If mm ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUt SDAY AND FRIDAY L-argest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County v v 1 1 Tillamook. Ouhc.on, .Mauui LT lDlfi. NO. 38 1 Ol v t It craa onowiner or New i II j r opnng Millinery At $3.00 and $3.50 Spccia' Display is just now being made New I pring Creations 1 prices that for cb remarkably smart styles are ridicu- j$!y low. Slpp up to the Balcony and find the owing. We should be glad of the op- ortunity of demonstrating our ability to .! . t i .... ... i f 1 1 i t j jn. all Oregon Weekly R. N. Henkie Home fnciustriai Review Scorched by Fire Aclivilir, kt Rrfcd Throughout ihr Fire Hoy Respond Quickly n-l Sre u SUIr. I.fetw Co4iHoM Improving formerly. iot, N'fiv ,, onn . ? nf n Ave. lohimul Aiiolmi I ..mitiuiio! ' pJ Su'-d-iv rvpninif lit about 3:3 ir,..UtMH4ic4 rcnufti. rwd. ( omnii "'eft. "re Utsowverod In the roof i Martn tmn do work of a " "iw ami wive vto a ytr. V nl.riK -U, , Matlhtw has brrn ! ' rd to rn the cannery K .mr4i for new Lather ' tnfrh M.. . .-unHr. ;f. -mating jrmt ij.-antc of Sim.- Highway Kn .( liiK iumi(i charge work -inM. r iri tnr than n-er- -n ' i !.....! im A. W. Pm will I 1 ' (no II1.'" ' 1't rii. .-..', 1 1 lm, lfrbgC CW r ..If n thai til) s I' to r.l rrrri i.e depots in ' " tun ie n ( ufuicr fjfovt. )!!(( on ih ! ucn. Oregon and 1 'trrnmritt (liMlifr MiUrhr ln '. ' ( $jt..Om rriir iii Poft'and. " m flrl .-o.'.tt.otw frri of luni- FALTOM'S U. Ilrnkle' h-iiri on 8llttwt Thf 'ire hoil linod milt h J)d- brf rr II ua (liarowrwi, fir nr irvHkiitir tlimtiyh tb roof ilia H loanrtl aortral ft In Um lr. r. noun tint alarm v.m MjflMri tb fir boy dolaycil HUla fn KBiuK t" h fin ami tn few riu 'OiV ftte ponftt.Hd antiraly u lit tOty A Uldr wa placed upon tlw ro6an a hole wa mate through lb tii)fjKlih an me and Uwt Are was aw iruiput Mr, aitd Hr. lUnkld wtrn at RoehG wniai tf inner. Ilowuvur, iboto who wurv at tN Metw nf tbu rira Brsi liroka !ni(Ftlii hinn u tud vol til all ihu for nltUr.jofi 1h drat llwr. The (Ira, did nflitlninne nnylhini; but tbu roof of thoTtowM) The wtr, bowevar. dM uttt a tut nf ilntnai;e. Ti loait t Ktjf)Mt(i at from lo03 to 1I0W. 'Itie uritn of Ibe ftru ii unknoM-n. rg.Mairtaa E Item Wr. aT .T 111 " ! i to (fri htttr imirovr tj.iit bill failing -In Con- ' '. N & N Ca. lo b tMidrd ' n.uifs into Ibr Harnrjr Valley i t o-rb mtnr. Baker cwwty. j ! ! " .! will h ojtrairtl. - n. ill tt $ua,$oo from Con- . i-.r !or work. I'd. rw I'wildtnK arr plannrd at i- by board of rtgenu M ' . I rk Lintt will build a . : f .(d Iifntn6 real frnnd itv-.flcr lon inicb- THE COMMUNITY SING S E R V I OE Ask any of our customers about First National Service They arc fill pleased witli it and Can tell von whv.' Tirst Notional JonK lillomool, Orrgvn, Tae f'nroimtnily Sing which wan Imld at. ithr club rK) on Friday uvtimne lt ""H attemitid nrul rtiucli njynd. Tint proa mm wtt cnmwl out x prcviounlv ndvortitw), 'Hb the I'tri'iitiim of n ftv chancoa. ItttMilt tlio (tinKini; inaM bv tb cultro niMtitncc thrru woro Mime ijowl numbtTs. 'Ihw vochI cnk bv MrJIIetrd ut-rt line. .Mr. Itnlnl bin t Iib tiki vuiee mid ttelerlkm wero wjjTi)!ccttHl. Attorney John l.cluml Antlmnv unit ion at lb burin I tif Cpw r from ShnkcaiM arv'ii Julius Cai.-ar. Mr. lleinJerarn bud h'a aud CARL HABERLACII COMMENTS ON CHEESE Sll UATION There is hot little cheese in jo An Celoa and an Di'uro and thusc com munities wilt take considerable quanti- ties of Tillamook cheese shortly. The Tilln'nook cheese is crowding out the I Crl Hnborlnch rarwit oonsMerat le WUconMn and New York cheese from quantity of cheese in coWi gtorace ir. C001 'nktU and if the Wigconsin California. San Francisco alone h..W market remains fairly hich we should 30MI lbs. California Hats 23.295 lbs. receive ta.r nr.ces tor cnne mis sea- Cnl. Y. AV ami 1,081, SW lb, of Ore- on- n naruiy poasioie mat prices con and Eastern chetsa. a total of 1.. I will reach the level of the last few lbs. in Urac on March 10th. ! "nlesJ something unforsetn hap- inrb H'.t f. i i. . i t . ,1c TTAT WC r-IAVE TO BLOW OUR. OWN NORN . WE HAVE dor THE COOdS To DOW ABOUT AND WE ART PMOUT) OF JT. we PP NT CZT OUR. fNC TOCK PYAN ACVIPENT W:KNEW What to BUY. Grocery Specials This Week - .hd I'itelt I'om.iiufs No. .1 iitu J for '-'nc. iljtl f'itck Manif Corn J cans lor '35c. tHiiimr I'ucU I'uuappkiU o .can, cans r. . ..,.ti. t an iv.i .... rt I r Mvnt Ub bllll . . .... ,, .. ITI'MIt fJM 1(IW VIIUIV IIVM deraon vllort atlaah of i-tiiu hi Ito doubt dida I'd, the liku of uhirh few of OtotK) prvnout will over et urpaaad in that particular line of ondenvor. The audience Rave Mr. llim!uron n riinc vote of thank at the conclusion uf hi nuenber. The vocal aoloa bv Mr. I). A. Mac Koniitiaial Mra. C E. Troinbley were well reuderml ami much apiveeiated, ti waa ii Uo the beautiful violin m1o by Mr. Koch. .( highway, u i'! r i.il.h brick in-IUv i: ulv tine IVo, '1 cans lor -I0e. RAY & CO. rri 11 i. i in t ... k. w kv t-n a ft- i i . a i y i i r tmt . lifAKLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. 'HI kh)K. 2 )UK(H.)N r n r Gr -(, -'Vli, VI! iki f(J , iiriip VIOLATES ! AW FISH- iiiin Uh I way In : lnt wiii)k 1 " h to ro iidjual oiki( unit llnwl l lii.iir without a "I out on n trip. Ilii nil vury ,l ... Hri'nit.il ml.... u I . , ""Klii ni-ui-e ii lii.,.i,a. iiu LI II... . . . will I """ 01 lliHHV"'- it . ' ""IH'DKl'll, unit IIIUM It ! ' UV limL.. .1.11 I ... 'it'i riu.u .i . . - H. i'iihIi- tiinii Uln. ..." hum Miiiti or i no Idea iV. i v '"'yimw, ll la not au." KiVt; "iJ of tlumii mil "to of tlllir (lwn 1PcnUi FOR SALE Uly ' tcriii iiuwii DwIkI.1. NrSIL'Ct'A VALLEY HANK CHANGES MANAGEMENT I'lotii Coum r : W.J. I.u. I'aahler of tho Noatueoii Valley Hana. h" i,M l,,t,r"" tl.i bunli lot'haa. Kay, U M Krimor .....i w lloll. nlhaiiil itml l" ....... I um eaahier of ill" bliill. Mr. L. MhOiIju wiih BfHiiiteil iiotliiK' ,ir fur Ui.' 'In'.' I"inu. i ,., w ill ilovoto nil lilf" in (ho fiitiiio I" ih,i,i'I eiinlriii'tlni: Ihihiii . hiivW (m-orpornliMl lit Port l,in,, Ori'irim, uiiili'r Ihu immo of Hnnillmri' l-f'UH Coinimny. The iliri-oloiK of Um '! ll,l0. t,,,H opm.rtii.iily totlinnk lliulr inmiy l'; troi.H for tlu'lr IihIhh in ihu iml IU Holldt Ihu ruluro ImihIik'nh of Iho public will. Ihu iiHHuriim-u Unit thu u InUirualH will hu upprcriiitcl mul fully lirolerlvd. r AllklmlH of wood mul fonco poata for ynf. Heo Winnie. r. iih'nl oir Af.nl u OO $l.i$0. n tortJ bond lllr, t.bi.!ff in r!-ciiini law cfcted !v iKfr, $100,000 a year. dij of iWtUttd will manufacture 'xicrcic lamp iot to toft $l. stale Fair Hoard wttl ercl a ft' c.tir at Salem lair ground. t l. mr of Wallowa County of ' f t i.xttbine poaiiitjfl of Stair l tr N criiary and! Farmer at one '.. .viru $iwo a yisr.. . nih Portland gi a three or '.i iik I. nil. ling. ("ml tu -V, Knight to erect feoor) ..rf Imibliair- I Mia Rue, of Salens will movr tot l.uj(!tr factory to Eugene. IVrilatut VVt Park and Tenth street tu gt a $40,000 hschekv .!'i ttnfni. Cnlrt)alifln of llermiatou-Urni-tilla highway partly hard surface, bc gun. St. Helena considering paving main treeu, N'ew law require publicatidn of budget of all Ux-levylg bodle. Warrentonhula opened S:iturday for iJ.vooo nchorillHUiv. lioaebcrR iui'rchant encouraging Kendnll llro. to orrrt kawiuill al 1l1.il pin-', with loiri"g road into timber. Coon comity Inlying steam shovel for road work, St.ite Highway board icoeived bid to authorize roiihtriiition of one mile of I'oUimbia bigliwity in Hood Hiver rounly,.to col Jjo.ooo. l'imhiuin t'ily nud tnto Inliora loilin will nve l'oithiuil $1000 a year ami the Mate $.7000 a year. .'. F Patterson of Keseliurg has formed a company to Imild a rom 111erei.il fruit drier at that city. Springfield hopes to net Hceles sm;ar factory. BIG REAL ESTATE DEAL hiu' real estate ileal wiih rmvntly pulled olT whereby Mm, Curl llnbo'r Ineli Hold her ruueli ut Wnoda to Antonu, Jos. unit Clem lliirlimiimi for $20, OHO. The M.irlimunn brothura wuro recently renlerH on tho llurch Aldermun plneo. The ranch Is composed of lilt uercs, 100 of which is bottom bind. Tho donl in elin'oi thojitoek mi tho plaeo. 12,000 SIGN WHEN BRYAN FLAYS I1QU0R AUo. receipt urv vary heavy, inotly C I i f r L jst-iiiarkUyi Culi CuuxLx. extra" were 12 cent, declined to 10jc on Tucwday and to 10.- on Wednesday, twth butter going at i2r. t'heeee. price net. Hie fanner about SOc erj 100 for h:d milk, t0 it would acem that ; he would win go into butu-r. Of -oure thert- is no dancer of Tillamook chiete pfoioi; an low as that, but with many communities Koiug into cheese making and offering their cheese at low prices, it will be up to Tillamook priced to come down or else hold their 1 cheese, which is of courau impossible 1 at this time of theyoar. It wns hoped ( that miiiio of the surplus could be sent ' east for export, but refrigerator er vice throueh the Panama canal is still very meager anJ the freight across thu continent liv rail is too hijh to per mit of much hope from that source for n whilo at least. Then, ton, it is hard to get trai.sp.irtation across the Atlan-j tie, nil servscv neim? enaed nbout a I month in a.tvance. ' (hn. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS MARCH 29th The nu-nil er of the Commercial Club are requested to be present at the regular metincof th club on Monday evening; March ISth. at which time nominntionj for the ditferent oihees pf the club wilt be made. The election will be held a month biter. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy shown us durimr the r-ickness and death of our beloved wife and mother Mrs. W. H. Powell anil for the beautiful Moral offerings. Mr. W. B. Powell, Mrs. W. Carroll, Mrs. W. A. Williams, ?4r. G. Gassen. CE T-RICH-QUICK SPECULATION GOT HS MONEY- m i 1 1 Philadelphia. March 17 Seer, tarv of Statu Bryan Monday night used all bis eloquence in thft ball here, and ns a rtwult ovtr 12.(KW people took the total abstinence pledge. Uryan at llrst devoted himself to a straightforwanl disrunsion of the liquor question, quoting figures to show bow much could be done with money now spent for drink if epen led in other way. He culled attention to the inerunsing ban on liquor users by steamship, railway and other em ph.yars of lalmr. Thuu ho culled ujion all who would siffn tho abstinence pledge to arise Uryan bad brought pledge cards with him and they wore passed through the audience. Two schoolboys asked Hrvan to au tograph their pledge. Then started an unprecedented bcono. Tho cry for auto graphs was taken up all over tho house and 5000 persoim wero soon in a btnitfglingmass trying to get to Uryan. It took him two hours to sign. RAILROAD HEADS VISIT CITY On .Sunday Julius Krutschnitt, of Now York City, chairman of tho board iff directors of the Southern Pacific; Win. Sproule. Pres.; Win. Wood, chief engineer; ami w. u. Scott, Vice Pres. No wonder this man is dis, ouraged! He -thougHt Ha mat general ...a... ger. o cvui ; I C0UW 'make a fortune quiCKly. He believed some oily, tongudd ..,.-. , rr..m...t: 11. a. iiinshaw. gen. rascal; ho sent his money away: he LOST IT. erai freight ugeiit ; ami v. u. Hurok- Would it not have been better for hirrphad 'he'.keptjh baiter. Httpt. Oregon noes 01 1 in 1 num. monev oAr c in our uaiiK anu 101 11 riL-u. ut? uniu ne n were in thu city Sunday. They made en0Ugn to buy something right here at home he could wateh 5; ,uu' ea; SdSim,,. .1 ' Wmself ? He would have helped the community and increasfcd ear Uorkeiey. 1 o vaiua oi nis property. . They made n visit about town in MakQ qUR feank YOUR bank, comiiany with local ugeiit l-rato and t seemed much pleased with conditions We pay 4 per cent interest on T yjio Deposit. i...r.. Tlinv loft in the afternoon, fj. aj' Go to tho Kamsoy llousu ,,(5ooillSutn." M A. Olson BerveB the best. 1 s?,-l Tilllamook CountyBank 1