t;M-..HH-flM..H,J Cbc CilBamook herald AMUUNU TMt TKHK on ft. P.- Cromblcv, editor SI II u m m .n..j ru'ife .1 lUcck Kntered e.imd .is nittcr Mm t7. Oregon, under the sot IiSCKH'1 ION 1..0 Hiivcrlisitta H.itcs real Advertisement l'lft Insertion, per line Ka.-r subsequent insertion, line Hem-stead Notices Timber Claims Notice, per line ChH of thanks, per line Locals, 'r line, (rt nwtrUon .10 .05 5.00 10.00 .Oil FRIDAY MAY 7, 11)15. Everybody get ready for the chau. tauqim and boost for it. A nood chau tauuua i worthy the aupport and con tun f vrv loval eitisen. The! Chautauqua entertain, instructs and la a moans of jotting our People together, all of which will do ut Hood. If every one will booat a little we can make it n success. Ijet us do it. WohaventoM that bec.ua. of some uiai aueiaeiiwi oh m v. 11. VhoIcr. over certain tiwoer lami a$e-.menta that a recall of aeor Joh - i ta oelnir .(tiiateo. we umwr- s slant! that the trouble ha? been broucht ; about throuirh a misunderatandinit aa to the amount of timber actually on that the proper thing to do would be to ; re-cruit- tho Ian) and find out just now much timtcr there ia on the land and! settle Uk mrttt. r for all time. It al o scorns o us that an attempt to set tle ti e matter by a recall would be very u:iti-factory. This idea of iumpinij irt a reeall election every time some fieil happena to displease t someone i, an abuse of Pj,dW ' vokeil on I' n a last reaort. It coata mor.ev tn i' "Juet election, and it ia hivrti tin.' ii it evervthintr poaaible sh-'i:' i :t- A m to keep expenaea and ta .s dw- ' non-partlan Four l.i:U establishing state .ec'.if's in ialifornia have been. sigue.5 -j ("iiver:;or Johnaon. Under' them iio eanJi iate for political o.tice, oxc it ean.li 1 its for representative in ' .nxre- ; I'nited State, senator, u il hktfl i riurtt ImKI r .i.f, ,.,., I,,.. mH . move in the right direction. The Idea that the party label should be the pr.m-ipal qualification of an office s eerier, ia ctrtainly obselete and be hini the lir.'.ej. Governor Johnaon. who ' as spoiler for the above bills parsed in Cahforr.ia should be given much cre.iit fur their enactment as they reprtsfit a forward step in prc re3ive piiti.'s. We beiieve that Oregon th. ilii follow Califurnia'a ex a ni !e ami p'-it thv "yellow do" in I . 1 , t : cs out of business. oteM are looking more and more to he ch iracter and qualifications of a t it. th;i;i they are to his political an tec cde its. CONCRETE IS FAVORED BY MULTNOMAH GRANGES A snocial committee of the Iperma ncj t pneral ffood roads committee of the frat, .f Multnomah county re-tur- "i fror inapection of various types of - ii-'iri'i the vicinity of Chehalis ai.i. ( ' trail, and in the section around Ta'-'.-; a, and as far toward Seattle aa Au'ji.rti. H. A. Lewis of the committee sail yeaterday that Ihu special com mitt'-i.- is unanimously in favor of con-c-rel for the hard aurfacing of Mult-non-.h .-ountv roads, pursuant to the $1, '.'' bond isaue recently voted. , '1 In.- r-ommittee will ruport at u inuet- j infr f i he general committee at Cen- tral li ,rarv at 10 a. m. Friday. Heso-j lutions concerning the paving type I favored !, tho Grange will come up at ' the niecting. i On the inspection tour the special , commit U-e roilij in automobiles ovor : concrete, brick, Warrenite, wood blocks and aaphalt, in various conditions and questioned officials concerning tho number of years pavorncnt needing ru pai" had been laid. '1 ho committeo con sulted at Tacoma with M. Itoy Thorn p son, superintendent of the state high ways department of Washington ; King I liarn.s and farm buildings of all County Engineer Denton and other of- j kinds erected by experienced carpenter, ficials experienced in laying various either by contract or days work. Plans types of paving. I and estimate furnished for all kinds of Tho special committee consisted of j carpenter work. J. M. Liisbcrg, Mu J.J. Johnson, master of Multnomah tual Phone. ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. KITCHEN RANGES and HE4TING STOVES See Us for Prices Before Cui1.iV Jtnl Frlil.iV UH. :it tho post unco at Tillamook, of March 3. IS7." VI'VK IN AUVVNCH. Kach sultsequent insertion, Itno Kosolutiona of t ondolenco and Lodge not too. vr lino Business & Professional i'nl,mi). Diaidav Adert semenl. pur inch .or. .06 ALL Display Ado must be in thl of fie on Monday ami Thursday Morn- ings to insure publication in follow ing Tuesday and Friday Reasons sr imperative. County 1'omona grng nd Evening Star grange and chairman of the gen- t tral committee ; President 11. A. Lewie of the Multnomah Countv Fair Aaao- ciation, representing the Russelvine K range members of the general com mitter ; R I. Rasmussen of Corbett I grange. John Sleret of Multnomah! grange at Orient, J. V. Townaemi ofj Fairviear grantt, and II. A. Oarnall ; .ml Kt- j tendtni the meetinij of the lni of tdirectora of the 4ultnomah f,.un ! Fair aasociation yeaterday. and I.i-mj iaentiment epro.Hwi .t the meeting u-.k It ?.tl tkd AAtMaa I iitmnitf t ""- - ' f of I eaatem Multnomah county tavor eon-' crete. The general committee constat of three membera of Multnomah County Pomona graniru aivl three memlwra of each of the 10 grangr of the county, appointed in roioivr to a resolution of Pomona ranue. CHAUTAUQUA ASSOCIATION OR GAiSMZED At a meetin? at fie Commercial Club rooms on Mo.n'av evening a Chau tauoua Xaaociation was organised for' the purpoae of booating the ehautau- qua prugram that haa been arrangei - Tillm..W M. xinmer. C. J. B! wards waa elected preaident; . , R J. Clauaaen, Secy. : Erwin Harriaon, j ; Treea. ; ' Mr. fSdwarie haa appointed the f i , lowing committee.! Committee on advertising: Karl On thank, K. J. Claosaen, R. U'. Watson. Committee on grounds: Geo. Alder man, Rev. Van Winkle, Ray Walla. Committee on Tickets: Mrs. 0. A. SchUlta, Mrs. F. R. Beats. Mrs. Alder man. Committee on transportation: I'oia Hand ley, F.. J. Clausen. H. King. Concessions: Geo. Lamb, A. A. Pen nington, E. J. Claussen. COMMERCIAL CLUB MAY DISBAND At a special meeting of the loard of ' directors of the Commercial Club Wednesday night it was decided that another attempt will be made U have the regular annual election ofofffcers, and unless enough interest is shown by the membership at thia meeting, which has been set for Monday the I 10th, slew will immediately be taken to disorganise the club. j Two nttampU havu been made by ' the officers to have the regular annual election, and both times, thu meeting was adjourned for thu want of u quorum. I he board has dectdeil tlirit there is no more use tryinir to koep up the club unless it can havo tho united support of overy business man in the city, anil unlesi thoro can be a successful meeting and election on next Monday, the furniture will bo stored and tho club rooms -k'ivun up. FOR SALE For sale 1C0 acres of creek hot ton land, '10 acres in cultivation, l.'S houil of cows, !1 horses', wagons, nil personal property included. And also t million and half feet of lumber for S7100.00. Phone or sue owner, W, K. Webb, Tillamook. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Ordering Elsewhere City Meat Market John Dnnnials, Prop. On N-i 'in! A fine line of I HF.hH 11J .0Ki:H MEATS ami FISH No shelter for our " I" Infcc 1hI with tab rtasrfesist Mll l.lr U. . Inspestsd H'l. K t kefs B vtlt u We tull the bel otiiitl Kf t only S 'uw ttwn i m Wo will dvltv. i t iff Our Custom Tailoring Dept. it -fillind tKti reau " r i wlio liave heretofore paid fancy- prices m order to th i icy want them. as Ed. V. Price & Co. tailor your new individual order every detai 1 of workmanship and 1 please you immensely. A, A. PENNINGTON Find Old Mail in P. O. Building. K lilt-nets u( niimanagt tucnt on the :irt C. V Aknandcr, former: ilin.itt;r at t.m. Mi were di-, k .vend today I i v .-rkmcn who arc u:,rrig d.wn old !.iy irw Hotl i lurib.ildi's nblest l.md tiurks, T';c ' ! uiMing Almndcr imd for a pol- t officr, is owned by I'etcr Byrotn , estate and is bi-ing moved front it former position adjoining the old hotel. In a room underneath the oM post office building workmen lon'id a ton ! or more of dd paper an t Inters, much of which was t - at ! Stales mail that had never been . i . . ' r ii ti i d. Several packgc of Lit s were yet untied and still bore the facing slip ! if the postal clerk who wa' on the , train at that time, One package in ' ; particular bears the date of March 1 1, j ' 101.4. Some children who v.ere play ing around the pile of rubbish happi n d to get hold of a package of tin i letters and in looking them over di j covered one addressed to W. Beam I ih, and took llicni to him, and to. 1 1 ! ish and took them to him who disced I crcd in one of the open Iclit r a chc, k for $,V) drawn on the First Bank of Bay City, Ore. and payable to ilrs Henry Lcadcrcr, of Garibaldi, On Among the Inters were several for prominent business men of ",;,rib;ilIi and vicinity, who for years liv been it loss to know what had In route of their mail. All the letter to far dis covered have been turned over to the present postmistress, Mrs. Anna F.llii Alexander is now scrvinur time at McN'UTs Island for the cjiihezli ment of some $noo of post office funds. Bay City F.xaminer. To Whom It Tiny Concern The following blank I'lrc ItiMiininre Policies, numbers inclusive ,",'W0.'I7, ! 3020:18.3020.'''), ,'!C?0.n, .'102011, ."021)12, 1 302013, 3020M. lir.'JOin, 30M010, 312017, j .stizuiH, ;miV), vmwn, of the Union Assuranco Hoeietv Ltd. of London, which have been lost, stolen or le Htroyed while in tho Agency of S. II. WIiltehoiiHti of Tillamook City, Oro- YOU AHM IlI'.ItMBY NOTM-H'I) that tho Union AHsuranco Society Ltd. of London hereby nsBurnus no liability under the abovo enumerated Policies. Any information or tho return of any of tint nbovo policies will confer n favor on Hnrry II. .Smith. Manager of Pacific Coast Department of tho Union v for lm i .:i part of tn eltv H i ire merits of men have elotlies just ii i If you . ii nave Spring suit to we 11 guarantee style, fit and the value will eh Amtiirauci- .s irty. Lid. nt.lhrlr I'acK'e Coant Office t tt I'alii'ornia Street, Han Fraremco, Cubfornia. or U their I,oeal Agent. Rollie W. W'alsar, Tillamook City. Oregon. fflJSS JANE ADAMS Mlas Jano Adams, who presldrd over the International Worn.tn'u Peter Concress held at The Hatjue CANAL OPENING BIG EVENT Distinguished Men Attend the River Celebration. Open Luwlatoii, Idaho, - Distinguished moil fiom tliroiiKhoul the iiurlliweHt wore horn to participate Monday M tho uutcru-iiyH enlcbrutlon to com meinorato tho ctiuiplntloii or 'I'hn Dalli'H-Colllo cuiial. Those In atltiud n:ieo Includoil (lovonior Aloxatnlor, (Jiilted Hlatn.i Hdiiutoni llorah ami Ilnuly and oxdovernorH llawlny ami MeConnell, or Idaho. Henator Joiinii mid Itopnmontullvo lltimpliroy, of Wushlngloii, (lovonior Llutnr, of WushliiKton, mid (iovernor Wllhy cotiihe, of Oregon, Tim oHlobrutloii miirkeil llm first trip u Htoaimtr from Portluinl has over imido llirouuli the new ennui to Low luton, Subscribe or the II era il. atSidw..--'fw to'Bo filial PLEASANT VALLEY SHINGLE MILL CLAR HUNCH MALI. ATT. O" Eat Vierecks Bread TILLAMOOK BAKERY AT A I.I. r.knCKKS CAI.I. I'UU CI IV U(Al) W.-l UANI'.s Ml Tillamook 'Hy l Wartunu i Srrive "fl" oiLlaitii il ' P'd ' in nMunlitliin. lhlrHt ev lht ' 19th day of April. XI VY. larr'n. 11 ty Trx"aunf. Cnll i'tif City Wtirrnitt.t i Alt warrants on the Uetwral Fund will h paid on prweefttatkMt eseaftifte warrants No. 1343 and No. IMJ. Interest ceases this 3rd day uf May 1'Jlft y W, Hrr". Treaa. I lUoiinioa I'lly, COAST POWER CO. KJctrK t.ifhiiitf Pwf BP.-I ti4tlnf LVvk S fit w'1 W , ttf-,l. th I l:i-ti Sau atwt I,l4r r U. vttMtS I tCXJSK tftRINU 1 IILRC1"RIC SUPfUES At jihi fHktt VIM-. mm Ik i i M 1 1 ; ; i . 1 1 il in,. .. mmlf .,f the Hint i.-jjflil t.i In kfii W v a i U'lit l te'ii) t v I. hi, in l. -t-lb-i ll-r-. it ut -n,-tt A W KI.L M Al'K li,!Sr.H w'" " '.- f'.iiruv,- l;w ,.j.a " of yti'ir t .r..-. but .-.tnirfbtit,. (,, s,.nr safely as well, roi,wy ,- U- in,.i.l,, ,f u, ,i, rnes had been diacar r. in time. ;W. A. WILLIAMS, IIIIAMOO . . OKI (,0N Stdiiev Ileiitleruiii, Pres. urvejur John Lelai.O llemlersnn, Secy. Trims Attorney. at. L,w. Notary Pul.,- TlHamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstracts, Koal Kstato, Surveying, Inauranru. Ilotli Phones TILLAMOOK, . f)Mltr,nS NOTICE TO FARMERS Tlio Tillamook Lime Product Co U Sen? 'I" r,,,,r" ",,,U I . . " '-""imunlcatliinn in j ( '"'kHon Tillamook. (, (r,; riMiiHled to bring sucks or It will he. nccesHiiry to ,:,rg 3c e.tm f,,r ,Hcll FOR SALE A Rn.,, If taken at one... 100 acres t Wl Lake 120 rich, ,1Vl),,)0tl() ' J cres craiiherry d. JrufcK ll.rough place, J ,,,11,. f., ,m ; --I..M.I. I , rod (mo fee ci'ilii r on Hut 1,1,1.... mm, . . . 1 "-oar f - i ,r ' " uWnw poles. All Here. $1 .!!(VI .1, i , z1 ort. Tii. ISk t '')? ti.no piiymmilH. .,, ' iiilllwul,,,, of h.u-Ii olf ho l for W. IK) p(.r ,,.ro . WJ. ,, .muUH tl f J "go. Ijllll hi wrlln (!. M wi.in. Hveitn thu Mil('('l'4Hflll S ... " T lllllll. 'I II. " ' minook, Oregon. fa4lll 1'fS.lk .1.... . . . "I i hi in tiiirii"i nil ut .t lok-., M )tll t i al all i i III ! III,! I J. In lm; it till , r i ;' U frM 111.,- "" tt.U H; '""111 UW UlM VU) IMtt lrll.H , TOOTH imi. Ml I . .J.,f? "' ' i uiawi i IIJ Ml IMtllill.,il . . .( l ami tt' All ot u i - " .tJ .l,l.... 1 1 i..ttr i.- i. t IIIMI jinn l I.. ,.w,,Ww(l I be tt a. Ill . ' . tt, ttl I of en)i in. t.i n II I Oil W C. ! , f l;J la.tr f,.f l , t , t lll.ilfrl, I t. , . ( U,i..,J J. itMir lli-m FIGHTING WHEAT F tr o'm i ti, i 14 liJ (lriwt..i i, j lUlfur t!m WtMlttt HTIU I be twt fields sa arr ' tlswlon C aut.; ! .1. ihan Mttrn ii. W u I'l .u tontilltil.ilrtl rare nm. ii i 1 Itf In fr.tr. 1 r. fi-S i.( lit ' 4r r.-W ll i-U vl "41 tllltl that, I.. ' 4 ( i.i I illltf pr'.l. I Hr.) - i Unl lili ' 0. ii III lr j i!m v, rJ l U a!-t I t . rtl I.i .-,iif wlii-ii i,; tiitin .iti ,t, TlM- Ilr-i llil. t n ,! -lJIl ! ' M l.-t!l iIa i ' lit KH" " lll'nrt, I' ' IwMttirtit i that n ' WIilM2 1 r ut KM I tt. n Jl 1' t .if n r, -111 . ,n ' ' rtm !!,. X t I ."HI . II j ald t-.iil, i . mj till lef i'ii errv i. t ' ff-. rt.w r.T lie itf . . Wll.ll .I'll i ' tml full ' I llle w' ' 'nier- W.-'r ' Stfrd le'. " I farmer ib - tnntic i i,ii '." , Hi fur a ti ptliirln- i. '. j had i" ire'i." . .! t tit.- llltt p't " f.lml lie! I nrr nl ifrf 1 i Parmer ti"" j bent must j nf telltl rt ver the fir Poundslion f r Wi"l - , .-'I ii ii i n Iniik for ait r i tank built " f mi ml ii t n ii "in nilfni-tori i'1 1 1 ' ' aioNie mi N llllll.'M lllllll III III,' tlll'K ' ax...,.ul I .., ..i lliUV IT II will moiiii prove illxuxtn"'1 '"'I rot the limbers "''"' " J riitiiiiiiition will nri'U'iil l'" 1 Turk')' .' ...rlll on iieiiriy everj . . v lu..,l Till'!' 1,111 1 .,l II..I,,,, MIIL'llll! Ill"'"' nt f,.V Ilt"1 lllt.l Mill IICI t ft J I , 11 eiecpi iiielniiM mid H,r J iiieii' I'll ii tie 'c" . win. ..t-i, in IlliH' tlltli n'MlllT hum ." nice sum of money i'lir' . ,, , fiii i it'l' -nil no reiiiir.eii ti ' . i .i. in" ftiriucr