Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 02, 1915, Image 1

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    . . iff '1
Tillamook, Okw.on, Aphii. 2, lOlfi.
NO. i!l
h. t'lvol our ctuiloiiiees nliotit
f irst National Service
I t. v .ire all plenum! with it nntl
Can tell you why.
first National HnnK
7 .
1, WITH UJ, 5U7
iii . i ki-t r"-i-ii
vv v. iuu mm i I w w w
!- 1 i ! I v i v rtl PI lHP V A
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lfii I . . . . . IT 1....... 1 . . Ml. .
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V t II I! VI . . ..t. I...
Viii i i.i . ii ...I v. ii - ') ........ i.i. f w
Willi. . I . ...... v.... M l,.i M-.(.
lfJVlLJI II l Mil
v ' i v oinpaiiy s Special Lollee Jar pur ID.
Ill b I J I 171 r a V T W- V a ' W " f ' 1.1 J I II I
CRANf.P mci;tc
iUlat. I J
bi id., ii
' I'liMhu i riuiL'o tnit i-
'iiuw uritiiKu lut 1 1 In
- mhuil; int'Olllllf 01 mo
V "hicii win tu iu i inro
huh it uo i liMfiiHH nilmr
nmin tf In imiiiM .,ir,.u.
in .i i ir. i
kt .. .
. ... 4 unniniun in inn
If ti... , .
kvu iriHirucitottM nnu
Jvlc ilurliu; tht cntlro boh.
-"I n niuiniiur of t ho Htutu
"W'lii iiiko MriiHisnt uni irnva
ih i,i ..."
in a countv bun v
vvn CUlHy
hVif. i . .
'"our II NtlUlU i runiiKt
ri . i
;niy thu Kuirvlow poonlo
the ufii.,.,,., i
l "mi nunnuiii miiriun
or0ullt forth ilu i.i.,.. (lf im.
lllAA.1... . '
, ruilllliuiuu 10 HHHIBl
--lUW II (iri...nl7ln,f mnrn
'OUKlioilt tliu eoimlw. Thin
. " I irilVIl lit niiKn i.ml ii
niii ii.. r,. ........ I.I u
"fcUrilhir.i.. i. I. .
MUlr.. . . . : . .
"'', 1 1 1 1 In itinil It .It
11 I'leiiHiiiit Viillov. ' 'I'liin
iniittur will lio hihIh'(I.
It wim lirmiKlil out at tho incotliiK
th tt Umrn vto nioro thim -1041 (!nuu
urn iliroiiKlioiit tho county.
In tho ovunlttir roaoltttfon. wrru
IiiishiiiI InilorxliiK Hi" lilirnry plmi ml
itHldiiK tho illiroruiit (irni!i UmUu to
titko f ho iniilliir up fur ilmniHsion. A
ri-Kolutlon wiim piiHsoil ImlorHliiK' thu
coiiiily fuurt'H m-tloii in roKiinl to thu
hlKliwuy wurk in tho county.
An riitortiilnmi'iit fominlltoo win un
pointed at llui rommm UriiiiK't' muoL.
liiKlwhli'h wim lit'ld i't Olovunliilo, oun
HlHtliiKof J. II. Dunatiiii, (!o(i. H. Mo-
Khiiuiih iiml Ii. J. Ito.ll.ori;. wns com-,
I ..i.i.i.imIi.iI llV two I
iniiiou nun ih'uii luifitu"
inoro iiHiinhorH, M. I. Aeklt-nml C.
('I, Truinliloy.
Tlio followhmr oulHiilo vlHltoni woro
...,.!.! If. MpKiiniinn niul Mrn.
ill I'nvu. . .
!..,. I nnnuihol Of Nollllleill I KlUUlitJ
Smith mill U. 0. Mmriirroll of lwe ; ,
Mm. Mllrk HnyM. iMovonimo mi i.
A. rortur. Mr. m.il Mrn. T. J. Ittdberx
anil Ololti-iUmrK of ()rotown.
Tvo Brltluli btopincrs Victim
of Poworlu! Gorman SmI-innrinos.
lAM.ao, Atxial ISO wflic .
In tk cinJilag by Oo"n utiif.t.rtne
ol lh..frkii Htm Fhb nwi in
ItrttUh KtitiuiMrr Agra!), twuiid trou
Mtrtmol tor Unixm
Tb Kalkb ng inriMMlotMl In K
flttOTM (1mnl. TfNl M:! ''rir
s rtv tt to ml bOHi IM
a4 Ol Ot total only m r '
cunL Of ik'JM tMwt oiiUii di i
lilir from mtpoMt.
. Th ActtlU bad a of J nni .
ikrrn ptuncrtr twti4 of Uiwt ;5 ;
iti now Mtd all thu ixuMonicni x tv '
la bom cw on ifftiiInK th ttl
Mftfto llw .nnm ifiwl la iu- ly '
yaUlto oti all Jo4 iMUMiblc, but lln .
A4or al ( r tmfi rucri jok thu Mnatn
r, h3iiitfc Uiat Cierumti) iw t-a ,
ftM of hT m( mxlri ulm. li.ii
mmiH- l in lli lilw.il jMriiion ,
Tljn n m( ibe KaialNi. wlw wna ;
OWt Of lh" liwl. J Rl-1 tlK tti l.
tMnH. Iu get Ui Mitiir ai:il r.t ,
tftft Hi lm.. btt!. BrxorUuig l tb '
Tho fH of Vnmy during Iho jtam
wpljlt'uii.ii(tntl ttoiwSii'i hM on
ivuiliirii Uahcut, an.) hw rulmnotJ thv
wirttauiiit army for riM opnratlonii
lCSi.r i ilctalla on which fall
' rating run i)laciJ baio Ihhii mmlD
kllft ronritrnlin tho imill (tt lti
1 forcdEio i,!'.h Prxomyal cupltulaiirtl.
, It IsJliriliaiii.., howoior. thm first
j extunt" wre too IiIkIi. ami luaa than
1U0.QCK' uihu crr oimhI on ttittwu upura-lionet
J ThQ l(uii!nfl' word cumpeiwil to
! cVBf&it M.'iml aftfr a nurvrym :it
! inokily u Ornmn (lol.icliinwnL Ttm
' hoaitln rtiritlona of th (iIrIiwuxh
oanf 'd I rut M the Slnr to h
; llorsw.r titataion of the tat Pru
tan Fort vr juri. Tint C!irmnna.
bowevor. uit-mmi' liw UlffleulMaa of
UtMlllwl anl Urovo tlie Ituaalana ov
mt'mflr Into thnlr own territory. Ac
, owHimma of tvt.ij.iYe pIKerlna at Mb
' tal ffitf Ihk n nwid by tho German
anil llV bn loilouil by rnprlsaln
! at dwatkl. lAtmt aniJ UroJno ant
' a!'tttg&.n P.uMilan Ualllr coaat. wlur
- otMUwi) wrro bom: nnlw! by it Oct
ma's Hat
Tk Dardanr'lu IwtnUinlmrnt ha
I necontji'ialcnl noihiog of value durinjt
, tho wk to the attacklnn warahlx
WllMH ihirt ha Inm boiiic flRht
lilt aim.: be att ITua.'an front lur
and Id liui.oloa. t!i tnnuutatna of
buttu;lir i-.it and ihr wit utv !
viMK ul thu moat int,oriiini (insagi
tnTilo, amount of country tccupJcl
t.ttn ..a. i mrn tutu wn jHwai.'i. n uutttjat priiat
. . waa iirru. siriBius kio uiiriu.t' . in iti.. ....ii itiu irrMtttti nri.ir it
j ri and i:ilB a lret)lif et?loion. . Ions Wit. te K.ltlon rhattKii Land
! M:)jr jvoimo wr Hxl and the j monaa aue. havo flually tiablliih
ttat:or i tk m tro mmatoo. erf thwaac.to on tlio aumtnll of Hart-
I Tt AkwiIa waa altacJaKl off lae miVttAVftlprhoiif. a monntaln poak
f : . tlrttjfculrt c-aaV The auhmarin jj arffin m-r;h.ot of Mmtlhnttaen and
o,k5sI firv with hr gwn. aftolla from n f awhile-, north of Thunn. Thlt la
hl h kllM a woniun naaavaxttf. tho ' afilcrHi nti iintiortant auormia. as it
chlof Mttnr aad two of tn cr- gitoaltho l"mch uonmutnl of a con
ttvun rtfjor to eriw huil o(iiiinorieai ald
atwry of tk rlont. Iho 0"mta. poattnm hnf be n n hlttor ono. and lua
i,tt u thnr flru. aid 0it of the hwn itolnt on lor many daya
liuit rr rlddlwl with built t i On tho M.irru front, Uw.vond tho
Krone h aurcottn In Iho 'oami, wlioro
tlio (Sermnna nbandonml a large 'itinti
Uly of inntorlnl ttml loft numcroii
dad on tho urotind. thorr havo been
iio-oviiiita ol lmiv'irtunc. neltlior Aide
nttparantly Iwlng roady aa yet for the
blK '-ffort which ovurybody ha lnoti
i )Xwtlns. Tltoro havo binin Un tlaal
WEST bonibartlmonia of tho positions ttnd
ml no warfare and tho nvlnlnra on both
llot huvo Khown imiah notlvivty.
i.. v m.Hr duturrd I noiiitiiu" rwuuusi ir u iiiuiuiauu.i
"v n I
London Caiituro by tho I'rouch of ;
ARTILLERY SENT TO cutworss are rgkous
General Funs'on Given Charge
of the Situation With
Free Hand.
IVanhlngton. 1 welrit sons of the
Third Hold Artillery mo ob duty at
nrownavlUie, Tet&K, viratchltin orer the
if fort of Villa troop to talio Mala mo
ra. Mexico, wh.cn lie dlrw.a'y acr:!
the Rio Crande from Ilrownaiilla. Ma
jor Ocnvrat Krodarick Kunaton, who
cooiroaadod at tho rccnt occupation
of Wr.i Crux. Is handling the ltuation
there, with plenty ' truopa at Toxas
City If ha v.iuu thoni, and h baa dla
croUonary powcra to at In the event
firing Into i:rov,usvi:itr by oJUier Mexi
can forco conUnuex. General Kunaton
ta reported to havo rvod formal no
tice on the commanders of the two
forced that they would bo held person
alty rvtpot-lble for abota fired into the
Tt xaa town, and thai American troops
would be prepared to enforco tho or
der. Nine troop of United StaU caval
ry, beside minor detachments, havo
been plard in active service along
the troubled Arizona border.
Deapile ront agretmunts made by
warrln Mexican faction with lirlga
dl'iT General Hugh L. Scott, ftehting
btweon 'llla troop and a Oarranra
iK'tar lmi out trying to r a Agua Prie
ta, opoitlte UousISi. A Z-, from lite
Inter tor, brought the troops out. At
N'uco, Sonorn, wbore tho Scott agrce
tucut waa entered Into, tho Villa gen-
en;!, Joao Maytoruna, has Ordered tho
Americans out of town and a squad
ron of American ejivulry was placed
Iu Naco, Arir.. directly acrofia the bor
dtiv-1-"-.- m '
Experts Fighting Pest
Qrande fjordc flanchcs.
I .a Crande. An army of rarU'satPd
cutworm ha tnfeated C'ande Kendo
r.nchoi, and where It l.na strjtlc tbo
ruin is cotnploto. I.iko Umatilla coun
ty, atato fara oxfxsrta aro flghtlns tho
plapuo. Fred Zangg. near Mount
Glenn, was one of tb flrat in discover
the presonci of the iwsta, and Countr
Karrn Kxpert Cato has located ?vc-al
otlfr small patches. He found one
army movie acrom a plowed field,
I ound for an adjoining wheat field.
At one poYt he found an alfalfa
j.tcfc whure thv ptrnts had worked into
the fio'td several feci from the fence,
and the forward lint- of the army is
shown by the swath of dead altoiia.
On a spot a fuot square he jrfokod up
some 20 or SO cutworm. Like graa J
hoppora the cutworts leave abaoluto
ruin In their wake.
Roberg Named Health Board Secretary
Portland. Dr. Oa id Js. ItoberK. em
inent iMtlhologlsl and bacteriologist,
was e looted secrotary of the state
board of health to succeed Dr. Calvin
S. White, who iioa rea.gnod. Dr. Ilo
bers. who is no in China inrcstigat
in; epldnmfc diseases, will accept tho
secrf taryshlp, it ia known, provided
he mL-sII ty slreu asjurancea Uiat the
appointment will b permanent during
the tenure of the prow; administration.
IIAOO Dl In Fight.
Cbalonit. sur Mnrtie. rniimi i:ivon
UioiiaatKi tiirman i1-ad have Inn-n tk
on frmn thf trwnchtw won by the
Knwh during W days of flnhtlnK In
tbo fbampttgno country.
Disputed Crct ol HnrtmannV Welter-
un Important portion In the Vosxes.
the main height of liarluinun's Weil
erlopf, which Is atwurtud by Iarl and
adtalttMl by HirHn. and nctlvJiy on the
unit of aviator on both Mcn woro
the features of the but thm on tho west
ern front In Prance ami Handera
Ikitli aides tell of ilia onpturo '
avlitora of thu enemy. Kronen air
men dropped Pombs on llapatiino an !
fttramburg. Tin- Oernjau account sat
a rTeocntnnn was iuri-u is i-uiur uu
ienr Arras. Oenunn aviator Iwr.i
barded bth Cala1' avl Ihinklrl- n-
dropped sev'"al lHmba on tbo town
Wilier, tnrthweat of Thitnii. It wn
ut nadonviiur mat tue rrenuit ta
tuny brought down n (lermnn ucro
piano. onplurliiB the pilot and tho ob-
Another Drltlolt Ulncr Sunk.
l.oiulon. The liner nmiilnlun, tho
ailnilrnlly iiiinniiiieed. waa torp.nloe.l
off tho Sellly lalnnilH, Tho I'lniiilnliin
wos an Ullorinan liner, plylnK between
(JIiihuow and t'liputown. ami could ne
eonunoiliito n lnrK niiinber of pasnon-Bt-ra,
but loft (JIuhbow eurryliiK only n
canto niul hor erow. Tho Hitter limit
to tho boutrt before, tho vosmil wuh lor
eiliieil, and worn rescued by a OiiiiIhIi
from normally of tho sinking of the
MinIou and tho capture of two other
Dutch Ntoiiinera la orentlnt; much In
toreul In diplomatic clrcloo, whore il
Is imliitod out that the vessels of other
nout-al couutriot Iiuno not beon nio
Fear of Maasacre Moves Washington
WashliiKton. Alariiilin; reports of
atroettlOH, luulinliUK the hanging; of Cn
men taken from the French iiiIhsIoi
and five from tlio American mission
compound nt tlulpaslinu. I'orttlii, stir
red iho atato depnrtmont to further of
forts to obtain protection for Amen
can uitnidouurlcH mid rotugeeK In th
vicinity of Uriimlah. l'orsln, where an
uprising of Kurds throatuns u Kcnoral
(ihristltui musaacru.
President Can Buy Alaska Railroads
YVnnhliii;tt)ii. New impetus was
Slvon the Alnniui goveriiinont railroad
project whon tho attorney genorul ad
vised tho president It was within his
power to contract to buy oxUtlng rail
romlti in Alaska within the limit of the
cost fixed by congress, $3D.U0o,000,
llllll will ini"""; i.i
Thu night Hosylon muted
o'clock tlilu iiioriilng.
apartmf.NTS FOR RENT
Furnished niul uiif iTrnlnhr-il Billies of
llvrulil " ' """ Tllcu Aimrtmui.tH t
Jlerlln. by wlrolenn to Sayvlllo, N.
Y. Tho IIubhIiui offonslvo inovonmiit
ngalnst tho eaHt Pruaalau territory to
tho north of Tilsit caino to Hh nntl
with tho expulsion of tho hint Itiisctan
from tho province.
Tho Invadors woro thrown back
across tho border after a brief but
hard flKht d Oormmui mlvancod
to a point l front of Polungim, Tho
KiihhIuiih woro ut Krottlngo" mid Jakn
bow, Stopa li'ivo boon tuken to gimril
tho InliiiblliintH or this dlatrtct ngaliiBt
further Invimloit of thla kind.'
HusHliwi jroops w.lio ntarto4 fr-
Oregon Highway Engineer Selected,
Salem. Or. liy a vote of two to one
the stntu highway commission appoint
ed IS. 1. Cmitliio. of Portland, state
highway oiiglnoor to succeed H. 1
Ilowlby, resigned.
Mffoi In HIi'K.
Tauroggou to loot Tilsit In tho aiuno
way thoy looted Meniol havo boon.ro
pulsed near l.uugnsargon, Thoy suf
fered heavy losses mid woro driven
back over Iho Jedlorunpa river.
Hovoral llitsslan advancen between
Augiistowo fortn and tho Vistula Imvo
been repulsed, and, In some placoa this
fighting continues.
F-4 May Never Oe Recovered.
Honolulu. After throo days of In
ooBimiit drngglng and Bcarchlng for the
pubniarlno F-l. subiuerged In tho wa
ters hero with liar crow of 21 men,
i nl nutlinrltlo worn not absolutely
tin Unit tl.o Vis.iol wou'd bo ro-
Youth Erlnjs Down Henry Starr, Whc
Has trlce on His Keid.
Oklahoma t'lly, Okla. Members of
a baud of ileaparadoes who escaped
train olruuJ alter robbing two national
banns of wJOO eluded half a dozen
mounted itaascs and were believed to
be rid.ng afe.y toward the fastnesso
Of tho Klamichi Mountains with thoir
Klvo mou were In the party which
escaped after tho robberies. It was
learned from eye witnesses, while two
of tho band, Henry Starr, notorious
Oliurokeo t'.osporado, and a man nauicC
Pastes, woro wounded and captured
First reports said tho band numbered
11 men.
Paul Curry, is years old, la tho hero
of the raid, for It was tho town raar
'shiU'H young sou who wounded and
helped capture tho leader ot tho raid
ers, believed to bo Starr.
Munlclpcl Swfmmlng Peel Planned.'
Hood Kher. Citlicns here allying
themselves with the different clubs
and civic orgaahrs. lions arc planning
to build a muc'.-ipal swimming pool.
I:: tho western part of tho city is an
abandoned reservoir, a relic of the,
early water sys'.cm which has been
outgrown. It is proo:cd to build a
Governcr Aaka Olive 1
Salem. Compiyinp
made by tho
Day assoc
combe has -d a .
urgins "he '. of u.
operate wtlK . - Califo;
bratln? Ca!:fo.T.'a Ripi
w hich occurs on Marci.
:h a request
. PJpe Ollvo
srnor Withy--1
-ate to co-
'a in cele
ilvo day;-
.Villtia Drill Site Ci-3en.
Kiamu'.li Fails. Aua.. nent has
laen made here that the '. -nnth In
dian rosunntiou has bcoi; ci.osen as
the titu for the mauouvors of the ar
tillery ot the oroaniiad vx: tin of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho next summer.
Orchard and Alfalfa Land: Flcoded.
Pendlotou. Several acres of or
chard aud alfalfa Inud were flooded
and a cuUi:idor.iblo amount of Uit;h
destroyed when a breaV occurred in
the Maxwell ditch of tho govornment
project uuar Hormlston. Several ncres
Vt fruit and liay cropa wero ruined.
1 jS
WJ I i .b A I A rl ra Knplnnitct nl niiasiii a tStMLm ' w- V "l&ti
' r "wf ' w'-,- ,
llled with EXACTLY what the doctor ORDERED.
Capable registered pharmacists compound all ;
clnes. We give prompt service; you get reasonable.
The Tillamook Drag Staff
,Vo nlve you what you ASK lor,