Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 06, 1915, Image 2

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    C:-;e Cillamook herald
. Cromttlcy, editor
.it,H r-.lc a ttUgfc Cucsd.iV ami Prld.iV
vor'-x-lan -natter May I. 0. it IV p..-1 vtlee at Vtllumook.
Prog0". lllMOr ino BCl O! .vmn u i.-.i-.
n .Ttisements
- i - rt-
- I
Kaeh suheuitufnt insertion, line
, Resolution of ' ondolenee and
IhIiiv nofeoa. Hr line
ivr line f -l1 ittniness Professional card. mo.
,. t i-.-tln. Un .w Display Advert noment, per men
! " ,s "J Al.t. Iiplav Ad mwt he in this ot-
i: t,,, f toe on M imlav at i Thursday Morn-
. ."6 !,. to insure publication in follow -
r, rl.re . inir Tuesday and Ftlday iUW.
c. ti.-t insertion .? Reason r imperative.
tilalh among I he women voters, ho
arr inclined to lr n.'i;'iitf, ami r
not ct voked lo am political paity.
Weekly Industrial Kevtew.
1 r:
,nt r. Publisher and manager. l.w
A Bush, Bunker of
nusiuv APRIL (. ui:.
The tro-.tr staid taken by our na-ti;-..il
administration against all war
'ik. word or movements may in some
meagre It attributed to Vice-President
Marshall-.' sentiment. -He is an
ultia nacitist In explaining hi
pos-tson rectitly he told of hi visit j
to the mother and sisters of Yoernan
Pe l.owry, :i young Irish-American
saiK r wno w as killed in the attach on
Veri (n.t: " attended the funeral
sem.v f r t l.owry In Pittsburg."
Mi! ti.. ve t resident. "The ber aved
nether .it"i sister lived m a humble
flat. On the table was a frame photo-1
Cra; 'i f the bay in naval uniform.
Hid i.oherwasa brave Irish woman
and e had draped her lso " picture
wit trie Stirs and Strio. That
woeful vi', t caused me to take 8 sol
em" .''.". O.at I would support no war
inov'i -e-t by this country unless the
slier veer's foot was placed on ourj
II. Hati ilton Fyfe, an English new-',
patn-r correspondent, writes from
Pet nv rail to the London Daily Mail, j
con!;rminj: t'.e benetits of prohibition,
in R'.s.i.. K t t.) the fact that Rus-;
sia !s.i- e-'omc a'l at once a ietotat'
country, he cits the stranger. fact that
"nuK'v mak -s any audible com-.
pla:rt." "Crime has become j,irer. ,
The 1 1 conls of the courts prove this.
Sa 1'nnk iieposit have increased',
enormviusiv. The number of patient '
in Peiroerad hospitals has fallen to a
smyrii-.ng degTee. There are fewer j
accents ais well as less disease. In
the towns workmen who ued to spend j
their wt.-es a soon as they tot them .
are settirp up in business for them-
selves. Peasants who, in vodka dajs. j
i an ne
never put by a kopeck, are buying good
nlo.fg and drills and harvesting ma
chin.s. There is work for all, andl
waes are rather higher than they i
wer lefore the war." And he adds:!
"Ti ere are no blind pigs as in Canada ; !
ant' the druggists, who in the United
Sta.-is v.ill sometimes 'oblige' with'
spin ' ili as medicine, are so terrified '
here 'hat if you take them a prescrip
tion with ak-onol in it they ring up!
vour d c-tor to make sure you are not;
a lr ud.
(Kram touriuil
The Mrw York Commercial, a con
. f..tic tnwuci jounul. iHind ..
imirc .igamn partisan attempt to
keep the tariff .in ir before the
you-ttr The fommettaal ia the
- 'cn who r.re doitiR thi arr "a few
..ich iie politieians and pre agonM
, ho .-re paid for fcrepiag alive parly
i-.ic that should be allowed to ret
i i-ccn tlevtion enmpuiijn ''
ll vn.r UiMiUii. ;Ut M lM4twith lift!
car' ilcction this ir inited ot
.i'rt the opporUtnilie s now open to
.run throughout the world the I'ttit
ct' Mutes will not be the linncisl and
tiii't'iicrrnl U'tder of all nations after
:'i. war i-- over. If they let a few
atw It.iek hotxtwink them Into
tmtuahi' ; .1 firs-vir-iKiic air when
.!iey ho:iit! !m irotns .ihvad at Alii
-rtetl. io will loe a chance that
i -re aKain.
lux "i.ir'i h.icks" arc telling th.-
pc ;.le : i-.t :'i-- tariff rrpiisible
...r .1 lb-, .ttet-id ire.irv dnicu f'hr)
f..r t- - .idei! i liio.r ei!loto
'-.ilii .:ni in. .re ".1 them. 1 h- t o'r
iu'ci.1 'i.eet this dtftnitii! with facn
c. ;i.. mint, l .u-.nl.i, winch rti! he."
..rill .iiir tne w.ir licKan 1 he C"m
1 rci ;I v .
'itt. tin. i!icr..iK' in i'omit'.t 1 cul
.il'ircs it) ;,e ilomi.iivn is rclAtitely
'-c'i (Cn.'ter th.m in the United
''.t. t';noU itpports h,iie faJkii
lit tri'ntniumty -incr last 4i, Jm t
.iic L ntK-J Str.tei ii eiiinj$ practica!
,j as rmieh a ever tfj Canada in spite
f hard Unit over ttu'ttJ."
The croaker iiited a jfit apo
tl.at Imsiue wa tting ruined by
,i,Ckitd c-f ynport . fa competition
viih Vracrkan bdnstries. They Insist
now that business is being ruined by
-Icath of import. The Commercial is
niht. l the l.-iu-inrs men spemi their
tine li&tcmng to these croaker, thev
will loie a chance that can never
corac again.
.1 stronir effort is being made by the
L." in people and those inter
est I ,n t::e Bayocean road to get some
:: appropriation for the road for
. ity .'ourt. $2000 was set aside
' '.net for this road, but this
1 will riot go far. The Bayocean
'.-ht'.-e that they should have
-.ey for their road this year,
r .;.tend that as Hayocean prop
a rn alone are paying $6000 a
xfi and other property owners
interested are paying $2000
'. early, they ought to have a road,
and th. oon. Another strong argu
ment tavor of the Bayocean road to
re would greatly increase the
.1 uxabli property t that resort j
: by briii in more taxes. It is
: tnat iriee Bayocean was
thf n.pthat property from
.. t. has paid over $36,000 in
, r v Ch they have received
u ' 'i returi. Bayocean ought
. c lad. However, we must ad
a . . county eourt is up against
it. ti
pc ;
thul .
val .
am: .
ver'. !
to h v
mil 1
a r,i!:,cr icult proposition in adjust
ing ! r ,it.;r. A mistake was maae
ut the .n, ' tgin.iing by not placing u
reprc-ctitise from bayocean on the
comn.iitee that iratneJ the budget.
Hcwi ..r, vf believe tiiu eounty court
to be u lainriinded set of men who will
give th-- matter thoroUi;h itonsideratinn
and 1:0 tne very best thoy can for IJay-otean.
Progressivenets of the Democratic
party under the leadership of presi
dent Woodrow Wilson, and U appeal
to all progressive people, was the
feature of the Jackson club banquet,
given last night at the Portland hotel
in celebration of the birthday anni
versiry of Thomas Jefferson.
Members of the Progresfcive party
vi'-d with Democratic speakers in
p.-.-.ising the VViUon adminUtration
.u. 1 declaring it thoiild be given the
-v-iiport of all who value peace and
Oil m - Hare of the whole people of the
"All well thinking people, who val
ue peace and the splendid administra
tion wc arc having, ought to unite in
s'!p.Mrt of the Democratic adminis
tration," declared Mrs. M. L. T. Hid
den, who wa a candidate for repre
sentative on the Progressive ticket
at the last election.
Democrats Have Pine Chance. .
She said the Democrats of Oregon
s.ave the greatest opportunity of
tbiiir Jives for conducting a worthy
campaign of education as to the
achievements of the present adminis
tration and the thing for which the
party stands.
"It is a great opportunity for hold
ing up the policies of a splendid man
and a splendid administration," she
She pointed out the importance of
uch a c;4iipuiii of education, panic-
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
The pltiv lo bo given by tho Artiann
lKlg t tho Opern !tou in eotUtlnly
worth seeing. NVn-ly twenty iminibort
of th Imigs iir In ihn mt. itml thev ,
nre working like Trojan lo itmkii thu
piny n mcows. Mr. MoCwill htm nr
mngeil nil th enery for tho lodge,
and everything is now in njadlniiKS for
nevt Fnday sivl Satimlsy. April ti
and UHh. The tickets aru selling Taut
ami the memhr re nurpiloxl lo lanrn
that there nre so mnv fMHplo who an
mtereoted in their play. t?et Jtmr
ticket from any of the lodge inembnr.
or at Lamar's Drug Store. They im
going faat.
Notice l-or I'liMicntion
Deputtment of the llilermr
II. S. Und Ortlee at INtrlland. Ore
gon, Man-h. ti, ltft.r
NOTICK is hereby given tht
Charles Mors. of Hlaine. niUmi""
t?ount. Ore., who on July S, HMH,
made Ilomesteanl Kntry. i?o. 08Sh.
for Southenst itu.iri.r. SrctioVi 7.
Township S South, KaugeHWest. Vvii
Ismette Meridian, has rild noiir oft
intention to make linal three yvar!
r"rof. to mtablisti rlnim to the lkd
above dweribed, befoit the County
Clerk of Tillamook I'uunt, Oregoi . ,
at Tillamook fitv. Ori,'oi mi th 3t!
diy "t Aoril, ltl.'. CLomant nan
as witnesses: Kraneis J. Welsh, J. H. I
Woods. James P.itterson Joseph Hoi
Ittt, -ill ff BUtiir. Oregon.
N. ' nmtibell. Register.
In the Comity Court of tha 5t.'ite
of OrtiRott, lor rillniitoolc
tn the Matter of the &tte of William
llen. Deceasvtl.
To the Heir and tWivea of WiilUm
Glen, deetjastil. and all other" U'
kftowr,. and to all eron intr.ti i
or whom it mav eornvrn :
OF tiRKOON. yuu are hereby cm-d in
opr in llie County t'ourt of ti.e
Matf of i)reaon, for the t'ourttv
TillanKMik. at the Court room ther "f
in Tillamook City, in said Tour-ty u 'i
SUte, on the 30th da of March, 191."..
at tho hour of to.iw o'cl-H-k in tfte fori
noon of snid dv. ti..i mid tiler Ui
tow cause, if any exlkt. . hy an otdr
should not lm niatie. hen o , direetin -.
nnthorising and en.po-ring & (.
Clauasen, tlie duly appoint-1. qualt'i I
and acting administrttor of -.uidesta".'.
to sell at public auction, the follow i v
described real property of aid esitat
situated in filMmook Uou'tly, Oregit,
Lot numberedSoMfrnd the 'esathflf
of the north wst quarter, ami th.
northwest quartr of the northvcvit
qui,rtr of Miction 30, in tovrnship vie
sooth, r.ng ten rf f Mm Wiltik
etU Meridian.
Service of this 'Jitatimi Is made upon
the heirs and devisees of the aforiaid
decoased. anu all others unknown, and
to alt persons interested r wim it .
mav eor.eern, by publication thereof
in the Tiitamjok Herald, a nwpatwr
printed and pubtishe! in Tilla ii.Ksli
County. Orgon, by virtue of ai rder
duly made on the 15th day of February
Pj15, by the Honoiable Horner Msnon,
Judgi of the above entitled lVurt.
Witness the Honorable Hmwr Ma
son, Judge of the almvr ctititlf.) I'.art
with tne seal of sai l Court atftx'd. this
15th day of February. 191 j.
Seal of thf Attest: J. ( H dieit.
CnnntyCourt. ''ierk.
Bv Kathleen Mills, iK-puly.
1 $m
It All Depends
If you ay yuu want your
new Spring Suit tailoreJ to t'ntlivulual
order from your own election of exclusive
ntyle anil fabrics, we'll .tend your meaaur.
to our famous Chicago tatlora
Ed. V. Price & Co.
antl guarantee to deliver the cream of
cus.i.. -Utlorinh' at a price far less titan
you've been paying local tatlora.
Give us a chance ta jrutt it I
A . A. ..-cNWlNLr 1 oN
L S I a "fis-
I 5
am -1
1 v
' 1 13S5isu' jLi
re' 1 .1
... r
elter ol tfn t.li, , uf4
rsi inr llnaiK ,ai '"itt,
Nntitn In 1... itri wt
"Hrk. Ir f..t. 1
t..mvt ...ii 1 ' ,
OfMtfi.ll Jkft.l 1 - ...
fltSf ttorti .n .,' ,,
tl s. -,.t I.Akc 1; ,
wttli ti- plai
fur n! to thf
riL ..r ri 1... .
nf I'.rtiOl )
Cirt 11. t 1 i
gt, M 'lil lh h.-H-0th
d. ot Al t' .
thai iitii 3 .t 1 '
ami resy-
rtaeh i. "holt 1 .
rertiAd ehc -' r
l.l. In Hl'
mm 11I I t " ! " '
1 lh frwill
, .( tittin,...W 1 '
! h-M I i-'' M
. I...I tiw r vtl--
fait. e(Vr ..r c .
I ltel. i.-l 1
1 nfitef ! ' f
, f 'ftt lf If r .
I ff.f.- li .1 datr t r, .
IK ! I'. . tit) Lull '
f-..t f,tf wi" '
Aii pui i
i f..iit- fun ut . 1 '
( ' ojt-t) o-iri
' - iiroi f..r .
1 11 ..ti, )nd ini'l ' .
! 1 r. ad a l a' 1
jii i 1 .Tn sts.
' U f STV
. . . JsLA liV. . l- MM
Tlu'io ait. lots vt ill, 1. us von need In your homo and
whicti yon will dlvts i i.i in' our drug vtore Come In and ' "
see our flood-.: when y );i do ami learn our low nrkii vnn '
-for v r
: 1 - 4
rui rct i-
f , it-. 1 to fi.f
j 1 1 ' tha
.'tl .fl.f! f
l-O I. .,f 'l I I
' in. ' f the ! I
" r ' id.lrr -
,: , 1,. .iism-i 1 .
! ' iltlM
1 1 ' I-4" 'ifiol, 1
! ( I .,H I .
- 1. thr I
meludmt 1 !
Station t V pbo 1
ficstorntion To Hutry nl I. mills
In iNatioiinl l;orcst
TT OTICRis herebv givon that the
'' lands described below, -mbrae-ing
127.50 acrix, within the i.;i!aw
Nation il Forest, Oregon, will ! 01b
jeet to settlement and entry under tho
provisions of the homestead l.r.. of
tic United States and trio act of l.jim
11. 1906 (34 Stat.. at the Ci iUM
Htatus land ofn at Portland, Orefon,
on M..y 20, 1915. Any settler who was
actually and in good faith claiming any
ot Haid lands for agricultural .wr;.',n-H
prior lo January I, l'J06, and rum -i..t
abandonerl same, has a preferei il.t
In make a hotn'Htead entrj for thr t imih
actually occupied. Said laid-, .ire
listed uoon the application) of ih - :-r-sons
mentioned below, v.no 1 . j . . - ,
preference right fcubject to t)i. 1 rmr
right of any such settler, pr n-: .on h
settle ' r applicant is qiiii.1.1 u n die
hotnestoMd entry amJ the tne pi - f. r n !
ritfht is exercised prior to M 1 . yj,
1915. 011 which date the land" b..
subject to HiHtlcnii'tit. and i'iilr lr. i,v
qualified twrson. Tno WJ NWJ
Sec. 3, T. 4 S., Ji. 10 'v., W .1
acres, listed uion atiplieation of I'
Lightfoot, Ilnbn, Oregon ; List
TheSiSWi NWJ, tho WJ NWJ
NW1, the SU1 NW1 SW1 NWl. S
'1.5S. U. 10 W., iff.fiO ucrcs, anidicu
lion of Jninos Kiifkhci!, Cloverdiilu,
Oregon; List (J-I&iri. I'hu SJ SWt Sin:.
'M, T. 5 S., It. 9 W., MO acres, anplica-
Lion of 1 1.. I Kollog, Cortland. Ore
gon; List C-ir75. March 17, 1015, U.
M. lirucu, Assistant ('orntnissioner of
the oenurnl Lund Oflice,
Notice of Final Settlement
NO I'K K is hereby given, that tho
ui.ilcr .iiiiied Ailmitiistriitor of tho ICa
t.itu of Warron N. Vaughn, vith copy
of Hi w ill tinnox'.'d has llid in thu
( ..unty Court of Tillamook Comity,
Orison, his flint I account iih hiji-Ii Ad
iiiiniherator, smd that thu Court Iuih by
ari order duly miido and oiiti-n-d, Hot
Haturdny tho lOlh day of April, 1915,
ut 10 o'clock A. -M. lit tho Court II011H0
i'i 't il ';t tnook, Orugoti, iih tho linm iind
pluco to 'tinr tho hukio mid liny mid
all objucliuiiH thuroto, if any there
NOW THIOHKKOllI!, nil perhona
intorested in suid OHtnto urn hornhy
imlillod mid refpilred to he present at
said titno mid pliico, mid hIiow ciiijhu if
any thoro hj, why said v:enunt Im not
allowud, nail! Adn inlBtratnr discharged,
uial bin bond oxoneratcd.
d- t
.i--ltu at .
It ?. t t. '
...til I It . M, . . . . . Il...- 1 ..I tl I'll
win ouy. r.t- neep 4 nne siocu 01 iresn yootis all lliu time. ' i inki . ,
mid you cm always rely upon aetUncj wlial you waul at a i,(r',!i'i i';;i.,,V". '
I WI . f (lf..l.Bl-
Iwat for I llloiii-
ll ortlrr of ll
I ii..td tin. r: '
J ( 11
of I 1 1' III
ll v K'
fair price from ua.
The Tillamook Diva or Stoie
Wc give you what you ASK for.
j , Trrrn m.tr.in;,-n wrnn
H'M -
c. .
L . . o : I COtViDlN TION
p: ".tde the home, scml, college, chut.
,,'e or oOwr buddings with satlsfa. to, '
- supply
C.a , to liht with Ca. to cook wlth- C.
for hoaiine room-Ca to Kent water for
tb bath, launiry and all other uicam.
irjii to city coal n ....... .
(in .the nmrket wt 46 iyra, Over 3 l.fli.'j !n do ly ue
'mely.. Entr'cl ...(ChwsA) Nai.onl Kite l)iJ.lrrw,eM.
0.01 a uropoi saaol.ne hrotiSht Into th building.
ik io.t.1 jor rvtb. nl. .m. opy
il i .1 i! t Jt) oiJigiiiii
H. K. GH.m-n, Tillain. tik, Ore.
W1O1 I rmk' Hyde.
' ' 1U.
nan i
t 1 I
uaaua,:.,,,., i-rttiTOMiiii.Mi;;?sii"ftrtf sVsisnss' f
r r. i 1.
Til I A Mfinir HA
AT A Ll. 1 -it
Ainu- y.niyloi, Adt'ii'iutrntor with
lii"Will Amii.ii of t. I'iiit.
ol W.irren N. V.tuitliii, Oeeuaseil
C. W. Tabiiage, Altorin y f..rtlii- Admr
J. C. C. Jeisey Ilnllti,
v 1 have a ft w k. 1 i, ,. .1 11.
Hulls old enough fur se,,,,,, (j
vn.e calves that will ,., , noilffl
! "i fll breeding. Tin-,, .,,,,,,..,1, .,rt.
lr.,,,, heavy milk ...!. KlMilu.
1 """ 'Uicesttrs h.ill,,,; C,rMi (
I re..ii.ttrtn. Dai.ii il,.,! .,, ,nv Kivihl,
Kleclrlc LlRhlhic Power
HeAthlP Devlcr.t
,, - r 1 --.- ....ii ,1 n now gvni
Y011 will Im- Inm-rc.i.d i K,lat ;''' to nilicly poim.l, .,i ....il .. ,1.
Til. l!l,..lrl.. IJ ,..... 1 . J I 1 . . fc a ll.!,,
,l' ' ' "' Si.ine of, -
uur oinu h:ivc i
f n
V , fJ
Tlie lilci'lrlc Hnnttri nui Cooltlliu
llcvKi'S w luivr In Mock.
At.,ri:hl prices
Ho uso ntiij t lotH, ouch lot MiKinr. ft.
in '1 haver's Add. Prico JfiW, nDdown
bnluricoviiHy Inrins,
W. 0. Dwlghl.
1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 . I s ill mill.
now, and , ( jv
'Illy live poiiudh . ,lay V),
would he Klad.o corrnnond w, v
"''j jnte.cMcd j,, ,.,,, ,lltf ;, m
"!: lf """'"nee of srss.sss.rl, w,
'"ake a shipsmn, In.o your cot..,-
We rot.1.1 aK,, fur.,!,!. (, w ,
r"' A. J f C. )rr v , '
-iiiir 11 mil
tend A. J
'"oil fi 111. 1I1 ,
- 1IIM I' Wlltlll. A llll'l'. .1
llV lliinnliiir lilni ill Mil "
Wi. n. , nV.llliuf linn "I ni
.,, w , , , ,.n . - .is MI
1 m fs
... Ill 11 . 1. 1.' II A IN PJ
will suit onlv liiinroVi U'' .' 'n
of your horse, but fi"ri"",:1
m. r,,iu ,.u ,.,..11 Miiiiv 11 rin"".'.
in isvoti od if 1 ho 111 iiiri'""
dlHi'iiriicil In time.
W A VVII 1 1 A
1 nr.ithcy, I . n