Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 19, 1915, Image 2

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    N'o. LH)1 Kkpout nr imk CtiMiri.s of
The Tillamook County Bank.
1 " tllu S"lU' "' c)'t!t ' tlu' f "'"" Mmh IP, liUf
i.iwui4 nttri.iisfiMiiiis $aia,fi83.nH
. G. Cromt,. , G d i i o r
,ucd Cwlce .1 v:cct c Cucsit.iV on fl Prttlav
Fntered avoni cH nutter May 1 at the t ; rW at rUUnu,.
Orejron. under tin- sot f Mareh S, ls7t-
srB.kirritN si M' in oi n i
Heres good
news for
DUiiurttsithl Rote
piral AdtertisoenU
I'lrd I'laent n, per line !
Ka h suhsctiwetit insertion, am
Homestead otfees
Timber Claim
Notice, per line
Cards f thanks, per Hn
L-K-als, -wr line, first inwrtlon
Such siibuent insertion, line .
Kv .duUona of oiidoU-ne and
1 jdjrs nollee. per line to
!).i-inM & Professional cards. rm. 1.00
0i4,iMy Advert eme:il. per inrh .J
ALL DtepUv Ads must b in ttoto or
iic on Monday and Tnumlaiy Morn
tnjrs to insure uuh!IcatiMt In follow
ing Tuesday and Friday issues.
orts are imperative.
Oven I raits, sreuml and unm'tirol....
Bomls ninl WMi'muts
411 HI
ift. ne
Stocks nint oilier securities
tbutKbtu lionst
I-ttrnit nfc iml fix t tiros
i Oilier U'.mI estate uwntt!
1 o2
I Hue from approved reserve bunk JM-AVW 5U
'Cheeks mid other dish items
If you want to fiave a
FRIDAY MAUC.i 10. li)U
v rrv
Hxehmiues lor doiirini: house
' f A-
Through the courtesy of the kind ed- j
itor. the rillaswo Herald visits tn j
h.ra here remi-weekly and nothari gj
time t. write to my many friends j
there who requested nso to write the n. j
will, with the permission of the editjr,
write to you in gwru'rnL In making ;
out :ny report as Deaconess for to i
months work 1 -nade S36 house to bousi. .
visit; 5J on sick ; addressed 2S.
meetings; ha,tixed two children -.- j
Iormeo one weMinn rereumnj , w i
i?. S. Wiener of the Youns lrTles
class ; SapL of a tarfre Junior Society.
Last Sunday a larire number o.' them
were promoted into the Senior depart
ment. I attended l) sert.ee.- ami:
Kiwe manv other thincs w hih I dkl for
the Master that cannot be tabulated.
l.ast week I visited the Blind Institu
tion uf this state which is Uicated here. '
Mi Violet W :.tiv.trth w..o is my noar
neighbor. .i w.i. spe.it last summer
in Tillamoo'. as stenographer for T.
H. Ooyne ac impanied me; we were;
shown throunn both u.-parfments, there
were 32 buys a:.d 19 K'irls Thse child
ren will run on ti.e play Kround and in
variably top .ibout two feet before
they reach a Sower beJ or ome shrub
bery. Quite a number of t.ieui render
splendid instrumental mu&ic. tbe boys
are very pivflcient in cert in work ; the
girls do .-cry neat sewing, kaitting, etc.
A girl ho had r.?centlv cradmued from
the Institution, that ws, blind from
baoh-x,i made ne a pai: of knit slip
pers, sj nicelv ..ie two color? of yarn
blends toiitthcr; She sasiR tind played ,
in our church the jOii, "Sometime
We'll Ui Urstand." '
There art over one thousand young
men in Barracks, every morninc we
hear the re tie u;. a.id in the evening
the retreat gun ; at their bed lime the
bugle call souimJs forth. They are hav
ing special driil e.xerc.ses A nrepara-j
tion for the l anama Exposition. '
I witnesred the "hm looked for,
event" and heard the enthuniastie
speeches ar.d st en f - Orst shovelfutls .
of sand thtuwn out f'jr the now bridge, 1
whi'-h is to ci. n e". Van Couver and ,
Portland. M t!. hts went buck to,
the i-a; y da) s w. ' McLaughlin was
Koverror jy court.- y of tho Hudson
Bay Lo., Jast.i. L. and wife and other j
pioneer missiouar s and of the et
who wrote these vrds "Where Rolls j
the Orevn."
TiKiay the peo.I are preparing a
new park where a rimming pool will
be one of the ma'., features, for tnanv
boys and girl have been drowned in the
cruel waves of tlie Colutnbin river.
We are now in tho ni 1st of an old time '
revival ; a man frorr lasting, N'eb. a
minister of the Kvai. -lical Church is.
the Evangelist.
Mrs. Tora Young.
HAPPV lilliD
Kin mm NOW A
t ATTi.fl Gf hlSTCIIY
Pov; Measures cf More Than
.inor ImportaRco Passod
During Closing Days.
Olymplft. The 80-day session of the
ieiristaivire ailjournoil after passing
few bills of more than local Interest
dunes the closing days. The gover
nor's request (or a eoustitutteital con
vention and an appropriation to en
force the prohibition law were Ignored
,-ompletcly. All efforts to resubmit
the prohibition question were tlxfmt
ed. The bills to rwstore capital pun
ishment and repeal the full crew law
and the eight-hour law for women us
to laundry and hotel workers fulled.
Bills to permit priserightlUK and race
track betting failed because of tho
governor's threat to veto. A first uld
bill objectionable to union labor s
passed, also bills forbidding picketing
and boycottlaK by strikers, anil a bill
to repeal the eight-hour law on ronil
work. Other mea,ture passed wore:
Provtdtug for quadrennial reglstnitloa
of voters; forbtddtug circulation of
Initiative, referendum and recall peti
tions, and provtdiug for signature at
registration places only; restoring
party convention; requiring weekly
nag exercises in public schools; plac
ing severe restrictions on passenger
motor buses, submitting a constitu
tional amendment providing that tho
referendum may not operate against
bills passed by a two-thirds majority.
With the overriding of the gover
nor's veto on the Jitney bus Mil dur
ing the closing hours of the session,
the legiakiutro established a record of
having eight times ovor-rldden the ux
ec.Jttve's official disapproval of Its
measures. The only vetoes to succuod
were those on the llcArrtle la.x com
mission bill and on part of the budget.
The total appropriating of this leg
islature will be approximately the
: ame as those of the 1913, because
here was (1,000,000 more to be appro
priated from the road funds this year.
On general running expenses ot the
state and its institutions there will not
be quite the 1,500,000 saving predict
ed when the general budget was Intro
duced, as a supplemental budget has
been passed and $300,000 additional
appropriated for tho University of
Washington since that time. However,
the savings in general Items will run
well over the million mark.
I Cash on tin ml 1. Ki.aWj.jJ2
Other resources.
otnl 371.182.78
Ctipitnl stock-pint! in...
Surtmis fund.
(1. "00.00
rntliviiled profits, loss exiK'iwcs mud. 5.667.07
Postal sn vim's biuilc deposit
deposits due State YreMS'trer
Individual Deposits subject to check....
Demand certificates of deposit
Certified checks
i Time certificates of deposit
; Savings deposits
' Hills pavable for monev borrowed
Total "
33.843 en
afi.'i 82.7S
C. B. Mosser and family spent Sun
day with H. L. Jensens. '
Brother Sample H family spent
Sunday at the home of E. P. Mills.
R. C, Matjarrell is on tho sick list
for the last lew days.
Mr. Jones the Agriculturist ijave a
very interesting talk at Happy Bend
at the Grange hall la-t Saturday.
Brothers Samples and Blalock have
just returned from Sheridan where
they have been holding meetings. They
report the road very had.
Fannie Smith has returned from !
Tillamook City where she has been
visiting for a few days. i
Mrs. Maifarrell and Mrs. Measer!
Visited with Mrs Troutman Tuesday, i
Mrs. Mina Booth 'and baby have re
turned back home from Tillamook. She
has been staying withJhurKiater Mrs.
E. Ayres.
Pacific Northwest Interests Unite and
Effect Organization.
Seattle. Representative fruit ship
pers from all over the fruitKrowliiK
section of the northwest met at the
Arctic Club with tho object of adopt
ing a plan to regulate tho marketing
of standard fruits. A permanent or
ganization, having as a name the
Northwest Kruit Shippers' Council,
was effected, with membership open
to shippers handling deciduous fruits
in Washington, Oregon and Montana.
It was decided that a shipper handling
SO cars and more a year would be olig
Iblo to the organization. Duos were
fixed at $100 a year.
Officers of a governing board to
carry on tho active work of tho organi
zation were elected as follows:
I'rosldent, H. P. Puvldson, Hood Rlv
or, president of the North Pacific Pri.it
Distributors of Spokane; first vice
prosldent, Conrad Rose, nt oi
the Wenatchee Produce co sec
ond vlcu ; -if'ler.t, II. ..
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
State of Oregon
County of Tillnmook v
1, Krwin Harrison, Cashier of ihe abovC'tmmcrl Imtik,
do solemnly swear that the above, sttntetticut is trite to the
best of my knowledge ami belief.
lvrwin Harrison. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 d:iy of
M.'ireh. 101 f. C. A. McC.ee. Notary Public
Correct Attest:
W. M. Hanisou. 11. I'. Holts, Directtirs.
North U . . j.. . i.U...t ot i.
Oltb.-rt. To?M 'lsh; -iT"ta-' tr. a
r. Wc-ral Wilson, ftcattle. . i.. .
counsel of the Northwester.! I'.-iit
change. Settle. Other member .1
the Kvorning board are W, V. Uv n.
SeattiR. general manager ot he Xf - h
western KruA egfbauge; C. M. M
Njrtto Yakima, manager of Tho
Krult Limpa-.y; U. W. CJcbn'. -m
gor of Wcaft cU.e Va'.ley Frail Or .
era' association.
m, w
r xk r sx o-"
j Killed at the Rock Quarry.
' , o
' L. York was .kilted at the rock qui
ry late Wednesday afternoon, win!
:lic dump cars were being shunted ji
ikbisch St Joplin's quarry. N'o oru
-..w iow the accident happenrd but
.iftor the train- crew had left som.
; ctrs at the quarry a boy informi-d
them that -a man had been injured ' n
: going back they found I.. York, wit!
a leg and arm broken and crushed
the side. The unfortunate man trio!
' tell the crew how it happened H
lot consciousness and toon expired
I Ie was the son of R. P. York and
' about 32 years of age with a wife and
two children.
DoNf M-iilt. H.'-WK
bjr he- i' i in:- hui. . I !t,.ri .-
We an- !!" !!". it .f Ihr
lvt l-.i- a' prii Itml i,tjnt ti
tempt v
A H 1 1.1. MAHK II AHSKii
will not imij iinir'.w- li.r tiM-a J nri
of your hi.rsi-, but i-i.ntr itmf ,, our
SHl-t n veli Manv ruiawav enuW
av.n.li-H if h.- id-l llnr'.K. had beer.
:lmcrti-.l in lime.
Robbers Lost Safe in Spokane,
, Spokane. Whllo his accomplice
itood guard oulatdo, a fine appurtiu'
v. cl t dressed young robbi-r backed '.'
R. Pcrtorfluld, maunger of the ctllzc:i.
Savings anil Loan society. iuu .1
rlotlu-s closet at the end of a revolve.
here and then. siiniinoiiuiK his partner,
looted the safe. The,amoui!t tak n it
not definitely kii'.wn, b'li variously
t-stlmatud from $7M' o 11000.
jirrw 11 main wKumwncuwMv':mwi' mm m
Vier eck's
iff V!
i LoveThiMaia7infl H
McCALI.'S I. ihe I'uhlon Guide .nil Moute- U
kccplnj Helper ul more wumen ihin inv other rl
migaiine In ihe world. All ihe Lieu ttylet
every month; lo dellfhilul tiorie. ihn enter,
tain, inii special der.rirncnti In cooking, home
ilret.inakliK, fancy ork, etc., thai 11(1. ten
houievork ant .ave money. Price, only 0e
a year, with one celebrated AkCall Dreit Pat
tern I'ltlil!.
I. A I lirtS I u...U I nr f H.I At.lH MAIiA7.I!IK r
. A KHI-I! ft, r MtCal.L'U !.. 1-lirUIUM
I. UiCALL'S tlWI.CO I'll,. OIT.r U tr.i, CIIUIICII.
AJinu liH tl
THE VMM CO., 2:0 1. 246 W. 37ik Si , New Ttrl, N. Y.
ft,'iY-t-ttftftl IK I
Notice of Silcnf Ucu Properly
the IlliiliTMiKi.fd. AdiFiitiiiitratrix, will
in purHiinni-i- of niitliurity given liy th,.
Coiintv Court of the Stiite of Oregon
for Tillamook County, from and after
Hie 15th day of March, llJIf, iU nt
private mi lit for pi, or upon uili
terms a may bo unproved by the Coun
ty Court of Tillninook County, Oregon
the following described real property
belonging to the entnte of oie A. Urn
men, IJeceiiHed, to-wlt:
The Southwest quarter of Ihe North
west quarter (known i,m Lot :i) of Seo-
lOWesl.W. M. exeepting thai pnrt
thereof its deeded to Tillamook County
Oregon, ni.d ilescrilied in Boo "2fi"
pagelBI, Record of Deeds 0r Tllln
.nook County, Oregon, containing
.W.'llH acres, uml tract a, Lot 2, slnrt
ing from the iunrtor H-ctlon corner
between .Suctions an ami 2d. In Town
ship II North of Range 10 Went. W. M
11,1,1 rll t. ! ll..... !...., r. .... '
""iiihh iin.-Miii inorui nil z I-Jnht
l.iOl.J feet to tint SoutheitHt corner of
the .Southwest quai ter of tin, North
west quarter of Hitld Section llienco
South 02' lift' West J1UI.2 f,;et W, Nehi,
Icm River; tliem-o along ralil river
North - TP Syest 075.-1 'feet to
West line of said Section 25; the,,,',.
North a- 2P West 10 feet to the plan.
,of beginning, contninlni; 7.:ii2 nVrcs
bnitl pjoperty having been deeded to
the deceajied under tho name of (). a
Lotnineil liv Kiril 'AuUii,.!. I.., .1 i '
I corded at page 17.1 of Rook '" ..r
the HecnnlH i.f II,.,., In .. nm,. - .
County Oregon, """K
i..ri ai'ifi Vir ,'l,'0.',l!rty hull be
eft with the adnilnlHtratrix. at Mob
or. Oregon, or with II. T. BottM At-
torney ut l,nw. ".' amook CIK- fnll.
gOt). --..r.
Unlet! this Fobruiiry 12th, 10IR.
a i i i . ''jlerm M. I.ommen,
AiItnlnlHtratrlx with the WIITim.
nuxed of tho Estate of Olu'tA
Lonirnun. Decoiiscd. " '
nilrit..i tlfli'rva hit' tlnlrt f-nilM.,
to your individual orrl , luy
us aciwi your measure tu
Ed. V. Price & Co.
Lurfirst tailors in the World
GOOD nufe-fo-ortfer clothes
Their lmmctirjc Lutncsfl perm!
them to deliver the cream o
can readily afford.
Ask n.i to "show tuu Today
Notice ol hcrlK'n 5alc
.Norit l'. IS le.:;l.tlV 'it VI S. That
by vlftur of an . i -ut- i-icd ul uf
I he Cirrult t'ourt of the Slalo uf Or
afoo, for TlltaUHnilt t'iunt. by the
rlcrS thrimf and U'kI the l f
aid Court, datn) Iho 17th d '
Mureh, ISIS, urn a lyaltfrfrivnl rf"
rtered In ald (Vuf t In fvr "t ' H
(teal. I'lSKtlirf, ait a.aiiMt J W
llrakinS and Nanev I.. Ilaakm.
IHira Cuirpy and t"irl Sanicl.
aid Ittdgnirnt hm; (Hint, duly rn
del cut and einterotl ki id tirt on t!r
101b 4y of Mareh. 1916. f r tho rc
evverv ty lh Jilalotlft fr.- ii th !!
defendant. lm urn - t V ' rHI.
Kelher wllh inlerel front al dto aI
the rale fv" pvr elit "-f annum, (be
foithur un of M attornt'a
fe nnd the cvl and lilurrtnt uf
the a-tU.n I ed at tX. U I liv let
ted upon the follow I tit; te.rill real
pr Krty ituat in 1ilUin..k Cuuetr.
Oregon Uwtt: lot f. bimI ! In llluek
. of Norlim'i Addition tu 'I'lllaiaotdt
City, ami the North half f the AmiiIi
tiuni quarler of heeltun M, in Town
hit I S..t.lh of Kaiiirn IttWr.t nf Will
attteltee t r'dln, and Will. n ,Klv
the Rith d of April, Jttl'.. t the
CHirt liu. '),r in rillarnwit t .
Omg.ni, at the hour of In uVlorl, A
M., ell null prwrt), r . mvirh
there,. f r, iii Ihs nreeaAr, at -oMt-Huetiun,
to the t.ighmt bidder fr e.h
In hand for the pur.e of aliafymg
the anl lUdgment. t.trether wild thai
cot and esiiensea if Ihe le
Dntml this March lih. II6.
Sheriff nf Tiliiunook County, Oregon,
.l. . A ifi.- .
of nila e a
Ilea? Iftiiif i nt tl- '
the S--ith
IK... I I
i:.n s...)ti
I gf. e tt'r.l 1 1 ' '
' htln , Ka.l 1 '
t - iioliie a
l-ii),r -ti Hci.,
lup in,3 H...I h
.-..nt4i lliI 1.' . -
S , Ihef ef - ,
e..-1jlmn. ! - '
it. I ..rder uf j . e l
witt the ..in-i -i !
ill. ! tnil f ' -
. .la, i,f April. I f.
t i I day.
' I txi'-ty Court I.'
, ritUoioaik I'
' MKI.I. at
inlomiilloi ). l., t
raih in hand :1
liilefn.t whleh I'
l.int.. or ny
it -! .
1 1 '
9 . , iL-
Mi '",
JIHh day of Apr.
tl.ftBrt-te furw!
Ul ((wfetvlnnt
have lrte' a..j.i
Ihe !,Vr dr. r
f .anl nil "iti
rleeree, i ,tel
tUtrd af-'
It. I rc
tno.it i
Dale of flmt . ;'
Dniu of lunt ki
I It
I if
tU '
-.11 ta-
it- I et;i
a , j..
u Jill
5hcrlllS Sale Ol Ken I llstntc
In the Circuit Court of the Mute
ol Oregon (nr nilnuionp Cotuity. .
No. I.Viii. In fuiiy. Korrclunure of
Murtgage. Ortglnal Nolle,
Deiiiiiaoti lltlllntr mid Anna llillini:.
Iluabuiid and Wife, PlatiilitN.
! rai. k .1. )y and Marv I.. IWr, llua
batKl himI wifa; T. C. Morrison him I
I.ettie A. Morrlmm, (other lu
known aa ,eiil llorrlwin). litu.
bawl ami Wife: S Jnhrwcin ami
Maud M. Johnson, HiisIwimI t.tid
ife: Kthel Kwlne and A. C, f?v
Defrtslants. Rv virtue of an KXKCin iON, Judg
moot, Order, Decree iiimI order of sain
lued out of the abut ii entitled Court
In the above entitled ciiuio to tin ill
'V"1"1' '""1 dated the 17th day of
March, lillfi tiM.n a jiidgmeni mid ile
cree, rendered and entered in mid
ourt on the KVIiiIim of March, lum,
in favor ol ll.innlaon lti,,Ka ,MII
Anilll ilil lima l.iy u..f.. . i... in. ...i.k
,l. . i 1 " me i minium
heroin mM ii,lmt the defeudiitita.
w.?."Hr IT1 ,M,,rV Ill
wife j I. C. ,Morrlori and l.ettio A.
.Morrison, h, wife, (otlu rwliie known
!!nil,',.t'": ,M.Vrr."?n) : ' Jl"wn
nd Maud M. Jiihnoii, his wife; il
Uliel l-.w Jnif, for the um of Pour
I housHiid I wo lluiiilred Huvenlv (-1270)
W.dl..rH. toethi)r with Interest on I In'
prijicipal debt of Four Thoiitiiiril ( KHKI)
;. ars. nm. the 8th ,liy of uel.ur.
Ml the rate ol six (Si per cent
per aiinuin ; t.mether will, the further
, iV'A ','mr "V,"'ml "o Z
r Attorney's fees; lin-ether with
i!Sic.t"vl.,,M.,-,,rM,in,""t '"""i!
I , I l ,2,lll "lf"1,l"r w"' '
tH or and upon thin writ; ChiiiiiiiiikI.
I j. to inake H.,1,, f ,;, fo!!wir
Co. , v fT.'n S11"""' '
I II w.i -"'r' ""0l m",' 'S,,,t" ,,r
S ! !i '"' '' '
ut . m ''"'I" North of tlui Kmiih
S tint VV W"H'''i,i!" '
i t i A 1 ION
cit Oregon tor the Cent!
I nintiiooK
lit III" Mailer ..f
Witat, leera
'I'd III" Iluif i f
fetnaed, kl
nit pel mm f 1
may COI-eei i
III the Millie ' 1
L.-OM. Voll me hen I
J t' appear in ir
Hlnto of Oregin.
I IrttniHtk, nt the
nilninook Cil .
on the Mil dn f
hour of Jl.ffli ii ii
ilnv. then uihI Hi '
j any there be, win
l m made ntiti -mnpowi
rlnr ll '
npiKiliitiil iimiI
I it 1 1 it I o r of nan" '
sale the follow ni!
erly ho loin; I mi? I"
'Ihe SKi Sec
Raiure H Went of U
III I tlllllliooK I
a t
.. .--ll tl
i n ...m
r StU d
i.l al
,- t nrl
! ,0 I !)
.rtrwm !
Mav. liA
I . ill!)
. xtrt,
lt d "-'
. i.uC
1 1 I"
iit.i citl''(
... Kll
ii Tlllntui.ok i ' "'ri
Miirvti-i) hi ii la iBivii.-.-,
he helm of tic
...... I ...... HiVJ I"
know n Mini in I
whom ll iiiuv ''i-i i
thereof In Ihe Ull.tiu-o
lU.U'HIIIIIllir III L'l l I 1 11 1 ,
I1.I1. .1 ,i,l ,-ir, ll 1 .'
. .lltAAl
i-ouniv. orciii . i'. '." .
duly iimtle on the IO'Ii
191 ft. hv tho Hun. A M I"
m . x t i . I ..I f 'j.nri.
II t flit, I 1 . l at... 1 I ill A, M
.niilKe of llio t oui iv 'ft..j
..tit. t... e,li..iiinik 1"
oi wreKoit, nn n". :, i
the nimiI of said court m
,!,. ..I mi;,
IJ "1 I'llil , n 111
A Heat J. i "
Clerk of Hi ' :
V Kllhlell "7
I 1 rL I II I I I It'll L I 111 ' . t
i if. .i.ii. it. , tirii i'H'i
(Vvi ciiiiHicul vi wiu'Kijr i
AilmllllStritt (v1 Nu!l(
..i .i 4, iiiini
J . . V i a . 1 ... I hff
1111 lllliniir.'KITtl Kim in-" , .
I'liiint us iiilinli liiratriA
of Jiiiiivm H. firuy, ll'fa
I'l.onle ,.,in,l . . f tin) .Still0 .
m- ' .' ... I.al
for 'Immunol: louiuyi !'-t
Mondny, the fitli day
lull O ClOl'tti 11, Olll ' " - , lrt I
... ....1.1 ...ilrl. I"
City, Orenon, as ll. U
ior uio iieiu iiiu i". :.,i
theni ho, hi the wild awu"
..i i . 1 1 .., .. i..
eiosiiig oi sain u" "';. l9i5,
n..l,l I.'. ire 20 hi WW
nn. ,n. ll lO lirllV. A"n'i
..r ii... I.'u n n '