinnaman a4.fr
L !. Spencer iok
rohl iv Anderson r
Total iaoo.8-
Gcneral Fund.
E. Hobson S18.1C
F. E. Hobson , tuoo
illamook Headlurht 26.01
r. E. Fpplett , 1 15.4.
le McNair tio.01
I. C. H olden a. 5?
lr. W cn!t 2.on
I C. Bewley 11. 1.
E. Reedy ao.cx
I illaimiok H -rald 30.7
Eugene Jenkins 1.50
K. Kpplctt 55.00
oat Power Co. iai-
Tillamook Water Co i.oct
Grant Mills SLic
'eo. R. McKitnmt , 50
'nc Tel. & Tel Co. MS or
M. F. Gruber. ., aox
arthold Barge Co. ty.-
R, W, Watson 6.'
oss Shreve
R. L. Shreve fl.6
L. Shreve iKLi-
P. W. Todd j,2
Elmer L. Webb i 41.
nas .v rntwimmc 10.1
rank L. Owena 7.5
'.. M. Hare 11 tor
Bushong A1 Co. 17.1t
A. Johnson ai.;
lass & Prudhomin
L. flea Is aSA-v
A. S. Buei
Crenshaw aslt-
ilass 8: Prudhomme j5'
lioldeu 273. J3
Total J2.705.8s
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed rotosaU addressed to (b
County Luurt of I illamook Couit.y
Oregon, and indorsed Proiiosasl u
complete the
Bayocean Loumy Road from Sta
tion 312 plus ba.35 to Station ago
pius 00.5.
accordance with the plans a-id
pccilicalion thereot' on file in the o.
nee of the County Clerk of 1 ill.,
mook County, Oregon, will be rec-11
id by the County Court of said l.uin
i, al its office in the Court llou,
at 1 illamook City, Oregon until ih
nour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the 4th d.n
d June, 1915, and at that time puh'u
!y opened and read, Each bid shall b
.ccoinpanied by a certified cln c
made payable to the County Cb n
lor an amount equal to 5 per cent ,
tic amount of the tot 1 o.
aid bid, which shall In
lorfeiled to the County, in case I,.
1. id be accepted and the bidder shal'
tail, neglect or reiusc for a period 01
live days after which the award i
ruade to enter into a contract and fi'
a bond satisfactory to the Court as
required by law,
The bids arc to cover the clearint'
of the right-of-way, Dredging and 1-.
rip-rap the dyke or fill, from Station
-'12 plus 84.25 to Station 201 plus on
iccording to the plans and specifies
tiotis on file in the office of Count v
Cb rl:.
The County Court reserves the
risfht 10 reject any and all bids,
Dated this 17th day of May 1915.
J. ('. Hoblen, County Clerk
First. publication May 20th.
Last publication June 3rd.
19.69 Win. O'Connell
20.31 0,1 Newbill ...
55.62 Frank Nelson . .
35.62 Miti BigRs
33-'-, 'ohn Lowanct'
40.62 lol, Fjfck ...
J7-7 Glen White ....
3-75 (pint ImlnJi . . . .
-25 'im Corkerhan
2-5 Joe Lowartncc
2-5? ! , le Cravi n . .
-7.37 Clms Murphy ..
25-w a A. Imlnh ....
".56 Frit Drebert ..
3.S0 I. E Sperrv ...
.75 !
.diirki-t jwi'ili'licru ehn Imvi, ncensin:.
to iriUMpl.1111 mniiy M-williigs of letlij '
or buL'u to lliu ujiuii Held, i-n-eiil,.-
.'.l.i-ii ,i, j not iivul.i-.bJi.-. Holm-
''ft- i.,L...... e toiiHldnntble In
from (lobii; nf the ymmg plitntM, hii-
.Miicricnii AKi-Ji uItinNt. Iik, cauk,.
ihlrf tuny In- iishIiii-i1 to weak plum . , VU,H thoniHtdvdH ttttd thn uxploHlmiH
1 .1-11 .-II sl,
'lie J In-lif y ,
' '. IX
ViIy llttrr .... .. 0,,,
10 'I
4 7.. SO
10 62
21. 2(
21.86 1
10.M1 , op uniiuiu hiso in romovod. In
28.00 j 111,111) (.-Hl-, t!j(i-(. tj) or ovwi tl,..
40.00 ( u iioli. Icmvlh would dry up ntiywny
H 2S . . hp ,.-rnri.-- nn.- mi Tf't .(ik i .
Tl'cn ' t,"')' V"MI,(1 ll"v' lm:" from lb
ISO ,.1-,., ,
-".-it ' - 111" w 111 mnm mil hum
Jr T4tti Mi'
from thte port, as Uw ct turn, (in
imgular tmr of RoImw on a
a mark lira gr of th runartet
Uusitnnia. rirst lrns AltanllP llnt
link by a (lerman ibmrit
One hunitmt and forty nine of 1W
souls ho Dr(ah4 lth her ll id
ImproTtwiHl morguNi In oh) bmldlnK
bonliin tuHntoHii bartnir
The t purttor hr ur tturtr
td tn hotel, residence wi hoaBUai
one too Ns'Uy hurt to be mie4 Th
Injorlf of nme ro to sertott thai
attdittonat df-atht are eif-eied -n-i
nearly all are too dnse4 to un4erumi
fully hnt has happened
The ur'lort do not t
whether thv ubmrtne fired one o
two torped"1" N r hj
the periscope Man) attest to irueln
the H4ke of foam a projei-ttle cum
toward the iit
Llfebaoti' Oj.lti SmJiHeil.
The only points in hH h all eoare
l that the tarpMto strui-U the tees
a Tttul bio- amtdstitpe. CAUoing hr
to list almost Immediately to the sta:
board In this careening Ushlan h- ;
plowed forward trme dlaUnrr, ma.; 1
log (be lifeboats' datit an she did - ;
and taking the launching of bi- 1
well ntgb impossible until head
had ceaeed.
Kst! mates of the time she rrmlnvt
nfloet range from eight U 30 mlouteo
The list to starboard so eletalpd ttu
llfeboau on the port tide as Soon 1.
runder them usetes
It la t.aid only two on that tdn r '
Intinch'-d The first of ttirso '
filled with omen and ehildrvn It
struck thi (vr unnvenly, rapsuiur
nnd throwing Its tn occupants intuitu
ten. Thn l.usiUola even then a
making constderabte hd - av no-t ih
women n& little children re s-weii
to death In spite of (be attempts ut
two stokers to rescue them Th"
heroic men. According lo the paaeen
Mrs. wr drowned.
After that several bemu rr
launched sueersafully, but the stnam
or's list grew more perilous, the Ur. k
slantlng to such an angle that 11
Imperative for all to cling to the r
Many by this time had donned tir
bells and Jumped for U. Several life
boat broke adrift unoccupied oud th-
Boo boranie a froth of oars, chair. d-
bris and human bodies.
First Cabin Loss Heavy.
The heavy loss of life among th
first cabin passengers is bltved it.
huro bricn ilm to the raininess anl
golf-possess! m they displayed in fac
of dnngnr. Most of them er al lur
olie-ui when the steamer received hrt
death blow and declined to )oln tl-. -rush
for the boaU and life belts. Thr
bolleve l the Cunard liner would re
nitiiti a float unlit utilstunce could a
rive. - Apparently over proeauiloti ha'
boon taken against n surprise attack
by a subma.ino, Lookouts worn nt.
tlio nlorl constantly ns the gtam
Ktmimghlp speeded toward the Iris
cojiaL Difficulty wan unerlonctiil In
lautiruiug iuc iMinu Unuu.t- of tn.
honvy lint of thu Lusitanla almost trn
niodlntBly ufter slto was torpodoori
Suveral of the frail cnift ovlrtonili
oapalzod as they warn hititicued. or
soon tiftorwards.
Matty of tho iKiasongorH owod llml
roactto to llfo bulls, which l.ept (heir.
afloat until thi'y wcro picked up b
boats Among this ttumbur was I. ail)
Mnckworth, dutiKhtor of lmvt a
Thomas, the VVoi.ib "coal king," a:i
Ju.lmi IK A yam, Cuban consul ipjtn-;
al at Llvnrpool.
No Warnlnu Olven.
InveHllipiilon ban fullud to rnvim'
that tho Htoamitr wan kIviiii warning
of tin- propoHiid attack by llm submu
rim-, ul'lr-h appoam to Imtii bi-nu lurb
ltl; off the Irish co.-iHt hunt upon do
BtroylttK tbif lantern and fastnst nlii
otif;ai;iid In tnuw-Atlniitlu trnffln.
Tho lookoutH Jlghtod tlm imrlHcopc
of a HUbmcrhlbla 1000 yurda awuy uml
tho mixt ItiHtant thuy Haw tho trail lofi
X ! by a torpndc uh It flaahed on lu
noitrHC. Tlit-ii cuiiki a lorrlflo cruiih
an tho iiiIhhIIo plorccd tho lltior'H tilib-,
followod nlmoHt Immciilatoly by nn
otlmr which llttnnid thu dr.cka with
wrcck.-iKo. Thn ctiiirtto of (bo i)(,r
waH at mum tuniod Hhornward.
Thn Iosh of llfo ciiiiBi'd by thn tm
F'acific Railway & Nav. Co.
Kttfcliv ih lilU. Imftxlinl Chiec" n lutm l.,
t'uttUed ioi 'PUUnmnl in Uih diuctlum wi. ,ulj,
Tmitf 0.0. 14 , tUIZ&JZ&JMlH'l 1 T.s
a m.. IUtew4 II -M HI . Whmtef Its p . '
er 10 mtottte for twneh) Mtshier 1141 p. tn , s..n
-8ipi.t Bil")lMf Hi.. iidti , K ioto,,
i 'M p Ms
Tinin J4JISrtf4tnfl t' Ullinmk( l l'i
isi f;'A .. liilUbum i If m,, "Haul, v i-u&
Buto 10 4 nt., Tlmbet 10,48 in., t'rhn tl
r.crlrhl IS II p tn , tUlitstmbeiiy 11 T7 p ... f
p m , vheeler (10 ininti! for Ittnehi t au p n
ser I J P tt ' llrve 5f lJ p l , Uy ( Ki ;
Arrivr, TiIUnswW S:iO p ti
New Motcr Service
the mh date. In addition U lotttrst trs.. t(w
fotitetti ggg TUjaiaonfr, ,"Uir f-ie txirvr,
.MoMtf sum) T 1 Its V iiblHi..i
t ec Mooter t 00 3 ml. wh4 1 :10J m., l-i 1
potoli. Afrire a; TlllMMtttk, ItfJQ Ms. rl 1
t ill
1 m,.
ll.eave Tllbunoak T- to., anl S 10 i 10. .
;sll polnu. A trim Motthw S-ftO ttt and t - 1
oivu pull ikai. samui.K 1FU.M
MiAlUf.s-r AOHNV OF Tlili P. H. A N.
JOHN M. SCOTT. Genoi! Ptmcuttir Ariti. oiiit... OtitM
f.'otlec 10 Contractor.
nun -ion vn-iiH nut) Tew roo Aii
other froitiLMit cttiii.c, 111 conllii m ,,,
ncn-OI-H flon IU. .Vow ..j-,(,.y Htlllli ,-
U llm fitllitro 10 rcdii-'c tlm leaf Kiirfm-,
'K'foro HotlltiK In tlio Hold
Alnioit uiwiiyu when phinlH tiro pur
- d from thn iced bed many rootn nr
lost, mid to imiujii,. up . wntm. HUj,
.11111 I.Cl.l.mU III lllli plllllt pllltS III
thuy caused muni bavo linen tnrrlhly
heavy. Thu trulc freluht of budlnii
takon to QucoiiMtown hourH (ivldiinco
of the havoc wroiiKhl. Many of (Iiohii
Ukun aahoni wnro nnrtoimly liijun-d
and more than a acoro died after thoy
were taken to Cork and QueutiHtown
Many of the aurvlvora roachod
hore aufforlnB from lnjurlea, ami
eroral succumbed to tholr wouihIh.
Booret who worn wounded when the
torpedo wreckod the Klant liner wore
thrown Into tho water and rendered
helpless by tholr liijurlen and drowned
without a struggle.
.Sealed propwsjU ddier, i,, i,
uunty tourt of lillanox-L I ...n.i.,
'rrgon, and indi.niU l'mp...i c ',
.iinptctc the
Ganbd.V!icler Uoad from Sta
tion w plus 9M to SuiUin o6 pin
in accordance with the plan. ,j
vi tttiicaiuin thrreol on lilr in (he ..I
ice of the County t. krk of l -Ka
mook Conniy. Oregon, will be rei.
ed by (he County . uri of said 1 ..m,
iy, at its ollice in the t, ourt H-..
a i illamook tity, (Oregon until ii '
- our t,l 10 o'clock a.m. on iht 41b -I.
I June, 1915. and at thai time pt,;,,
'v opened and read, F.arh bid h.ili !
cciimpanied by certiltrd .!-.-made
payable to the County I I. '
lor an amount equal to 5 per .mi .,!
the amount of the tottl of
Mid bid, which Shall ,r
forfeited to the County, in ca.c
bid be accepted and the bidd. r shall
fail, neglect or refuse lor a p. nod .,
' .. .-.t:i r ..!,i.'t 1 ... ..i
orin, appltmliuti 't I' i 5 Lf,;
llcVir. liii Kt.ii . I '
SKI. .See. n. T Is I tt
10 arr', applirat.
HUltir. UrBf i. . I !
I 1UI6. t . M. Htv-'- its"! V"
1 sloncr of the (ii-t.rrii I - 1 O&t
,w Vi:
rrM'ic o enter into contract and (it
a bond satisfactory to the Court a
teouircd by law,
Tho bids arc lo cover the clearing
(.rubbing and grading from m,
'-'7 plus t to Station w , plus tit
' fording to Mir Dt.m ami i.r. if.. .
. . . 11 1 . . ...
11 " Hir in Hie otli
Th follow ttiK l '' m l
Boss. (Cat.) Tribune (crUlU
ItmrrlaL'r, of Miss L-n .isifff
of Ilayoecnit. Miss P r k 1
friends il llnym-.tui id vttlMtJ '
wish for her n lout; aid ln(fT "1
"lUlph Sntiilliorn Bllaif-eJ hil t
ty-llrst blitbdny llirvla. i
Into iiiMtlluKMl's rest t dulltir-
bo bmt no time lit nn-epurii: it j
A!llhllit!l! In f.lll.
"At tho olllro of l.ly H,tirt
Chas. N. Collins In rn"l '
' tixik in bu lifn imrti er Mlo
Blnsnr. sister of Frel llle' l1
Creek Vnllov,
"'l'bn l .ill In. fiillliln WlffO
led to Simla IIiiku be Mr. I"1 "l
Ilnrl,..rl 11,., .1 . I,r..llu-r I n-Is
of Couniv Uuir of , K;();n( n, .Mr, ,rJ M
The County Court rcsrrvrs
ritfhl to teject any and all bids.
waieu ints. 17th ,av f .AV OI5
,,- , ,.( II0I.I.1.. Cunly Clerk
trst luiblirnlloii May oii
Last publication lime .ird.
(restoration to i;,itry , iMmltl
Nnlloiwil l-'orc.m
,T (VllClC Ihiinby Kv.-n that tlt,
Lfl ,n ' "" 'nt iiow, t-m irtieinif
Kitu-rcH with.,, ,), Hlusiiw Na l i
et Irm.-tit iimU-iilry under ti e Ti.
dim llf 1 11. .... -I I 1. . . "D- '."
W (V fil"m' 1,1 thu lliiitVii
actual v and 1 11 7r,.,i ! ,. 111. ..1 , . . ' "
prior to Jimtmrv I, 1900, t.tid htm n .1
'.'.'.'lI I"11"" .M""". Inm 11 Iiiriifc
j Kniio mi.Ke a lioniuHtenir entrv for
tl-o l-erHotu, nientin ,m w,m'wm
tinor a K?irt rt,,..r" rlK,,t "J't 'l
eniit h oui.iiii.,,1 . ." . ". "I'l'u-
.1 I' l ed llbinur. brnUicr mid H
nit . ......
of thn tf r lilt).
"Following (ho iniirriMKe mfB
tho party enjoyed a woddliti: J",WJ '
11... 11..1..1 1 1 im tlm
..., IIIJllll lVtlllllll, IIMM .
noon Mr. nn,) Mr. Km idiiirn k" '1
Mm Francisco, where they will
a lioneymooii of a week nr two- '
will bu LMiL-MtH nt thu Lotto 01 '
ami Mrs. Iver Ivursen, bnlrl
anil Mister of the groom.
"Mr. Kiiiiilbnrn In n mill of Mf.
Mrs. C. 10. Handborn of c"
Valley, and Iiuh Hient Ihu l'lU'r
of IiIh I If. 1 In H.Ik rniiiuiunlty. w
he lias many friends who will
him abundant happlncHS niwi ul"
through llfo.
'"t Ih iHlllkd to make uim-Hiei i
entry and th ntutnvn ra ru tS'
S.U tile la,k w!b i7' which
IYSllti " " ",! mibjcct to Hottle.
" I'lie rliln ri from OrCk'On
moiiths ngo, and him been innklnf
homo with her brother "' "
Mr. uml Mrs. Fred IttnW, 'n
f !riiitlv Visllssis
r,. 11, ..1. ttui wi.w-
"m ...uh lutiirn 110. .
trip, tho young- couple wl"
tho Orrln I'lerco cottiige, in wry1"'
"Tho Tribiino Joins In wlshlnif
long llfo of houlth mid prusF""
Itaidirs '!,(iiiil
hi i ' i'';V !m
-I ! ie"..V.' Jiufc
' lfl'l'''