Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 06, 1915, Image 1

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JrR?5X.ClRCUI-A"rlcN OF ANv Paper in Tillamoo'k County
PlLLAMOOK, OkuOON,? APRIL 0. 1 1) 1 ".
To. :.2
4.1 i a ' bpl . r i m:i Mr v. v f '
v im v of uiu' cmt(iirr tKJtit;
I irst. Nationnl Service
j u irc nil pIcitHol with it and
Cui ull ym why.
I irst .V.itioiiol UuiK
r v ! :i : PIG PK.OP J
M ' ' . l- i i n r r
1 .'R dpvocsp.- 9nc'
val . ritorir J."
I r - ii i - i a 1-
ti ll' i I 'III I i'IW.I t lillv f I . 1 Ii
ii . . . .. .it. i in..
' IIIIK- -.1 I. Ill"- l'l UV
If .ti. . ..... V...
i i nun m h"i rin mm t,'v .
.lit I .1 1 ....ll '! Illnil 111!' ""ll"
hi .ii ii ...i i'. ii . i ....... I...'
- - . . ...... ....
...... i i . i .
m k.iv l iimp.un s SKiial t ctih-t iv per in.
'HI , .100K, - . OKI-CON
U Mlllti Mfllir IIIITI'I'
'mi- nr.rro nwir.o,
U' I Ii.
""uh tin
1 H I
I ... .
l.ll.l ,
Ii will rrrrl three
'ililitiK of brick.
1 ic littiMipK on
'""I ImiiIut will
"' r liorr.
imsoi'iailitii wilt
i" Myrm will ImlU
in. . ..
win ,,cml half n niillioii
0I) f 'mltlintiH this vcar.
""'I ii ...iliuii iHililic. money
'I'tm ( ffitir (ixmrcs.
..'"""llirr, etc. TUc Parifir
mif;ic.()r,.r leailltiK t i
IIMc l'fiH to Imvc nil . .
Ptlil ill icKn'liiilltlliiK "I"
"ll Of'H'Minanufaclurf!..
. ' """. Mitltlcr of l'cmlltiton
,.i0W I'lll, tr , llld IVll.llptllll
jwiniy liulri Milndiuuos cow
' '"Kt'iltci. iiKlill.ti...!
, DorriH lias con-
,.tr(Ct lirllL I. nil, II it ir
f.t10" lnru to ralh.) $100,000
,u,fnl roa.l to Col.l SpriiiK
rf"rl surface talk llian for-
Nrw Hrnlgc--wvik trlrl Monday
on lK illicit frn Wry (iulcli.
The IUIItU,Ctiic linr iilunnoil up
Mill t tell t i l tlml'cr lirlt.
StttB IliRhwny ("Imiuiniion have
itcciilol U huihl llic inilr of rontl at
Mltrlull l'oint. Hooil Kivcr, to cot
Crown paper mill. OrrRon City,
.hut iIoh'ii nun' Hrt. 1, iJM laH
t hit wefk with 7S to loi men.
it is qualitTthat counts
and innkim HatlnlU'd ciiHtiinuTH. I'or
hoiimI iilttmtiyn ti ovrry ltall mnkos
our ciiHlom aHorltnr HupriMnc In fit,
htyln and rdinfnrt. Trv uh today. Your
clioicu "f nvurriOtl fahrh'H. Spring "
from $:iO.M and up. (3lonlnK and
,,r';Srt,,,,'j.AW. K,lwII.TIItam.k.
Cor. of IhI St. und 'Jud Avo. rimno J27.
dray Hood oat Pr 100 U. 5.
II, Koland,
FurntHltcd BniTunrurnlshwl Uu!
ro otnH for rout with I w P
munt In Ihu heart of tho nlly. Apply f
ll,!",!, d OIIWnrTilon ApaitmunU at
Muki idr Dl V.
i Celebration at
napie tear ractory;ihi,r.ori.uolfbt
Farmers Will Have
Short Course
Minute Udjfir
or of Mr. mj
NT. I.. A, lijL'nr. wna inurHMl to
mjx 4 . , , iQl. S. AlkliNHHi of tfnodUVci-, Tbu
Tatii AMriyrMt7 f Crtanwry A- B-m Urnk meK Ht 0 J Atric5rl CoHeje VYiH be in Tilla
MKkllM m JwpeHnitt Mklfoc. tri.t-' iwrvnU ami wm ooiemniMxl Hor Tltrec Days, April Z6-2S
AifcwrtU & JVUlUm r"r-Ur' Wf ' Big Day, f.r Farmer,.
' JgV t'rl) h, tnuhl ihal In the j -
, fH4jf aftatt n4 rvrnh Mtntt nni i on at our mt biKbljr ' ARriculiurst Collfgr cu-:ntK ! Id--rk-th
Mf4r Lif CrAin- 2JWH',,,,' J""1 Thu Kroatn 1 (.mioofc for thr- day. April J 17
.. n . . j - li.it.ii.ll 1.. .a .... .
3 tht t4ilirt lt!!':i.fe p4lrilil,
tblf l.-,f:-itlr taft UkY
t m pay-nn,:nrrrial
tihiMinft a
tr'ft a
, 'A so);
!l -4l J
I HT. ' 1 MJA 4 1
. to tL s nmwiM Rnck
jt'iri. !, j horn vf -nit. on
I i-u v "t i. ':. Oil ( f3(fe
j $ tsjlioi u ice NmrH wi rrvei
i jfi.lf .rif cakc pit t am)
Utruf i.aItiit. af crtlu- Jc!ioO
Ai M (t.t SttMWi of thr hattt
AUioj f tjit iii, of thr ai.ifwtloi
r ' kk ft fdltoiM
Ui rtntn.' diliiUfird i:li thr ittn
ntf t wfcifh the (nrtorv on !' VI
ti rnt v epe 1 :ird. uciiiKr f
!tiucf in !hr nciiftitiorhr...! ht M
(.jchinf mcning looking tctwird
t!il-! : a in fury ui iMr 11 Thi
cart in tt)5. 'Mn rruhcdi in
i..ng rrtolnikMi in Uxor of In
- t"iftf nd lotit!nut a chrrc
it - . The tmn ktiu!rJ i tt
1 Kort'orator nrrt tnitt Witklund,
ilr1 Uaon und Ptrr lide, To
f th' r rt nw dirrttor,
tht dlf of thr charter it Febmry
The br-ttw were udoptnl Ktbrti
4rj tHH, w$.
Mint Uo'lkw, Prtcr Hciel and
ti.. A Svecton wrri rlrrtcd the
licit ditermr rtd took their oath of
r Mm. Atkinson
vifjfd li.
il In tivk to the vrjr bishOal wtuiii .
K, f who know him. Tho llorakl
Dili txwt of friend In wi-thlm; Mr.
a king nnd hiiipy
given the oj-jor-
; tunny, thr Ut of tli month to at
tend three day short crore tn-
iuiieil ') iht J-i..te Af riciiltiiral I ol-
"fcvf; thi'iij for f.tclo'i
toW - !-.irt ei Kua fit
.,1 vrill vof or-
city hall
I 'f.'.tr. V'eilPta, will
t.UMn-. irM Ung.
( It r t - ji. n ci: ;rch at Vim'uii
t.cild jdliti'Jii 7S ; 'i 1
f .ic.fir i'Ipjhne ' a!d-.f.
qoo lUium dcrinff ih 7it rar.
Id will
! r-ir. '
I w . . k .
V. lid
C f ) ! ! IL J
.1. 1 '
ttnieii K.imici'
; thit vtiiv.tr Merc
.t tirr. ,md :Lney
rrfrni: ys ivrr
ll'.T 4 l.l
U that
. rics.
P ivintc
1HIGGEH JOHNSON WHIPPED. -"d tned ttwt thrr h-id
1t puKiovt luck Joiiwwn tvHi lc-
fiiilM tt Mvnu. Cilbii. VMtcrdav. In
?aHn nwod oy Jim WilUrd, u Ki.n-
ble fm sne Ifme Hetwern the farm
r and thir opeminx the ehcre
factory. The. farioiy eotuinrnecd p-
finf jot Un year ago. At firat
ocral of tht dairymen conuniifd
eiuU;g ittfir fitilk to the Mcintosh
v ree Company, but aooii all were in
Hnr and have ainte ttayrd .vith th
operating a co-operative chere
factory at that t mc not a ttsy
at prratnt. No one knew much
about the manufacture or aaie of the
articlr, in fact the market were pretty
well in control ol the tnvn maini-
f. utircra. It wna not the ea-ient jti
omtion to Bel into the Icaitmi; mar
ket with our vheete, because mme ni
the Icadlnii dealer lud rontraeti
rtith private manufacmrer-. to f(
tttclr tMppliea from them. Several i
the patron predicted the factor v
wottM not operate one year.
The people in tin neetion were, for
turiate in building when they did.
by that tnran they were not caught
inPihc failure l the Melntnith Chrene
Compan). Thi pmhaldy nuvcd the
furmrr-" some tluuiamU of dollars.
One miyht go on aiii' hand you peo
ple until- lniiquel hut it i only fair to
mate that time has proven that you
look the right truck when you started
out on 1 hf proportion of manufac
turing and marketing your own pro
duet. ffcttiuK whin the cheese wai
worth under Varyinu marketing con
ditions. The capital stock of the company is
$4. wo on ot which $1,475.00 was sub
scribed. $too.oo of the capital stock
has been bought up and held by the
company as treasury stock, the out
standing stock now lining 37 shares,
par value neiug ?073.oo.
On March -s, 1005, the company
secured a loan of $j,50o.oo from Heo.
Colin, this to help pay cost of build
inn. K.tspcr Schlappi was the first
cheese maker, workjiiK at the factory
from the first day it operated until
some time in July, ioo. Since that
time Mr. Coty l'ord has been cheese
maker, holdint; that position tor a
longer time than any cheese maker in
Tillamook County.
1 have been aetiun as secretary and
salesman of the company since its
organization and 1 can say without
fear of contradiction that at no time,
in the ten years has anything come
up which in any way has tendered to
hriiih' any disagreement between the
secretary and the director, or as far
as that is concerned, between any of
the stockholders, I- have always
counted the patrons of this factory
as amoiih' my best friends, The work
1, f-M-i -rv hm ' ' ' 'did
EwitntinUy mtcfrst and conmsnnity
:. huh is to be cotnnscaded.
ke receipt of milk, cheese manu-
atrrd un4 amount received for
ir ...
ie since organization 1 as fotlow.
r i1'. ASilfc IT. Cnrcse Amount
A74..-.k j87,ilto 45.882.44
AWAJJ 3641 JJ. 500.97
.f!0.444 4ft54-J3
i.n''.iJ 45J445 70.I549
A.V05.I7V 4I7.JJO W.,ir44-
4,Sk0.4J 537.JW3
4,539.00V 5471 79.:)
4Mt.Gi S50.MW K4.8jo.70
i maJc total as follows:
WMlp M,t0445
itj roanufactured, 4,33667 tt.
bM tor SOaa-SS.
twtfts ciituv '' made. This
uakc a line rf diiu.n -ti. n
;1allVilllJlilll m.LUjla
During 1906 the average yield was
10 x ". cheese per 100 pound milk.
l.iring 19:4 the average yield wa
11 13 lb.. bcniR a gnin of exactly one
()i;ind cheese per 100 lbs. milk over
thr (irt year thr company operated.
'1 hr test the first year avrmged 307
ami laM year the averajfr va .t 00, or
practically thr same. The increae
uuuld amount m 48,610 lbs: last
srison, worth at least season's price
th- sum ot 7,487 ji. This has been
rfiunrd bv bringing better milk, more
modern appliances, expcrlness in the
ch.-ese maker and the system of in-
ipectioit we now have, all these fac
tor i have helped.
I he rod upon u hich most co-up-
ei.ttve 0rK.nuat10ns nave occn
mucked has brrn that of internal dis
sensions. It is absolutely necessary in
.11 institution of this kind that th.
Din you have elected or may elect
from time to time have your undivid
ed suppcrt in doing what they thieU
is beat for the institution. Hccau
you havi done this, 1 believe largel
accounts for the success ot uur
orK nisation here.
In conclusion I wish to congralu
latr all of you upon the splendid ur
cei- vou nave maue 01 uie ai:ijn
Leaf Creamery Association duriin
he first ten years of its operatio"
May the next ten years show a
re.it an improvement ami may tin
people who may carry on the work
the next ten years have the support
f the patrons ami stockholders tl,..t
the direetois h.nc always had 'nun
At the conclusion of Mr. H.iber-
lack's address, he acted as toastmast
. r. , ' . ',1 :
er ami calico upon r.rwm narrisoi.
of the Tillamook County Hank, i.ne
an address on the subject: "What In
comes of the cheese money?" C, !
I'rombley, of the Herald, who was
thin called on gnve a short talk, after
which the speech making was called
off until the afternoon.
lit the afternoon the program was
taken up again, the first speaker call
ed upon being Ftcd Christcnsen who
talked on "Quality of cheese and how
it may be improved." Guy l'vd,
cheese maker at the .Maple Leaf
factory, and tho oldest cheese maker
in Tillamook County, was also called
on for a talk. Rev. Gittius gave a
fine address on "anniversaries" at the
close of the program which was much
In the evening a fine time was en
joyed by young and old, songs were
sung and other forms of amusement
indulged in.
havi- bi,en at leat seventy five pevplr
there from Tillamook. You are now
Knc to have a sinalar opportunity
right here: at home t much less ex
perutc. On the Mail will be one or two
iract:cj.l dairymen, a livestock man,
a veterinary, a crop ami drainage man
a poultry man and a lady in home
cicncc. ,
This course ha been arranged by
County Agriculturist Jottcs m co
operation with rhe hich school the
Commercial Club, the Civic League
and the Orange,
There is no firmer In the county
hut whatha tome tort of problems j
ti- 1'il.c, cither tiiljittc-f.'rsinaEt. dairy!
C.-..I- :'i I'lrc. ! r ding or Imas-si
v.ih as aborti'm, caked udder, milk '
s at
of u-'t '
't. Af com: I'-n
Albany l .,mfi planririjt
twel-k.- '.b,rk on shrce 4trct
Ky.in a. .iicn, ownirif sawirn
f levioti. Wash , and ,hcriUn,
have taken over ihc p!ai .it
'.'Ucic.iiras Count;, ir-if.ro t,ents
in aigl.t total $7; ',000.
Wasco Count) r.utSiing largo in
dustrial bar 1 on .oor i irni.
t"he "morals court" once voted
down sought to be revived at fort
land. Portland--Tli' new Couch school
has a roof .r-l- n and v inu-i tank.
und. 01 $1000 raised to
D : -s : r f fjblic Works at
Pr-il,:.-I ! s .; j'rtd all hiving of
"asph :1ik concrete pavement" until
it c m Sc is :te i.
.-t j-u.'..is had boosting erough it
is time co to work.
' Kc t SLainuiiiid Rndd Mcl'herson
in'ormation nirrt alo tbese lines. . ... . .
. uuiiii c-jiitrcic f.usiiif ss nouse.
fL. t ... . f
"lrM' V"" a Roseborg 1'oMo ice
oiner ccnmiic wnn greai success. new $0t0M taMifi
Let us show that Tillamook Coun
ty is a wide awake as any count , in
the state.
Watch this paper for further notice.
R. C. Jones,
opera' 1
ie er
etc. Here is the evince
moves into
On .M und ay and today ordination
rervices wore hold at the Mt. Angul
College. John Melchior a Tillamook
boy was ordnimil into the priesthood
of the Catholic Church on this occa
sion. Several Tillamook people were pres
ent, am.onr whom were; Rev. F'athoi
Van Clarenbeck. M. Melehior and Mm.
Melchior, Hubert Melehior, Mr. and
Mrs. John Hums, Mr. and Mr. Jos.
Durror nnd daughter Helena, Mrs. Ben
Jacob and son Herman and Mrs. S. S.
Rev. Father John Melchior will say
his first mass in Tillamook on Sunday
morning. April IS. at 10:30 o'clock.
A number of outside priests will be
All kinds of wood and fence posts for
sale. Sec Shrode.
Silverton Appeal: "VVc need insti
tutions to employ laborers we already
Have a great deal more than we need
more laborers."
Methodists of Bay Park. (Coos Bay
Roscburjr gave a banquet to a Pitts
burg man who proposes 10 build a
railroad to his timber i.-n the north
L mpqua and start a saw -mil.
A movement is on ti- giv- each city
a Bureau of Murtuipal Research
another conni'is.-ioii to make soft
palces and increase taxes.
Feb. 2 to March 27, $j,i.io,i6
taxes paid in. 5amc period la t year
brought in $3.58.0.
Albany Union Furniture planisold
to A. C. Girard, Montcsano, Wash.
Organized labor threatens to defeat
$1,250,000 road bond issue at Port
land uule county agrees to do nil
work at Sj.oo per day for eitjht hours.
Sale in $15 per ton will be paid by
the ?ute FrLson board for flax straw.
Grants Pass R E. Smith will
erect S6.500 residence.
Linn county will build So.ooo wood
. ml m il bridge across Santiam.
Nur.T.i w!l open '.ids April 5, for
ii'- if, u- j ill building.
Go to thu Ramsey llouso Goodliuts.'
A, Obon nerves tho best.
It is tho business of our bank to investigate the SECURI
TY of investments.
Whether you be banking with us yet or not, come in to see
us if you wish our opinion on any deal you figure on making-.
We wish to see EVERYONE in this community thrive
and prosper and without charge shall take pleasure in advis
ing with you.
' Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits.
Tilllamook County Bank