Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 02, 1915, Image 2

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    Cbe Cillattiook Gerald
( G. CramMey, editor
.tied Ctvlcc a Ulcck Cticsd.iV and Friday
ond-olns matter Ma I". U'lO. :U the i-t ollW nt Tillamook,
Oregon, under th rut of March 3,
SrilSCRIl'TlON f Ml A vhk in .mwvnck
Each aubaeouent insertion, lino .OJ
IHdvcrtisIrm Rales
' ccal Advertisements
First Insertion, per lino - S .10
Each sutaotpient insertion, lino .Oft
Homestead Notice - - fi.00
Timber CMm 10.00
Notices kt line ... .OR
Curd of thanks, por line - .OR
Local. Hr lino, llrst inMtliui) .7
Resolutions of I ondolonce and
Lodge notices, jH'r lino .O.'i
Husiness X" Professional ennU.nm. 1.00
Distdav Advertisement, per Inch ,'J&
A LI. Pisplay A.ls must be In this o(
ftoe on Mondav and Thursday Morn
inn to injure publication in follow
inc Tuesday and Friday issues
Keasons. are Imperative
FRIDAY A vim. 'J. IIH.
White outside last weefc, the county mane, it will bo admftiuu" by the un
court investigated to so-ne e.xtent the , prejudiced minds tht President WiUo-
situation as regards the propo-od new
rand leading out over the mountains to
the south. Polk and Vamhill counties
seem to have ome hitch a to routes.
However, as soon as these counties
pjt together our countj will co-operate
with them and put the road through.
It is thoujfht quite liselv that the road
will be completed by this fall. The
completion of this road certainly moans
a great deal to the counties interested,
and it is to be hoped by ali means that
the project wilt be rushed to comple
tion. I
Fron ail appearances the Til In moo V
Commercial Club is now starting out
upon a new era in its iistory. The
club was primarily organised for the
nnrrwwo of nrnntiittnv th. iuTin.M in.
I t f" "f. - " r ...
terests of the city, unfortunately. ' to serve the people
ami his supporter' hnve made a plen-
did word In the enactment of pngrs
sive ami constructive legislation and
have eoiue nearer redeeminit party
pledge than anr other nduiinistmtlon
for tunny, many, year.
It is true the interests have been hit,
and thev in turn have squirmed ami
squealed ami brought pressure to bear
o that we have all felt it to some ex
tent, but after all, this is but evidence
to show that the administration htt
been trvini: to do thine for the people.
(The policy of the administration, of
(course, call- for an attack from the
j interests, which muy noibly mean
defeat to tbe Democratic partv in
1916. but we are sure that President
, Wilaon and his party had rather eo to
'defeat in 10 If! because of an endeavor
than ko to victory
however, business has lieen mrcrected j tne urace of ami subservience to
and the efforts of the cluh have been j --peciul interests. It is up to the peo
devoted altogether too mccfa towards I pie. Will they stand by men who are
matters of a social (..ensure nature. ' lifilhtiriir f.r their interests or will they
President Dwight dwelt upon this , strain bow down to the "colden calf"
phase of the situation to some extent j of Wall Street.
at the meeting lnt Monday eveninc -
and said many srood tmnprs in regard
thereto, and if we are not mistaken i
there will be a change in the policy of!
the club. Many of oar business men ,
It AH Depends
you say you want your
c . o 'I i
new Oprinu Duit tailored to nu
order from your own
styles and fabrics, wc
to our famous Lihicao tailors
selection of exclusive
11 send your uicusurc
Ed. V. Price & Co.
in J
. i f
guarantee to deliver the cream
custo" -tailorinj at a price far less than
you vc bceu paying local tailors.
Gwe us tx chance to Strove it !
-trwt to W will i 'jf t:, t.iep on Wah
ittin rl to Ji'ifrrvon ami harlk li
AiEETlNCS AT DALLAS. church. Thrn- were in the tttbl
ich l tM, tftvi'! a rnafjfin of eljtht
' j livc the at l for the day.
The reivl mertlt: at the Christ "I Mr Vn Winkle prearhnl
do not belong u the elub because they
did not feel like j;portinf: a social
club. We are sure twit a club devot.nl
to business will rv -eive increased sup
port and will be of much assistance.
There is no question but what there is
much tnat can bo done if we will only
do it
Salem, Or., March 30. An ordi
nance forbidding women frequenting
places where intoxicating liquors arw
sold cannot be pronounced
tionnl on the ground that they
church, u-ill r the aMe l4Thii -f
H. A. V... Winkle of i illomwik. em'
to a close bumlav nljrht, far ut tn
unconstitu-! cv'"t,,,'lu' rviei were concer'.1.
inter- "ul in actum cioatnii of the. campaign
The splendid rsin which we hnve re
ceived dur 'ijr t!:e p few days has
brousrht joj to ta .i arts of our dairy
men. Itistherirtt trood warm crow
inR rain we h:.'. 'i d this spring, and
if n-ill l. f . wl Till. j,
i good rainTaM t .rouirhout the veTr i VCl"? !n.th" ,W,ko rt
ct, . ,,.. . 'joi vioiauoi; an onllnance forbidding
women frequenting places where li
quors are sold, by permitting n woman
fere unnecMarilv with the individual " 'he rereptim held last nisrfat for
liberties of women citijens, according , l,, m mlrr having lakinir fellow,ip
to a decision rendered by the supremo during the meeting just cloitMl. Juit
court today, in the ense of E. K.
splendid sermons Sunday
were good resutts al every service of
the tav and banner crowd. Probably
t.'u greatest attendance of the meet
ing was that of the Sunday evening
tv ire, th..UKh the house has been
tilltti each Sunday night during thr
revival nni people turned away, fr
1 Laugblin vs. Tillamook City. Justice
En in wrote the opinion, and it was a
; reversal of the decision of Circuit
i Judge Gallfway
', Laughlin wan engaged in the saloon
business in Tillamook, and was con-
that she rr.sy La.'e plonty of grass for
pasture and for hay, ami we generally '
get it. Last year was an exception,
however, and some of our farmers who
have never heretofore bought hay,
were obliged to buy hay this winter to
tide them over until the pasture were
fit thia spring. This was an unusual '
thing and they did not like to do it.
However, regardless of Mr. Baker's,
criticisms tw weeks ago they were!
obliged to do it. If Mr. Baker knows
enough about the dairy business to tell
the farmers what they eould have fed 1
besides hay and the other feed which
they were obliged to fall back on be-;
cause of the unforseen dry 3pell last
year, he should explain matters. Is it ;
possible that Mr. Baker has discovered .
some means of converting sawdust or I
10 visit nis place, lie appealed to th
circuit court and won on the ground
that the ordinance was unconstitution
al. "Counsel for respondent contends
that this ordinance is void because it
would 'interfere unnecessarily with
individual liberties of our women citi
zens," said Justice Kakm. "Mr. Jus
tice Bean, spehking for the court in
State vs. Maker, said;' "The vicious
tendency of mingling men ami women
in saloons, or ulaces wht re intoxicat
ing liquors are sold, is regarded as
harmful to good morula, ami therefon
a law which prohibits the licunmng of
femules -to engage in the h.imnesB of
i miming uuoxiciiiing liquors, or man
Some Othr Wltc mmmmltrv !ntn txtt I
feed? If so he ,hoW h f.,m.. : mK an to "'"I'1 l-
about it and not criticise them for what frVt'.l,,,Urin a s"w" or P"
thev Hon'i Lnnw lemaies to enter a saloon and there b
I served with liiiuors. is not uncor.-titu
tional. The Jiberties or rights of ever
S Paul. Minn., March 31. "The
Her jblicans m'ut name a good strong
pr i,reBsive as their presidential can
didal if there i ; to lie the least chance
of d testing President Wilion for re
election." declared Senator La Fullette
in an mi'-rview here today.
"Wilsi.n has been a good president,"
the senator added.
La Foll.-tte declared he did not be
lieve the Un.'ml StUes would be in
volved in the European war although
other r ations ere attempting to drag
this cr.unvy in. He also insisted that
this governmont would not interfere
in Me.i.:o.
Euitor's note: Many friends of
Senator ,a Fullutte will bo pleased to
know of the stund which he has taken
in regard Ut our present administra
tion. Wmie some things have been
left undone and mistakes have been
such I. mi tut
as will r;revi
citizen are subject to
in their enjoyment
mem irom tieing dangerous or harmful
to the body politic, and there is uu
objection to the law in question that it
applies to women of lawful ag. This
answer the question that as the law
permits males or lawful age to enter
and remain in a saloon and denies such
ngnt to women, it is in violation of
the constitutional provision guarantee
uig to every citizen equal privileges
and immunities. By nuluro citizens are
uimupu into trie two great classes or
men and women, and recognition of
this classification by the laws having
for their object the promoting of the
general welfare and good morals does
not constitute an unjust discrimina
for bale: 1 wo cows fresh now, 10
three year old heifers coming freBh
soon, all high grade Ilolstcins. Three
two year oiu buns, one notation s
jonn ineiier. Hemlock. Ore.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewh
..mm . 1-1 Km
.J 1 -.... x
Christian Church .it Dalln
seventy persons n-spondod to the invi-:
there h.nl tii--ti hiiccuiI arriuurainuni.
tation during this spoeinl Hrle f i ndu for a great crowd at tho cloalng
meetings, mot -f whom will take fel-1 l'rvire-
Mr. Van U ink l.i him emleiiriMl hfut
nolf to the church l.i DalUs, as well as
lowahip with the congrogation hero,
there being only two or three exceptions.
Sunday was a banner day for this
people, buginning with the bible school
parade at .)::). N'over before waa
there such a demonstration of Sundav
school enthusiasm given in Dallas. Tho
phaie of the meeting was an idea of
the evungelist, who is at thu head of
his own great school at Tilli.monU
whore there were assembled recently
122 for bible study. The parade Blurt
ed promptly at i):.'!0 from the Christian
church and marched un JulFuraon to
mill, then turning west on Mill marched
to Church street, then south on Church
"UM.iruoit ni ui(e wno are t ot mum
burs of tho church, and never has an
evangelist pleased the people moro or
drawn as largo crowds. Never at any
tlmo during the four weekh of his of
fort here was there a dull moment or a
fulling oil' in attendance. He proved
himself a great teacher as well as bu
ing capable of drawing large crowds.
There weru no objectionable methods
used in thu meeting, and no playing to
tho galleries, but straight forward
preaching ot the truth in lovu and with
persuasion This raises the member.
?f!1""t ,,uhriHtl"" c,,u-ch to about
fiOO, -I'olk County Observer.
.-iiteitiie! their Srtttack on Kan
...' drolMtd Arthur tapper, Ktvir.
nor of Km stale, In rcceiil interview,
The country l being ftiMnlcil with
Ittor.tmo ronUinliiK rl.llculmu ami
fnetured sturlc rcgrtnlliig the
failure of prohibition In Kun, With
thnt iiHitiuiticnt to prtihltiltliMi nut of
the way, thoy ff! Uioy liavo rtqnuvml
Ihcir iinnlciit ulMtlnclc.
This play In be presmttnl at Hi"
Oicr House for the Iwnpfll nf the
Artisan UHltip un Friday. ami .Saturday,
April Ulli awl luib, Is prigresiitf in a
innnnur that Insuie Ihn iUccpss of Ihe
play, und ot wlllfh lh lti nicliilH-rs
slumH feel Justlv pnaid. I'lm story is
t uk on frmn an Incident In illm life of
i Ihn Aninrlcnn Army, ami slms the
iHHeri'iit clinrnctcr ttmt itmy Ui f.miid
i tlMire, us n ell 'lo hvre. In Ihn
. narlv dt tuit Wust the Army
i siiproine, and thu handling uf suHlrrs
In "o Cod fai-nVn(i country" such as
the West wan nt the llmo uf thu play
was no ) tnsV. The play o moral
nmt rnrrie Wnutlfut lv story
Ulfoueh It. 'llin charartfr am gml
and IhhI, rurh n you Mould mit to
Ami in tk dv the early Went.
I' he itttigtiagii l strlcily Vutrit oral
eartthliic Is being docn tu elvti thr
play it's Irtsu ntitHMphftrn. n0r nrr
thirty Use new ind seiwrnt" uleeos uf
iwwae ttved in this piny lil! nrr
now all iirvpami antl reitdy for ub
'llw uwmbf r of l!w Imlge are fast
IHiC IkVlieU So if yml wish a guci
eeai, seure ytnlr ttrVel now (rout any
nt the member" or nt tMtar's time
Slur. Admission $W. ChlWrBO k.
Unilnl Brrthrrn Church.
Sumlav .Hehool. 10 A M.
Momlnif Servlee atal Svrtnm. 1 1 A
M. Subject, "An hUmlmr .Measuige of
Christian Endeavor. I'. M. ma
'lhoMiai. Ldr.
rstr I'tovram. I. M. This 5 Kill
be a program by and for tin children
and filled with the Easier Mm,1
Union I'rayer Meeting at tht Nar
ene Church on U'ednosduy tvntng. 8
I'. M, Vou are rurtllally invited.
II. V. Whllo. la,tor.
Sprtial attention Is callfM) to tho
rct that thclx-houls of therlty Mlllol.
sorve Arbor 1). wliirn is nl Friday,
April v. It u dMimi;trial nil who
tle bulbs. d-coratl plunla or shruln
of any Kind, will bring thewi t ;tho
High School buiMing Thurlay. in
order to havu tbew frosh far planting
It is hoped that 'toe eiUiens will
take x keen interval in thu movement
to U-autlfy Uio city, antl Ittnt there!
may be Hbnral donation of plant.
Mrthodiit Church Nntri.
Sumiay School tl A. M., W. K
No)cs, Supt.
Sermon to rhlldrer iOMO,
ICaater Exercises II o'clocJk.
I'.Hstnr Music.
evening service. EpworUi Uague
nt 7 I'. M.
Sermon Thsme, "ImworWl Life."
Sperlitl Millie.
ZMw. aiillns.gi'a.ior.
n in, nmt At thai
Hti Mil iIiaII be ..... .
criiilicil chrtk itu.le
5 per trill uf tte
ti, i . . ...
-, ........ rn.ii m Ifi.l.l. .
' "! sunn ijjt B,,i
mr irriiMi i n, ,) 4
uir nmmi It Hi t !, ,, .,,,,
inn um uir a i , j
thr I nun
runs ami M''miM,
"""I '" "II !'r ,i
.1. 1 1 1 i x"
v irr. ,-itiM XI i,
TIlC ('utility I
right lit lrir.t i.
l4trt Ibis the
1 1 ...
II. I'
1 1 U..
(-11 A HON
tlln i ...... .
Ill wrriMill lor II.- iv
I lllniiiooi,
In tiin Matter of i ,
. est. I IcVr ate i
. .i . ...
hi in urirs r VAni j v
nn iwrsuui i. trslnJH
may conrrfi
(It tits lisittr f ' .
ari, yot are hrir' .
In alMwr til II. f ,i
Slfltn tif Uri.ti t i
UllMHlk. At III
t'illAmooV i
un I lie rit! .lar . M
Intur f "J .to M .
tlw-i A'ld t
any thri le. v . .
bo inad ul '
uiioMirilii; J i
niit-ilntr.) .M4l.' . ,
Ulrstor nf sa:.'
sot Hip fulb l- '
eriy HrlongHig I
I Ho SKi .".
UaltU.1 K West A
In Tillanxx V i -
Set Irt of lli-i '
lltr btrs ! I'i.
Kftann and i r i. n
whom it tnat
thvlwf In l .
nnsiMrr of fe-r , ,
iMbnl ami .if
t'uunty. Orrt.
flttly tnodo on II
Iftft. In iKr II K M
of tHe l.r t i
WiTMtxs ii. i '
Judfff f the I '
uf ()rer'. fr I
live mat i f sai l
day of Mar'''
Aiu.i )
flrrs ' .
l K .
First ul.l.ti
Ust I'ul llrat.
( FlVP roivsptiti . r
111. J
1 'VW
.... ,
-iSila. '
' 'i.
( I
Notice 01
1 1 curl nt;
Ot I'lnnl
.!', . ir iir.HRiiy tilVE.N, that
iindersigntHi have Med thftlr Final
"i"i, as administrators with thu
ul .niit. t, ut the estate of JVter
....... -H-r. -a..., i. aiMi.thal thu tuunly
'it of tl.f star.' of Oregon, f(ir Tilla
""".. "Pfoiniwl Tuieday.
Mb dnt ..f Mai. m:,. at 10,.', i..l
ii. . at tli.Miiiiriro.im uf shi.I Court
hi Hinia.kaiy. Oregon, as the tim,',
in .1 plare for hearing objrtctlon l ,,
-i. jo.ii.l i.imI the closing ,f a,d eatate.
Hated March aoth, Itlir..
l.ue M. Alley and Ch.u.l J. Ilubbitr.l.
Almlnlstratom with Dm will
Miiiioxod. of the ..statu of I,tr
Hyroni deruaaed.
Notice Of Sale Ot Ueiil IJ.stntc
John lola-
I.AW, Alstri' '
Hursci ii , . '
ll. f
i.imoi ri'irtft v
....... ... .
Ib-il.. .r
VV Mill ' '
1I.S lit.. 1... II
iMll'T kr )i . i
A' .iiji'i i"'
flurr Oak, (Kus.) Heruld:
Kansas, there It (Hands; irat In
wealth, first In health and first In edu
Thut is the answer of Kansas to tho
statement issued recently by tho Na
tional Wholesalo Liquor Dealers' Abso-
elation, tn which it wbh asserted that
prohibition had brought tho state bo.
low thu averago license stute un ro.
Kards moral, health and economic
Kansas has more wealth per capita j
more young men and women in co!
leges and the unlvorHity, in proportion
to population; moro children In the
.Sunday Schools ; a lower death rain i.
, lower percentage of Illiteracy; twenty.
I eight counties without u jail nrIsoii..r
last year; forty-elght counties that did
not send a prisoner to state prison;
Hevcniy-cight that did not huvo
sane patient last year.
All of this 'credited
of prohibition.
iiiSJ'My WIVKN that
i.v.1. ; . ft... """iiiiistrator of the
ivaiaio ol William ( bin.
imrsunnl to a..' order and ai.ti.ori ty
L.lri,i V, f '.r ""..Cimnly of Tllla-
.i ' i n l. "Uftiiin
.igh.'H. bidder for .-..Hit In hand
'.K);,ci;,ckit;,;,Zro1oou,vi;fI: i
'y. t the frontdoor o h, ('o i
oune In Tillamook Cily, T a l (k i
;;.univ. Oregon, th following "mvrtt
'1 real property b(lllgng ,(? ri!' '
Lot iiiiinb.-red one and the east half
. v """"ii ;, iiiwim i In
.r .i .; :::'
r Sw l s t Sf
v iir. i n . j
Till AMnfW RA
AT A 1,1 (.!
v'lK 'liH
HOUth. ...n.. .:. . i . . .. v."'l' on..
: wfjnL in if... win si
tfiiiMHun AdnilniHtriilnr
mi in
to thirty year i
"Tho liquor Interest of Uio country
""MM- Vi VofApi:
txf II... ! .i . ' - ......' "'"H
NoiTcc To Contr7cTorn. .
tor the r,..,.,. y"K
COIIhlril.'lInn nl ' I ii.. !
"-lings ami fencing at the County
! i,ir ,'r'.'. WHI be received by I e
-.... Court ni ofnco
in.v i. r-:.. .
mi. .1.. . . . 0,1 0r Mr H
"': u
y w,..i:
by keeping him In sliab
Wo urn unlllmr lliirnCHS H
bust Htock at prices tlit
... ......
A Whll .l. M A III1, lino,'
... -n.
Ul.l. (Wi, ....... .iiiiniU,, 11W "IT
' . .....Il.lll
oi your horse, nut
aafu vHuw.i . Mimv ii ru""r
he uvoldod If thu old iwriiw.-
dlscnritcil In time.
sa i
W A Ull I Id
"i April, iijjj
t io o'clock flLUVfOOU -