Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 26, 1915, Image 1

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    ir w t
.Jt, .Gt,. .Gk.. IrfLs
f A i
argihist Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
, V I I
Tll.l.A.MOoK. Oltl'.OON, M AKCII LiO. I'M,'
no. :o
'm '' W '" I mmm ,
li If wf
s e r v i c s:
. . in v of our etmt.t nrrboiu
I irst National Service
iiTitll plewiol vvith'ittiiU
(larrlsoii Surr. ...,tr
mtnl.iuii aim i
Tl.i ifwit important happohin of
tif ur Muring mo past week waa Urn
sinking 10 lirliub heH:et.hipa and
m French battleship while engaged
agricultural cwnT'TR.
Kr.ormoua orders for mirhinory aro
a feature Id the trade sit'iaUon, both
for AuattmOc and fo.-Hsu er-'.-ount
L'ninletakub.e BTtdonr.' of strung
underlying cocflden- that great bust-
.'.cr Am-
in wr..jo afyiiujii ihr TurM;.!i forti Sina'fHanded and Unattended "' t,v',Jr '""' 10 i;it.i
rt roared, via tjifBtv-Jriie (tt
fan o 4 14 to a. ilu,
j UMcnaiiut Ui Im. iaiwlloa fb (illlwa
utmbul lb loaa lu drifti.. mine,
j Tb r9 t Ihe firltltb ahlps art re
tK..1ed w have bc-in aav4 bat moat
Of U wiw of tbe French ablp were
' loeL Itifv nald bett.b'' N On til'
wy to 6ijlnc the hart ah 'pa ami tUat
f effnrta U force najeaae through
Chief-of-Staff of Army
Takes Piutes.
Ktales in refl-cted In preparation now
telng made by bankers U) inet tho
i i.-v
Cn tfll ym why.'
lif'St iVtttionnl' FiiuiK
Tb Uototln -it tUm rbr ffn? ovo- DanJantffj! will b contlnuail
Ulte immm t- HUH .,. a KurtUl'otKiul baa sia btwit Lnktn-! J,lt(- 'i( and cth?r renesa.i-
U Mra' hb that ,t w a 1 farRMd Into mi ImraoMH? Ikic tn- U-' " pr... juera. Unrat Scott took
JMVittiy ooniiu . w.th- Umw wWrb ha t lu iuat u nld
1H AWNI dr . tmuttitisa. and lis t i itanriMfi run" UiaufMburv baa atMrtd
tfWtM ealy UatUiu of da W fffaia a'ralnat fruanyaa It la warlier t!;Jninn betw.n iLe Imllnm I
Tfc w r offk'p autiiMiiWMi I tclarHf U.ai it li mpOMibte. cxdi ' ar ! membara of the poa-, heded by
' j Utah Initiative Bill Vetoed.
Wurf. Utah The Ilute Indian ajirtav j gait Ike Clt Utah. Covoroor
Inx in L'tah ia oi r HngaiUr General B'-ry rrt'in MKlelflH tnttiattvo and
8-tl, rb.cf of atuff of thr UntUM J r fvrrnduci biil. M- 7 aa hia r.-a-8u'
aruiy, returned here with Old ' aona that the initiative ttunoccnaary
Mt tt:c jiwpli- of the atato
n;i) rcliti:n ibe I'-icUiatiire If they
tbe liill. j";lhbandd Hit men ' with.
had ben Killed, and many wounded i '
Ukat HIM man luui twin ..,.,.u
j aA Htm i rttt?jj wr-onif !
j 1Ha AMlfiMi f the lunit to ccn
I eJdtuxl ltn 01 ki-.ai naporiarce. I.
a Huaaia mmkh of tirtna ly all of
i eatoft Oa.irla and r-'.- a for aorv
Ict nr ill Rufc.-(. : ,iy vnlch
ta h-. txaliaclMi ta vU
i h' , of I! tt may I t i o u
4ar amy aloo th earl; nay of the
' war II ? Imo a Miter and rotate
: imu ale. w hleh baa uvr bean rt-
it . l sr a day al8r ihc ttoaataaa In
nul l .hi -;iy, 3ertral at:mpt of
'). .truta to raiae lb al have
. e fIJ of frityl. whuh baa
r.Vw4 aa tha fcai to the Atra
can miirr. tan only tntKuatl i"w
t if - . i it ia dal'iela hirb s attll is
in.' ..ami f tbe AuetrUna la Crnoow.
th j irtt!atnt ; -si of tba prov-
ii, . i. no (j the Ot-.u a.. tior.Jor.
at widej aeparatd blab
move, m nlmi.. tiaht.
plara. to
Uti td Statea iiarahal Nebeker.
With old I'olk and ' son, who'.-
Charte PranelJ Ariama Desd.
Vaahla",tin ("liarlps Francis
Adama. former pra-dcr.' ( the I'nlon
V?.r'"c rs.'.-'-ad. d.ed li'-ro of bron-
runna. however, have ataru '! rrji. aa aouatt on a murder chars, i citltia. lu- aa a sreat-grandaon of
Tbe 0
n n offe
Utey bitro miDmenred an attatk ou tbe
Ituaalatia lu ihu n-alon of (he I'lllca
rttr Tiiirii ta alao ht-ay flrbtlne tu
Cal.'c la.l ihu CariMthiatM and ut
lna. drjitrttc th liraiy !'.
ii lim weairm frnat no operation.'
f "aj Imporliiiic'' took plaee. al
thouch the PVeneh continue their ef
fort tiff work thfir ay forward n
the hi-antacne nnd Artconr.4- r-)n:;
ilJvii in eentral Poland, m h re ,' den or :.ooti brought with bint Chief ; I'rca'dent John Adama. a grand, on of
i fciiv (attar riuoi mil. ritvmcm uuii u . iv ,iuaua aiu
Bf.t utf."tl the capture of tbe J aon of Charlie FVancia Adams, inlr.ls-
"... ya!it.i 'Allhou. firing a alioL Nav j tr to Grvat Britain In the Ctwl
Jo nir.nera located ttr Indians nttar rwrt'.-d.
!b Navajo u.ountalna for the general
and It ' through tiie friendly .av
ajoee that Scott conducted hla negotla-ttone.
Virtually taking hla life in hla i
haada. it waa beltwcd here. Gcnorat i
ani lb Botglona atill are artlre U ' uwiaaea tic poai wnicn nan
the llttlfi Wl of their territory rumatn-1 n in Bluff for tnure than a wanth
ln in thtdr hand. j
; I coutpanied
llald on Pari MaUr by Zrppelint.
I'ani An official repdrt waa Rlvn
nut regarding the ppitlln mrahlpa
thai raldml Pan tmrly Buudu) and
Hrltann.a Iteach. B. C". Fifty sleep-
red the Indian co'zuvry ac-1 ins miners Ver killed and injt red
d only by bin aide and his ' when a tat.s'; le of s.iow and earth
Oeny Hu and fJrlteo Warned Japan.: Indian guidea. broke an ay :;vm t!ic .vi--- no. Kings
WaglitnKton. Al the UriUab emhaa , 1 of the m.uca ttre aid -ept throash
ay It wan aald: ! Vice Prealdent at San Franc .so Fair. I tbo aettlemnt, engulfing every bmld-
"The tllrltlah embnaay leftrns that ' San Francisco. Cal. The pror am ; ...g In Its pa.X
Of Uie dead several are women and
children living In homes lu the path
That we: have to plow
our. OWN Norn. WE
have dor the coons
fnc 5tock an
accident we. knew
What to BUY.
there Iwito tnith lu a reiwi emanat ' of foatlvJlUw which had ueen reserved I
Ii.r frntn I'ekln that th itrlUhh and - for President Wilson himself on the
ftuoalHifLainbaaottdara al Tallin hae occasion of his visit to the Panama
made Jnt ropriMentailunt to Japan i Pacific capoaition. was held in honor
on the suhjeet of t'hlt.n. or that tin-. of his official re; roscntatlvc. when
Brtuali laud Unllml States govern-1 Vice President Thomas It. Marshall
aaat"4 I m ta iw j , j i . , , .M . , t. . t . .
i.t t.- .,... h-w.,,wiiBiHiaVJaPWBiP y ""a.iia.ii3,?-," tu
T r . . . V I Il-r object " '
until) Mas uuiiuininani. in or eiKiu
of the ava.uche. The greatest num
ber of deaths occurred in the bunk
house and cookboua... which wero
caught In the slide, carried a distance
down the mountain and, finally buried
Grocery 5pccak This Week
fv.il ("mIi Solid Puck Tomatoes No. .'J can J for Wc.
K".i I. luh Soliil I'jiok Maine Corn J onus for LTic.
K' i v iul) Sum met- Pack Pineapple i o. can, li cans
person were uounded. oue aerlously.
Germans Take Two Mountain Heights.
Umdnn Uoth the lierllu and Pnrla
: ofr.i-inl rejMirta uiiree that the Our
! ranna rai(urd linurtnnt ihmHIoiik in
j tbe height of Ibr Voigna. The Cur-
man revert (hey huvo tnken the
- height r Hflrli Arherkopf after n gnl
i lanl d fenae b Alpine Chnaaeiirs. the
French aufferlng heavily The Fnmeh
ae unl admit the loan of Grunt a.iil
I itHe Iteirh Arkerknpf. llerlln mys
Pren h rounier ntlnrks u nri repulaeil,
Parla the Untie la alilt going on
3C0O Killed or Hurt In Bombardment.
! llerlln. U wireless to Snyvllle. I.. Revlval Seen In all Lines and Bla
1. Three thoiisitud sailors aUtanl ihe( Machinery Orders In.
Auglo-Prouch wnrahlpa were killed or cuu-ngo Trade in general lines nil
oundMl in the Dardanelles fighting ' ovr tll() country has ahown season-
i Thursday, aocordlnf! to Constantinople j abll. improvement. Kncouraglng re
.Jlspalcboa. and at least one hundred ' lKirL8 wme from Itu sect'on of the 1
and fifty guns urt) put out of coin-1 country, embracing the centers of
' mlaalon. iur(.P Indus: ries.
I Significance attaches to the increase
Losses Only 6000. Say the Germans.. , ,M wwk. banU clcuritlKS at lne
ll.trlltt. via Amstordum.An official j -
' sintcinoiu iuinounciH, that tin (nuan
( ftristtin If Isoat llllrltIL fha rrvl!lt ftt'ltflflt 1 1 wmmmwmm .aaaa-vMw
1.kwS ....f- ' - ' -- rtn
with lirlttsh and French troops at
I N'ouvo Chupelle were only COOt). . The
i llrlllsh war office had estimated these i
, losses at lS.OOt).
under tln debris.
When everyone was lu bed there
was a icpurt like a dynamite explo
sion, in fact, the survhors declared
tlfey first thought the magazine bad
blown up. an-J a mass of rock, snow
and huge tres swept down from near
the summit of the mountain.
See Dr. Monk for photographic work.
Thoroughly equipped ss he is in his
new location he can cive you first class
work at very reasonable prices. His
work is ulvvuvs satisfying.
are in force.
l.enSm The British battleships Ir
raamtililtt and Ocean anil the French i changed
l-ntili'ship ItuiiM'i wore blown up by
ftoutlug mines sthlle engaged with the
remainder of the allied fleet In attack
lug ihw fort lu The Narrows of the
The erews of the two Hrlllah ships
were virtually all saved, having been
.nuialerred to otlier ships under a hot
lire, but an Internal explosion took
pUce on board (ho Itouvel after she
hud foulet the mine and most of her
lu. whh ahnt'kiHl this i crew was lost.
Volunteer", In I morl , ,, ll( , ,etl. of Mrs. The llouu.t sank within three mln-
I'm ArllKiui I. digit Jno. I ., cnii...ii v... Htricken with t The waters lu which the snips were
' i !tili Iwirly June Pens, ;i cans lor lc
if n i j i l. w iJHfff 11 uii rvji v r i v im kid i v im
HU.WIOOK. - - - ()KM;;()NT
o'i'vp Iu'imi wultii),:
ff II II
"Ne At
l it.... I.
Ml KonhHir
Hltn...( I, .
mi iiminii
m... Mil wiiit HtricKen wiiii
vHenililv. Here lire ' . . .. ... ... .i. . m-ii i.ui hml lie. hi hwimii of mines, hut the
u. ........ lirtii iu hiiii iinrt iiikcii in in-
""'v wl" 'wr I" ll'' ., c where she was op- HriUsli
erateil on. She did not gel ""m
Dr. K, K.niinlelH
Harriet Wnlk.er
Mrs. Ilorn .lolllire
Dr. li. K. Daniels '
admiralty asserts that the
.. . . . i . . rl....tl....
very lurhH uuii win umiuuim nuv utmmih
II. J. McDowell ' .. . '., i u I i,. eontulnerH of oiltmles nilnft and
i well I"r a iiine inn unci n.
John Aschlin,. , u,.1(1 ..hinneil to take l.er ihese were carried down by the our
A. I.. .McCarthy " .., ......a- when an oh- nnt onto the ulllml slilps gathered
slniction if Hie bowels took place
neeessliHliiii: seeoim operation on
Wednesilav. The f hook of Hie opor-
great anil this inorn
. . . i .i i .. w
i .i I ii'e nek s o uieu,
Mrs. Illiino , . ,1M1i ,, ..hlbl. fiithor
... leaven ii inin..Mii.
" r' ",,,IM ' mother ami two sisters.
Carl Dawson (,,.mlH1.( w,h a most cHtl.n.il.lo
W !" v Tr woiimn. HI... was student of the Til,
, . Iiiinook I Hull flI f rmi-
uallliu f'','" yulir" "K" wnu ,mwT"
She was Inveil by all who knew bur ami
:.er linineilliilo reliillves l.uve tho sym-
. i l-..l.. ,t frlenils who
before All .....e u e 01 " .""" " ' " . .
Peclal 1 1 . . . . ' 1 f 1)011 1 II With them III WlOir nerimvinui.w
,- "UUde. Krldtiv iiikI Siilnnliiv. I
' "1 Hill Mr, I Tl,.b ., I, '"
.. . "M I H VI ) 'W
,r()'" aiiv (if thn lmlirif mmnhuril
The Maple Leaf Creamery people will ceie
iirate the tenth year of operation of their factory by
riving a large dinner to the stockholders and
patrons at the factory on Friday, April 2nd, 1915
Big dinner will be give n. Speeches and reports
will be given com inencing at eleven o'clock A.M.
George iiukhiiieteff. the Russian am i All patrons and stockkolders are invited to attend
bassailor. l-uteen sucu treaties now m
Peace Treaty With Russia Made.
Washington. -Itatiflentlons of the
IVaro Commission Treaty between the
I'nltud States and Itusxia vere ex-
by Secretary llryan and
Gun Roar Drcaks Minds.
Loudon. Driven insane by their ar
tillery fire, 300 German Infantrymen
wore removed to an asylum near A!
le Chupelle after the batt'e of Nouve
Chnp 'lle. according to a dispatch from
UavarMn Crown Prlncs Wounded.
London. Crown Prince Kupprecht
of lhnnrta has been seriously wounded
by a shell, ucco-d'ng to the Dally Tel
osniph'M llo.ili.gno correspondent
and bring their families. j
a r i U III V AM T
MMlrfnl ' . V": ling lit VI
-Mi i iiuiock
.in loutnr
John .tiiiisteln
Klmer P!"i
" II IV Vim il,i 1 1 .
mui i '
V" "US IIOVl.I" lliinii iitl..inil..,l in
"irs llyfore. All nine Hcetierv
curly. Usual prlc
n l1ll,i' ; lotH. (inch lotnajvioG rt.
Wo wish to sincerely thank nil those
whosol.ln.lly aiHlslt.l us tluriiiR tho
llluoss ..n.l t tho 'l'"'t" of our beloved
i .,.. ,. I p-l fit'."' C'ntifnlti I'mil
Se. nnler. , ,. ..
. ib. I'mil Scliniiliriuul 1'iiiiiHi.
Inside the entrance of the straits.
All the ships that were sunk were
old ones, the llotivut having been com
pleted nearly "0 years ago and the
Ocean anil Irresistible in 1SHB.
Netherlands Asks Terlln to Explain.
The llat.no, Netherlands, via Lon
don The Nellie 'lands government
forwarded a te'egiau. to llrlln asking
for an explanation of the proceedings
of the German submarine In taking
Arnontlna Suffers From War.
Washington. -A large falllnr. off In
Argentlna'-i customs receipts Is ex
peoted as a result of the Kuropcan
war, according to advices to the stat
department from llueuos Ayres
Vote Cast 22 Times.
Indianapolis A record for vot.i
of 'Si times In oue day was claimed b
Fred Klsner, who testified In the tna!
of the Torre llnuto election case.
nounoement said, "have been driven
from Slemel with heavy losses. Tho
..l..i..H.. ln ...... ixt ll.ii nwwr tnitmrtntlt
forcible possession of tho Dulcl. steam-1 - (hB
ers imiuvier aim .iiiibiii'ih " ,)tu,,i "
convoying them to Zeebruggo and con- j r ,n ,,ru8.
flscatlni; tiiuir cargoes. ,,iii i... n,., uSKianB and I
stocks -fioodjO
Port In Northeast Pruaala
Russians Quickly Regained.
llerlln. A grout llnrnmu victory
over tho Itussluus at Momol, 111 north
east Prussia, wus claimed by tho wur
office hero.
"The Russians," the official an
It is not only kindness to deserving anin. but a
P0CKETB00K proposition to keep your stock and poultry
'was recaptured by the Uermiins. . imainiy . hi" tain nui n. univi, wv inn Minn,
MEMEL Siurl) Btrcot fighting occurred before ( n0gs stave off cholera and fowls lie fret from disease.
1 (li (teriiiaiiH oceunled the cltl'. i .. . . nm-nr-.!-. ... n.. i
Held by . ,'.', Haaitt li is cneaper io hkcvchi uisese monu uw animais
than to cure them after they come. Don't i uu need some
remedies RIGHT NOW?
Not only huvo tho Kusaiuns been
driven from Meiuel, tho Genuau port
on tho Baltic, but they hato been
thrown back violently 12 miles across
their own frontier. Krottlngen, lu tho
P-rninn nvlneo of Kovuo, baa baen
occupied bj G iina.is,
The Tillamook Dtug Store
We cj!ve you what you ASK for.
' y I