Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 16, 1915, Image 2

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    C5?c Ciliamooft herald
r- r - . ... 1 . it C fi i A r
EnU r.
cuficc i Week CiumI.iv anil i-rhlnV
OrVt under the not of March S. 1!;V.
t Kll . ION SI .Ml : K IN M XM'U.
..Iie.il .mv eomnetent butlefHWae
o.utlt make t.ihtt.tV, lb, of tho heal
cotntiicridal butter. Tin wonderful
pr duotioti ijives thl Hnlaleln
cow place li ve nil other euw In the
world ami make hor tho world' iry
ipieen. "
Ci!:, '
I -i
Hi' 1
Cur I
Jltvertlna Rates
vortis it"
l-'SCrtieH. swr Ho
- ihepie-t irwrtlon, line .
t.-.- - WW
, ., t w
- ?
th ...
IJai-h subsequent insertion, lino
KevOutiona of umlnlenee and
l..iK' notices, per line
Hinoness Professional cards, mo.
Ail vert 'sement, lf inch
s t.l. tliattUv Atto mutt be in this
1,1, IfWIIWT ,,
n . l..4..' n .1 Thursday .Morn-
IKT) WH .WCIIM.. ......
in to insure publication in follow
inc Tuedy and rViday taeue.
Vcrwm are imperative.
ir -- '- na
ti'.' S .-!
Stltl I.. A
oerr ml '
is o'h
ti..- .1. '
loa-M to '
otK ' ; U
We ir er
bffr trie,
ever, 'hit
law -
i, more , consternation pal claim of a pro-peetivr Im of busi-
i f e ?ri'nir oi ncaa i " ...-
- -c U-v. .' itoiH. which ll uch mereharrfw.
. . tit h.nJ i will remain c.pn : hut, in my opinniw,
,.,r . s. n tow the drvie tor will wl bf Jfciw! W
ii ..... -k... nM.Bn.tia lha.l dnuta.
'ir a h- i nr wu t ......
" i oth of office medictiw?. rtc.
. !. , iv s tt t.i'l'i
-la'i.n asid i u-contit-
i s th'!n is al
"n .r.mts while omc
; . f ,t "'i-.'ttM'rt? aftf not.
n d t' it th' li- h never
s i- Saptvme I'-xirt. How-
i o-' .lotie Hnil if thi
n-nt it" al our official
Ir, the mctntimv
ant if CfWI'lainl hall
be matte that they lo the -natter
will have to be taken into the court
and tried out.
But oo alKHttd it he fuund to re
mit in a hw of buaimaa to aww, my
oath of office obligated me to uphold
and enforce the law of the State to
be bet of my ability, and it wouKt
team that all (food cltien ahould
rather ncourae an officer of the law
. --t k! J..,., tkan tia pritipia
there m punii'K k-ft Tor our offictaia lo wfri. -v -
dotuttoi -.fv'thola thev find hi.o and upfcoU th violation of the
h Tat i. their wom dutv. While law. It w not MY law, but the law of
w are opi.od to the enforcing of the whole people of the State of Ore-
the law there are some who are much ton, and no man can be a true et.m
in favor of it. The law in question who will viotot the law for the sake
statute books and can be dealt of the ai oi a lew panrv .".m.
Howeeer, I reel aatisnen mat incne
same person" who now complain of the
ts on our
with only a it t.
Hfal construction work will bejrin at
once on the Bayoeean road. It will
proL.'l.iv take this year and next to
corns 1. tc the road. The very faet tnal
the county has taker hold of the Bhv
ocdan road seriou-ly will no .i."i: t !o
of assistance to Hayocean. While Ba
ocean pays far mi re taxe tin.n any
other resort in the county, .t '. tht
onh resort that has not road of
some kind le ut, to it. The irtitwte
of Ju.ijre Hare :iid the cotnmis-ioneiH
in re:r i"d t th matter is to . e
meriileo. They went into the mat r
carefully and really made a ood bar
pain with Bayorean in aeeurinK the
ue of thedredife on two and one half
miles of the r . d The Bayoeean
attempted enforcement of the l.iw.
will in the end ain by tmlnn from
their Wbors for one day in oeven, as
the Almighty has beneficently provid
ed in hia law that they ahould. "The
Sabbath was made for man and not
man for the Sabbati, "
T. H. Goyne, District Attorney.
Marnt Corns
Krom Literary Dest:
The fame of the BHe of Barherton
ts heralded thmtiithoiit Ohio. There
may - her rivals ir, otber parts of this
people ought to be satisfied with the ' country, noted too for their auirrfv
recognition which
they taae received
at th; ttKi" h-. I the people of the
cocntv ought to be pleased with the
cnd-av rJ .i Bayoeean people
grace, their wntie, nentn oispoai-
tmos, th- ir shy. nnassuminff manner,
and their generous service to their
fellow men, hut of them the Toledo
Blade will have none. I,et the paean of
praise voice alood no name save that
of the ieerleas Murne Cowan. Says
The Blade:
She is a fWe-yesr-ol I cow, i. modest,
unassuminK Guemaev. who has been
crowned queen of the dairy-world. To
earn this ext'ted position, she pro
duced, last vear, twelve tons of milk.
The average mind may not be able to
trra-ip the meuning of milk in t'.na.
-v I
-1kIo 3 b Uotlutt
Wiillam Hut 9 Thompacn rppobMean
candidate fur mayor of Chicago, he
sa elected by a larga minority,
Says Trip From Spain Is en fHeaeure
and Buemee.
New York. -Oi.oraJ iciortauo llu
ert. former ;ro .s.otial p-etdent f
Mexico. wh- Ur Be.-:y a year has Ik f
an i! !ti S' i n. arrival here on the
8i:uah steamer Antonio tropes frw
(ieocral lluerta wa parsed by Unit
ed States lmuiiraUon ot u-ioja aj a
t-tiiu'.it alien, a(t. r h hi t declare!
und r oath that he would do nothing
that vtould lit any way imoUe the tieu
f-aJity of the United State.
Th.) ea preeident and that be had
come to the foiled State partly tor
i 'eaaure and partly to attend to i,m
personal business conuet-tod with
famiiy matter. He swore that he had
no Intention of going to Mexico or to
Cuba, The length of tits stay, here,
he aaid, was Indefinite.
TilUmoolt, Oregon. April 16th, lW'-.
Editor Herald:
rasmuch as the notice sent out by
me a few davs ago to operators of
prol rooms and other places of amuse
ment ab ut keeping thrfir places
business open on Sunday is causing , This may help: Accorriing to the teats
considerable comment as to who are, , made bv the dairy department of the
and who are not, required to close. I 'Ohio State U. iveraity the new queen
thought it best to incluJe in this com-! milt averaged 5 per cent butter-fat,
municntion a verbatim copy of the aec- j and during the year "he produced 1,06
tion f the code governing such -bm- pounds of butler-fat, which ch'irn
ter. vi iiieh is as follows: ! into 1,100 pounds of butter. Anybody
..e. . :i w .i.. ii who buys butter of the grocer can
open anv store, s p, grocery, bowling ; f MP Ji'--
alley, billiard room or tippling h. use,
for the purpose of labor or tratfle.
anv lace- of amusement, on
day fif tbo week, commonly called
"Sunday." or the "Lord's Dav." such
person, '.pon conviction thereof, shall
be punished by a fine not lea than tb.
m nor more than WO; PROVIDBI),
HOWFVEU that the above provision
st.M. ot app y to tr.eatrea tne e pers
of lir .L' t tores, doctor shops, under
take' , liverv stable keepers, butchers
and I rtlers: and all circumstances of
nece -itv and mercv may be pleaded in
dc-f , which shall be treated as
quet-t'oi of fact f',r the jury to deter-rni-"
when the offense ii tried v
Tl.e T'!ple will readily see that the
law ir. - U'ies store and shoia of ail
kinds, i xi opt thus specifically men
tioned being exempt, and also all
plaic-b of amusement, except theatres.
It is r i-nored that a few persons feel
7. fi. Denounce Peoec PropnoinU.i.
Chicago. Publication of the fact
that Theodore Roosevelt bad written
a letter denouncing the woman s peace
pro(.ajvamta caused a sharp disc use Ion
nmo.is leader of the movement buro.
The letter reposed In tbe custody of
Mrs. William I. Thomas, secretary of
the Woman's Peace Part), and she re
:used to -allow Us publication.
However, to understand
better the remarks ble production of
! this dairy-wonder, it may bo added
he first ' lmU tne average proluction of butler-
fat per cow in Ohio is 133 pounds.
Murne Cowan doesn't have to low at
the gate for attention. She is pampered
and palt-.-d and petted us befil her
station. She doesn't havo to burrow
into the deaths o' a weathur-benlen
straw-stack fur choice bits of grain
that went with the chaff. Destiny se
lf' ted her lo rise above her kind, to
achieve great things, and sho reap
daily the rewards of her aciiievornont.
I Of course tlm queen responds to tho
exceptional care sho recuivos. In
Murne Cowan gratitude is butter-fat,
and she expresses it in pounds.
Holstein Cow Holds Record
A letter from Malcolm II. Gardner,
of Delavan, Win., to the Holstein
bries an World says, "I am ic'd to
announce that tho Holstom-Krieaian
huifer Kinderne Holingon Fayno I I 16.11
Mayer's Sentence 6 Years In Prison.
Indlanapolia. To obtain liberty
pending bla appeal. Mayor Roberta,
of Terre Haute, who was sentenced to
six years and to pay a fine of $2000,
the severest sentence given tn the
o'.ection fraud trial, will have to fur
nlsh a bond ' f $6".')00.
"I am ulwnys horribly nervous when
I buy u null of clotlioi from a mi r:i iiko
tailor -
"Yea; n pur(in you don't know Is
Hard to stand off." Houston Pout.
They Fay Mrs Ho Style nhraya wel
. omea her "ior reliitlmiN under her
roof "
"Ye I Ullderstand Hhe puta them In
' fie IILIil . lHHUU"M- I Ull'l l .1 II.
umcr fiu wo iu OREG0I
It AH Depends
If you jay you want your
new Spr.n,! Suit tailored to individual
order from your own selection of cxeltwVc
-tylci and fabric, we'll .-end your measure
to our famous Chicago tailors
Ed. V. Price & Co.
and jfuarantce to deliver the cream of
custom-tailoring at a price far less than
you've been paying local tailors.
Give us chtutce to mme it I
M,. than HM pe.j.1. auM
Minimum; nifxiiii.j; 1,. ),j J w
i-timmreiai rum
f leenan n a in-r' r 1 r bui
a 4.1 farmeta
"tin. ho 111 n( r, ,M. ,1 ,1 .
n t 'iiejr 01 siru i ,
th ha) 1 a'i
hart ertoul at'
lt a. i-p of the Ii
t lre ml' '
hll HI We
J U HUI, P k
PrepftrAtione. .
Mttin.ule for i,.
the ttruad Am. '
to be ! u
j Alt wii'
far the sint" "
. ttf the MraluK .
liatd la l'uttai. t.
; The tiHtrart '
? U folHr. li
I it laiaa iii rIU a
Tne ttnatiai r .'iev t
ItagUili la n"i 11 ' t ( i
arv iHh H" ;
Ol omt m.nri- ,
during ih nun' 1.
I .
rtrai" u '
'.W 'a
It is no
paints W
t h'iv
; '.it vv i
v ti r lirtishcs dinl
,i'. U llu ir MS.
i it t v t -it hi uslit: .
TLES and ut1 its t 11: rfil nul J hi .Mr k.'0UU.
Do not be ii! in the a t ,1.111 v,viit rt- i ) :uy your brusii-
os and iti'tiX. hut tr- j.ttvitht to it-, kc our tine anil jjet er.ina "'
our priti". rni'1 on Viiii mint m furl hr
(t14 pr-
cmft "f fcal .
ao huu tin ti
The gift w x
aeff te tat r
Btaror 0 ! '
! T rtrii '
U now on Ur 1 a
HKM,i Wl.l r. M...
,UUath'r ' '
eaptHfted. f
Croak iw4nii '
Lake a4
Thai i ! ' '
ailltfa Hh e -
, st ta U f'.i
t estd d
' ur witbtti i '
slat t!tn" t t.
They ha.e n 1
WiilMi " lllllf
(Jo crtiur 'A 1
Im4 ai-wint'd
t'uy i k ri v
Uoid ), "h "
meMtlM-r 'h '' c
IOH. . teleil h)
In! I?'. llu-..- .
d"ll- ebai.i
tare. Kir tho rUttr
Of S'eo ''.Wit I '
l?h il't A ht- . ,
nr. Unl I.
lb. ' ib '
. ' .aee '
ar- '-" '
oot by a)t- 't
I' lrauo .t t..
b the (te 1 j.-
tnw!tn '"
grant' -I .ar" '
and ;.. -re t' "
nit ;i
t t
1 w . I '
. . .
k Ogi$? Stoi'e
1 -
1 1
IX rv-.
1 MMm CIM&a
. vj. . H'N P : w. . -) ii. ;
I . .. 'M I Sht l,v keepii.M ' i' . 'ii h.i M. r , '
1 rsls w ,,r'' Hi"" ,,,u"" ' "(
I 8, ' " YSM '""'l Ht",-, ' l"leH 4, flight t.
If flbW& A Wl'.'l.l UK Ii: ;N(., ,
iL, Zf OfV'-irl,., , . ...nlt.ub " ,
1 1
' ' t ft e
! .viilcs the l.i imr ulm.I, culrKr, rhuri h,
Hti.rc or othrr binldiniis with w ntltfnctory
ei supply
tin to IihIu wild Ca tutofiW witli-Cas
f ir liuntliitf rooms- lo liaot tenter for
tbe liath, Inutidry and all other u com
mon to city conl ;aa at no rcntfr cot.
On the tnurkrt oyrr 46 yrart. Over .10.000 in daily in-
M luuly.ife, l5ntrre.lm(aaiA)NaiiMiidI'itrUitdcrwritti.
Not a drop of gmol.no brought Into tlia litilldlng.
. Ak toilay Tor eslimatt and ropy
I'. of ( ul.tlin. M,. ..1. 1. .
y ' ' U ,!fxTtllani(lc' ()re-
wiiii i'i ink' H(Tr'.
1 Ma.
hosM'e 11 causa they era not allowed to has broken all records for fat produc
tion, not only Holstein but those of all
other broods, by producing in !J05 con
Micutivo days 2-1,012.8 lbs. milk con
taining 1,116.06 lbs. fat. Shu frushonul
ut tho ajjo of !i years, ! months, 1 1
I dajs. ''romlltln.'i'arnount ;of?, fat"pro-
remain i. sn ; but it is difficult to see
how anj places of business can ho in
jured wln-n all otVr places of buKinetm
f the same kind tire elo.iwJ also, un
it fh it bo Mi' b i.laces an cigar stores,
cor f:ctioi..iries, otc, ; anu their jirinci-
3 .D M M A. u W A M IS
hei mm STOVES
Zt.i- -Tu for Prices Defore Ordering Eltsewhere
Snlney K. Ilend-rsnii, I'tes.
John Lel;4i J). odniraon,
tley, Tn as
VtQrnyat-i,w. ,s ,try I'ubllc
TilUmook Title and
Ab;itt:ct Co.
Law, Ab-'i'ief , 1 e Hstato,
v'-y' . Ii 11
" H
(i.Mli I itidUila
fur Uneay lii
In V. j' count''
liiaiu ucv 1 j-"'. ,r''
... ..... . . - a . ot'iS
11 niia I'.na
erflft that m'"- ' '
Irs MI'i'l return '
lo ldl. bl ler
i ail, i.. i Si-li'
. 'alined lhAl lb-
making It lH"ii ' "
tmearnvHl lireliil""'
'll.jl nnitilnt' 1 fU' '
tlie Hiirfciueli a in
bfl rotbtWtd f "
or null" lbi r' '
i Inislftratlotia a".i
In aiuelidnieiit'
ihhiiii of the !
llllllllrclHnllt ui- 1
trial ueeldenl " "
I'orty lllli" ' '
reported lo b
.I....I ,,111-alull Hirlt't
... 1... ..I. n Jkt
tun Mia
ty of lllrt arrlil' Ob
on riillroailH uil
ImiilierliiK "i"
Tho linp'irtjui.
oat iniirol "'
uliod by j ma i'
lint alula. 1 nil. I'I'
ICIIIotl. Wh' h
Mtr' y 1 iiboui 1
l,er .1 haa b "
phiiNU' ' tlf ii- 1
ilustry 1 f "
Utll (hat for li.S' '
lilll"oii'i of ili'l'."
Ii. 'e'iillned tl '
ahn'l 1 e taken t
of ral .1 d' r I" '
fl'l:i , d 1 "ii"11
llllf to A- ew 1 '
IllllUtle'l Tim
a ti'J I
' :. :l
rruil t
. ,ia"T-
a. . a
. 1 II 'i
ilUIt -
, i6 1'
. .....
1 tl"l '
1 ...
, 11"
il "
, t'P'l;
-1 l.y 3i''
. ii
,'l't'J "
,, till
.. ,11 M
.ail i
. Ill'
Gnn. Von Hoctrendorf, chief of the
Austrian Gnrl Staff, w a direct
the Aostrl., ?rei3 apposing ftuanla,
1 discnrdi 1
Tin Tiilanviok Idm I'roduut Co,
ruu:l., I CI .
. .hi or Krs ' llmo tt0lt
'' "I t -hi, 'i, 1, ,. im t u (j
J'-W.n. Till,,,,. , (',r,o are
' 'i 1 1 will III'
tr.it l',,r ... ',
Orati''" baa I""-' 1 '
, lo lllU'"
I" . .. .. ,i,. alU rr
ll'. U"
'If I"'
leifoio with iniyn " ' tt
,.,IQ Otlllno' 11 llOK ttlil
nlun i
an uniuiix.'-"!
It In It llllwlellifm'
1. 1 . 1
' I J