Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 14, 1915, Image 1

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i Tiu...mook, Okicc.on. Mav I I, It) in. NO. 33
:mv o Our customers about
lirst Natiofuil Service
r.cv arc nil plcnscd with it and
Cnn tell you why,
lirst N'titioiml IbtnK
Oh rut:
: we k kkp
V J I "-JR. rV.O'A N.
Grocery Specials This Week
. i
(. r 1 III. r;m ()c.
itr . Hi Can $1 0(1.
rv H !h. Will $l.flO.
il Rice 2"u per plc.
tp 0 bars for 'Jfic.
i i tie v Civuuiery Utiiter 00c per roll.
t'J o() per c.'isc.
. 1 1 ir no per en sc.
Leave orders v;Ith us for land plaster.
'Ill I. Moo K, - OKKC.ON
Lost of Life Is
- r.ta'.n.
JimurH on tlt. raaimriRor llHt tut from
Nnv.- York. This proiiauty roiem u
Minn Connor, of Mmlford, Or.
I'- official WiimIi
'irj from I'riwl-
hat In lo l.'i thu
'I H ml (in In the
' ' in ilin nluklng of
llurimlorff, tlm
ulfir i-nlli.,1 nl tint
tj, . " -
'"y r .r , f(.(,i roitrot Umt
W 10 In , ii
utr i.r, , . ...
iui;iin irom imriin
"'"ij ii i it,. f0rKn offlco IiikI
inli(iMHy a nolo lo In)
u jnr ht;iti. iliijmrttnuiit, ox
"ns ilii. at Hymimthy with tho
IIVI.X ou )0uri t, l.uMltHnltt"
1 CllIK tl, ri.u, ull.llll. .... II...
"lW0 KOVLPln.., ..I 0 1,..-
. luiiriu n Jiiiu ui rum t
c'i ian iiojiulatlon of Oor-
"hy Co,
n"or, of Medford, Or., 8fe.
State Grange
, li"eil thai ntw innr
...... wik.iii.fii iii inv imii; ifiir
Finishes Work i n !&rttr
' rmi insir rnnri, nil two new
I'mmnp tiinnRi Imvc bo oigniil
Tll) nr imj uriivp grniig! In
thr tugc wftli n ioIjI inemlrIili of
10. jij, lUUrr ( tMinty mpinbfr
hip at 57 cmngrrt, llenton
l'lcbnw ( lalop Col-
ln )w Gilliam j jo, llnrney ioj,
11. mhI )tlvtr, ioH. JacUoii tot. )nc
I'limp its. ' i.vjft, (.Inn &M, IJn
culn a6x Malhrur jo.t. Marlon j&t.
NlultnffiBali Sm, I '..lit ait. Nuvfman
Much Ittlrrcil Taken In All MretiuK.
KaaJi, Hural CrctliliJ ami Ollirr
liniHifbnt Mallrri Diicuiud
rolh.wlni- I. tlio niuiuiil mlilr liy !
oiln .Mu.t.ir Siwiifn :
The Uka niiir u thr jtrnjirr jilarr
lo begin ccfiiun and ihtHiltl it
be confined to tumiuri(i trantac
ttM. W't thottlU tiooy lAfurthrr the
4if'crtt .fobtni o( farming. iu the
MmI that our ruluu will be ( hrt
ttf 4tiMlity ami ran he prutlm-nt mi
ffconontimlly. We shonM endeavor t
iptcillt in cro adapted to our
$rlinilrly locality. We h.nl.l w.ik
wtth the National Marketing Tom
wlioo a the Ilureau of Market
M cntio batter tnatbotinc coniliii
, We tan en-operate with other
MBfttiltttiam in keeping our taae on
the lowett level conaiatent with effic
iency of admlnUiratiofl.
Hural Credit.
The neeeity of a rural credit y-
i tern i no lonier rfmihted be thr
't.fity of the people, It it only a
n- of what l the moat (irae-
. ' .Un of operation Faeh unrceetl.
, . i-itMi rrjort how that farm
and lndeliteln are atel-
ln and that urban noonla-
i-t much more rapirfty than
' ( e country, It l a financial
; ' !- n and will the nretcnt dmin
. i xi trove Itaelf equal to the ot
1 , VL
5. Tillamook u, Umatilla 01. Uw-
u X, VUmo ii?, Waahlnglon yOu,
Whei& fib and Yamhill jfiit,
Aftfc the roll -ll hy countiei foi
the iriaoUuctioii, Mittmut debate, of
rcaohtneua, the rr urt of the Worn
en t TOatlt committtr wa tead and
aecesiRil by the ronycntlon. A com
mil I caw MeeUaract Dichinkon, Allen
and isfeU wai apfKilnted to i$nd
relUjts to the lck officer and
membm of the aiandiny commltteei.
AKoTst thirty additional Cntnfera,
mcludiUaT Ir. W. I, Kerr. I'reaident
of tbefOreKon Ayricultural ColleRe,
and .tj. C, P. Sftenco artlved on tlie
afternii train.
i o
' Vedneday. after tb ooeuin
rerempiea, T. Hurchard. of Portland
Aaaoc&te Delegate front the Oregon
Vale TjMcralioo of Labor, addreaaed
the convention.
'"i Uogadnn, of f'orvallU, Ao-
euiiou Delcitaie from the Farmer'
!' !'ic4iottat and Co-operative Aaee-
Good Knada.
P. r ; rl-nrr nf r vei.it rmiiitirt
'mi' miiri 4iid the ronntmet'
i .if ufc boulevard have
. r''i luivcly that the poaition
, wln.li the Utauu lii,.lUoJ, lit,Javm
i "juy ..i tin" pollev and the
ni'..M ,.f l.iiinrt rnaU firat,
. .-r i itl.i.nfoM ill thr rod II i
I' l afirr thr yrar of
t'.. tlir (irange lis done.
i. .t v'"d rtad vrntiiuriit
. - 1. 1 lie divcrtrd to tin-
' hta'1 tirri IxitilrvanU
Vnrii utojK tint l.iiHllttiiltt
Ui d.uul'ilioii. In
i wi' i iiin" mi'
Wlnml-Cluli, $1 12; liliinKtiilll i.i;
rod IliiHHliui, $I.U6; forty-fold, II. U;
ved flfo, el-OK.
Iiuy KiiHlnrit Orinjon llmolhy, lie,
Krulii liny. U2i W-Mi yul,,y
timothy. 112.50.
Iliiltiir (Jri'innnry, JKc,
Hkb Itiinoli, 1 9c.
Wool Hiitftui.i Oiokoii, 2o; Valloy,
Mohiilr 320330.
Whoitt lllmiHtdui, $l.I, dub
m KiihiiImii, 11.06; frty-fold, $1.13;
flfo, II.0H.
Iliirlny-2:i jmr ton.
liny 'I'lmothy, $10 Pr toa; alfnlfa.
H por ton.
I.uttii (Jnitttnnry, 2Co.
KKIS'i 10".
Hulmcrihe for tho Herald, It cemae
vi" n wrnk.
. -irrf '
' , t.uitd '
j III." fttlll'l
f t..iiri-t and pleaaure rrkrr and
i' ii ihr i auntie and the atJtr are
.r t.irrly at the mercy of pavinn
I lriit
( i .ui wee It that we had better go
' ,u until the atate ami rountiet
''nr Irarncd to build aatiafarior v
r..i.U at coft, without rov.tlly or
profit on in.trhiiiery or pax lug, and
that loe.il fund alinuid he controlled
entlrrlv by local people and rpnu.
cd ni"-n the roadi ill which thry Are
If li- ktate ami national aid he tunl
at a leverage to divert our county
fund toward liiiildlni; scenic high
wav. which will be of little beiirfii
to the fanner, wc air better off with
out it. If we apetid J.io.txxi on a road
that ii of little local value, in order
to get aid from the Hate or nation,
we are $io.iyo worae off than if we
did not get that aid, for that money
nay he sadly needed in other place.
Kmial Suffrage.
An the Cirnnire was the firat organ
ization to admit women on eiitnl
terms with !" and advocated eitinl
suffrage before It herame popular, il
should feel grateful to her for the
nohle woik done at the last election
iu voting on incaMirrs that tended to
develop a hettor and blither manhood
and womanhood. The influence of the
women members of the last legiilit
ture was elevntlng and refining, ami
thuir aliility lo grasp public questions
wan fully demonstrated. We look
hopefully forward to national woman
10,333 GrauuerH In Oregon.
Kepnrt of other officrrs were then
taken up, and the Secretary's report
Variety Store
Tillamook, Ore.
rtAiiou, w voted a teat.
A raaohition limiiinc teeclic to
fhr minute, after considerable dU
tutioti, wa passed.
Itoiji the toport of Mrs. Minnie K.
Hond or ItuRonc, Lecturer of the
State wige, U w mw dial the
the past year has increased tt per
tent Average attendance officers, 60
pi r crni, average attendance of Mas
ter of loeal Granges, Rt per cent;
serrrtaiir. oj fer cent. The average
alirn.l.mcr of officers was I J pet cent
grratrr than that of member, and
thr ,, t.n;r attendance of the Mat
trr, I i-rlurcis and S-t f rtrie of
loil irrangr higher than thr axeragr
.illni.laiti c of the other offieei
I'.u: of the morning i'-nt in
the rull i i II of eounlir tor the in
irtHltu nun of resolution
Hie Legislative Committee recom
mended the adoption of a resolution
favoring an ameudmcut to the con
stitution of the State of Oregon lim
iting the Iniiodtictiou of hills to the
fifteenth day of each session, ami
that each legislator shall be permitted
lo introduce not to exceed five such
bills at any regular session. Amended
that committers iu the Icgislntun
ihall not keep hills iu committee
longer than five days. Laid over un
til report of legislative committee i
received iu full and made a special
outer of business.
Oppose any change iu carrying the
rural mail to the contract system
Favors Kur.il Credit and Long Time
Loan Law.
At the afternoon session, C. L.
Shaw, of Albany was elected lo suc
ceed himself a a member of the -eculivc
The committee reported favorably
on the following resolution, which
after an hour's discussion, it was vot
ed to defer artiou until the committee
having the llatluick bill iu committee
should leport.
The lesolutiou is as follows:
Whereas, The people were expecl
iug and had reasons to expect, great
and Immediate relief from the finan
cial stringency hy the passage of the
new currency bill, assurance having
been given them by the administra
tion and those interested that il
would be of great benefit to a large
majority of the people, and especially
to the rural population;
And, whereas, no such relief or ben
efit has been had, but that money Is
becoming more scarce and stringent
in the business world and the rate of
interest remains the same; therefore,
be it
Hesolved, that we favor anil demand
hv Congress, without delay, of a rur
al credit or long time loan law where
by a majority vote of the. people of
any stale may bond the state for a
certain amount of uou-inleiest bear
ing bonds, to be used as long time
Our Custom-
Tailoring Dept.
ia filling tlic requirements of men
who have heretofore paid fancy
price9 in order to have clothes just
as they want them. If you ave
Ed. V. Price & Co.
tailor your new Spring suit to
individual order we 11 guarantee
every detail of style, fit and
workmanship and the value will
please you immensely.
loan on the unlit idiial tarm laud of
the state. The itcuctary of the Unit
ed .States n'rcasutA'slKillh iijjtruct
est to issue to the MlUc the full
amount in cuiretuv, tei per cent
discount. I his is lo be set atlde by
the stale land board And used only
a ruial credit loan fund, to he loaned
to and diiect to the fanner and ap
proved by the board attorney li.un
said couniy which said application w
uiaile. The Hoard shall then Itonnt
saltl application by issuing the lo.m
applied for, ulueh shall not eseei d
40 per cent of the atsestet! vahi-ttion
of the land on whirli application is
made for aid loan All espcuses to
obtain said loan shall he born by the
applicant and the said loan may and
hall be made for the staled period of
s. to, l, A). J$. jo, anil jf years, as
per application. Mortgage ami note
to be drawn on or before, at a rate of
interest not to exceed . per cent, to
be paid seini-nnuually.
That we ask the subordinate
Grangers, the farmers and those in-
tcrcntcd in aglirulture and the wel
fare of the state to get together, co
operate ami work together iu obtaiu-
i .g irlii t Irom this octopus (evhorhi
.ant interest) which it eating the very
yiials .md lite out of Uic farming
.in! agricultural interests of litis state
j ml n,iii. m
lit it in: the r nvolved that wc will
I not ttupport any man lor congress or
the United Slates Senate who will
not pledge himselt imiualifiedly to
vote and woik for a common sense
ttir.it ciedit law along thy lines indi
cated. Resolutions At'opted.
A resolution was adopted favoring
the paxace of a national law reipiir
iiik it 1 1) manuiavliirer of woolen
goods to propei ly stamp his goods
whether made fiom long wool or re
carded or old woolen garments.
A resolution from Hlue Mountain
Grange, of Union County, in favor of
increasing the amount of money per
mitted to be deposited in the Postal
Savings banks hy auv individual to
$5,000, and allowing this money to be
loaned to actual farmers at a tow
rate of interest was read and adopt
ed. The Committee on assessment and
(Continued on Lust l'ngo)
Kirs. 1 - FPJPI
naaakuiBK - ii 11 utw 1 umws i
A prescription can be filled right and it can he filled
WRONG. To be filled RIGHT your druggist must use pure,
fresh, high quality ingredients; and he must use SKILL and
CARE. Graduate pharmacists fill our prescriptions and we
VERIFY every prescription before we send it out.
You will be SURE to get It right at our drug store.
The Tillamook Drag Store
We give you what you ASK for.