MAKING LII'K ArrRACTlVf Meat Market ft. e. CrombUv, editor -s .ssucd Cwlcc a ltfcl; or tucsday ami Frlriav KnU-rt-t ,,..oiH.o. .utfr V.iv IT. l.M.l. i n p w . W t rUlnmaok. Oregon, umW the act of Mar.'o s, IST9. f'.vK(j n $1 M v V.. K in Nl- HtU'crtttintl KrttCS uns.pwnt maortton. tin . Resolution of undolcnce and finilArmwfflM" , lK twites, rmr line .1 rirt 1-sortum. line - t .10' Rutin A FYofViimal eard.itK. i.W Ka'h jibHu(nt ii-.irtkm. line .TO Display Advtrt s-rmont. per inch . Homfstoat . oik-.s S.W 1. Dilav Ada must b in Ul of' Timber Claim on Momlay and Thurtday Mom- Notion, j or line ... .05. u inur iwhMration in follow- Card f thsnks, per Hue in Tuesday and Friday ... Locals, -Hr line.ftmt insertion - .7J, KMUwn are imperative. t r ... I'i ' . - John Dannials, Prop. On Su mi. I c. . .i i N 1 "" ! -' A fine line of REM! J 'KOKKIi mFATS Ami HMI If r. l tn Um !... ., , ,i ll .1 ) I itltlll i 5 PLEASANT VALLEY SHINGLE ' MILL No rUt !! led 'li " rttulo.; .. irll enli t' v Intferterf IUkI. Ne U ttK S tltl II tl rn:stAV may 11. itur.. . t( El il1 II ilehver (i.ti in .1 I hi- i'i' fH ft The m'Hi hreJi. oatrtiffeoo? im juiUme the Amerir Mloon hat ex hihitwi for miinv a day. wa slmwn in the eity of Washineti-w the i.ther day, when on the etni'Centenntal n nivcrsir 'f the etth of Abraha-n Lincoln, x aKon on the neftreat dr ntr to 'be nistirie bouse in which the martyred preident died, Hdvertiset that it 'M "the plaee where John Wilke took hi laai dHnk. It was that - lain drink" whteh nerved the tt.i-' tj fire the fatal 8h t. The ssloonnt who would coin money out of that ir.f .nious fact rauat be a de generate inleed. to Miller, the renowned Illinois lee surer "d realistic humorlat, i to le . ve tf the leading speaker. He in heralded a the man who deliv-rs the meae of com nunity development with a smile. He pours forth hn might truths in a terae, quaint msn ner, alternntely keepinif hi audience under a spell of humor ami thought. A rapid lecturer he hit straight fr.Mii , the h.iWer with speeches that brittle witn piirrams an-1 show only to plainly t'ist th- lecturer (ills the part of com miT'ity philosopher an.i optimist. ! HrrIe "The Juafk" Coming i : Marion Ballou Puke, heroine in It a Russian soidier is killed ui j mny human Interest tragedies t(re.l battle he is ido.. lifted by a number ( thiU part of the tenderloin of i badne. a French soldier by a card lchieg0, the stnokv citv, made famous ' stiteheii into hi tunic, a German j t,y Upton Sinclair a tl.e "Junule" is' soldier iy a little metal uiac bearintf , cominif. A student of human hearts hi? number, a British soldier has he plsvs upon the otrinjrs of emotion nlumipuni disc, with identification snj sympathy and implants a message niars and church affiliation: a Jap-'tn ln. mind of her hearer as her anese soldier hy three dtes, all alike, f niieer cartoon the (rreatest pictures one on the neck. a'Mth-r la hi belt j0c jf,. wj her ready wit, her versatiU and ona in his boot; sn AuHrian by. humor and crisp word painting keep krunmetal badge, shawe. witn!,er hearers emrrosse-l. She uncon identiricatn on a tt-.v parchment i piously shapes theii thousht atniut leaf withi i. The Turk carries no , tne higher thine in life. . bndee idc.tificat.of,, l-eing considereii ' . not worth w nile. Cist In Meat Prices As our ; fed c.ittU- art now ready for tin market, we ate making the following prices on our meats, for cash: Beef Pot Roast at 12 l-2c and 13 l-2c pr pound Rib Roast at 15c per pound Rib Boil at He per pound Brisket Boll at 10c per pound Steaks at 12 1-2 to 15c per pound Corn Beef at lie and 12 l-2c per pound Hamburger Steak at 12 l-2c per pound These prices are guaranteed on Tillamook Products PRICE LIST ON U. S. INSPEC TED PRIME STEERS FROM PORTLAND Cl.AHKlt.N-CU MALLATT. Owr Eat Viereck's Bread TILLAMOOK BAKERY T M.I. i.KnCl.KS call row on woaii WM All r.llsm'x-k '' K.t WarranU Sertea ' H" luutan-iin ' pfW on irntaU. Interest ceese JBth dajf of April. llf M W. Hurrtaun, City Treaetttw, Cull lJtr Cfiy SS'ttrronL-i thr wy wilt um, Dean A U ( i attlllllt i ", Nartittl'tn ,1 iliri In t!" . ram a sal tv i share l t r -1 . number f at let salary n ' i will becin iir,, hi iraci lr il.r ' ; ihu learn iin... . i f (arm HL 1 1 to give l.i.n . I to He wnde' 1, '' whrn the ni. i i 1 titiit m i t it(( tint i Ktuict intfnin. "Suilatii tl . r ill of tkjr mm i 'it in. wbf'r H i- I.. I lllS Indnrl'tuj 1 nr. whU t it$ti Urn ui "1 he bwt ' Ui.tnrM Hi' i' - .. him !' , I'rrn lrit u 1 tniri he ell 1 ' III J(H thr li' i whirh is e l" - loioHsl rws' I' dd tit til no' fntmlry llfr . h.m lies ll-i' All warranU en the:1inrl Pttnd ' will lie paid presentation eteeirtlnf , Notice Ol MOOSE LEND ASSISTANCE The tin-son St-'te '.r. is with us. it is useless to s.t . a: Tillamook ex tends i th-- It i'f -it re delegates a most n rdinl welceme. The Grange a an orp.-.t z. t'ot 1 -. Kne much for Or epon i has ii- i.e i "-f for the nation It has for.-ihiv e-(n.u.ed every ad vanced n.ral -d progrreasive iseue for decade past, a - i is today one of the strongest rrs i.f our beloved commonwealth. The Grange get re Secretary Bnviheal of the Moose Lodge of this citv recently received the following communication from the widow of Frank Poster. Ctoverdale, Oregon. May 9, 1915. Loyal Order of Moo, Tillairook, Ore. Dear Sirs : - I acknowledge the receipt Sirloin Steaks Round Steaks Pot Roast (ieef Short Ribs and Plate 'ioils Prime Rib Roasts These prices are subject o change TILLAMOOK MEAT CO. at 20c pel' pound at 18c per pound at 16c per pound at 12 c to 1 5c per Mi. at i8c per pound warrant No. IS '"l N tSI I. Interest erases this 3rJ ly of .May 1916 M. V . Hurt ). 1 imi. TllUtlHHlk HI) COAST POWER CO. lQixbk Li(hUtm (Wo IK-tiring ui 'J Aumnl 9- OUR DRUG STORC nna hnnrtrnH An a? p..1b I..a 4likAin nssit s4s.xaaaic f UI 9 kUiUUKU IIUVlllslUII MCVW sion. It has no place for prejudices What it war.tM ia the facta that U mav act intelligently, ami when it once raaKe5Up,, a..,i uo,t go drf my hQsbmndn lhjtM M)(le forward and makes it influence felt, i , ,. . .,.,,, kind to him. One of the peculiar things to be " Un a win lor tne prosriiy an-i taken account in securine aid ' w of toe orter which doe so mu.-n HaU off to the Oregon State Grange. last evening. i I wish to express to yon my j for the prompt and kindle manner in ; which the order fulfilled its obligations securing from the irovernment for harbor im- I for It members. I remain. pr ivements, is the fact that a p rt ' Your sincerely, show a certain amount of snio-j Mabel le N Porter, ping done or business transacted over Besides the above aid, Mr. Foster tne water route before aid will be had previously received 12W in iick gi"en. It doe not mutter what the benefits, f-- re prospects are. The question' r woicn the government considers first foremost is: What are you doing now? All of our busineaa men and citizens or this vicinity would like to see the government aid in the improve- EUSTAIS PETTEYS DEAD ! apt ymjb 4H-I lleatlt't Ovvksi Vim will fan htiMftrotmt l Tlx r.kttr ttiH .vi t . . ,w mkn i ii.i MOUSB VIHJNti 10-KCITWC SUPPUKS A I rtghl jxtem SPTH f L1' III ! tne umterirr.( - Aeenttnt, , Will HH rl, ' '. ttyrotti. iierrs' I'ourt of ih HI,'. mtk Cti4i. l. a the Tin a ( J a m , at the ri i ' ' in Tilianuo k t i i and I'Ur for I . accuM ard lh- . ! ttit M 41' 1 le M. Allr, . A-lltlilri m-el. ' ' ll m .lr. . - vet? E7 Am ir rnent of our water way. But they i must remember that if tfcey do not take advantage of ihe facilities which ' they now have the government will ' take but little interest in any plea' which we may make in the future. Our people should also remember that' "aler L; "'H""n . knew him. He was an active and valued member of the hand, ct Wit ' I V III . .-l'b,g that a. i II . eeo freirfnt they ouyht to be. rates where On Friday at 6:30 P M.. of Inst! I week Eustais Marion Petteys, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Mandel Ii I'ctteva, of ! Bay City, died at the home of his un jcleJ. C. Bewley, of this citv. Oo , ceased had been ailing with diabetett , for some time and was at the Bewley i VTONG . hiiinA far thu nitrrk.iAM (if tdUinr trMt menu. He was 18 vears old, a line'Sll, lliyll (lldlity ilUJfCfliCII ts: dlld lie llllist tISC SKILL ailtl young man much beloved by n who CAKE. Graduate niuirtn acisls fill Dresci intions and we VEIfIFY every prescription liefore we send it on I . You will be SUNE lo yet ii right nl our tlrtnj store. Mi Notice ill HcltcfiL j. , Uii I un i- r i - t. ato , ia- im: i 'f ilr . f .-ll- ' f ' Slr.rl. ii. Ihe . ' ' l late of ntlfi.f , ft. .. hrfi I . . Id li rt'l'lf of l.l !!. ' f'C I !.' in I J. Hint I i 1' r, I'. IK . ' "f V, ' H n I -f ti Vl l ' " ' - ii ' II - ratit-d -it ' ,,...-, 4 j ' t 'i'- , , , I - I . J ' 'll. I - . , nl .( S. Will I I II I Ui V t- ' ' ' ' ( . -w An HI'- ' l ifiriil ( " ! iem tn "t . I'll ' ' ' iu tui ' tl'ST'l f 4 j,. 1 1 .o, Ki I u ill i, will I ' " ' Iuop. I"J i -. al I" ' ' ' .lalo. t- .n tin . 6"r' u, l,,Krl r llli I'M ' " 14. iitl iwin-4 of ' A prescri)tion can be filled riylit aiid il can he To he filled NIGHT your druggist must use filled pure. MILLER FISK Af THE CHAUTAUQUA Tne program for the coming chau is definitely arranged. Iectur era and entertainer of unexcelled I worth are to appear here for six con-; secutive days, beginning July 12. The talent, secured throuiih tho ceaseless ' elfort-i of the local committee of live wires, is the best obtainable either in the United StaU or on the continent. Never before has Buc-h an opportunity been afforded citizens. Nothing now rLniainH prevent the entire citv from taking advantage of these educa tional and inspirational ollering brought to its very door. Miller Hammers Truth Home. much tilaying the baritone. The funeral perviees were held at the home at Bay City on Sunday, and interment took place at tho Bay View I cemetery. Kov. Shrode preached the funeral sermon. leaves a fath'ir, mother,, two brothers and one sistor, and many o'her rolativeK and friends who ars much grieved at his untimely death. UrimiriL' a message fraught with the wisdo.n of the seer and tho wit of j ago. Call or wrttu C. M. a -dark Twain, Colonel William Hamil- lamook, Oregon. i'OR SALE A snap if taken at wiix. ICO acron at Sand Lake. 120 rich, level bottom, 10 acrea cranberry land. Creek running through place, i! mile frcrn poytollicu and new nchool. l,.rfX),000 feet cedar on the place, 1000 telephone pole. All for 51G.50 per acru, J1.200 down, bal ance long time payments, land Hold for JJJ5.00 per acre VUito, Til The Tillamook Drug Stoe We give you vvtiat you ASK for. To Whom it TWiy Concern ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. JEflR II Allll WAR Bi2 KITCHEN RANGES and HEATING STOVES See U for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere The following blank Fire Insurance PolLru-s, riuml.TH iriclunrve 1502037. :;g2o:58. :2039, :r,20io, mmti, wsoia, :in2ui:j. 202011. 202015, :ji20io, :!020.i7. .'5020-18, 3020 1'J, KC20fiO, of the Unum Assuranco Striety Ltd, of London, which have heen IohL. stolen or de stroyed while in the Agency of S, B. Whitf.-hoUHi! of Tillaiaook ('ity, Ore gon. YOU ABB HBBEBV NOTIFIED Joinini: 1 that the Union Ati.iiirani-u Society Ltd. fi years 1 of London hereby asauines no liability under above enumerated Policies. Any information or the return of any of the above policies will confer n favor on Harry II. Smith. Manager of Pacific Coast Department of the Union AHRUrance Society, Ltd. atjtheir Pacific Coust Office 433 California Street, San Francisco, California, or to their Local Agent, Bollio W. Watson, Tillamook City, Oregon. hi- is now imiMiiiig In, rent-arch vtnrk tl Bt-riii-, SKiti-rluml Hi able to continue hit nuidim in tin- gr-;it u-r man L'niversity at Munich (or onu moiiths alter war broke out, np -ing in dairy and linin He has Voth a bachrlor's and a ttr di-grrc from O. A. C. .mil hat, done graduate work in the Manna cluiki'ttt Agricultural College. Me nays that lie hopes to get hark to Cnrviillin, his foriurr home, somcliine thi spring. His iiistructorsliip in the college will begin with the next rnl lcgc year. ; itii'i i'iii, iii iiossk hy ket'iitng lum in . . 1. 1 IUr,.i. V mi- i-!li it II -r -,(,. ,f hc bl AUK-k .11 pm-v-j loni ought lu tempt vm A WKI.L M.MiF IIAUSKi will not ui, i-, iiiiirtiv tl... (ii- nre of 011r hi-ri.-, hut ronlrilmli. lo ,,ur i:ifi-t-, 10 u. II, Maov u niu .wv ,- ,uld im.-'ti-.l if tin- 0I1I ) I nrni'in hd, hi-en ilwumul in time ri. I lllrl7IvJj I vnrini'd, tn the ii'"i' IHIAM00 . . 0KIG0N I NotUc to -r. Nn:n i-: is 111 1 ' tl.t t oiiiily four 1 ' gun, for the 1 on- 1 dnlv n pi -.intei I M ti.ra ui the Inat ' 1 ! t'uul Metnatler. b " having rlnim ' ' DOESN'T LIKE WAR OREGON STATE COLLEGE DECLARED STANDARD Thoroughly discustcd with war con ditions in Kurope, G, V. Copson re cently appointed to a position on the faculty of the Oregon Agricultural College, writes that lie has been forc ed by tin: policy of the German gov ernment to leave Germany and that Oregon Agiicultural College, Coi vallis, May II. Slating Ihat "the only thing which this grc t and magnifi cently equipped institution lacked to meet the requirements of a standard college was the foundation of a full four years of secondary work for entrance," the specialist of the United States Bureau of Kducatinti says that the Oregon Agricultural Collc!ge should be rated as a standard college when its requirements for a four-year secondary couiwc for entrance to the dcgitc courses goen into effect in Sidney K llendirHoii, Pres. Surveyor John I.ehiiMl lliiniliirnon, Sitey. Tri'ii Attornoy-nt.Law. Notary Pipille Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstracts. Ki-al F.tnto, Surveying, liimininco. Both PhoilKK TILLAMOOK, . OUKOO.N lire of ( . W I lii..i. rn, BiMiin '.I' Ci'Mili - 1 inook, tJrego". will the ilatii of the ITU . li'itlre. Dntii of llfxl l 2flth, Ullfi. II. ( t hi It... S KxiHiutnrM of the 1.-' W inent of Pniil S. l.r -Ufl it t -r. .... ' ,.if-H 1. !Kl i ; 1 i u- , ril t i-smb, Her-' I HMfH l awl r. M Nutlt:c"iil Snlc oil I Ninit i-: is ill bi l i "INfi bv virtue of Hli KM' 'V"',, . i ..... ... .... il . -.'at 11 nit' i in oil i run oi ! ,,.1 gon, on tin- litb iln - ' the ciitiHii win rein ii ' ' was iilalntlir mid ( h i'1 1 September, 1015. Tin- report further miles the f.ut that the college has added one year of secondary work I" ill cntiaiire requirements and has announced the rising of ihese require ments to four yean of secondary work .,, ,al;e effect in Septemher, 1015. In every other renpecl," con cludes "c "'I'orl, "HiIh institution luly ince.u the u.r, of t)(. Lake City resolutions and the State I'.'liicatioual Ueparlinent's defiuatiou. I he standardization requirements ' !l f""r secondary course have "illy met and take effect with Uie end of the present school yrnr. On y students completing a four year lug , school course will, a minimum " fifteen high school units !ire eligl Ide to the degree courses, I I! lU'J . ..ui nuieiiuani, upon 11 jv " 5..1 in sun, eniiri nun eno 1 -.- ...1 of U..,..l, tinr. in fii.. r of l"l ilui.iinr ' 1 t. 1 1 11" iigaliiiit the snld defei l H'j llniiH, for the sum ,J ii.ii.. 1 nr. inn .),, hurli ' 1 iiiuir 10111 1100 i'ii- thi further sum of llftv v' ' j 00 1I0 llii.H. rosts and il .....I me '"OO II'K .J . inn property iiiuicnen i" ,j ....I I. ...... I. ...M.- ,li.u..rllil"l. '" 'I, ,11-1 i'i 11,1 ir, , ...nil ...1,1 i... 1 1 ..nil ,11 -slura. mini JOOKIIOOII, I l"i I.J Mo I.. 1 r M...1 iinr. nt Mn 'M .I'HI .HIT l. .,II V, '..'. M 10 :(W .clock In the f i' ;' .1.... .. . .1... 1 1 .I...,.- f ti c OI, III llll- IIOIII. II'"" .....mill ii,:. 'en ,.1 1 itv. iirrrii ill public auction to Ihe II iiousii in iiiinmuoK v.iiyi 14 l'ie 1 '-.Ml for eimh In hiind. the f""" .1 Hcrihed real oreni MI'S. HiPiii'f'H mook County Ormtnii, t v y 1 1 S 11 1.. ..t...: ... 11... m,iiiI 1 1 v' 1 ii-Kioiiiiiu 111- ui" " ,i,nrM of section 110, mid iiiiinhO! y'r,, .110,71 reel: ihi'i'cu i'iihi ;:(ei thencu nortii 310. 71 fi'idi J 30 fen! ; thoneii north 277 2 1 west 113 lent; thunrn mnu - j Uieiien wt'Mt llia,7H ii'ii i,flji 103. .M fi-l lo ihu ohicu of 1 eiiiitaliiliig .1.52 nrroB. iiir,l,f I "II IicIhk In miction 30 ; suit, onn south, riiugn Wllliiiiidttu Murilnn. IL (.ri'iiMlinw , ... on Ol i.v 1. '.iiiltv. v ouerin 01 iniiimouK !!""