Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 23, 1915, Image 3

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    Iljst between
u i. ,n( vour htlHille MWe' lii'linem hoi on. .I.i i..
tt w " : i i i. v iniiii in
i bit "," t,UM' ,Mt "I t-Tfe IK your.
1 fcirl"'! or always iviiHoimlile-nl! chxIn of the
I " II, .. ...Illllfl fll'itaft'lltl K.ttk. .....I . f
i u-i""i " i" s, jijni im uiir Doctor
, it IHIII1 UlVltl Oil IV 1111(1 hImII.iw!,...
(helled J .oturablt; ilniK in nil one pieneriptiuu
Iff." ,
c w -lit vfMir coniMKMicewiiui von to know
i t xv, Mi.iy. iiui'iiiKentiv and dline.uly handle
Lt.li ""i
, . i.cie to Nerve you. We only liolil your
i. .
t,,ii.t '"K n ww voiiuinic ui ive Ml tuUm ttoil.
.'rt.iysgirt ccmi neons trrntmem, in oiirmuiv,
h,i iIh' K?i every itui(krtttion in our plmr.
of i
ilriiKfit to i ii li t? ci4!cr c vet lite phonenutl
. uolhIs everv where,
you would expect to tiiul in modern
oti will liutl here,
j uintiim Una been built on it jliey of nl,
. - Tit v mifl iiui defiling. You gel the 11
i .tr service and drtijc uort merebaudiw
i tunic here,
i,: t rtetjuaitiied.
fit your Ihimijc
I?. 'r I AKlwiOf I'm Niral family te.h -
Otto f..r cwrh ill.
li ll
.11. ' 1
Rolled Barley in to fy.M cheap.
r. I
Wit quotfi Htar Itollcl Barley UW.fje)
All mill feed reduced tl.W to Ifi.W)
Pr ion.
Berry (JrnnulnUrd .Sulfur
I tnt Creamery Butter Of.
Vry bent Imril wheal flour 17.26
per Mil,
fi lb, litjul ciirnrol cofTim fur tl.W.
Bran JWi.fXJ mr ton.
Short 41.04 vr ton.
Tillamook. Mercnnlilj Co,
All klniln i,f ritiiit work dmi by
.1. II. DnUiimn. ( nil MiiIumI Uuih,
i. J. W(ili, mi (ixfflt'!ii'r(l HiitotriO'
Win iiiHti In.. lM,ut tlio KfiitiiilV (Inr
K. Mr, fliilti will hiu-cIhIUu In rr-
! mlf Imk for l"irl niiloa.
MKHK!: All ximl,ir ulicct inimlo
ihw Iftr (itlmr riiiulnil KmU ut
I'ortlitml nriciia. M.iinl
J tlioTillmiMKik uiiinlc nt'ro ut Mor-
iiinii n v unicciiuii;ry,
W. ('. Tioinlilny loft thu inornliiK
for Mtirlillnn, lihiho, with nr con
UlititiK huiHlnsI fdlvim, hII of which
illl l..i i.lhr.M on n miwh iMmr tlmt
. ir. Win will h nttnntit uL.nt n
i Wrok.
! I will Mill roor vow i einntg ff'"
om n nmmrtl of Imfnif "r tfflkl.
Inquire llnrnlil.
I lwvtt itrUf int nil ItlwM of wfJ
wttJi iIm Tlllhinwik I'mul u.
'?r''i Alhindnr. of Humlofk, won
, town HlfUy. Kn.nk Hvw ihi itur
; rd tn HuttiHnk. W.j umlnrUnd tlint Hto will Iki rC(t)vl until gniurdnr.
Iw ami aoitw nNi! inHchUir on UMl ' Mftl 8mI, for 180 eril of diy. noumt
r.'i mi wit ni,nl with tl num lnwwlwrk. In I dh rrti Ixtforo Sef
lahl out far tit m rribj inwl will mkf , toinW 1Rh. 1915. l Uir i)hwI hwitn
iuUt ia Uio UiNtttiy LktufX in t- In TillniiWMik CUr.
'Hi') TlllmniHik Hinv ('wind Co.
.rnwjy to fill orilt-m for flm oioiih,
jttvrxl nil OMnn.uiili..in t U. 0.
:Jarkufi, TlllMtnook. ;ut'iiiur r
roquMted Lo bniit! urt or It will tut
tite: y to eho:u 3p oxtm for uueJi
Hid Wnntcd
Attorneyat-Law ni
Land Uitice dullness.
ILi vvcr
Office J0.'.2iH, Tillamook
Tillamook - On-.
I. J . Claussen
Duff sen hit Am oka r
Commercial I'uildiu
Cocal Hoppcnltifls. :
" ( Si
u i:t,c
ir r ,
M 4,
I nm.-k, Htl m town
fmi iftrlftu.
f llp(nla; . in
f..r nt IttMcrt
oiwivott a tf-
Itti L.ijj, anful. f Uohlr. w
I illainui.k UMtncua rUiior oft londay,
Wt rn fotTuh you rar fporw (MU
ott. frlthtu n HumUy far for.
HUmlntJ Ut, i Utiir IrA 10x12
fwh far W l half prfe m I hav rw
ttM t Mint Itulflo WabKNt.
Jay Hikcif of ih rr
CUon. paeKy wm m Uwt cm lMuiM
j In i Jbutint&y.
t" nWl ' i iwn Know fur W fiU !
M. arBfl At ng,tn mr uf lHh td A. Kwn.
t Nmi. i
Mr, Ihwikj nfnrt iW btffJ f a Iwy
U Mr. 'ltd Mr. Jo ttef kr mi Sutntey
Wm.K4. X rMtr far n rtl .en miMli
..a TittRMMMA lUrer. foUJ. V.'h.U
Meiw Abrtini.l i KtKJy"j 0ra(.
1. ami Ittawler will hln you rlean out
fitHiii) .f lifter u ilr w4 awl Uw Mmo tlow
luiifflj. faift.lla jir onl, rlovw mihI nm
r t tfei) Item? rfpt. litnb-ik'hfuior Co. Hoito & W.
uUm.a formaxly of ,v numbvr of iiooaier Kaixl boy of
tin courtly tm-t hois -i SumUy and had
mltkrr. upnllcsnl a f4,arnl. aftur wl.ir.'i a eancn wh
.)a)Mlt(i Urn atrtwl.
I r Salr lUork 1 ami 0, nltin
of luta In t'ark Addition, la)' In 8
tiolwr.-n 3rd Sliwt ulwl fith ttlrcitu
Will oiuiHiiti' malo mo a ah offer on
lhi-a lt I ' lmmdiNto imIo. Itullii'
W. Wntaon Tiall llolol.
Awl) llatr of ClovoiUalo t In thu
rltf. Ho corn um with too ikioslur
IIhimI crowd from 1 luvf rdali? un Sunday
. f MhIki, wan III the MM ptoyiMl with tho ty n ettiHJurt
Saturday lnU mr0,
oil llral plana fiirnt e.ilar ftori ixatta lor attlo. It .
i N'ntonit I Hunk. Awh'ftwui ll.imhtc k. tr.
ft tho hlrth of a hoy, A rbickon dliinur will bet imrvml by
'"ho Mix on Tnomlwy ,in IhUIh of tlu I'nltiwl llrothri'ii
fhurch nt thu l'ti'itij terUn fiiilkl Ikkiw
V J-unk'H i' . ,.i ,u,iU (o i), on Mnrrh 27. I'liuuir IKW-; upior a6.
J (,im ,,tvti at tho llotol Omo hikI Hot ioiir imiiwyH worlli.
'Hdinm,- r . ., Umlnr tho iiwiniiito- It. S. iMiirk MictloiH'Kr.
fl-fN WiIbiim. I'rlcn . .. .. in....i. ,.f ..II
i ror loivior n pikm ...v.,- ... ....
Muri in a. Hoy Ivatiilirook, uf viniU. Ilrokuu louioa rophicwl. Auk
wtrdat., , tlt,rity jtt,( Huiur- to M tho IKryptnk Immc. Uny
'lint Iwo in oiin. Ai:'tit for Ithuiloii
Mlur,, w I I '.miM. All H.mn.ntio.1.
"""'fly i, wiinta to aoll or trmlo OnolTon of Coal ciUU Two Conla
( llnitiiii iiur Wllmni ,.f VVoml mid Volir Wifit doii'l lltlVO t
I'lk'c I'Snw'nnd Snlit It. l.iiiiib Scliriiilur Co.
il,tpr. I ii it. i ii-i-i i I..-.. ii i.fi.u viliilo thov urn ehriip.
. i iuu mien mimi i ft'in'M'-
V, foinplH,- HtookH hIwhvm on Imnil. ' H) il. ASS will do it porlootly. fn-ah
'8clin..itr ( . U'rlto, I'lmno, Wire Htock with full dlrtH-tioiia nt C. I.
W. It.
. Ik
Ha .
1'U n
' 1 '.tn .
tf !(:.;.
Is'' i,J Mi
-.1 i.tlo
Mnttl tM. n)'
I -r hl lirn .
nil.ltiy i.f liny
f;icnda ttav.
; onl U tb MlltH
I Have HtMtrh Coilagu ami lot, tMiet
s bUk trvm V. U. at Korkaway. valumi
; i fduo With u imde fur bavy duly
; eullii tt(tno, tmtloMAry uw. Ad-jttrt-M
A I. II. HrhUli, llwkaway.
I.lmr rvUIId M ItiaMrnNirit Hrm.
lore Spc thrn Tillamook Uoie fro-
elurU ( '.
! 1m. itlrt fritrndauf .Mia. Klale lwli
callni at hr Immiio and Kara liur a nr
' un laal Saloidav mIrJiI, it Imwhu liur
! birthday. ltfrehinot ware) aarvml
and a K'thftal Rood tliu .va einktyaeJ.
Vh o undiilind Uiat
otaiMCiHl Uf niiuirnle Uiidr way Into
tho crowd.
Kor mtn. 2 oavd daj.7 eow(
Hran ?20.O) um SSc rk.
Hhoru 130.00 ion, (1 tark
Barley mtn to, fl.it
C.ry Oat Wl.tKl ton.
Ckar Hay fli.60.
Oex-iuart.ir milo itarlli of 'tlllattKXil-
iCUy. (5. II. I'olxttd.
A urate t nftftoruiaity for h Ktatlo
Ut cl "BurWiite" Sda. Wa Imvo
Loan apiwiotoel eurhislvo t;ent for thu
luUtr Itutbank carden twdn tinil
Bwer aaada and now havo thutit on
nates. TillouH(k Ped CV.
Mand your tln aral luiwr tobeM with
"TV Iktuhl .MilaR St on 111 Vulcutf
tear." Can rany in vour uuieblna ami
mtod your tiro white! on tlio rim. in
any oki nlfin Complain uutfit only
17 50. Coma In and lal ut ahuw von
la ael. TiUauHtok Co.
Cabbage planU and tbln forna for
aale. Saa liana llanaoo.
va nave 0t unwaUeai n car 01 i;r'
em 1 (orietatl tend If yexi wtent uveal voti
twttcr feiiw in itt oncet Iwforu thay uro
all Rn. Tillamook Fe-eid Co.
Wt are unable' to ny whe'ii wo oh
avrvntl much intfroU diaplayeal in
lint coining of tenj play ita tlu-re In to
bv found in thu i!;y "'t'her Arixonii
K. J Clauavon,
Clerk af School Diatricl .No. 0.
(ivn'jral practice in all aula awl
Frtleral Omrt
ComoiejrciMl Club IIHn. TilUmook.
Geo. F. Wiaslor
'Tillaink II lock
Room Sfl
TlllAmook. Oregon
(Fiom Urportcr.)
Wrmltrr. the; Wlule-ni I'oit Coin
tnii.ir.ii ihif wtck emphatically deni
ed the rumor that ha been circulated
during the patt two werka to the tf
Irtt that tti wrk on the N'rhalmi
jetty wa 10 tw aacpended and that
the uiuney wa to be expended in im
Kfovina the Columbia River. The
couplo ef l jnoniy ha all ttattn appropriated for
Oimbing he outb jetty, and- there
could be uo advantage to the govern
ment in holding thi up in favor of
other projects,
?n connection with the Port work
ac have been informed that Congress
cutty pac4 a rcolution ordering
iie urerey ol the inn-r horbor, and
...( 1 hi work will be unelcrtaken
(wmt tima daring the coining win
.:irr months,
Wrk at the jetty i till continuing
rapidly depite the inclement weath
er, and about the wmr amount of
rock i brine dumped.
Wcrk Wanted.
jomn Lf land HLM)n?so
Altornr-jl-l aw
lillettnook County Uonk Bldg.
Attorney at Law
Office In Tillamook Block
Dr. L. Hcwitl
Obetflrtral Sw-iall
Both Phont-a
Office: Uoomf 12V 10 Tillamook Block.
Hour: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Will CUnr Inml by contract, want job
for f or ( months, one man. Work
to lu'ifin April tth.
C. J. tJoinlK, Ray City. Ore.
IioUIij meiv ee
!-Ut ntUVeir. MeJt
toll nt turnilllullliT '
Volultaer" to Ihj prewonteMl by Ti tin -
tiiiHik Aaactinbly, Artiiean lxl(;e' No.
3&I. Tlie iniunborit oro nil workiiiK
loge'ther witli the eleituriuiuntion of
1! I vitu: Ifliit lillii nt It nlioulil Ihj. Iltl".
vtlmlheir )t la tho Intents! rri'iiti"! by i .vvV'sr
Lichllng -Power
HcJliiij; Devices
V.iu will Ih luarrr.tctl in wcifiic
Tlx: I.U.Kk- K4Ut. nu l t'.x.klni;
lireie'r. er Il.tvr tu .tocl.
L. L. HOY, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Bell Phone Ollieo 6,
Mutual Phone
tlee and
I'enhjnci 6 M
VieirllMtibiii l-e no ae'lt'iifc, but mnriv
tj a rrlek In tlie innnlpuiiitloii (if tho
tolce which niter much practice la
bio to be doiii In 11 way to dwelve. it
conaNu uii'tcly In th enrlerl moellflco.
tloux of tlie aounda proetuceI In the
larynx In liiiltitlon of the iikkIIIIi otlom
which dlNtiiliee ltiiK4 upon ifui treii i
The eenllnl tncclmuuiii of tentrllo
rjuimn conMaU In Inking n full breoth,
then kei-piiiK the muKiea of tlm neck
IKl i liint llxeel and khmIIoi: wild tho
fliouth nlinevet clfMiJ nml I he nnd
l"i't Jnw h ffiotlonie ita lurlble.
tililie olr la ti-ry loiy cxiell-el
(IiIviikIi h narrow lott Cure 1 nUo
flUe-n tlmt nolo.' of the expired olr m
enpe- lliroiii.'b tlie nw Mm h of the
ri-nttilofinl't'a klll. bowi-viT, In tint
iat.iiK Lionel, 'mine from p-irlwo nr
i1lii llfi dep;iida on d wring other
w-naii than tienrliiK The dln.T-tion
from whlcli aounda reuetl tlie ejr la
ni'tef very elenrit ill'iini; ittuil and
wtii'n 1 in attention l dlreeiiil to n pur
tli-n:r iioint tlie Uinegimilleni i- npt to
refer tn tbai ihik wbati'ver ixoiudn wa
maj bear PbtUnlelphln l'r.
The Tri In th Pietura.
I coor. mat to un- mneti ut th" de
Hebt of un i-arly moriilns taiHlnpe of
Crtt or Ciaoeb- Monet l iln In no
aoiall tii.iiire to the inolr of dIuk
Ina liird Tbonch not one l to ln
'vu I ttm Mire tbi-y are there
I Ib-'f l a tory tobl of forot that he
nOie iiatntlnc in n wl. while
j near Uim nt iirii:h.-f p.ilnter whojet
crenel wn to word thtnave in nature
oi a tb-jr are t'omtnts oew to thu
wiwl of I'tire Corot. he said
Why. ou are not paintln: tlilt
:eue at all n It really l. You tiato
le-fi ot tlmt larve roek yoner and
nut in n Olreb trt-. tliere i.h no itucb
tni to b 11 "
With n e-emtbllnc mlle Corot repllpd:
"If yon'll not mty anything ntmut It. I
will tell yrj why I put In that birch
It wh to pii-an the t)lrila,"Ailnntle
When Brodir Olufffd Mitchell.
Owe. utn-u In I"ii2liiinl. Steve' Itrtalle.
the fnmoii briusH Juuip.T. in
rmrty which Included Cliarlle Mitrhelt.
the prlzetlchier Mttrhell mmle Mjme
rcmsrk.H dcrocatory to John 'l. Sulll
vim. to which Itrodle rejottieel with
Mine anreaotie oborvat!n, on the
"Iirlntlnc nblllt'y Mitchell dHpinyrd
while In the rlns j1tb Sullli-an ThU
anceml the prizetlcbter. who knew ke-d
BnJle tluL A tie M-rambleii to til-
feet, .Mitchell mndt nnoibtr rub a
him. but by then Itroelb' had 8 pl-eto.
In bl hand iind. thnitlng It under nt
Bfsnllnnt'x none, rennirked "1 mi think
yoifri coin to woke n repnratvon oil
j licfcln Steve Brodle. don't you Wett.
you just uu uie on e nnd tuen- it tie j
iot tu the imT oboot It. Put you
i-.tit't r..,1 II " iCli.it tliu ln,l
Dr. Jack Olson
Ortice Hours from U a. in. to 5 p. ni.
Oddfellows Building
Both Phones.
! Has Located in the Commercial Bldg.,
i Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp.
' All Work Guaranteed, Both Phonei.
j OIHceHo
' Open Evenlnc from 7 until S o'clock
the inoutbora, or the iuiinunnu itopulur-! '
111 of tho play i" very hnnl to tell.
However, It honpi'iikf. un oyerllowiiiK
patroniiKo an 11 muuiIht of outaiile peo
ple are now nakini; nbout thu ilute of
the aliow, tint! when tickets nmy bo
boUKht. The ilute will be. itnuounreel
aftor the ne'Nt iiieolinK of tho IoiIko.
Victor Tiilkini; Machine from $15.tW
to 52lH).(Hj-alwya in leek, hundred
eif roeorelie to Belecl from. Portland
price', ciney lerini iirrnnued. TilhimooK
Music Store' nt Morrlhiin.H Confection
ery, write for nitulouue.
Cement fouiulutlou blocks for Biile.
Sec A. T. Doltm.
Sidney E. Ilenduraon, Pres.
John Leland Henderson,
Setey. Truim.
Attorney-:it-I.iiw. Notary Public
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Co.
Law, Abstract), Kenl Ivstate,
Surveying. Insurnnce.
Both Plione
Dr. Geo. L. Peterson
Dr. Perkins Old Stand
Both Phonei Residence Phoi e 20 R
Advance of Civilization.
CooUeel tejoel.
A table to ltt.'P the Teiol from the
A plate tei ke-;p the fooel from the
A thleK cloth to Kt-ep the pmte from
tlie- tnlile
A thin cloth to Keep the plate trotn
the thick cloth.
Then another plate to keep tho foexl
from the flrt plute
Then 11 doil to keep thf .e-cejnel plate
from the first plate
When the' table Is pniteeted hy the
thlek cloth uud the thick eleitb by the
thm cloth Mini the thin cloth by a
plate- and the plate tty a elolly and the
dolJj by 11 second pbite;, the tooel la
protee;ti-d by a diet. Lite
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(Both Phones)
Chi t (''.
Seed ahould be treated with
to ptevent smut.
should ,e fresh and of full strength and
properly used to obtain best results 1'ivsh
Stock with full directions how to nsc at
C. I. Clotujh Co.
tollable nrngist
.... . . , ...1.
Ask The Man Who
fie will pay you from $li.0() to $l.00 more
per mouth for your house il it has awcll ctpiip
ped b.'tthj'ooui
yiiiaaic of it
Actually from - I to (Ki per cent tn the in
vestment or about 4 of the net return' from
that liouse you rented. Cfin von invest
$100.00 any better.
R. F. ZACHMANN about it
Tillamook's Leading Plumbing A Sheet Metal Shop
K. N. IIENKI.K. Mi-t.
Ivoented in Jones-Knudson Bwildinji
Funeral Director and Licensed Embalme
Ladv Assistant When Requested.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & SON. Props.
Both Phones
The Same Price to l-veryone f
Cclatid B. Grwin
TeachcM' of P'atn)
Diploinn from tho Clnenuo
Musical Collect!
A eomplutu stock of sheet music
Theo. Preiser Edition.
Technic Books -Czerny, Heller,
Hitch, Kohler, Bertini, Hiinon, Clemen
ti, Cramer, Mathews Grade I to X,
Was Willing to Go to Sea.
At the time when William E Chan
! dler of New Damp-hire was -ee-1
rotary of the navy Admiral Meade was
' eouimnnUant of the uav yard la
Washington Tbe'j got Into trouble
somehow, the'-e twet MHlve gentle
men it ti el the ceiiumiiiulnut wn -eum
moiled beieire the -ei-retary one elay on
1 11 matter 01 unKirtaiie-e The ;ecre
!:ir toiel the e-oimuamlant that It he
kept on. or wortls te that effect, tie
should ce-rtiilniy lie obllge-el to puutsb
him t,v etiellliB him to ea "Mr See
rvtnry.' miiu Meuele. "I haven't any
thing to aj except that when It Is
punishment for an othVer et the navy
to tn ordetvet to m'ii wnat Is your serv
ice e-ouilug 'ei? I should like to go to
sen. sir. tiooel day '
j . The Pleiades.
Thoe tlniekeepirs the I'lolnttes tiavie
bi1'!! uveMl 10 tiiiirl; the days from the
most rvmoi" ioriods T VV l ewkes.
de'scrlblug the tire eervmonlen of tha
Pueblo Indians of l'usaynn. said ttiat.
having iK'en present on two Mich occn
sions In 1S!C and tSSHt. be tumid that
the error of time uindi; by tlie Indians
as to the Kith of November In those
two years wns tuslgiilticnnt It waa
the culmination of the I'lebules which
told tbe Indians tlie proper time for
the beginning ot their rllea.
All In the Nam.
Helen My mother' a I'resbyteriaa.
Whnt'a yours. Mary Mnrv Mlnel Ob,
let uie see Mine la a Methodist What
Is fours. Bella? Ilelln My mother
lever told me, but I beard tier tell her
friend that she waa a dyspeptic. Ex-change
Instruction at pupil's home
Attorney at Law
Pop Knew.
IVacber What does one. two, three,
tour, five maker Tommy 1 whose fa
tber play a Uie irauiei A tralKbt-
In 195a
Wlgga You think be'a the boaa at
boiiio Hogg Yoei bat He wear tb
dre-ssea In that family, all rujbf,
Heaven oarer belpa tbe bub M
UI not act Koptujclea.
I Wier JSnreelieii iieuiht-n.
Ivan.. ' ...nnaadOOOl