Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 02, 1915, Image 4

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T' i ... . ;-: board Is
rT.;. - i . ;j rs-v ir cf 2.500.
0 i .i : ty.
r, .- . . v-ov .I.catlons hate been
pi.-, .i,t-,i i - - "rj' first public mar
f.ct. n it1:; N i .w-of chc meet modem
markets o: the St
Priests f.-. w l-a Oreads. Pendleton
nr.! ail other cities ! eastern Oregon
hao red at Baker to tase port
in hf i.o' wHi scrvicca.
Lute.'...:. LiiLutuf
Evc.-.ta Per.u.riug Tiirvugiwul
tlio S.e turrg the Past
rt'av i Chamber of Commerce
comp'.o.cd wr das" campaign wtth
a !:..-:aU' !ur of 4307 the largest
chamt-or -f cotrwr tu use wortu.
Tux Kullnf 13 Motif.
Salem. County oourta ham uo an
thorny to order alterations tnude in
fe-caanu after Um com ;;y etauall
tailon bonrds have finished their work,
according to an anttouncorarnit by the
state tax obtnmtmtoa. The ruling -ai
trade in connection with an atrnaar to
Tho 0. A. Smith Lumber company t a letter or tne tax eoitmor w uaacr
(county, who aaid that the count
court had Issued an ocler for him to
' make an tOieratlon in an aaaeaenwnt.
land ho declined to do It. Th com
; mission held that If a taxpayer wru
: ditseiiafied ith an Assessment he
should appear before th board of
J equalization, and if not satisfied with
its finding, crcu: appeal lo th circuit
of Marshfii'id, baa opened a largo log
gin, . mp between Xersh field and the
Siuslaw mer. employing 1000 men.
Asi.-and will nave a morchaula" as
sedation, step baring been tufcen to
perfect the same at an early date. 1
wiil start out wlta a membership of
nbout 50
Pifi show that tna worn
clats a; :h. Ctiivereiry of Oregon hjve
a h. r a -rage itt scholastic stand
in;: t-ii he e! -tvest greue-gnrie
:er. i. t .... :.'.in dub
!' .U'vei. : -..ptdty lor the
or., vf a G-t'.M-n-' Co-opera-
tlx c a .- tion for Man and Ben toe
co. -t-t-s .i :t :s vv-pecteJ. will ba
of:. .-!tii l'.. h- ai '. '" of April.
Imprint :u:nos condttiona in Ore
gon :r rw . ; -red in soeral items of
tlir "otubic u k.atetnei)ta of ataie and
nut. . ' i ' of (iregon. made March
. : u sute Bank sopartn-
ten . - i tiU.
' o been received by State
En,.;.. .. wta. that the three mem-
t .-- i : newly-created California
tsK- -!s-'ca will arrive her
Ar i i i:....e a study of the water
c . state.
T .- .!)- after it had been
av . 1 bitten by a rabid coyote,
a ' k horse owned by D. E.
B . Uro Dell, near la Grande,
fc i - rabies and. after hours
of - -as shot.
' c i-rtaent from all part
of - ending cosctry. Alt-iny
St orated its second montlt-
1) ' i day. It was declared
a kiv.i .;. . r.i it is estimated that
"itat IlirJ worth of proparty changed
1. A jar.ior csraraercial club, composed
of 150 "uscs.e biyt, to form a training
'seljool ior ievelopiug of a future
tAgeoa "epirtt aaa to carry along
Ithfr work ci tbe commercial club in
(frjtttra jeeon, has been prupoaed at
Unrests tn tbe district lying
sptth ol . I'ord, alarmed by the con-
pinned lro -j -!!'. which tnreateas to re-
fptat t't c"- .. r of 1914, hare orgaa-
Ifecd i. i ur:,;a;.on system of their own
u&nd expect to have water on the land
by :iisy 1.
waslikp deposits fpund tn the
Claim Filed for Extra Head Work.
Astoria.--Pete.son A Johnso-t. sub
contractors tihier the Boy John-Arnold
company In clearing and grading
the rolumbia Ht(hway between here
and West port, have filed a claim with
1 C:e county conn demandins; $75,211 77
ben.- H . :
just north of the entrance
to .V-:ia:tT,i B:.y hare been declared to
bo be: .. . i.ie geological survey
report j - -wl. This is contrar.
to V - .i. id by many that the
deps. HfiL-, v. .- .i some form of petrolenm.
So;- . ij..'. sate Otcott has an
nonuced tl!a- hero was an increase In
the lu.s.w -h'.c:e licenses issued this
year of about 43 per cent over that for
the '.'.pic :.. n xi m 1! l-i. Toe total
nun. I -r of IV'-r-jes issut-J this year i.
14.; .lot inc'utiing motorcycle li-cenm-a.
P L, U,. , M-NV" & I.ibby, packers,
.have i .ipoc Tl !"n"f - -
Iocct' n for their proposed Pacific
itnon! "' i piiti.t a,. .
Sstru t ,.i at once. Tut- plant Hill .
?30,0',iJ . jiu, tel. Ci)i-,ji.it-,u ttil!
pro! at :;. , r to a'oout ZWt persons
dur.i. - Uk'I '-i!!ri': sua.ion.
For . '-cc !cci:! none fatal,
wqn i" n Labo:- ( ornidiinioner
Hcii (: i:i-' ... wek. i.l:;Ut of tin?
:acc.!!t :-t., oic-u'.td in paper mills anJ (
ex-;i in iriaciiur hi ops. Thirteen ac-
cide-ilK o furre'l amoni; tho8- encaged
itt -i
-.mill or Io;ki:! iniiistries,
i: iiml or. railroads.
.; V.'.iitt-ra, of Portland, sub-
the io'a.-s? t),J Icr tlj(- ccnsirm--tilt-
poiitotficu buil'ii) at Pen
tor which tin appropr-dtion of
f 122,1 ro has Loan made, liia fjKm
for L:nt toni: was "4,4'.7 and lor a,.a
0llM!U ,o. mu UU:iUIIJ.; Will yl'
cJ.two itii , ht fireproof (.orihtrui.tioii.
The .Vi.z.imus of Portland now ha-.e
sis' r orytunzatioii recently forumd
uo jt'n i-u Oregon und known ab
'Gf " ' The new club will follow
lotig . similar to th. Mdzamas
nd Will lo; tor the Idea of verifying
sstKtiisiorical events and locations, and of
IxnbiabiJnr. the latter with miiLuliW; rnuni
sham '
jl Thn rnlt lrtlllfiri.. IWiu ...III l,nl.l
, ... - v .in vw,,
iMldtss coast defense exorcises at J'ort
MSstevoiw at the mouth of the Columbia
rorfl2 days, LeKlnniiiK Juno 1Q and
BndJiJK Juno 27, accordius to an orutr
sstuul by AdJutant Genoral Whit". The
IrtlL will Include, practice In tlio use
Und'flvlHK: of tlio big lC-inch and 12-
Incit suns at tlio fort, under tlio in-
(itrucUon. of tho men of tho regular
Ernsr stationed Uiero. Tho various
slcufationu in- higher mathematics, by
leautf of which tho guns uro aimed
Is sthlt vessels out of sight of tlio laud,
Irt'lC alaa ho a feature of the drill.
alleged to be due for extra work und
as a result oi wrong claaalfication of
material nnvod.
Aecompni't$r the claim was anoth
er including $S58.5J tor enaineen'
enrtera in checking over the work
and $671.43 as Interest on Use original
I'M "Cry For Jim' fvill Survive
In to Gtn'- llnil.
,U tnti-oiNHC ! MlVttl revlvnl
r iia t.-nt ,riHitii twin iviirrftt
1,1 ,. t-llf". mK hhik ll'll IMnlW
.tt. Hrl ' (( t f Alitor
a. ). .i flH .-.i tho ninl t oiirt mi
tlXlN l, tltlM- III IMtll llWII H'lllOUl,ll
tu uvm ol mit'fii-oiiim'iit uni' vr
rihi-il a ttniiHMii- do tiTiii. or s
-i ftn lu-ahr," :titlut u fioili olo.
h MH-fiiiwr Imrt'fn-rtdi-d nt tlio on-tr-uoe
f tho riHttttioo-M- und oolnlni'
hia. lUi-n1 Uan: llato. T able.
u.M iHtii. o. on uio riiit tort!" (Help
nf mv priwo: Thr, tlo uio wroui;!i
rho rtiuoetir ilo Imni. mi luuli-nt
.ruw ntKHHH iilll utlor In tno
!uin;-t SUndH Tho iippt-llHiit iniiMt.
oil l kntw nmO iH'forr wltnwi.x,
rttW On' rry tru t in-ti ti mi IiiJmihv
tle wniti (be .'tltoovil tort or trom-
ha txvn pii!! 'i t tho otMirt. It
the trtKifwHir i-oiitlnuo- ho t llublo to
urn and imnhtittn'ttt AlttMHiali tho
jneor In otlll liKtll In tho I'htuinol
bilM'K rowno to It I" vory niro. nml
thw- hit boon no ln4tnnro of It In .vl
!riMJ( (tor t rttltlirlit It K. Ihiw.
-! it tvrr otTo-tlvo pnilHrt.
The .l -rl itlon twiMlit ii-w-rlbtMl to
!! ftirni of tlie tHt is ciirloifc" "Uaru
l wthl to b tin litirolittlon of "ll.-v
Hotter it M'vt sptl to Hollo, tlir
Brt tinke of Normnmlv. mnl the cry l
thui- tr-wt uoek to tbo UayM when
tlu-re w! mo rwtrti nml liwh-o ra
!erPOMlty meted out by prlueex It h
htxrever. moro pntlhi tht "lir"fc'
lrj- t otrlsmarhin to iittnuu nt-
tfev flMr TlaTls SUtrd.
; em. Or.-'-W, AI iwm. tet-aaen
m in eu lt;ialtun fr.w Wultawa
i : et-wnti. WHltl
, . 4 y i.f tbe ataw hrtr to suwoo4
l i Mc-elUh. who had awpted an
, . f the atr"etaryhlp f Ihe Wash
, . state fair. Mr Mpre4Hh HI
t, - n. N. nh raUltua. where iho Wt
I to- l. at one,
Sstoens Oealed te Vett.
-.-. Or. -Holding that prdlneei
I s run: women from plarao where In
t. t int.n! lieuort are soW ranwH be
tl. lUualed as uuoonuiltullowl Wesum
ti interfere unuetveMrlly with the
ii ni.!iial liberti of oar tw
, the supreme eourt. In an oim
i .. hs Juat'ee Kakln. rererwl the d
iii.n of the elo ult court of TllianiouV
r .Mott in the case of K r. Uughliu
a.-.:nt th roursty
h:nglon Tho I'rtttl Kttwl Yttl
rub iv o Aourl.-a lor by
KrtJs) or suffer intorntnoKt.
on ih day named three wewfce will
hH been spent by the Gruan nusth
a; y cruiser In Amrlcau water.
The use of force with rfpfenee lo
internment has not been thought of
The battleship Alabama aa ordr-
A xmllnr niKtvui. jith-utilo only la J to Hampton Rod for tbe pttrpua
1olitai w the 8a ton rlauwr prr-.rttg the nwjiirality of the p...-i
iii.HitiM ivhlrh elntfl at tho ttUH'
jf Norman luvMHiuti - Vouth's Cmn
Man la Lsat It Daya.
Orant Pats. On one biscuit, which ,
he Just chanced to slip tato his pocket,
did "OKI Man" Putter, aged 73 years.
a.wellfenosn character in the Grants
Pass country, subsist white lost in the
rocantafcs for the last 11 days. After
wandering in a circle since leaving I
S Ima, Or., March IS. Mr. P.utor waa w. .sw . tet-.tt
picked op by miners near Waldo. His
hr.ods and feot were froaen and
tr... .-. he bad been wandering in a dased
and baif-rcr.3cius condition.
rh Puxitt rht Camo With Them ow
a Ss.-stl Ut' On
In dcHtiiiic u votst friw Uona
(on? M Sh:iij.-i;it !. rMir ntto Vl
.ulf ' l"t'-ii r:!"! ret:';" tn hl lunik
'lt-mirW" of tb Hra ' s nn ullur .i
"tine srrrrmn whn we w.-re lyln
it u' nor out of tt!tir uf imni. th
weather IwIiib -er ehe and ltr
Miod ntirie'-hl:iu the
for i w!tt b was bn
Pacific 'Coast Casually Com
pany f 3a Ftnrt. h t Stt r-Hm-l,
B lb Sl (fay of ftTBhr t0!. I
Ui Ixmwevr "ii-,-n!ylT of Hutt of
Otvtna. tmeu io hiw:
Amoto ft CTjNotlt'!?'' i SSavaeaflft
t utiHwi ttrt-a d-artea- Um
.77.. saa,ini4M
1otiM. U!iind sm) rvnts rr-
lr4 J'-Ir rtw fit SS.M3.T4
?nr frwas ta--4r u:m Sartas
li'fjw - ISLW m-
Total iMuaw $ tSMf?-j
, jMantrcaxjisarTs
tmun pufi itni. tt.. rwr, .
r'i!fl ai rxwm
tr. t Sm.l.WAI
CnMimlMlnnii 4 lart uiM fter
l th rrjr
J.i. Uia!- and tn imUI k.
h i tb rr . I I,iS W
A-aut t ill oibM- 1'irriotltnrM 04.H2 3e
Total lti.iitnrin ( WStwOT1!
vi-!" of rl riaic itnil miu
ii iilw t IL.VJtno
Valilp .f -(. h- .rl. o-.m-il
I Market Tjbii ... Sl-, hi
Luntti. aiirrjf- nni oil itral,
S.H! 10
0u t Im:i awl . tsi
irrtH,. lr K,.,i"J.r UH W .
IiIimi ud nl .Inc and wmtod S.ttie '14
ll iHhr i"t $
ipwUl dn-ti In wr ttt.
Total sdirirtiMl in Ontni.j SSS.fMT.IS
rn titlwm tnr I ,m hii ahl .$ ttf.M4.2a
An.ittut uf uwsriml .malaimi g
nil or.utanMu rl-ka l.n.geflW)
f fr eumi 't;. b t,ud Imkinif. lT.IK.7o
Att other UaMllilm . S4.3I:!.:!!
Total llaMlt.'lcui ., :!2l rTI.i;
Trfml ; r-r Inn 4 is fo-rv rt. rthr
"i. f'H I
, Bu&zurs w ou.oov ron thk yzab
i.r., , r ' i.iiitu. T" 'ritl ilur'.iK
lis y, t . t tJ.0Tft.ii7
I' ii ''.n nt. ,i. .I .Ii r! i- lh ji-rt .:
I v i. Id .i.! ;,. rotir.. . Il.iyiu.s
I ' li'H .larlim '.n ..ir l.ntS.4l
Pacific Coast Casualty Com
pany lly K. : SWIKT. I. i Sf.r.-urj.
Hlifi' f) i- ' i ..--.rjl .I.- i nml nltor
!.. i f. ,- .,.! - l ... -, i ,.,. ..,r.',n.. dr
dim-thm of tl bro
itftT oilier d? 'l"ho
rtotjtl t-tinw ! i nturt-r sml nneivr
j lkl t '"k like rolu. sod r-ntl
t Mjth "l In amp. we round it
i-omp wVof dntgon il4ot. himI very
iiiu nr I tf i-tluvutlt iimd- for th
fhlp to cm ti rt-ttna piaf. out ouinj
uilrd end fell fxhuimtiil in thn c-ltf
"fbe rrniaUM. he yardi the riggiUtt
nod el tbe mprn In tho nlt oro In
mpttitl with rhm II wiw a rory
xnltry eeenina. worl oboin oVtofk we
n brtther! t remoinfter tbe Ktruuge
tnperlcnru of dllng Into e i of
rtrafron fll . trtiirn mm-k to our nrtni
and xhonldof. gut Into our lialr nnd
rutte niMflled our -llo A light sir
then onme eCT from tbe laml. io e
"'elcbitl n or hor him I niiiili- mII to th
mMltbTni. ii nl mi uihiniellt. )urit :i
tb" watch tt- rtiitnglnx. wetr
tnKk by .i terrliJii- -hiuhII. irlili-h laid
tt old hlp nesrly on Iot tieoin od.
-TTi. vrnntU'rril irrtftbcr tbe vUlta
it ft ilracon tllk-1 t;i ronnoi tfl tn
any iraj with the iiitll Hut if they
wrwi tilurrn tlft.t inllo off til Isntl
vhfrv -rtnlnl.r did not wniit to
um. n-ti ifW wr mil srt the wind for
ix tMor- itftTwaniv'
Sejttla Car t:,cn CtriUe.
Sentile, Wash. -A strike of struct
n.llway employes on the Seattle linen
of the Puget Sound Traction. LIkIu &
Powef company was called by a m.i
meeting of sill labor unions held by ik
'r.tral labar council. Tlio strike w:n
ca'ltx to co ipci recuyuition of the
ifiovlt mt tfct Ana-jil BMtcairnt ni tk
Fideltty-'PheniK Fire Insur
ance Company
Tk. lu lh H t.. nf w Vrk. i.
', lull, btmV lu Hi.
I Um Slat n( Olr.
8b will prevent an s:taek from
ins made upon the Piins Ptel Kf.o-.
rh h by Ilr?t!o wi r so U nf a td
German ahlp Is (lhm thi- thrvo mi .
limit of th l"al;e.i rfta.i .
That the rol Ut I" Interned I"
iVlu-vetl to bo certain 'r: ng out
Sub' of Au'.t.i- - WA'r.-ii a
p.w -rful l-ltlah i "utT, eeh of
wh.. b m "i-"..eoanded fight coutu
sink tl)- Ui rtaan ship
Notice of Sftle of Mettl I'roiwm
the on4
in iiursiiH-
Coor-ty l'
for lilli,
the lit! .
IS HER F BY t'.IV'KN. that
gned. Administratrix, will
e of autnortty given by tbr
rt of thl $tatr of t)rcgtn,
ck County, from and ft '
at Mareh, tl& sell t
ie for cash, or upon u-t
U'fit'i a i ay be approved b the' '00 u
ty i.ri 1 f Tillamook County. Oregon.
the fulhiv- mg desertbed rtal pruiwrtv
bei'iinritv- to the estate ol Ofc A. in
tei.. I -( ast-ii t-wlt:
. ce S. thwt-t ouarter of Ibe North
west mi- tor (known as -t K) of Jire
tw-n 2, o Township S Nortl, of Kaoge
lOWmi W. W. excepting that part
thi'iei! derdeti to Tillamook (.Viuntv.
fjK ". sod oescnbeil in Hoo M"
peg- ti:'. Record of Dwi of 1111a
mod Cunty, Oegno. cmtsiolrtg
5S.41f. -ere, smi tract 9, lst 2, alert
ing f'trr. the quetrttfr mvIH. . rnttcr
N-l Spctiifi 2f sr ' 215. ! Tt-')
nbip.l North of Rtoiai: iuWtut W. V..,
ikI romiiKr thence Norih Mi -1' Kt
1 M,2 fi-i-t to the Su nt i.l c rner of
toe S. oil; west tpicrtrr .f the North
went ip nrtcr of ssid Su tuxt 28; th-i.w
.cn V! W Wrtt 1104.2 ft-wt to Nt-ha
lim lur; thence alot.i' saitl river
j Ni.fh :i 61' Wtft S75 4 fet to th.
Wet. :.:i4. of rstu Sertiut. 25; theoct
l r h ,t ir West 10 fret ( the pbm
f bepir.-ifg, containing 7.392 acm!.
Sid 1 r..irty bavin:' been ade4 to
tie deresnid uiwlcr the nam-: of 0. A.
I nimen by Knil nddorh by dtl ro-
u'ed et page 174 of Hook' "2o" of
tre ifcfurtis of. Dsods of Tiliamot
(ofptv, Ort-gon.
titrern fw nui iroH.Tly should I
oft with tho iidininlstrHtru. t Mh
r, Oregon, or with II. T. Ih.tts, At
torney at Lew. Tillamook City. Ore
gon. I
DatotI this Petirunry l'Jtb, 1 ."..
Kltiiiit M l-urnii '-ti,
Administrntrix with the Will m
noxwl 01 the Kstatc of i)Kj,.
I.oinuien. IJci-vasi'd. "
Notice of Slicrilf' 5nlc
About the
H i 11 111 a n Milk
M a c h i 11 e
Good as Any and Cheaper
Than Many
Come and see our machine. It will
Bear Investigation. We Guarar.ee It.
i (4 ,
run ( wBJN'-non
. ih !..!., kIkJ, vuU- , rbufei
see .'i t- lUhoea tih aiiia. t ry
Ca lo eottU v.nl, .
Iieei nem. ' (,w tnlipai w
1 u!i,inlvUty tvd oil 4lhf "i i.
n te eity coJ s At no g c t r.w
then -ran t ,r, , ,o,o,"
Hj'rryijf . Got ditiiv'i.-. 1J''.
W a 4&tp ut g'jne hrt.. -t .ru. 1
J.-St t :v lui r ; - r .m.
! H. 1?. GILSON, TillmntM.l
r 1 um
of Xi-w v.
lb !ti .In nt H.-....I1.
!i.tfriiie 1 utiin tulm t
ku. punHjimt lo law-
Anmnnt of capllnl u .
Net irialanw mulml ilurtns ibv
lr ... .
Intvrrit, !lrttliml am ranu r.
"lU uitrlii ilia jrn.ir
InwuM" frnm lhr m? iiu ruliwl
lurlus tbo 4r
Total inrow ..
Lands Cbed.)
l.jud" ClrtniE iMachiar
11 .-.n
11116, 1 IBS I
I71.S.VT '.'
IT.'HW.iit 70
,"J?" '"l.d 'ri,' ' IS..113,I0 H)
liirMi-iida palii .lurluz - -r on
tjiiiwl anxn y.n,(j(ni 1
Iub llw j-.-.r ... I.Mifn.TOo.iai
f.iuml i.nu aixl anUrlKa patil ilur-
Tv. lii-i'iiM-a tuj fm mid ilur-
ins in j;ar ... ion.an2 no
Au.imiiiI f all i.thor a4Uililuiaa I.ST.D.ia i .
T.jllll MiMlldlllll.-a iJ.iiU5, IIJS.US
lif .f ri.l l..io irtrunl imt-
lt lr.ilii.. I nTS.MM.pl
Valui .f i.,ck an, tuiula "WIunI
(ui.rli..i fa),,., ll.DWttUl.ai
l'' "ii iiKiriidigi.. oi.il i.blUUral,
, ss,.vin.i 0
1 nli In liiink-. .111.1 uti Laiul l.flS't W.i.oi
I'h 11 j... in uf.. ,,f ii.li.im
mi -ii .ii,,-. s,,tmiir
, ''O , i.au.-iit- 00
Inli-ra-t dnil BtiiK ilup und aritua.l W.nx.'H
af.. yi
l.'',att.'..ii st
'Mil III nil ntull". I1H, li!l iij
Tulal Hun
OrKi rlaWiia 1 .1 1 - , i,,.,,ii ,, OS-..!.' 1 1 1.
Auk.uhi ut uni-vrnri urciulniM. mi
all uiilaUuiUiijt rl,k T,.V,:i.l& '.
luu fur iiii,i!ilaljii iiu i,rkarasif -1 ni ' .
All Hlbvr llal.lllliaa 7. Ai
, itmltlxl III Of.
by virtue of tin execution lhiicil out of
the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oi
gon, for Tllliir.'xik d 1:1 t In
cltrk thereof u:d under the .. nl oi
.iiil Court, dated 0,. I'n, ,jay f
llsrcli, 19lf, upon u iiii'if.-Ti ert ret
(lercd in said Court in fnvor of I'. a
riesls, I'lnintiir, iiikI m Minst J. W
llfskfne and Nuihv I-. Miiakina.
l.'0r Cuirey ami Charles .Siitnoela,
said judgment having boon duly rcn
dercil nml cnun d in said Court on Ua
10th (lay of March, 1015, for the re
eovury by tlio plsintiir from the an id
defondnnts l. mini nf $(W6.IH), (o
U'othor vfth inlurest frnm suiil dale nt
tint rate of 7 per cunt per nnnum; the
lurttiur sum of jraio (,0 as iittormy's
fees und the costs nml dishiirsciiients of
I lie lictfoii taxed nt $H5 r,0, I luivo lev
ied upon the following described real
property Hituiite in rillmnook County,
Orugon to wit: l.oU r, and ii in !c
8, of Norton's Addition to Tillamook
City, and tlio North Imlf of (lie South.
etiMt quarter of Section .'II, In Town-
imp I soillli ol ICiiiitiit lOWesl of Will
Photo by Aiiwloan Ptbi Aaauclatlon.
Captain H. 8. Klehne, commander
of the American ship sunk by the Ger.
man raider Prlnz Eltel Frledrlch.
I 1
TuUI Ita Jilt i-rt ttivlitilw nf rji
lui t'k. nt Ji.vmtaio ;s s.;ii,.. , ,j
Tuti) iitnul.iu.a In form r'a.-aiulj r
SI. Ib S Jl ;.;T i(
EuaiHtiia in oiiy.'iiiN- mu thi v,m
Tolnl rlk. wrltu-ii iKrlus llm
'" s.'l,l.imrm
(In. prfniluiiia rtnlvp.! Inriuif
., "' yi jr SO.IMfi .
I'roml'ima retr.rnt.1 ilutlu tin. rnr H,7:i.l.li
Im. . ii,j ilnrlmi Iiu. jrcar W,!JiJ3 TU
ls.-u Iiu .in i n iliirliii: Um jmr. . ,Ki,i
T 4 .oik.iui nt rlik iiulatmiilliiK
III On.j.,u lk.vjul.f .11, 11)11. .. .l,li3,ll:iji)
Fidelity-Phenix Fires Insur
ance Company
11 Wfii.l) IIMNIIY KVANH, Pfwlilttit.
Nulutur rnildriit nem-tul ojnut m.il HI or.
j-.t f.r .erth-ei UUmilli, K, UOtrtJIJUH, Pott.
aiii,. u. ...i i. "i:1 o, i own-
"'"I ' ""II' . lllll(ll Mill,. VL'.., ,
'"'thi.ihiu la-Winpres;
i'T :;r;:!,:::!::.j'-' .wfe
OreKoi.ful the hour of 10 o'clock A , . ,1 , . ''..V' ''. ".l "'''lni'k A. M
",.".('.'' i County INiurt hi iiKii in 'is ii,..r!f...!
mi hi. " i. ...." 'iiiiiiiiiNJii ,iv.
auction, to the hlKiit ,,dur for ciihIi'SK " t ,,,, . y' . ' ,V'to "f ("Wn
in lilin.l for On, niirt..a.. .f u..ll...l. ' 11 l.'Uhllc IIIICl oil (HI1M....I 1..
ametteo Moridian, and will, on Mondny
the I'Jtli diiv of April, lJf,, at t1(,
ni., sen hiiki ptopurty, or ho
hatMl ami tf- T, '. Mrri...ti and
l.cttip A Aiortiaoo, tuti.ertki.u
known a I PttUi Mirtln,i, Wh
betMi an.J Mttfe: tH S. Jutirvaon otl
i')'w -u. jonitinn, ii i.iiAiMi Mti . .
Wifp Kin. : Kwing and f rU- D . .
ero . tft tittai.l. r rcncy-crrcn'fr i c, i t
Mv irtoei f . rXECL'llON. Jod.
Iltcnl rdVr. Decree ai d r-ter of aaltt
iasue I i'i.t ot lip atitvc mtUUd t i.url
in the moot.- t l.lllU-.l cuu to mr ill.
recteii, it.i iiat.d tt- I7tt o.j af
Mari-h l'.iir upon a j-iti-rtirot .1 '
eree, r-iJ a'..' c. 'uli in .
urt tr,. JiVbda f Mactt. mi.
in favi.r ,,t htMnlu hll'l... ...I
Anro lli-lit hi. wile. th Pla Mif " " ' ' ' " '
IbeiTir., at.) -iretniit th dnfeMents, l,h " -
rrak J. le i.t Mary L Uy-. bss on ,'
ife; T, i Mt rnoiaf)d Utile A t . ,
Wurn. h'.n .fV( otherwise kouwr
a Unit. Vtt.rniiti ; 1, fj, J,.titNlw,
a'-l M.u.l M. John. on, hie wlto, il
IKtriBl Fvm.g, f. r tbr um of Poor
Inouaawi Two Hurwlred 8oMv (4SW)
DIUra. toitclher will. Interval on ft
principal d. M .r P ur Ttu A (P n
i"Htir, tf in i1 Mbit f ii,, ,,.
IM4. ut the i it - il -. (tl, ;,r .-f.it
per sin.oni ; ti K, r ,ln fr.-M f
sum of Ko.tr II i ir (4oi l,luf. r fe m ft o ( , r li
wieir Attern. frre; to.-iher ui.
their n.ni a ii., i dlsLuraciu . . 'a lui. .
taxetl at $.!.' 3i; toetl r ,.
cosu of noil ij -.ii thta ril ; ( oi,i.j...ii.
inK tnu lo tiitfic nit(, k. f.,i,.. ,
I ilia .-
!. rt ,
i "II,
oo r. .-
l i' 'all. i r
I. i, f, l,.v. ;i
r. 'ii-h fti ii-il
i traiii tl
f l. ii r i .t i
at th l-'i in;
I He prli-ii f,-r i '
t.' ifra fti ni I ? i
o t,
. 'U
f.-t in
l- Atlfk"
- lrf .
ft. f T
e l
r. r
ti-a. i
HiWcrilN'il real estate- silnali.
County of lillameok nml Stat,. ,
Bon. t" wit Cmimi-i ,., (, nl t,
13. 72.1 clino s Kaai ii iw,, a, .i
laroer lr-a i-
'I pe "etir
a'i'liilti; C gatloiia i t III I
n if a I loo
Th etit
it. Ila
t i.i nan inaii.a r..,r.h of the Sooth
West rrer of S,..-ti,. Townahip
one South of Uangp ,, ,, v.-t ,.f Will
Hinette V. ri-iiaii; r.int.iinf tl-,,t v,-t
Hewn n. .) 4i Km .-l amis. ll.re KnU,
th.rt.et. ,.i:'fi .(at ,-.,, then.. I it
t....tv two ,l h, MI ,.(.,,, ,,.,,
in h North We t. rlv ditneti,,,, l
the hiienf the I .,f,n p.,,,, ,,-v,,,,,.,,
M',,1I,,'; '"i.'-e VVral f.,ur
.r lW) rh.,1' h, tl,,.,,,... Sojlh aut tMu
find inn Imlf l,uiiili...lil, .i,.,. ... ....
pliti-e of boKiiinlna, beituf and Iviiii; in!
her Ions 2K a,l 33. Township on!i Souih ,
m J " i . ,w "r " I latnetie
Mentlian. in mH r,,nniu ,..i u.. .1
m.hI be.ntf k..o,vn as the 'k,-,i," V,
A trai t ailuiilMl in ii.- iv .
und State of Oi..
'i the'rrtn h u.t f..r ,ithr II i-
i. i
t . . . ... . .
t-rin- I'H-ui.-r t , nrr
finr irn nalll. i f,r r
ftirta who win'. In y,, i, ,. .
lev Co thill ill clgi.r the. i :
iV sod i'ilv Two inc- i 1
Ilin.-hiiicrV tiaoti nml linoo i
Thtato who ttifiy ltn"t- iim '
into lili'ii III do u i 1 1 I - ti . .
in Mwltl
i AH
. aiiitf
. Ite.
, ird
-,( i
n i
. 'tr!
. Its
Toric Lenses
lf TllllilllOOK
t o 7 ,w ru,nu "imt corner of
TniS'i'1 r yrH"iiihKmui"-
greos west n.ifl! MiViV.;;. 7,"'
; -; iast ii. ir, ch..i,m ... .1,;; , .;
f l.eiTl,,,K iil.ove.tluiicrllitHl I1(IM
being in S..ctiou ihirlv.ll.r..., v'lT
costa anil oxpuiixes nf Hie Mile,
lifted this March Kith, 1915.
Slieriir of Tillainuok County, Oregon
., ' m 1 ' hi ii Y.uiiiiiy V OIITL
thereof iiH may l.o iK-ccsHiiry, at public Tilliunoolt Vu
in hand for the purpose of Hntinfyi,, I nVlurm, m'T,' !" ('K1t It.
uio said luup.mii.i, toi;eihor with thulcnsli In hat ,1 ,.n i . 'Z . ,"',1."r '""
"itltl ilufondauts or uny ; " ,,BM
ve Hinc, ;u'(,.lre(, or now v,
the nliovii i csriihed lironi ri u t ' '
DntoiJ Mardi nt iqj
H. CreiiHlmw, Sheriff of Till,,.
ShcrlH's Sale 01 Real llstntc
in tilt Circuit Court of I he state
of Oregon forTillitmook. County.
No. 1W2, In Kquity, ForecIoHiiro of
MorUriiKO. Oi'iKliiul Notice.
UetmiKOii Ilillinj.'H nml Aiiiih liilliiiL'H,
iluilmiid and Wife, I'liilntlirB.
Frhnk.l. Dye ind Mnr,y I., Djc, llua-
Aro lietttir l.enans ttiiui tlio owiinrj
lint ones. You hnvo ii liirgtir "t"'1' fif
vIhIoii, moro rotnfortulilo nho ior'
liefomlnir. yeHiiecliillv wlion IIiIimJ by
uiomi who know how' 1 spuciiilUo 'ft
coinfiirtiilileruliiHMOH. l'rlres'nglti'io"'
Ailiulnlslnitrlx' Notice of McnrlHJC
of Account .
llm uiiilnrHlitiicil hits II led her flnnl f
toiiiit us infiiiliilNtriilrix of Um m'1""
of .lames S. (iray, iIucuhhciI, and
county court of tho Stiitti (if OrrK'"1!
for 'i'lllnmook County, Iuim iippiHt
Mnn.liiy, tho nth day of April, IM.,.'
ton o'clock, a, i if Hiild diiy. t
niiirtroniri of hiiIiI court. In 'I IIItno
City, Oregon, iih tho tltno and l1'1"'
f)r Um lieiirlniT of rolijtictlons,
thorn ho, to tho hii il ucvount, n .tM
loMliig of Haiti estate.
Diiled Fehriiiiry 20lh, 1015. , u
Itulh It, W. (iniy, Adminlutratri
fof Uio KNtHtu of Jimiri S.
rwS BOrnv, Docoiisod.
ft) lo II o Kntnrpv Hohhc Con!ltJ,"
M A OIhuh siirvitH Hut best.